OCR Interpretation

Chicago eagle. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1889-19??, March 08, 1919, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025828/1919-03-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Democratic Candidate for City Treasurer.
Complcto organization of tlio Cook
county auxiliary of tho Stnto Council
of Dcfcnflo was announced as fol
lows: Exccutha Commlttco Samuol Hi
aull, chairman; Walter N. Wilson,
vlco chairman; LowIb e. Myors, sec
retary; Burrldgo D. Butler, llobort
E. Durham, Mrs. William S. lieffornn,
D. J. Mullnnoy, Itobcrt M. Swoltzcr,
E, J. E. Ward, Walter II. Wilson.
Co-ordination Commlttco llobort
M. Swcltzcr, chairman; Lewis 15.
Myers, secretary; Thomas D. Knight,
assistant secretary.
rinauco Committee Wttltor II.
Wilson, chairman; Herman Wnldeck,
vlco clmlrman, Lowls 13. Myers, soc
rotary. ruel Committee Robert 13, Dur
ham, chairman; J. W. O'l.cary, lco
chairman; 13. W. I.lojd, sccrotary.
Llccnso Comnlttco 13. .T. 13. Waul,
chairman; William A. Fov, vlco chair
man; J. II. Olulck, secretary.
Neighborhood Commlttco Louis
E. Myors, chairman; Georgo W. Per
kbns, vlco chairman; Thomas D.
Knight, secretary.
Publicity Commlttco 13. J. Mulln
noy, chairman; William II. Culver,
U. S. Boys Working Rcnorvo Com
'mlttce Burrldgo D. Dutlor, chair
man; Peter Fleming, iiocrotary.
Woman's Commlttco Mrs. Wil
liam S. Hcffcran, chairman; Mrs.
Graco Wilbur Trout, vlco chairman;
Mies I3mlly Nalpioralskl, secretary.
Tho Ollvor typowrltor Is growing ln
popularity. It Is tho host on tho mar
ket. Tho Now Roma restaurant at 117
North Clark street Is attracting atten
tion by Us Una bill of faro and Its
splondid cooking. Mr. I. Pollogrlnl, tho
well-known restaurateur, is the man
ager. Otto Ruoter, owner of tho big and
old established real cstato business
of W. F. Kaiser & Company, for a
long tlmo, has changed tho narao of
tho firm to O. Ruetor & Co. Thoy will
contlnuo buslnoss nt CO West Wash
Ington streot, in tho ofllccB thoy have
long occupied.
Frank Johnston, Jr., tho popular
Circuit judge, la respected by nil
classes Irrespective pf party.
Popular Democrat and
BiiiiiiiiHBIHBKsMiB0MnWkf 'j'd'X WIiiiihIiih
BIiiH1IiIiiiiiiiiBHIiibv 'WhL4j wHHHHlliiiiiiiiiiiH
iiiiiiiLiiiiiHHniBL. w fSIHGalbiiiiH
More Suits Filed in Van Burcn
County, Michigan, to Remove
Clouds on Titles Than in Any
Other County in the United
Land Sharks and Others So Bold In
Their Juggling of Books and De
scriptions That Undo Sam
May Get Them. '
Thcro uro moro BUlts Mod In tho
courts of Van Bui en County, Michi
gan, to icmovo clouds from land titles
Hum thcro aro filed for that purpo3o
in nny other county ln tho United
States, including thoso containing tho
largest cities in tho country.
Thoro lmo been moro professional
luud thioves nt work in Van Burcn
County tlinn In nny other county In
tho United States, and they aro still
nt work.
Men connected with certain Hues
of business mill using olllclnls elected
In somo townships as their tools aro
ongaged nil of tho tlmo In clouding
tho titles of honest and bona fldo land
This fact has dono moro to keep tho
county back than nny other thing, f
Tho bad noma given tothls part of
tho Stnto of Michigan by tho land
crooks la bocomlng a by-word through
out tho nation.
Many of theso crooks claim land
on tho strength of tax titles ob
tained nttor tho rightful owners had
pah) tho taxes through juggling of
descriptions and tax books.
Efforts aro to bo mado to roach
somo of thorn through Federal action,
as tho pocullar hold tjioy havo on local
authorities precludes hopo of rotorm
in that direction.
Victims of thoso bauds of crooks
nro advised that If thoy llvo outsido
of Michigan thoy can brJng suit
against olllclnls, backers, brokors or
othors who damago thorn or tholr in
terests ln tho U. S. courts.
Tho cltlens of Vnn Burcn County
should wnko up to tho situation and
retire theso grattors to tho peniten
tiary or""to somo other placo whoro
tholr public rocords cannot Injuio tho
Van Duron County 13 naturally rich
ln soil, dollghtful in cllmnto and geo
graphically ldoal for success in every
Its prospects havo boon blighted.
