If WEEKLY ARIZONIAN SUNDAY, A Pull- 4, 1869. Ieditoeial paragraphs. Sin 'Whipple, from Camp Crittenden, nltoV"- jHIuevd J. W. Fleming, from Florence, jfe Divine Service in the Court House 3lock on Sundaj evening. Sgfeblishthii week, the report of the ffefel Treasurer. It will, doubtless, be iffactorj, as it'is credilableto the tax-pay-jfeighout the Territory, to find that, not fertile current expenses of the Torn time reported, been liquidated Jdtom . . i . T ii fnrmar Jfry considerable amou.u m o Rlnas also been cleaied away. SdeuiC Extiieme. Start from the corner Goldber' & Co store and travel uown jiam She corner of Franklin, observe the heels (every g.ntleman's boo's fceVe you. as you HSSUlsandyoa will find but lew sira.g.n. iffupon the route. Now :h!8 is not owing tSgfeial-formniion about !?at particular e:: M; b-it, for it you are indebted to. the gfffelors who look wih iinsoncerri at the n!cipl street running for two lull blocks, Hrsely on the side of a declivity. IpfjTATE Letters This mode of commu- Sj.r general news is, to some editors, a Mijessing : for instance, the paper published an fpSopott receives by ''private letters" all wslfrora l'ima county news which, in ms wii not known in Pinia coun OUMW- i atsule the office ot the Akizonus, until pu SIMffV . . i. ihauTthou-li tins paper. iow, ai wh oh SflRnr implications in the Prescott naii S5?5"nrivMe letter" we verv iiMlv contdu StBlie writer copies his article from tl juizoxus' a'ld sends it to the Mhier while I mirant ot the fact that we exchange wi the en er ( U IK he iih hmtice Chief Qr. Master Suit. risiittcT 01' Tccsox, Tucsox, A. T., March 20thJ8G9. , Sealed proposals ik lUiVDHLTLICA 1E will be received at th.s meeliiiitii 12 o el ck, .M , en tin? 'Huh day oi tjinlJ lor tne nuiveiy oi tuiiAur. ai neubllownig named places, vz: ckaj.v, lbs. I hay, lbs JhSsoti Perot. A. T. larnm Crittenden, ' fer.it, i 1,000 OUO. 07.000. eoo.ooo. 5(i5,000. 55.1,000. 640.000. l.liUO.OuO. 1,02.000. 070,000. 900,000. SGO.OOO. 825,000. .OTAU 3'JoO.OOO. 0.237.000. IBjw 11 be received separately for the whole mcupn to be delivered nt ach plate men loaediab'.ve or m y put tl ereof, and hiddfis ilUUStstt- s-1 aa'f!v t ht-ir liiii- ner nnniul in llllHoin for Ha as well as fur each lind ol' TffiM iooi.t: ".omit of liny and ihe atiitiuiu '.tftggli Iwud oi Uia n tht-y "mar be able lo Em Is for WHEAT will be entertained. l'j. i I (rive tlirir iinmo in rnll wnU When j luces of residence. nd the i -ronosnls iMge ai-coirpanii-d by a Bond lor 'J vo lhousa" 1 ($2 0U0) Dollars, signed by at l-at wjuespnrisible persons hs a ui.raii"y, that in aseT contract is a winded to the party or par esfprop. sing, the contract will be accep.ed ndlentereJ iuio. m H ay must be of iho ooniry aflords, Iree from Hoots, Sticks and nd must be well itackfd in such places, sthe Quartermasters at the places named gov, may direct. E pain must be well cleaned and free SiJfiX 8Ubstan"3 d-b. d Edel.Teryofthe Hay and Grain to com SIkS.1" J " no,ificitio bj theun- ,fee tL0U;,th r-bids, f P"on f ""doubted isfermi ien,,fd,States Government will Sgjtcriamed, and the undersigned reserves i't to reject any and all bids offered. K Propcal must be signed by two res. nble persons who mil become sureties for gfiitWuI performance of the contract. S,n-raCtr:m bC ,Ubj'CCt t0the aPPal S " DepartmeDtand Diriaion Com- Her of Br. BRIG. GEN. DEVIN. mdffSub District of Tucson. GILBRRT O OWT-nrr :apt. & Aflt. Onr U TT o . thiefOii.rc . . . pggV " """er, oud district. OFFICE CHIEF ClUAETEEMASTER Department of California. 417 KEARNY STREET, Sau Francisco Cal., February 2G, 186Q. