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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 07, 1912, FINAL EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1912-12-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Brokers' Operations Spread
Over Various Sections
' of the City.
Recorder of Deeds Reports In
crease in Papers Filed Over
Same Week Last Year.
Vh first weak of December gave high
promise of a lueoetaful month of rati
estate aoUvity. If the mum demand
from lnveitora continue, the month'!
business will make a fitting oloie to a
year of really wonderful trading. The
operation! of the broken thla week
were generously ipread over the various
sections and oomprtted nearly every
olaai of sale, with the exooptlon of
hlgh-prtoed buslneas block. There
esmed to be practloally no trading la
the builneu Motion during the paat elx
days. Bavaral trade of this character.
however, are In the embryonic stag
ana nay become matter of reoord dur
ing u coming loruiigni.
The office of the Recorder of Deed
report an lnere thla week tn the
number of paper .filed for .record, a
compared with Initial week of De
cember, 1911. Tuesday, Deoember ! wit.
nessed a total of Itt paper recorded,
exceeding by fourteen the highest mark
reached throughout last Deoember.
With the exception of the Saturday
half-holiday a dally average of more
than on hundred paper waa main
tained thl week. ,.
The near-urban district led the market
thai week having eighty-two- lot sold
to it credit Tha outlying auburb and
the northwMtern (action ran a dead
heat, each ahowlng forty.flv lot
transferred. Thore were thirty-throe
lota conveyed tn the southeast, twenty
two In the northeast and nine tn the
Valor Butt' Prooirt" 80M.
Tuesday waa the banner day of the
week in the matter of closed sales
There were consummated thirty-five
transactions that day out of the week'
total of 1ST trade effected. Yesterday
ranked second with thirty sales. Thurs
day and Saturday were tied, with twenty-eight
aalea reported. There were
twenty-five transactions recorded on
UnnAmv Wednesday Was In at DlaCO.
having seen only twenty-one aalea
closed. Involved In the week's trading
were 238 lots and parcels of real estate.
Victor J. Evans added this week to
hla purchases of land In the vicinity of
Nineteenth atreet northwest, which are
to be improved ny me erection i
I--. kitiMinv tn accommodate the De
partment of Commerce and Labor. The
new purchase Includes premise; 1825
and 1821 H street northwest and waa
bought from the Redf em estate. The
consideration named la S15.300.
Frank SPflgg Perry, a fJwrd'M hi1'
tha Infant niece of the late Major Archl.
bald W. Butt, former aide to President
.Taft, who loat hla life In the Titanic
disaster, transferred to Mr. Bertha W.
Underwood the former home of Major
Butt, at 2000 O street northwest The
fttmhaBpr la the wife of Oscar Under
wood, of Alabama, Democratic foor
leaaer or ine housc 01 nepicein-in".
The price paid was 12.?75. Under the
Will of Major Butt, the property de
scended to the daughter of hla brother,
who resides In Liverpool, England.
Advance In Loan Market.
An advance of more than 180.000 1
noted thla week In the loan market over
the report of the preceding; six days.
The exact figures this week are IMS.
C0I.11., This sum was borrowed n the
security of 217 lots. The average In
terest rate waa 6.6 per cent, a rise of
one point over the prevailing figure for
the last week of November.
Straight loana had the Hon' share of
the week's business. A slight Increase
la noticeable In the purchase moriey
trusts, but the output of the building
associations fell below one-half of the
figures for laat week.
The aggregate of straight loana this
week waa t430.0B7.Z7. The sum of all
the notes given for deferred purchase
money waa S34.B.1.48. The building asso.
clatlona advanced to membera, 1S1 600.
County property was encumbered for
total of 11,837.99. Land In the north,
west waa offered aa security for 1227,435.
The record of loans In the other city
sections was: Northeast, t)7,2i.; south
east. 119,699.12, and southwest, $14,255.
