OCR Interpretation

The Abingdon Virginian. [volume] (Abingdon [Va.]) 1849-1883, October 03, 1862, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Gea.Bragg's Forces Reported at fiodg
» j
All Bnsiness Ordered to be Suspended in Lou- I
isville. — Great Excitement in Cincinnati. —
Gen. Bragg within Ten Miles of Louisville. I
— The Federal Force Regarded as Sufficient
to Defend the City. — Movements of our Ar
my.—From the North. — &c, &c, d-c.
- Mobile, Sept. 28.—A special dispatch to
the Advestiser and Register dated Senatobia,
- Sept. 27, says the Chicago Times of the 23*1,
fountains a dispatch from Louisville of thc22d
inst., which states that Gen. Bragg's forces,
fifty thousand strong, were reported at Hodg
insville en agate for Bardstown, which they
Vould reach at the same time.
The Mayor had ordered all business to be
fetisperided, Gen. Nelson also ordered all the
women and children to prepare to leave.
Gen. Robinson has issued a proclamation
falling the citizens to arms, under Nelson.—
The latter has issued an address to his
troops exhorting them to give a bloody wel
come to the hordes now intading Kentucky.
. Cincinnati dates of the 22d report the city
in a 1 blaze of excitement.
Gen. Bragg was doubtless within ten miles ■
of Louisville.
Gen. Buell had not reached Mnnfordsville.
His movements wore severely commented up
< Gen. Wright had just returned from Louis
ville. He regards- the Federal force there as
sufficient to defend the city, and credits the
report that Gen. Bragg will make a dash on
Louisville. The Secessionists are confident
that Bragg will break through the Federal
columns and take the city, and that he has
not less than fifty thousand troops.
Bragg holds Mulgrove's Hill. 2~> miles from
Louisville, and will .cheek Bnell's passage
in that direction or force him to take a cir
cuitous route, and delay him four days. In
the meantime Bragg ezpects to capture Louis
, The attack was expected to be made on
Wednespay last, but no intelligence had been
, . Gen. Ileth, with 15,000 men and 10* cannon,
is at Eagle Creek, nearCynthinana; Humphrey
Marshall, with 12 : 000 men and 45 cannon . is
moving from Paris, northward, and Kirby
Smith, with 10,000 men and 10 cannon is
moving north from Lexington. John Morgan,
with 2,500 cavalry, is''seouiing from Bridge's
Station to within'ten miles of the fortifica
It is believed that simultaneous with
Bragg's attack Upon Louisville Kirby Smith
with 40,000 men " aful over one hundred can
non will attack Cincinnati; Covington, and
. Washington dates to the 21st say that noth
ing official has Leen received to-day from the
army in Maryland. Private dispatches say
there is no doubt that on Thursday and Fri
day, the 18th and 19th. a l.v.ge portion of the
rebel army crossed into Virginia, and imme
diately commenced fortifying, with the view
to cover a retreat. Another authority says
that a considerable body of rebels yet remain
On the Maryland side, und are basv entrench
- —■ .—♦ »-.»
From the Rockinghan Register.
Another Ball's RIKtT Afiair.
The Yankees have again caught "Jackson."
Oil Saturday last two of their Brigades were
induced to cross the river at a point near
ShepherddtoWn, in pursuit of Jackson, and
whilst in the act of doing so, they met with
"masked batteries," vttiieh pretty nearly
wiped them out! Intelligent travellers from
Winchester represent the slaughter of the
poor, foolish Yankees as exceeding anvthinsr
that has occurred during the war. Grape and
canister were poured into the dense mass
Crovfded into the river, until th c water Was
reddened with the blood.of the slaughtered
It.seems that Jacksons "decoy" and most
tempting-ball at which they bit most eagerly
wasabattery of artillery, placed full in-theix
view. The force attached to this battery was
seen to be a small one, which, of course, in
creased the eagerness of the brave Yankees
to take it. On they came, "horse, foot and
to devour the hapless Confederates
who had charge of the battery, which they
felt sure was already theirs! But to ! and
behold, when the Confederates at the battery
.retreated, a new force appeared and new bat
teries began to play upon them. The result
was, thai but few of the two brigades of Yan
kee*, that had crossed the river ever returned
T again 1 .One account represents this force at
( abodt 10,000. ~ The slaughter was.awful.—
We got.no prisoners, because the terrific work
of our "masked arrangements" left us none
to take ! '
Our attentive friend, Lieut. A. B. Fisher,
Provost Marshal of Winchester, sends us the*
following brief account of this latest ■ Yan
kee victory!" ;
Winchester, Va., Sept. 22, '02. !
