OCR Interpretation

Richmond planet. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1883-1938, September 29, 1900, Image 1

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RiCHatoKD. Va .Stpf. 24th, 1900
Editor of thu 1'lamt,
r-ince the Nationa Baptist Conven?
tion haa met in our eity and mad<-> a re?
eord bei efioial aa touch ing the urea*.
Baptist denomination. in the di.-ecti:m
offoati-ring peace and happinem be?
tween the luo racea in thia Southland
no tc miersation could be more aatis
rj to me at.d to the good people of
Rioh-no d
I wi*h however, to teni'tr my sin
Oere thack. to all the good frienda.
both white ard eolored of .-?urei-y for
the gereroos and hospitable way in
whieh they iabored to m.ke tbe stay
0f the viaiting brethren a happy one.
Ihe delegates were perfeutly aatia
fled with th**ir entertainment and ao
expresaed tbemaelvee by reaolu'iona
Notwithatandmg itv-aa the largei-t
deleaation in the historf of tbe oon?
vention, yet I am pleaaed to tell ju
w*e had acoommodation fer 200 more
delegatea than wereoreeent. In many
inatare*8 frienda cooaplained becauae
no delegatea atnppvd at their homea.
Already a movement haa been start?
ed (or the making up a ? at lor car oarty
to attend our National gathering next
year in Circinnati.
Once mora thankin** the good frienda
Of Riohmond for their asuatance,
I remain
Youra reapeotfully,
W. F. Grabam.
Hundreds Greet Py thi ana?Congratu
lationa All Around.
The grand openiog of the Pythian
Oaatle Hall and Oilanthe Oourt cham?
ber at 511 N. 8rd 6t. laat Monday waa
a vreat aueoeaa.
The building waa packed with a m*?e
of strugRliog nuaaaoity, anxioua to ob
aerve the eeremoniea whieh were tak?
ing plaoe
At 9 o'olook Major E. A. Waahinjrton
Maater of ceremonies proceeded with
tbe program. The aoripturea were read
by Kev. J. Andrew Bowler, Rev. Jamea
H. Huimaa delivered a moat ferveut
prayer after whieh a moat excellent
and appropriate addreaa of welcome
waa delivered by Rev. D W. Davia
Grand Chancellor John Mitehell, Jr.
then apoke.
He delivered the deed to the propar
tj whioh hsd been tranaferred to tbe
Pythian Calantge Induatrial Asaoeia?
tion of Virginia.
Rev. W. F. Graham. D. D.. prayed
for the proaperity of the work and ben*
ediction was announced by Rev. A. 8
Thoae preaent then inseected the
spaoioua building whieh bad bean dec?
orated with buating the colora of the
order and alao with palms and feraa
furnished by Floriit Robert IS. Forres
In the basement supper waa being
served aa faat as ths ladies eeuld as
commodate tbe gueat*.
On .he aeeond or parlor flaor all was
pleasure and mirth, while on the third
floor where will be the offloe of tbe
Grand Lodge of Virginia, Knighta of
Pythiaa. N., A.,8. A, E., A., A. and A.
from the lodge rooms fl jwed the sweet
strains upon.the air.
On the 4th floor will be the children'a
di-partinent under the management of
Worthy mother, Anna Taylor.
Rev. W. H. White waa alao among
the visitors.
The bazaar has been continued dur?
ing this week and will eontinue next
Quite a sensation waa ereated in tbis
eity by the news that Mrs. M. A
Browne, widow of the late Rev. W. W.
Browne, who was Grand Worthy Mas?
ter and Fonnder of the Graad Foun
tain, I'nited Order of True Reformera,
had been joined in wedloek with Mr.
William Smith, of Norfolk, .Monday
evening, Sept. 24th.
Biahop L. J. Goppin performed the
ceremony at the paraooage of the St.
John'a A. M. E. Chureh.
The bride reaided in this eity at 105
W. Jackson St. Shewaasole legatee
of the estate of the late ;Rev, Browne.
Y. M. 0. A. NOTES.
Time ia near at hand for all to take
an aetive part in the work. The many
attraetiona for theaeason will db wel
eomed. You are invited to be a com?
mittee for thia coming season. Help
ns to make the work a aueoesa. Watoh
for tbe opening of the several elasses.
