ti.l 3 ,tfl ; i i THE WAdiilWJ ON TIMES. SUNDAY , DECEMBER SJlil IV. ' -iJIS ,K 'V m s . PNINTHSIREET STORE ROOMS ARE SOLD FOR $110,000 Miller, Brothers Make Busi ness Property Deal Pur chasers Not Named. Millar Brother!, who have been deal ing In Ninth street buitnaai property ltd a considerable extent raeentlr..hava pold. two -store-rooms 'on Ninth 'streets pear D, tha total consideration being Approximately $110,000. The names of tha purchasers aro withheld, f The property at 501 Ninth street north west, , formerly occupied by Sauter's restaurant and now occupied by Vln- eni uoeieuo, was sold ror ,.130,000, tha Ilmpson-Sujllvan Company .representing .he purchaser. ' The property. yat 610 Ninth street was id to a purchaser represented by Belt Brten Company for about $40,000. loth these figures, shtw the advance in he value of Ninth street property In cent momns. ( Miller Brothers was represented In sin transactions hv KhMM. r. u- ley. of Uie real estate department of tha Kh&f.t.An V0"? L"'ut Company. W,S2Uon '.' " as attorney. 'A number of good1 salea are reported K. "K.V- -Boul Co.. tha largest " ! ut an apartment House, valued at about tu.no Vt inn VVi J.Vl.I' wIS.1. """hwest, to A. F. Measlck. -of Winston Salem, N. C. In part pay -KANTQKSn I-sT" . ksAsvAf4awelCfawsa ak.Mai m r m .utmninuii 1014-7 iTO'sft The Sale of the Hirsh Co. Stock of Women's, Misses' and Children's SUITS, COATS, MILLINERY, DRESSES DRY GOODS and NOTIONS At Lowest Prices Quoted This Season PROVED A BIG SUCCESS ( ynington wom?n sure are bargain-wise. In spite of the in demerit weather Thursday there was a throng of eager buyers here. An secured big valuesYOU CAN DO THE SAME. We want, to close out' every piece of Hirsh merchandise in a hurry so that Kantor's Department Store can put in stock of their own selection. Do not miss coming here for these bargains: Bargains in COATS and SUITS -Una's $1S and $18 Tailored Suits ot serge In 'blue, black or gray; best styles. Kantor's price to close, . $7.95 Birth's 122, $25, aid ISO Tailored Salts of serge, cheviot, and gray mixtures, In black, nary and brown; this season's best sellers. Kantor's price to close, $11.98 Hirsh's $8 and $10 thibet, black, and colors, Children's Coats Deeply rn.li Via ah iiiM. m aA.M chllla or broadcloth. In white, red, heavily lined. Hirsh's price. 13.(0. ' Kantor's price to close CHILDREN'S COATS, sites ( to 'trimmed with velvet collars, brass and finished with pockets. Hirsh's irlce, $1.98. Kantor's price to close. HirsiVs $1.00 CTr Special Corsets 93C HIRSH'S 25c NECKWEAR a popular seller. Including Hull Ja bots and Quaker Col lars trimmed In Val. or Ft. Venice laces; many different styles. Kan tor's price to close, choice, 10c. Hade of coutll; new long, straight model, finished 'with six gar ters. ICantor'a price to close, 5c. BIG SAVINGS Hirsh's $2.98 ) Separate Skirts of navy or black serge and gray wnipcora, tailored in a su rea in a su- $1.98 perior manner; new style; Kant or's price to close HIRSH'S $8:98 SERGE DRESSES, $4.69 Real attractive style and one that has sold well this season. Robespierre collar effect, trimmed with colored piping and velvet; choice of navy, garnet, black, brown, and gray. Kantor's a a s v price to close 44e0y