OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 05, 1913, Sunday Evening EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1913-01-05/ed-1/seq-14/

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' "- - ' "-.Ti' - jS.jv i.wKVTT.j-iMW'W JMi :?
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' J. t- --
Will Be Seen This Week in the Leading Playhouses of Washington-
Star in Burlesque
Otis Skinner to Have" Lea
ing.'Part inKnobIauchV
OrientahPIay. -
JtoseStahl Gomes 'torCapital
Notabte Shakespearean Pres
in Draraaof Department
entation Scheduled tor
Belasco ,tiextW&k.
Store Life.
w!2 . "Wi. -. . J"-- Ta - - ., b - X "TanOev.
Mmmm. ynLML.IIIIMBNX '- i i
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RpteStahl. ,in -gaggle Pepper." ja.
hrecact. play trf department store life.
'J' Charted Klein, will be the attraction
t, tlie National TheaCter, for one week.
eelnnlng tomorrow evening.
"Maggie Pepper" tolls a homely little
ttoty.i)! a! shop girl, and yebby reason
of itsj ovcrydayness, to, create a term,
'ie plcpe has, a powerful appeal. From
nec-rflrst appearance as a slangy shoo
Siri.iwho. finds; -after fifteen years of
faithful vjservTce as a drudge In a de
partment? store, her ambition to rise to
the head of her department Is not to-
be realized, owing to the antiquated
Ideas and prejudices of "the general
manager, she holds and commands the
sympathy of her audience. At first she
gives the impression of a witty, brainy
woman, lacking In education and re
finement, but self-reliant and honest
By her own efforts, as the progress of
the play discloses, -she educates herself
10 fit the' 'position, -and -with a self
sacrificing desire to reclaim- her niece
from the teachings of a wicked mother
.Luc ncur js. nams esiaie, unaef
Avaicn aiiss siani appears, nas sur
rounded her with an excellent comoanv
of players, and this well-balanced 'cast.
win yisuauze eacn laminar, cnaracier
conceived by the author. "Maggie Pep
per" is play which can be vouched
for to give, .the theatergoer' the fullest
Pleasure of the theater. "Whether Jt is
reganledi. from the standpoint, oC enter
tainment, a study of 'national, 'and -yet
local, commions. or or types created
by the environments of uhe-"bu1n55
world as it'ls organlzeatoday." "
Thomas E. Shea, well-known -charac
ter 'actor, will open a week's engage
ment at', the Academy tomorrow 'even
ing 1n "j. Man .and His AVlfe." a. pre
sentation of which will also be made at
the Tuesday matinee and on Friday
night. "A Man and His Wife" Is from
the pen of Samuel Sblpman. The storj;
deals with the sanctity of the home.
ana how it can be marred ana even,
ruined, br financial conditions.
Mr. Shipman has worked a beautiful
story . throughout ,the play, and one
mat is sure torappeai 10 every, woman,
whether mother sister., wife or daugh
ter. -It Is a story of exciting interest,
showing life in Its true light of the
people higher up.. "The Bells ' is an
other of Mr. Shea's -wide and varied
list of .plays which will be presented
here on Wednesday night and' Thurs
day matinee, His interpretation or
Matbias. the burgomaster, and con
science-stricken murderer of the Polish
Jew. Is well remembered, as is that
of his characterization of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde In the piece by the same
same,' and which will be seen on Tues
day, Thursday, and Saturday nights.
This Jatter role Is the one In which
Jtichard Mansfield made such a suc
cess. The matinee on Saturday will
be a special production of Marie Cc
reurs great story, "Tne venaeiia."
Hughle Jennings, the baseball vaude
ville star, is, due at Chase's "February 3.
" .
Frank Fosarty. "The Dublin Min
Ftrel." Is booked for Chase's, January
' Percy Haswell. Washington's star.
will be seen with her own company
la the.comedy, "Master Wilis' Players."
at Chase's, January 37. -
Elsa Rucagerthe famous 'cellist, is
accompanied bv the noted conductor.
Edmund Lichtenstein. They w.HI oc
heard at Chase's, January "2U.
.Cliauncey Olcott will pay his annual
visit to the Columbia Theater the, week
of January' 20. in his latest success,
The Isle O Dreams."
Next Saturday afternoon the Flon
zuley quartet will be presented by T.
Arthur Smith at the New Wlllard for
the first of the current season's con
certs. W- A Bachelder arrived- In the city
Thursday to prepare for the coming of
Kddle Foy with- hfs -New York produc
tion of "Over the River," ,
The playful pranks and the graceful
volutlona of a diving seal under water
are presented in an unique vaudeville
novelty by the Travilla brothers at
Chase's next .week.
