OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 16, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1902-12-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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I I Cloudy Cloud Y torsi tonight ht Tumor Tomorrow ¬
I I southerly row fair winds colder fresh freshsoutherly Or If e bt n gt n O J m t I I CITY MEDIUM OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTONNUMBER WASHINJTOONUMBER wxSHIN IN THE THECITY T01 T01NUMBER
Senator Tillman Declares DeclaresPlan DeclaresPlan DeclazesPlan
Plan to Transport Negroes Negroesto
to Our Far Eastern Pos Possessions Possessions Possessions ¬
sessions Is InkpzaclicableSoul Impzaclicable ImpzaclicableSoufy InlplaeieableSouIt
Soufy Soul Carolinian Believes BelievesExpense BelievesExpense BelievesExpense
Expense Would Be le Enor Eilormoue EnorznoHa EllormOll
mOll and tile ll1a People Taxedto Taxed Taxedto
to Point of Oppression OppzessfonSenaor OppressionSMaor OppressionSczlalor
Senaor Morgan l1r organ Entertains EntertainsHope EllteramsHope EntertainsHope
Hope of Intezesting Presi President President President ¬
dent Waz Department and andCongzess andCongless andCongress
Congress in Scheme SchemeIt
It seams we ww aw nevJr r get beyond the thepenetrating thepPDtratia5 thepenetratlag
penetrating stink of into w de Lily White Whiteand Wlll Wllland
and Blank awl TBS buolnees eN sold Sea Seaator SMator Senator
ator TillBMa Till tIM a JlllllMlIlag ralag when be read readSenator feaSfnaor readSenator
Senator MergaBs 1IIor plaa of utlHutaa < the thePbillppiaes tltePblllpllllHHl thePbllipaes
Pbillppiaes for coleaiaiBg the negro negroIt Jte5lOIt aegroIt
It la continually popplag up I la one oneform OMform
form or another er First It to giving a the tbenpgro the1pgro th thnagro
npgro his III rights the u t1 It to a abim eltolanaag eltolanaaghim eIIMItlltblm <
him from pelUJa politic with Ute educational educationalquestion 1 1Qustlo
question and colonisation Ioald aelt schemes am fel fellowing 1411lowing fellowing
lowing close ia UM r rare rareI rearI tr trI
I tell you BOBS of these plan ilia will willpver n nfr
ever fr succeed that ta frost tew the UNatarlan btms humani humanitarian aat aattarlan ¬
tarlan polat view vt 1 w and the AawrtoM AawrtoMpeople A Apfople AaetIcsatee
people will inalat upon that being bd ag agunder g taken takenunder taIHnaunder tee a
under eaneidortien e8Midon eD New Mr that the thenegroes UtellPgroetl
negroes are taken talf a te tk u Philippines PhilippinesThere PhllIppblThprl PhilippinesThere
There will be the coat of f traasporta traasportanon tnportaI
non I Ion to ftfc Panlne pa Otaaa of UM th eeean eeeanvoyage eoeaa9oyago essayvoyage
voyage of the preparation pr repara pratina of gems teea teeaporary tfIBtporary t es
porary bab WlaUell attoa until It thy are anprovide able hbloprovide ta taprovide p
provide for or Ihaatfselvea awl feeding Cague Cagueuntil them themuntil
until they rate ra raise harvest ne sad e4 mss msstheir market markettheir IHtINtthfh k t
their first crap eropAn erpAn crapAn
An Enormous Expe Expense ExpenseIf se seIr
If this th te all the OeverscMHt Oever t intends intendsto tatesto late ads
to do for them It why the Item ee etwould f expense expensewould 1Htwould xpsmms i
would be something eneraoue It Itbe would wouldbe
be necessary II8IT ta tax the people P IJle te tepoint the
point of of o anBreaeion 8JJ e R Ne NeplsllS air all autfh autfhplans sad sadplans
plans arj aJ ark flbf a marteal dreams of etlIt UM u s wild wfldst wildst
st character characterNow ebatf4tWr ebatf4tWrNow ch etsr etsrNow f
Now Just uet suppose such a plan la pat patjnto Itgtjnfo pa L Linto
into practice by the Government PONtbl PONt Possibly Peatbly ¬
bly bl with hurraba carapmeetiag camp HHIttDg fervor fervorand tenorDd fervorand
and promise of paradise 1rad 24M9M 011 OOe000 paopla paoplamight po pomight
might be induced lD4ua to go to the Ute181aDda Islands but butthen ba bathen t
then yea would dd hare TvOOoM 7000 left The Theremoval T TrPmoral he
removal of StMMO I negroes fa sot going goingto gobs gobsto g
to solve the problem The race breeda a afeet so sofast 0
fast that the XM I 111000 tM gap would oul be A11 A11in filled filledin Illedin
in so time Urn ad you OU atlll save ave that great greatexpanse gresiexpeeso
expanse H oa the ether aide al of Uw lb Padac PadacOceaa PaelacOeMB Pad PadOcean
Ocean OceaaIfa OceanIts
Its It teo ranch like the thefortyacre fortyacre and andmule all4lmule a amule
mule scheme that was suggested a ggeated at the theclose UledOH th C Cvlose
close of 1 the war Meet t of the piaaa pia are aresuggested arelIuggOllted an anauggosted e
suggested I believe teU belts aa the rveult reveltapeoches of eteel ofspeeches elspeodlN
speeches by negreoa aegr o who have lIa aegair aegairsome acquired acquiredsome eel
some education CMl eaUoa and the gift of gab like MfeaThomas ilk 4 4Thomaa
Thomas Fortune for Inotaaee a Wowbard Mew Mewhard 1119whard
hard who he geee es around lecturing ta Isbighfalattn a ahighfalutlB
highfalutlB way Why he baa even 8NIltalks mads madstalks acad acadt1M d dtalks
talks advising the n negro grees to toauert ara era eraassert and andassert
assert then themselves themselvesSenator tllInLSenateI ilves ilvesSenator
Senator Morgans Flans FlansSenator PlanaSenator PlaneSenator
Senator Morgan orgaa entertains erW M heels PM of In Interesting tateresUDg IntereaUng ¬
teresting President Roosevelt Roe and andWar ad the theWar t4tWar
War Department In tile plan to have all allof allof at atof 1 1tsar
of tbe negro negroea a In the United Status saa 9tatasported tramported traapoYttd tram
ported to the tit Pblllpphie Intends lole ds where wherethey wJterethpy when whenthey
they may atari tart a colony of their own It Itis I II IIto
is said that aa a result of Senator r Mon Morgans M4Man8 Mongane ¬
gans an8 agitation en this subject the thePresident UNProlldeDt thi thiPresident
President sent a apodal envoy seeyFortune Themwi ThemwiFortune IItoNeMFortuDe
Fortune a negro to the Phtlfpplrelook PhUlpptuea P1111I to tolook titlook
look over 0 lb Ute talanda and aak make an anveatigathon In Investigation 11IVttIUgatktB ¬
vestigation a M to rnniltlnas e II4IIttoLSeDa eeedltloaeSeaMer rnniltlnasSenator
Senator SeDa Morgan baa atunlt oananlted 11 d Sec Secretary Ieerttarr seerotary ¬
rotary Beet and Ooreraer Taft aeveral aeveraltimes avert averttimes 1 1times
times and la J doing everything everythisgto IiaS IiaSto p mettle mettleto
to further the project projectSenator pnjeetSeDator pseeetSenator
Senator Morgan Mor new 110 110ct1mMd purpose te teCaatawH 1 1Cytbtsd
CaatawH oa Besad r hp hpWEATHER ParaWEATHER f fWEATHER
Th The southwestern storm after reach reachlog raeJaIDe reachIng
log tho otItJ a esth e Ut o of the Ohio River tamed tamedsharply tuMMIIharplT turns turnsshsharply l
sharply to the northward aiii la I central centralibis eeatratI c a athla
ibis I Ms morning over the Michigan peals peninsula IMa IMaelJla pealsBala ¬