Hirsh's Ribbed Underwear Reduced Good news for those who have not as yet bought their winter underwear WOMAN'S RIBBBD VNOBRWEAR, Includ ing Vests or rants; bleached or unbleach ed. Hirsh's price, SOc. WOMEN'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR, Pants of Vests, bleached or unbleached. Hlrih'i 6 rice, 16c a garment. :antor'a price to close, a gar- 1 Qj ment '. J.J71 Mimur b price to close, a gar ment 39c ment for this property tha Boula Coin psnytook $47 acres of land near Win ston Salem, valued at $$.. The trans aotion wa made In connection with Moore, Hill. The same Arm sold two more houses In Hall Place, recently erected by I E. Brunlnger, this making a total of eleven houses sold ou,t of fourteen con structed; Tha latest sales are at J6W Hall Mace, whtcn was purchased by sugene rnraaane, r., ror H.w. ana DM Hall Place. bouaht bv Charles II Hashlnson. of Montgomery County, Md., for $4,280. Both purchasers expect SThe same Arm sold tha dwelling at B Eleventh street northwest for L. endless to W. A. Polndexter. of Vir ginia, tha price being-$4,690. They also sold for Lewis ones the new six room and bath dwelling at Mil .Thirteenth street northwest to Leo J. Roberts,- who will-occupy-the-resldenoe. -The-coasld-eiaUon.waa $4,M0. , ,. Jk farm of fifty. seven" acres In 'Fair fax County, Va., was sold through tha omce ror or. K. v. msnop io nan Oobson, the price being ROOO. Twice Wedded to Same' Man; Seeks Divorce A tangled matrimonial experience Is described In a petition for maintenance filed' In District Supreme Court .yester day by Ellen M. Franklin against El wood, C. Franklin, an employe of the Layyefs Title and Guaranty 'Company Mrs. Franklin state she has been mar ried to Franklin twice and between the two marriages .married another man. Blnco the second marriage to Frank lin, Mrs. Franklin alleges her husbsnd has beaten her a number of .times. ' Club to' Hear Paper.' "Tha Selection of Judges for the Per manent Court of Arbitral Justice at The Hague" will be the subject of a paper to be delivered by George C. Cohen, of the University of Indiana, before the Collegiate Club, 1230 Eleventh street northwest, this evening. aiurcc i Hirsh's $15 and $18 Long; Coats of thibet and novelty cloth, many with plush col lars; .stylish, warm coats. Kantor's price to close, $7.95 Hirsh's $1244 Chin. ehlUa Coats in brown, navy, Oxford and gray, fancy collar and cuffs; latest, styles. Kantor's price to close, $6.98 Long Winter Coats of yfl QQ' , Kantor's price to close. 4sTrO Cut Hirsh's $1.50 Ready-t-f-WearHats of French felt, cor duroy, and Imitation beaver; black and colors. 'Kan tor's prloe'to en close DifC of chln- or navy; $1.89 14 years, Duuons, S2.98 10c HIRSH'S $1 COMFORTS 59c flllkollne covered, filled with good cot ton; double-bed slxe. Warm and pretty. Kan tor's price to close, 59c. ON SKIRTS Hirsh's $7.50 Separate Skirts of splendid quility serge in navy or black; most popular of si popular or $3.98 prevailing style. Kantor s price to close ...... MEN'S K I. E E C E LINED UNDERWEAR, Shirts or Drawers, heavy weight. Hirsh's price, EOc a garment. Kantor's price QQn to close .'OtJC Box tff Poisoned Candy Is Mailed TOPKKA, Kan., Dec. l-Frank Mo Kanna, of Oskaloosa, Kan.,' la In Jail