OCR Interpretation

Mohave County miner. [volume] (Mineral Park, A.T. [Ariz.]) 1882-1918, January 11, 1913, Image 5

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024828/1913-01-11/ed-1/seq-5/

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United Globe Is Big Asset
The Boston News Bureau sajs
President Charles S Smith of Old
Dominion who has just returned from
a periodical visit to the properties
Conditions at Old Dominion both
above and below irround were better
and the properties are proving all that
was expected of tlietn Unitec Clobe
is looking particularly well and i a
bij asset Tiie two propel lies are
really in their infancy and bid fair to
be important and economical producer-
of copper for many j ears to come We
are pumping much less water than a
few months ajro all that we do not
use ourselves heiasrsold to Miami
In conjectioa with our regular mln
intr opurations we are continually
pus hi us the development work and
are jfettin most encourasfinir results
In the levels below the 10th west
drifts have entered ground winch is a
continuation of the ore shoot which
was cut off in the upper levels by a
biir fault This Is a most important
development as it indicates ihtt the
west ground at depth west of the fault
is coming into the ore wh eh was
what we had hoped but of course
could not be certain of until these
levels had advanced a considerable
distance The work to the east has
opened some exceptionally larsre ore
bodies particularly on the 14th level
in United Globe also ore h is been
opened recently in the tmli belter
than in the 14lb at a point vertioally
Heserves in the usrirrej Ue are
larger today than ever before al
though we do not plan to keep opened
ahead as it is nut economical so to do
However we shall soon have the vein
under development in depth from llnee
dilferent points on the property by
winze from ho 10th level west from
the 18th level in a shaft so soon as the
depth is rr ached and from Hie Itith
level of the K fchaft of the United
Globe where sinking will be done
simultaneously with the woik in A
shaft Of the 15000 feel on the vein
only about 5000 feet has been pros
pected to a depth of 1200 teet
We are ensrasfed iu a larstu amount
of reconstruction w oik on the surface
plant which should be completed by
the middle of next year when a very
material increase in output and lower
costs naturally will follow
For the first six months of 1013
however I do not anticipate that pro
duction will be substantially in excess
of 2500000 pounds per month
Rich Silver Strike
In the last issue of the Las Vegas
As1 it is stated ttiat a i ich silver
strike lias been made about 35 miles
noitheast of L is Vesras by James Mc
Quaid and Clayton Johnson It is
claimed that assays of samples of tiie
ore jfave returns of 10G5 to 1108 ounces
of silver The formation is said to re
semble that of the famous Silver Reef
distiiclin Utah and is described as
lyintr between a line of m issive sand
stone bills on one side and a range of
limestone mountains on the other and
beinir well detined as to formation for
a distance of nearly 12 miles all of
which distance is said to be located
The In ore from a few inches
to a foot or more wide where discov
ered is said to lie next to porphyry
and in addition to silver values pans
free fold
However a report from Moapi to
the Age says that no auttientic teports
of the silver strike have been received
and in the opinion of the correspond
ent there is considerable buncombe at
tached to the stories of the strike
This strike was undoubtedly made
by the James McQuaid who was for
merly a testdent here and left a few
weeks ago for the Muddy Valley It
will be remembered tiiat last summer
Mr McQuaid was working on a pros
pect out at Pinto mountain that was
supposed to carry fabulous values in
silver At tnat time McQuaid did ex
hibit samples of silver ore that were
unquestionable rich but tliero was
some doubt expressed around town as
to whether or not they came from his
prospect However that may be of
the many samples taken there by oth
ers than himself the assays gave re
turns of nothing like what ho obtain
ed from his samples Seal chlight Bul
When you want a reliable medicine
for a cough or cold take Chamberlains
Cough Remedy It can always be de
pended upon and is pleasant and safe
to take For sale by all dealers
Rumors Denied