Tbe storm did not hiodor the men
from taking an aetive part in the work
laat Sundav.
The meetinga in the Jail. almahouae,
and upon the corners of the streets
wera good.
General Seeretary 8. 0. Burrell ad?
dressed the boys last Sunday.
Tbe address to the men last Sunday
by Bto. W. S. Morgan waa aco<-pted by
all and waa eouoted to be very timely.
Remarka by oar former General See*
retary, Kev. J. Milton Waldron were
veryteneouraging and will ever be re
Meetinga Sunday Sept 28rd, 1900,?
Alma-Houae II a. m. and 3 a. m., Oity
Jail 11 a. m.
Pres. Clifton Cabel will address the
bevs at 4 p. m,
Rev. J. Milton Waldron wiil address
tht men at 6,80 p, m. Erery maa il
requeated to bi a oommittee for thia
meeting Invite the uext man.
The nighi achool will open Monday
Oo . lf>t 8 p m
The fl?-at of.the aeaaon at th*. Sixth
Mt. Zion Baptiat Churth leeture* hy i
Kev. I>. W. Davia i. m.( Mjnday Oet '
5"h. 8 p. m. SpF0ial mmic by th*
young choir of rh? Mx h M: Zi n Bnp
ahrt Church Sunday Sohoil. Deacon
W W W-OSt, Sr will introduee Uev.
Davis. Ticketa IB <? a
Amblia Co , Sept. 9th. 1900.
The seeond Sundav waa a gr*at day
for Ci*ntre Baptiat Chureh. The new
snd ommodio ? edifl ^recently er.et
ed to tfce wo. ship of God being opened
on ihe above date snd u*ed for the
ii.sttime. the ocoaaion b-ing our an?
nual revival meeting which waa begun
and eontinued through the week, each
day and night of the week. Tha gath?
ering --*a8 large and interestiog eaeh
day of the meeting, and there were
many anxious enqnirers about their
aoula aaivatiun. Waen the meeting
closed on Friday night there wtre eight
o nverta, and manj still irquiring the
way We will not forget to speak of
our efficient and beloved pastor, K jv.
L. E. Miller who eonduo'ed the meet?
ing. Truly he has been to Canasn and
learned the secret of the Lord. Io
opening revival, the Reverend ehoae
aa a aubjeot, ' Separation Unto God,"
2nd C.r. 6, 17 18; "Wherefore oome
out from among them, and be ye sep
arate saith the Lord, and touch not the
une'ean thirg; and I will reoeive you.
and be a fathsr unto you. and ye shall
be my tona snd daughtei s," atith Qjd
Almighty, Rev. Mil.e-i was st his best
snd swayed his audience st will bring
ing out thiegs both old and new to the
edifleationof all who heard him. Io
speaking of the new building Rev. Mil?
ler several times eulogised the untir
ing, eagle eyed, snd efficient deacon,
George W. Pitehford as a model dea?
con to whom is due mueh of the sue
oesa of the new building. and proapari
ty of the new ohurch. Deacon Piteh?
ford aeema to realiae that C nter haa
an up-to-date pastor and aota aocord
The members of the ehuieh seem to
be very muoh enoouraged in the work,
ard proud of the new churoh although
net flnished.
The aeoood Sunday in OJt. being the
14th it wiilbe our baptiaing.
Miaa OmsuA Jackson, Clerk,
Rsv. L K. Millkk, Psstor.
News reached us this morning thst
Rev. and Mrs. T W. Csin. formerly of
Riehmond, were drowned in ths reoent
oyolece st Qslveston, Texaa
After more than two months of hot
snd dry westher we were made glad on
Saturday 16th inst by s good rsin.
While the daya are still warm the
evenings are getting plesasnt.
We hope m future to note aome of
the doinga of our people ia the eitiea
by the sea Ioimembarahip snd finsn
eial worth the D. O. T. R. and tbe
"old reliable" R. B. L Co. still lead.
Goldsn Seal Lodge, Knighta of Py
thiss inatsllsd the following c ffieers on
Aug, 28.h: Sirs Jamea Love 0. 0. r H
M. Middleton, V. C.; Nat Harria. Pre
lste; E. M. Osnsdsy, M. of Ex ; W A.