New Insurance Building. Apartment House, and Connecticut Avenue Business House Show tit's Development
. tosBsslaBVMBsslaBsslaHssHsslBHslaBssla I QsB"iH
, .Mte.laHWasagagaMflBl til --W I I sgsgsKMl-IIIBMMsgsgaWm.ll I
xWy'BmmmWKKm H asisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisiVB3aiV I iVVffHgiViWVVVBHgVwflW
gSlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBViTEIV I I -JsalSgSgSgSgSgSgSgSgSgSgsBgSslSgSgSgSgSgSgSriSgSgSg H SgSgSgSgSgSgSgSgsVsgSgSgSgsTaHsStSgSgWtHlM
ll.-" jfglBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB VIsgsgsrTI gagsglllllllllVgsHiBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBH 11 asgsgsgsgsgsgsgsmBMlsgRSMlfXKaMagsV fiKaslsgsgWallal
I II' sgsisisisisisisisisfSfflwgsisisisisisisB v aWrll HHjBHHHHjpHHHHBIusK! II KiwtKmmBMmM.(S''49M
I IliiiBsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsVllsi'l SHaB!! II gagagagagagagagagagagagagaMMMgifelllp
IHMaVlVHHHH VBKvV 1 (asBaffiSrassVaBB ''(sr-BBBBBBa'l sBSBSBSBsasa'''BrBBSHwaM sBaPISaBaBjZsSJgag'"-! BBSBSBSBSBSBSBsaf bsbsbsbTbbVbsbsbsbsbsv2h aJH II
vKjjKiBJjSjEU'&tE M HLPV KBttjKi"? HgsiaaV'fnBB'W 'ifSlWm II" 3j,ffl$tBrvrrQ I
I I bbbbbbbbbbbbbPbVbbbbbbbbbbbY ' ' aflB I HflPJSjBJBjflflBpVP''t ',-r;fcV BasMaaaaglBasjBBijgsajgeaaSBBBH BcsiiisajssaaajviZIIII
llBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlHlBSi2IB.llBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBa'. 1bV 4 11 .. ' ' i ,i y . i 1 a.WWBaBMWMMiBMglBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBl BJBJBJ) -JbIBIBIBIbV H - M x-HI I
iBjBBjBjBajijiiai igjMgyyijMygggjijQagiggaMRaMMgaVX, ajrwss H , bbbbbbbbbw ib.I I
1 1 VffBHHjHfr?HaBBiBHI I PPwtSPSiIBEHbJHSSmS3I?1& HV? ' ' iHaBH HjbHJ HIH' '-"nl I
1 BMsaiBaBBaMTBSi3Bp8nM H- H" B ' ';ByTi'' ' ''-""Hl I
HSff!yjiaiWWMH HJ 7r,- .jil.t,,, .,. ,,,. IHj ' iBBIIi- BiB .iiy&jj;,...? I2m
w egg gll't Wardman to Un. Cathtrlat Wttmort. lHk9BHJ?liK BBS ? '? III
- naaiiiiiiiiii. aBh-eBBK .. . i '. biii
Ripley, in R
Is Sold for
When Harry Wardman bu'lt aevea
five-story apartment house on R street
between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
atreet northwest. It was hi intention
to hold all of them a Investments.
Bach apartment rent for about 89,000
a year, which 1 considerably more
than 10 per( cent, of their cost.
tiui, a a prominent real esiaie orox
r aa'd today. Harry Wardman has
become so addicted to the habit of
building house and selling them,
that he ha a hard time holding any
thing. So, althoukh the first of these
apartment waa finished less than six
month ago, and the last less than
two month ago, on of them ha
aireaay oeen sola.
All Jut Alike.
The one (old Is the R'pley, which
I neither better nor worse than any
German-American Company
Will Occupy Seventh
Street Structure.
Another, advance In the modernising
of Seventh atreet Is the new building
of the German-American Fire Insurance
Company of the District of Columbia,
which Is now completed and will be oc
cupied by Its owners and other busi
ness firms by tho first of the new year.