A special to the Boston Commercial
from Houghton Mich says There
have been a number of rumors in cir
culation here relative to a proposed
consolidation of the Alimeek Mohawk
and Senaca properties
The Alimeek and Senaca are both
Calumet Hecla suhsldaries the for
mer a rich dividend payer and the lat
ter a prospect upon which no work is
being done al present
The Mohawk is under the Stanton
Smith management and is just com
pleting the most successful years of its
There is absolutely no foundation
for such a story The subject h is
never been considered liy those in con
trol of either interests or active in fie
management of any ona of iheihree
corporations and there is no possibility
of any such amalgamation or consoli
dation now or in the near future
WANTED 25 35 h p steam engine
Must be in good condition and bar
gain Address A V C box 577
Notice of Sale of Bonds of
School District No 3 Mo
have County State of
Sealed proposals will be received by
the Board of Supervises of the Coun
ty of Mohave State of Arizona at
their Itlice in Kingman in said Coun
ty and State until Monday the thir
teenth day of January 1913 at the
hour of 10 oclock a m of said day
at hich lime said sealed bids will be
opened for the purchase of Two Thou
sand Dollaisof Bonds of School Dis
trict No 3 of Mohave County Arizona
which issue of bonds was duly author
ized by the qualified electors of said t
School District No 3 at a special j
eleciion held in said School District
No 3 on the second day of November
1912 in accordance with the provisiojs
of Chapter 77 of l he laws of the First
Legislature of Arizona The proceeds
received from the sale of sad bonds
to be used for tiie purpose of erecting
furnishing and equipping a School
House in said District No 3
Said Bonds are lo be of the denomi
nalion of Two Hundred Dollars each
and to bear interest at the rate of six
per cent per annum payable semi
annually and to run for a period of
ten years from the date theieof
Any bidder may bid for one or more
of said bonds but no bid for less than
par and accrued interest on each bond
w ill be considered and the said Board
of Supervisois reserve the right to
reject any and all bids made
Sealed bids for said bonds are to be
addressed to Isaac Bartholomew Clerk
Board of Supervisors Kingman Mo
have County Arizona which said bid
must be accompinied by a certified
check payable to Mohave County
Arizona for not less than five per
cent of the total amount bid Each
sealed bid so made must be marked
Bid for Purchase of Bonds of School
District No 3
By oider of the Board of Supervisors
of Mohave County Arizona
Dated at Kingman this 4th day of
December 1012
Jno C Potts
Attest Chairman
Isaac Bartholemew
First insertion Dec 7 11 Jan
Notice oj Forfeiture
Youureherebv notified thit we the under
sinned have expended during the jears i9ll
and 1012 the sum of Twlc Hundred JIJ00 W
Hollars In labor and Improvements on the fol
1cm lnt described mining claims situated In the
Cedar Mining District ounty of Mohave stue
of Arizona Known and Ut scribed as follows
MoitAVfc lUsrsrfcN King No 1 Mohave
KinoNo3 Mohave Iunosiin King No 4
Hkhoules and Camp mining claims according
to locitlc n uotices theieof recorded at pases
401 407 li Silt 5U and 577 respectively in the
offleeof the County Recorder of Mohave Count
State of Arizona that said work was done
and Improvements mude on said claims during
the years 1911 and 1912 n order to hold the
said claims under the provisions of section
2J4 of the Revised statutes ol the United
States and the amendments thereto and the
laws of the State of Arizona onncrnlng annual
labor to be done on mining claim 1 hat there
U due from vou to the undersigned the sum ol
One Huudred Flftv 1t0U0 Dollars on account
of vour share of the one Hundred iluonO Dol
lars expended for annual labor on each of the
said mining claims during the vears 1911 and
1112 and vou are herein notified b the under
signed tint if within nliii tv dajs from the per
sonal service of this notice upon jouor within
nlrety days after the service of this notice
upon vou by publication vou fail refuse or ne
Kltctto contribute vour portion of such ex
penditure to wit the total sum of One Hun
dred Fifty tlViooi Dollars vour interest in
said mining el ilms vvltl become the property of
the underslgnui vour co vvners in accord ince