Raisey. K of R. and 8.; F. E. Pur
yesr. M. of F.; 0. Ohsmberlain, M. of
A. ; J F. Free man, M. of W.
Why 1 the National Baptist Oonven?
tion whioh met in Riohmond laat week
refused to let Mics Lillian Olaiton Jew
ett address that body and put itaelf on
reeord againat lynehing innooent Ne?
groes in the South, as on two former
oecssions is the talk of the town.
When in need of s hair eut or shave
call on Mr a. J. Wiggins, our leading
tontonal artist, Queen St. He is affa
ble and polite.
.o?4?' **' ___! Morrow bss removed to
184 James 8t. His tonssrisl psrlor is
nioely fltted up and he will be glad to
serve his many friends.
When you are going to build a nice
house call on M. A Rainey, 24 Suffolk
St. He is one of our lesding eontrsct
Don't forget our old Jriand, C. N.
Pepper, Bank Su Artistie arawing s
Go to see Mr. James Pugh, 137 James
Bt. when you want something good to
. P .?'* [or*et Mr- 8*ndJ M*?ler st Ho?
tel Vendome, Queen St. No one will
treat you better.
For ehoice groeeries oall on Mr. Ed
Ourry, 886 Brewsr St.
Mr. snd Mra E. M. Csnsdy, of 185
Queen St., were the reeipients on Sept.
6ch of abouneing beby boy. Both are
doing nioely.
Ths city publio sohoois opened tbts
*?*?* ODlJ 18 par oent of the coloren
ehildren attend schooL We sre beg
ging Ineresssd sooommodstlon.
E. Brucei Osnsdsy ls the sgsnt of the
r-i-ABBT. Go to sse him, subsoribe snd
resd the lesding race journal in the
LOST?Sanday evsning, Sept. 22rd
atEbanessr Baptiat Churoh, a large
hsnd embroidered handkerehief. Find
or will plsasa return to 24 E. Baker St.
Plsnets oan be purehssed at No. 1214
WyleyAvo. st Mr. Nelson Csalmsu's
? roiUexant, PitHburg, ?a. vwm*mmu m
Richmond, ^ep*. 22nd, 1900.
'rhin ia to eertify that l have r<-ceiv
ed from John Miioe ., Jr , Grand Wor
thyC un*-ellor of (.??__mi Oourt of Va
One Hundred D.llar*. ifMH)) in pay?
ment of death ciaim of my mother
MrS. -?arah UeeOen, w*_o was a mem
lit*r <>f 3jlvia'.tCourt, Ind"pendem 0
d.*r .,t Jalaoth", N A. S.,4.. E.,A,. A..
and A.
ned: M.arv Vaughan.
Witnesses: Heste<-L. Williama,
Marietta L. t?hilt>t,
N. Beran^tuia Norr.ll.
Wbbks, Va., Seet. 15, 19<n>.
Praf J. H Blaekwell,
t^t-cretary and Manager of the Be
nevoient lnvee*ment and Relief Atao
eiation of Virginia;
Dear Hir:?Pleaae accept my thanka
for the very prompt and liberal aetili
ment of the siok and death eiaima of
my daughter Bertha L. Henderson
.through your manager here. Mr. M.
.1 Edward*) amounting to $ 6.18, after
3 months memberahip in ?< ur Asso?
eiation. I alao take great pleasure nt
rt-commending your Aaaociation to tbe
general pubiic.
I sm thank'ully yours,
Albxanobb x Henobbson.
Weems. Va., Lancaater Co.
-Mri-. MftAy Rusaell. of 810 N lat
atreet has* re>nrr.*d from Narragao
*?? 1'ier t f ttr h-?v.'-:K a pcatant time.
-Mr. *V. fjary Trueheart haa re
?'ir' -^d h >m** frutn OU Sweet Bpringa
w*? Va., after a atay of ihr6e montha.
-h:rs L Sratgeard Mre. O. B
T^ee who havo b**en viaiting Mra O. H
Lewi*. rtturued to Hmtou. W. V., Sat?
??The marriage of Miaa Lillie J.
il^akiue of thia eity, to Mr. J
ti nry (lf Waar'Vit-v n D. C.. took place
-*?*pt. 10:h, lbOO. fl,*-ir future boine
wiil be in tht* uaydtal oity.
