OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 22, 1912, FINAL EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1912-06-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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Georgetown, An Important Commercial Center a Century Ago, Is Regaining Former Prestige
View of New Railroad Freight Yards on Water Street, and showing Coastwise Schooner at Dock, Canal Traffic and New Power House in Distance.
Commerce Giving Way to
Industry Along Potomac
Water Front.
Dr. W. S. Washburn Pur
chases Residence Near Cir
cle From George Reese.
Is Georgetown to regain Its once
toustud eminence as a commercial city?
CM Georgetown residents viewing the
strides innilu In the commercial and In
'dusttlal lrnprovumtitt of Its water front,
(believe till! ana woo to the question Is
J . liuslncsj men who have watched
tltb pro?) ess of Improvements from the
Ifnot of Twenty-ninth street northwost-fs
on out to the Aqueduct brldgu, are
convinced that while the hopes of a re
birth of the old foreign trade cunnut
again be realtei'd, the walei front of
Uetirgetown la becoming even now the
place nhir will ua centered the Indus
tilal and shipping activity of thu Na
tional Capital.
The latter view Is doubtless the cor
rect one, and there Is ample evidence
to support It. The old warehouse at
the foot of Uhlrty-fourth street, which
nearly two centuries ago received the
cargoes of rum, molasses, and slaves
from Barbadoes and the other Islands
of the Caribbean sea may never wit
ness the revival of that overseas trade,
but It Is still a useful warehouse, ana
so situated as to receive the freight
brought In on the cars of the Baltimore
and Ohio railroad, whose tracks run
down the center of Water street to the
new yards at Twenty-ninth and Thir
tieth streets.
New Plants Being Built.
Commerce has given way rather to
Industry. The manufacturer has taken
the place of tho trader. A square to
the east of the ancient reminder of
Georgetown's early glory thero are now
being constructed between the railroad
tracR and tho Chesapeake and Ohio
canal two huge Industrial plants, the
new building for the Arlington flour
mills, and the latest addition to the
comparatively new naner factory. The
latter Is by far the largest factory In
the District outside of the Government
chops and the steel plant at Glesboro.
Tnis paper raciory, oy me way, is an
(Illustration of how a large Industry can
be built In Washington. It has received
no assistance from the Chamber of Com
merce or the Board of Trade, has not
excited the displeasure or tho ornciais
who preside over the administration of
the Dlstrlcl'H smoke law and has not
been found objectionable In any sense
to the residents of Georgetown. Its
building represents a steady growth
from a comparatively small one to Its
ipresent large proportions.
Sent To All America.
It is a striking contrast to the an
fcient structures of the early commercial
'iflays of West Washington, for adjoining
,and fronting it they still stand. Its
product, which .Is shipped to all parts
of the country. Is loaded on freight cars
'directly from It doors.
Turther down the street Is the Im
portant new warehouse and factory
if the M. C. Mitchell Company, an
111 'In stet'l, ami other metal concern.
Qui! tlu greatest monument to mnd
jern Georgetown, however. Is the new
Towe- plant of the Capital Traction
Company. This stands directly upon
Ith" river front, nnd Its supplies of
coal are broueht to Its doois by the
fwlpht c.irs of the Baltimore and Ohio
r.nlr-"iad and the fanal boats of the
'C lii'?ipeak- .and Ohio canal. Its huge
t'liimreas ra'i he ween for mllet around.
The stnctiit itMtlf :s a handsome one.
Ill-it It li a sflklnc example of the fa
cilities which the water front of Georite
tnii affords :ig icmrds location for
industrial plants. Were the product
n heavv one for shipment In coastwise
Ktssels. 1' mlcht be loaded directly
upon them without :nterroedlale car
tlppe lust as it could be loaded into
tiirs for Interior points.
The water (runt, too, Is busv with tlw
l.-udlnc and unloading of the sand nnd
navel which Is l.roiigrt In fiom down
.tins river for ut of Washlnclon bulld
frc. Tbla Is on 5 of the hlef ot the
.modern lndutti'.i vhl:h front the Po
rtt ma betwovn Rock Creek and Aquo
uluct bridge. Thcie is a variety of
nlni tnrlllRtrfPM.