The building fronta twenty-six feet on
Seventh street and has a depth of about
liu reel. It la constructed oi lapesirr
Fealty Transfers
Wisconsin avenue cxtendnd Oertrud S.
Lls et vlr, Timothy U, to Nellie E.
Pealy, lot 337, square 1300. 110.
107 to 111 Second street northwest Oeone
W. l'atterion et ux. to James O'Dunnell.
lots M. SS, M, square 175, 110.
MS New llampihtre avenue northwest-Ernest
II. Daniel, trustee, to Charles -U. Floyd,
jr., lot Hi. square . 110.
IMS Ninth street northwest Southern Build
ing Corporation to John P. Story, jr., lot
, squars 1CS, 110.
Tenlh nnd I streets northwest Florence P.
Hill to Edwin M. Dulln, part lots A. B.
and C, square Kl. 110.
Tenth street northwest, between P aad Q
streets Florence P. Hill to Ulanche 8.
Dulln, part 1st C, sqaare OT, tlO.
1:I and Itn H street northwest Marie C.
Itedrern, trustee, to Victor J. Evans, origi
nal lot i, square IBS, lU.JOO.
(0( Florida avenue northwest Frank P. Mor
gan to Annie n. oanis, lot 17, square ;,
French street northwest Kate it. Eck-
fcldl to Ella M. Ounnell, lot 117, square
SCI. 110.
InJUna avenue northwest, between First
and Second streets Charles E. White, exec
utor and trustee, to Stephen Oattl, lots D
and c, square 673, S6,ooo,
u, squsre w, n.zvo.
Ull T street northwest Mary A. Flyim to
Warren II. Esty, lot :", squsre IK, 110.
Sixteenth street northwest, between V street
and Florida avenue Amelia N. 8. Oliver to
uoren u. T. Juhnann, trustee, part ertslnsJ
Modern Buildings Construct
ed at 1226 and 1228 Con
necticut Avenue. .
lot . squsre 174, 110.
street northwest Frank Bprlac Perry,
guardian, to Ilertha W. Underwood, lot St,
square iuj,. ju.iij.
!..,.!. -i .. . .i.h...i.i ton O street northwest Trustees of Churcb
r.Vi.'-ri- i-i.i.ni t.,, TTia it ' the Covenant to Jennie Dyrenforth. lot
ttlllliuvy 111 sjaaeasse we wave
is four stories high, and the basement,
to be occupied by Charles Dletx'a cafe,
is so light and airy that It -may prop
erly be considered a fifth story.
Th first floor of the bulldlns will be
occupied by the Insurance company and
tne Nortnern i.ioerty uerman-Amencan
Building Asoclntlon.
,..& I.a. tnn Blna. I.AV IAn lMMailft
in iiaht nrt rnmnanv and the three Thirty-seventh street northwest, between U
1 JS2 S,ii?TiT.ai;-ahSiMi wlfh Prospt atreete-Clarenee H. Hoskln-
their main structure, which Is adjoin-
The cost of the building la about l5,
000. A. Ooenner la the architect and the
Melton Construction Company the build,
Weapons for Guards
Cause Legal Tangle
son st ux. to Virginia F. Itltchle, part lot
s. square iju. no.
It street northwest, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth streets Harry Wardman et si.
to Kalherlne 11. Wetmors, lot US, square
MS. 110.
ir oetween Twentvnrat ana Twenty-
id. O and P streets northwest Wolcott
Tuekerman et ux. to Henry K. Sheer,
K., square as. iw.
Wisconsin avenue extended Gertrude E.
Lewis et vlr, Timothy U, to Anthony O.
Nearr, lota U7 and lit, squars U00, 110.
1714 T street northwest Helen I. Morris to
Marr U Morris and Elisabeth R. Colbert.
Big army revolver have been pro- lot is. square ui, no.
vlded for the guarda and other em- Thirty-tblr rt st e " Dent Phe northwest
ploye. of the United State, aubtrea.ury ' SfSb,Tn XT p'm hi. !utS
In New York. One of these big new iao. 12,700.