Friend Wartmann :— Gen. Jackson almost
annihilated two Yankee brigades on Saturday
last, at Shepherdstowu. The enemy was
Stonewall placecla battery of
artillery in view, and as two brigades crossed
to take it, (the battery,) Gen. J. ordered it to
tall back, when the enemy pursued and our
men cut m, and left but few to cross Mm river
again. It was a regular Ball's Bluff affair.
. Hastily, A. B. F.
Uoneral Beauregard, accompanied by his
Aids, and alse by Maj. Gen. Pemberton and
staff, arrived in Savannah Saturday afternoon
by a special train from Charleston. Col A
J. Gonzales, Chief of Artillery, is also of the
Bad as was the weather, the rain pouring
throughout the day, General B. was engaged
through the whole of yesteuday in inspecting
the defences of the oity, which we hope he
found fully up to his expectations.— Savan
nah Republican.
Negroes of Rebels to be set Free.—Great Ex
citement in Louisville.—Gens. Bragg's and
i Smith's Army divided.—Demand for the
Surrender of Louisville.—The Demand Re
fused.—Citizens Leaving for Indiana-
Heavy Loss at the Bat. Ie »f S'teph rdstown —
The Yankees Burying 10*000 a day Gens.
Hooker and Crauford wounded.—Kete York
Markets, dSs., d>c, &c.
Petersburg, Sept, 26.—Northern dates of
the 23d have been received.
Lincoln has issued a proclamation declaring
all the slaves of rebel masters to be free from
and after the Ist of January next.
There is tremendous excitement in Louis
Dispatches from Jeffersonville to the 22nd
say :
The rebel Gens. Bragg and Smith have di
vided their forces.
Smith is to hold Bnell, who is marching for
Lo-uisvill'v in check, while Bragg advances on
Brags summoned Nelson, who is in com
mand of the army for the defence of Louis
ville, to surrender.
Nelson refused, and has ordered all the wo- I
men and children to leave the cky at one I
boar's notice. " I
Thousands of citizens are crossing the river !
into Indiana. ° |
Bragg is some distance from the city, but
rapid \y advancing.
The Herald acknowledges a heavy loss near
Shepherdstown on Sunday, and says:
The rebels were dressed like Union soldiers,
and displayed flags of truce to induce the
Federals to cross the river.
Sumner's corps D'Armee lost five thousand
two hundred and three, at Shepherdstown, in
killed, wounded and missing.
;A correspondent writing from th»' battle-
Held on the 223 says:
The Federals arb still burying their dead at
the rate 10 000 per day, but expected to get
through that day.
Gen. Hooker was shot through the foot by
a rifle ball, and will not be able for duty for a
Gen. Crawford's wound is more serious than
Lieut. Col. Dwight, of the 2nd Mass., kill
Col. Hinks, of the 19th Mass., badly wound
ed. _ -
Gen. Richardson wounded in shoulder and
head, will die. •
General Dana was wounded badly in the
In the 38th Mass., Col. Wild lost an arm at
the shoulder.
Lieutenant Colonel, Adjutant and eight Cap
tains of the 38th Massachusetts were wound
A correspondent of the New York Times
says :
The slaughter was awful, particularly a
mong the officers. ■ «
New York, Sept. 22.
Exchange firm at 129}.
Gold 117 3 5.
Cotton 54 cents,
♦—♦—* .
Latest from Yaiikeedons.
Another Proclamation from IJiicdn.
Lincoln Serenaded.
Mumfordsville Re occupied by the Federals.
Nothing Later From the Army of the
,- — .
Contention of Governors.
NTew York Markets. &c, &c, &c.
Richmond, Sept. 28.
Northern dates of the 25th have been re
Lincoln has issued a proclamation declaring
that all aiders and abetters of the rebellion"
and all persons discouraging enlistments,
shall be subject to martial fawv and liable to
trial by court martial, without the benefit of
the writ of Habeas Corpus.
Lincoln was serenaded on Wednesday
night, and made a speech declaring that he
had issued hi s emancipation proclamation, af
ter very calm deliberation, and under a heavy
and solemn sense of responsibility.
Dispatches from Luisville, say :
The city is now considered safe.