with thelaistn such cases m ide and provldul
DUednt Kingman Arizona this 0th day of
January 1913
First publication Jan II May 10
A Girls Wild idnight Ride
To warn people of a fearful foresi
Hie in the Catskills a younsr tirl rode
horseback nl ridnitrht andstved many
lives Her deed was glorious hut
lives are olten saved by Dr Kinsrs
New Discovery in curing lung trouble
coughs and colds which might hiV
endtdiu corisii mill ion or pneumonia
It cured me of a dierdul cough and
lung disease writes W It Patterson
Wellington Texas after four in our
firmly hid cied with consumption and
I gained 87 pounds Nothing so sure
and safe for all throat and lung trou
bles Price 50c and 81 Trial bottle
free Guaranteed by H II Watktns
just how easy
it is to dye with
the Putnam
f adeless
Dye we
know you
could find
many things
about the
house to dye
such as rope
piano covers
cloaks silks
carpets rugs
etc Remem
ber the
manufacturers of Putnam Fadeless
Dye will not allow you to make a
failure They guarantee success to
everybody in dyeing with Putnam
Fadeless Dye
For Sale By
Jobbing and
Custom Work
The only Qustom Shop on
the Desert
Monaghan Murphy Co
S J Lewis Mgr
The Light Running YOST
is the Machine of Beau
tiful Work Call and ex
amine it at
We also sell and rent all Makes
Factory Rebuilt Typewriters
They look and work like New and
Carry the Same Guarantee
No 4 Underwood visible 55 00
No 2 L C Smith visible 50 00
No 7 Remingt n first class 30 00
No 2 Smith Premier snap 26 00
No 5 Oliver visible latest 50 00
No 1 Roval visible 40 00
No 2 Monarch visible 50 00
Other makes from 10 Up
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue
and Price List Machines shipped
Subject to Examination
716 South Spring Street
Los California
Angeles - -
County Mate of Arizona
V 13 WIMMEIl Plaintiff
Action broui ht in the Superior Court of
Mohave County State of Arizona and the com
plaint liled in the office of the Clerk of said
Superior Court
Iu the Name of the State of Arizona To
Dorothy Wlmmer Defendant Greeting
You are hereby summoned and required to
appear in an action brought against you Dv the
above named plaintiff in the Superior Court
of the County of Mohave State of Arizona and
answer the Compliint therein filed with the
Clerk of this Court at Kingman iu Raid
County within twenty dajs after the service
upon you of this Summons if served iu this
said Countv or in all other cases within thirty
davs thereafter the times above mentioned
being exclive of the day of service or Judg
ment by default villi be taken against you
Given under my hand and seal of the Su
perior Court of the State of Arizona in and
for the County o Mohave this 19th day of
December 1912
seal L M TEALE
Clerk of the Superior Court of said
Mohave County
First insertion Dec 21 18 Jan
Notice of Forfeiture
To Harry Comer or Assigns
You are hereby notified thit I the under
signed have expended the sum of Two Huu
dred D illirs in 1 ibor und improvements on the
following deM ribed mining claims situated in
the Wallapai mining district Mohave Countv
Arizona known and described as follows
scotch Las ie recorded n Book G G page 217
and on Highland Girl recorded in Book G G
page 238 Mining Hecrds of Mohave County
Arizona That said work was done on said
clilms during the vcar 1912 In order to hold
the said claims under the provisions of Section
2121 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States and the amendments thereto and Urn
laws of the Stite of Arizona concerning annual
labor to be done on mining claims That there
I- due from vou to the undersigned the sum o
sixtv slx dollars and sixtv slx cents Mti US on
account of vour share for annual labor on said
mining clilms dur ng the jear 1912 and you are
hereby notified by the uuderslgned that if
within ninety davs from the personal srrvlce
of this notice upon vou or within ninety diys
after the tervlce of this notice upon you by
publication you fall refuse or neglect to con
tribute vour po tlon of such expenditure vour
interest in sild mining claims will become the
property of the undersigned your co owner in
accordance wlih the laws in such cases made
and provided
Dated at Chloride Ariz Jan 3 1913
First Insertion Jan 4 1913 April 5
nine Warning Notice
To Whom it May Concern
Notice is herebygiven that the Keystone Penn
sylvcnia East Keystone and West Keystont
mining claims situated in the Wallapai mining