In Kathryn Kidder's vaudeville com
pany at Chase's next week the part or
Napoleon will.be played by Walter Wil
son. .Marshal Le, Febvce by Charles
Mason, and "the Count D Moray by
3 ,
With "Milestones" at the Columbia.
Theater this weekand "'Kismet" at the
National next Edward Knoblauch, the
author of both, will hold the attention
of Wasnlngton theatergoers for the
next fortnighL
E. M. Newman, who.beglns his annual
series of travel talks at the Columbia
next Sunday, has Just closed the New
England circuit where business was the
largest in his history.
Orchestra, will be accompanied by rep-!
resenLauves oi several oi. me .news
papers of that city Intent upon sub
scribing to. the pride the Flour City has
In the organization.
The announcement of a Sunday con
cert for Clara Butt and Kennerley Rum
ford is .something ' of -a jleparture for
T. "Arthur Smith in -.the handling of
musical attractions, but It was rendered
Teccsiary because of the unprecedented
demand upon the time of these artists.
Although the Winter Garden Is the
scene of the American debufs of many
European nox'elties. "The Haslng Show
of 1912." wbich will be seen at the
Belasco. Is the first production made at
this theater which does not employ two
or more foreign acts. Every member
of the ble company Is an American.
There must come an end. even to the
runs of the most meritorious things the
theaters have to offer, and so the last
two weeks of Mrs. Flske"s engagement
in "The High Road," are announced u(
the Hudson Theater, commencing Mon
day. Her road tour will open on Janu
ary . and the signal New York suc
cess won by the play and the remark
able persona! triumph scored In It by
Mrs. Fiske. should Insure one of tho
most successful tours she has ever un
dertaken, f
TTnder the title of "The Deceiver," O.
Henry's story. "A Double-Dyed Deceiv
er,' which appears In the volume.
"Roads of Destiny," has been produced
so a nlay under the mansgement of
Norman HackMt who also takes the
leading role. The plav was put on In
Grand Rapids. Jllch.. and. after a short
run there, went on the road. This is
tha second successful O. Henrv play.
The first was "Alias Jimmy Valentine,"
which was put on In 1910. and had a
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fKpVKi: "Milestones" Deals With
isisHisfikBi Three Epochs of Ship-
i?mM building.
x vJA. .. -mmiiK' i ;
Vtfl, - I SB '
T' V- AnofWr ater this week under tne direction ot spent ten years in the creation of this, l HI 1 III lll-IUL U
I X V ' VW Joseph Brooks. ' ' ' '" I,
I V v 'Z& z
I TSml "
"The Earl and the Girls," a
Lasky Production, on
Same Bill.
Another Lasky masterpiece and Daniel
FrohniaTi's first vaudeville production
are the noteworthy offering." in Cliaic's
program this 'week.
Mr. fcasky v. ill -present the Courtney
sisters In a new dancing musical com
edy, "The Earl and the Girls," depict
ing the comic adventures of an English
carl in quest of a fascinating American
girl. It Is fcald to be Losky's most am
bitious offering this season. Two Lon
don comedians, Vincent Krno and R N.
Cory, support, the Courtney sisters, and
a large company cnllens the action,
musical interpolations include "The
Apple Tree and the Bumble nee,"
"I'm Really Disappointed With Amer
ica." "Chick, Chick, Chicken," "I'm
Going Away." "The Jockey Man." and
"If the Man in the Moon Were a Hlg
The extra added attraction will le
Daniel Frohman's production of the
melodramatic comedy, "Detective
Keen." The cast is hpaded by Arthur
Hoops, and other players are Palmer
Collins, William Slldeu, Sterling Ches
eldlnc. and Miss Ruby Hoffman. The
third 'feature will be the singing come
dienne. Dolly Connolly, and the noted
song writer. Percy Wenrlch. composer
of "Put On Your Old Gray Bonnet"
Silver Bell."' and "Moonlight Bay."
That Parisian equestrienne. Kitty
Trane. will offer her Hippodrome nov
elty, "After the Corso." Tony Hunt
ing and Corlnnc Francis will be seen
In "A Love Potion."
A series of Oriental rlsley feats will
be given by the Japanese performers,
tKe Three Morib.
The KInemacolor will include colored
pictures of Lake Carda. The pipe or
gan recitals at 130, "iSi, and Intermis
sion will offer popular programs.