Of course, a good deal of this new
enterprise is due to the railroad service,
which has been In operation now but
two years. A new freight terminal
Ktnnrts nt th foot of Thirtieth Htreet.
and there are accommodations In Water
'street and the yards ror eigmy-nve cars.
The capacity Is reached quite frequent
lv Traffic has so rapidly Increased
that the company Is now planning ror
additional trackage to accommodate
fortv-flVA more cars, for a new thirty
five-ton traveling crane, and other addi
tional facilities. The present ten-ton
IBtauoimry crane is DecoiiunK uiauciiuaia
to handle the growing business. Further
development of the ueorgetown Uam
more and Ohio branch Is expected
shortly to result In making through
rhlpments from Georgetown Independent
of Washington. AUp the present trat-
Middaugh & Shannon, Inc., Homes
Two Particularly Choice Locations.
3321 20th St. N. W., Facing Rock Creek Park.
(Take any Mt. Pleasant car and
Compare It with any
thlng offered up to $10,000.
Reasonable cash payment,
interest. You ave an average of
3536 Park Place, Facing Soldiers' Home Park.
(Take any 9th street car to Park Itoad, walk east to Soldiers'
Home gate and one Bquare north).
j ,. A a,,,, w DESCRIPTION:
fl B lrvC C rooms, eloctrlo lights; hot-water
Tk " f heat; large, light cellar, with front and
tJ r m rear entrances; servants' toilet;
, . laundry; clothes chute; outsldo
Positively unequaled pantry; with window; hardwood
value at the price. floors; hardwood trim, etc.
Small cash payment, $27.50 a month, including all interest.
You save an average of $18,35 out of this amount.
Other fine homes In Park View at $4,500, and one magnificent
corner house, 24 feet wide, with side lawn 25 feet wide, and 4 beo
rooms, for $5,2(0.
Shannon & Luchs, Selling Agents, 713 14th St N. W.
HlHsU ' -'ssdid 'HsssBissssH
IBP'Tnf&iksHs'si I
BssssssssssssssssHLiS winnHIHftTiHiHHBbkH
'P' 4 JaiiitY'iKKKKKKKKK7 I
asssssssssssssssssVC,'''' ' Jillc!-ssssTflHH9Hissslss "WimMRHsbsssssK
SBSBSBSBsSBSBSBsslkSBSBsHP ':.)''''; '' '1Kjffi'$iL53fi?IF&KfiEmBfBI 0B&i.i-, t..,Msf: r''-t.ffrJZtiiSkLtiISt Ai'llssWssssssssWsl I
fcg; c4yJifekv ;''-.r,..is-s-tsMss f -,. t vMB rifliOnP
lli?MjJilHBi h , - i i "'! ' .tmu jih S m Kj ,,,!! j.
flc from boats to cars, for which there
are ample facilities at the river end of
the yards, Is expected largely to In
crease. Water transportation, of course, is
Georgetown's ancient and modern ad
vantage. If the ships no longer brine
salt from London, wines from France
or rum and molasses from the West
Indies, they do .bring Ice from Maine
and go out loaded with coal for Bos
ton. Any day one may see a trim
schooner lying at a Georgetown dock.
Plans liave been under way now for
several months to Inaugurate a New
York passenger nnd freight steamer
service with a freight terminal at
These are some of the facts upon
which the citizens of Georgetown base
their belief that a commercial and In
dustrial renaissance Is upon them.
Realty Transfers
3310 Prospect avenue northwest James
O'Donnell et ux to Isadora Itosendorf,
lot El, square 13. $10.
1408 Fifteenth street northwest Beatrice R.
Chamberlaine to Allan McLane Abert, lot
100. square 195, $10. Allan McLane Abert
to Martha A. Hodge, same property, $10
821 and 823 Thirteenth street northwest
George C. Bergllng to John W. Welch, pan.
original lot 8, square 288. $10.
1728 N street northwest II Morgan Hill to
Diana Murphy Hill. lot 24 and part lot 25,
ntiar IKS. tlO.
1403 Hopkins street northwest Mary Inger-
soll to John Jay uaiy, 101 a. square ot, to
1728 N street northwest H. Morgan Hill to
Diana Murphy Hill, lot 24 ana part 101 :;,
square 153, $10.