Tho testimony of all outsido peoplo
who lmo Invested thoro Is tbnt thoy
havo boon skinned and bothered by
tho land shark syndicate
Congressman Thomas Gallagher of
Chicago Is ono of tho most influential
men in Washington.
Leading Business Man.
William' Halo Thompson, Mayor.
Charles C. Fltzraorris, Secretary,
noom 607, 5th floor, City Hall.
City Treasurer
Clayton F. Smith, Treasurer.
Itoom 203, 2nd floor, City Hall.
City Clerk
James T. Igoe, City Clerk.
Edward J. I'adden, Chief Clork.
Rooms 107-108, 1st floor, City Hall.
City Comptroller
Eugono R. Plko, Comptroller.
Louis E. GoBBOlIn, Deputy Comptrol
ler. Room r.01, 6th floor, City Hall.
City Collector
Chnrlos J. Forsborg, Collector.
Georgo Lohnian, Deputy Collector.
Department of Health
John Dill Robertson, M. D., Com
missioner. Gottfriod Koohlor, M. D, Assistant
E. R. Prltchard, Socrotary.
Room 707, 7th floor, City Hall.
Buroau of Engineering
John Erlcson, City Engineer.
Wm. J. Rocho, Chief Clerk.
Room 402, City Hall.
Water Department
W. J. McCourt, Superintendent.
Geo. J. Foscr, Chief Clerk.
Rooms 101-102, City Hall (Pay
bills hero).
Water pipe Extension
Hugh L. Lucas, Superintendent.
Thomas F. Klernan, Asst. Superin
tendent. Room 401, 4th floor, City Hall.
Bureau of Streets
Foils Mltcholl, Superintendent.
S. J. Fisher, Inspector In Charge.
Bureau of Sewers
Ocorgo E. McOrath, Superintendent.
Edwnr'd F. Cullorton, Chief Clerk.
Bureau of Maps and Plats
John D. RUoy, Superintendent.
T. C. Philips, Engineer of Survoys.
Bureau of Gas nnd Electricity
William J. Kolth, Commissioner.
John E. Brnd'.oy, Chlot Clork.
Rivers nnd Harbors
Rlckard O'Sulllvau Burke, Asst. En
gineer. Smoko Inspector's Department
William II. Rold, Inspector.
Room C08, City Hall.
City Oil Inspector
Paul Ilondorson, Inspoctor.
Charles Vavrlk, Chief Doputy.
Wm. F. Gorman, Assistant.
Bureau of Statistics
Francis A. Eastman, City Statisti
cian. Frodorlck Rox, Librarian.
City Architect
C. W. Kallal.
Purchasing Agent
Virtus C. Rohm, Business Agent.
P. C. Schafor, Chief Clerk.
Department of Compensation
II. V. McGurron, Superintendent.
Inspector of Weights and Measures
Morris Ellor, City Sealer.
W. F. Cluett, Chief Deputy.
Board of Examining Engineers
Room 1008, City Hall.
Edward F, MJllor, Prosldont.
E. F. Mooro, 1st Vice-President.
James N. Spencer, 2d Vlco-Preil-dent.
Board of Examining Plumbers
Charles J, Herbert, Master Plumber.
Wm. W. Potrlo, Journeyman Plumber.
Board of Examining Mason Contrac
tors Chns. C. Stowart.
Two others to bo nppolntod In
compllanco with law In force
July 1, 1916.
Chief of Operating Engineers
John C. Hayes.
In Basement.
Department of Public Welfare
Mrs. Loulso Osborno Rowe, Com
missioner. James W. Calloy, Supt. of Employ
ment. Room 805, City Hall Square Dldg.
Civil Service Commission
Percy R. Coffin, Prosldent,
CliaB. E. Frazter.
Josoph P. Geary.
Mark H, Placo, Sccrotary.
Room C10, Gth floor, City Hall.
Board of Local Improvements
M. J. Fahorty, Presldont.
Jot. J. Ellas.
D.-ld M. Clark.
Oscar Wolf.
Wm. II. Dlcneoo.
Edward J. Glacken, Secretary and
Suporlntondont of Special Assess
ments. Room 2071. 2nd floor, City Hall.
Gas Supervisor
Philip C. Dolofontalno
Room COG, City Hall.
Room 111, City Hall
Inspector of Steam Boilers
Geo. E. Nyo, Inspector.
Harry A. Grannls, Chief Clork.
Building Department
Charles Dostrom, Commissioner.