Twa devitr hlirlntlnu hnv. tiititn nn
ially written for tho "Oriental Bur
leEqucrs." the attraction which makes
Its appearance at the Lyceum Theater
next week. The opening burlesque is
entitled "At the Costumcr's," and the
closing piece Is a burWjue on the re
cent revolution In Mexico, entitled
Juarez." or "War Ab Is," and gle tho
comedians, plenty of chance to display
their Ability, and aljso gives thn beauty
chorus a chance to dlsn'.ay their hand
some wardrobe especially in tho open
ing, piece which Is laid in a costume
departnunt. - ,
ii Li--i t-Lp- . . i&Bmbk.r. "
-r j.vv00 j-Lcxrax -", m&ZMM?:--
"Milestones," the , famous English
comedy will be -presented by Messrs;
Klaw & Erlangcr. at the Columbia The
ater this week under the direction ot
Joseph Brooks. ' t r -
By Arnold Bennett, the 'authorfof
many delightful novels, and Edward
Knoblauch, the dramatist and author of
"Kismet," 'IMIlestones" comes from
London and New York heralded as the
most charming comedy since "Caste."
John Rhead, a clever young engineer,
sees In 1S00 the possibilities of Iron over
wood In shipbuilding. His conservative
partners do riot agree with his views
and he breaks away from them at tho
risk of losing the girl he loves, and at
the cost to Ms sister Gertrude, or
the man alio loves, her future husband.
Rhead succeeds and he Is rewarded with
the title of baronet. In 1SS5 he Is In
capable of seeing that steel will replace
Iron, a fact brought to his attention by
a young engineer In his employ, who
happens to stand in the same scientific
relation to him that he did to bis part
ners twenty-five years before.
Rhead not only continues to be blind
to the possibilities of steel versus Iron,
but he stubbornly refuses to allow his
daughter to marry the young engineer,
Arthur Precce, and compels her to
marry an inane scion of nobility. Lord
Monkhurst. Later Rhead is forced to
acquiesce in this same Arthur Prcece's
Intervention in a strike In his works,
and to admit defeat at the hands of his
granddaughter, the Honorable Muriel
Pym, a self-willed typo of the modern
young woman who Is dctermlnHi to
marry the man of her choice. Througn
It all runs the tragedy of the old maid
Sir John Rhead's sister. Muriel Pm's
mother, now a widow, cannot recon
cile herself to a parting with the
daughter who has avowed her Inten
tion to marry Richard Sibley, the young
engineer, family objections notwith
standing, and her objections prevail
with the girl until she meets again the
lover of her young days Arthur Preece.
Just at the moment Sir John and Lady
Rhead arc celebrating their golden
wedding anniversary. Lady Rhead. who
has loved, honoreo. and obeyed her
husband for fifty years, suddenly as
serts herself, and demands that he shall
do nothing to Interfere with the mar
riage of Muriel and Richard Sibley,
who. by the bye, Is her brother s child.
There will be matinees on Thursday
and Saturday.
casiho' '
Nlblo's Talking Birds will present, with
their trainer, at the Casino Tneatcr
this week, a genuine bird-talking skotch
that is bald to be laughable and in
teresting." 'i'ne birds. It 18 claimed, -an
sneak both in. English and German.
! They are a European novelty,
! Hamilton and Deanc will appear in a
'laughable comedietta entitled "Down
on the Farm;" the ihree fc-aisons. un
athletic trio, in a comedy of acrobatics;
Bradley and Tapper. In a sister act.
comprising pretty songs, graceful dan
cing and merry chatter; Jeannette Spell
man, a dainty exponent of delightful
melodies and airy persiflage, and Ldoie
...!.... -nn.. imnorflnnntlnng anu tcrn-
: sichorean eccentricity.
The "Jowcry Buriesqucrs," lth
everything "new but the name." will
open h week's engagement nt the Gay
ety Theater starling with the matliif-c
tomorrow. The novelties and stage ef
fects are said to be a marvel of in
genuity In plot and construction. They
aic the Inventions of Joe llurtig.
Thomas .T. Rallcy wrote tho book,
music and lyric. WJille tte plot in be
ing unraveled fifteen musical mimUerK,
sung by a chorus, nre heard. Hi-adlng
the large cast arc-Kltzgerald and Qulnii.
Mabel "Morgan, Charles Janscn. Sam
Brown. Mlnnicj Leo, Kdna Green, and
Lillian Vcdder. Kcclcr and Don go to
brighten the production with their
iclevtr ana orUtnal juggUos novelty.
Allegorical Spectacle Pre
sented bv Comtianv of
hri'J,-. ,m
ieany 1 u rersons,
"Everywomah,"" the widely discussed
allegorical spectacle, which Was writ
ten by, tho late' "Walter Browne, who
spent ten years in the creation of this,
his master-Work, only to die upon the
morning of the day when it was given
Its first public performance, will begin
a week's engagement at the Belasco to
morrpw evening. t
"EverywomaJVs'' fame has been world
wlde since It was seen here two years
ago. It made theatrical History in New
York and Is now a sensation at the
Dxury Lane 1 neater in London. Ino
play Is given in five canticles or acts,
and one of these takes place on Broadway.-New
York, at midnight on New
Year Eve. The company of nearly 170
persons, Is In this scene, which has
become world famous.
