OCR Interpretation

Mohave County miner. [volume] (Mineral Park, A.T. [Ariz.]) 1882-1918, December 28, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024828/1912-12-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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Electric Power And Copper
Industrial combinations are actuated
naturally by the scars of competition
The tendency manifests itself pri
marily in the sphere of salecraft
where the strugglo for markets ex
cites the keenest spirit of rivalry
Later it discovers its logical support
in the requirements of productive and
distributive economy to which con
solidation renders a valuable service
by simplifying the machinery of busi
ness and thus reducing costs It ma
tures itself in the general principal of
industrial and trade regulation which
combines numerous related functions
both on the productive and distribu
tive sides and apportions investment
profits to each zone of activity accord
ing to its relative needs For example
an iron and steel combination devel
ops out of the exigencies of competi
tion in the sphere of raw materials
and the contagion of concerted action
spreads to the realm of finished goods
The Standard Oil Co controls wells of
crude petroleum and it distributes
napthas and vtseline Only a negative
policy of government and the suffer
ings of the hindmost in the race for
wealth discover evil in this logical
system of industry The evil is not in
the system considered as an economic
result but in its social effects which
will probably be adjusted to the
If we trace the formation of copper
companies the consolidation of pro
ductive units the union of marketing
facilities and the associations of these
interests with other industrial powers
we may discover an emphatic tendency
to arrange all the factors of commerce
that concern the destiny of copper
from the mine to the ultimate consum
er This is easy to perceive if one
looks intelligently for the evidence
One of the largest brass companies
in the United States is more or less
directly concerned in the copper-producing
business and it would doubt
less be prominent in the formation of
a copper trust if such should ever
come about Again one of the larg
est manufactures of electrical ma
chinery is not only an owner of copper
property but it is perhaps indirectly
concerned in the copper market agen
cies of the United States This com
pany moreover has been the parent
of numerous electric generating plants
and for all we know may be intimate
ly associated with the business of
municipal lighting It were natural
that it should be Within the last
few weeks the West has beheld the
union of several large hydro electric
power plants and associated with
them is one of the two largest groups
of raw copper producers in the world
The Utah Copper Co Interests have
become allied with this business of
supplying electric power not only for
their own use but as a consumer of
the product which copper mines out
Nothing could be more natural than
the development here outlined a de
velopment that is not imaginary or the
fabric of a men prophecy but a living
fact Copper mining has become the
foundation of a productive and dis
tributive structure equal to the simi
lar institution which is built upon
iron The two structures can grow
and are growing in harmony Denver
Mining Science
Gibson Copper Com
pany Mine Outlook
At the dibson Copper companys
mine one of the earliest and most pro
lific copper producers of the Miami
district extensive improvements for
production and shipments have been
planned for the coming year Al
though the company is still shipping
from six to seven carloads of sulphide
ore monthly exclusive of the two cat
loads that leasers have been shipping
from the same property the bulk of
work now being done there is in the
nature of tunnels drifts and raises
that will bo used as ore extraction
channels during 1913 for the increased
output of the miue
The building of the Live Oak rail
road spur of the Inspiration Consolidat
ed Copper companys railway system
will put tho Gibson ore two miles near
er to steel rails and the companys con
templated installation of an ore bin at
that point will obviate the demurrage
charges that heretofore and at present
increase the cost of transportation to
the Old Dominion smelter at Globe
When the ore bin at the Live Oak spur
has been installed the present method
of haulage teams will be superseded
by two auto trucks The present trans
portation cost of 3 per ton will thus
be lowered to 075
The ore now being shipped from the
Gibson to the railroad at Miami aver
ages sixteen per cent copper but with
the beginning of the new year the
average value of ore shipments will be
raised to twenty per cent at least
At present ore is being extracted
from the two three four five and six
hundred levels of the Pasquale vein
and from the three hundred level on
Summit vein Because of the absence
of a cross cut to the vein from the Pas
quale shaft on the five-hundred-foot
level the ore between the fourth and
sixth levels is being dropped through
a double compartment raise from the
four and intermediate ground to the
sixth level As the dip of the vein is
about forty five degrees the timber is
not injured by the falling ore and waste
The former attempt to drop the ore
through 11 inch pipe had tobe abandon
ed because of the tendency of the damp
ore to pack in the narrow metal shute
