OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 15, 1908, Last Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-06-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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p pI
r f
2 1hw b bt ban bTle1 1a of o TAft enthu enthulliaem thW thWam
lliaem am with them and e man wu wucnned wa waLrn1ed
cnned with a bung starter starterA
A tow moments later the iCentuck iCentuckdeIgaUoi entu1Q1 entu1Q1del
del deIgaUoi UQD rrlved with the in inCity Bsa8 Bsa8it3
City and Colorado contingent cloe on onUs ontthheels
Us tthheels heels heelsI
Dolliver Boom Bom1lboom tGrawa tGrawam
1lboom m tor DoUtver for forIdent V VSdent
Sdent bas ba swept cQryth1ng beoro It Itexceptand It1xeeptand
exceptand the fUcelt1on hi highly IUg1yztftcantthe slg slgt
ztftcantthe Ucan the lows delegation As the theInumber th thinrnber
Inumber at delegates In the city Incre Increes increu increut
es the demand for DolUver gains It Itlfs Ii
lfs t C28Ud that it loft to Usel 1tbout withoulveto 1tbout1oQ
1oQ veto trom Iowa or interterenoo from fromfWa froniWaWn
fWa WaWn hmston tofl UU convention wRl noin1nate nom nom1nate
1nate lator Dollver DollverBut Do11verBut
But at leaet ehhteen of the twent7 twent7I tWent7delegate
I de1 delegate latell from Iowa are lITloclIbiy lITloclIbiycpposed 1rreocabtNpposed
cpposed to Yr ir Do11lvera nomination nominationSome nominatJonSome
Some or them are Inspired by porsonal porsonalj
j hOI hotIltty 1tty to DoUlver and others bY 1n 1ntagon1sm rntagoulftm
tagon1sm to Governor Cummins In WhOIil WhOIilty b mHey
Hey ree rooogni gftJ the succu uece3fiOr r to DoI DoIl1ver DoIlivers
livers Senatorial 6en torlfl1 seat if DolUver b bccmM b bcem
ccmM cem VIce Pro Prok1nt Prok1ntThe klmt klmtTho
The situation In Iowa 1LJt IIa tDl yoars yoarsboon oar oarboon
and more bitter be betWMm between
boon growing growingmore more
tWMm the Ciznmins mml s and anUCummlns anUCummlnsACtlona entIGummInfAU0n
ACtlona but never unUI todayW tOday wae thetate8 the thetates
tates otled liMn hung out tOC fO fOtin il feO feOtn
tn In the wide de arEna or natlol at atfaIrs atars
faIrs ars eo that 11 U might understand the theepth thedepth
depth epth and lI I1ou i1oueneeg nesiI of teehtp teehgThreaten teehtpThreaten
Threaten Ertermillation ErtermillationFrlend ExtermiaUonFrIn
Frlend FrIn ot oovlmor CUDWllu deoInred deoInredthat dei1BredtIt
that It DolUvar mast be kept off th thnational the thenational
national ticket in order to peep Cum Cummlns Cummine
mine out of the Senate then the riend3 riend3fur friendevt
fur vt euuumns recognizing that the Iowa Iowacontest Iowacontest
contest has roached the point or mutual mutuale mutualterrnIbt1on
e enn1DAthX1 will go Into the ul8ml ul8mlIation axtermlation
Iation ation buslneM themeelv ILt the pol1l1 polletn
10 N NQtflber r and WIll mdtake to toake tonake
nake ake thelDft them lve I feJt felt even though the therJoe th thIT1O
IT1O rJoe or theIr revoo revenge 00 th the electIon ot otDenocratJc ofa
a DenocratJc motraUc ticket and Lginature LginatureAs ture tureAs
As the next Iowa Leg1 Legielature lat1lra II 1 oe oetun oet31n
tun 10 t < 160t O ono Senator and mkY b bcall beafl4d
call eafl4d upon to select two this m6tftaCQ m6tftaCQt metiacatf
t tf t DemocratIc UoceH iA not to 00 hght hght1y ight1y
1y esteemed B a factor in the general genralIUltlnul generalttiuflul
IUltlnul satuatKm satuatKmL9BU aLtuatKmLeello
L9BU M Shaw haw today said saidWe td tdWe
We dont want Dolliver to tk tke thIs thIsQlnaUor thietnatIor
QlnaUor tnatIor It would auld grtJr great1 com compli complicato U UcMa
cato th the dhJ8tion uaLion In our 8titl 1htre wierewe 1htreW
W we have ave Ju uot t ifOlM tbrougn a blUe blUesenatorial h4tterSanatoriaI
senatorial lit lUtutGvvernor litGivernor
Gvvernor Cummins of Iow Iowa who Is Isghting leghtIng
ghting the organization In that State Statentan
ran against Senator AmBOn for the the1nited I
1 rnited States tates Senate and was b beaten beatenby t tby
by ia licOOO 000 vot9 ot With I u1Uver out of ofue of1ue
1ue ue l8neie however it would ould be a anard aiard
nard job to beat Cunuulnli CunuulnliFears CumnilneFears
Fears for Iowa IowaTbe IowaTba
Tbe po poe1b1itty t mty of fotalarl CaIwartIOwa t I W bt btcomilig beeomktg
comilig II doybttuI State 88 a g arault TBSult of ofthts ofthle
thts nmnrkable local cont8 cxwteetthazioomd cxwteetthazioomdlarga tfb 1oomed 1oomedlarp
larp In the be eye ot political Imagination imagtnUontOOa Imaginationtoday
today tOOa
Batt sl eideaLn 8frfn the lowasltuat1on have havebeen havebeen
been trying to ImptOft their v1ps on onthe onthe
the authorities at Washington 8Hi on onthe onthe
the dele delegsto h3 aennib1ed bJed here Eaoh EaohIde Eaohlde
Ide ota1med to have carried the dAy dAythe daythe
the anUDoI1Ier faction Insisted that tbAtWord thatord
Word ord had been rctved from Sttcretar SttcretarTatt SncretaryTaft
Taft that he would stop that DoUiHr Dolftvermovement DoUiHrDlovament