Robert Knight, Doputy Commis
sioner. Poter C. Hooy, Secretary.
iiiiiflLiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV JvkiX. -BiaiiLiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiLiSaiiiiiiiiLHLBH
Popular Governor of Illinois.
Board of Election Commissioners
August Lucdors.
Frank X. Rydzowskl.
Bomard Horwlcu.
Morals Commission
Third floor, City Hall.
John Dill Robertson, M. D Chair
man. Rov. J. McNamoe.
Dr. Anna Dwyor.
Dr. Emll G. Hlrah.
John KooHlng.
Track Elevation
Fannlo Specter, Secretary.
Chief Janitor City Hall
Jamoa Connors.
Fire Department
Thomas O'Connor, Firo Marshal ""
P. J. Donnhoo, 1st Assistant.
Edward J. Buckley, 2d Assistant
Frank w. Swenio, Chlof Operator.
Transportation Supervisor
R. F. Kolkor, Jr.
City Physician
Dr. M. J. Purcell.
Dr. A. Levis, Asst. City Physician.
Dr. Clara Suppol, Asst. City Phy
sician. Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public
J. C. McDonnell, Chief.
Police Department
John J. Gnrrity, Gonoral Suporln
tondont. Room 605.
John Alcock, First Doputy Supt.,
SI Mayer, Socrotary Buroau of Po.
llco Rocords. Room 1001.
P. J. Ward, Vohlclo Bureau. Room
Honry L. Hudson, Examiner of Pub
lic Chauffours. Room C07.
Law Department
Samuol Ettelson, Cornorallon Coun
sol. Charles Ss Francis, City Attornoy.
Joseph Sullivan, Chief Assistant.
Charles J. Peters.
Room C02, City Hall.
Harry P. Miller, Prosecuting Attor
noy. Daniel Webster, 1st Asst.
L. R. Pcquott, Chief Clork.
Harry T. Atwood, Special Assess
ment Attornoy.
Georgo J. Frazer, Chief Clork and
Attornoy for Board of Local Im
provomonts. Board of Bridewell Inspectors
Ralph E. Esau, Chairman.
Josoph J. Janda, Secretary.
John J. Sloan.
26th St. and California Aro.
Bailiff of tho Municipal Court
Denis J. Egan.
Municipal Courts City or Chicago.
Chief Justice
Harry Olson.
Room 010, City Hrll.
Associate Judges
Cavorly, John R.
Trude, Daniel P.
Dolan, Harry P.
Flshor, Harry M.
Cook, W. M.
Fry, Shorldau E.
Gommlll, William N.
Graham, Frank II.
Heap, Arnold.
Swanson, J. A.
'Jarockl, Edmund K.
Ln Duy, Joseph S.
Richardson, John.
Newcomer, John R-
Prlndlvlllo, John K.
Rafforty, Josoph P.
Stowart, Hugh R.
Doylo, Loo J.
Rarassn, Bernard P.
Hass, J. F.
Sullivan, Dennis W.
Hayes, Howard.
Stolk, John.
Trudo, Snmuol H.
McKinloy, Charles.
Williams, Charles A,
Wells, Hosca W.
J. Kent Green, Legal Assistant.
Roy E. Mlllor, Chlof Clerk.
At large Wllllam E. Mason, Rep.
Richard Yates, Rep.
1 Martln B. Madden, Rep.
2 Jamcs R. Mann, Rep.
3 William W. Wilson, Rep.
t John W. Rnlney, Dem.
5 Adolph J. Snbath, Dem.
6 James McAndrews, Dem.
7 Nlels Juul, Rep.
8 Thomas Gallagher, Dem
9 Fred A. Britten, Rep.
10 Carl R. Chlndblom, Rep.
11 lra C. Copley, Rep.
12 Charles E. Fuller, Rep.
13 'John C. McKenzle, Rep.
1-1 Willlnm J. Graham, Rep.
15 Edwnrd J. King, Rep.
10 Cllfford Ireland, Rep.
17 Frank L. Smith, Rep.
18 Joseph G. Cannon, Rep.
19 Wllllam B. McKlnley, Rep.
20 Henry T. Ralney, Dem.
21 Loren E. Wheeler, Rep.
22 Wllllam A. Rodenberg, Rep.
23 Martln D. Foster, Dem.
2-1 Thoma8 S. Williams, Rep.
25 Edward E, Denlson, Rep.
Indicates re-elected,
Successful Leader at the
Directory of the Federal Build
ing, Clark and Adams Streets.