The incidents of the story of "Every
woman" might be called an admixture
of the symbolic and actual. It may be
considered an allegory, as modern
drama, as grand opera. Its story Is
dramatic in the extreme. The theme
Is "Everywoman's" quest for love, und
the principal character is supposed to
be typical of the sex: she is a composite
woman, "endowed with youth, beauty,
grace, and the other attributes of at
tractive young womanhood. Her search
for love brings her into contact with the
pleasures and pains, allurements, and
handicaps of life.
Thus of almost equal Importance with
"iiverywoman" are '"King Love. .Wealth;
Youth. Beauty, Modesty, Greed, Vanity,
Truth. Witless. Patslon, Conscience;
and others. Also there Is Nobody, who
typifies worldly wisdom, public opinion
and philosophy. Through the play He
treads as guide, friend and counselor;
hpeaking the hard truth into nnwilllng
ears, having his advlco rejected, but
always returning, as persistently ana
lnvcterately as doom. ,
Impressive Interpretation of "Every
wuman" requires a cast of unuauat
caliber, which Henry W. Savage has pro
vided. In addition . to MiM Thais
M'agrane, who sustains the title role,
the leaders of the company are Fred
erick DeHellcvlIIe, H. Cooper-Cllffe,
l'atrlcla Colllnge, and Marie Wain
wrlclit. The action of the plaj Is accompanied.
Dy a score of Illustrative .music espe
clallv written by George Whlteflld
Chadwlck. dean of the New England
Conservatory of Music.
JuJJan povp's .beautiful reproduction
of his artistic an decorations, wfth "liv
ing figure accompaniments, under the
name of "My Lady's Fan," will bo the
headline feature at the Cosmos 'Theater
this week. The production,' Is precisely
the same in everv'respect as that pre
sented here earlier In (he season
A secondary offering. In which Tfllrtll
and lilting melody will predominate,
will be "A Day at tho Races,'". pre
bentcd bv Held and Sloan. Klng"ond
King, a bov and a girl, will appear in
an acrobatic novelty, displaying some
really remarkable feats of head and
hand balancing. Wilson and Gallagher
are billed for an enjoyable planologue;
Ruth Chandler, Impersonator, for char
acter eongs and comedy, and Johnny
Russell In a merry hodgo podgo of non
sense, The famous Patho weekly re
view, picturing events of the world
which are occupying the public eya will
lead the film features.
Biblical Play Founded i
Upon Story of Joseph
Un Satmday afternoon. January II.
i.lll occur the picmlerp of ,thn third of
the big Cuilurv Theater ' spectacles.
"Joseph and Ills Brethren." This play,
foundi d on thn highly dramatic .Old
Testament Htory bv "Louis N. Parker,
author of "Disraeli." "Drake."" "Poman
der Walk," etc., "not only lnds Itself to
ihc gorgeous accrue treatment charac
teristic of production at tJilH theater,
but alto promlJCa! to prbt'c one.ofathc
Interesting and powerful dramaH of this
generation. A btrong cast has been 'en
gaged, two hundred people appearing
on the stag e. i . .
Impersonater and Other Spe
cialties Combine to Com
plete Good Bill.
A variety entertainment of daintiness
and charm will be offered by the Prosit
Duo as the headline attraction at Poll's
this week. The two young women who
present .the act are clever dancers and
gifted singers.
Second In prominence on the program
will be Charles Jonard,FctcherfB im
personation of celebrated actors .ana
literary lights. Mr. fletcher Is one 10'f
the most gifted and versatile charac
ter actors on the vaudeville stage and
hs Impressions of such msn as Mark
Twain are sajd to be genuine artistic
portraits. . ,
Other Interesting specialties which
wlll.rojind out a varied bill will include
John P. Cooke and Company. In ;i
laughable farce comedj Herbert Ger
malne nnd company, with an acrobatic
act of novelty character; the Four
Baldwins, . who will be heard In the
most pretentious musical number on
tho program; the Wilson Brothers,
German comedians, who will evoke
laughter with their funmaklng. In "Go
Out," and Median's Dogs, In acrobatics
and leaping.
Fred M. Bock New President of
Association for Coming
Fred M. Bock is tho "new president of
tije Association of Worshipful Masters
of the Masonic fraternlty, which elected
officers -for thcicomlrig ;i$ar a- N-8
njcetng;'in iheNew Masonic Temple
last njgllt. Tlte other officers elected
are: -Vice president, Leslie Cramer,
master of Benjamin R. French Lodge,
No. 15: secretary-treasurer, A. B. 'Doug
las, master of-HIram Lodge, No. 10;
members of the executive" committee,
with thn officers ex-ofllclo members,
Jason Waterman, master of Washing
tbn Centennial Lodge. No. U. and Grant
S. Bacnhart, master of Hope Lodge.
No. 20..