General Manager Hender on has de
cided to drift south from the six-hundred
foot level on the Pasquale to tap
the Summit vein which he expects to
reach within a distance of forty feet
The known richness of the Summit
vein in that vicinity will add greatly
to the output of high grade ore that
the management expects to take from
the mine next year
It is possible that the lower levels of
mine may be explored horizontally by
diamond drilling during the next few
months While the surface strike and
dip of the Pasquale Summit and Inter
mediate veins is definitely known the
irregularity in size of the veins at dif
ferent depths makes it desirable to as
certain the thickness of the ore at
various elevations
The present force of forty five
miners at the Gibson will be increased
after January 1 1913 and the ore ex
traction will be increased proportion
ately Globe Silver Belt
Best Strike Ever
Made in District
That the strike recently made by
George P Harrington on the Nelscn
mines at Crown King is the tnott
wonderful determination ever accom
plished in the Hradshaw mountains
was the emphatic statement made
yesterday by Lester Jackson well
known in mining circles of the county
Mr Jackson states that he inspected
the point in the tunnel where the dis
covery of a four foot ore body was ex
posed and that the mineral character
was identical to that of the bonanza
ores of the old Crown King miue
Gold was the predominating metal and
the bi product carried silver lead zinc
and copper
The strike occurred at a point about
700 feet from the mouth of the tunnel
and there is no doubt but what the ore
body is a permanent one The vein at
the beginning of the tunnel is a string
er one but as depth has been reached
and progress made in driving it ahead
the results have been satisfactory as
well as conclusive for the making of a
magnificent property
The tunnel is projected for a dis
tance of 2000 feet which will give a
depth of about 000 feet from the apex
of the range and with backing that
will only add to the attractiveness of
the proposition in future years Mr
Harrington is acknowledged to be as
well informed on the mineralogical
possibilities of that zone of the Brad
shaws as any man who ever operated
in that field and his foresight is ex
emplified in what he has demonstrated
in bringing the Nelson a now under
taking into a rating that will add to
tho prominence of that country in t he
future Preseott Journal Miner
Fortune Lies in Old
Tailings Dump
From sources that are reliable and
competent to judge it was learned
yesterday that the treating of the tail
ings dump of the old Crown King
mine is proving successful by the im
proved methods recently introduced in
concentration a specially designed
plant being constructed This yield
aggregates about 2o000 tons aud is
the product of several years run of
the old mill that treated the Crown
King ores
The dump as well as the mine was
acquired some months ago by F M
Murphy and through his efforts the
installing of the new process is due
Various estimates of the gold values
coutained in the tailings bed range
from 40 to as high as 12 00 per ton
from which can be inferred the de
sirability of that mining condition
which has lain idle for over twenty
years for want of proper facilities to
handle The process installed pro
duces by the separation of the various
rebellious metals three distinct grades
of a yield the lead concentrate the
iron aud copper concentrate and the
zinc concentrate all carrying gold
values The separating of the zinc
from the lead and the copper and iron
sulphurets from the zinc is in short
the solution of this interesting miner
aralogical problem which for years
has batlled the skill of tnetalurgisls in
successfully handling Bradshaw moun
tain ores
The success that seems to be es
tablished in handling this yield is
nothing more or less than the key to
future mining in that field It means
practically the regeneration of the dis
trict It is reported that there is not
a mine opened to any depth within a
radius of five miles of Crown King
which is not handicapped from pro
ducing through the rebellious charac
ter of its ores and which for years lias
been baffled treatment particularly by
the zinc condition predominating and
with which was associated in the gold
ore a copper sulphuret that was
hostile to every known method to
handle until the new plant was in
stalled a short time ago at the old
mill Kvery mine in the district in
short has been seriously handicapped
from proving a success and in this
connection thousands of tons in the old
workings of the Crown King mine are
lying dormant for the proper process
to be introduced in treating
Aside from the remuneration from
this old tailings dump which Mr
Murphy will receive the successful
handling of the yield has awakened
more interest in the future of that
field than has ever before been known
Other operators are elated and there
has been revived throughout the Brad
shaws a decidedly optimistic outlook
of what is practically assured in ll e
mining and milling of thousands of
tons of ore exposed in scores of old
properties Preseott Journal Miner
Rich Silver Strike
McEntree brothers of Salome hae
made a big silver strike in their mine
near Salome At a depth of 175 fret
they have uncovered a vein o silver
ore running two hundred ounces to
the ton They have been doing work
on this mine for a number of yeais
and while they have a large body of
