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The Commonwealth. [volume] (Everett, Wash.) 1911-1914, October 11, 1912, Image 2

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j ppg^f TRUNKS I;
ji B*M-i I *t*^\ GRIPS ::
ii Everett Trunk Factory ;j
: '. 2810 Rockefeller . ] Near Hewitt J

Directory Socialist
The rates for ski* directory are ♦3.00
por year.
County Committee —The county cam-!
|>*i>;n committee, meet* on the fourth;
Sunday of each month in Liberty Hall.
Everett, Wash., at 3 p. m.
Ballingham North—MeeU in Socialist
hall, 4 it; W. Holly St., every Sunday
at 2:30 p. m. Us. Bertha Rogers, re
cording secretary. M. J. Schwartz fi
nancial secretary. Mrs. Alice Atkins, .
woman's correspondent, 1416 N. Elk.
St. i
Bothell- Meets at Hannan's hall, first j
and third Saturday evenings. .Com
bine.l business and propaganda meet- .
in^*. Dr. A. L. Victor, Secy., BothelL
Bremerton—Meets every Sunday even
ing at Eagle hall. M. E. Giles, Secy.,' 1
Box 602, Bremerton. '
Coupeville— Meets the first and third
Friday* of each month at the real •
dence of Henry Fair, Secy., Coupe-1 ,
viUe, Wash. I
XTerett Third Ward—Meets every Sun- i
day, 2:30 p. m. at 3208 Broadway.!,
Tom Belshaw, Secy, 701 Hewitt. I,
Everett Fourth Ward— Meets Monday |
evening, 7:30, at Jenkins Hall, 3506 r
Everett Aye. Mrs. L. Fye. Secy.
Everett Fifth Ward—Meets in Liberty j]
Hall every Sunday evening at 7:30 i
o'clock. Carl Ulonska, rec. sec., Mrs.
Etta Tripp, cor. sec, 1032 Koe'kieller
avenue. |,
Everett, Sixth Ward—Meets every Sun-, I
day at 2 p. m. in Liberty Hall. E. \V. ■
Phillips, Secy., 2719V4 Hewitt Aye.
Treeland, R. F. D. Langley— 2nd! (
and 4th Sundays at 2 p. m. at Crest
House. Program 3 p. m. second Sun-,
days. A. K. Hanson, Secy. |
Granite Falls— Meets every Friday night
8 p. m. in Park Hotel. Fred E. Bal
linger, Secy., Granite Falls.
Hillyard—Meets every Thursday night j
at 446 Sanson Aye. J. C. Harkness, |
Secy.-Treas., Box 307 Hillyard. I
Irondale — the. first and second;
Sundays of the month at John Hyd
en's, Fifth and Moore. J. W. Duncan,
gecy., Irondale.
Local Kelso— every Wednesday
night at Brown's Confectionery Store.
E. L. Carr, Secy.
Mountain Vi.w ßusiness meeting the
second Wednesday in each month at i
the homes of the members. Propa- 1
ganda meeting the fourth Sunday in j
each month at the Mountain View j
school house. D. C. Buchanan, Cor. |
Orting—Meets at Geo. Stevenson's mill
office every second and Fourth Tues
day of each month at 2:30 p. m. W.
C. Bickford, Secy., Orting.
Local Port Angeles No. Meets every
Sunday at headquarters at 2 p. m.
J. G. Layman, Box 37, Secy.
Prosser—Meets on the first and third
(Sundays in each month at 2 p. m., in
the eoure house. H. D. Lake, Secy.,
Seattle Socialist Headquarters, 1909 Bth
Aye. Business meetings, Fifth Ward I
local every Tuesday evening. Propa
ganda meetings in Labor Temple every
Sunday at Bp. m. Millard Price, Secy.
Seattle Tenth Ward—Meets at May's
hall, 6th Aye. N. E. and E. 42d St.,
every Friday at 8 p. in. R. A. Daniels,
Becy., 4043 6th N. E. Seattle.
Seattle, Thirteenth Ward—Meets every
Tuesday evening, 8 p. m., in Maccabee
Temple, 20th Aye. N. W., near Ballard
Aye. B. H. Miller, Secy
Sedro-Woolley — Meets every Monday
evening. E. E. Boddy, Secy., Box 457,
Sedro-Woolley, Wash.