Tho High Priests' Association of the
District, comprising tho presiding offi
cers of the several chapters of Royal
Arch "Masons, w ill hold Its annual ban
quet February 22, at, the New Ebbitt.
"Matrimony" Is Topic
For Tonight's Lecture
The first of a series of lectures to be
delivered by Dr. William Windsor, prosi
dtnt of the Boston College of Vltusophy,
will be given tonight at the Now Na
tional Theater on "Matrimony." Next
k lectures will be given on Tuesday
and Wednesday nights at tho- National
ttiues Armory on "'How to Become
' William FaverahanV. all-strspcctaqu-lar
production if -Julius Caesar.' jtlll
be tho attraction at"(he Belasco Theater
next weelc-.b'eli,ijs; Monday, with
matinees Wedrfeitay and Saturday. This
is, perhaps,, tHe" "most notable Shakes
pearean presentation of ttho tlnjes, arid
surpasses both, ."in histrionic fervor and
in ocular splendor anything .ojien. at
tempted bVBooth. Barrett, and .Daven.
port. Associated wl Mr. Faversham,
in the enact'lni. of tneyer popular
Caesarian drm.ap 3yrone Power,
Frink .Keenan;' J$Hljsr- MeJUJsh Miss
Julie; Opp and a cmpnyv.of 20ft
Mr, ?Favershanv.who' Ja universally
recognized as trieipTenf03t actor-man-ag4r,upon
the wrHsh-speaking, stag-,
plaj's' the part,. ofXnlhorJr. ' which
hehas '.scored the greatest triumph of
his career, even surpassing his mem
orable performances in,J."lierod,'k "The
Squaw Man," and V"Thc Faun." To Mr.
Power1 has been allotted the "part ot
Brutusr to which -he brings the same
robust qualities that idded luster to
his performance of' the Dralnman in
"The servant in the-House ." Mr. Kee
nan, best remembered,' for his wonder
ful impersonation of the gambler .In
"The Girl of the Golden West," enacts
the "lean and hungry" casslus. while
Mr. Mellish. wlio Played last season in.
the all-starreviYal of "O'iver TwJst, ',
linn LiiifiLiiiiiiiiiir- minn i iiin.4H h-iinirt. in.
which shA-.givesan cven-mwr perfdrra
ance than -wheii ahV was -featured two
seasons ago. irf "The World and His
Wife.'! ; ' ".-'-:
Especial care has been taiccna!so to
allot air the- remaining parts to actors
of thorough training in Shakespearean
repertoire, while to enliven the street
scenes of almost Oriental splendor.
which are a feature of the nlay. 500 odd
costumes were -all designed br the late
Sir Alma Tadema, and represent his
last worK. .More raan forty incidental
musical numbers have been comDOsed
and arranged by the noted .English com
poser, cnnsiopner Wilson.
Werbaand Luescher will present their
new star, "Eddie Foy. . In the latest
musical comedy novelty, "Over 'the
River," at the , Columbia Theater
throughout the week beginning Janu
ary IX Foy, is a favorite, and comts
here with an organization 'of over
seventy-flvejplayers'ah'd his new J30.0X)
production that had a six. months' run
on "Broadway. It Is said that Eddie
Foy in this production is surrounded
with enough scenery., girls, and stylish
costumes to furnish two musical shows.
In addition to -Foy. the-piece has sev
eral sensational novelties. It has a
realistic "caroaret" scene in the first
act, a duplicate of one of 'the fashion
able' midnight restaurants in New Torlc
The plot of the story starts with nn
all-night party, being given- by- a
wealthy .man about- town, and develops
into a-numorous story when .the man
rinds himself sentenced to thirty tiays
"over the- "river," with the'ecessity'
of keeping it a secret from bis family1
for that time. "
Mr. Foy has the Vole 'of. t-be unlucky
clubman, and his appearance in prison
stripes during the second act- is said
to make -the" funniest' of all the funny
figures Eddie lias jet presented 'to his
admiring audiences.
Chase's fourteenth anniversary bill
next week, with an all-star, all-new
special attractions, will be headed -by
the distinguished American actress,
Kathryn Kidder and company in her new
Napoleonic comedy, "The Washerwoman-Duchess'
based upon'Sardou's great
comedy. "Mme. Sans Gene," the title
role In which was created In this coun
try by Miss Kidder. A noteworthy
novelty Is promised by the Three Tra
vlUas and the Diving Seal in a series
of submarine exploits in a huge glass
tank. The blackface comedians, Conroy
and Lo Malre. will furnish laughter In
their latest erratic skit, "The New Phy
sician." Dancing, music, and chaff will
be compounded by Morgan. Bailey and
Morgan, a smiling maid and two Jaunty
lads. Charles Relsner and Henrietta
Gores will offer, "It's Only a Show
a stage-lire travesty, ine icrivi-
brothers will add their Venetian sere
nade Interlude.. Loughlln's comedy dogs
are another .entertaining inclusion. The
KInemacolor picture. will 8?:.. 'S
natural' coldrs. ''Sunsets on the Nitew
The pipe organ recitals at 1:30. 7:30 and
Intermission will continue their pro
grams. ' '
As the hea'dline attraction for the
week or January 13, Poll's annqunces
Llttlo Lord Roberts, tho smallest com
edian In the world. This clever fun
maker Is twenty-two years old, weighs
fifteen pounds, and Is Just twenty-four
Inches high. He has appeared as a
rutnns hut this season ne" brings an
entirely new repertoire 6f songs, dances.