.4S-callber automatic has been fur- P,streot northwest-Frederick W. Hans
nlshed aa a part of the equipment of Tko, llM. a'- l Jhn BeV"r' " "mn
each of the men whose duty It Is to 1509 Elslith street northwest Colley W. Bell
protect the stocks of coin and currency ,o ". """ f;"," fii. .
In the aubtreasury vault.. Fifteen of nfrX'XriZA&.
them were obtained from the army on no. .-...
requisition. I Twenty-nlntn street northwest, between Q
Northwest Additions Are Finding
Purchasers Before Houses
Are Finished.
Of the twenty house, being; erected
try Kennedy Brother, on Quebec
treet northwest, the N. U Sansbury
Company report nine sales. Not all
the houses aro completed, but the
sales thus far aggregate 154,000. The
purchaser, are Frcdcrlcka Schneider,
William W. Wayland, Eugene W.
Leach. Anna Fowler, Dr. Elzey, C. C.
Heltman. Pearl T. Pulllam, Dr. Walk
er, and Rose Coghlan.
In Lexington street northea.t, where
Kennedy Brother, are erecting nine
teen dwellings, the Sansbury Com
pany have sold two of them to Ous
lav B. Bpence, nnd Frank M. Pratt,
for a total of 110,500.
Saul'. Addition, also handled by the
same company, has been the scene of
considerable activity recently. Wil
liam T. George has bought the dwell
ing at 1205 Delafleld street. William
R. Oeorge at Thirteenth and Do
catur streets, W. A. Whltaker at 120
Delafleld street, W. II. Hyde at 180S
uEtniinu aireci, nenry a. worn, at
ii8? Decatur street, and Mathllde
Welghell at 1249 Decatur street. Un
improved lots In the same section
have been sold to Addison W Wil
liamson. H. a. Smithy, and Kohl C
One of the best sales reported by
this agency Is that of a group of lots
on Sherman avenue and Irving streets,
which they sold to J. a Qruver for
qeorge J. Mueller. The considera
tion is said to be about $10,000 and
It 1. understood these lot. will be Im
proved at once bv the erection of In
vestment properties.
Railway Men Strike.
LONDON, Dec. 7. More than 3,000
railway workers employed on lines In
the north of England today went out on
strike. They demanded more pay,
horter hours, and other Improved condition.
f hev were sent to the aubtreasury i and It streeta-tlsrry T. ltoeenhelm et ux.
from the Springfield arsenal. In Maysa- fflJJ'ttJS!!2M
e-ea --- --"-v-'v '- Wfa m iu avssjs
nbeth F. Wasner. 110.
am P street nurthweet Jame W. Doocy et
ai., iru-ii'va, w auhuvi uunain, lot H,
square X, 110.
11U to 14)7 II street northwest, :00 Portner
street nortnweei, nil u street Winnwesl.
and Chevy Chsse Terrace-H. Klrkua Dux-
rial In Uirnrrt n. riitalM Intm c? f A
12i and 111. squsre 204; lot 14 and part lot
F street northwest, between North Capitol
and First streets Johanna O'Keefe to
Daniel ana jonn J. uuin, an interest In
lot s, square 4M. 110.
2513 t, street northwest eluun L. niarkford
to Edith H. Newman, lot 30. sauare is. no.
UK T street northwest Msrgaret Sheridan
et al. to Emory I. Ireland, lot 33, square
190. 10.
MAO F street northwest Uiurs. A. nilncoe to
I.uther A. Snartsell, lot 111, squaro 101, 111.
Mil Elahlh atreet northwest Henry J. Ker
ens et ux. to Isaac Miller, lot 14, square
431, 110.
P street northwest, between Seventeenth
and Elihteenth streets-Mary Juliet Gerard
chusetts, and the freight amounted to
25 cents. Before the New York, New
Haven and Hartford railroad could col
lect It, however, It had to note an ap
peal to the Comptroller of the Cur
rency. The army couldn't pay It, because
there waa no appropriation that was
not made Immune by law. The sub
treasury couldn't pay It. because It had
not made the shipment. The Comp
troller decided that payment should
come from ono of the contingent funda
of the Treasury.