movement the DoUiver il1teht waa waajust a aJust
Just positive that aahinKton still stilla > till tillas
as a for DoUnr and diilpoHd to take taketeps takesteps
steps to OO oontpoee lPOH Ute dttf8rMJ antI antIallay andallay
allay the oppo oppoaitioa ltlOl to o him in his howe howeStAte homestate
StAte StAteIt
It 1s reoocnized by aU concerned that thata
a word rom the bUe HoWIe or from fromthe fromtie
the War Secretary pronounced In an un unmIstakAble noroletakablo
mIstakAble tone would not fail to toD11II1 tosr1zg
D11II1 8Om8thlD something like harmony among amongtlle amongti
tlle ti e warrh warrii0 Iowa factions 8uci1 men menas menas
as Hepburn LC8 Lacey Lafayette Young Youngand youngand
and George D P Perkine rkln who ho are Mad MadILg leadIg
ILg thE Iowa fight against DollIvers DollIversnnmlnatlon Dolliversnlnj1flatlon I
nnmlnatlon are direcU directly amenable to toTIllite tow
TIllite w lute House InfluelKe and the only onlyuesUor onlyQestlor
Qestlor uesUor ia whether that Inftu iniluenee c will willbt m mwl
bt wl wielded wieldedThe lded ldedThe
The preponderance or evidence jUII jUIIUftes u utlfles
Uftes the conclusion that 8 Seoretery SeoreteryTaft retry retryTaft
Taft still wantlll Kr Dolliver nominated nominatedIndorSe nominatedIndorse
IndorSe lairbuks lairbuksThe airbasksrho
The Iowa opponents or Doutver have MIegone havegone
gone eo tar 8 to start a movement to tothe togrIt
grIt the delegation to together et1lQl and Indorse IndorseVice IndorseVice
Vice Pres4det PN8 41fBt hltbnktt for retOlftina retOlftinalon
l tion lon to the second plane This has been beenor beenfor
for or the time being heeded off some of ofthe otthe
the Indian people ha boiMog ng taken a hand handJ8nd handiand
J8nd protested that they did not want wanttl1ls wantth1s
tl1ls done doneThA doneThose
Those se > who most Intimately Tevre represent representthe entthe
the Vice Pre Premdeat lde t iotImtL still Insist t that he helotU hewill
will not permit Il1mse1r to be namea nameatfor nameaor
tfor ± or second place Repre RepreenteLlve ntalve Jim JlmWatson JimWatson
Watson or Indiana who Is the Re RepubUcan Republlcan
pubUcan nominee for governor baJJ baJJMen kasbeen
Men trying hard to get raIrbaDb raIrbaDbJ1om1nated Iatrbankeomjnatej
J1om1nated fOr second piaoe because becaViMthe
he considers the State dftngorous an anreels t tfeels
feels that his own chance of being beingeie beingeLeted
eie eLeted go governor erno1 would be Improve Improveit <
it laJrbank wen on the tIcket for forlIecond forsecond
second place But the beet Information InformationIs
111 thAt Fairbanks noerely Intend 1 1eep t tceep
eep out of it itNew itNew
New York Has Troubles TroublesN
N ew w Y Yorks kS position In the Vice VicePrelident VicePreMdentl
Prelident 1 matter 18 IIkethos ot Iowa IowaRnd Iowaand
and Indiana to that it lane deeply 1R 1Rolved Iniolved
olved with the taottonal fight in the theState theState
State The Hughes peoptetDat is the thesincere theelnoora
sincere Hu Hughes ea JHop1eon the rnW rnWYork nw nw1York
York d 1e86ti n have been stubbornly stubbernlYefUJdng stubbornlyefustng
efUJdng to accommodat the th majority majorityby
by greelng to withdraw Hughes from tromthe fromthe
the Presiden Presidential al race and thus give th thState the theState
State affair So chance to agree on a a1e a aew
1e ew Yorker for VIce Presidential Pre can candldllte candidate
dldllte dldllteTbe didateThe
The HugheJ men are geUnr et1n HOme HOmepW somerweet
pW rweet et leVeB revenge e They reU reliae e that the theRooseveltTatt theBooseveltTaft
RooseveltTatt people really control Ii Iiood agood
good ood majority of NeW York delegtes dalegateswho delegtesWho
Who want nothing itO much AS a to be re re releaedby
1 leaedby Led by Hughes SO o thAt they tn gel gelm getor
or m the Taft bandwagon The TaIt mn mna managers
a agers ers want these New York sympa sympathizers sympathlzers
thizers reea8ed because they would would11ke wouldlike
like this 110 New York reeervoir ot seventy seventyeight > enty entyeight
eight votes to dr draw upon to make up upRny upRny
Rny po ponible tblB looses on tint balk > t ot otrottY ofvotee
rottY DOW listed for Taft In aU th thee theerajeulatlons e eCaJculstlons
CaJculstlons the eternal fear or a poeethIc pose poseI5tble
ethIc thlrdtonn stampede I Is always dis disCfmlbte discernible
Cfmlbte CfmlbteDoesnt
Doesnt Mention RooseVf1t
The e expected ed hAS b happened ppened In con oonneatlon conttectlon
neatlon with the speech of Temporary TemporaryCbalrman TemporaryChairman
Chairman Burrows It 18 reported cir clrcumstantiaUy circumstantllly
cumstantiaUy that the copies o of the the21peech thespeeciL
21peech which have been shown to a alew aiew
lew public men do not contain tM name nameor namoof
or President Preeldent Roosevelt It Ie also 80 said saidtllat saidthat
that the President mildly protested protestedgalnst protestedngatnet
galnst thin and ODe story 18 that Seoa Seoatnr Senatfr
tnr Burrows will Inject A couple of ofparagraphs ofparagraphs