1740 P street northwest Wlnstow II. Ran
dolph et ux. to Angus McD. Crawford, half
Interest In lot 4. square 167. $10.
1341 I Street northwest Nsllle II. O'Keefe to
Katharine O'Keefe. lot 64, square 247. $10.
1339 I. street northwest Katharine OKeeie
to Nellie H. ITKeeie, loi w, square hi, hv
1412 Hopkins street northwest Washington
Loan and Trust Co.. trustee, to Louisa V.
Erwln, lot S3, square 98. $4,636.
Twenty-second and Pennsylvania avenue
northwest American Security and Trust
Company, trustee, to John O. 81ater, psrt
original lot 13, square 76, $600.
Jtv Jersey avenue northwest, between D
and E streets Albert Carry et ux to Mary
C. and George A. Dldden. part original lot
4. square 630. $10.
1018 Twenty-ninth street northwest Mary B.
Thorne et al to George Taylor, lot 74.
square 1192. $1,000.
1S31 Nineteenth street northwest American
Security and Trust Company to Irene F.
Shirley, lot 216, square 132. $10.
1713 Oregon aenu northwest Joseph Gales
Moore, trustee, to Henry C. Black, part
original lot 18, square 162. $4,900.
627 Second street northwest Edward P
Schwartz, trustee, to Aeneas Casey, lot 40,
square 667, $3,650.
1635 P street northwest Theo J. Morgan et
ux. to Beatrice and Clara M. Morgan, lot
131, square 180. $10
Thirteenth and E streets northwest (Hotel
Johnson) Esau L. Johnson et ux. to Thom
as P. Taylor, lots 16. 19, and 20, square 291,
$10. Thomas P Taylor et ux. convey same
property to Charles Jacobsen, $10.
305 and 307 Ninth street northwest Margaret
It. Bheckels et al to Leopold Rlchold, lots
11 and C, square 403, $10.
2031 O street northwest and 1403 Twenty
first street northwest Henry R. Lemly et
ux. to Irene F. Shirley, lots 85 and 87,
square 96. $10
3020 Fifteenth street northwest WashlnKton
Ixian and Trust Company, trustee, to Fer
dlnanad A. and Effle G. Weller. lot 49,
square 183, $10.
Eighth street northeast, between East Capi
tol and A strceta MeUllle M Moffltt et ux.
to James Trimble, psrt original lot 13,
square 897. $10.
C street northeast, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth streets John H. Nolan et ux.
to George W. Blankenshlp. lts 141. 203. 210,
214. 215. 219, to 221. square uM, iu.
732 Fifth street northeast Daniel "W. Baker
pt al., trustees, to Hophle Blld MacDonald
lot 36. square 809. I .
704 Fourth street northeast Daniel TV puk-i
ct al , trustees to Sophie Blld Mo,cDonahl
let 36. square 809, $ .
12S Twelfth street northeast Sheridan B '
any owner of a Mlddaugh & Shannon, inc.,
what he thinks of It.
walk along Park road to 20th st.)
3 stories; 9 large rooms; 2 baths; 3
toilets; 5 porches; 2 sleeping porches;
magnificent library, with open fire
place; overlooking park; cold-storage
cloBet; automatic hot-water heater
and every other convenience.
$48.5o a month, including -all
$31.52 of this amount.
New Large Mill Buildings on Water Street, the Arlington Flour Mill, Huge
Galloway et ux. to Herman R. Howenstcln,
lot 40, square 9S8. $10.
618 F street southwest Victor H. Wallace
et al to Laura. M. Augur, part lot 46,
square 467. $2,220. Laura M Augur con
es rame property to Mildred A Borrell.
406 Third street southwest Thomas Coakley
to Francis Leonard, lot C, square HI. 110
Half and G streets southwest Rowland M
Jones to Carmen "Williams, lot 46, muare
east of 643, $10
1219 B street southeast William H. Yost to
William E. and Elsie M Yost, lot 136.
square 1015. $100.
Walter street southeast, between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets Harry A. Kite et al. to
Robert O Hanson, lot 239. square 1015. $10
63 Ivy street southeast Robert W Well
committee to Raymond W. Pullman, part
original lot 28, square 633. $1,350.