Sequim—Meets the first and third Sun
days of the month at 2 p. m. in the
G. A. R. hall. Mrs. CH. Dover, Secy.,
Silvana —Meets the second and fourth
Sundays at 2 p. in. at Union Trading
hall, Silvana. W. O. Grimm, Secy.,
Route 1, Arlington, Wash.
Tacoma No. 3—Meets the first and
third Thursday in the month at cor
ner of 23d and O streets. Frank E.
Johnson, Secy., 1415 South 23d St.,
National Socialist
National Headquarters, Socialist Party,
Chicago, 111., Oct. 5, 1912.
■['„ ,-,■'■ ":ii executive committee li
voting on a motion by Irvine that the
rntiT'i! executive committee meet in
Chicago on October 10 at 10 a. m. to
make a final canvass of the situation of
the national campaign and to appoint a
subcommittee on the Lyceum bun
and such other business as may be ;
brought before it.
The national platform in the Jewish i
language has been printed by the Jewish i
Socialist Federation. It is in the form
of an eight-page pamphlet, fl by 10,
stitched. Price,'s2.2s per 1,000. Address
Jacob B. Palutsky, (.'eneral secretary, 175 i
K. Broadway, Xew York City.
By a recent referendum in New Mcx- '
ico. I.'ill' D I-ane was re-elected as state
secretary. The state headquarter! have
been moved to Ourrizo/.0. The ftnte sec
retary should hereafter be addressed at '
that place. Chas. F. Goddard, Oarrizozo, i
was elected as national commltteeman.
St. Zametkin is on a lecture and npi- i
tation tour under the auspices of the :
Jewish Socialist Federation. Dates open i
for November and December. Address
Jwob B. Salntakjr, general aecretary, 175 <
T. Broadway, New York City.
The vote on national committee motion I
\*o. rt lias Ihh'll called nff 00 account of
ln< rule adopted l>.v Hi.' committee that
10 motions Ih< submitted until after No
romber 1 unless the propon. mill lee*
>ndt of the motion have the approval of
i majority of th.' member* elect of i be
•psjuvtivo state committee! represented
>v the member* of the national commit
,.' supporting such motion.
The national committee is Toting on
be following question l>y the national
levrotary: "Don motion v. ; * apply to
Lyceum lecturers with whom contract!
ia«l already been made at the time when
he motion was adoptedt"
Motion No. I is the motion which
i\i'.l the wages of speakers sent out by
he national office at six dollars por day
md railroad fare.
The vote on the national executive
•ommittoo motion that the national sec
,-.-v appoint ■ territorial secretary for
Uaska for three months was as follows!
fating yes, Haywood, Irvine, Bpargo.
Hie others not voting. No action taken.
The vote on the motion to appropri
ite. one hundred dollar* toward the sal
iry of the territorial secretary had the
ame result.
Arthur Brook* Baker, who was ap
minted by the national executive com
nittee to investigate the machinery and
quipment necessary or desirable to
■stablish a printing plant, is now mak
ng this investigation an.l will report to
he committee at its next meeting.
Local Allegheny County, Pa., has or
lered another one thousand copies of
'The Usurped Power of the Courts" by
Vllan L. Benson.
Evidently the comrades in that vicinity
ire determined that the people shall
enow the truth about the courts. There
a no better way to inform them than
iv means of this book. It shows that
he vast power* assumed by the courts
lave no constitutional foundation, but
ire merely due to the sublime nerve of
;he judges in usurping functions that do
not belong to them. The cover of the
book bears an appeal to the reader to
joint the socialist party and tells him
low to secure socialist literature.
Price, prepaid, 1,000 copies for $25;
100 for $3; 50 for $1.75; 25 for $1; single
x>py, 5 cents.
Address National Office, Socialist
Party, 111 North Market St., Chicago,
The amount received at the national
office for dues during the month of Sep
tember was $5,334.85. The average
membership for the first nine months of
1912, as evidenced by the dues received,
was 110,402.
The new national constitution went
into effect October 4. It makes a change
in the method of intiatinjr national ref
?rendum3. The new provisions are as
'Motions to amend any part of this
if ntion. as well as any other mo
inn- or resolution to be voted upon by
:he entire membership of the party, shall
>c submitted by the executive secretary
;o the referendum vote of the party
■nembership of the party, on the basil of
Hies paid in the preceding year, or of
five states regardless of membership,
rhe term "state" as herein used, shall
>c trued to mean the membership of
1 state organization, the state commit
■<•<■. or a duly authorized state executive
"Such a referendum may be Initiated
iy one state, and when so initiated shall
•emain open for ninety days from the
Into of its first publication, and unless
t shall receive the requisite number of
leconds within such period it shall be
abandoned, The vote on every such ref
erendum shall close sixty days from the
late of its submission.