BueH has arrived there with several bri
gades of his army.
_ The Federals have re occupied Munifords
There is no late news from the army of the
Potomac; matters there are very dull.
At the Convention of Governors—sixteen
present,—held at Altoona, Pa., on last Wed
nesday, they rejected a proposition for the re
moval of McClellan, and finally decided on
the approval of the President's proclamation,
and urging the more vigorous prosecution of
the war.
In New York on Wednesday, Exchange
Gold 119.
Cotton 57 cents.
• . . *«*
A private note to the editors of the "Ap
peal" from Little Rock, dated the 22nd ult..
says: "John Ross, and two-thirds of the
Cherokees have joined the Federals and are
making war upon-tis. We shall soon dispose
of them, and the four thousand Federals who
are with them, ~ • -
— ♦ ♦ » _
The Brooklyn, New York fourteenth regi
ment is reported by the Washington "Repub
lican as numbering only fifty now, "out of
about one thousand fine fellows," as the "Re
publican" calls them, "on entering the ser-
w 6 '* uf y ™ ere " used U P" mostly in the
late fights on Manassas Plains.
The Federals at Lexington, Mo., lately
burned up $175,000 wofth of Hemp, to keep
I the rebels from using it as breast works.
The Very Latest from the North.
All Quiet Along the Potomac
Louisville no Longer Threaten
The Truth Coming ontmbout the Sftcpherdstown
Geh. Lee at Failing Waters.
Los* in the Battle of Antcitam, &c., &c., &c.
[Special to Mobile Advertiser and Register-.]
/SENAToniA, Sept. 30.—The Memphis Bulle
tin, of the 23th, has been received. It says
there is nothing important from the North.—
All quiet along the lines of the Potomac.
Private dispatches received in Washington
represent matters dull 4 at McClellan's head
m A dispatch dated the 24th, says Louisville
is no longer threatened.y BnelFs division bad
amved there via" Salt, xiver. Bragg is con
centrating at BlooinfieTd;
The Tribune-'s Wvejpondent says Barnes'
brigade crossed the Potomac at Shepherds
town, on Saturday, but ho sooner had they
crossed than it'waS "sisoovered they were
hemmed in on three s,u\es by overwhelming
masses, who immediately opened a most ter
rific fire of musketry fr6in every part of their
line. General Barnes,)who commanded the
brigade, instantly ordered his men to fall
back across the river.dwhen a scene of the
wildest confusion and tfte most terrificslnugh- I
ter then occurred. The rebels pressed them i
closely, and shot our mien down by hundreds J
as they attempted to cross the river. Great
numbers were wounded, And not being able I
to contend with the t*pid current, were al- j
most immediately drowned.
The Chicago Times has received advices '
j from the Upper Potomac. Our troops had ''
made no forward movement, though active
operations will not .longrbe delayed.
General Lee's headquarters are at Falling
Waters. °
w The rebels nrcconcettrrating at Winchester,
which place is being fortified.
The Federal loss in the battle of Antietam
is officially stated at 0,220, while that of.the
Confederates is said 10,000.
A special dispatch frottf Washington to the
Chicago Times says th\ rumor that a draft
is about to be made 'rps ; foundation in fact
to the extent that lhe'"Presider;t has deter
mined, in case the country does not at once
rally under the in his emanci
pation proclamation,'th'djt he will enforce the
draft until our army reaches one million of
From Richmond.
The Advance of Gos£. in New York.
_ . . ~ Sept 29. ..
INo news has been received from any quar
ter to day. All quiet here.
The recent advance'■«*' Gold in New York,
was caused in part, according to the Herald's
account, by the sub-Treasurer at New York,
that the Government Wafld pay at the rate of
four per cent, per annubi on all Gold deposit
ed in the Treasury. Payable in kind at any
time on ton days notice.
■ .
BlcuMoxo, Sept. 29.
In New York on tlic.2sth speculative stock
advanced from three .to.] four, per cent, and
the amount sold unprecedented by large.
Gold advanced to afterward reeedin*
to 120. Exchange held %t 132.
The Herald says Wall street was frantic at
such inflation of prices, such a reckless
scramble for money, £»eh immense transac
tions in G.dd, many of tfsfcieh are unprecedent
ed. Wall street has not seen many such
Announcements for Judge,
J&gr" We arc requested to announce William
B. Astox Esqr., as a canxHtfate for Judge off bis
(17th) Circuit. Election Thursday 16th October.