Taft Will Pardon
Drinking Soldier
Henry A. Otey, private, 136th Com
pany, Coast Artillery, will bo pardoned
by President Taft as a Christmas pres
ent. Otey got drunk, and was sentenced
to one year In confinement.
Jerome Fanclulll, formerly a Wash
ington newspaper man and at present
inn not cr of the Curtlss Aeroplane Com
pany, of New York, haa purchased the
residence at 1704 Q street northwest, of
which he nlll take Immediate poascs-
Uon. Mr. Fanclulll has Introduced the lumbla road waa of 7M. which waa pur
Ctirtlss machine utroad, nnd Is at prcs-ichaaed by Kobert H. Dorsey for I2.7M.
cnt devoting Ills attention to over-water
ning, or nenm iicnting, lis a pleasxM
little dltcrslon. The Q street purchJrc
was made through the ofllce of Mooro
& Hill.
New Building of German American Fir Insurance Co, on Seventh Stmt
of the other six, for they are all Just
anas, ins rapier oreugni sse.wo
purchaser being Mrs. Catherine
W.000, the
mora, formerly of New Jersey, but
who will make her home In Washing-
wn id we nwr luiurv.
"Wetmore Villa," the magnlndent
summer home at Allenhurst, N. J.,
which Mr. Wardman ha purchased
for H68.000, was built by Mrs. Wetmore
and used a her residence until the
last few week. It I understood Mrs.
Wetmore 1 negot'atlng for the pur
chase of a handsome residence In
Five Starlet High.
The Ripley apartment Is five stories
high and Is built of Roman brick,
trimmed In Indlanan limestone. It
stands on a lot W by 150 feet, and con
tains twenty-eight apartment., rang
ing in size from one to five rooms and
bath The Interior Is neatly finished
In Chestnut, and at the present time
every apartment In the building la
rented. The sale waa made through tho
office of Shannon & Luchs.
brick dwelling. No. T37 waa purchased
by Mrs. Percllla Bots. and TM by Mrs.
Mary K? Williams. The consideration
were $2,860 and $2,7(0. The sale on Co-
It la at leaat two miles by the clos
est route from the Capitol to 123 Con
necticut avenue. Yet ao steadily Is the
city's business growing northwest that
Gen. James A. Buchanan, who own the
two buildings at 1226 and 122S Connecti
cut avenue has transformed them from
residences, onco In the city's suburbs,
Into modern ofllce buildings.
Work on 1228 Is about completed and
the building will be ready for occupancy
by the tlrst of the year. It fronts
twentv.flve feet on Connecticut avenue
and la 105 feet long. There are four
atorlcs and an attic The first two floors
have been fitted up as modern offices
and the third and fourth may be used
either as offices or as apartments. The
new front Is of tapestry brick.
The adjoining building, at 122 Con
necticut avenue, la an entirely new
"building which will not be completed for
aeverai weens, ine grouna noor in tne
building, however, ha already been
rented out aa an automobile dtaplay
room, and the aecond floor will be used
for offices.
A. B. Mullett & Co. I the archi
tect of both buildings. Frank L. Wag
ner did the conatruction work on
122S, and the Boyle-Robertson Construc
tion Company I the contractor at 122.
Senate Names Conferees
On Hospital in Paris
Conferees have been appointed by the
Senate on the bill to Incorporate the
American Hospital of Paris. They aro
Senators Oalllnger. Curtis and Martin.
The two houses differ on the question
whether the charter bill shall be limited
to fifty years. i
The House passed the bill In that
form and the Senate put no limitation
on It. Many Americans resident In Par
Is are anxious to have the Institution
chartered. i
Quartermaster Corps
Saving Millions
An annual saving of $6,000,000 Is the
result of formation of the new quarter
master corps of the army, General Ale
shlre, chief of the corps, told the House
unifar.. rnmmlttee vesterday. Fifty
thousand dollars economy a year alono
In reducing the clerical force of tho
bureaus consolidated to form the new
corps has resulted.