district Mohave County Arizona are under lease
and bond to parties working the same and that
neither the mines machinery nor buildings there
on or any property of the undersigned owner
thereof will be liable or responsible for any labor
material or debt contracted or injuries sustained
by any employer or employee in working or im
proving said property and that no employer or
employee is the agent of the owner for any pur
pose and all operatives engage in such service at
their own risk and that no debt or claim of debt
is valid against said mining claims or property or
the owner thereof
Mineral Park April 7 1911
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May Concern
Notice is hereby given that the Metallic Ac
cident Metallic Acclcent No 2 and Uncle Sam
mines situated in Wallapai mining district Mo
have countv Arizona Is under lease to parties
working the same and that neither the mine
nor the owners thereof will be responsible for
any labor or debt contracted nor injuries sus
tained bv any emplover or emplovees in work
ing said property and that no em ploj er or em
ployee is the agent of the owner for any pur
pose and that all operatives engage in such
service at their own risk and that no debt or
claim of debt is valid against said mining clalmu
or their owners
Kingman Arlzoni November II 1912
rira insertion Nov 16
Notice of Forfeiture
To P C McDonald
You are hereby notified that I the under
signed hive expended the sum of One Hun
dred Dollirsin labor aud Improvements on the
following described mining claim situated In
the Sau Fnnelseo mining district Mohave
County Arizona known and described as fol
Ions Noitnr Avion mining claim accord
ing to location notice thereof recorded in
Book Z page ii33 Mining Record of Mohave
Countv Arizona That said work was done on
said claim during the year 1911 in order to hold
the said claim under the provisions of Section
224 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States and the amendments thereto and the
laws of the State of Arizona concerning an
nual labor to be done on mining clilms Tint
there Is due from you to the undersigned the
sum of fifty dollars WO on account of vour
share for annual labor on said mining claim
during the j ear 1912 and you are hereby noti
fied by the unaersigned that if within ninety
davs from the persoml service of this notice
upon vou or within ninety dajs after the
service of this notice upon you by publication
vou fall refuse or neglect to contribute jour
portion of such expenditure your interest In
said mining claim will become the property of
the undersigned jour co owner in accordance
with the laws in such cases made and provided
Dated at Oatman Ariz mi October 17 1912
First Insertion Oct 28 Jan 28
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May concern
Notice is hereby given that the High Point
Rhinegold Lohengrin Lorely Banker bide Spur
Morning Star and Evening Star claims situated
in the San Francisco mining district Mohave
County Arizona Terrttory are being worked un
der contract agreement and that neither the
said mining claims nor the buildings and improve
ments thereon nor the Eclipse and Independence
water rights and mill sites and pipe line nor the
undersigned ow ners thereof w ill be liable or re
sponsible for any labor or material furnished or
debt contracted or injury sustained by any em
ployer or employees in working or improving said
property and that no emplojei or employee is
the agent of the owners for any purpose and
that all operatives engage in such service at
their own risk and that no debt or claim of debt
is valid against said water rights mill sites pipe
lines mining claims or property or its owners
By ALEX MILLER President
Pasadena Cai March 29 1911
First insertion April 1
- - -
U S Mineral Surveyor
Beale Hotel - - Kingman Arizona
Mining Engineer
Member American Institute Mining
Engineers 35 Years Experi
ence References
KINGMAN - Arizona
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May Concern
Notice Is hereby given that the Reco mining
claim situated in the Wallapai mining dis
rict Mohave County Arizona is under lease
to parties working the same and that neith
er the mine nor the owner thereof will be
responsible for anv labor or debt contracted
nor injuries sustained by any emplojer or em
plojee in working said properties and that no
