OCR Interpretation

Mohave County miner. [volume] (Mineral Park, A.T. [Ariz.]) 1882-1918, January 04, 1913, Image 6

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024828/1913-01-04/ed-1/seq-6/

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Rochester Draws
Nevada Miners
Most alluring reports are coming
from the new silver sold camp of
Rochester in Rochester canyon of the
Humboldt range north of Winnemuc
ua where the excitement for the past
three months has been simmering The
camp already hai shipped more than
nine cars of ore that has ranged in
value from 23 a ton upward a great
deal of it being float and the district
is an old one that almost a generation
ago produced nearly 100000000 A
small rush which promises to develop
into ad exodus is under way from the
nesghboring railway towns and Neva
da generally several having goDe
from Manhattan during the piit week
According to the Hum bolt Star of
Winnemucca the Nenzel and the For
villy Campbell and De Lorrae prop
erties are most advanced and have the
best showings
The Nenzel property skirts from its
south end line along the crest of a
ridge of 7000 feet altitude for 3000
feet and then down the American can
yon decline
Samples along the outcrop for 700
feet taken by the Star correspondent
and George Firris returned 27 80 a
ton Other random samples returned
from 2171 to oU 03 A mining man
went over the showing and sampled all
outcrops for their width for 1500 feet
and the result was 23 22 for the 1500
feet and random samples along the
course of this lead ran from 2475 to
Parties returning to Winnemucca
from the new cunp are unanimous in
the opinion th it the mineral showings
are sullieient to justify the belief that
another interesting chapter in Hum
boldt county mining is about to begin
Bight or nine cars of ore have been
shipped much of which was float
These shipments have been mostly
from two properties Campbell and
Forvilly who have a ledge averaging
four feet in width have made a num
ber of shipments On good authority
it is reported tins ledge runs 25 in
gold and silver while it contains an
eight inch streak running 80 one
fourth of which is in gold and the re
mainder In siler A depth of only
eighteen feet on the ledge has been
readied and the values here are suf
ficient to return a net profit of about
185 a ton The float which is being
shipped more than pays the expense of
In that vicinity is the Arizona mine
which in the early days produced 19
000000 The Moonlight is another
from which a silver slab containing
57000 was taken and many thousands
of dollars in addition produced
American South American Spring
valley and Dro gulch are four canyons
which come together at the base of
Nenzel peak and they have produced
29000000 in placer gold Senator
Heat st operated the Sheba mine tak
ing therefrom 22000000 The Rye
Patch mine produced 17000000 in
silver the Borland stope in it having
produced 7000000 from rock carrying
03 per cent silver The Humboldt
Queen produced 200 005 and the He
lief mine a mile to the south 2000
Two town sites have been laid out at
the new camp and already a number
of miners have pitched their tents A
number of leasers are already at work
The camp is but nine miles from the
Southern Pacific line at Oceana but
twenty miles from Winnemucca
Nevada Con is Wonderful Mine
Notwithstanding the strike in the
Ely district which reduced the output
of copper by many million pounds the
management is able this year to dis
burse practically 4000000 in divi
dends which is a splendid showing for
a company which made its first copper
only 4 1 2 years ago says the Ely Rec
ord And these earnings it must be
remembered have been made when
copper was selling at a very low price
possibly lower than it will ever sell
for again With the dividend to be
paid December 31 amounting to al
most 1750000 the Nevada Consoli
dated will upon that date have dis
bursed 11584014 returning to its
shareholders 537 per share The
property is now in better physical con
dition than ever before and at the
rate of its present earnings it will
within two years have paid to its
stockholders the entire amount of its
capital stock and will thon be only
fairly well started upon the develop
ment of its vast mineral estate
The Utah Copper company is now
generally recognized as the worlds
greatest copper mine and is unques
tionably the greatest producer It be
gan paying dividends in 1903 and up
to the end of this year will have dis
bursed to its shareholders the sum of
17802481 a consideJable portion of
which came during the last two years
from its holdings of Nevada Consoli
dated stock of which it controls more
than 50 per cent As a dividend earn
er therefore the Nevada Consolidated
is doing more than Utah Copper tlo
the worids greatest red metal pro
With this splendid showing made by
the Nevada Consolidated what may
not be expected of the Ely district
within the next 5 or 10 years when
the Giroux the Copper Mines com
pany the Boston Ely the McDonald
Ely Smokey Ely Consolidated Cen
tenniel Development Ely Calumet and
many others are adding their monthly
quota to the general output of the
The Nevada Consolidated has set the
pace It has shown what can be done
in the district in the liberal expendi
ture of money and equipment But it
is not the only Ely producer which is
destined to cause the mining world to
sit up and take notice
To Spend Millions
at Searles Lake
Two or three million dollars will be
expended by the Foreign Mines De
velopment Company successors to the
defunct California Trona Company to
open up the immense trona borux
potash and salt deposits of Searles
lake thirty rive miles north of Rands
burg according to Guy Wilkinson
manager of the Foreign Mines De
velopment Company
Wilkinson was here recently to set
tle the claims of the creditors against
the California Tryna Company which
amounted to many thousands of dol
lars Only about fifteen men are ein
plojed at present at Searles lake in
doing assessment work under the di
rection of S W Austin receiver of