-Mr*.^ WUaon left the ci*y laat
week fo. Frtderiok-tiurg, Gurdonaviiie
vVeahingTun and Boston wbv.ce ahe w.ll
vibit raiatives.
Mr and Mra William M. Miller have
returned to tbe city from Atlantic
Oitf.at. J.
-Mrs. D. B. Peyton and Mra. J C.
Walker of Chioago, 111. ealled on ua
-Mrs. Grauviile Hat-her of Cleve?
land, Ohio, left yeaterday after a very
pleaaant stay witb Mrs W. H Hateber
nf Manoheater and Mrs. Randolph and
Fleming of Richmond.
Rev. L. C. Garland of Williamsport,
Pa. who waa injor*d on a atreet-oar
during the eesniim of the National Bap?
tiat Gonventiou is as yet iodiapoaed.
HelenS, Ark.
One ot ths striking flgures of the Na?
tional Baptist Convention was R-_r. A.
H. Miller of Helena, Arkansas. His
resolution sfor the appointment of a
General Superintendent was the sub
Jeot of mueh comment. He desired
iim to have eharge of the examining
departments of the Convention.
Danville, Vs., Oetober lst to 6th, 1900.
On account of the above oeeasion the
Southern railway will sell tioket* from
sll tioket ststions on its lines in Vir?
ginia sud North Carolina to Danville,
Vs. snd return st one fare for ihe
round trip. Tiekats on sale Sept 29ch
to Ost. 6th, with re urn limit Oot 8th.
A very low rate will apply for military
companiea snd bands tn uniferms. flt
teen or more on one ticket, seiling
dstes snd limite same aa sbove.
O. W. Wbstbdby, T. P. A.
Nbwpobt, R. 1.. Sept. 28, 1900.
Rev. E, Riehsrdaon, pastor of Mt.
Olivet Baptist Ohuroh preaohed sll
dsy 8uoday.
Rev. H. N. Jeter hss arrived home.
Several of the N.w Oiift Hotel boya
will lesve for their home, Richmond,
Va., this week.
The Mt. Olivet will hold three days
of fast and prsyer.
Mrs. Jsmes Pryor, of Boston. who
spent tke summer here, the guest of
Mrs. Bailey, on Pond avenue. hss re?
turned home.
Mra A. Kimbsll of Philadelphia is
the guest ot Mrs. snd Miss L. W. Blaok
som, Cannon St.
The residenee of Mr. and Mra A.
Perry, 44 Gould street, was brillisntly
lighted up on Tuesdsy, Sept. 18th; the
oeeasion being tbe ooiebrstion of tbeir
daughter's, Miss Ella Louise Perry,
sixteenth birthdsy, ia honor of her
friend, Miss Cather.ne Brown of Bos?
ton, Masa Ths evening wss spent in
gsmss snd smusements. About 11:8o
o'clook supper was snnounoed.
The dining room wss decorsted
with flowers snd the tsble wss laden
ed with everything thst hesrt eould
Among the distinguished guests
were Mrs. Edwsrd Mason of Bellview,
N. J., Misses Mary Jaekson, Amsnda
Perry. the two Missas Williama ktiss
Amedia Ssspsrtsn, Miss Hurley. Miss
Grsysou, Miss Ford, Miss Thompson;
Mr. Addison, Mr. Phillips, Mr. D.
Clssk, Mr. Wsds Hoimes, Mr. J. Baek
with. Mr. P. Love, J?r__ Spottwvod
aad J. M, Lewis,
-Mrs. Eliz* J. Barbour has return?
ed home from Hot Spring*. Va. mueh
?mnroved in health aod looking well
8he will he srlad to aee her many
friends at 1820 Moore St.,
Green aboro, N. C, October 9 13, 1900.
On account of the above the South?
ern Railway wil) sell ticketa to Qreena
boro, N O and return. from all pointa
within the state of North Carolina. al?
ao from Lynehburg, Riehmond, Nor?
folk, and intermediate pointa in tha
state of Virginia at one flrst-olasa fare,
plua flfty eenta including one atdmia?
aion fee to the Fair grounds, for the
round trip.