"Referendum! to revoke or amend the
irovisioni of this constitution may be
ritltuted only one year after the adopt
on of such provisions.'
The new constitution also contains the
Following provision in regard to exempt
"The national office shall also issue
o the state secretaries 'exempt stamps'
>„.• of charge to be used by party mem
)ors temporarily unable to pay duos on
iccount of unemployment caused by
ilckneii strikes lockouts or any other
Condition not within their control. In
.its where husband and wife are both
nirty member! and only one of them is
n receipt of an income the other may
Ikewiie bo allow.-.] to use such 'exempt
"Any member desiring to use such 'ex
■nipt •tamps 1 shall make application
herefor to the financial secretary of his
ocal organization, and such application
liall be passed upon by such organize*
lon. 'Exempt stamps' shall be issued
inly to members in good standing who
lave paid due* for at least throe month•
in.! who aro by the same action exempt
rom the payment «f dues to the state
md looal organization. The number of
exempt •tampi 1 -hall not exceed If per
ent of the total number of stamps ob
ained by the respective state orsr;iniza
ions. The acceptance of 'exempt
lUquaiifj HM h ><<
ltd pi • '"I 1 "
I ht no i o "••» i'" 1!
n lltho
>.l|.llr.|, With lln
Explai .in.ni l.\ the Kditoi Comrade Kmil Herman i :
„.,• ||.' li.is I'crlnin drf i iboul Ihc farmer in the pre i til
„.,,,, ,11 ted to wi itr them for the I '■""" wenltli
have n I road) I" 1 uroi eivd to bin fir I bi tide Th
with those in this ismip, have alreadj been printed, Several otl
iiln of our attention and will he printed later
Comrade Herman is hon< conviction** and is n Btudeni oi
the mibjeet. No replj has been or will be printed that does noi meet
ii ihe §ame spirit of fnirrn
One replj received will 00l appear, The Commonwealth i
open to pettj malice and misrepr( lentation. The article in question,
supposed i" be on the revolutionary farmer, included everything from
Dr. Titus, the shortcomings of the Commonwealth, the tate "II
the Revolutionarj war, to the "right iof the people." H had i dii
cational value.
Time and spt are valuable in the sociaTisi movement, We are
always glad to receive articles for publication bul 11 musi be re
membered and thoroughly understood thai we reterve the righl to
reject what we deem irrelevant
Hit; rAKiu.rjK. in mii x-rtrio
(In reply to Comrade 11. L. Baker, bj
Kmil Herman.)
In writing my article to the Common
wealth on "The Farmer's Place in tin-
Present Economy," I .li.l not anticipate
or desire a debate. However, since Com
rado Baker lias seen fit to take issue
with me and states in his closing para
graph that he still has a fund or infor
mation at his disposal I beg leave to a-I-
him the following questions:
1 do this, both for my own edification
—because I am open to conviction —and
for the enlightenment of the "some so
cialists" he repeatedly refers to in his
First. What lias the "three or foul
years of intense silence and masterly In
activity In the socialist movement ol
Comrade Emil Herman" to do with the
question under discussion?
Second. When and where did I eve)
make the statement that the fannei
could not become a revolutionary social
Third. By what authority do you
make the statement that it is ■ favorite
pastime of mine to persuade the farmei
that he is headed the wrong way whet
he subscribes to the principles and pro
gram of the socialist movement?
Fourth. Will you kindly point oui
wherein I discredit the farmer and con
tradict the socialist philosophy and the
facts of history?
Fifth. Do you contend "That whil<
technically and theoretically the farmei
is a capitalist" he is in fact a wage
worker ?
Sixth. Do you deny the correctness ..
the Marxian theory of surplus value?
Seventh. Do you deny that the en
vironment of the wage-worker is more
adaptable to revolutionary activity thar
that of the farmer?
Eighth, Can the farmer using a two
horse plow and kindred machinery sue
cessfully compete with the fanner usinf
a tractor engine and kindred machinery
and might not that fact explain whj
the -mall farmer and his family are pool
notwithstanding the fact that they wort
long hours and very hard!