the California Trona Company
The surveyors of the Southern Pa
cific have finished one survey from
Searles to Searles Lake a distance of
twenty five miles and are now run
ning the lines for another survey from
the lake to the railroad It is said
that the Santa Fe will also extend the
Johannesburg line to Searles lake by
using the tunnel of the Southern
Pacific near Searles
The various mineral products of the
lake will be mined on a la ge scale as
soon as the railroad is completea to
the lake Hundreds of men will find
employment as it is the intention of
the company to turn out 150 carloads
of trona potash borax and salt per
diem which will be shipped over both
the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe
Recent analysis made at the Mackay
School of Mines Reno Nev revealed
the great value of the potash deposits
of Searles lake The estimates made
to the Bureau of Soils at Washington
after exhaustive tests are that the de
posits may aggregate 4000000 tons
It is believed however after the care
ful study of the data that the estimate
of the field men is ultra conservative
and that more than 10000000 tons are
available at Searles lake Randsburg
Building Mill at
Buckhorn Mines
The grading for the 350 ton milling
plant of the Buckhorn Mines Company
is completed and the tunnel through
which the ore will be trammed from
the mine to the mill is now in 900 fee
with GOO feet more to go to connect
with the main workings of the mine
No mine development is now being
carried on other than this tunnel
work but there is a large tonnage of
mill ore blocked out in the mine more
than sufficient to insure the successful
operation of the mill for a long period
upon its completion and upon the com
pletion of the tunnel The mill is de
signed to be of large capacity and in
every way one of the most modern in
type and efficient in the State Gold
field News
Hints For Housekeepers
Keep Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound always on hand and you can
quickly head oil a cold by its prompt
use It contains no opiates heals and
soothes the inflamed air passages stops
the cough and may save a big doctors
bill In the yellow package II H
Find Rich Ore in Bannie Mine
That the Bannie Mining Company is
facing a decidedly bright future as
the outcome of recent development in
a new shaft sunk is believed from the
high grade character of copper ore
encountered in a vein 26 inches wide
at a depth of 133 feet samples of the
ore being on exhibition at the shop of
R M Garrett the secretary
Mr Garrett visited the property
during the week to make an inspec
tion of development and corroborates
the news received several days ago of
the vein being tapped and the outlook
as better than at any time in the his
tory of the property Samples taKen
from the bottom of the shaft give
values of the picked ore 8075 in cop
per principally while a general sam
ple returned 54218 to the ton
With the good showing made the
purpose is to continue the shaft to a
depth of about 250 feet when drifting
to intersect the facp of main tunnel
approximately 500 feel distant will be
prosecuted The vein being explored
at the present time lies parallel some
few hundred feet from the original
workings of seeral years ago and is
in virgin territory The determina
tion made under tno leceut contract
are believed to be on the mother lode
of the system at least the values would
indicate sucli a condition also by the
ore body widening as depth is readied
The discovery i ci eating considerable
comment in mining circles Prescott
Journal Miner
Mrs A R Tabor of Crider Mo
had been troubled with sick heidache
for about five eras hen she began
taking Chamberlains Tablets She
has iaen two hotlles ot them and
they have cured Iter Sick headache
is caused by a disordered stomach for
which these tablets are especially in
tended Try them get well and stay
well Sold hv all dealers
I Eat All I Want to Now No Marc
Gas on the Stomach or Sour Stomach
No More Heavy Feeling After
Meals or Constipation
No matter what youve tried without
Betting relief JUST TRY simple Luck
thorn bark glycerine etc as compoundeil
in ADLER-I-KA You will be surprised
at the QUICK results and you will b
guarded against appendicitis The VEUV
FIRST DOSE will help you and a slioit
tieatment with ADLER-I-KA will make
mi feel better than you have for jears
his new German appendicitis remedy
tisepticizes the stomach and bowels
mil diaws off all Impurities A SINGLE
DOSE relieves gas on the stomach sour
tomnch constipation nausea or heavv
efling after eating almost AT ONCE
smut treatment often cures an ordlnaiy
use of appendicitis
For Sale By
Heating Plumbing and
Galv Cornice
Eaves Troughs
Metal Ceilings
Air Pipe
Safety Flues
Begin Early
We would like to see every sohool boy and girl
open an account at our bank Besides being an
impetus to the saving habit there is no better school
for the young business man or woman than actual
banking experience We take special pains to ex
plain fuliy the details of the banking business to
our youthful customers You are cordially invited
to call and inquire all about it and to open an ac
count no matter how small an amount you may
have to deposit Begin the New Year right We
pay 5 per cent on Savings Accounts
Kingman - - Arizona
Vice President
Sec and Treas
Arizona Stores Co
General Merchandise
added fifty feet on
to the back of our
New Store and
call write or tel
We deliver all our
City orders in quick
time with our string
of Race Horses and
never miss a team
Auto Truck Stage
or Freight team in
our out ot town de
Should you want Something
Out of Our Line Dont Hesitate to
Call on Us as We will not only get
it for You but will also Look after
any Express or Other Matters you
might want Attended to
Panters and Paper Hang
ers Signs and Decorators
Mirrors chipped and ground glass
Your name on same for door plate
P O Box 316
Kingman Ari2
The MINING NEWS of Mohave county can be obtained
only in the MOHAVE COUNTY MINER 3 per year

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