sula with h a eenalderable rable Increase in In Intensity lafDeHy isrenetty ¬
tensity The rain and snow DOW atte atteupon attendant attendantupon atteDdaatt1pon wlart
upon this tit stars have Ita reached iMNI th the Atlas Atlant At AtoatJt
t coast and continue in tbe Interior Interiorexcept IDteriornppt Interioretcept r
except in the slope aiD region and the south sovtheit 8OUtbnt southaevt
> aevt eit where the weather baa cleared clearedIf elredIt
It is is decidedly warmer war In the Atlantic Atlanticf AUaatieftat C CFZ
f ftat < atPs at < > s and Dd lower lake region with temp temperatures telDpral temperas ¬
eratures eras ral urea from K degree d to M de degree degTtt1I degreee ¬
gree a > ho boe ove the UI seasonal al alT average averageThere averageThere
There T fre will be rain tonight on the south southAtlantic NUUIttanHe sou souA th
A Atlantic t ttanHe cast In the Est t and South Southb on onth tit titt
th t b weather will to generally fair air tonight to tenKht ton
night n 1Iht and Weoneaday WeoneadayIt
It will be colder eo tonight in the thelantle South SouthAtlantic lout loutA h
Atlantic A lantle States t with fruit or freealng freealngtpniperaturea freealafltt1l freest freesttentperaturse erg
tpniperaturea tt1l 4atur over 0 the tat Golfa Golf SUteaaM Itateaa1 SUtea
aM a d colder < W Wednesday In the ewer lowerr lalt take taker e
r aIon ton and the Atlantic States Statesn ltatestn
I stn In > n the middle Ieldl Atlantic coat wtada wtadawill wbIdei wind windF
will F i i II be brisk south to weal wealMorm wee1or weststorm
storm or warning are displayed Ia7iN1 en oaA tbe tbeAtlantic tMAnanth
Atlantic A lantie coaat < et from fr ID Sandy 1 Hook to toprrt Baet Baetp 1IIIetpnrt
pnrt p < > rf and 1Id en the Great Lakes Lakeas
s z eamera f a departing tl g today for lorftYts forrrrte European Europeanports
ports will have hu brink to high south IOU southwrit I IWC te tewest
west WC wind w and rata U the Grand 0 0TH OrssdTHE Banhn BanhnTHE
d in n sets dodgy r 11 a 4 431p 431pm It pm pmin p a m mm
m rlnv 81 tomorrow 7 514 14am 14amTHE 1 L LTillE s sTJI at
JU Low Lowti4 > w tid Mjay day III 254p 254plUah 2M 2 pm pmllirh p m mJlI
llirh JlI h tld tla Ia ay 9 902 02 1 p pLuw mm m inLow mLw
Low tld tIM wtfuisrro rrlw w 3 341 41 a a to toUifin m mn U UHigh
n High lill tide 1141 tomorrow ft5a t a m
Bureau Promises Better Conditions Con Conditions Conditions ¬
ditions for Tomorrow TomorrowNO T TomorrowNO omorrov omorrovNO
Rainfall Has Been Severe in Northern NorthernStates NorthernStatesTolegraphic NorthernStatesTelegraphic
States StatesTolegraphic Telegraphic Communi Communication Communication Communication ¬
cation InterruptedThe Interrupted InterruptedThe InterruptedThe
The rala rata IB Wanhlngton and farther farthnrnorth farlluMBOItk fartherrmertk n
north will in MHO tonight toot and there will willto m mlair
to Mr weather with th a drop d of about chestdagreet S Sdegree IIIr
IIr degree la temperature t6tl Ther There are are no noinnfentlone Bol noIatlfaRtlow
innfentlone et ol o < anew whatever w around ro thte thtecity till tilltit th thity la
city c ity at least lenetThte I ITJIk leastThin
Thin was the atatement made by the theWeather UteWUter 11wWeather
Weather Bureau omcute efaclalI this till nerata nerataWithin morning morningWUMa MOrainCoWltlll g
Within Wltlll the put twentyfour hours Itour rain rainand rainaad runt runtand n
and anew have e fallen fat In I aimeet AI every everyState eyStatet y
State Statet S tate soot of the Mteeteaippt River RIverTAbout RhrerAboat
About half an a Inch of rain fell la laWashington I IW 1Waablagtoa u
Washington W and although the deeds cloHdehang e eliar deedsung
hang h ung lew and lashed 1HIr ferbodina the theweather tiletller th 1w 1wweather
weather tller man declared that there tJMroekt tJMroektbe weuM weuMto woe woebe
be Be anew neve Jt for f terra a day da or two any anyhow sayow 11 11how ¬
how h ow
howThe owThe
The rain which began to tall yeateroay yeateroayaftorneoB yesterde yesterdeattertleoa tenia teniaIter y
aftorneoB Iter w wt net heavy 7 but It was aa aaIneoeaant aD1It a I
Ineoeaant 1It one n Late yesterday ytt cday after aft aftrJNHHt aftrJNHHtaad rnooK rnooKand
and a nd met night a thin layer Ja of s lee termeel form formed formed ¬
ed OB the streets awl mads walking aao aaogeroua elan elangemrous 0 0xeroa
geroua A number of people e fell and andreceived alMlrecelftJd a areceived
received alight Injuries laari bat no noaeeideats serioua seriouaaccidents oua ouaaeew
accidents aeew were reported The tempera temperature teaperat1ll8 temperatare ¬
tare ta WaaMnnioa waaW bas hell about aboutegrees 15 tGtltJTMI 15degrees 5
degrees d egrees all n day H It Is said that th tier UtcrtlU r rwill
will tlU to a fall of about M J or more e degreer degreerla degrHtI elegy r rIn
la I tile temperaturebr temperature porale1It by tomorrow mon monIng JIIOJ1lag ano r rlag
lag and that the mercury will earwe earwebetween da5c e etHttweea
between the messing tr petit and 1Id 15 de Oegrses dePO
grass PO above sereAltineugh sere aoreAlthough sereAltJtOllSIa
Although te tto ntoriB derma JB te net severe e ever vere In InWMilllICtOa i iWaaldimgtoa y
WaeMngtea in cities farther north > It ItIB ItJ8 1 1Jd t
IB dalnp d lng a great t deal 1 af iMiajie Rain Rainhn R Ital Italh n
hn 01 fallen h U Usa s a under nMl longer loa la I Wtry WtrylamC Mary Marylead
lamC 18 lead Pennaylvnola PeIlMYI and New N w York York Yorkto and andIn aHla
In the mountainous moutat sections of these tbeeaStates tlteIIft5tatM theaStates
States heavy snows MOW nave Ita bars occurred occ rred Tele Telegraphic Telegrapillc ¬
graphic coleat cowmMlcatioa n Nt between Wash WU WUt Washlagtoa WaeaIngtoH
t IngtoH 1I and some of the large Northern Northerncities NortHnaclUes Nerthe rn
cities has II bees a retarded r because of the therain Uterala
rain and accumulation of of1 siren Local Localtelephone Loc1te Lacetelephone I
telephone te users were w put patto to great In lavenleace incon inconvenience Inftal c o ¬
venience ftal e throughout the day dayThe dayTIle dayThe
The rivers In Pennsylvania s and s DCI upper upperMaryland upperMaryland uppe uppeMaryland r
Maryland arc ar swollen and continue eoDU to toGen t t1iM tslut o
slut 1iMNO
Gen Fred D Grant Speed Speeding Speeding Speeding ¬
ing Here From Texas TexasUntil Tex2SUU1
Until the arrival of Gen G Fred D Orant OrantThursday OratT GranThursday t
Thursday T morning no arrangomeau arrag for fortbe fortJte to toth
tbe th burial rial of his III mother Mrs Mr Julie Dent DentOrant Des DesGrant t taraBLe
araBLe will be made madeSo madeo
So > o 0 overcome with Itla grtof are Uw rela relatives relatI ¬
tires tI of f Ute deceased decea they have Jaa ooa ooaMered COIIwlld
Mered > no e ptana plan whatever wlld except IK te tAtthe an announce sonoon ¬
noon the interment Isterat nt at Ute moo fde of the thehusband tileI tie S Shusband
husband ta I Ute tomb t en Kh lgrewtlie > erWe rnMe Drive DriveNew Dr DrNew Dui ve