I hope Comrade Baker will answer th.
above questions in the spirit In whlcl
they are asked and not resort to sar
casm and mud-slinging, as that make
very poor reading and is not at all edify
In conclusion I wish to state that I
believe farmers can and should become
revolutionary socialists and I have an
article In preparation at this very time
showing why they should join the so
cialist party, and which 1 hope to sub
mit at some future time.
Comrade Herman in the Commonwealth
of September 27 In defining the fanners
place in the present economy make!
statements that do not appear to me
well founded. "The farmer Is not ex
ploited," lays Herman. He apparently
makes no distinction between the farm
er who owns a piece of land anil th one
who pays rent either in cash or a share
of the crop. Let us take the renter who
tills a farm on shares. Teams and tooll
and seed furnished by the owner of the
land. I- he not exploited? Surely as
much so as ■ he factory hand who works
by the piece. Co a Step farther up 111.
scale—or down it, for often the owner i
worse off than the renter we find the
owner who In order to get a home of
hi- own i- obliged to sell his future laboi
power hi- life to the loan shark for a
bare existence 1. Can Comrade Herman
■ay that such a farmer is not exploited 1
Rut we need not hang a millstone mort
gage about the farmer's neck to show
Ilia exploitation. Take any small farm
er, and examine into the economic re
latiem between the expenditure of hii
labor-power and the means of life thui
obtained and it becomes very evident
that he is exploited by tho^o who set the
prie-es on his piecework —that is, on the
commodities which his labor has pro
A* to the farmer iite.l by Herman
nrho become* wealthy by farming, we all
know that h<- i* not exploited in the
•nme degree as U the ■•mall farmer. Th?
more he has to ship the lower the r.ne-.
and when he buys he buy* in large quan
titles and thus has an advantage of hi
.■mtil.Mii - lmii.l4 ctn«H iutom ll.P.Rl.iln
- upon ihi hi
Tha Mine deilgn, In n dlffmnt rotor,
i* LriiiK uteri In printlnj • new lot <>f
M< gul&r ilum «tnin|i«. Tha old onei
will laxl f(ir a f<'«- weeki )<■*■
JOHN M. \Voi;K,
poorer neighbor. The rich farmer can
I often subsidize a railroad and got a re
! bate not only on what ha ships himself
'but on the shipments made by his neigh
i bor*. Many farmers are forced to hire
help on the class of work to I-1 per
formed requires more than one person
while the farmer knows that the wages
.ii an extra man will at the nd of •
year nmoiint to more than what is left
as pay for the toll of himself and fam
ily. I have known of many such suet,
and 1 have heard a farmer say to his
■hired man "I wish you had my place and
I yours."
Is the fanner revolutionary 1 I- ■
j wage slave revolutionary! I" either case
jhe Ii If he Ii Intelligent enough to be
i class conscious and realize how he Ii ex
| ploited, By nature the farmer is more
■ independent than the wage-earner, and
I more api to have ■ mind of hie own.
j Take the farmers m a class anil they
I read more and think more about what
j they read than the unskilled proletariat
] hence they are easier to convince of the
I truth of socialism than the day labor-
I erg. To be able to think clearly implies
I a trained mind and to acquire ■ trained
! mind means leisure to study, which the
| proletarian does not have while the
farmer at certain seasons lias abundant
leisure. I have dinned the message of
socialism into the ears of my fellow
wage-salves for twenty years. Did they
listen? The unemployed, yes; and they
would agree enthusiastically at times
with the views I put forth, but the man
i with ii job would seldom listen. With
a full stomach and a full dinner pail he
was content and had no use for an agi
tator. The fanners I found to be of
I different material. Nearly always they
were kickers. One did not have to preach
the gospel of discontent to them —
already had the infection.
No, Comrade Herman, the socialist
movement would be badly off without
the farmer. Tie is exploited and he
i knows it and generally knows just how
! the trick is worked.
Sequim, Wash.
With your kind permission I will
write b few lines i?i reply to Comrado
Herman'! assumption aa to the farmer 1!