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BECEIVED at this 0.iico until 12,m.. on the FIFTEENTH day of APRIL, 18G9. for tho transportation of GOVERNMENT STORES to the following posts, as follows : For receiving stores at Tucson depot, A. T. and transporting the same to gu6h posts as arc, or may be its dependencies. Bids to state the PRICE PER POUND, IN GOLD COIN, for ONE HUNDRED (100) MILES. Bids to be addressed either to me or to CAPTAIN G." C. SMITH., A. Q. "W., at Tucson. . All bids to be made in triplicate, -with a ctopy of the advertisement attached to each bid, and no bid will be received unless accompanied by a deposit of two thousand dollar0, as a guaranty that the bidder will take the contract if award ed to him. , ( Bidders are requestedHo 'be' present' at the opening of the bids. No contract made under this advertisement will be considered jj.n, force until approved by the Department'an'd Division commanders. The right to reject bds is reserved, if con sidered for ho gooS of the service. Any information in reference to life freight to be transported, routes, etc., can be had on application at this otlice. . - '; H E NRYsC,. JI 0 D G ES't . "' Bvt. Lieut. Col. and Q. M.. U. S. A. Act'g Ch'f Q. Al., Dej.t. Cal. m20 ' ' '' "'; ";!" ' Jw' IVoticcto Creditors. Estate of Joaquin Tapia, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by theundersigne'f, adminisirators of the above named estate. ( to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit the same with the ticccivsarv voucher?, wiiliin. om yar -from thedawj of this notice lo L. B.' WOOS l'ER. a. Ins More in the town of Tubac in ihe coiintv o: P.n.a, or to PHILIP DRACHMAS at his More in he townof Tucson, in iaid county. Date I at Tucson, A. T., ,. March 22d, ISo!). PHILIP DUaCUMAN ) Administrators. L. B. WOOSTER Sw NOTICE. Territory of Arizona. Countv of r Arizona. Pima. ' j To the unknown heirs of Thomas F. McLean. dect-a-cd, their gitiirdia'ns, 'agents, itc,, and all other persons interested You are hereby notified' that upon a fina spttletnent of the estate of said deceased, had in ihe Probate Court of said County and Ter ritory, on the 15th dav of March, A D. lS'di). a bal:iiC',o(-tiiiie hundri'd and. tiiitpci) dollt and eight v-eiht ecu's, was fotin I d ie said estate, and rrmainii g in ihj hands of Soloman Warner the adiniuisirator 'thereof! ' 1 The unilersiuned having been appointed by said Piobate Court, hs an agent to toke pus cession and charge of said moneys and having yivfii bond as r quired by Ijtw, will hold ih 5ame for the term of one year subject to -the chumand demand of the lawful heirs of said dece i 8.d. At the ixpiration of one year, said money?, if uncalled for, will be paid into the Territorial Treasury of said Territory in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and pro vided. Tucson, March 10th 1869. JOHN B. ALLEN, Agent and 12 tf Territorial Treasurer. HIRAM S. STEVENS Camp Crittenden, A. T. WOULD respectfully give notice to the trading public in and around Camp Crittenden, that I have just received a largo and well selected ii took of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES nd all kinds of necessary articles, for OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and CITIZENS Direct from San Francisco. which I propose to soli t all at the yery LOWEST PRICES at ray store, at Camp Crittenden, Arizona. Janl. I8fiC. ' - R. W. JP. RICHARDSON, Office Richardson's Hotel;- .. . - TUCSON, A. T. NOTICE, ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, United States Internal Revexce, District oe Arizona. NOTICE is herflby given, in