'ieketa on aale Oet. 8. 9, 10, and lt.
ard from all pointa within a radiua of
aevanty flve (75) -niles, for early morn?
ing traina of O *t 12th. with flnal limit
returning on all ticketa October 15th.
C W Wa*TBcav, T. P. A.
Gooohland Letter? Items of Interest.
The First Baptist Mission on White
Hall road at Loou.t Grove held their
firat Annual aerviee on the flrst Sun?
day in September, a very large congre?
gation waa preaent. Rtv. H. Powell
preaehed the sermon. Rev. John R.
West leader and his good people had
planned for a grand rally, they raised
about $85 00 and paid off the indebted
nesi. The neat building is now free
from debt. All aooomplished witbin
12 month-*. Mrs. West and her friends
preaented the mission with a good
elear ringing bell. Mra. Weat, Mr.
iThos.L. Edmond and their friends
proved worthy of mueh praise ?or the
aerviee they rendered in aiding the
Mr. Edmond a lunehed over a hun?
dred peraona at his handsome resi?
denee Windsor Oastle to whieh he haa
added four large rooms richly papered
aad taatily furnished. Mr. Edmond a
ia preparing "to entertain bis gueat at
all timea in royal atyla.
Rev John R. West, Leader, Deaeons
Dandndge Hopklns. Samuel Hopkins.
Logao Randolph, Osear BUis, Thomaa
Hopkins Finance oommittee. The mis
aion voted all praise for their suaeess
f ol management of affaira, alao to white
friends snd tha people in general for
their aid and aupport. and the Rioh?
mond Plabbt for publioaaion.
i Deaeon Moaes Q. Lewia. waa eleoted
I elerk of 5th ohuroh by an overwhel
miof majority. flc ig fullj trtrnpeteofi
snd will di ubtless make a model elerk.
Hedces not profOBB %0 be s Greek
or Latin acholar.
We are glad to note many homes
were s< eured for the Nationa. Bap iat
Couvent'on and muoh more eould have
been done had pa-. >ra and people
worked ic harmony V.U h ni.tr to Rev.
Graham's manly ooorams in the faoe of
hypoeritic-l frinnda within the linen
Ii ? akee real true friendly aetion ?nd
n | I u . boasting to prove you are a
tru fnend.
rnnr.' were h >t ine< in the citv dur?
ing convention *eek for aome of our
ei'y paator? hut t-pecially bo fi>r a ime
of tho West enders. ?ett?r watch and
Moat tx ellent servic a'- Riv r view
Baptibt Chureh on last, 4th Mir.day
Ali waa 1 appy.
. J .x.
Mt nday ths 19.h was ard letter day
with the VWhT Knd Club and Oity Gun
Ciuba Their oloaing exereiaea for the
seaaon took plaee at ttinddale Park.
Tray, olay pigeona and ther inno?
eent aport waa the order of the day.
Beat of order prevaiied, and the
markamanahip waa aome of the most
brilliant on reeord. A large percen
tage of thoae partioipated made ao av?
erage of about 90 per eent in s totsl of
10060 ahots. Each olub fully defen.
ed.th.eir reputat.o aaaoientiflo marka
men. While the city elub bore off the
largeet number and a ?me very valua?
ble prisss, and sre hsppy, the west and
bore sway the ailver eup aa their tro
pry snd eaeh partieipant took a prise.
rilaektmith ia jubiiant over the hon.
ora he achieved for hia eluo. While
the Bragg brothers and the market
men will hold their own as-ainst the
fleld for all oomera.
Two live pigeona eacaped making a
bee line for Seven Pines iddicating by
th-ir movementa that a hot time waa
st Winddaie
Thursday night, 20th union of the
two elubs took plaoe at Bragg Broa.
818 and 320 N 7tb bt. Thf SjUapicoua
oeoaaion waa on- of the aooia. erenta
af the seaaon ai d was enjiyed by all
members and guests. Dr. A. W. G.
Farrar made a happy speech preaent
ing President G. W. Bragg with a
handsome silver headei csn*. from the
olub the giftof Mr. O. H. Beray. the
elothier. The reaponae by the Prati
dent waa happy and pointed.