position, ii unlit i< m and attitude in rela
tion tn .-nihilism. When 1 wai a boy nt
si'lmol an<l trying to master the EJng
lisli grammar I was taught in regard to
some adjectives that they could noi be
compared. That is if an object was
■quare t here wai the end of it. I' was
square or it was QOtj a thing was round
or it was not. Now to me a person li
•i looialisi in not a socialist. N To mutter
u!i;it the previous condition of that per
maj have been and whether thai
n be a farmer or wage worker, and
niie is just as much entitled to a voice In
determining the policy of government ai
ihe ot her. The farmers are tal I I 1
li-Ni fully as fast as tlir wage work
er, and have the power tn do fully ai
• in- work as thai class, I omrade
Herman asserts t hat the far tier I
exploit ■<l Possibly he ma; noi be able
tn put lii- finger on a mat ; | thl<
is the man who gets my surplus,
somewhere in the shuffle and deal I" 1 I*
a hi of his
■ lure and he cannot previ nt thi - sep
■ ii.i. [oei his brother,
the wage worker, who hai lii- union
lia- in t he i 1 'st don etive
work by the strike. While '!
iron. •. it \ mu»t
the grin
up tl
II >•, Flour, Feed, (ii uti. Cer
eals and Salt
Both rtioncs 957
Shoe Hcpairinjj
InvisiMe patches put on NEVER
All Work Guaranteed
392(1 Grand Avc.
+♦++•>■+++++++•>•++++♦+++■■ <■+
' Lawyers
! KminiM 337-4 Stokes Hide.
I Everett, Wash.
Phonos: Sun. 330, Ind. 332 X
Photos Are Best
2809 Wetmore Aye.
Ground Floor
Go To The
Jersey Butter Store
For Better Butter for Less Money
1715 Hewitt Aye.
Wallers' Confectionery
Opposite the Rose Theater
Try Our
Fresh Salted ePanuts
For Sale Everywhere
possession of a farm worth $10,000 or I
$10,000. I am ready when the time I
comes to turn over everything to the
co-operative commonwealth. About a
year back Victor L. Herger said in an
article: "You can no more fret socialism
without the farmer than you can get
to the moon." And before the day of
socialism you will mark him a true
Yours for the revolution,
The national campaign committee will
meet at campaign headquarters on Mon
day, October 7, at which time the needs
of favorable congressional districts will
be considered.
Reports indicate that the enthusiasm
is Increasing rapidly in all sections. A
certain apathy existing in some ports of
the country for a while seems to have
entirely disappeared and from all quar
ters now comes the cheering news that
the comrades are up and doing.
Twenty thousand people heard Debt
at Philadelphia ami twenty two thou
sand attended the joint meeting of Debt
and Seidel at Madison Bquare Harden,
(Tew York City. Comrade Debs writes:
"The Philadelphia and New York meet-
Ings were so great and so overwhelming
that I am still dazed when t think of
Comrade Seidel made an automobile
tour of Connecticut, speaking at a dozen
or more points between Ms big meet
it New Haven and Hartford. Bverj
where the factory workers turned out In
great crowds to hear him. He reports
unusual activity on the part of the
and loenl organizations ami Indic&l
: hai the Increase of out vote in ■
neel i nt will lie amazing
\ iitllr 1.. Bel ■ nplet id a
most sueoessful series of meetings on
the Pacific < t. He spoke at i
pla »s In five days and I i crowded
houses In every butane*. \t s, attle he
i who illed
' and everj where the
-n. lalUI n ii li
the !■ huslasm. ' is of!
i from t in
tint the local <-
twent mdred doll
Wholesale and Retail Coffees,
Teas, Spices and Extracts
2813 Rockefeller
Phono* mi
a*a!////> HATLEN BROS.
z^^6* .SffijP'""'' Exclusive Ladies' Tailors
/C y^LLy4^w^^l^^. U Your clothes are "you." Let us tailor
'' jwWßnl ifin ItgD^AaH > ""r individuality into your next nit.
Rockefeller *^^^^- 1
3502 Everett Avenue
SHOES Here's where we couple up pood style with an a bund
anee of good quality ai lower prices than you will find up town. ]
Repair Work Guaranteed
Weborg's Milk Bread
Wrapped in Sanitary Waxed Paper
Ask Your Grocer for It.
Let me make your fall suit. It will cost you very
little more than ready-mades.
S. M. Gerbere
Tailor to Men and Women
16121/2 Hewitt Aye. Over Brdwy. Floral Co.
Trip the Light J^fL
Fantastic / \ j"
— : and
... IN ...
Coliseum Rink, Friday, Oct. 11
Wagner's Full Orchestra Grand Prize Waltz
Ripper Sale!
$30,000.00 Stock
This Sale Begins Friday, Oct. 11
Ladies Suits Men's Suits
Goats and and O'coats
Dresses Union Made
Friday, October 11, 1L»12.
Private Ambulance Service
Calls answered at all hours
1709 Wai Both Phones 869

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