The Seattle Republican Single Copies, 10 Cents. THE SEATTLE REPUBLICAN Is published every Friday by Cayton Publishing Company. Subscriptions, $3 per year; six months, $1.50; postage prepaid. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Seattle. CAYTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Inc. Main 305 427 Epler Block Seattle, Washington HORACE ROBCOE CAYTON, - • - Publisher 3UBIE REVELS CAYTON, • - - Associate If in the Balkan controversy Greece gets hot there will be plenty of Turkey gravy for the powers. In the campaign in the Second district Warburton is said to be wabbling. Wab bling seems to be a chronic condition of Stanton Warburton. Martin proved the hero at the Roosevelt shooting, but let's hope Princess Alice will do nothing desperate. If the women should become as active in politics as they are in church work the men would have to take to working for a diversion. Ernest Lister may not get the old line Democratic vote in Pierce county, but from the Avay Charley Sullivan et al. talk the old line Republican vote will be with him at the finish. We hope there is nothing in the report that the crank, who shot Roosevelt can not be prosecuted, owing to the fact it is no violation to shoot a bull moose in open season. Thanksgiving turkey ought to be plenti ful this year, as the Montenegrins are out after them and the Greece is already red hot. Seattle being a "man's town," as reports the census bureau, the ratio of sexes be ing 136.2 to 100, it is plain to be seen why the Purity Squad has to be so active. Way down South in 1876 the "red shirt" was a political insignia and the wearers would have spurned the Socialistic title with all their might, History is always re peating itself. Even convicts can carry a joke too far, which is demonstrated in the Wyoming convicts lynching the penitentiary officials. Puget Sound weather is not quite so balmy as spring in Italy just now, but "believe me," it is hard to beat the world over. Tampering with witnesses in court pro- SEATTLE. WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912. ceedings should be given a big black eye and if Chet Belding is guilty of the charge of having tampered with a witness then make an example of him. Seattle's incinerators are attracting world wide attention and that, too, in spite of the fact Reginald H. Thomson planned and perfected them, which is another setback for Col. Alden J. Times. President Taft will prove a poor third in the presidential race according to Sam Blythe's prediction. Predictions are not votes and we will wait and see. In other words, we are direct from Missouri. Having been robbed last February of $6,500 worth of jewelry, it would seem that Mrs. J. Ham. Lewis would have more sense than to have $5,000 more in her apartments of which the festive burglar relieved her last Friday. Is it a case of "a fool and his money soon parts?" Columbus Day in Seattle —last Saturday —was appropriately celebrated by the banks. It's too bad that the day is not more generally observed. Columbus' reli gious creed should not be considered, as it's every American's day. Edward Cndihee is the only one that has held the office of sheriff of King county since the admission of Washington into the Union, about whom there was not an official scandal as to the manner of conducting the affairs of the office. For four successive years he was sheriff and at a time when the county was overwhelmingly Republican, and had he made the slightest mistake in the affairs of the office the Republican press of the county would have given it the widest publication. He retired from the of fice without a scintilla of public criticism attached to his official career. With such a record to fall back on the presumption is he will be elected November sth by a large majority—over the two other candidates. Unless the emigrants from this country alter their life-long government teachings when they pass under the British flag, soon er or later a revolution will not be neces sary in British Columbia, but Johnny Bull's flag will be quietly pulled down and Uncle Sam's hoisted. In the presidential campaign that is rap idly drawing to a close, all of the candi dates are appealing to the laboring people for their vote. It is estimated there will be fifteen million votes cast, and of that number the laboring people will cast ten million, two-thirds of the whole. The five million votes will be divided between Taft, Wilson and Roosevelt, with a sprinkling for VOLUME XIV, NUMBER 32 Chaffin. If the laboring men cast as many votes as they are credited with, then who will be the next president of the United States restly solely in their hands. If the laboring people have as many votes as they say they have, and it is not doubted, then if they are oppressed, as they say they are, then why in heaven's name do they not nominate and elect one of their number to the presidency of the United States? The laboring people have the numbers to run the country as they see fit and it is re peated, if they are oppressed by capital as they say they are, they are foolish to al low one-third to rule the other two thirds. FACTS AND FIGURES. There are fifteen million voters in the United States, and Debs, the Socialist can didate, when he ran for president four years ago, got 420,000. The cost of the Republican presidential campaigns in 1892, 1896, 1900 and 1904, were respectively $1,600,000, $3,500,000, $3. --000,000, $2,088,000, of which corporations contributed 77 per cent. Porto Rico sells to the United States $35, --000,000 worth of products annually now, and buys over $37,000,000 worth; of this sum $6,000,000 worth of tobacco and $2, --000,000 worth of fruits are sent to the United Stales proper. The tobacco is rap idly driving the Havanna tobacco out of the markets. During the killing season of 1909 and 1!»1() there were 4,265.585 games birds slaughtered in the state of Louisiana in the feeding grounds. The church property of the Negroes in the United States is valued at $56,650,000 and the church membership is 3,700,000. CHANGING THOUGHT OF HEAVEN. Life changes all our thoughts of heaven. At first we think of streets of gold, Of gates of pearl and dazzling light, Of shining wings and robes of white, And things all strange to mortal sight. But in the afterward of years It is a more familiar place; A home unhurt by sighs or tears, Where waiteth many a well-konwn face. With passing months it comes more near, It grows more real day by day: Not strange or cold, but very dear — The glad homeland not far away, Where none are sick, or poor or lone, The place where we shall find our own. And as we think of all we knew Who there have met to part no more, Our longing hearts desire home, too, With all the strife and trouble o'er. —Robert Browning.