Referee Randolpb waa presented
with s purse for faithful servioe. Hia
reply was logioal and full of humor.
After happy and humoroua epeeohea
by Dr. Farrar. Captain W. H Carter
snd Mr Jsmes Forrester they were
elected honorary members of the City
Gun Olub, Happy speechea by otn r
members and friends. Mr. N. J. Lew?
is was fully equal to the occaaion in
reoreaenting the Weat End Gun Club,
he was erowned with a riae hat.
Members of both eluba have a juat
eauae tob* proud of their reeord and
worthineea, anl our oity will ahow in
the future they are proud ef them.
Tbe eluba Vuted their hearty thanka
to al! the offioers, snd the following
flrj_ts for cjnrributions as prises in the
conteat and union: Meiara A, Myars
snd Broa.,0. G, Jargeca Son, A. F.
Sohultss and Oo., Ceaae Broa, O. W
Vaughn, Hstcher, Oneaty. Bonnie M.
Qreentree. May Broa, J Stoke, Tignor
S ms, E. R. Reevea snd Co., Simon
Syole, Jaeob Levy, Perry Bros . A. E
Scrsus. Charlea Onesty, Oalloway, Fern
dian Broa, Frank Bonaldi, Burk and
Co., Harris Flippin Oo.. Huloher, Au?
gust Grocery Oo., J. J. Bankin, Wm.
Taylor, ___.. Woods snd others.
The olub's purpose is to be . qual to
the bes?. fn the oity or state as seienif.
ie msrksmsn snd true paternsl friend?
To both we ssy hold the fort.
?? Be-thover. Assoeiation will meet
next Wednesday evening.
GARNETT-Died, the only son ef
Charles and Elisabeth Gamett. st
1:30 a na-. Monday morning S pt. 9th
1900 st Philadelphia after an illness of
nine montha The deeeased wss s de
vsted sen snd brother. Besides his pa?
rents he lesves four de voted sistera,
Mrs. Agnes Weeden. Mrs. Mary Good?
man, Mrs. Luoy E. Johnson snd Mrs.
Eliza M. Brown The funeral took
plaoe from the reaidenoe of his sister,
Mrs. Elits Brown, Thursday evening,
Sept. 18th.
Desrest brotker, thou hss left us.
We thy loss most deeply feel;
Bat 'tis God who hss bereft us,
He will sll our sorrows hesl.
BRIG6S?Died st her lste residenoe
104 W. Jaekaon St., Sept llth, at 6 p.
as., Mrs. Ssrsh Burrell Briggs, ths be?
loved dsughter of Mrs. Colists J. Bur?
rell. The burisl ssrvises were oon
duotedby Bev. Wm. White, assisted
by Bev. Wells, the pastor. snd Rev.
Dixon of Brooklyn, N. Y., st the Eben
eser Baptiat Churoh of whioh she wss
s devoted member for eleven years.
Throngh her iong and severe suffer?
ing the Lord wss still her hiding
Har last words were: "Hoist.'the our
tsins, Jeaus is hore."
'With all oar soul, O Lord, we give
Tne ehild thy love hss snstohed
On earth we would oot hsve her live,
With us w? would aot hava hor stay.
'" ^' Btr devoted mathor aod sister.
Nbw Yobk, N. Y., Sept. 27th. 1900.
The bcaulifu' reaider re o? *dr and
M-e. Jimaoo 233 W. 61a* **, preaent?
ed a moat q-iiet and p.i-tty saene.
Thuradi.yaft.rnon >-*pr I3.h wh?-n
Mr*. r-tusie A Wingfl*M. widow o* thi
late rh>maa A. Wr ,-hVld, Jr , a&1 M-.
Eas x Mc ollnugn of Murfreecbo-ou*-"
Tenn., w?r? united la ho(y matri-nony
by the R v. Gtorge Symea. A-nor-g
thoae prn?-mt were Mra. William H.
Witr, ot Ri-hmond. Va.. Mrs. J*.me->
Preaton avtflc . f Richmond, and Mra.
Mattia Jimmeraon.
Misa *?*ary Milan and *lr. Mi ..n
ing. both of Fichmond, Va. we .ur
rit-d in balttrnore, Mu., on the 20,h nt
?*.*?pt R*v. Norris. paator of the t. M
E. Chureh married them a\ his resi
?1er?o-?. Their future re-udence ia at
Letenhall St.. Baltimore.