New York In tact filet Ute lwairatM nunorona e eaassasgea of ofmeaaagea f
1 meaaagea received from friends cadqusttttaeaerer and ac acouaintaneea Ae Aetaaeta
ouaintaneea qusttttaeaerer taaeta ever lie country lItry have ilia banswaled re remained JIt JItOn r ¬
mained unopenedflea unopened unopenedOen
flea Fred D Orant ta now speeding speedingbemewnrd tpeedl tpeedlhomeward 1 1Itentewar4
homeward aa rapidly M UM train tm will willcarry willearrT wilcarry
carry him Before Meter to received reeelv the t 1M newa newaof 1Mof
of his Ia mothers II death tl Adjutant General GeneralOorjMn leaar leaarCorbin al l lCorIIta
OorjMn wired him 1aI a leave of absence absencethus a atlNa ath d ase
thus th e en n foregoing the delay lay neesasary f fsuck for forsuch torRelt o
such penalties r Jesse J and UlyasesJr UI Ulysses S Sjr
Jr who IIO left California will arrive arrivehere arrtnT arrr arrrhere e
here Thursday T evening eveningThe 1 1TIle
The members of the family at atXn home homeMm homeMrs
Mm Nellie Hm Grant Snrtorta and M MRaeeery Miss MissItoeemary Mta8ariorI
Itoeemary Sartorla are err not seen except exceptby exceptbJ tx txby
by intimate tat friends tr Callers CaI CaIare and mes messages use usegas ¬
sages gas are received by tr friends 1 looking lookingafter Jookhafafter ohlr K Kafter
after the t household ho In I s the long wait for fortto tortlM
the sons of Mrs Orant OrantSeeretMT OratIeenttat7
SeeretMT l eretary of State nod M Mra Hay Ha called calledtoot eatlMJut culledlast
toot ntejht aa did a number of the ttoCabinet tJMealtlaet
Cabinet and ad members of Ute diplomatic diplomaticcorpe u e ecerpe
corps Floral remembrances r s were awn oantby t tbJ
by Mrs John R McLean Ira Stephen StephenB It ItB s
B Klkina Ikl Mra Kiehnrd Townsend MI MITownsend Mtas MtasTownsond ItTOW1UIeD4
Townsend Capt and Mrs Charles Cur CurWINe BWheeler B BWheeler
CHATHAM N j Den D i llTIIe The will HI HIMra of ofMra e ebin
Mra John Oold of Chatham Cbat Cbataacl has toe toeoafered base baseeland
eland for probate and ta It she shethat 1 H Htllat < > +
that her nor atamonas shall b to turn 1111 1111te tvrrw > v vto
te the truatsas of tt tCllaUaa tls hnXnnm ChalbtmmMlaeles Bpfo > jy iISI iISIMatoa i iMtenton
Mtenton to t be sold by thin and the thoreeda tJtefdll thereeds
reeds fdll devoted Uj the purchase of C a amunlon o oonunlon a amunloo
onunlon service for or the Ut cBureh e Tits bv bvwho iML iMLo brS brSof e
o of her pro prop pert < + rty e he loft e a I lilr I IWM
who HTSS liTe Ii in the We Weet Wait U
Many Cars Unloaded and andDelivered andDelivered andDelivered
Delivered This Morning MorningADDITIONAL MorningADDl MorningADDITIONAL
Rumored That Reading Company Will Willia Willill Willin
ia Future Sell Product to toHighest toHighest toHigheet
Highest Bidder BidderIt
It was reported la I well informed lr cir circles clrelo cirrtes ¬
cles teday te4a that the Reading Coal aad aadIron aadIfH andIrea
Iron Company will shortly announce announcethe announcethe otlnee otlneethe
the abaadoaaent of their effort to keep keepthe k p pthe
the price of coal down and their eealwill eeal coalwill eealwUl
will her hereafter oaf tor be sold to the highest highestbidder htg htgbidder t tbidder
bidder bidderAt bidderAt
< At the offices of the company In I thte thtecity thieelt tId e ealit
city elt knowledge of any 1 contemplated contemplatedchaage eoatplate4ellange contemplatedhange
chaage c IB prices was dIed Mr MrLounsbury lrLoubury McLounsbury
Lounsbury the agent WM out of the thecity theeity t tatty
city He WM w summoned moRM to Philadel Philadelphia Pklladel Pklladelpala ¬
pits this thl morning and is I > net expect expectto expected expectedto expeetedto
to return until tomorrow Tile receipts receiptsof receiptsof
of coal the clerk la charge cbal said d were werenormal wlreDorlRal werenormal
normal this moraine but be did not notknow ntkno ne t
know kno the exact number of cars reported reportedIB report
IB 18There
There was a mere I general g tmersldsotribati distribution ldhltrllMtUODoC distributionof I If
of o f coal eo 1 ta the city today than tIta has be bee beeossible bees beespossible B BHHMItble
possible p up to the present time Prac Practically Practically ¬
tically every car of coal e within twenty twentymllea i twentlmtes wt wtJail
mllea Jail of the city was wa brought la and andte aadfa
te being unloaded aa rapidly aa men and andearta aDdcarta andcarts
carts can ca haul It away awayBefore aW7Defore awayBefore
Before daylight yllght a gang p of section MetIowere see seewere men menwere a
were nt t work along the tracks tracks of the ttoPennaylvanta thePly1a thePennsylvania
Pennsylvania system OB Maryland MaryJa and andVirginia sal 4 4Vlrftlnla I
Virginia Avenues A Yeau removing the fence fencethat f ftJlat tacosthat a
that baa heretofore toee Inclosed the tracka trackaAa track trackrapidly fret
Aa a rapidly an this tI was accomplished eII the ttoloaded theloadtHI t tleaded
loaded cars were placed oa tile ootaMe ootaMetracks OUUIWtraduJ ortsiiand e
tracks and unloading began togaaMany be8anltlany beganMany
Many Cars in Position PositionThere POIitieDTitere
There were probably 160 cars of coal la laposition IIIpo i iposition e
position po by 8 oclock Fully hU 19 1 of these theseears tit titcars thoseCara
ears were leaded with bituminous bltulDl coal coalfrom eoJfrOHI
from along alon the Chesapeake and Ohio OhioRailroad OhionalirOftd Okl OklRailroad o
Railroad There TlMr are BO anthracite mines minesalong minesalong Iaea Iaeaalong aer
along that Ht line n There were aIM many manyears soapysera uy uyeera
ears from fre tbe independent operators of ofPanaeylvaala DCIJ
Panaeylvaala IJ I7h la among those placed Itl and If Ifit IfIt itIt
it te possible bl to obtain the teams every everyton neryton areaLoa
ton of t Deal o al that te on mho rails rat will to tounloaded 1MRIeled beunloaded
unloaded RIeled aa soon aa a it rVraebes tMeh Wash Washington W WIngieR ¬
ington IngieRAnother
Another Advance in Price PriceT PriceJf
T Jf > la h taj rea ue e ta i the tlleJNleeof ladest price of seal o tram Iranithe tramLHe drumthe
the the hnjepaadimt IMeJt operator It alreadyte alreadytelag aIr aIrIn alreadeinn
lag In inn felt here Yeeterday Y8 teria an advance to toJ10M
J10M OB the rails ia this dry clt was wa an announced a aMI1IeMa1l4tllla aauouneed ¬
nounced MI1IeMa1l4tllla and this morning tlje t prevailing prevailingprice preval1lqprice prevailingprice
price for forprmlum premium coal was SI 12 1 a tea A Alimited AItlBtt A11m1ied
limited supply ppty of Reading R dlg coal te stillvailable still stillavailable tnt tntavailable
available a at 725 a too t a but It ta prac practically practically ¬
tically Impossible to obtain oIrtat a gonad of it itaa
aa orders for it for weeks ahead are al already 81f88dy already ¬
ready IB Tbe advance ta the price of ofseft oCsett
sett coal as announced yesterday by the ttomine themice
mine 1 operators along the line U of Ute ttoChesapeake UteaDd
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway to SI18 on onthe oailut