here, having been arrested at Valley Falls, 'Kan., on' a Federal Indictment. charging him with sending. a box of poisonea canay inrougn ins mail to Mrs. Ida Coons, divorced wife' of George Coons, of Oskaloosa, , I When Mrs. Coons received a box oi chocolates by mall -several weeks ago, the appearance of the candy aroused her suspicions, and an Investigation by the Federal authorities led to the discovery of poison. . f . X McKanna' denies the charge against McKanna'afwIfe um4 him far riiwi... and sho and Mrs.. Coons became Joint Castro in Antwerp. PARIS. 'Dec, . Clprlano. Castro, for mer President of Venezuela, rflsem !$!? tl Antwerp from the steamship Wlndhuk, according; to a special dis patch from that city. FOYER'S INSURGENT SAFETY RAZORS As f Md as tkeitst $5 Rraocrttto 49c r?r-- I mm-mmmmmmmmmm. Drugs and Patent Remedies 3Se CA9TORIA. The genuine Fletcher's cut to 19c Mo Parisian Base Hair Tonic Be 50c Pandering Oc tOc Canthrox 31c tl.CO Bliss Native Herbs.. 7c IL00 Seven Sisters Hair Orower..69c tl.00 Plnaud's Hair Tonic 69c COo Plnaud's Hair Tonic 35c 11.00 Sanatogep ,.SSc SOc Phillips' Milk Magnesia 33c 80c Herplclde 39c 11.00 Herplcldn 7e COu Armour's Beef 35c 35c Bteero Beef Cubes.. ..25c 25c Oxo Beef Cubes .170 Vc'Llkterlne .13c gotllyao-Thymollne ...17c tOc Olyco-Tliymollne ...86c tl.00 Olco-Thymollne .69c tl.00 Danderlne ...69c 35c Danderlno tOc Llsterlne .. .lie ,32c 11.00 Llsterlne &So SOc Pape'a Ulapepsln .35c Aspirin Tablets. 100 In bottle., ,.tlo terrain Asafoetlda Tablets, choc olate coated: 100 In bottle 35c E-graln Cuscara Tablets, chocolate coated; 100 In bottle 21c Calomel Tablets, any strentgh; 15c 100 In bottle 3-graln Quinine Capsules, doien.. "3-graln Quinine Capsules, doien." t-graln Quinine Capsuels, doxen.,10c Pure Sulphate Quinine, 1-ox. cana..33o Empty Capsules. 100 In box... .10c Pure Gum Camphor 1-pound 55c Chalk and Orris, the reliable Tooth powder. Quarter pound. ,Uo ' Powdered Borax Pacific Coast Borax, In bulk, lb. ..to 'Fermentation of Food: Causes Stomach Sickness ROGERS' DI6ESTOR Relieves All Distress in a Few Minutes WJi r-' 2J7 htm BBsBBsBBSj''ssBBBB I BaasBBi 5Q Toilet Soap FREE 90c Worth of Palmolive Soap FREE The regular price of Palmolive Toilet Soap is 15c a cake. Tomorrow we will give at our Main Store 6 l'ifteen-Cent Cakes Free with each botle of Palm olive Shampoo at 40c. $1.40 Worth of Goods for 49c, Will Discuss Relation OfY.W.C.A.toChurch Vesper servlceswlll be held this after noon In the Young Women's Christian Asosdatlon. In which tha subject dis cussed will be "The Relation of tha Y. W. C. A. to tha Church." The speak ers ror tne occasion will 'be- tha itev. James H. Blake," Christ Church,, Oeorge. town: i the Rev, j. m. m. Gray. Hm- lllne Methodist Episcopal Church; ihe iwr. s-aui k. nicxox, Metropolitan Presbyterian Church, and tha Rev. fiarle i Wllfley, Vermont Avenue Chris-' hot .inurcn.' t . . , - ., . . . Will Inaugurate President The board of trusUes of Howard Uni versity has Issued Invitations for the formal Inauguration of Prof. Stephen Morrell Newman, recently elected presi dent of the Institution. The Inaugural ceremonies will be held on Friday, De cember It, at J:30 'p. m. A reception will be held In the president's home from $ until 10 o'clock tho same evening. O'Donnell's 2aS& Drug Store 904 F Street Branch Store 13th and GN.W. asasssfessTaiisBSBjSBisBaBMSsjsaasssMSBasaisaBBiBBSsBssaaSBjssBsaBaisjSMsBiB A Cut Rate Drug Store That Really .Cuts the Price on Articles for Which There Is a Popular Demand Cut Prices Phosphate Soda,, the best make. Pound 120 Powdered Alum. Pound 10c Bicarbonate SoOa, the best, lb 8c Sugar Milk Used to modify milk. We sell th best make for this article. In tho uiiKinal sealed Dux ....19c Uurailo Acid, the best, original sculed box. 1 lb. In the .10 Compound Licorice Powder, lb 35o Pure Olycerln. pound bottle 37o Glycerin and Rose Walter, 4-ounce bottle 130 Senna Leaves, a full pound 3!o Epsom Salts, pouad'box '..?.' tc Pure .Rock Candy, pound 13o Rhubarb .and Soda Mixture, 'full pint bottle 2c Liquid 8oda Mint, full pint bot- iMf ,,.. ...,. ........150 Cocoanut OIL 1 lb. cans (35c Cocoa Butter, half-pound 24o Carbolic Add Chem. pure, lb. bottle 35o Pure Cream Tartar, In 1-lb. sealed boxes. Powers S- Wclghtman's..31c Pure Black Pepper. In lb. sealed boxes 3! $1 Size Syrup of HypophosphRes, 50c This well-known tonic needs no praise from us. For brain fag, nerousness, and as a flesh builder It has no equal. Tho full pint bot tles, usually sold at a dollar, CA are especially priced at u) Belladonna Plasters cut to OE 3 for H To cure that cold use Rexall Cold Tablets; we guarantee 1Q. them '' PAROWAX Is Indispensable In the washroom. It cleans and whitens at one opera tion. It saves labor. It removes (crease and dirt without hard rub bing. Does not Injure the most deli cate fabric. We are selling tho An 1-pound packages, special 5t Cures Chroniclndigestion That lump of lead at pit of stomach ill melt away and all stomach distress ill vanish in, five minutes when Rogers' ligestor is taken. If you have stomach trouble, no mat er from what cause, always remember mat Kogers' uigestor will cleanse ana renovate your stomach. We guarantee this preparation to cure Indigestion or any Stomach Trou ble or money back. It is not a make shift remedy, but is a stomach CA tonic. Large bottles . '. a? V W Wilson Favors Bill to Probe Cost of Living President-elect Wood row' Wilson and many Congressmen are said to be In favor of , the .Suiter-Crawford, bill ' pro viding for fan' International conference on the high cost of living.". Among' those who have met" to arrant., details of tha proposed 'conference are .Frank B. Gard ner,' secretary of the New York Board of Trade; Charles C. Copeland? 'James T. Holla, L. B. Oreen, FremV ,E. Mack, Tread well Cleveland ..aftd'j Prof. Irving Fisher, of Yale UnlvereltyvMJttle op- Risltlon Is . expected .from'j.Congress. epresentatlves ot all the laadlng 'na tions would attend the conference, - Jewish Holiday. Services In honor of : the Jewish holi day, Channukah, wilt "be held 'at"- o'clock this afternoon In the Eighth Street Temple, when the Rev.' Dr. Ab ram Simon will deliver an Illustrated lecture. The holiday celebrates the vic tory of the Jews 1077 years ago over their enemies, the Syrians. Monday, Tuesday and TONE smKW. 5 s3pT" a3 Toilet Articles l-plnt bottles Imported Bay Rum..39o 50c bottles Hind's Honey Almond Cream 9o 10c tubes D. & It. Cold Cream., "c 35c tubes D. & R. Cold Cream 18c S5c jars D. & R. Cold Cream 28c 50c Jars D. 4 R. Cold Cream.. .