124 Seventh street wjutheast John W. Ridge
ley et al. to TKomas V. Kennelly, Otllla M
Kennelly. Edward E King. Eva V. King.
Clarence F. Donoboe, Clara II. Donohu,
and John W. Rldgeley. lot 34, square 839,
Walter etreet southeast, between Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets Harry A Kite et
al. to Julluw Sims, lot 2, square 1015, $10
632 Pennslanla aienue southeast -RltharJ
S Wolfe to John D. Oarman, lot 45. square
873, $10.
112 Twelfth street southeast Margaret E
Holmes et al . execiitrken, to Sophia M
Oreenwell, lot 42. square 1014. $4,275.
G street southeast, between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth streets H B Hnwensteln et
ux. to William T. yueen. jr . ana Marie
L. Queen, lot 115. square 1043. $10
200 to 208 N street southeast John F Scott
et ux. to Perc H Russell, lots 17 to 21,
square 770, $10.
616 A street southeast Harry A Calohan et
ux. to William P C Hazcn, part lot 2.
square 841 $10.
411 Twelfth street southeast Washington
Loan and Trust Company, trustee, to Fer
dinand A. and Effle G. Weller, part lot
32, square 932, $10
331 Ninth street southeast Annie M Burch
to LouIh SUcente. lot 34, square 924. $10
Fifteenth street southeast, between Pennsyl
vania and Potomac avenues Michael I
713 to 727 Kentucky Ave. S. E.
nt inth St. & Pa. Ave.
4 -- ;li
-s -v'r' rvws?
' KiS
9 ' -c-s
1 Bpgra3& M3wflH SHE
I . s v Xv w fiBtesfcssllH
JHHH mnkMN tsEsalslsissssi iiH
yj Hit it-
I i teii-3 HHilPPn
! F; -fwii
I rx ...$- OTKSTOWT"
!iomi on iisuvrMi:.vi'!
AVIlI Kent at 0.50 Per Mo.
Nov llend for Occupancy.
Six rooms Tiled bath. Station
ary wash basin. Electric gas
lighting Dome fixture with pilot
burner In dining room. Window
lefrlgerator Kitchen dressei
Enameled sink. Mirror doors.
Large front and rear yard. Street
120 feet wldp. Lots 100 feet deep
to 15-ft. alley.
OI'BK UNTIL 8 130 P. M.
llealty Broker. 602 F St. N. V.
Weller et ux to Michael A. Weller, original
lot 13, square 1077, $10.
Hlghvlew Harry Wardman tt al to Philip
M. and Ethel II Kemon. lot 18. block 6. $10
Meridian Hill and Whltehaen-J. Victor
Golebart to Bridget A. Ljnch. lot 77, block
4, Meridian Hill, and lots 13 and 30, square
1417, 110.
Mt Pleasant and Pleasant Plains II K
Boss et al , trustees, to Francis L. Hawes.
lots in to 143. block 6. $15,000
Holniead Manor George A. Fraser to Merton
A English, lot 112, square 2S30, $1
West Holmead Manor Harry Wardman et
al. to Claude A. and Evelyn M. Glaacox,
lot 77, square 2827, $10.
Bloomtngdale Ella M. Miller to Ida P. Ben
nett (life) and Mamie I. Kelly. Arthur D.
Bennett and Thomas E. Bennett (remain
der), lot 15. square 11, $10.
Widow's Mite William II Lynn et ux. to
Richard H Liggett, lots 23, 24, 23, $10.
Washington Heights Donald Mcpherson
Company to John Alden, lot 51. block 6, $10
Padsworth Ferdinand A Heltmuller et ux
to American Ice Company, lot 21. part lot
1A. 2 3A 4A. the Marsh. 8A. $l6
Kalorama Heights William H Lynn et ux
to Anthony F Lucas, lots 13 and 14, block
18. Kalkrama Heights, and lots 32. 33, and
part lots 23, 24 23, Widow's Wlte. $10.
Falrvlew Heights D P B. Conkllng et ux
to Charles C Glover, lot 18. block 7. $5fA
Le Droit Park Herman R Howensteln et
ux to William C and Addle R Hickman,
lot 135, square 3098, $10.