Shannon & Luchs
Make Three Sales
Two more aalea on Hobart street and
another on Columbia road are reported
today by Shannon & Luchs. The Ho
bart street propertUs aro two-story
Colored Educaton Is
Honor Guest at Banquet
Prof. J. P. Strickland, of Argenta,
Ark., former principal of the colored
high school at that city, and recently
appointed register of the Treasury, was
the guest of honor at a dinner given by
the Arkansas Club In the Twelfth
street branch of the Y. M. C. A. last
Realty Brokers' Head
Appoints Committees
.President William H. Saundera, of
the Real Estate Broker Association,
today announced the appointment of
the standing committee oof the a
aclatlon on taxation and asssssrnsnt.
The committee will be composed of
Oeorge Y. Worthlngton. O. W. F.
Swarttell, N. L. Sansbury. Randall H
Hagner, Maurice Fltsgsrald, and
Charles A. Shields.
It la understood the committee will
begin at once an Investigation of tho
Oeorge taxation and assessment re
port, which has been ths subject of
investigations and reports by many
commercial bodies recently.
Since the matter concerns real es
tate entirely. It is believed ft report
from this committee will prove effective.
Virginia Sheriff Kills
Huge Eagle With Club
A mounted eagle, measuring seven
feet from tip to tip, has been presented
to W. H. Cooper, a local art dealer, by
Sheriff O. W. Edwards, of Leesburg,
Va. The bird was snot Thanksaivlrur
Day, when It made a bold foray among
the chlckena and turkeys of the sheriff.
The latter managed to get close enough
to the eagle to Dreax its wing bv a
gunshot. He then attacked the bird
with a club. The eagle gave him a
mighty struggle before It was killed.
$4,000,000 WORTH
(Continued on Page Nine.)
Time it! In just five Minutes there will be no Indigestion,
Sourness, Heartburn, Gas or Dyspepsia.
Do some foods you eat hit back taste
good, but work badly; ferment Into
stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour,
gassy stomach? Now, Mr, and Mrs.
Dyspeptic, Jot this down: fape'a Dla
pepsln digests everything, leaving noth
ing to sour and upset you. No differ
ence how badly your stomach Is dis
ordered you get happy relief In five
minutes, but what pleases you most 1.
that It .trengthen. and regulate, your
stomach so you can eat your favorite
foods without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
times they are slow, but not sure. Dla-
Pepsin Is quick, positive, and puts yoUr
stomach In a healthy condition so the
misery won't come back.
YOU feel different am mrtnn am Til-..
sin comes In contact with the atomach
f!tr.e!-.ju,t vanlehes-your stomach
gets sweet, no gases, no belching no
tj " u uimi.eaiea iooa, your
head clears and you feel fine.
rut an ena to stomacn trouble bv get
ting a large flfty-cent case of Pope's
Dlapepsin from nny drug store. You
realise In five minutes how needless It
is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia,
w a.vtMavu WIBWIUCCfl
Mi hitnrnMt mieHtlon la the forels!
tiallcy of the Incoming aflmlnUtratlon
will do tne v-oiomuian " "
n Daninn The most candid treat
ment of this question that has yet ap
peared in in
11.35 net. Postpaid $1.47.
A complete history of Panama and
thorough review of the civil, sanitary,
and engineering activities In bulldlrfg
the Canal. The controversy with
England, trade outlook and Monroe
doctrine discussed. Attractively bound
and Illustrated. An Ideal gift to a
friend going to Panama.
'Tne clearest, most reuuuuiu aim
understandable book on the Panama
Canal that I have seen." Burton
Holmes. . .
"The best book on the canal that
has so far appeared." Engineering
Of anv bookseller, or
I Ml SU Ave Ivr York.