the rails in I this tit city has caused a cor cerrospeedlag corresponding errOlHHNIIRg ¬
responding advance in the retail priceThis price priceThte prteeThle
This morning 8HKal the prevailing pr tltllJ quotation quotationwaa quottloDaa quotationwas
was aa U
Prescriptions Pre for CM CealAn CMAn CHIAD
An amusing feature of the situation situationdeveloped situationdeveloped Uuatloadelopecl
developed today tocIa when IMB in response to re repeated repeated repealed ¬
peated tales of sickness and death one oneof OIIeoC eecof
of the dealers adopted a rule that la lasuch lawell insuch
such instances a ten of coal e l would only onlyto onblie onlybe
to delivered elhered upon the presentation of otpltJ a aphyaleians aphyakiaaa
phyaleians pltJ daa certificate The Idea of a aproscription apr8MllptiOB aprescription
proscription of a ton of coal eo l was some somewhat 1IOIDewllat somewhat ¬
what novel but the dealer was quicklyrelieved quickly quicklyrelieved quicklyrelined
relieved of many 1 troublesome impor importunera Importen
ten tuneraLAST tenLAST tunersLAST
Cardinal Gibbons Attends Funeral ofDeceased of ofDeceased ofDecoased
Deceased Tea aad Ceffe CetieeMerchant CeffeMerchant CI f fMerchant
Merchant MerchantBALTIMORK MerchantBAIJrIMOKK
BALTIMORK Dee 111M If Tbe funeral ofOertusNw of ofCerneMun ofor
CerneMun or D Kenny K the tea t and a coffee cotteemerchant coffee8Mldtaat
merchant took place yesterday morning morningat i iat
at It oclock from ro the Cathedral which whlehwet wbl whichwaa 1a 1awu
wet crowded with friends nod acquaint acquaintancea acqulataacea
ancea TIM clergy and religious rent orders orderswere ordfr5Wltl orderswere
were Wltl largely JarRet represented representedCardinal r8tHtedCaNtIl
Cardinal Gibbons occupied his hi throne thronethroughout tbrouethrftshout thronethroughout
throughout throughout the services aerTIc and Bishop Al Alfred 1 1tr ¬
fred tr A Curtis was wa > ateo In I the sanctuary sanctuaryAfter netury neturyAfter
After reciting tile prayers pr7 for Ihe dead deadFather leadth <
Father th Ruesell paid JN cI a tribute to Mr MrKennys ItsCennys
Kennys 101 life and character characterTto eh characterThe racterThe
The active acth pallbearers were the fol following QI QIJowtal ollowing ¬
lowing employes of the C D Kenny KennyCompany K8IUI K8IUICOllI KennyCompany
Company COllI P J KavJnagh George Heb Hebner Hebaer Hubnor
nor John Lanadale lobe Jo Schlisler J JBdward JBelwanl 1 1Edward
Edward Cuaty M E Swing John Joh Hart Hartman Hartmall Hartman
man and A W Creecy
The honorary pallbearers were Jam James JaDMaCIrk JamesClark a aClark
Clark president of o the Drover and Me Mechanics leehaal Mechem ¬
chanics chem Bank Michael Ichael A Mutlta Mum Ham Hammond HamID8IHI I1ammoel ¬
mond Dugaa Duga Rube Woods Frederick FrederickB
B Beaehfun IMM Beein a J FrcnT nJ rammaan fam > ammann Colas Columbus Coltmllarhor Colasbus ¬
bus nhrivor sad 1Id Dr Thomas MeCnx MeCnxThe XeCrBTile bcCraThe
The funeral was IB buanie DDI Brae Ceme Cemetery Cometerr Cemetery ¬
tery teryThe
The funeral waa attended by 1tay maay of oftto 0t o othe
the t emptoyea pIG of Ute C D Kenay Xen Com Company COIDTiter Cornpeas ¬
peas There Titer were aIM twelve twel Sisters 8iat of ofCnortty oCCIIorlt ofcharity
CIIorlt charity present t Mr Kennys Ky sister t is I IoC a aUMMtor aiNaanber
UMMtor of that order orderTto enIerTN ardorThe
The music which wee wa Gregorian wasA was waar
A 11 ye r K the he Cathedral choir C MrsI Mrs ra rat
1 t 0 Cbrlete Salvator lalvat Itor r sadd and andJ
A d < J j > Light with tenor solo 10 by byu bJl byiK
u l < A r Nearer Hear My y Ood Oodt to >
1 y t s se rendered r f f aiv 0 0blil
blil iv lemptti iiibelMlts 1t tIIIlW tit orJO 17 a acatbe 1 1t
catbe t limit 1sre nlill8e cnr cnrhyref e1t Ii i
hyref r K w J sIWgg8 Id vtAY a of
The Document Presented at atState atState atState
State Department Today Todayby Todayby Todayby
by Gen Tasker TaskerH H Bliss BlissTO BlissTO BlissTO
Instrument Ina trumont Said t to Provide for for2O
20 Per Cent B Reduction eduction on Cor Certain Cortain Cortain ¬
tain Articles f fThe f
1The 1 1The
The Cuban reciprocity f roolp CIlprilti ty commercial oommereialtreaty oommerefaltreaty commercialtreaty
treaty which whl h was si lKB I i c jA ln n Havana last lastTbursday lutThr lasthursday
Tbursday Thr T day was this n1jftUg m > n T1nK r laK banded to toSecretary toSitcretary toSecretary
Secretary of State HSjfiliy HI A Y Gen Tasker TaskerH TaekerlL
H lL nilsB BII U 3 A who wh was u Instrumental Instrumentalin
la obtaining the approval sppro > lttfdt of t Cube to tbe tbetreaty tbetresty thetreaty
treaty treatyGeneral trestyGennal treatyGeneral
General BlI Bliss when wh a 4et eM by a repre rPpresenietire represeatative rtpreaeataUn
seatative of The Times TtID waa not willing willingto
to make any definite BtfUamoat tRem nt aa to the thedetails tbedetail thedetails
details of the treaty but It Is known knownthat kDOwnthat knownthat
that It is practically the Mtraa iRme ins aa former formerly formerly formerly ¬
ly objected to by Cuba when the ne negotiations negotlaUoD segotfations ¬
gotiations were being egngMeted eon weed is this thiscity thiscity
city between the Cuban minister rid 1 er to the tbeUnited theUnited theUnited
United Strtes Strt and Socrifery Hay HayI
I bad t tx work extrs0Iy extr extrm nialy hard 8rd Gen General 0eDeral ConBliss ¬
eral Bliss BII said today toda n ig EiWng Ul8g g the sly signatures slgDatures ¬
natures of the Cuban pRtefate Pmt al to tIM ttotreaty tIMtreat thereaty
treaty treat t but finally perawaHiia P persyail a 11 the he secre secretary secretary secretary ¬
tary of state tate and the sairetery i tary of the thetreasury thetreau thereasury
treasury treau t reasury of o Cuba to elgt3jar sign 8I Jar their gov government geyenuaeat brerernment ¬
ernment ernmentThe enuaeatTJHt ernmentThe
The agreement ens ca bV bid pst t In force forceat torceat
at once without further Curth antfou la thisdry this thiscity Uti Utietl
city by Minister Quesada The 1 te State De Department De DePArtJRat e eoAldals ¬
partment officials oaeta tbtaktfra thl think 1 ° ike matter has hasbeen USheeD > aa
been settled as far aa espthsing oUt o1Imt1ng felng the ap approval approftl appivvel ¬
proval of CUM te eentarrte eei1 sepaote9t1 JiP and thenext the thenext tlteJlext
next step will be actkw e tthe n the part of ofthe ofUte
the e United States Senat SenatTto SODatTIM Saaatel SaaatelThe <
TIM Instrument Itnu at prevMgi pre tel certainreductions certain certainreductions eertalnrdUCtJona
reductions on tile goods of dt both countries countriesInvolved COUIItrlelayoIY
larolvddAs Involved InvolvedAs layoIYAa
As the tb treaty treat boa not yet been sub submitted subJatUed submilted ¬
milted to tile Senate It weufo 1tI not be toeoarteay beeoarteq
courtesy for the Stale Department > r1satIRt to tomake tok
make k public its detail 1C te known knownhowever kItoWRMwner knownlawerer