paragraphs Into the document In order orderto orderto
to g get t the Preeidents Dame in inExpl01tati inExploitation
Exploitation m or thK tory that the thename th thnllD1
name or Roosevelt was omitted from fromth fromthe
th the speech caused 8 greAt sen sensation atJon in inthe Inthe
the lobbies Thirdtenn boomers seined aelaedlpon seinedupon
upon It as s the demonstration that th thWhole the thewhole
Whole progreselve grStrive program WAS to be belIftr bebetrayed
lIftr betrayed lnleii6 Roosevelt be DC mlnted mlntedThe minatedThey
The They clAIm that several Stats del8ck del8cktiGft8 delegatIcne
tiGft8 srf ar weakening on Taft and that thatthere thatthere
there 15 yet a possibility ot preventing preontlns11omlnatfon preventingnomination I
nomination on Ant ballot They are not not1tweer notwcver
1tweer wcver treated very ery r respectfully when rhonthy whenVey
thy advance rJch claims o1aimWou1d claimsWoii1
Wou1d Back Sherman ShermanTine ShennanThe
The New ew Yorkers are having 8 a fine finerow fine2ow
row The crowd wants the Hughes can eandidC7 candidac
didC7 didac withdrawn at once So so the State Sttemay Statemay
may be In shape ba to get behind Slier Shermn Slierman
mn tot second place The real Hughes Hughesnut Hughesmeet
nut ftaUy rat1ll5e ruee and feeling ha has be become become
come intense intenseew IntenseTbe
Tbe New ew York delegation contained oontalnedmet containedmerl
met w whose 4 rMl ee1 purpose e ws wa to make maketJs makelJs
tJs nomination Impo imposable a1b1e now nat natJ natuta1 natuta1ly
J ly enough be 16 JDdl6po5td d to anqini anqinidate i1Jtt i1Jttdat
date dat th these e enemies by taking hfl jnmeC jnmeCconvenenty sdt sdtconvenJen
convenJen convenenty y out oi of the Iltatl U Uhe if ifbe
he is not golD to be nominated Zor Zorres1dent r rFremdeut
Fremdeut res1dent M will not baTe etcond etcondI cO ld ldJ
Photographic Studyof StudyofSpeaker Sftidy f fSpeaker
Speaker Cannon WFO WFOAlthough < ho hoAlthough
Although a Presidential PresidentialPossibility PresidentiaPossibility
Possibility Is in ChicagoConducting Chicago ChicagoCoriducting
Conducting a Fight DrY DrYthe onth
the th AntiInjunction Plank Plankin PIaikin
in the Republican Plat P1atform Platform
pike and hft 1 is detenniDlld not to un ungain unagain
gain rOt govetnor o nor Neither will h hsmooth he hesillooth
smooth the pathway for his enemi enemies by byretiring byretiring
retiring H4t H I is Raying in and letting Ifttmcthem lettingthem
them wfll awoatThe wfllThe
The New Yorkers would be e glad Iad to tosupport toauppm
support 3benna tor second place It ha hacould
could pt the solid delepUon but heoant he heoant
oant lbe rh Bupe men aN ma1 n thi thimpoHlb1e thLi thLiImposotble
mpoHlb1e Morever ver Sherman makes makesmaU makesnaU
maU naU a appeal PML1 to the convention He Hedoe II IIdoomi
doe n t fill the popular eye or lnaptre lnaptreenthu lnspreenthisaam
enthisaam enthu laam 1111 n Dolliver DolliverC does doesCoImttftea
C lBlBitteM Na NaThe Named NamedThe
The foowmc commlttMmen were ere ap appointed D Dpolnted
pointed this morning momincNorth morningNorth
North Carolina Charles H COWMS COWMSlJernNinent Cowlespermanent
permanent organization Harry Skln Sklnn 8km 8kmnet
n net rules W G Iriep J68Olutiona S SB SIi
B Adams eomnttee to notify the th9PrHldebt thePresident
President C J 1 Harris notify notlf VIe VIe1rkIent VicelresIdent <
1rkIent C C Jr Tomas national cm cmndtteemAn cornmitteesnan
ndtteemAn E C Duncan DuncanMallal DuncanMaseaehueettz
Mallal Maseaehueettz h uet t R Rules Uf cornnri committGeorge tt ttO
O George H Cody CIoidenUal Samuel J JEI JEIde
EIde EI II < re oluUolUI W Murray urray Cranes Cranesnotify Cranenotity
notify President Sidney Biener nOtify noUlyVice nOtifyVIce
Vice President 3amuel E Winslow vtinlowhonoraf Winslowhonorary
honorary vl vice e president of the convn convntlon convetion
tlon wnUam H tveke member of ofthft ofthe
the nati6nal OOIamlttee W Murphy
Crane chairman of the delegation tIon
H Henry ry Cabot Lodge secretary ZVtary dward dwardC
C Graves GravesTexanOredeutials
TtxIUiOredentlal J 1 fl Smith per permanent permanent
manent orlrsauatlon C C Littleton LittletonDied LittletonDied
Died DiedKND DiedIcaDxvITLoe
IcaDxvITLoe KND nILUCe SatU J i 11 11 i at atel
iLLIC ILL4 ot rUngOR Y Ye m 1M fOlK1 fosrt llCot
7005 ot o IM her a aFunerat seeluneraI
Funerat from 1 a s c CieisoWe elPOIi THM THMdar Iso Iso4a
4a dar at 1 p P m mAlexandria m mA
A Alexandria mDdria se P 1IiMAe e8pS1 1t 1tPHIIlL1P8OK ItPIILLLLPOa
PHIIlL1P8OK Sunday 1ftOn moiThog 8 Juno U U1M 14iset
1M at i oc ocoek k at therHide the residenee e Jt Jtdaughter ls lsdaughter
daughter Xn ri S S Dalton hIS Tw TwfiNa Twenty Twentyfth
fiNa fth lMt northi orthwet t JOHN JOH T F1tILL1rFunei PKILLtN PKILLtNJiYnwaI
JiYnwaI Funei al services TuHda 1u June 1 at I IP 3p
P m Relthee a1WItriead and friends hFIW 1t 1tYBRUGN ItOBRISNOn
YBRUGN OBRISNOn < n Saturday June i J I 1MI I at atlIJO
lIJO p m BERNARD A beIefod a of ofthe ofthe
