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Chicago eagle. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1889-19??, January 18, 1913, Image 1

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Iiyfj tteend Clut Mattar Oetobir 11, 189, at the Pott
fflea at Chleage, Illinois, undar Act of March 3rd, 1879.
Entered aa Second Clata Matter October 11, ISM, at the Peat
r Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March trd, ISTt,
ticwflf ITHOIENTJIPJER 1,213
President-Elect Gives the Telephone Mon
opoly and All Other Monopolies a Hard
Smash in Chicago Speech.
Head of Chicago Telephone Company Takes the
Wallop Home and Tries to Answer
the Nation's Choice.
Senator Clark Wants a Metropolitan Police Force in
Chicago that Will Be Controlled by the
Governor of the State.
Candidates for the Various Offices to Be Filled at the Spring Election
Are Springing Up in All Directions.
President-elect Woodwrow Wilson
hit the m6nopollcs a hard rap at tho
Commercial Club banquet In Chicago
on the night of Jan. 11, 1013. Ho de
clared war on monopoly and said that
Its existence was Inconsistent with
the theory of free government.
Oentlemen who are reported to bo
connected with what they call "nat
ural monopolies" expressed hope that
the president, like some Chicago al
dermen, would "listen to tho right
kind of advice."
Tho Chicago Trlbuno of Monday,
Jan. 13, 1012, contained the following
local phono attitude towards tho presi
dent's position:
In taking exception to two primo
features of Mr. Wilson's remarks, Dor
nard E. Sunny, president tho Chi
cago Telephone company, said ho be
lieves tho'' president-elect Is In error
because of lack of experience. But Mr.
Sunny expressed confidence that Mr.
Wilson will "listen to tho right kind
of advlco" and readjust his views to
moot a position moro In line with that
of business men. ' ,
Chief oxcoptlon was taken to Mr.
Wilson's declaration that monopoly
must cease. In this connection It
should bo recalled that tho telophono
company Is a constituent part of the
American Telephone and Telegraph
company, whose officers havo Insisted
that certain public utilities are nat
ural, justifiable, and essontlal mon
opolies. "I do not agree with everything Mr.
Wilson said," observed Mr. Sunny,
"but he admitted frankly ho Is not a
business man and wants helpful ad
vice from men of tho right sort. His
remarks on banking and monopoly
Indicated clearly ho does not yet un
derstand some of our big problems.
"On the monopoly matter, for ex
ample, he will learn there aro good
monopolies and bad monopolies. Some
are necessary and natural, and to en
courage competition against them
would mean economlo waste.
"Mr. Wilson Is a brainy man. Best
of all, he demonstrates a willingness
to learn. I think his good judgment,
with good advice, followed by sobor
deliberation, will enable him to
straighten out mistakes of this sort."
Senator Clark has Introduced a bill
in tho stato senate to placo tho Chi
cago police force under tho control
of tho governor and create a metro-'
polltan police force. Tho bill pro
vides for tho establishment under
civil service rules of a state police
commission of three mombers, to bo
appointed by tho governor for three
year terms; tho commission to have
complete control of all departments of
cities of 100,000 or over.
Tho dangers of Cook County being
swamped by the charitable obligations
heaped upon it by legislators were
painted in vivid colors before the
board finance committee by tho county
agent, Joseph Meyer. He estimated
$250,000 was needed In 1013 for com
pliance with the funds to parents' act
alone, He said that If every one en
titled to the funds by law were to
request them It would cost the county
more than a million dollars annually.
The board president, A. A. McCor
mlck, adylsed the committee that at
the present time there was a move
ment on foot to bring about the amend
ment of the law, He suggested a con
ference with Judge Merrltt W. Plnck
ney of tho Juvenile Court to devise a
better system of Investigation of tho
merit of applicants for pensions.
Mr. Meyer In making up tho 1013
estimate for his department consonted
to numerous cuts In the staff of em
ployes. Tho heads of the Infirmary
and county hospital also submitted
estimates. They asked increases be
cause of the necessary additions to
the nursing staffs.
Chicago's ten congressmen have
done wonders for her harbor, we must
say. Out of $40,800,000 appropriated
for rivers and harbors by congress,
Chicago' gets $10,000 for tho Chicago
river and $20,000 for tho Calumet
Edward H. Peters attracted great
attention at tho big Charity ball Jan.
10, whero In tho Arabian Night enter
tainment ho took tho part of tho
sultan and looked It. Tho millionaire
broker is tho now society leador of
Tho loglslatlvo deadlock has un
locked somo secrets.
A Stato building department to havo
supervision of all building construc
tion in the State will bo recommondod
In the report of the commission ap
pointed somo tlmo ago by Governor
Deneen to revise and codify tho State
building laws.
The questions of prohibition and lo
cal option are the growing Issues
which will have to bo met at Spring
field. Under tho leadership of tho hand
some, dashing and popular millionaire
real estate broker, Edward H. Peters,
Chicago society and Its four hundred
cannot fall to enjoy itself.