and stories from tne Mgusa wustv
halls. William- Shaw, the Inimitable
creator, of Yiddish types, and gifted im
personator of quaint characters of all
nations, will occupy the position of sec
ond Importance on the bill. Trovallo.
Uie eccentric violinist, in a classic and
popular -Vepertolre. and the Three
Brownies "are other acts of merit which
will' be supplemented by three, other
Interesting features yet to be an
nounced. Bernard Daly, who is known as the
Scanlan ot the popular-priced theater,
will appear at the Academy next week
In his romantic Play, entitled "Dion
O'Dare," under the management of the
Broadway Theater Company. In "Dion
O'Dare" Mr. Daly will have a purely
Irish vehicle, as the entire acUon of the
plav takes place in Ireland hi the early
part of the eighteenth century. The
piece is'' strictly a 'costume, nlay awl
Seals with the Iifv of a poor young
Irlsh.Jad. who-finally becomes Ireland s
greatest sculptor. ,MjvDaly- will sing a
number of pleasing, sopgs that are filled
with Irish melody. -lncludins . Many
Years Ago." "Rose- Serenade." Bee-Saw."-
"Call of tho Wind." "Macushla."
ind the latest compos tions. The Rose
bf " Yesterday," and .''Love Is Llko a
Shoogy-Shu." ...
Tho Gordon and North Amusement
Company's ' burlesque organization
Unnwn ns "The World ot Pleasure".
will follow the "Bowery Burlesquers"
at tho Gaycty next week. They will bo
Been In a new two-act musical comedy
by "Don Roth, with Will Fox and Harry
WasWngtonSyrAphony Orchestra
-.. Soloist '
'rfcteU.l. T5r.,tCc: and Sc; now on
a)o nf.T. Amqur Smith's, ur: K ,t.
Marx, Stewart in the leading comedy
roles. Phrvnettn Ocdcn. Pearl Dawson.
-and Lanier De Wolf are the talented
rtage beauties who Willi lead, tne remaie
contingent' which Includes' a large and
comely chorus, costumed with -the usual
Gordon and North1 lavlshaesa and ar
tistic taste- " -r
f. - .
".Manager W. C. Cameron-has provided
an -exceptionally fine production for
"Zallah's Own Company;"" headed by
ZaUah. that will be the attraction at
the Lyceum Theater next week. with
customary matinees. The offering pre
sented are two lively reviews termed
"A Cabaret Rehearsal" and "The Un
klssed Oriental." which are full of
comedy Jingles, song- hits, dashing en
sembles, and genuine humor. All the
musical numbers were written and com
posed expresslyfor the company, which
Includes Zallah. Harry Bentley, Sam
Bennett, Charles Nichols. Ike Wall, the
Folly Comedy Four. Lena La Couvler,
Belle Gordon. Marie Croix, Pert Croix,
ana Juay jhuis.
Republicans Expected to Fight
Scheme to Retire. Federal Em
ployes -on July 1.
Senate Democratic leaders.-whea tha
caucus of the Democratic' Senators on
patronage 1s "held in 'the near 'future.
wlll'-propose a" new p'lanSfor .delif eriak'
thousands or offices over to the Demo
crats. The plan originated with Senator
Clarke, of Arkansas.- .
It Is to enact a law -under-whlch the
terms of office of all Presidential post
master's, district attorneys, marshals,
revenue collectors and other" office
holders; whose terms origlnM'y- were
contemporaneous wlth the President,
shall 'end"; next July L The plan is to
pass this at once with the understand
ing that the .Democrats will then allow
all the Taft appointments to go through
and be confirmed. Inasmuch as there
would, be a general retirement of Re
publican officeholders July 1 under this
scheme the Democrats could afford to
permit confirmations.
The plan, has stirred considerable dis
cussion, but- there Is little likelihood of
Its enactment Into law. Senate Republi
cans will not support It, .and there Is
no reason to believe President Taft
would sign such a bill.