Custom IIoumi Csutu ulng, fourth
floor; collector, Rlen MVelll; spe
cial doputy collector "a , Ford;
naval olllccr, Wllll.n otu; npcclnl
doputy naal olllcor, Edgar C. Haw
ley. Colloctor of Internal Rcvonuc
East wing, fourth floor; collector,
Julius V. Smlotnnkn; chief deputy,
D. J. Mahany; cashier, Frederick W.
Postmaster William B. Cnrlllo.
United Stntcs Marshal Rooms SOI
and SOG; marshal, John J. Drudloy;
chief doputy, Josoph F. Rjan.
United States Secret Scnlco
Room 8S1; Thomas I. Porter, chief
United States Subtrcasury First
floor, northwest, soctlon; assistant
treasurer, Robert I. Hunt; cashier,
Frank C. Russell.
Weather Bureau Fourteenth floor;
profosaor In charge, Honry J. Cox.
Buroau of Commorco Room G29;
commercial agent, Dr. W. C. Hunt
ington; radio Inspector, J. F. Dillon.
Coast Gunrd Sorvlco Room 600;
Inspector, Cnpt. F. J. Hanko.
Marino Hospital Clarendon nnd
Gracolond nvonuos; surgoon In com
mand, Dr. J. O. Cobb.
PostolHco Inspector Room 330;
James E. Stuart In charge.
Rnllwny Mall Son Ice Third floor,
north wing; Capt. E. L. Wost, super
intendent. Unltod States District Attornoy
Room S2G; Charles F. Clyno; chlot
clork, William A. Small.
Unltod Stntoi Enginoors Room
60S; olllccr ln chargo, Llout.-Col. W.
B. Judson, corps of enginoors, U. S.
IIdrogrnphlc Ofllco Room B2S;
Limit. A. M. Stcckcl In charge.
Immigration Bureau Nowbeiry
building, Eldrcdgo court nnd Wabash
avenuo; Inspoctor ln chargo, Dr. P
L. Prentls.
Inspectors of Steam Vosscls Room
620; inspoctor of hulls, Gustav E. At
kinson; Inspector of bollors, William
Appraiser's Olllco Harrison nnd
Rhormnn streets; nppralsor, W E
I ,rt,
Former United States Senator With
quently Mentioned to
W -i
' I'M i
JW 'YiJ'.iBiV'K
) VHiWSMimU. . . .
t wiMmiv '.
Bar and Brilliant Orator.
Small Parks and Playgrounds.
Spoclnl Park Commission (appoint
ed by tho mayor) Aldermon Eugona
II. Block (chairman), John J. Cough
lln, Oscar Do Priest, Edward F. Cul
lcrton, Joseph II. Smith, Ilorman E.
Gmult, Frank J. Link, Max Adnmow
ski, John Hrubcc.
Secretary Wnltor Wright.
Superintendent of Parks and City
Forests .1. II. Pro3t.
Superintendent of Playgrounds and
Bathing Beaches Thoo. A. Gross.
Ofllco of Commission 1004 city
Lincoln Park Board.
President rraucls T. Simmons.
Vlcc-prosldcnt John II. Hardin.
Auditor Andrew I nnqulst.
Tioasuror Frederick II. Rawson.
Secrotan and Superintendent
John C. Cannon.
Suporlntondont of Employment
Herman E. Gnadt.
Attornoy Robort R. Baldwin.
Members Francis T. Simmons,
Andrew Lnnuulst, John II. Hnrdln,
William Wrlglov, Jr.. Albert W.
Goodrich, Samuel M I'olton nnd Ber
tram M. Winston.
West Chicago Park Board.
President John F. Smulskl.
Socrotary Samuol Shapiro.
Treasurer William Ganschow.
Auditor Richard J. Powers.
Suporlntondont A C. Shrndor.
Superintendent of Employment
Fred G. Houchllng.
Confidential Clerk John A. Polka.
Attorney Robert E. Goutzol.
Assistant Attornoy Wm. W. Smith.
Mombors John F. Smulskl, Sam
uel Slmplio. William Ganschow, Rich
aid J. l'owors, William F. Grower,
Jons C Hansen nnd John I, Bngdzl
unns. South Park Board.
Presldont, John Dai ton Pajne.
Vlco preitdcnt, Charles L. Hutch
inson. Auditor. Albert Mohr.
Ticasuror, William A. Tlldon,
Secretary, John F. Noll.
Attornoy, Roy O. Wost.
General superintendent, J. F. ros
ter. Suporlntondont of Employment, Col.
II. C. Cnrbnugh.
Members: John Barton Pnyno,
Chnrlcs I.. Hutchinson, John Bain,
L. B Pattei son and Albert Mobr.
x"?r .
fS .
i: MKH - ..k W.
' Lta 5..
W "S:
a Distinguished Record Who Is Fre-
Sue ceed Senator Sherman.
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