however that generally geu raJly saeiKlng Dg It array
be said Id to provide for a M 0 par cent ae t re reduction re reduction yeductfon ¬
duction on the tariff charged ebarg tf es Cuban Cubanproducts Cabaaproduct Cubanproducts
products entering eDWrl g the UntiedStates Ualted States and aada anda anda
a similar reduction OB Araarlma Am rt goods goodsgoing KKhKoIDA goodsgoing
going to Cuba C1IbaAPPEAlSJOR Cuban
Mr Hepburn Argues Aq ues in Be Behalf BeI BeIhalf Behalf
half of His H is Bill BillReprnsauUUve BillReprssasisUve
ReprnsauUUve Hepbura appeared appear bo bofore be before
fore Ute Mbeominlttee Itlee oa antitrust aaUt leg legInlatlee Htgteiation
Iaiu teiation of the House H Judiciary Commit Committee ctttee Ceaesittee ¬ I
tee this morning Ig la regard to his bill billprovidlag billproviding
pr0Yt4la providing far the appropriation of MM 01 i
000 to enable hie the Atttftney Oeneml e toconduct o oconduct
conduct his prosecutlOBs under the liter flnerman literma Slierman
man ma act actMr actMr actMr
Mr Hepburn said to believed there therewaa tlterewas therewas
was sufficient legtalatlon at present pr to tecurb toearb tocurb
curb Ute evil tendencies tduct of tIN trusts truotnand tnNItaaDd trustsand
and the problem JH hl6IB was to secure evidence evidenceTo evideeesTo vkl vklTo
To de this money MODe Wu waa required by the theAttorney UteAttorny theAttorney
Attorney General GeneralIt aeralIt
It was almost Impossible IID ble Mr Hepburn Hepburnsaid H Hhi Hepburnmid
said hi to t secure such uch evidence and It ItDdIT was wasusually weeusually
usually only wheathe wlH the parties part to a cor corporation eerporoUOII cerporetfoe ¬
poration agreement fell out that the At Attorney Attorney Attorney ¬
torney General was wa able abl to gather testi testimony testiSony ¬
JDOII Sony which could be used He U cited citedtto cu cuthe citedthe
the operations operaUo of the meat truat alsovarious also alsovarious allOYIU1OUt1
various violations of r the interstate com commerce CG CGM9Ie8 cornmetc ¬
merce laws to support hte contention contentionMr eoat8BUORr coateatloeMr
Mr r Ovorntreet of tbe committee commltUoasked eoIUeoeel committeeasked
asked eel Mr Hepburn if he considered the theapproprtatioa tlieappreprlatlua theapprepdtios
approprtatioa a continuous remedy to towhich towhle towhich
which whle he replied that it was wa sot but butwas Mtw batwas
was w merely erely designed to relieve the present pres present IM IMet ¬
ent emergency rlr emergencyMr emergencyMr
Mr Hepburn said Id he had supposed the theonly tileonl theonly
only onl WIlT to reach r eh trusts was throughthe through throughtbe tllrouptbe
tbe interstate later tat eamm commerce ree clause eta of the ttoConstltutkm tlMCoutUtttlea theCotutttstloa
Constltutkm or by taxation He said be beknew lienew beknew
knew there would be objections to put putting ptttUq petting ¬
ting IB the hands of any officer a large largesum largeu largesum
sum u of money JIiOIte and for that reason In his hisbill hi hibill hisbill
bill he had inserted limitation limitationCOLONEL limitationCOLONEL limitationsCOLONEL
Will Return to Nebraska in Short Time Timete Timeta Timete
te Prosecute Land Cases CasesCol CasesCol CasesCol
Col John S Mosby special agent of oftbe oCtile ofthe
tile Intreior Department rtMt who baa been beenInvestigating beenInvclJatlK beeninveotlnctiag
Investigating land I frauds ia Nebraska Nebraskaarrived Nebraskaarrived a aRrrted
arrived In Washington I toa last night and andwill andwill andwill
will remala here several leral da days
to matters ta I tile epee of the land laadclalHMi JalHlcJalIlNJ landckalms
clalHMi omee omeeHe 911kelie elsceHe
He has ha Hot been Qft recalled but t completed com completed eompleteel ¬
pleted his It wrek rok before the grand nd Juries Juriesand Jrl Jrlaad juriesand
and will return to Nebraska the letter tetterpart laUeipart letterpart
part of the week It te announced at the ttoInterior theIDterlor theInterior
Interior Department this thl morning that thatviolations thatvloJatloAa thatriolatloaa
violations regarding rfprdl g fences feD S on public publictenoa publicJana publiclands
lands will be vigorously prosecuted and andColonel andColonel andColonel
Colonel Moaby will continue the work of ofaecurta ofHeIIna ofaacurla
aecurta gevldence eYldel1ee and pushing pu ldag prosecu prosecutions pr8MeUlIona presecaLlous ¬
LONDON Dec 16 16Replylll Replying < t tau to < a aAI atw
au tw AI in 1 the house It of commons today todayM
t > M A > pM ard to t YenesneteR Ve e1lUelaR affaire Viscount Viscountr VIae4Mataeltt4 Viscountter
ter r > ornej ytp55 parliamentary secretary retary for forfrftjjcH tort forpresgo
t frftjjcH presgo r affaire a affair al said no attempt had haet been beente 1168IIt
t et l te refer the matter In dispute with withcountry wUhollntr withcountry
country ollntr to arbitration
Empowered to Continue ContinueCanal ContinueCanal ContinueCanal
Canal Negotiations NegotiationsSITUATION NegotiationsSITUATION NegotiationsSITUATION
Charge dAffaires of Colombian Lega Legation Legation Legation ¬
tion Vested by His Government GovernmentWith GovernmentWith GovernmentWith
With Full Authority to Act ActDr ActDr ActDr
Dr Herran charge daffaires of the theColombian t1aeColombia theColimblcn
Colombian legation bad a short eanfer4 eanfer4enoo ee coatsr4anon ter tereJlett
anon with Secretary Hay thin meriting meritingregarding JlNtnstagregardlug meralagregarding
regarding the continuance of negotia negotiations segoUatlORS negotlatlone ¬
tions with 1tll this country for a canal canaltreaty canaltreaty 1 1treat
treaty treat Dr F 1errao rraa explained to a Wash Wuklagt Washfagten Waahlagtan
lagtan lagt n Times reporter that the Colom Colombian Celomblan Colombian ¬
bian government governmeat has empowered him hi to tocontinue toonttnue tocontinue
continue the t ae negotiations n ego II atl OD The Cubes Colombian COIOMblaa Cubesbloc ¬
bloc government Informed Mlniat Unlter r Hart Hartat Hartat Hartat
at Bogota of Mr Herrans Herraa authority auUtorhY and andthte aMtill tadthis
this till information was coramualcaiei vo voSecretary 0 0Seer oSecretary
Secretary Seer tarT Hay HayNegotiation HayNe HayNegoUations
Ne Negotiation otlU are now IB progress progresssaid proP proPsaW progresssaid
said Mr Herraa Herran and pending their theirconclusion UtetrCODeloa theirconclusion
conclusion I cannot talk about a the sit situation sitnotice It Ituattea ¬
notice but it looks very Yer premising premisingConcha promtstHgConcha pr prConcha
Concha Returning ReturningDr
Dr Herran volunteered the be informa lafelWatlon lafermaLion information ¬
Lion that Mr Concha te returning retl c to > Colombia Co Colonibia Cu10bla
lonibia having line sailed OB the Altic from fromNew frOftlNew fromNew
New York Saturday Satnla Tile fact that Mr MrConcha lrCooeha MrConcha
Concha baa left this country for Co Colombia CoIomWa Celombla ¬
lombia together with witlltke the knowledge knowledgethat kIHtWJedt1that knewi dat datthat
that Dr Herran has been be a authorised to toproceed toproceed toproceed