1 $££*• We are requested to announce John W.
Johxstox Esq. as a candidate for Judge of this
(17th) Circuit.
I We .are also requested to announce Col.
! John A. Campbell of Abingdon as a candidate
■ for Judge of this Circuit.
. Oh the 12th of September, 1862, by Rev. L.
| F. Cosby, Mr. Napoleon B. ThckstOX, of
j Charleston, Kanawha, Va.,-and Miss S v.lie C
, BEAnMORE, of this place. r
£gg°* Lynchburg papers pliejase copy.
I OBlXtjifc|fe]ES.
I Died, in. the Hospital, afj' Charlottesville, on
the 11th Sept., Mr. John jA. Kestnob, of this
county, Capt. Gobble's company, 48th Regt. Va.
Vols., aged 34 years. Mr. £estnor was wound
ed in the arm at the battle- of Manassas. His
arm was subsequently amputated, and soon af
ter he died.
Died, 7th August, 1863? in camp near Gor
dcmsv/lle, Va : , Thomas Preston McDowell,
j youngest son of the late Gov* McDowell of Vir
The subject of this notice was, in the begin
ning of this war, a resident of Texas, and par
ticipated in the movements which resulted in
the expulsion of the Federal troops from that
State. But when Virginia, on the outposts as
she was, called on her sons to protect her soil,
sacred with the graves of their fathers from ptf
lntion by Northern hordes, be, with thousands
of others impelled by that love of State, which,
a vestal flame seems never extinguished in
the bosoms of her children, rushed to her rescue;
and ia his native county of Rockbridge, enroll
ed himself a privats in an artillery company,
(Capt, Licke.) Gallantly andwit hdistinguished
bravery did this do his duty in
the battles, which, under Major General J'aek
f£°' resulted in driving the invading armies from
the Valley of Virginia. The combined virtues
of gentleness, and that manliness composed of
chivalrous feeling and undaunted courage, se-
cured alike the devotion of his family, and the
love an! admiration of his comrades. If a
"heartfelt desire to be like Christ, and a child
of God makes us so, (for in a letter to his sis
ter, he said, "I hope the spirit of God is mov
ing upon my heart," while his knapsack con
tained evidences of much reading on the suhject
of religion,) then we claim for him the title of
"Christian soldier," a title, in our estimation,
far more exalted than that, so weH deserved,
and given his distinguisded father of Christie
Truly there is consolation for his bereaved
wife and sisters for this great sacrifice made on
their country's altar.— Richmond Enq. F.
Died, cf Camp Fever, at Flint Hill, Rappa
hannock county, on the night of the 17th Sept.,
Davis Aldebson, of the 87th Regt. Va. Vols
and eldest sou of Capt, Geo. W. Alderson. Anx
ious that his family shoul dhave a representative
m the army, this youth entered the service be
fore he was 17—was in several battles—once
wounded—and at all times acted the brave and
dutiful soldier. And more, from all we know,
we have good grounds to hope that he has ex
changed a world of sorrow and pain, for one
where the carnage of war is never known, but
where peace and joy reign evermore.
Call and Examine our Stock.
AT great trouble and expense, we have se
cured a good supply of Indigo, Copperas
and Extract of Logwood, Foolscap and Note Pa
per, and Envelopes;
Pens, Pencils, Ink and Wafers;
Shears, Scissors, Pocket and Pen Knives;
Pins and Needles, and a large stock of School
Books, Slates, Books, Slate Pencils, &c,
&c, '
Also "The Partizan Leader—a novel; and an
Apecalypre of the Origin and Struggles of the
Southern Confederacy."
"The Seven Day's Battles in front of Rich
"Cavalry Tactiec"—lllustrated.
The Maps of Virginia,- N. and S. Carolina,
Tennessee and Kentucky.
Besides a very extensive variety of almost
every thing in our line.
GEO. R. BARR & Co.
Abingdon, Oct. 3, 1802.