Holmead Manor Carl H Smith et ux to
Ma5 B Fendley lot 115. block 47. $10
Holmead Manor Perry H RuMtell et ux to
Annie E. Scott, lot 91, blrwk 41. $10
Moore and Barbour's Addition llobert A
Sanders et ux to Oeorgo Y Worthlngton,
Jr lr.t 2 block 4. I0
Le Droit Park Herman R Howensteln et
ux to Anna M Holllday, lot 100, square
3038, $10.
Columbia Heights Charles W. King et ux.
North Chevy Chase
Not a Small Restricted Lot
But Ample Grounds
With water, sewer, electric lights, granolithic
walks, ornamental shade trees, and hedges
(full grown,) at the highest point on Connec
ticut avenue.
These Conditions Assure You
Suburban Life at Its Best
Prices from ten to fifteen cents per foot.
Buy And Build You Save a
Builder's Profit
The lot may be bought on monthly payments
the building loan can be secured and paid
back in the same manner.
You Cannot Conceive of a Home
Buying Proposition That Is More
Liberal and Advantageous
To the Buyer
Cars go direct to North Chevy Chase
Plats and full information from
729 15th St. N. W. .
New Paper Mill, and New Power House
to Frank C and Elizabeth Donn, lot 87,
block 23. $10
Mt Pleasant and Pleasant Plains Levi H
David, trustee, to Harriet Lvles, lot 81.
square 2SS4. $4,100. Same to I'erry F. Rlf
fey, lot 63, square 2884, $3,250 Same to
John W Bailey, lot 64, square 2S84, $3,100
Hume to Esther M Graff, lot 68. square
2884. $3,100 Same to Thomas J Kelly, lot
70, equare 2884, $3,250. Same to Isaac E
Vlmrnl. lot 72, square 2884, $3,250. Same to
Klrby O Btultz. lot 71, equare 2884, $3,250
Same to Samuel G. Hamilton, lot 76, square
2SS4. $3,250 Same to George F. Card, lot
78. square 2884. $3,250.
Mt Pleasant and Pleasant Plains Levi H.
David, trustee, to X Preston Goulder. lot
80. square 2884, $3,250. Same to George F.
Card, lot 60. square 2S84. $1,150 Same to
George Sachs, lot 65. square 2881. $3,1X0.
Petworth Cora L Young et vlr, Edwin M.
R.. to the Board of Church Extension of
the United Presbyterian Church of North
America, north half lot 9. block 32. $10.
Ingleslde Jsmes A Cahtll et ux. to Mary B.
Carroll. Iqt 104, block 15, 110.
Ingleslde Leila 11. Gehrels to Rowland M.
Jones, lot 41, block 19. $10.
City View Heights Henry H. Gllfry. trustee,
et ux. to Eustls L. Jones, lot 107. block
4471, $10 fiame to Edward D. Cole, lot 108.
block 4471. $10.
Widow's Mite CharW E Heatd et al to
Lucy B. Piatt, lot 124. square 2539. $10.
Petworth I. Davis White to Boaid of
Church Extension of the United Presby
terian Church of North America, lot 10.
block 32, $10. Margaret B. Fowler to same,
south half lot 9, block 32, $10.
Dobbins' Addition William C. Blundon et ux.
to Annie H Stokes, lot 76. block 19, $10
Indolence Harry' Wardman et al to Oscar
H. and Sadln J Benson, lot 46, square
2700. J 10.
Woodley Park Maud B Williams to Wil
liam W and Lulu F. Bride, lot 39, block
20. $10
Woodlej Park William W Bride et ux to
Maud S Williams, lot 61. block 20. $10
Columbia Heights Henry R. Lemly et ux
to Irene F Shirley, lot 318. block 38, $10 I
Woodley Park Frank II Crosthwalte et ux.
to Thomas R and Martha G. Harney,
part. 10
Washington Heights Franklin T Banner et
al. to Henry R Lemly, lot 5, block o, $10.
of the Capital Traction Company.
Charles Henry Butler
Buys Old Tyler Home
fhirlos H'-nry Butler, recorder for
the Supreme Court of the United States,
hus purchased front Mm. B. W. Tyler
the old residence at 1630 Nineteenth
street northwest for about J23.0O0. The
house contains eighteen rooms end four
baths. Tha new owner will remodel
and add a library tc tho house. A
Rafale will be constructed under the
addition The sale Is reported today
by Harrv V. Boulc & Co.