accordance with provisions of Internal Revenue Lans, Act of July 13th 1866, paragraph 37, that appeals rel ative to any erroneous or excessive asiessments on axes for 1869, made in this district, by the Assistant Assessors, will be received and deter mined at my office, in Preseott,, each day, during business hours, fom the fifteenth to the thirty first day of M arch. All appcalsmust be made in writing, specifying the particular cause, matter, or thing, respecting which a decision is requested, and stating the error complained of. Communications sent by mail nill receive imme diate, attention. ' . . . ' HENRY A. BIGELOW. ! AssM.ior: District of Arizona. Prescott, March 2, 1869. 12-tw. . HINTON, HOOPER, & CO. San Francisco ard, Fort Yuma, California Arizona City, Maricopn Wells, Sacaton, Sweet Water and, Camp McDowell, Arizona. -o HOJiESALEr AND RETAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. .wish to call the attention of the public generiillv, and Merchants, particularly to our facilities for Wholesaleing and Jobbing at LOW HATES, '.: We keep cons'i.nf'v on hand at I AKa0.tA CITY The largest aud moat General Stock of Goods in the Tenitory. or in 'any one House south of San Frandisco. COMPRISING EVERYTHING THE COUNTRY REQUIRES. All our goods are- either imported directly or bought of direct importers, We buy nothing from second hands'; tbcrebj saving tho San Francisco Jobber's Profitwhich is ALL WE ASK TO 1IAKK.' "Live and Let Live," is our motto. Our terms aro CASH. EXCtU3IrEL'Y,"'and farcash", vrc arealway. in readiness to supply dealers, rancheros, f" others, with goods, in. jobbing lots at Unprecedented! v Low fwrcasli 11INT0N," HOOPER A CO. ArionaCify Dec. 19, 180S-tf. E. N. Fish, Tucson, S. Sir.KVitnEi?c San Francisco E;- 1NT- F1SIL & C0-, West side, Main Street. Tucson, A. T. I10LESALE RETAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise, We keep constantly on hand the largest and most general stock of goods in the Territory south of the Gila. Are constantly receiving fresh supplies oi f)ry'Go')d, Clothin '. Boots and Shoos, Gro-Ci-ries 1 -ovi-ions, Hardware, Liquors in Bills, ai d cusps. C:gar an I I obacco,&c, &c, which weare o.'ferin at exceedingly low prices. Jan, 1, 'C'J. :52!tf M. I.JACOBS, L. M. JACom 221 Sansomo St., San Francisco. Tucon, A. T. AT. I. JACOBS & CO. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Main Street, Tucson, A. T OFFER for sale at a great reduction from ruling prices, an rextensive variety of goods, specially selected for, and adapted to this market. January 2d 1869 -If. TUCSON RESTAURANT! Cn Main Strett (opposite Lesinsky k Co's store). TUCSON, A. T. TITE proprietors would announce to the public that they are now prepared to entertain their guests with the choicest Viands of the .ea.fn and everything which the market can supply in the finest style and shortest notice. Gentlemen can be accommodated with Hot Coffee, Chcolate, Pies Cnkn and Oysteri at all hours. Open day and night. FARRELL and TRASK Propri etori March 1st 1S69. tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN NOTICE is hereby given that in conTormity with instructions received from the Collector of Customs for the District of Paso del Norte, import ers will hereafter be.required to pay dul!es on all supplies imported for tho use of the United States Troops, whether delivered under public or private rontract. , .... J. F. STONE, , Deputy Collector. ' Tucson, A. T ., Sep t 22, 868 . - tf THE HODGES' HOUSE LOTTERY A Hotel Building FOR TWENTY DOLLARS 1 WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT LOTTERY, 350 CIIAffCES AT $20 