Strayed or Stolen,
Abingdon, on the night of the 24th
- mst, a coal-black medium sized horse, with
a wart over tho left eye—only mark remember
j cd. lie may have tried to make his way back
Ito near Jonesboro,' Term., where bought". Any
one fading said horse, will be amply rewarded
by bringing him to the undersigned at this office,
or notifying him of his whereabouts. Said horse
.had on bridle and saddle when he left,
B. F. WYLt, Capt. Co. E,
Oth Ga. Battalion Artillery. -
Oct. 3. 1802-5t l
\^/' HERE AS, a vacancy has occurred in the
T? Judiciary of this Commonwealth'by the
death of Samuel V. Fufkerson, late the Jußge
of the 17th Circuit, composed of the counties cf
Smyth, Tnscwell, Washington, Kussc-U. Sc&lt,
Lee, Wise, McDowell and Buchanan, therefore,'
in conformity to law, the Sheriff of each of said
counties is herchy required to hold an election
on Thursday, the loth of October next, at the
places prescribed by law, for a Judge for the said
Cirfcuit, to supply the vacancy aforesaid.
r 'Tg-V-i -) Given under my hand as Governor,
< L. S. > under the seal of the Commonwealth,
' —v —' J "at Richmond, this 13th day of Sep
tember, 18G2, and in the S7th year of the Com
monwealth. JOHN LETCHER.
By the Governor:
Gjbohgk W. Muxronn.
Scc'y of the Comm&nwcalth.
Sept. 19—3t.
VlßCii&'l A, Scott County ; to wit:
To the Clerk of the Court of saideov.nly
WE, James 0. Wood, Robert L. Williams and
E. 11. Qnißin, three freeholders of the
said county, that by virtue of a warrant to us
directed by Ezekiel K. Herren, a Justice of the
county, we have this day, on our oaths, ap
praised three hogs taken up by Nathaniel K.
Smith on his land as estrays, and assess the va
lue of the said estrays at thirty dollars. The
said hogs are black spotted', one a barrow, one a
spade sow, and one an open sow—two are mark
ed with a swaflow fork in each ear, and an un
derbit out of the right car, and one unmarked
J no brand—about two years old.
Given under our bauds this - 12th day of Sep
tember, 1862. J. O. WOOD,
A Copv.—Teste,
Sept. 26, 1862—4w '
I WILL give Ten Dollars each for the delive
ry to me at the Jail of Washington county,
of the following deserters of the 37th Regt. Va.
Vels., who have recently broke jail'and made
their escape, to wit ; William Harless, John
McCracken, Frank Wright and Henry H. Vestal,
the first of whom broke jbiil on the night' of the
22d August, and the last three on the night of
the 22d iast.
Harless is about 25 years df age, 5 feet 10
inches high, of dark cehiplexion, and 13 some
what talkative.
McCracken is about 23 years of age, 5 feer* 9
or 10 inches high, well formed and fair com
Wright is about 22 years of age, 5 feet-9 or
10 inches high, dark complexion, civil and well
behaved generally.
Vestal is 23 or 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 inch
es high, light complexion. '
Jailor Washington County.
Sept. 26, 1862—2w
Sugar! Sugar!! Sugar!!!
JUST received and for sale a hogshead of best
Brown Sugar. Call soon if you want any.
It is going fast. Wm. M. G. SANDOE.
Sept. 26th 1662—tf.
A LL the Flax seed in the country. The high
.l\. est.market price paid in cash on'delivery.
No Wool Carding after the 15th of October.
Sept. 26, 1862—1 m T. P. CLAPP.
- d> l ASTER Oil, Copperas, Percussion Caps, &c.
Office Va. & Term. R." R. Co. 1
Lynchburg, Sept. 13th, 18G2. f
■ ed Meeting of the Stockholders in the Vir
ginia and Tennessee Railroad Company, will be
held at the office of the Company in the city of
Lynchburg, on Wednesday, the 15th day of &c,
tober next. '
By order of the Board of Directors
m WM. H. HUGHES, Sec»y;
. Appointment of Proxy!
Enow all Men by these Presents i Thai
we, the subscribers, being Stockholders in the
Virginia' & Tennessee Railroad Company dd
hereby constitute and appoint '
our true and lawful attorney tad proxy, to Te :
present each of us in all general meetings of the
Stockholders of said company, when we are hoi
personally present, with full power and authori
ty at such general meetings, to give such vote
or votes, and to do such other act oraots, as eabtf
of us could give or do if we were personally pre
r Witness our hands and seals, this d«i*
,186 . 7
w ., - ) [Seal.]
Wltness > I [Scab]
I , V*%l
"Proxies to represent stock in their general
meeting's shall only be valid for the sjjace of two
years from the date thereof"— 19th by-law of
the company. WM. H. HUGHES, Secy.