The marriage of Miaa lrene Goodvryn
formerly or Riohmond. va., but now ot
Philaia-lphia, to Mr Frank Brown of
Oamden, N. J. took place io Atlanti-*
Oity, Thuraday evening, Sept. 5th, at
9 o'eloek. They were married by El?
der Fiteh of the A. M E Chu-oh.
They eame to Philadelphia Friday to
apend three weeka, after whieh they
wiil reside in Camden. N. J., the home
of the groom.
The marriage of Miaa Nannie J. Bria
by tu Mr. Chas. N. Jackson will 'tak*
place at the residenee of tbe bride'a
parenta 729 N 17th 8*.. Tueaday O -t.
8th at 8 o'oclock p. M. Frienda and ao
quaintanoea are invited. No earda
Programme For Next Week.
The Grand Open ing Basaar w:<' be
oou:i:*u**d aa 511 N. 3rd o*. next '-"-*!**.
On Monday night the member* of
the Courta or CaUuthe will be oat
Short audroaaaa will be delivw-d.
A phonographie conoert will b*? one
of the featurea. Miaae* E?a Davis and
Gertrude Baoohus will render aeleo
On Tuesday night the usual program
will be earried out
On Wadneaday night all tnemb r* of
the Pythian Lodgea in Riohmond will
be preaent. Short addreaaea will be
made and theae will be interaparaed
witb a phoncgrapbie <*oao*-irt.
Tnuraday evening 5d m. th?re will
be a baby abow. At night the u*ual
Friday night Japanese drill and an
nounoement of pnze winner*.
Admisaioa, 10 cents.
The Gans-R-tdy Oompany's New Store
An intereatiog Eatablishment.
The Gana Rady Company'a palaMal
eatablishment haa been thrown open to
the publie.
IU loeation, 1006 E. Main Street, ia
about the beat whioh oould have been
The building has been thorenghly
renovated. The front haa been painted
aod ihe unlque glaas window and in
viting opaning attraott the atrangere
as well aa tbe home vfsitors.
Mr. bans was for many yeara
manager of Sak'a Corner and Mr, Rady
oeoupied a reaponaible poaition hardly
aeeend in impotanoe with Mesars aX H.
Berry and Oo.
The eoxbination now insuren yon
your meney'a worth and is a g*uaianfcee
that nothing but the most Serviuoa.'ule
gooda wiil flnd a plaoe on their tablea.
The publie ia welcome aad tbe invi.
tation, if accepted will yield a saving"
in worry and diaaatisfactioo.
All gjoda are guaranteed, for what
thia flrm doesn't know about pleasing
our eity trade is not enough to merit
even a eonsideration.
Call and aee tbem.
-Mra. Annie Johnson of north 1st
Stieet is mueh improved.
Mrs. Roaa K. Jones has returned
home aftar traveling over the state in
interest of the ii. M. 0., Institute.
Mahaa a Dl?*
"Don't yau dai kiaa ma," ahe said,
"Why, I wasn't thinking of aueh a
thing," he aaid.
-Well, I waa," aha replied, flrmlj.-?
V*e?tlo* Beoaaaay.
"While I waa away. Klttry, you saved
eome houae money, of aourse *"'
"Yea, Harry, I aaved a iot ? bnt Ispaat
ft aU on tea *sw*mam*-*D*tx*l*, Free
***** a*t* sj*^.
,m ? aaT*sPs**psmaaTal
Hot tho taaaa.
Friand?Did Fartnne amile on j-e-af
Rejeeted Suitor?***Y?li, aha gay m*
tha laugh, lf that'a what you -ja-aj?
Syracuaa Harald.
ea-?*i*i b? Vse? D*ur.
Tha Ooldan Bnle Ie made to ba laid
ara tha elath af life. net W bs hua * on
tb* w*lb-**mrw Hora, . *
A *lf<_hniilral nmrnollntlor.