the late Michael riML l aM Margaret 0 OBriot Ja Jathe Isthe
the thirtyeighth t rear of htsge htsgeFuneial
Funeial r will f take upl place train UM t ft ftd yjj yjjdome
d dome ca ot Me hi brother John OBrMa O9r M Itstreet G Gatr
atr street DOI northwest on TuMday June JuneS 1i C CS
S a a m ttanee to St UOpMus thnrdwhere Church Churchwhen
when solemn reQUiem uiem hlch lDIB wm tf tfeaJd a aald
eaJd ald for the IfpoM of h his soul 1 at t 3Betives edMk edMkRelatives
Relatives ad friends are IrnitedtAt invited te aU aU1t attead atteadIt
1t 1tpt It1irLYo
pt 1irLYo 1aYOft 8nDd 5nn6si Jmt 14 iSet at atp > 3 3p
p m ALPHOS8US J 1 BIRNKY la UN UNtAlrt1ftNt thethirtyftrot
tAlrt1ftNt TNr of his age ageNoUoe ageetIo
NoUoe etIo of tvneral hereafter 1Mreatterfew hereafterQr
few Qr Br 3runewkk n wkk N J papers pIe8e cor corlt
In Memoriam MemoriamTrn femoriamIilHETln
IilHETln Trn Md but I Iving > tnc re remembraao ot otmy ofmy
my doer wire SOPHROXIA 8OPHRO IA and our deiMed de deed
iMed ed mother who ho died fin ymrs erl ago 10 10dAy to today
dAy June U 1P91 1P91It 1P415It
It R H ler Husband nd aDd OhIWr OhIWrUKDXRTAXERS OhuldreU1DERTAXER8
YUNJlJt oL DIRJlCTOR A xn xnU xnLIzz
Phone East 112i LIvery in ooaftcea ooaftceajef
jef 11 wMt wMtJ
gi Pa Ave N W V Washington D C CTelephone C CTelephone
Telephone lain 1 1iUNERAL 1386 1386UNERAL
PRICES Bl UTl1 1tT1I PHO PRONE E N 1 1463 1463GEO
JR71ftt JR71fttGEO
at every duCt1ptJOIImoderately pdce4 pdce4GUDE price priceaUDE
Fresh Every DayJlarket lrlcos lrlcosTODAY rIeas rIeasTODAY
Rock Fish per lb Ue UeNorfo1k 1cNorfolk
Norfolk Spots per lb Be BeSalt
Salt Water Trout per lb lOe lOe8Ucea
Sliced Codfish per lb 1 e eBoston
Boston fackerel per lb 1Sc 1ScPhone
Phone N2464 200201 7th St N W Wf
f I If
< 5 d
rule Samuel David8 < n reeoiutnfl C COden Cw
w Ogden honorary Ice president C CA CA I
A Boynton committee to notify Prl Preeldent PrldfDt
dfDt dent Eugene Xolte committee to no notit notlfy
tit tlfy Vice PrMklen1 Judge Menon Menonnational Maatrsonnational
national aommtlteeman Cecil A Lyons LyonsRhode LyonsRhode
Rhode IslaM Honorary vtee vie prtMII preellent
lent Edward S Ransom Newport Newportchairman
chairman d delegation Andrew J 1 CurlIer CtlrriertaIY CurlIerlecretar
lecretar taIY Joseph FletCher permanent permanentranitton
ar ranitton ltlon f Philip Boucher Woon WoonO Woonsotket
O sotket ket rules John Fletcher Prowl Prowldare
dare refo credentials Edward E Arnold ArnoJelCoyntry ArnoldCoventry
Coventry rdoluuo Ezra DI DixOn on Br Brin Brintol
101 committee to aoUt notify President J JPletcher 1 1Fletcher
Fletcher committee to notify Vice VJcePrM1d4nt VicePresIdit
PrM1d4nt ux C Ccrub Ciurob natl national nt Om Ommltteeman cornmitteeman <
mltteeman Charles It Brayton BraytonKMawiCbaJnun BraytonMImowiChhrnan
KMawiCbaJnun e1etraUon Son Senltor Sonttor
ltor rarner national committeeman committeemanChar committeemanCharles
Char Charles Nacel honorary vice chaIr chaIrman chairElan
man Gen Charles Chari H Blodsett BlodgettThe BlodsettTbe
The naming < of the oUter rommtttH rommtttHmen
men fl fl Wall POitpott d until tomorrow tomorrowJloOrntnllt tomorrowmorning
morning Att oeloek Attorney General GeneralHadley GeneralHadley
Hadley 1M slated ted for c nmtttee on re reso resolutloes o olutloaa
lutloaa John A k tI1tland for edtn eredenUaLa edtnUa
Ua UaLa J 1 H BotwI orpJ1IIzatlon orpJ1IIzatlonXew
New YorkHon YorkHonorary rar vi vb prebldent prebldentChauncey preddentChauncey
Chauncey Dftpew credentials J 1 Iot Ioai Ioai1ott
JoIWe8U permanent organtu organization tion Fred FredBryant FredBryant
Bryant Pities James w WIatwo1th WIatwo1thJr
Jr re ot1t10ftS sr8iftO E Payne eota
mltt mltte notify President Otto T Bn Bannan
nar nan notify Vice President Presl4mtt George W WAldrldcf WAldrldge
Aldrldcf national committeemen W
1 Ward 1iAjrman committee Tim 1tmWoodruff TimWoodruff
Woodruff WoodruffConunittee WoodruffCommittee
Committee Heads Named NanledBy NamedBy
By I Indiana Jjel Delegates DelegatesCHICAGO ates atesCHICAGO
CHICAGO Just 15T1M i m Indtana dole deJeptea dolegates
gates today elected the following ohair ohairmen 4iIrman
men at their caucus caucustbaJrmaaot caucusIhairman
tbaJrmaaot Ihairman O decation or A ABevertdgs J Jveri
Bevertdgs veri eo committee U eniutlone eniutloneSenator OIMo OIMoiWnator
Senator HellwQ CI erdinaM 1aaIi coII coIIRalttH coat coatmitt
RalttH mitt C A Book Bookwaltsr a1teri rule com commit cornimttee
mit imttee W A Guthrie l4nnanet or orgen orgenliatlon c cIdon
Idon J W J aton ratIonaL commit eonantee committo
tee to Harry SNow SNowNew S New NewlVew
New Yorkers Are Slo Slow SlowTo v vTo
To Cheer Cheerfor for HughesCHICAGO Hughes HughesCHICAGO
CHICAGO June iAt the th meeting 1IMeUnoC meetingof
oC the New Tark dele delegation aUon this morn morninc morntrig
inc Fred Greener of Bual was wasnallMCl wasitamed
nallMCl as tV U member 0C the committee
GhaTles W Wright Awarded AwardedMed AwardedMedal
Medal Med l for Highest HighestAverage HighestAverage
Average Averagew AverageWAHIXO5OW