-,..380 60c jars Cream ... Pompelan Massage ,.39o 75c jars Pompellan Massage Cream 59c 11.00 jars Cream ... Pompelan Massage .53o 1-lb. cans Theatrical Cold Cream.. 39c 50c Jars Amorita Beauty Cream, greaseless n. ,23c 35c Jars Hasellne Snow 19o 35c Jars Pond'a Vanishing Cream.. 18c 50c Jars Pond's Vanishing Cream.. 35a 50c Jars Malvlna Cream.. SOc Jars Nadlnola Cream.. 390 35c ,11.60 bottles Oriental Cream fl.OS Toilet Soap At Money Saving Prices IVORY SOAP THE Regular 5c Bars 7 for 25c Jrrgen's Violet Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes In box 19c 7irVhite Rose Glycerine, 3 cakes In a box 40c 33c Woodbury's Soap 17c 35c Zemo Soap 16c 4711 Verdura. 4 cakes In 1 31c SSc Poslam Soap 18c 35c Packer's Tar Boap 14c Pear's Unscented Soap, cake 10c Pear's Scented, cake 15c 25c Nadlne Soap , 16c 25o D. & R. Shnvlng Sticks 15c SSc Williams' Shaving Sticks ISC 15c Wlllalms' Jersey Cream Soap, 3 cakes In box 32c 25c Mennen'a Sonp .....13c 10c Cosmos Buttermilk Soap, 3 rakes In box ltc Boehm's Imnorted flnan. . hlirhlv nerftimefl. 3 raki,. k '45c In box EXTRA SPECIAL. 2-lb, Bars Cuatlle Hoa'r Of. finest Imported Gold Dust Twins, 5 boxes 10c H Harmony Glcerlne Soap, Violet and Rose. A big soap value. In nan pouna bars; ioc 3 'for 25c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes ?Cr Usually sold for 35c O'Donnell's Price ms3 First Body Cremated in America 120 Years Ago 6ne hundred and twenty years 'ago today cremation came Into exUtence In America. The first person whose body wss burned to ashes. In accordance with the wish expressed by himself," was Col. Henry Laurens, who died on his plan tation near Charleston, S.lC., December 81792. Colonel Laurens,. who galnsd.hta title by gallant -eervlce In tha Revolu tion, left a will providing' for such a dlsDoaltlan of hla- body. v "Cremation was a practice among. the ancients, aaung ,dsck io' isomer ana the prehistoric 'areeks.- Sir Henry Thompson, the .eminent British physi cian, was i the leader In the modern movement " Coombs Gets Place., . ' i George C. Coombs, son of J Charles C. Coombs, 1110 X street, has been ap pointed private secretary to the Sec retary of. State In place of Hugh S. Knox, resigned. Mr. Coombs accom panied Secretary Knox on his recent trip to Japan. Your system with nerve food,' make it healthy. When nerves lose their vi tality due to overwork worry or ill ness, other bodily functions fail to do f their work. You need a tonic AMANA . is very beneficial to those troubled with restless sleep impaired digestion physical languor weakened kidneys tobacco heart. Good reports come from those trying to break off the cigarette habit it surely will lessen the desire. ; .Nothing quite equals AMANA. 