proceed with the canal negotiation is isaccepted bacc8 isaccepted
accepted acc8 ted here as a a aura ro Indication that thnttto t1lattile thatthe
tile Colombian xHnteter ban lea been vomited recall recalled realed ¬
ed and that te tile Bear futw ft Dr DrHerran DrHera DrHsrraa
Herran will be announced d aa his 11 eweces
II sor r
sorSpeaking rSpeeklac
Speaking of tIN report that Colombia CotomMaand Co10111 Colombiaand la laad
and ad Nicaragua NIea are on the verge of warhe war warhe warh
he h said saidThat saidThat
That cannot be tocau Mea because Colombia Colombiahas ctomblabas Celemblabarn
has withdrawn MMMreeps Nt treo from the tbeisthmus theU theIsthmus
isthmus U to Uw Interior h and a ae IIIte would wouldnever wealcover hI hIIHWW
never do d that if war with k KlefveftHft KlefveftHftanp N Nre4HejM1
l ClsNIMIL4f anp anpreduced S01 befnb befnbrduepd i
rduepd reduced and a Mil akvrtdy alt been cut OOWB OOWBfrom HW1Ifrout dottla dottlafrom
from nearly earl 1000M 1 t to MftD M I certainly certainlyhave eertalalyaTe certainlybere
have had no reports from Colombia in indicating lutllcatlug Indicating ¬
dicating any aa probable trouble with Xic Xicnragua XJcaragu ic icaragas
CHICAGO Dec laThe The Chicago packera pack packers ckera ¬
era will lose over WOWOOf annually as asresult n nresult arenlt
result of the new German tariff it tile tbeestimate tileeetlMate t testimate he
estimate of William C Evans foreignagent foreign foreignagent
agent a of Armour A Co is correct correctBvane correct1vawe et etBY
Bvane BY leeks leek for a reduction rlIOt of K percoat per percent r rHat
cent ta tile expert business At the Ger German GerGer Gerritas ¬
man ritas consulate Mgurea were obtained obtainedGermany obtalasdR
R th11t th11tCermasy
Ger Germany fox ten terhave tenhave J JIeae
have been lSeW6e7S pounds pou valued a ai1446 nt ntJJ atJ44 t
JJ i1446 i1446The J44 4 4291172 4291172Tbe > ai2 ai2The
The tariff will affect all n classes e ofmeats of ofmeats 01meats
meats and meat m t products with the sin age single single ¬
gle e ext exception of r fresh meat to
i j
G J Grammer Tells Interstate Commerce Commission CommissionThat CommissionThat CommissionThat ssion
That Cost of Maintenance Has Increased
the reasons II tor the increase lIIIIeue of freight freightrates fretg1ltrat freightrates
rates rat by tile various varl rallread through throughout threugktaoulry tJtrglaHt
Ht tM country w were explained Itlala at u aninquiry uIINpat
inquiry IINpat by the Interstate la late CtIta stat Commerce CommerceCommiaeiea CemmerceCommlaefe
Commiaeiea CINI la the rooms of the comabulea com oommteslea
mteslea 1 this tit moraiag moraiagThe moralagThe rBlng rBlngThe
The chief cause ea was attributed to the thefact thefact thefact
fact that the expense ex of maintaining maintainingrailroads malaUlBiagrailroads maltalalgrailroads
railroads bad advanced t to such such an extent ex extent exat ¬
tent at recently that the compaaiea were wereforced weretor wereforced
forced tor to Increase laer e the rates in i order orderto or41ert orderto
to conduct con uct their business This teatt teattmony te teattSonr tl tlJftOIIy
mony was W given IIYe by G J Grammar Grammarfreight Gamrfreight Oramaerfreight
freight traffic manager maa er of the Lake Shoreand Shore Shoreand ShoreaDd
and Michigan Southern So1lt erll who also spoke spokefor speketor spokefor
for the other representatives present presentMr prnetMr presentMr
Mr Grammar further said that be bethought hetltought bethought
thought there waa more reason for an anIncrease altIncreliH anIncrease
Increase In rates than ever before in thehistory tbe tbehistory tbehistory
history of the country couat Ho pointed out outthat outthat outthat
that the shipments of grain ad othercrops other othercropa othereropa
crops bad d been abnormal and that the ttonormal theprteetl theprice
price for tile prod products ts were a aiso ab abnormal If IfDOrms
DOrms normal I IB J view of this thi and the fact fadthat tactthat factthat
that the cost of raalatenance wall wallRlueh semuch se semuch
much greater he contended eo teDded that therewas there therewas tlHtrea8
was a8 just cause for the advance in ratesThe rates ratesThe ratesThe
The commteeioners commles oaer who heard testi testimony eattnOB testimony ¬
mony tnOB were Judge Knapp chairman chairmanJudge ebairmaBJudge chairmanJudge
Judge Youmaa You II Charles A Prouty Prout and andJoseph RadJo andJoseph
Joseph Jo Fifer A number of railroads railroadswere raUroa raUroawere railroadswere
were represented representedTto repre representedThe eDted eDtedThe
The bearing was begun at 10 oclock oclockJudge ecJoekJudge oclockJudge
Judge Knapp IB opening the ooBferenen ooBferenenwild 08Rfr 08Rfr11d ooufereacesaid
wild that the representatives represe tatiftS had been beensummoned bMnJIMMIed beensummoned
summoned JIMMIed to furalsh tr lk Information con concerning caBeentag cnceratag ¬
cerning the circumetaaeee circum eireta taaces c and reaeeaa reaeeaawhich reseeacwhich
which whlc prompted the increase In freightrates freight trelglltrat
rat rates
The general situation UHUO saM Id he heth is isthis isthis
th this For the past two t we or three years yearsthe yeanctlte yearsthe
the freight rates of railroads have been bceashewing beenaHWIDI beenshowing
showing a tendency te 1 Increase aecoBU aecoBUpanled aeeORhpaRI8d accompanted
panted by an Increase lner In the volume of ofbuaineaa DCbualn ofbusiness
business bualn la that time the volume of oftraffic DCtraftk oftraiSc
traffic has Ita HOB greater eater and from re reporta reporta reports
porta furnished us we believe that railroad rail railroad railroad ¬
road operations are prosperous prosperousThe prMperlHHlThe prosperousThe
The Increase In itself Is enough tocause to tocause toe1IH
cause public comment While It te the ttoduty thedutT theduty
duty of the commission commie log to make ake this thisInvestigation thl thllaYligation thisinvestigation
Investigation It Is also aJ o the duty of rail railroada railroads
roads to make any disclosures dlaelonr that may maythrow maythrow
throw tit row light upon the subject subjectJena RUbjectJ subjectJohn
John J T Dye Dr representing the BigFour Big BigPour lgPour
Pour then proposed that Mr Graw Grawmer Oralllmer Grammer
mer be permitted to act for all the tbereyreeoBtatives therellreeeatathea therepresentatives
representatives This was accepted acceptedAfter aec acceptedAfter pt8f1 pt8f1After
After administering the oath to Mr MrGrammar lrOraOBer MrGrammer
Grammar Judge Knapp said saidIt saidIt Id IdIt
It is I the desire of the commission commissionthat commissionthat commissionthat
that you ou answer In a general way the
Hearing on Demurrer Filed Filedby Filedby Filedby
by Packers PackersARGUING PackersARGUING PackersARGUING
Packers if They L Lose ese loose fie t Carry CarryCase CarryCase CaraCase
Case Higher HigherPomts Points ofLaw of ofLaw f fLaw
Law Involved InvolvedCHICAGO IlivolY IlivolYCltIQACJO InvolvedCIl1CAao