The Wl Washington cton Public School for forW1tI forWhite
W1tI White o nos wa kHied today for the thesummer thesummer
summer The oUuwlng awards were wereJaade weremade
made JaadeTbe madeThe
The sUI suporintendents > rlntendts medal for high highset
8 set t averAle avsrngs was awarded to Chari Charles W WWlIit V VWrl
Wrl WlIit t oC the toOth grade Cf1Ld8Certilicatu gradeCertificates
Certificates or gra graduation laaUolt 11 h the 016Gwrge theOserge
Gwrge Washington High aehool were werewded wereawarded
awarded wded td N thu toUo1 following pupUs Charles CharlellWlIIlam CharlesWilliam
William Wnht lIght CbU Chare Fletcher tcher Dy DylIOn Dyson
lIOn Laurence Dou Douda4 1I Smith and Dan Danj Danid
j id 1 Bishop Arnold ArnoldIn
111 the ninth grade de cer certificates ftoate we weawarded were wereawarded
awarded 8C follows Charles AubreCallahan Aubre AubroyCallahan
Callahan Laurence William CorlMtt CorlMttReainald CorbetiReginald
Reginald Franc l Cox Julln OKan OKanPowy OKaneDewsay
Powy Benedict iarlOA toz ioa HopktM Len Lencard
card JL S 1Wlabt William 1A1eMlef 1A1eMlefMartin LeleesietMartin
Martin MartinIn
In the eighth blh grade W1IItam Jotter Jerterso Jottersop
so sop Cox RichArd HarUhorn FawoettJohn lkWoett lkWoettJohl1
John Randolph lUUDli and Irvin Alex Aluxand Alexander
and ander TennMeOn TennMeOnIn
In the seventh grad William A ABarnett ABarnett
Barnett D Depew pew Chaunoey Charles ChacilMtt CUr CUrIiatt
Iiatt tt R CourtlJHI 1v Dana Harold Davis DAvtllltttrtfam Davis1ertrant
ltttrtfam Dhmelt Chapin Evans i3 erelt verettHelimuth ereltHellmuth
Hellmuth Frank Hm John B John Johni JohnSun
i UU Irvin Llnday Harry lAaxe GU GUbert UIlbert
bert Minor Jo Evan William WilliamONeal WilliamONeal
ONeal FrAnk PrveriU James Pulmtm PulmtmEarl Pulmen1arI
Earl Wen Wells and William WOOUII WOOUIIIn
In the sixth grade MAtthew Azema AzemaThomali AzeinaThomas
Thomas Iftrne HArold Cherot Wwalu WwaluClark EdwaruClark
Clark Harry Crlliy Raymond fevers feversFrank DeversFrank
Frank Fannon John Oatn Gslnat John Igoe IgoeTbomas IgocThomas
Thomas Jon Jones 1 Douglas Und y Harry Harrylankln HarryMankin
lankln Paul Pau Miller Wait Walter r NaIls oNallLoUUI NaIlsLouis
Louis Patterson George P8tUt Wil WilUsm VII VIIUam
Uam PhIlip Phm George Pitt Herman Pohl PohiL PohlL
L Roberta N Robert WIlliam Top Topping Topping
ping and John Underwood UnderwoodIn
In the fifth grade James Puh PuhVatter Puiman PuimanWalter
Walter Humphnetl Frank Herring HerrtngPark HerringPark
Park Wade Carter Conner William W1I1iamDow WilliamLowns
Dow Lowns VUlialft Wolf Harry Butcher Butcheraurl ButcherMaurice
Maurice aurl e Dobaon Luther Ken Vlllbur VlllburRklpway WilburRidgewsy
Rklpway Melville Gemeny Alden AldenCbe AldenCheater
Cbe Cheater r Clarence Bailey Marshall JtaNlhlIJohnaon MarshallJohnson
Johnson Ballard Wilson Hirst HAyes Hayesand
and James Cunningham CunnlnxhamIn I
In the fourth grade Raymolkl Barr Barrelt Barrett
elt William Bard Hrbert Byrne I Idon i idon
don carrtoo Jam lamee Duncon AhtOB 11 Elbolt 11110tt
bolt itarl arl Fprt I Paul > aul Finks George GeorgttH GeorgeHess
H Hess Be Benjamin Jamin J4 Jaffa William C Mc McKenney McKenney
Kenney William ilItam Kina RUMen Nicklt NickltThoma NicklinThomas
Thomas Peyton Carroll Pierce Arthur Arthur8tMlle ArthurSteele
Steele SIdney Well Fred Jo red Baker FredHirrell Fred FredHirrell
Hirrell Bernard Cook Edward Cooke CookeRlehard CookeRichard
Richard Coleman John rUmp J Joseph JosephCruppor h hCrupper
Crupper Ro Robert rt Deint lou Louts Dv DyIs DyIsArthur l lArthur
Arthur Qrime George HAden Robert RobertHanooek RobertHancock
Hancock Harvey MaXfteld HerbertMills Herbert HerbertMU
MU Mills Clyde Mason George Meade Wil William Wil11am
liam Weil en Raymond P Padgett i gflltt Purvl PurvlRkt8nour PurvieRKtanour
Rkt8nour Fred Sml SmIh h Fred Thaler ThalerHerbert ThalerHerbert
Herbert MIngln and nd McCarthy Lind LindHurr Lindsey LindseyHarry
Harry pattie and John Plckard were werearnUltned werearraigned
arraigned 1 in the poUr court th this morn mornIng mornlog
log on the oharae oC having assaulted assaultedand ulted ultedad
ad robbed Peter J Pulman who whoducts con conduata
ducts a secondhand > tore In Kingstreet King Kingatreet
street about 10 oclock last Saturday Saturdaynlpt SaturdaynighL
nlpt The men entered Pulman store storeard storeatd
ard knocked him on the head stunning stunninghim stunninghim
him They then atoM a pistol ad bl blde biC
C de bell and ran oft ChIef Good and andPOlicemen andPoliceman
POlicemen Hendenon and Nicholson Nicholsonlater on onlater
later arrested Pattie and Pickard on onupkion onsuspicion
suspicion oC bet being the men wanted and andMI andnubaaqutntll
MI nubaaqutntll uenfl Pulman JdenUfteC them themhtta as aslsIm
htta assailants Their a se wu conCJn conCJnuecl conunnod
nod until Frida FridaC Friday Fridaypermanent
C permanent rmaft t orsAnttiatIoa The m menton mton
ton or the name oC Charles E Hughes Hugh811rvoked Hughesevoked