Universal transfers, through routing
and other Items were discussed by
tho Council Committee on Local
Transportation Monday afternoon in
a preliminary review of the items to
bo Included In tho general merger
Alderman Henry D. Capltaln said
that tho transfers should bo mado as
easy as possible, He explained ho be
lloved that whero It could bo dono ele
vated trains should bo brought to tho
surface or surfaco cars elevated in
order that transfers would bo made
on the same level. Where It Is not
posslblo to bring tbo cars to tho samo
lovel ho believes that moving stair
ways or other, devices should bo pro
vided for the convenience of tbo trav
eling public.
Alderman William L. Llpps said
there should be some bettor method
adopted for controlling traction serv
ice. "Thero should bo some sort of a
board of control that would have
power to compel the street car com
panies to Install service or increase
the accommodations," he said, "At
the present time there Is supposed to
be a board of supervising engineers,
but as I understand It there Is nothing
It can act on until the council has
first taken the question up."
Judge Richard' B. Burke ordered the
January grand Jury to investigate the
remarkable hospital conditions of Chi
cago and Cook County, which are
such that accommodations cannot be
found for hundreds of persons suffer
ing from contagious diseases. ,
"I am constrained to call your at
tention to tho prevalence of contagious
diseases throughout tho city and coun
ty and tho lack or apparent lack of our
city and county officials to care proper
ly for our poor," said the court.
"The number of contagious sick
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men, women and children denied ad
mission to our Institutions, both publlo
and private, are matters of record.
"Private hospitals are not Immune,
They, too, should answer to you the
number of contagious diseases in or
under their charge and the number of
patients denied admittance or atten
tion, If any. May I suggest that you
also litqulro Into tho number of hos
pitals In Cook County which aro
equipped properly to maintain and
which do maintain contagious wards,
assuming, of course, that the main
tenanco of the same Is no menace to
other patients?"
Moro hot air about safeguarding L
trains In tho loop.
Leo O'Neill Browne's attack on Rog
er C. Sullivan fell Hat In Chicago,
whero Mr. Sullivan Is known best and
whero ho has lived all of his life. If
anything, tho attack helped Mr. Sulli
van because It refuted tho oft-repeated
declaration of his enomlcs that Sulli
van was hand in; glovo with Browne
and his crowd. Browne was unfortu
nate In his Insinuation that Sullivan's
word was "not as good as a gold
bond" and that ho Is "a man who
breaks hla word ond double-crosses
his friends." Everybody who knows
Sullivan knows that his word Is as
good as a gold bond and that there
does not oxlst In Illinois a man who
Is truer to his friends than Roger C.
Sullivan, who always stahds by them
through thick and thin. Sullivan's
reputation as a sticker Is founded
upon tho solid rock nnd will enduro
when that of his present detractor
has ceased to bo a memory.
Alexander H. Rovcll may bo ono of
tho next United States Senators from
Illinois. Thoro Is much -quiet talk
about him and wo would not bo sur
prised to sco him chosen to fill one
of tho vacancies. Mr. Revoll can
probably carry tho wholo progressive
voto and ho Is very popular with tho
Republicans. His position In tho com
mercial nnd business world and public
spirit are often referred to at Spring
field when his nnmo Is suggested.
Reducing salaries of policemen,
firemen and city employes twenty per
cent and giving $700,000 of money
duo tho city to the telophono com
pany to raise tho salaries of Its em
ployes Is a fine record for tho city
If a thousand loafing city "Inspect
ors" who Inspect nothing except pool
Public-Spirited Chlcagoan and Man of Affairs...
tables during the, day were fired, hon
est city employes would get full pay
for their work,
Who do you think is advocating
"primary reform?" Milton J, Foreman!
City Council Will Reduce Salaries of
Police, Firemen and City Employes
Twenty Per Cent This Year.
But Will Vote Away Seven Hundred Thousand
Dollars to Raise Salaries of Phone
Trust Employes.
The Most Outrageous Act on Record in the History of
Self Government Robs the Chicago Public
to Help Monopoly.
No Redress for the People Is In Sight and the
Grin and Bear It.
Probably tho most extraordinary
action ever taken against a free poo
plo Is that just foisted upon tho Chi
cago public to boneflt tho Phono
For years tho people havo demanded
a reduction of phono charges.
Tho enormous dividends of tho
phone trust justified tho domand.
An export omployod by tho city,
after giving full credit to tho trust for
all of Us expenditures and alleged
losses by "depreciation" found that
the peoplo wero entitled to the re
maining surplus of $700,000 ovor and
abovo fat dividends and other net
Instead of giving this to tho public
In a reduction of rates some aldermen,
deliberately voted to donato most of
this great sum to tho Phono Trust so
that it could raise tho salaries of its
employes and glvo them old ago pen
sions. This Is something new In tho his
tory of government by and for monop
olies. To mako tho public pay for raising
tho salaries of tho employes of a cor
poration Is a greater outrage than tho
popular Imagination has ever con
ceived of b'efore.