CHICAGO Dec K 1IAH Another MIthe move ta tathe inthe
the fight of the packers eken agninot agelaettemporary the thetemporary tileteMperary w
temporary Injunction secured by tto ttoUnited eMUaUftd iliaUnited
United State Stat prohibiting pr Jblthlc them from fromeomMIng froMDlbBlag fromeumbielag
eomMIng DlbBlag ta restraint r of trade amid amifrom amidfrom
from fre uniting u to manipulate pries pricescattle of ofcattle ofcattle
cattle and dressed beef was tonun base today ttMIII ttMIIIIR todaylea toonyIB
IB Judge Orosscups courtArguments court courtArgument COlINAr
Argument Ar IIMtt were heard on the tilerer demur demurrer demurrer ¬
rer Sled by the packers to the bill ill of ofInjunction ofInjuacUOB ofInjunction
Injunction submitted by tine tI Government Governmentta
ta I May Potato hie of Jaw are chiefly cJdea larelved la involved laed ¬
volved ed and the evidence n against the ttopackers theHIekra thepackers
packers will aot be brought out at atthte atthlfl attllle
thte bearing bearingIf 1leAr1acIt
It the demurrer deMurr is I overruled It I fprobable Is Isprobable Iprotiwe t
probable probable that the attorneys at for tbe tbepackera tbeetere tD tDsashes e te
sashes will tell to answer aaw the bill billwill and andwill adwill
will allow a decree to to entered enteredagainst eotenIIL enteredagalast
against IIL them Ute Thte would give them theman t themas m moppertttr
an opportunity to appeal the case and andcarry aDdcarJ7 andcarry
carry It up to the United State ita Court Courtof Courtof Courtof
of Appeals for a bearing bearI of the et el eldeace e i ideaC8 Ideace
deace and for the realcortesten real rlCOIIt conteat t on the thebaste theef thebasso
baste of the Sherman antitrust law lawShould lawShould lawShould
Should the demurrer to sustained th thGovernment tbGoftntment the theGovernment
Government would have an opportunity opportunityto
to amend a the facts factaPACKERS faetaPACKERS factsPACKERS
two tineottesa the iidressretsates 1 1ItJlaUI that Uaat14td thatled
led te this Iller Iacreoee sad tie fesros0 for 14Mft forit
ft itMr Hfr H
Mr Ora Grxmmer said saidAs saidAs w wA
As A a traffic man I have YO been con conj ceafro cafrosted
j fronted fro tad alt the year with the statement statementof atate atatevI
of to accounting omcera that the te tecrease Ia Iaer Increase
crease er ta I expenses exl exceeded the uI advance advanceta
ta I earnings ear and we all came to the COB COBcluoioB ceacloo exncaefoa
cluoioB that it was necessary that thntthing tUthl same samething
thing thl should be don done Tb The only thing tIdacthat thingthat thingthat
that a railroad baa to sell 11 is I its trans transportation t tportatloa traaeportatioe ¬
portation white on the other oU hand we wehave weHye wehave
have everything to buy buyNumerous h1117NUlDerous buyNumerous
Numerous questions concerning tile ttooperations tileoporatloas theoperations
operations of railroads were ww put to MrGrammer Mr MrOrammer XrOrammer
Orammer The Commissioners Inquiredeloeely inquired inquiredclosely IJIIfUinIdeJo
closely eJo I into the prosperity of railroads railroadsthroughout raUnadathrout railroadsthroughout
throughout the country and were toldthat told toUthat toldthat
that the public had aa Inflated Idat IdateoaeeralDI idea Weeconcerning ideaconcerning
concerning the earnings earat of these corpse corperatlens corpseatteae
atteaeNO atlens atlensNO u
Until there is some move oa the part partof partof
of Germany Oer or r Kngland ta Urn Venesae Venesaeten V YeeesneIan
ten affair that Indicates ladJeat aa intention intentiono0 j
oa Ute part of the powers to acquire acquireterritory acquireterritory
territory of tile South American re repIIc republic 1 1public
public there will be no official inquiry inquiryon
on the part of the United States Stat Sea Senate SeIIate Seaate
ate as to effect of the blockading of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the ports of that country upon the Mot Monroe Motroe Ko Koroe
roe Doctrine DoctrineIt D etrleI
It I t Is true that several y Democratic Democraticmembers Detaoen Democreitmectbers rjc rjcbera
members bera have Ita va serieuely ty considered introductug In Introducing mtreduclng ¬
troducing a resointion requesting the theSecretary tileSecretary theSecretary
Secretary of State to furnish toe Sea
ate with Information Ia rotation rIaU to tile ttomovement themovement
movement of Ute powers to collect the thedebts tiledebta thedebts
debts due subjects of the European Europeancountries BlIIOPNaeouatrlee guropeancountries
countries named it la I said Ute Senatorsasking Senators Senatorsasking Setonaaklng
asking for the inoulry have agreed to towait 0t towait
wait t until the t situation ia I more serioustbaa serious seriousthan rtoua
than at presentMembers present presentMembers preaea1MeM
Members MeM of the Foreign Fo Relations
Committee who have made an examination examina ¬
tion of Ute statue tat of the operations of
the powers declare there exists no im immediate Immediate immediste ¬
mediate cause for alarm lanD However Howevershould Howevershould
should there the be further hostile actionwhich action actionwhich aeU aeUwBlch
which result results ia the destruction of life lifeand lifeIntel lifeand
and property it is i said salel that a re resolu lu ¬
tion of the t character a suggested ued would
be offered by the Democratic members membersand membersand ben benand
and fad some support ppon on the Republican Republicanside Republicanside
side Ide
Arthur Art rL U 1 Haiallp a young man plead pleaded pMdpUt pleadeel ¬
ed guilty pUt ta Judge J KlmbaUs court today
ta t two charges chsr gee of rf passing g fraudulent fraudulentcheeks fraudukntcheok fraudulentcheck
cheeks check He H was sentenced to imprison imprisonment IIIIprIaGnBeRt Imprisonmeat ¬
BeRt for six months or a fine of ISC b4 in ineach IDeach ineach
each case
New Orders From Navy De Department Department Department
partment Seem to Have a aMost aMost aMost
Most Significant Bearing Bearingon
on South American Situa Situation Situation Situation ¬
tion tionNot tionNot tionNot
Not Probable That Squadron SquadronWHI Squadronwru SquadronWill
Will Be Sent Direct to toLa toLa toLa
La Guaira for Fear ofFriction of ofFriction ofFriction
Friction With the Euro European European European ¬
pean Powers PowersLikely PoversLikely PowersLikely
Likely That Strong Strong Force ForceWill ForceViII
Will Spend Christmas Hol Holiday Holiday Holiday ¬
iday Season From Decem December December December ¬
ber 19 to 29 at t Trinidad TrinidadA
A change baa been made In tbe ar arrangementa arraDCementa ar arrangements
rangementa of the Navy avy Department to toprovide toprotde toprovide
provide for t < r a distribution of the ships shipsof sbipsof shipsof
of Admiral Deweys West Indian fleet fleetduring llettclartal fleetdaring
during the Cbriatmaa Cbrlat recreation retrf > atioD period periodThis periodTide periodThis
This change may maYbe be regarded as having havinga