evoked only P faltering applause while whilewhen
when hM Speaker Adworth Wall men menUoned menhoned
I honed the delegation went wild with withenUlutaam withenthusiasm
enthusiasm enUlutaamI
Xo antlon waa taken with re regard rd to tothe tothe
the Vice Prienttl Itl1 candIdacy of ofJametl ofJames
I James S Sherman and It now seem seemdoubtful seemsdoubtful
doubtful it New ew York State can got gettogether gottogfllher
together on anything
American De1egates DelegatesBeing Being Highly High1yHonored HighlyHonored
Honored at Great English EnglishConference EnglishConference
ConferenceLONDON Conference ConferenceLONDON
LONDON June 15Tbe great Pan PanAnglican PanAnglican
Anglican C Congress ngreJIs convened on the call eallot callof
ot the Archbishop ot Canterburyopened Canterbury Canterburyopen
open opened in Vestmlnster Abbey today todaywith todaywith
with fj bIshops and archbishop anti
11800 priests and laymen In attendance attendanceDelegates attendanceDelegates
Delegates from nearly every country In Inthe inthe
the world are here Two tunblOOded tunblOOdedAtrl fullbloodedAfrican
Atrl African an bishops are among them themThe themThe
The PanAngllcan Congress will be In Inl65slon Insession
session ten days after which In con conference confacence
ference ot bishops convenes In Lam Lambeth Lambeth
beth Palace ThIs e conference meet meetevery meatsevery
every ten years yearsThere yearsThere
There was S a special InterQAtl Intercession ton serv serve servlee
lee e this morning This evening the theAmerican theAmerIcan
American delegates will attend JI re reception re reception
ception at the PilgrIms Clue whore whorePremier l1erePrEmler
Premier 4SQulth Asqulth will propose their theirhealth theirhealth
health in itoaat tout The American dele delegatN dolegates
gates ba teen leon made members u of the theA theAthenaeim
A thena6um Eiigland mo t excllHll8 excllHll8cluh OXCIUSIYOclub
club or teen ot brains hrainsAmong brainsAmong
Among thoN attending the congress congresstrom congressfrom
from America are the Rt Rwv W D DWalker DWakr
Walker bIshop of western New York YorkTod YorkTodays
Tod Todays ts Vital Records RecordsBirt
Birt Birthzw s sw
w Frank D and Catherine L Herron Herronboy lierronboy
boy boyNorvHl boyNorval
NorvHl C C and Charlotte L Curtin Curtingirl Curtingirl
girl girlHenry girlHenry
Henry Louis and Nellle Robinson boy boyJohn beyJohn
John J and Bl BIsneh neh M L Kendrick Slrl SlrlLouis lrI lrILouis
Louis H and Katherine Stabler girl girltwlnp girltwInt
twlnp twlnpHenry twIntHenry
Henry and S Sel1145 lUe Bull girl girlRirhard girlRichard
Richard and Carrie BuOOtne girlJohn girl girlJohn
John JI and Sadie F Grove boy boylernfLrd boylermird
lernfLrd L and Mary ary E Akers girl KirlCharle girlCharles
Charles and Emma Mitchell girl girlR1chaid girlR1chsd
R1chaid J and Hattie Barnes girl girlJobn girlJohn
John C and Florence < tt J M Dyer girl girlrennis Irl Irlroennb
roennb F and Mary I Manning boy boyJohn boyJohn
John W V and Emma 1 L C Myers boy boyChutes boyCharles
Chutes M and hannah E Z Lowe boy boyJohn boyJohn
John W and Eva Kite girl girJIrvtng girlIrving
Irving and Nettle Dudley bOY bOYlallaee boyWallace
Wallace I and Aimee B Arnett Arnettboy
10 10Walter boy boyWalter
Walter X and Edna X 4wrlght rJgbt girl girlRaymond girlRaymond
Raymond E and Annie B Donald Donaldson Donaldson
son girl girlVernon girlVernon
Vernon S and Arabella Connor boy DoyRobert boyRobert
Robert ll and Emily E Anderson ABdersonboy Andersonboy
boy boyCArl boyCarl
CArl and Mable J Hyden boy 1toYtHarry boyHarry
Harry W Ltd Sarah E McNaMH bOy bOyHugh be beHugh
Hugh C and Hannah E Duttee boy boyJam boyJames
Jam James E and Die L Daniels girl x1rLMorton girlMorton
Morton B and M Mtrtha rtha L Xer Mereer MereerHerman < r rboy
boy boyHerman
Herman J and Ludwlna J II Hell gIrl gIrlJamea girlJames
James and Eliza Stevens Stne girl girlMarriage gtrlMarriage
Marriage Licenses LicensesTo LicensesJoshh
To ah F lcMullan to Hannah B Hal Halstead HalFrank
stead steadFrank
Frank P King to Ethel E Waters WatersJohn WatersJohn
John A MaUleI to EvIL va Constable COI18tableJohuton ConstableJohnston
Johnston City Tenn TennC TenuCharles
C Charles otrlu E Haakins to Daisy G Lee LeeJulh LeeJulius
Julh Julius W IOMi8J to Alma M Brewer BrewerJame BrewerJames
James H Lee to Frances G Lee LeeWilliam LeeWIlliam
William ClIrt Carter r to LllltaA t Mitchell MltchenRichmond MitchellRichmond
Richmond Va VaJametl VaZanIes
ZanIes D Camels to Mary vt Brewstr BrewstrJames BrewsterJames
James E ONeil O ell to Rebecca HodgkIns HodgkInsWAde HedkinsWade
WAde H Fin FInks to Bertha 1 Edwards EdwardsRemington cdwardsRemington
Remington VA
Deaths DeathsOomeUu DeathsCornelius
OomeUu Greer 74 4 years Garfield Jtle Jtlemorlal Memorlat
morlal Hospital HospitalScalftt HospItalSemoet
Scalftt Dreltu 011 years iii 3i I street streetHutkwe5l streeteeutkwest
Hutkwe5l Hutkwe5lnanlel eeutkwestEsieI
nanlel Francis Spl1 Sprigy ft3 3 yeors ees Hot HotStratford Hotel HotelStratford