When you get a "wrong number"
threo or four times In succession, re
member that tho lncompotont employo
who gnvo It to you had their salaries
raised nt your exponso.
Whonovcr you aro Insultingly or In
solently treated by n phono omployo,
remembered that you havo been
mulcted to raise tho offender's salnry
nnd to provldo an old ago pension for
tho guilty person.
Whenever you get a "busy signal"
for a number that hns not been busy
at all, remember that tho employo
who fooled you Is enjoying a ralso of
salary nnd n prospective pension at
your exponso.
If you aro a property owner nnd
have paid an exorbitant assessment
for paving an alloy, remember, when
tho Phono Trust tears up that pavo
meht to plant new poles, that you
havo also been mulcted and aro still
bolng nsscsscd for tho raising of sal
aries of Trust Phono employes.
Tho public Is watching the tele
phone situation closely. It has been
milked so long to keep up big divi
dends, that a reduction of rates all
along tho lino 1b demanded.
Tho fact Is dawning upon tho pub
lic that tho rhono Trust hangs on to
Its antlquo nnd out-ot-dato cqulpmont
just to keep prices up, Tho oldor tho
kind of Instrument In uso tho. easier
It is to pllo up a lot of figures, prov
ing tho great cost of malntonanco,
nnd this groat cost has to bo added
to tho telophono bill of tho subscriber.
Tho only reason why tho telophono
Trust will not uso tho automatic sys
tem Is because It can mako moro
monoy out of tho public with Its anti
quated service England has adopted
tho automatic sorvlce, and so has far
away Australia and Now Zoaland.
Tho Trust is so busy garnering
a great fortuno from tbo poopla of
Chicago that all that it wants Is a
number of frlondly aldormon, and "the
pooplo bo d d."
Every effort is being mado by the
Trust to cloud tho real situation and
get away with another Bchedulo of
high prices, Every BUbjoct except the
real one ovorchargo of telophono
rates Is brought up by the company's
agents at Council Committee meet
ings. The rates should bo cut In halt
to begin with, and tho company
should bo obliged to Install automatic
secret service,
The Telephone Trust will be fought
by the people until It ceasos to be a
monopoly and until its charges are
as reasonable as the government it
self would charge for similar publlo
Peoplo who Imagine that the pass
ing of an ordinance by the City Coun-
Victims Will Have to
ell will do away with a public domand
for hotter conditions and lower rates
in tho telephone service aro mistaken,
Tho tolephono Is a necessity to the
peoplo and no one knows this better
tbnn cho monopoly which controls it
Tho purchase of newspapers or the
purchase of public officials will not
help tho causo of monopoly.
The nowspapors which support mo
nopoly havo lost tholr influence with
tho public, which Is Intelligent and
possessed of a good memory.
Public officials who give away the
people's rights or show favors to the
telephono monopoly will not be for
gotten. On tho contrary, tboy will bo prop
erly branded and will bo retired to
prlvato llfo.
Tho peoplo aro In no framo of mind
to bo trifled with. Thoy aro showing
this ovory day and at every election.
Tho man who sells them out to a
trust may win tho approbation of
somo mllllonalro-owned dally papor,
but tho common citizen, who Is in
sulted, neglected and ovorcharged by
tho tolephono servlco, will not forgot.
Thoro Is ono thing that tho avorngo
votor has a knlfo up his sleeve for.
That thing Is tho public official who
favors tho Tolephono Trust.
Dornard P. Wobor would mako a
splondld Collector of Customs under
Presldont Wilson. Ills namo Is fre
quently mentioned for tho place.
Tho Arabian Night ball was a daz
zlor, and tho only porson suspected
by tho police who wero present In
citizens' clothes was a man whom no
body olso suspectod. When ho un
masked thoy found thoy woro mis
taken and no jewelry ias missing at
tho round-up.
Watch your alderman on tho telo
phono question.
A referendum on phono rates is
domanded by tho peoplo.
Ono thing tho peoplo aro sick and
tired of Is homo ruin that favors
phono raaguatos.
Tho fact that tho pooplo of Chicago
havo for years been plucked to build
up tolophono dividends Is tho best ar
gument for ft Stato Public Utilities
Such a commission, properly organ
ized, cannot overlook tho injustlco ex
isting in tho difference of tolephono
rntcs charged In Chicago and in out
lying towns lbt Illinois.
Homo rulo In Chicago has been a
groat thing for tho tolophono trust
and a bad thing for tho peoplo,
When homo rulo means phono rulo,
It must go.
Making tho pooplo pay for in
creased salaries and old ago pensions
of a publlo corporation Is tho newest
wrinkle proposed by somo of our ro
form aldormon.
Tho follows who havo grown rich
boosting phone rates In Chicago will
not havo so many to follow tholr ex
ample whon tho State fixes tho ratos.
Every time you go to the telephone
you feel like voting against a man
who favors the Phone Trust.
igf&ffi' r?ft Mny k ;'

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