60c boxes Dr. Charles Face Pow der lie 1-plnt bottles Best Peroxide Hy drogen 19o 1-plnt bottles Best Extract Witch Ilaxcl 15o SSc cans Squlbb's Carnation Tal- cum, He 1-pound cans Borated Talcum 14c $1.00 bottles Roger' Violet Water ft Gallett'a ,.7c 60c boxes Roger ft Qallett'a Face Powder 39c 2Sc packages Roger ft Oallett's Rtce Powder 18c 35c cans Talcutlne lto SSc jars Mum, for perspiration odors 15c Co cans Rexall Foot 'Powder lie 31c 'Jars Pope's Freckel1 Cream 18c JOcJaraiSpelaer'j Freckel Cream,..29c 35c i bottles Jergen'a Bensoln and Almond Lotion 19c SSc boxes Java Rtce 'Powder.. .25c 60c boxes Nadlne Face Powder.. ..35c Save YourTEETH And Save Money Mead & Baker's Mouth Wash 25c rMkcitte 13c 60o Pebeco Tooth Paste sic SOc Odol 390 25o Arnica Tooth Soap 150 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder Uo 25c Sanltol Tooth paste u0 25c cans Llsterlne Tooth Powder, cut to i2o Williams' Tooth paste. Nickel Toothbrush Holder. with 21c 25c Culcx Tooth Powder 16c 25c Rublfoam 150 25o Kuthymol Tooth paste. 2 for.. 250 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder lie Peroxide Tooth Powder, cans 25c .13c 25c cans Dr. Graves' Tooth Pon der or Pasto 12a 25c Sozodont Liquid or Powder,.,. 15a Rubbersct Tooth Brushes cut to., 23c Kent's English Tooth Brushes, sold tho world over for 40c,' cut to 25o toHySIII WarDepartment Clerk Married-to Her Cousin Miss Hauls' E. England, thirty-five years old; a clerk In the War Depart ment, was married yesterday afternoon In WlteUngtori; Del.; to her first cousin, Charles 'T. England, thlrty-flVe; a' rail road contractor' of Covington, Va., by the Rev Joseph W. Cocharan. secretary of tha Presbyterian, board 'of education, who accompanied them., The .reason given for performing tha ceremony In Wilmington -Was a-desire i for secrecy on aooouht.of the serious Illness of the bdJ,alt4'- Th bride's' address to 1V7 Belmont, avenue. i Sulzer to Be Ouest. Congressman Falrehlld; of New York, will arlva a dlnn.r n n.. elect Sulser of New York, at the JMet ronolltan Gluh Tumiv mii. tit . New York delegation In Congress, with nira a. uoier. oi new xork-clty, and other prominent men, will be to at- MIUUKUV! Wednesday Cigars, Cigarettes, and Tobacco AI cur BTRATTON ft STORM'S 3 for 10c. Box of ISO. X5. OWL8. Londrea and Retnas. We are selling this popuKr 5o cigar t 3 for 10c. Box of 60, ILIS. LA. CORONA. A 25o Imported perfecto Cut to 19c. Box of 25, 14.75. NORMAN MARTINEZ. The only 6-Inch Clear Havana, Cuban handmade Cigar In the United Btates. for which the dealer pays $40 per thousand, -net .cost. . A fresh supply. ic. Box 'of 60. J2.2S. LA CAROLINA. 36c imported Perfecto, Cut to lie. Box 25. 14.75. BOCK PERKECTIONADO. 20o Cigar cut to lie. Box 26, 13.76. R. C. PUIJj1VANB:. J 7-20-4 mS?k.f"?t the. aatmt'. fc,wl', market. , -Londrea and Perfectos. for 25c. Box of 60, 33,50. i! the WAITT ft BOND'S uiacxstone. unnlv nfMhl. cigar?"1 ,upply ""' famous lOo 7c. Box of ffl, ttss. LA CANDIDO PERFECTO, Regular 3 for 25c quality. Box of 60. 33.60. ADELINA PATTL A fine 10c Clear Havana. 7c: 4 for 25c. Box of 60, $3.00. ROXDINT A hlKh-grada 10c Cigar. Special price, 7c; 4 for 25 25c xox oi sac. 13.00. Cutj to 20c straight; $S por box or 33. SPANISH CLUB SELECTOS. knT?" . .J . ! . "Ml well- "It .. v.. icii ior mis 3 for 10c: 3 for 25c. Box of 60. $1.50. ML ISABELLA. , B Panatela slsa: Regular 3-for 25o Clga nrlce. Er. Special Box of J00. m. HANNAN BROA" ". niniiu-cresn flllHHtM for 6o. Box of SO. $lcV . ROBERT BURNS. A fresh shipment of this known 10c cigar. Cut to ec: box of to. $2.63 well- I LOVERA IMPERIALE8. Clear Havana cigar. Regular 2-for-26c else. Cut to 3 for 25c Box of 100. 