Stratford StratfordHortf StratfordHoward
Howard F Entrekin 24 Years 719 7I S Senth Soy Soyenth
enth street reet northeast nortbeaFtlIlarJsret northeastMargaret
Margaret L Knoxville H yrs 1m i7 F Fet Fstreet
street et northwest northwestChA1le northwestCharles
Charles A PerkIns 71 1e rs nn 0 0tret 0street
street northwest northweatJohn northwestJohn
John V Wright F4 years 1M Eight KlghttMOPfh Eightentb
tMOPfh street str et northwest northwestAngelins northwUitAngeUne
AngeUne GardeU i year 1 PurdYs PurdYsoourt Puniyscourt
court oourtGeorge courtGeorge
George W Goodrl4ge It y years rs iI8 l3 R Rstreet Bstreet
street northwest northwStWilliam northwestWllliai
William t G Vamp1 15 1 08 MIS tt G Gfitreet Gstreet
street northweSt
Special Announcement AnnouncementTo
To the Friends of ofThe
i iThe
The Mans Store StoreHaying
Haying made a most profitable purchase urchase of fine clothing from the th well wellkncxwn c cknown
known and reputablefirm reputable firm of Schloss Brothers CQ Manufacturing Clothiers OlothiersBaltimore ClothiersBaltimore
Baltimore Md we feel that youthe manshould share sharein J thisone of the great greatestle greatI greatest
I estle est leitirnate it llate savings in clothingever c1othing ever offered in Washington This sale start startedSaturday started
edSaturday ed Saturday morning with great success while there are hundreds of suits suitsi suitsin
i ill the purchase the selliIig wont last long If you want to share in the saving savingand savingand >
< and get a strictly handmade fine suit of clothes at manufacturers prices grasp graspthis graspthis
this opportunity at once onceThe nce nceThe
The purchase includes the best assortment of fine fabrics ever shawn in the theDistpctnobby thea
a Distpctnobby fancy worstedstweedsvelour finished cassim cassimes es fancy fancysergesfine
0 sergesfine blackthibctsandunfinished blackthibethand unfinished worst worstedsdiided dsdiVided into four greatbargain great greatp
p b bargain rgain lots lotsSuits L LSuits
Suits manufacturedto sell seilfor for 1650 an and 1850 selling for 1335 1335t 1335Suits
t Si Suits ts manufactured tosell for 20 selling for 1665 1665t 1665Suits
t Suits manufactured to sell for 25 selling for 1995 1995iSuits 1995Suits
iSuits Suits manufactmoed manufactured to sell for 30 30 selling for 2375D 2375 2375D
D J Kaufman
10057 Penn Ave Avei
< i
ij ijj i
> I IA
It e iL 4
A b i 4 4I 4v 4I 4I
I l t < 0 0w >
> y i i J2 v Tf f i
> I
w 0
> c w v I I
Dont True YovrTeelh YovrTeelhto
to ln incompetent den aentjll5COme dentletocorne
tjll5COme to a re reliable reliable
liable place I hav haveen have haveeen
een practicing 1 den denUs n
11 ry for l lit yearsanl years yearsnl
anl nl give the bAt bAtervJce best2ervIceI
ervJce = ot obkatrtahle lnabl
8700 BET or TEETX 8600 OO OO1ooo
1000 SET or TEETH TEETHS7OQ TEETHS7OQe12OO 5700 5700e12OO
e12OO SET or TIBT BTB 1100 1100GoIdCrown 800 800Gold
GoIdCrown Gold Crowns and andEriagework 4 00
Br1dgewrk Br1dgewrkV ee r a avNIOic
Dr PATTON no 1 8to 11 w w01nco VTOco
01nco sours ur8 9 to li30 811114a8 10 to 12 12Telephone 12 12Telephone
Telephone Main 1671 1671Special 1577t 1577SpeciaL
t I
Special Notices NoticesL NoticesIf L
If You Want Clean CleanAttractive CleanAttractive
Attractive Printing Printingavail
avail avail YOQrMJt of tbe t superior faeUttte faeUtttetbe s of ofthe
the Rig lrlDT rln kThip hQP Worlt yQ cIoDe 4cn promptly promptlycu1Jr promt1yChra
cu1Jr Chra reasonable re8OfttIfJUDD reasonableJUDD
TUB BIG PRINT SHOP HO dieD 11U1 jfl at 111 111Itt n njetti
jetti jettiTHE Itt IttTllE
for members who have died during the trPpa thepast
pa year will be held at t KcKeodre M MB 1 1E
JUNE SI 1 1J08 at 8 OCLOCK by th thSUrvtvo the theSurvivors
Survivors Association 9 of the D C Yo Yoof rOl rOlof
of UIt The 88 by by the pastor or orthe ofthe
the church Re Rev R L Wright and It Itmutc te temusic
music by the choir will be appropriate approltrih1to
to the solemn occasion Grand An Anm Armmen
m men and District Votunt Vtuutesra not mfom mfombe me rn rnhers
hers be of our Association 01 oC the Gr Grant GrantArrny in1 in1Array <
Array kindred societies JIG4 514 the pub pubare publare
are Invited to ttend And join with tie in inthlalftltmor irtthis
thlalftltmor this memorial al service to our departed departedcomrades rtd rtdeomr
eomr comrades etI WK IL BRACND BRACNDT
T JlDW CLARK President PretdentRHlMdlnc PresidentRernwding
RHlMdlnc e Peretary tar je16t719n JeI6l7192etGROCERY 1 1GROCERY
S JDt71S 1JZ1 1131 lt uc 117t 199 ictI
1 48 1121 lW l3IC 14 1f1I 11i 11 1706 1t 1tLICEN8 itLICENSES
AND XIDWIFERY Flbytllctan ani animktwlv anImidwives
midwives desiring to enter the Juh Jul foX foXamfDation sIamlnatlon
amfDation ot applicant t for Ucease Uceasepretloe Ucen es t tprettoe
prettoe medicine 8I1 aid to practice mirl mirlwttery ntb ntbwifely
wifely Ia the th District ot Columbia mJt mJtIe ThfflIe
flIe Ie dJeir applications wtth tb the under underRKIMd undersigned
signed on or before the 26th th instant instantGEORGE InstantGEORGE