low grade gold and silver ore all the
way down the shaft this new strike has
just been made aud will put them on
easy street The new ledge is twenty
inches wide and shows indications of
widening out with further depth
There are four of the McEntree broth
ers aud a cousin interested in the
property They have sent samples of
the ore to friends in Yuma with the
news of their big strike Yuma Sun
A Des Moines man had an attack of
muscular rheumatism in his shoulder
A friend advised him to go to Hot
Springs That meant an expense of
150 or more He sought for a quick
er and cheaper way to cure it and
found it in Chamberlains Liniment
Three days after the first application
of ttiis liniment he was well For sale
by all dealers
Wtl - t v
Dividends of Cochise Producer
Phelps Dodge Co have declared a
regular quarterly dividend of 2 1 2 per
cent and an extra of 3 per share com-
paring with previous year end dis
bursements of 250 and 25 extra
Last summer the company also paid
an extra dividend of 2 per share
With tho disbursement just ordered
the company will have paid during
1912 a total of 15 a share comparing
with 12 in previous years
But the end of this month the Phelps
Dodge mines will have produced 146
000000 pounds of copper while in ad
dition to this tonnage it will have
had the uarketing of about 53000000
pounds for the Calumet and Arizona
Mining Co a total of 199000000
The Phelps Dodge organization con
tinues to hold third rank in the amount
of metal marketed being exceeded
only by the United Metals Selling Co
and the American Smelting and Re
fining Co
Earnings will exceed 22 a share for
the current year the best in the com
panys history Tombstone Pros
At the present time the Copper
Queen at Bishee is shipping ore at an
average of 8500 tons per day at least
seventy cars from the mines of the
company going down for reduclirn
each day The Calumet Arizona
Company is sending down to its smel
ter at Douglas 32 cars and 3 cars are
going to El Paso to fill needs for a
certain character of ore at the smelter
there This means 1750 tons of ore
daily from the Calumet Arizona
mines To this must bo added the
5 carloads that come from the Shat
tuck mine and go to tho Calumet
Arizona smelter at Douglas Besides
this lead silver ore and the shipments
of leasers must be considered The
definite figures given total 5500 tons
of 1100000 puunds and it is easily
seen that such figures are under rath
er than over the present local produc
tion New York Mining Age
Kingman people who have stomach
and bewel trouble should guare against
appendicitis by taking simple buck
thorn bark glycerine etc as com
pounded in Adler-i-ka the German
appendicitis remedy A SINGLE
DOSE relieves sour stomach gas on
the stomach and constipation IN
STANTLY because this simple mix
ture antisepticizes the cigestive organs
and draws off the impurities II H
Watkins Druggist
NO 14
Swansea on a Paying Basis
The success which is crowning the
efforts of the Swansea Consolidated
Gold Copper Mining Company in
bringing the Swansea mines and
smelter to a paying basis is not only
an important achievement from the
standpoint of those who are financially
interested in the company but it is
also a matter of great importance to
the mining industry of this part of
Arizona The success of every great
industry is usually attendant with
many difficulties and Swansea has
been no exception It is truly a won
der that it has succeeded in weather
ing the stormy periods of its existence
under the Mitchell management
which was extravagant in the extreme
But these days have passed and if
the new company is given anything
line a chance by the American inter
ests it will not be long befoie northern
Yuma county shall possess one of the
largest copper mines aud smelting
plants in this part of Arizona With-
in the next ninety dajs the capacity of
the smelter is to be increased to 1000
tons every twenty four hours and
improvements in the method of mining
which are now uuder way will insure
an enormous tonnage from the Swan
sea Parker Post
King Coalition Dividend
i The Silver King Coalition Mining
company operating in the Pat k City
district of Utah has declared a divi
dend of twenty live cents a share pay
able on December 24 to stockholders
j of record December 14th Tne dis
bursement the first since 1910 will
amount to 3125003 and brings the to
tal paid In the company up to
Only one other Utah company
has paid a bigger dividend this year
Most of the ore produced is shipped
only a small portion being of low
enough grade for treatment in the
mill The company has Tolloved the
policy of extensive development and
1 has put mure ore in sight each month
1 thau it has extracted There are
many stopes which could be placed on
a production basis if it were desired
to increase the output Salt Lake
Mining Review
You will find that druggists every
where speak well of Chain berlains
Cough Remedy They know from
long experience in the sale of it that
in cises ot coughs and colds it cm al
ways be depended upon and I hat it is
pleasant and safe lo lake For sale by
all dealers
t flL II B 1
Pure Wholesome Reliable
Its fame is world wide Its superiority
unquestioned Its use is a protection
against alum food In buying baking
powder examine the label carefully
and be sure the powder is made from
cream of tartar Other kinds do not
make the food healthful

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