Sept. 26, 1862—£w
' ' — ; — i >'
Grapes Wanted.
I WILL pay Two Dollars a bushel for goed
clean picked Fall Grapes, delivered t<r me
at the Store of N. I. McGinnis, E,soy, or at Mr.
George W. Mantz's Shoe Shop, Abingdoi*.
I will give $2.50 per bushel for Fox Grapes.
I want a lot of bottles. For good pint black
bottles I Will pay 15 cents, and 25 cents for
Abingdon, Sept. 20, 1862—2w
Tax Notice.
HAVING unavoidably been delayed in get
ting the Commissioners books to riiake°off
my tax tickets, I respectfully and earnestly urge
upon the people, (and all true men will respond
at once,) to come forward and pay their taxes.
Money is plenty, and it is important to the State
that her Revenue shotfld be promptly paid.
Soldiers are not exetfjpt as seems to' be the mis
taken impression in the country, and 5 hope.fhat
their friends will come forward r.iid pay their
taxes, as many have their money in their hands-
Sept. 20, 1802—4w Sheriff W. C.
915 BEWARE '~
rrvTIE above reward Trill be given for informa--
JL tion leading to the recover? of a sligfitlv
Roane Mare, that strayed Three
weeks since. Said animal bears the scar* of
having been slightly snagged on the shouldr;•
under the collar, and also a slight cut oh the
foot just above the hoof. J. L. JONES,
Agt. Ga. SaltM. Co
. Sapiv 19, 1882* Wh~~ ~ -
Uprht Artillery Company.
A FEW more recruits (non-Conscripts,) want
,ed for a Light Artillery Company, to servA
in Maj. Gen. John B. Floyd's "St ite Line/'.
Those wishing to join, will communicate with'
Capt. J. A. August at Wytheville. or with me at
Abingdon, Va. JNO. W. BARK,
Sept. 12, 18G2—tf Lieut Va. Forces.
A LL who are in arrears with Stewart, Byars
l\. & Co., and Henri tre & Stewart, are respect
fully requested to come forward rtruf pay their
accounts to the undersigned, in whose charge
they are left for collection, and whose delicate
health makes it desirable to those interested, to
have the debts paid and the business closed,'
As money is so abundant as to Bs frequently
offered without interest, this call can Be easily
responded to, and it is hoped tins will he dene
by all during this month.
Those who have claims, will present them for
payment. - -
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, between tlio
hours of 9 o'clock ip the morning and 8 in the'
evening, appointed for settlement.
Abingdon, Va., Sept. 12, 1862.
Money Stolen. * ~
FTfHE house of the undersigned «as robbed 0&
A the 30th ult., of
$240 Dollars.
Among the money were four Fifty Dollar Bills
of the Bank of Cape FeaiY N. (/. Those bills
had been cut in two pieces, and were pinned to
gether when taken. The No. and date not
known. There were also. Ten Dollars in the 25*
cent bills of our own county of the same date,
and the balance of the $240 was in Confederate
bills of different denominations. A handsome
reward wilb be given for the discovery of the -
money or the detection of the thief. '
Sept. 12,1862—3t SAMUEL CREASON.
Change of Schedule
f\® ftnd after Thursday, the 4th of September,-
Vr the Mail and Passenger trains on this road
will leave Lynchburg daily at 4 o'clock a. m./
and arrive from the West at 4.30 p. m.
THOS. bodamead:
Sept. 5, 1862.
House and Lot for Sale.
'.- jujjfrrjjL THE undersigned, intending t&
|Sj*Sijjj fluA remove to the country, desires to'
miffi jj-[| ||H£ sc 11 his residence in Abingdon.—
£§|fßsl§Ksie3§ The house is a comfortable two
storydweuing, with all necessary .
and the lot contains half an acr*fc. A bargain
may be had by early application.
Aug. 22, 1862.—tf R.R.'OMftfL
, ■ ■ ■- '■— ——f
A f\f\f\ POUNDS Cdpperaifjust to hand.
Sept. 12, 1862.
(51 flflfl Yds - En gl" ls b Prints;
s4}Aj\jKj 1,000 Yards. Lawns, aborted;
Bleached Domestics, &c.
Aug. 8, '62. T. G. McCONNELL & Co. '
August 22, 1862. ■ .
/» HHDS. Sugar and 2 Bags Rio Coffee. "

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