Two Dwellings Sold.
Harry A. Kito has sold the two
story dwelling at 2919 Eleventh
street northwest to Miss Nettle A.
Conry, niid another, 2927 Eleventh
street, to James A. Burns. The sales
were made by rhllllps & Sager.
To Obtain One of the Finest Built Homes in That
Delightful Section of Capitol Hill on
Lexington Street
Between 6th and 7th. D and E Sts N E. .
You may have vour selection of a six or eight room
house, heated by hot water; lighted by electricity; ele
gantly finished throughout; double floors; steel beam con
struction: liberal closets: spacious bath; 20 to 31 feet
front. Put up a nominal deposit and complete your cash
payment when house Is finished. The selection of finish
and paper will be accorded vou If you purchase now.
For full information apply to
Exclusive Selling Agent.
719-21 13th Street N. W.
For Sale or Exchange
"SvSe $. !S aK lHIIIIB V. v !" lB 'ssHsalw -tw ssBsBsffTssVtfSSfeSxSssBsW K ?Ct
ssasV 9st vWixHeiaiaBiaB (BiaK BsasaiassaiaiaiassaiaiaiaiaiaiaHssaiB IsssssaisisaiBssHRsaS "' ""''-" flfettf H "vfc"A3 rk
..fr.4LnJLtj. 'W&'lUmmmE' tti3 y4fettM 4tt-v$Mty v'-B
Located on corner two squareb fioin can, lot 70176
Contains six rooms, reception liall and bath, cellar and attic, finish
ed in hardwood on the first floor, neatly papered throughout, gas runge
and lights, hot water heat
Price. 13,80, terms J50 cash and 25 monthly, or will exchange for
City property.
CLAUDE WARREN, Riverdale, Md.
Two Important sales In Chevy Chase
are reported today by Thomas J. Fisher
& Co., Inc. Dr. W. S. Washburn has
purchased from George Keese the resi
dence at Thirty-third and Rlttenhouse
streets, cast of Chevy Chase circle, for
about $30,000. The property Is three
acres In extent. Another sale is that of
"Glen Gables," the home of Dr. Arthur
Glennan, at Connecticut avenue and
Irving Btreet, to Chief Justice Stanton
C. Peele, of the United States Court of
Henry G. Hanford ha spurchased the
residence at 3706 Keokuk street, Chevy
Chase terrace, and Samuel Hanford has
purchased that at 3711 Keokuk street.
The sales of a number of unimproved
lots are also reported.
A six-story apartment house Is to be
built at Belmont and Columbia roads.
John H. Nolan has purchased from Wil
liam ritt Kellogg the lot at tne soutn
east corner at about $33 a square foot,
and Is making plans for the apartment.
The sale of the property was made by
Thomas J. Fisher & Co., Inc.
Macnell & Macnell, architects, have
completed plans for a $25,000 residence
for Richard H. Liggett at Twenty
third street and Wyoming avenue north
west. It Is to be of Tudor style, and
contain fifteen rooms andfourbaths. The
site for the house has just been pur
chased through Thomas J. Fisher & Co.,
Inc., from William H. Lynn, of New
York. Capt. A. V. Lucas also purchased
an adjoining piece, and may erect a
Purchases Dwellings
For an Investment
W. n Berry has purchased from
Lena Corbln the two Blx-room dwellings
at 2520-22 I street northwest, for $6,500.
for an Investment. The sale was made
through the office of Gardiner & Dent
Dr R. AnderBon has purchased the
three-story dwelling at 1317 East Capi
tol street, and T. E. Gerald the adjoin
ing house, 1349, for about $3,500 eacp
Ella M. Ray bought for Investment, tfee
two-story dwelling at 2101 Ninth street
northwest, for $2,500. Martin McDon
ald bought the two family apartmept
at 1713 Euclid street northwest, for
$3,600. and Nathan Edelson bought from
H II. Jarboe the store and dwelling at
701 Seventh street southeast, for $4,000
for Oil
Swellings &
This wonderful Oil goes in
through the pores, stops the pain
and quickly reduces the swelling
and inflammation. Trial bottle ioc

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