employer or emplovee Utile agent of the own
ers for any purpose aud that all operatives en
gage in such service at their risk and that no
debt or claim of debt is valid against said min
ing claim or its owner
Kingman February 14thl911
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May concern
Notice is hereby giveu that the Iron Queen
Iron King b S mining claims situated Iu
Wallapii mining district Mohave county Ariz
are under lease and bond to parties working the
same and that neither the mines nor the owners
thereof will be responsible for any labor
or debt contracted nor injuries sustained
bv any employer or emplojeein working sale
properties and that no emrlovernr emplojee
is the agent of the ow ners for any purpose and
that all operatives engage in such service at
their own risk and that no debt or claim of
debt Is valid against said mining claims or
their owners ED SWOPE
Kingman Arizona Oct 19 1912
r irst mseruon ucc iv
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom It May Concern
Notice is hereby given that the Rattan and
Ruth mines and machinery thereon situated
in San Francisco mining district Mohave
County Arizona are being worked under
lease und bond and that neither the said min
ing claims nor the machinery thereon nor the
undersigned owners thereof will be liable or re
sponsible for any labor or material furnished
or debt contracted or injurv sustained by an
employer or employee In working or Improv
Ing said property and that no emplover or
employee is the agent of the owners for any
purpose and that alloperativescwagein such
service at their ow n risk and thit no debtoi
claim of debt is valid against said minlnt
claims or property or the owners thereof
Kingman Arizona Oct 28 1910
First publication Oct 29
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May concern
Notice is hereby given that the Connor and
Minnesota lode mining claims situated iu
Wallapai mining district near the town of
Chloride Mohave County Arizona togther
with the mill mill building hoisting plants
machinery and appurtenances thereunto be
longing are under lease and bond to partiet
working the same and that neither the mines
nor machinery and buildings thereon nor the
owners thereof will be responsible for ail
labor or debt contracted nor injuries sustained
by an emplojer or emplojeein working said
properties and that no emplojer or emplojee
is the agent of the owners for any purpose and
that all operatives engage in such service at
their own risk and that no debt or claim of
debt is valid again t said mining claims oi
Philadelphia Pa Mav 16 1910
First insertion Mav 21
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom It May Concern
Notice is hereby given that the Silverhill
group of claims consisting of the Sonora
Vallry View and the Silver B11 Lode claims
and Silver Bell Mill Site situated In the vial
Upal mining district Mohave County State of
Arizona is being worked under a contract
agreement and that neither the said mining
claims mill site or the bulldliigsaud improve
ments thereon nor the undersigned owners
thereof will be liable or resp nsible for anj
labor or miterial furr ished or debts contract
ed or injuries sustained by an emplover or
emplojees in working or Improving said prop
erties and that no emplover or emplojee K
tne agent or me owners lor anv purpo e ano
I th it all operarlves encaged in such service at
their owu risk and that no debt or claim of
i debt Is valid against said properties or their
Mine Warning Notice
To Whom it May Concern
Notice is herebv given that the mining prop
erties known a- the Badger Woodchuck Wild
cat Hercules R tmbler Majestic and Badgei
mill site and uiailtinerj thereon situated im
the Wallapai mining district Mohave Countj
Arizona are underlease and bond to parties
working the same and that neither the mines
nor the thereon nor the owneri
thereof will be responsible for any labor or
debt contracted nor Injuries sustained bj auj
emplojer or emplojee In working said prO
ertv and that no emplover or employee is thr
agent of the owner for any purpose and that
all operatives engage in such service at tlieii
ow n risk and that no debt or claim of debt is
valid against siiil milling properties or then
By P U CRAFTS Manager
First insertion Dec 9 1911

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