Prof. Laborda, of ths Aeadeaiy of
Msdiclne, Paris, ;iml M. .Mguste
Mouchel hsve deviaed a I i 1 a
for rastosiag persons in ? st ite oi
? .k drsv
!in<l thia i n
p ;i> lmp.
frict :<>
lmt. as tha aaw m ?
w d by ;u: electric motor sad nuitw
ertion, aad eaa saw re ths
aaaa] nsethods woald I
Vain. of the _lu?rntn?.
- .ain niair [j in '^e
sahoo -;
the s ths library, th.* <.ppcr
of travrl eoB moslj SOBBS too iate t
be of much real aaa. Here, as in some
oihrr r?**;j?t*<*ts. onr chilrren nre more
fortunaie, and are having not onlv a
bsttat time at s.hool now, but are ob?
tain ing a better preparation also. They
are going to the mua.ums, to th. city
and to the country; tbey are often
learning flrst to ob&erve keenly, to ra
member vividly, to interpret ebrewdlj
and to queation eagerly. to read 1 un
grily afterward. ? Inu*ruatio___al
Sliliy Tla.
Within th* last few years Engiish
people have discovered that the inte
rior of the Malay peninsula is full of
rich tin ore. The Chinese knew this
hundrada of years ago, and actually
made a road all the way down from
their own country, a distance of ovat
a thousand milea. Tbousands settledj
around the min.*s and worked them*
Suddenly war sprang up in t'le Isth
mua be_._-.id thom and tmt-__f thols
communications. But, not at all dis?
mayed, these emigrants made the best
of thinga wbvrs they wera, and to-day
there is a little aation of Chinese in ths
peninaula, in whosa hands is most o|
the commerce of tht country._X. Y,
Hlatorlc nts.-avr _-{<-?.
In addition to the diacovery of a
mummy of King Manepthah, tha
"Pharaoh of th_? exodua," there hava
b*en other remarkable discoveries this
?aason. M. Lagrani, while setting np
the fallen coluains of the temple,
came apaa a .ity gate, the first that
has b**-n found in Egypt. lt is of
freat heigrb*, ?nd is made of larga
loeka of squared limestone, and ia
double, having one gate within an
oth.r. Two chariota eould easily bbbj
through it abreaat. It was built hy
Aaianiiotep II., of tha eighteaatk
dynaatr-?Soientiflo Ameriean.
The Ohjecttoaable Word.
"I see it's got you," heartless.y re?
marked the seasoned traveler.
T__? groaned theseasick passenger,
"but I was feeling splendid until ths
captain spoke to me."
"Why, he simply asked you if yoa
were going below to dinner.**
*'No. He asked me if I waa going ba
low to mess."?Philadelphia Press.
The Beat \V*>.
Parke?-I wish I knew what l_in_ ot
W suit to get.
Lane?Why don't you do as I do??
take home a lot of aamples to your
"And what then?"
**Go and order something entirely
different from any of them."?Brook?
lyn Life.
He Mad* Her Tired.
"Henry," ahe aaid, "you don't knovt
what a aoothing influence yoa hava
ea me.**
"My darling," hs whispered, softly,
while s glad light csms into his eyea
"can it bsso?"
"Yes,- she aaid, "when you ara her_
I slwsys feel inclined to sleep."?Tl%*
Blt*. ,
-_ i I
Kor internal Ua* Omly.
Tlepsas Teddy?I aee a feUer wef
writes ia dia paper saya it's all right
ter us* intoxicatin* likker ex loag sa
yer don't abuse it?
Handoat Ii a rry?Dat'a wet I allua
said. Bnj all right ter drink it, bat 1
_oa't believe in bathim' in it.?N. X.
? ? i __*I
EstwblUhlns ?s Rtpatallaa.
"I suppose you told her that ahe waa
tke only girl you ever loved."
"Well, I should amy aot. Whst Mad
of a fool do you take me for, anyway 1
Do yoo suppose I wanted to ruin my
rcputattan for truth and veradty a(
the very euteet?***?Chlcago p??t.
*?-??? Beiaht Idea.
"Children," aaid the mother of tha
family,opening the door of the nurserjr
sm! looking :n> -*what are you doing t?
Puggy that BBakss him yelp ko?"
MBea*B bet-u astag tiie curling ton ga)
on his tail to make it curl tighter," ?__?
pkained Eqniee.?Ciadnnati Entjuirm
an - k

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