EACH. On or before the 15th day of April 1869. THE large and well furnished building beloo'g. ing to F. M. Hodges, situated on Main street, tn that town, known as the Hodges' House and heretofore used and occupied as a Hotel, The Houso contains Twelve large and commbdioui room, fronts Two hundred and thirty-five feet on two streets, has all necessary outbuilding and a garden of aboutbalfan. acre attached. Tht building has and always will, from its desirable location, cemtuand conatantoccupaqcy ata good rent, and in conformity with the desires of a. number of per sons, be disnoscd of at Public Lottery, by tho loth of April next, or assqon as all the tickets aro -sold. The property being entirely unincumbered, be ceded and delivered to the person win ning, immediately on the result of tho .Iqttery beiiig declared ; and to satisfy all that the proceed ings connected with tho lottery will bo honorably and fairly conducted, reference is made to the. following prominent citizens of Tucson, unuer whoso direction or that of any committee whoia the holdersof tickets may select the Lottery will bo drswn. Reference, COL. J P T CARTER, Secretary of the lor. CAPT. G C SMITH, USA. LORD & WILLIAMS, Merchants E N FISH k CO M I JACOBS & CO GOLDBERG & CO TULLY Sc. OCHOA GOODWIN k SANDERS " Tucson, January 2t ISH'J 12t. , CASH STORE! GOLDBERG & CO North-east corner Mam and Vine Sts" TUCSON, A. T. ' 'HAVING received a ncwsupply of Summer and Fall Good, embracing a .general- and complete assortment of Dry goodsi Fancy good, Ladies dress goods', of every description, Uatsand Caps, Cloaks and. Shawls, Roots and Shoes, Hardwareand Crockery, Groceries and Provisions, "eto., etc. VT ' adhere to a cash system and soil our- goods remark ably low. Givo'us a call. . , . tf. "Jan. 1, 69 F II Goo'dwin Adam Sanders GOODWIN & SANDERS, Dealers in General "Merchandise TUCSON, A. T. HAVE this day on hand and aro constantly receiving, a largo stock of goods selected EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, consisting in part of Dry Goods and Clothing. Hats and Caps, Booti and Shoe, Military Furnishing goods of all des criptions, Stap'e nn-1 I-'.incy Goods, Belts, Pistols, Powder, Percussion c.ipj, ic, tc, which they will sell clie-ip lor cash. Thauki'ul for past fas-nrs they respsc.uUv solicit continuance of public patronage. Jan. 1, lSC9-tf. P. E. TUU.V. KSTKVAX OCHOA. TULLY & OCHOA. Main Si reef , Tucson, A. T. "JT EREBY give notice to their friends and the ll public gencraIv that they have received direct f.-.-m tlic East a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Sec. and are prepared to sell at as reasonable terms as any merchants in the Territory. Give us x call before purchasing elsewhere. Jan. Ut 1869. TAKE NOTICE! NEW , GOODS j DIRECT PROM NEW YORK WE would respectfully announce to thcneopUo Tucson and vicinity, that we have on hand a large and well assorted STOCK OF MERCHANDISE GROCERIES, c, also, bet EL PASO '.VINE and VINEGAfl. which we offer for sale xt tho owest figures. H. LESINSKT, & CO., East side Main S'.eet Tucson, A. T. Jan. Iat '69, tf. CONTINENTAL t BILLIARD SALOON. BY TODD, CUL.VER& D5JRFEE. The Best South of San Francisco. Main Street, Tucson, A. T. THE best of WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Imported direct for this House kept constantly on hand, for sale Wholesale and Re tall. The BILLIARD TABLES are new and of the latest style The proprietors will takaspecial cartohavo everything of the best, and insures prompt attention to their customers.' A share of public patronage is respectfullj solicited. ' ' . Jan; 24, '69, " . 24-3m.