The fact such a plan has been origi
nated, however, is symptomatic of the
Democratic desire for office. .Most of
the Democratic Senators and members
of the House-are- giving more attention
now to patronage than- to statesman
New Yorker Arrives Here and
Friends Say He May Be Made
Secretary' of War.
Talk of the possibility that William
McAdoo, of New York, will enter, the
Cabinet of President! Wilson was re
'ived loday when Mr. McAdoo-arrtvecl
in Washington. Mr. McAdoo is vice
chairman of the Democratic National
Committee, and he will remain here
several days conferring with prominent
Democratic leaders.
Friends of Mr. McAdoo In New York
are booming him for the Cabinet post
of Secretary of War. In view of bis
strong support of Wilson in the cam
paign, his selection Is a possibility,
though the cropping out of a feud
between McAdoo and National Chair
man McCombs makes It doubtful.
t "
aeata now stums.
. r J PdrUke Fsmu
String- Quartette.
First Concert. Jan. 11, 4:30.
Second Concert
Tucada), January -I.
Tickets J?.3fl2V91.;0, SI. t
T. Arthur Smith'. 1327 F SU In
Sanders c St man's.
Messrs. Klaw Sc Ertanger'andr Harri
son Cnr Flake' will brto to tie Na
tional Theater, the' week T JaJHMy H,
their production" W Edward KjjefcWueVa
Oriental play. - Klswet.'t' wfOT Otto
Skinner In the principal rale; wWeh ws
the notable success or last seaion Is
New York.
The play was first produced laIefes
less than two yean age by Oscar Aj
and his company-' Doris that'perisd
the first American productIn-w made
at the National Theater, sad tHe-4ay
broke alt records durfe ita'Neir Tsrlc
rwv of five monthar tt, ea'-yKIs
met was Drodueed In- TfYitrn -Qt
.many. Italy, a4 Australia, an safsrs
the end of this- seasen.lt,wtRMva -
seen in practically every capital ai.f)s
world that support rscaUc-drasHU
The charm of "Kismet" la. dscto- the
fact that ita story I fall. of ;tacMat
and it make an appeal to ths swetloas
similar to the AraMas Ncht. Mr.
Flake's achievement in steal hc tlajr
haa received the highest praise is. an
quarters, and has been repeatedly. oaHsr.
a veritable tritarayh ot Hmte' nM!i.
merit. 3tr- skinner's tasaarsoaaUes at
HaU. the Beggar, is cesaWered Ms mas
terjrfece. , - t
The company that will appear' wRh
Mr. -Skinner, stalest Use ssmevfa"'Ks
personnel as the original oiaTMilsa'Jojt;
numbers seventy people-
Hurt by Falling Pla4civ
DOVER. De, JaV S.-XV,a?TW5tdV
a largd section. of plaster falHag'.Jartlie .
office of. the,- secretary of f state. -, twe
young women clerics'- In .the- office jaa
coaSsed'to thdrJaosses. aaTerr'wklj
cats and braises where- they were
struck br faUtec debr-a. -
Mme. JuneraiKi, CouateatBerattartf. Upr.
Chang. Mme. RIaao, Mme. ia- fiimi, Mme:
Ekassren. Mme. de Peset, Jfme. NaonMrz.
Meyer.. Mis- .Sttoioa. Mnc, WlcseTiTt.
Mrs. Nagel. Mtoa Caaaoa. Mrs. WWt.-Mr
Hushes, Mri. T anfir. Mm PKayr"'Mr.
Bnelrman Wlatirop. Xn, Lodrf. MnT -VTW-more.
Mrs. Jobs DwlghC. Mrs. kVnf
Crane, Mrs. Mann, Mis. Weeka. MraTSeuT
Mr. Nlcaoau L. Aaderaoa. Mrs. Vs. ttU
wotxt. Mrs. Duacaa- McKbn. Mra'Stesbea
Stocum. an. Rlcbard .Mr. "Mrs. TT lefts nl
Townsend. Mrs. MoBferd. Mis. Latter. Mrs
HBlnh TanVliM 4aT tkt n ,
.wr S..HMMS, m-p. atwrmisi aCJU rm&K
Urm. Qccrs .MMryt. Mr. W. F.. Dtaal.
IrfrraT. OTallah a !- Saw aTt iw!.
Morrmr. idee chalrmaii; Oes. "SmauTJC&Bk.
S??h .1 ' ' Adams. cYfcoaii.H-
thony JX, Addison, .Byron H. Adsav.Ariaar
Addlsoo. Butler Ames, j; J. -MflBis da Ara-
Blddle. Capt. Boy-Ed. Sariflue. BWrCn.
Woodbury Clair J. & Boyd. CharlefHw
S,JtaSlel,UCl!fS Barraor?. r.
Beny. C. J Bouah. H. Q. "Berstlaav Moat-
Butler. Robert BatcbeUer. r tTpiuOBS. q
u, ouue, taaon BnuUy F. Jt BwlTtT.