fMaetaJT Board of Medical Supervisors 8upervuorgDl6tiict SupervisorsDistrict
District of Columbia It ItDO itDO
DO IOU OU WANT a retlUh1nc sumrri sumrridrink ummt ummtdrink
drink Buy tbe ti Or1Irtnal Chianti W Wilbport8f1 Whbportd
ilbport8f1 directly from our vayard Soc t tt t ttk
t tk Ik i EAR RI 14 im C H Puce N 412 412f 5412js1mthaat
f Jelmth5aDft Jelmth5aDftJ js1mthaatSPECIAl
SPECIAl J 1 OtrJPSR Sa 1 1M ladlas and gentlemen reaUemenfllnlaIItg a afaratsidags
fllnlaIItg GeMrT undergarments shirt ah1rtWaJl shirtwaists
WaJl waists bIl eoItan JMCkt seckties CQMDopol1tn CQMDopol1tnPatteraa ComepolltanPatterns
Patterns 1k da S aow oei m II P pa an Ie IeI se semylleod30t
mylleod30t mylleod30tAT I 3Ot 3OtAT
AT 11TH AD H we han market and anillaundry andlaundry
laundry WlLlrO wagons lao surreys And nd run runabouts runabout
about harubW whHls andparta and parts o osame of ofsame
same cheap irr Jr cash GEYERS GEYERSap2mwaJOt GEYERSap2iuwsa90t
ap2mwaJOt ap2mwaJOtKJUlP ap2iuwsa90tKEEP
KEEP COOL Here Heros Holly Poky Ice IceCream IceCream
Cream Iio a a gallon for penny sand sandwichee sandwishes
wishes or cups absolutely pure JO JOHN JOHNS i iS
S DENNIJI BRO m i3 4 at aow aowmUwm9It awlnylSwssm9t
mUwm9It mUwm9ItPAPIUODfG lnylSwssm9tP4PERRAXGINO
PAPIUODfG aaa palnUqWe are aretIIorovghlyexperie arcthoroughly
tIIorovghlyexperie thoroughly xperIenced eecl haft ha exPert wrkme wrkmebotII wrkrneboth
both 111 lines y when convenient estteg esttegfree t7 tea teafAe
free Drop pc postal tl J H Beckwith 511 7th nee neeml ne nemjtm
mjtm ml mwsa w sait saitROOF t tROOF
or any l1Y Wi aI kInd prompt atterj atterjthe ttCr It Itthe
the 1p1Ikn0wn bestfluipV1 1tngc 1tngcpert41 rtng rtngDna
Dna In Wash tngton I ngton Z2 2 years f an in busl ust nr nrOraffon n nGrafton
Grafton Son Inc
714 9tk St N W Phone Main 760 760myr 160Xnyl2frmoie
myr Xnyl2frmoie mo e r rNow
Now is the time timeto timeto
to erder YJur YJurLawn yurLawn
Lawn Bench BeDcLPred BenchFred
Fred S Gfchnfr
114 D Sf N 1Y 1YmM4Ht Wmh49t
mM4Ht mM4Htgave mh49tRave
gave yOu considered two things tbingsbI thingsT
T bI low price of coal during April AprUand Apriland
and Lay and aIm the probability probabilityof
01 your our h house u e being el cloned during dur1nthe duringthe
the summer Thee SUlil suggestIons t1oD3 au auaU arseIl
aU sufDclent sufDclentThe sutlicientThe
The Allegheny Company CompanyCoal
Coal Coke BAd Wood Woodt15 WoodL15
t15 Eleventh Street X fr frChute WChute
Chute Wagons Phone Connections Connectionsap56 Connect1onapISSOt
ap56 ap56CASE apISSOtCASE
CASE CHOICE LAGER BEER Sic 10 10rebate 103 103rebate
rebate Oft empties GaL choice Clant ClantPort ClarttPort
Port or Sherry TIc T R BEAVER9 BEA YER9 YER9US
US 44 at t gW 1 Phone X 5lJ2 5132a mY9 mY9U
a a R B AV A WALKER Cclebrlte1 Cclebrlte12Iic
U I SE 2Iic c Coff Coffee Unexcelled R RA B
11 A A Walker 1 BOS Seventh atw st stD
w D apJtot apJtotYIOLI1r apilOtTEE
Before going on our vacation have haveyour haveyour
your mandolins guitars tars OC vlolllUi r rpatre ra rapaired
paired pairedp L
p 3350 20 Hew York Ave AvesmyttOt
myttOt myttOto nsI4OtfriP
friP friPjj o
I mIAL jj IAL COAl NOTICEFor the nxt nxtthir nxtLhr
thir days cCdl era reduced seventysa seventysacell seventyi e eceo
cell per ton less than winter prices r rCAS rC4h
CAS I SSeclal prices on furnace cJ cJvM 01 01W
W vM 1 T HOLTMAN 3013 O13 7th at t tPhon v vPhor
Phon N 711 my2E1jt my2E1jtL xny43tiL
iL L CASES all court collectkrs collectkrsverwhere coilecti s sevwhere
verwhere aid in private dUftcultle3 dimcuiti03loans dUftcultle3loan
loan negotiated confidential t I s sLEGAL SLEGAL
LEGAL CORP 107 Bond Bldg ml myitf myitfHARTUNGS tt ttHARTUNGS
Phone N 111L NutrItious net deUCI0u dellciouxIce deUCI0uIce
Ice Cream Crea t and Icy made ot fresh tra1 tra1always ruV ruValways <
always 101 10 Fla Ave BW ap7m ap7mUSE ap7lOtUi
USE Ui ROSENFELDS Brick Ice Cre Crean CreanSpecial n nSnecIal
Special prices for lawn parties 3ccl 3cclchurch c Qc Qcchurch
church and large 80dals P1na Pt 1 Ll1 Lacoin Ll1coIn
coIn 1009 32 H street northeast northeastatl00t northeastPREPARED
atl00t atl00tI atl00tI atl00tPREPARED
PREPARED INSTANTLY Simply add bo boD borug
rug D water tClr cool and serve If per package at atAll ateli
All aroceb 7 flavors avon RefuK all sllaubltitutes sllaubltitutesI substrute substrutei
f i I 1 Nursery Refrigerator RefrigeratorMtnera1 I
I Mineral wool 001 and Mareoal packed packedneatly cfd
neatly japanned In oak ok and go goflues 0 0IInos
flues boat grade nickel lever tau faucet t teet
eet worth wqt 110 Re S 2 4 49 4 fl flrnoval
movsl price arj t tHUDSONS 7HUDSONS
F and 10th Sts N VI VPI t tCUres
Cuwhet CUres mer OfhCP3Il1 OfhCP3Il1DICOSTELLOSJ oth rs nul nulDR
I S A L ve vef
f A guarante > 1Id j jI
tor PUu llers E ERm
I Rm Old i II a i I
I Any SerDu5 ArasI ArasIor
or he fkm r rDrug
I Drug t fO fOPRICD
a PRICD 5o 5oot
ot Sanford Drug Co CoLwaSh1ngton
LwaSh1ngton D a I Iiir
f s

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