a significant bearing beart1 on the Venezuelan Venezuelansituation Venezuetanltaaton Venezuelanilttration
situation situationTbe ltaatonn
The n understanding that Admiral AdmiralDewey AdmiralDewey AdmiralDewey
Dewey would determine ennlDe the program of ofdistribution otdf8trlbutlon ofdlatributlon
distribution for the holidays will not becarried be becarried beearned
carried into client the department bay having huIDe baylad ¬
lad decided to direct the distribution it itself itu itIt ¬
selfIt self selfIt u
It wad learned at t the department to today today today ¬
day that a telegram tt > m would be sent toAdmiral to toAdmiral t tAdmiral
Admiral Dewey in the next few days daystelling daystenia daystelling
telling < him where to send each con contingent contingent ou outlncent ¬
tingent of his fleet for the holiday pe period ponod p pNod > ¬
Truth is Reports ReportsThis ReportsTltl ReportsThis
This Tltl indicates Indica tee that there is i truth tru b ia iatto n nthe nthe
the reports that the Administration is isconsidering 8 8tbe
considering tbe advisability of sending sendingwar sendiD sendiDwar aendiewar
war vessels TetI JII to Venezuela or its it vlciniy vlciniyFrom vicini viciniFroID
From what hai be t Jriii J however howeverit
it t Is I not probable that th8 a squadron will willto wiltbe willbe
be sent Dt to L La Guaira as that migbmate migbt migbtcause
cause friction with Germany and nd Enr Enrtand En EntiM
tand Hut it is likely Jllte that a stress stressl tr trJaitt = tor torhe > °
l It Jaitt ocderMl Its ae upend the holiday bottdayn IW I ICll twhich
n which Cll wife extend oat + ad from Dervmb Deeembr mb r rIf
If 1 to December 29 at t Trinidad or some soraeother someoUler seineother
other place within witltl short sailing lIaWn < distant distantof dhHa diatao IHP IHPof P Pof
of the Venezuela V uela coast coastCABINET coastCABUfET coastCABINET
All interest here today ta the Vene Veneaaemn YeuptUoa Venesuslesetteaton
aaemn suslesetteaton situation tUoa centers in the Cabinet CabinetcecUug Cab1netIUftlaI Cabinetzetting
cecUug which assembled a at 11 oclock oclockSecretary 0c1olkSecretary ocloelSecretary
Secretary Hay went to the executir executirontee executiiwith executtyaIef
ontee Ief ee with a portfolio full of pape tl < a aconcerning SeGlMeratft s seosoerning
concerning eGlMeratft th the condition of affairs ia iathe 11t tothe
the t perturbed republic republicIn republicIa
Ia spite vltl of the feeling here ere that thatthe tbatallies thatthe
the allies have gone too far in their tbeircoorclre thpi thpiclche theireeerdve
coorclre measure me I against Venezuela >
the opinion prevails is ic a official circles circlesthat clr cireiP5that < IPSt IPStUIat
that the President and nd his his advisers advisersWnTI adviserswltl TS TSWIll
WIll decide de lde at todays conference conft > reDtt that thatlon thatas
as eeca eeaasion lon has yet arisen for f r the ln lnterpoattion iatsrposltion n nion
terpoattion ion of this Government GovernmentThe GovernmentPreAidtnt GovernmentThe
The President is understood to be bethat of ofthat r rtIIat
that opinion but as some of Iris a aare aIi avims >
Ii vims are inclined to think that Ger Gerand G4 Gerassay r raod
assay and England should be asked 10 10ezptate 10apIa t o oegpleim
apIa certain operations by by their an anTnl OJT8I navai
Tnl forces II in apparent violation of theamnusaces the theea theglypn
amnusaces ea given to the 1aited Sates Sateato Sate Sateto Satesat
at to the character and scope > of the th ro roerdoat 10erctc o oercias >
erdoat te be applied he may m y be per persuaded pNaua4ed per perevaded ¬
evaded to take some me action actionto alonIt actionIt
It seam to I be aaaured ured however that thataaouM thatouN thatshould
should he authorise the sending of FPI FPIitatkma rp rptatlolla renreseatatiose >
reseatatiose itatkma to Berlin and London the theentering thee
entering e ttertag t wedge will be a mill mil form of ofThe < > t ttorr fiD4IT
torr torrThe iD4ITTbe
The Into interference ltAreace Terence of the United Sat Sals SalsIa 5ateaIa > s ste
Ia regarded as a delicate < matter Hint Hintmost hat hatmast 11 t taat
most aat be undertaken with th the < > great greatcaution lreaeaattoa greateaUUonI >
caution aad so managed as a not IR giv givoaTenee gi gito g e eoffense
offense to Germany and England if wh wha 1 sur sura u11 u11a
a thing te POSSM POSSMThe PGaI PGaIT1ae e eThe
The States Department > nt is without withoutnewa withoutDeW withoutnews
news DeW from fro Vela today The Th latesr latesrdtepatcbes latt lattdiapate latetdispatches
dispatches diapate from Minister Bowen came cameyesterday cameter4a cameyesterday >
yesterday ter4a morning morningBKITISK moral moralBJtITISII morningBRrrisi
PARIS Dec 1C ItA A dispatch atl to th thMatin t thMath h hMatla
Math Matin from Caracaa of yesterday yterdaydate yesterdaysdate 5 5date
date says the British are constructing constructingredoubts tonatrUltingre40ebts constructingredoubts
redoubts In San Folks AU is quiet at atLa att atLa
La Guaira TIM treopa have boon n with withdrawa w I I hdrawn h hfba
fba drawn from the town and nested sted ir the thaBurroundlBC th thmoaataIBa thesnrraadlag
BurroundlBC mountains mountainsThe moaataIBaTIae mountainsThe
The newspapers of Camas continu cnntInumint ootin u upriat
mint violent attacks ea tile British
Germans GermansMoat GermaDMoat GermaneMoat
Moat of the political prisoners prironerswe w wwere t twere
were we released at Puerto Cabello ha hagone halOae hagene
gone to Curacao to rejoin the rrvol rrvoltionary roltloll7 rcvoltionary
tionary commander General I M iatos tos i istead Iatead it itstead
stead of rallying to the defense dl 1U1e of 0 h bcountry hcoutrl hcoantrt
country u was w expected expectedTS expectedTHX exportedTtfE
The Italian ambassador called on Secretary Sec Secretary Screta17 ¬
retary Hay this afternoon and gave n no notice nottee i ittee ¬
ttee of the intention IDt ntloft of his hi government governmentto OTemmfn OTemmfnto
to Join Germany and England ia coercive coercivemeasures tOtrdv6qaiDat coercivemeasures
measures against Veueaarli and to as assure lStile assure
sure the United States that Italy would woulddo wlulddo woulddo
do nothing contrary to the principle of ofthe Qfthe ofthe
the Monroe M Menru Doctrine DoctrineThe DoetrllWTIle DoctrineThe
The ambassador also told Mr Hsy H y
that the Italian diplomat ir representa rrpreaentathe representative r1 > 5pnfl 5pnfltl ¬
the tl in Caracas would + withdraw withdr ithdrav and he herequested hereqect herequested
requested that Minis = tinted Hnv 110 be plac placed placed placed ¬
ed IA charge of Italys Haly i mtcr Itrtll itterrateMrnHay ItrtllKr ta taMr
MrnHay Mr Kay promised prorais d to I instrut nstnt ° t to that thateffect tbateffect thateffect
effect on ccaUitioa CIJ dltiuJ that t t L the > IC Venezuelan Venezuelangovernment Venezoelsagovernment enfzuela1fOYernmfot
government would recognize reco lze him aa
Italys hal representative

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