Alfred Bafcheller. A. BiyJiwskU jieTw:
P. S. Broanj., TX S. M. C- idmir.1 bmT
c-OWmuia croster. Thorn.
Chynoweth. V. s. A.? l"nSTff -'
Allerton Cuahman. C. E. Courtsey. T J Jt
Colloday. H.rCraSp'Tj!'ISw1r &
"-.Conway. Hon. "WV MurrayCranel
!j ?n.Meyer Cohen. SDejiaaT
ijorr. D. B. Devore,'' R. c. Darenport. M.
5 c: JJiS?-B?'iL
JWF&W DoTctrlSaEmK
Jil. PIS- - P- Preeman. Fred S. Forta.'
fc MFHnt-'vv- w- "Sey. Oiarlasqri
flrf". W. H. Gordon. D. S. Ccfdon! Jtfi.4-
o A .J?- asren. colonel HeatAcaae
&SS&-Kk Bi W1
ir..eor:Howa ThSTr JewST
Li.Jone. ,TJ. S.NV; x"t JewelL 2Zwh w?
JacksonTpTat JrJhnoSoSSG
f&JfBbrurxSk MlS"5eoriS8r:
iej. A. BevLefare. Arthur Lee. Edward H;
Loftur. GenTNelson A. MlftiTj. SmcDoIi
nld. Col. O. U McwSy jk.4f2rtock"
Henry M. Morrow. U. S. A.: Edward Met
Cauley Jr TJ. s. N.; Vftliir A? McC1b5T
Thos jRr. s:t-e aa&
Joaquin Mendex. Alberto MembrenoTj K -Mahoney.
U. S. M. a-. N. e7 Mjion. MK
D. Mornn. Ormabv MpTammn. nJJL "
Muth, H.L Mrera. Ban'MlleTV. Ji
rutr' WE. Montsomery. 'James M.
ly, CharlesMuIllken. John Merrtam. Fr?fc
v.s,KGI?rsiV?f-MmUre- Franklin Mac
Veash. HaroldVP. Norton. George J. New
P J;ri0oyle, Soterlo. Nichotaon.
P. F. KeMiajj.Uenr3r T. Oxnar-d, d uTSi
Paxton. A. C Plckea
Pexet, Hugo V.-'dtr Pens. Ceorje arkli:
5- I1- Pl'ion. Jamea C Pryor. U. S. N.: H.
C. Perktaa. th Poatmaster GeaeralTR. Roaa
S?rIy'-JJr" J-- oeBarros Ptmentel. W. Pi
Richardson. CoL Charles Rlcbard. P. K;
Rojaa. Alexander Rodsera. tl. S. A.r T. &
"--"-' "!." (" nwm, turn'
llton Rowan. Ceorce C. .Remey. C H. Robbi
C. Poynton Russelt Oeorsa Robinson, c. w!
Richardson. Ravmond Rdnn IT a v . Vv
B. Rhoea. Thoraaa B. Rlrst. lr RohA l5
Rocaevelt.'J. L. Schley; Thomas W- arraona.
BparTord. D. L. H. Sloeum. U. 8. A.: J. A.
Spellroan. Stuart L. Smlttv-aen. Alexander
Sharp. C. Symona. M. M. Bhand. D A. Skin
ner. P. U. Stevens. O. S. N.t E. iT Stelti
wagen. Jamea Sharp. Henry W. Samson. Vl
K. Sartant. C A. Spaldlnr. Josepb.Straa
burner. Henry C Stewart. John O. Selbert.
J. Henry SlnaiL jr.. Dr. Thomaa Station. S.
M. Talbot, Lawrence Townsend. Lo Roy
Tuttle. Robert M Thompson. W. P. Vaai
Neaa. IT. S. A.; MaJ. Btanton WlnahlaT
Charles C. Walcott. Jr.. U 8. A.: W. W.
Wotherapoon, -Qen. Leonard Wood; "John C
Wise. Jamea H. Watmoufh. A. E. Valdi.
SlaJ. Dlnn Willlama. M. A. "Weller. William
Jl. Walker. Oicar W, White.- Kuena B.
Will. P. it. Watt. C V. Wheeler. H. A
Willi. John C. Walker. Wellatood White. W,
H Wett. Horace H. Weatcott. T. W. Will
lams. Jamea L. Weaver, the Attorney Oea
eral. Maxwell V. Woodhull. W. A, WtsasMC
T'VMt-f' ''!. TJTjT -vtVJ:h
r frci
-.J-,'Val.-V-j a --Tjtf.oJr-'tj. tj.
-UvmC, I??.. Sv
--, 1ZII. .T,.rJ&&V J, kr:'-ZvJt?$x.s3xrgJ?

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