And Guaranteed
House Addresses of
Our Guarantee
Bo accurate Is this Hat that
we agree to pay to you 4 crate
for each letter returned to yoa
by the U. S. Postofaee.
These names 2,000 of them-offer you the opportunity of
addressing the most intelligent, resourceful men and women in
UNCLE SAM'S SERVICE in Washington. They each earn
$2,000 or more yearly, making the tremendous spending power of
$4,000,000. Don't you wish to draw some of this your way? Our
list will help you.
Lists of any Trade, Profession, Business, or Other
Classification Anywhere in the United States Compiled
on Short Notice.
Greatest Nerve
Vitalizer Known
A Recent Discovery. Kenogi's Sanitou
Wafer, the Most Effective Nerve"
Strengthener for Men and Wo
men Ever Found by Science.
This Is the world's newest, safest,
most reliable and effective nerve Invlg
orator, revitalise!-, brain awakener. body
strengthener. without equal In the
world's history of medicine. It brings
about a change from that awful, dull.
weak, laxy. don't-glvc-a-hanir feeling to
brightness, strength, clear-headedness,
and courage which 'a remarkable.
Our Advertising "Copy" Department
will write your form letters, circulars, booklets, catalogues, etc., and attend to every detail of their
printing and mailing, so that your undivided time may be given to other details of your business.
Imitation Typewritten Letters
We will print the letter head for you, too. We fill in addresses, signatures, fold, enclose in
the envelope, seal, stamp, and deliver to postoffice.
KaUogg's Sanlton Wafers Hake To
reel line All the Time.
Fort MEN. Nerve forco gone! You
are what your nerves are. nothing else.
If you feel all run-down from overwork
or other causes. If you suffer from In
somnlu, "caved-ln" feeling, brain fag,
extreme nervousness, peevishness.
gloominess, worry, cloudv brain, loss of
ambition, energy, and vitality, loss of
weight and digestion, constipation,
headaches, nedralgla, or the debilitating
effects of tobacco or drink, send for a
50c free trial box of Kellogg's Sanltone
Wafers, and soon you will be well,
strong and happy.
FOB WOMK&. If you Buffer from
nervous breakdown, extreme nervous
ness, "blue" spells, desire to cry, worry,
neuralgia, back pains, loss of weight or
appetite, sleeplessness, headaches, and
constipation, and are all out-of-sorts.
Kellogg's Sanltone Wafers will make
you feel that there Is more to life than
you ever realized oeioro. oena louuy
for the 50c free trial box.
No more need of dieting, diversion,
travel, tlresomo exercises, dangerous
drugs, electricity, massage, or anything
else Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers do tha
nork for each and all, give you nerve
force and mako vou love to live.
All tlrst.class druggists have Kellogg's
Sanitone Wafers In stock, at 11.00 a box,
or thev will be mailed direct upon re
ceipt of price by F. J. Kellogg, I32t
Hofrmastrr lllock, Hattlo Creek, Mich.
No free trial boxes from druggists.
A S0-cent trial box of this great dis
covery will provo that they do the
work. Thev are guaranteed-evcry
wafer. Send coupon Delow todav for
free COo trial box of Kellogg's Sanlton
District Natl Bank Bldg. Phone Main 7506
FHf.K TltlAL nox COUPON.
V. J. Kellogg Co, 1324 HofTraaatrr
lllock. Ilattle Creek, Mich.
Send me bv return mall, free of
charge, a Go-cent trial box of tho
wonderful discovery for nerves, Kel
logg'B Sanitone Wafers. I enclose 6
cents tn stamps to help pay postago
and packing.
Street or It. P. D
City Btato
The regular $1.00 ssso of Kellogg's
Sanltono Wafers are for salo In Wash
ington at Affleck's Drug Store, ISth & V
sts. n. w.. Peouie'a I'hurmacy, 2 stores,
7th & K sts. n. w.. and 7th & K sts,
n. w.. Jamca O'Donnell, 901 K st n. w.
?01 Penna, ave. s. e. No freo boxef
rom druggists.

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