OCR Interpretation

The Seattle Republican. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1???-1915, September 27, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025811/1912-09-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Seattle Republican
Single Copies, 10 Cents.
is published every Friday by Cayton Publishing
Subscriptions, $3 per year; six months, $1.50;
postage prepaid.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice
at Seattle.
Main 305 427 Epler Block
Seattle, Washington
SUSIE REVELS CAYTON, - - - Associate
Though this paper, so far as the national
ticket is concerned, is unalterably in favor
of the Republican nominees, and the same
is true of the state Republican nominees,.so
Par as it now knows, yet it does not propose
to support in its entirety the county Repub
lican ticket. There are candidates on the
Republican ticket in King county who do
not merit the support of any one, who has
the good of the community at heart and no
party tie or party whip should force them
to vote for such unworthy aspirants for pub
lic office. The Seattle Republican does not
recommend to its renders the unanimous sup
port of the Republican county ticket and it
will from time to time between this and
election point out the undesirable candidates
on the ticket. This paper resents anything
that has the taint of Hull Moosevelt, yet it
will recommend, so far as the county is con
cerned, <it least one or two men for county
offices. We need ;i good county government
and we can get it if we only take the pains
to vote for it.
Uncle Sam has his hands full of unruly
kids just now and unless he uses tact as
well as the rod some of those unrulies are
going to get him into serious complications.
At present he has troops in Nicaragua, Mex
ico, Cuba and Santo Domingo, where incipid
revolutions are gathering momentum prep
aratory to more serious and violent out
breaks. The most difficult problem he has
fop solution is the Mexican, as he may have
1o not only lick the Mexican government,
but in doin.u so may get involved in commer
cial complications with European powers
that may precipitate the firing of the "gun"
that will be heard 'round the w Torld.
That young man that killed his father,
mother and sister in order to get the insur
ance policy must either be a Negro or an
Indian as such moral degenerates are only
found among that class of alleged species of
the genus homo.
If Woodrow Wilson should get every elec
toral vote, as predicts Bryan, then Bryan
will thoroughly understand it has not been
Democracy that the people have been resent
ing since he has controlled the party, but
its presidential nominee.
Collecting Delinquent Subscriptions
Collecting subscriptions on a weekly paper
is exciting, interesting, amusing and fre
quently annoying. It matters not how brim
full and overflowing the publication may be
of information and choice literary gems,
those directing its destinies must "push it"
to the limit or it will not grow in circula
tion, and to accomplish this you find your
self in an exciting game and holding just as
good hand as your gift of gab can command.
This stage of the game has its interesting
phases for you must be well versed in the
eccentricities of humanity that you may talk
enough and not too much in order to bag
your victim. However, in this age of the
"installment plan," it's not so very dif
ficult to enroll one's name on your subscrip
tion books, if the cash is expected on some
future date in the dim distance. It's amus
ing almost to the explosive standpoint, while
soliciting your victim how suddenly he or
she, on learning that no cash at that time is
to be required, becomes favorable and your
soliciting comparatively easy. Pay day
in the distance has but few terrors for
many subscribers to publications, as many
things can and may happen, which will en
able said subscriber to dodge payment after
the paper has been enjoyed a year or more.
The paper is gratnd and glorious until pay
day comes round, and after an exciting, in
teresting and amusing chase you corner
your victim and demand paymeni then for
the first time you learn the paper was never
ordered, that 1 hough it has been coming for
a year or more it is never read or even
opened and in fact is not wanted as, "I
have not time to read it. Stop the paper and
I will send you a check the first of next
month," which, of course, is a subterfuge to
get rid of the collector. If on the other
hand the collector is persistent and con
tinues to demand the money the insolence of
the former subscriber becomes so annoying
that the collector reaches the stage of want
ing to fight, but your better judgment as
serts itself, often on account of the avoirdu
pois of the other fellow, and you fall back
on strategy and diplomacy and in the end
win out. Not long since a collector had him
self put off a railroad train in the wee sma'
hours of the night and hiked five miles into
the country by Walker, Road & Company,
to corner a badly delinquent subscriber. The
time, the walk and the worry, were worth
five times the delinquency, but the collector
had become as determined that the sub
scriber should not dodge the debt as the
subscriber had that he would not pay the
debt. The derelict was finally run down and
the two met in a sullen mood. The greeting
was not that of two friends. The collector
noted the situation and used diplomacy.
The subscriber was cornered and used sullen
jiess. "I have no money and will not be able
to pay you for two months." Five miles'
hot tramp over dusty roads to get nothing
did not set well on the nerves. Diplomacy
mingled with persuasion finally did the work,
and a twenty-dollar debt was half paid, the
paper continued as of yore, and a horse and
buggy back to town were furnished. The
experience, however, was more valuable
than the money as the collector knows bet
tr now how to handle the other subscriber
similarly constituted. The person, who will
pay for a paper if ordered is not so keen
to subscribe and tin; solicitor should make
a nole on the marginal lines of the subscrip
tion contract, "this subscription was jumped
at and the sooner a bill is sent the better for
the publisher."
in chasing the ever elusive subscriber, and
of course delinquent, not Long since the writ
er hereof found himself "forty miles from
newhere," sitting down on the new mown
hay and being shy of copy tor the next
week's issue, a (ablet and pencil were
brought forth and there, surrounded only
by silent nature and a scorching sun, the
editorial think-pol began to bubble and boil,
and it was not long before the world was
again about to be enlightened as only the
various issues of the paper from time to
time have done. Sitting there writing with
the hope of making a dollar and likewise
waiting with the hope of collecting a dollar,
forcibly impressed the write! 1 that the pub
lisher of a '"weakly" paper comes very near
being of the people and knowing what they
need both in the way of legislation and like
wise in tiie way of a pisselm club to cure
The Chambers of Commerce, both of Se
attle and Tacorna, have swung round the
state this week for the purpose of renewing
past acquaintanceship and forming new with
the various cities. The idea is a most ex
cellent one even if no more goods are sold
than in the past. The business men of the
various cities should to an extent know each
other as well as the goods and wares each
has for sale and exchange. If Seattle has
nothing North Yakima wants, one thing is
certain, North Yakima has lots that Seat
tle wants and being a part of the same state
North Yakima should be given the preference
by Seattle. Thousands of dollars worth of
fruits are allowed to go to waste in Yakima
county that could be utilized in Seattle if it
could l>e put on the market for a reasonable
price. Therefore, getting acquainted may
mean much toward solving the commercial
problems of the day.
If all the fakers at the state fair paid
liberally for their concessions then it seems
to us the state appropriation for the fair
might all be turned back to the state treas

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