37.50. Cough Is Like A Mule IHbisbW awPtPwtF Hall's Cherry Expectorant is entirely different from the old-time cough remedies. It relieves coughs immediately and cures sore throat and hoarseness. If it doesn't stop your cough bring us back the empty bottle andf.C we'll return your money ZDC Extra Large Bottle, 50c. It Brings the Smile The Great 20th Century Remedy for the Whole family Take one after meals for a day or so and vou will smile again. E-Z TABLETS will relieve all cases of Bad Breath. Sour Stomach, Constipation, Headache, Heartburn, Billtousness, Insomnia, Lazy Liver, Dizziness, and Dyspepsia. If a 25c package (100 tablets) doesn't cure or relieve you, we return your money. Do you want a; better guarantee? Meaxra9BMssBaajsaBBajBjaaBKsjB Arkintaristt Dinner Hear Strickland Speech Th. ultimate; rlie "of ..the colored race through haMts of thrift, .frugality. In dustry, end fldellty'to every obligation wss predicted last night by, jr. D. Btrlck lend,' recently appointed Assistant Regis trar of th. United States Treasury, at a, dinner given" by th. Arkansans of Washington .at the' Twelfth' street branch of th. T, M. CA. last night. -Th. program Included renjarks by W. V. Turner, vice president, of the Arkan sans; M. F. Harris, W. E. King; violin fcolos, E. O. Cox, Lewis E. Johnson, and R. W.. Thompson; piano .selection, J. N. Donohoe and.M. 8. Oarer. J - Is He Oldest Diner? Edmund i Berkeley, elghty-Ma., .J Hevmarket, Va.,has written President Taft declaring he had dined at tag) White House with "President, Jackson. seventy-five years ago. He said he be. Ileved he was the oldest White House diner. 5 Gfette ifety 1J0 AQ Razws cat to J3.30 Gillette Blades 1 in. ia metal bax 85c fdaz.iapjerkox:.....45c PRICES - SPANISH CLUB. A fine 6c cigar. Cut to 3 for 10c: 3 for 25c Box of 60, $L50. . TOM CONLET. Special box of 60 cigars, 75c BRUSH-END STOGIE. A fine smoke. Box of 60. 70c. GLADIUS INVINCIBLES. Cc clear; cut to 3 for 10c Box of 60. $1.65. LOVERA ARISTOCRAT. Regular 15c clear. Cut to 10c; 3 for 25c. Box of 25. $U. FLOR DE LOVERA. Fine, clear Haana goods. 10c else cut to 7c; 4 for 25c Box of 60. $3.00. JOc size Rosa Perfecto cut to 2 for 25c. ' Box of 23. $3.00. Dlplomatico cut to 10c Box of 60, $4 60. Tobacco, Specials Hnhmlan r n. Lucky Stripe Itoll Cut. 1 lb.. Tuxedo. Mb. tin Velvet.H-lb. glass ' Tuxedo'Glas.Ilunndor...".V Twin Oaks, l lbn.s - , Oc ..75c' ..60 ..75o . 75c .6c Cut Pricesen Cigarettes AUU 1.-IUARETTES CUT KTln JUT FOR 11c i, .I? SALE. Murad Mogul ' Royal Nestor Melachrtno Unla Che Chek ALV26C CIGARETTES CUT TO 20c Egyptian Deities 20c Fall Mall Philip Morris Twelfth NIsbt omar. 12c. NaturaUlOc Fatlma, jjc. Harem, 12c Turkey Red. 3c. LITTLE LOVERA. Clear Havana. Cut to -SOc ALL-150 LITTLE CIGARS CUT TO lie Glorlflers . Telonettea , . Hoffman House Magnum Royal Bengal , ; Robert Bums . Prime 'PtuTs. 12c. BEAUX ARTS. Little Cigar. Cut to 20c LA CREBCO. This popular Cigar at 7 for 25c Box of 60. $1.76. figS2iH,-,h -....::::::::. -- siftntvni You've got to coax-if to go. We have a cold cure that will start the most stubborn'cough going and quick ly make it disappear entirely. We have witnessed its effectiveness in hundreds of cases and guarantee that it will stop your couch. E-Z TABLETS yj r