OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 08, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1918-01-08/ed-1/seq-15/

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'-V rjj
5- r
i 1
Gen. George W Goethals toda'J assum
ed his duties as director or War Depart
ment transportation and storage, and one
of his first acts was to outline plans for i
the co-ordination of a number of bureaus j
which have In the past worked inde
pendently He will directly supervise
' transportation of all ordnance, engineers,
signal corps, aviation service, and coast
artillery material, as well as quarter
master supplies and troops.
Inefficiency In the past. General
oelhals. told the House Military Affairs I
Committee jesteraay, nas Deen oue to
the fact that too few business men were
In the quartermaster's division. Much
of the important detail work, he said, j
waa left to army onicers, wno were not
experienced In the handling of such
More than 1.500 men. It Is said, who
Jailed to" qualify as officers after courses
1n the training camps had been placed
In thequartermaster's division. General
sfioethals may ask for the transfer of
'many of these men, on the ground of in j
v, efficiency. I
H'mirm i amid ddavc
fe ATLANTA, Gat, Jan. 8 David La-
roar, known as 4,the wolf of "Wall
' and serving- a two-year term
in the Federal prison here for lm
j personating former Congressman A.
V S Mitchell Palmer, will hate to remain
V two more months in prison because
v he has been .guilty of an Infraction
5 of prison rales which forfeited his
allowance of "gooS time.
It is believed that when he Is re
leased Lamar will be rearrested by
w York' authorities and taken to
K .that 'State and sent to BlackweIl's
P Island for one year.
NEWARK, K, J, Jan. S1. Winfield
Scott Sims, Inventor of instruments
of war, la dead here today at the age
of seventy-four years. His invention,
the Sims-Dudley dynamite gun, was
used by Cuban insurgents and also
by the Rough Riders in the battle of
Mr. Slm waa the Inventor of a wire
less dirigible torpedo, five of which
he sold lit 1907 to the Japanese gov
ernment. Another of his inventions
waa aa airplane dynamite gun. When
his health failed two years ago, he
waa working on a dynamite cruiser to
carry 100 tons of high explosives.
attsvllle's water shortage, which has
been inconveniencing: citizens here for
the- paat year, will soon be alleviated
by the practical doubling of the sup
ply, following a meeting of the City
Council last night, at which two deep
wells were authorized as an adjunct
to the six wells already In opera
lecirtlizts Stomach Acidity Prerenls
Food FtrmenUtion, Soar, Gauj
StotBich and Acid Indigestion
TubUM If you are a. sufferer from Icdl
rffwtion you h&ie already tried pepln, bts
muth, voda., charcoal, drups aVd various
.mi tf lfsstir aids, and you know these, things
irin not cure your trouble in some cases do
sot tren jive relief.
But before riving: up hope and deciding
- yott fcre a, chronic dyspeptic. Just try the ef-
feet of a. little bisurated DucmsU-not the
ordinary commercial carbonate, citrate ox
Ida or -milk, but the pure btsurated macneFU.
m which you can obUIn from LUffett Hiker
Hereman Druir Ktorp or practJcall any
drutrUt in either powdered or tablet form
Take s teaspoonful of th ponder or two
coojpresaed tablets with a little -nater after
5 our next raeal. and ee what a difference
thii makes. It will Instantly neutrallxe the
- arroua, harmful acid in the stomach.
wfclcfc now causes your food to ferment and
seur, maklna &us, wind, flatulence heartburn,
and the bloated or heary lumpy feellnc that
sfNtuU follow xaost CTerythlnx; you eat
Tou9wilI find that prorlded jou take a
little bisurated magnesia Immediately after a
meal, you can eat almost anything and en
joy It without any danger of pain or din
camfort to follow and moreover the contln
lied use of the bisurated magnesia cannot lu
Jura the stomach In any way ko long as
there are anr symptoms of add Indigestion
Get Dr.Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomels old-time
j estetny. discoTered thef onnula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
'chronic constipation and torpid liveri
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
Vegetable laxative.
1 No griping is the "keynote" of these I
little sugar-coated, ohve-colorcd tab
.. lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action. .
1 If youhavea"darkbrown mouth" a
, . bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver and are consti
pated, you'll find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedume.
Thousands take one or two every
sight just to keep nghL Try them
10c and 25c per box, All druggists
i ;jc ssjsjsjsjbv -sssssssw "sssti "sssmv x vzr." ss's i i jir ni . v vsssvx smmza i ssw !&. ssssssss m sw . a &m
m XS
ii i winp t .x j A V iiMsyi 1
Every Department Offers One or More Underprice Lots of New,
Merchandise at Extreme Savings
A Uirgain event that is powerfully influential in reducing costs of daily necessities, with exceptional values offered at every counter and in every section
best opportunity for thrift tomorrow. We cannot fill phone or mail orders.
Seconds of
Window Shades, 19c
Ojwquc clolli Window Shade?, in sreen
onlx : sizes 3 ft. wide, by 5 ft. and 5 ft
inclica Ions Manufacturers seconds of 00c
quality for 10c each. Fourth Floor.
15c & 19c Draperies, 8c
Full p'pccs. not remnants. Full ard wide
Curtain Scrim, in white and ecru crounds. plain
or figured centers, with floral borders. Fourth
$1.00 Fiber Rugs, 56c
3ti34 Fiber Hups, in reversible stenciled de
signs; of ereen. red. brown, rose, and blue, in
cludinjr tb popular key border. First Floor.
25c Crib Blankets, 14c Each
Soft fleece finish. Crib Blankets, size 29x37
inches by actual measurement: white with pink
or blue border?. First Floor.
$6.00 Comforts at $4.69
Full double bed size Comforts, covered with
fine sateen. In light and dark colorings, with
handsome floral pattern4, filled with soft fluffy
Fourth Floor.
Men's Shirts at 65c
(Jood ouallty Percale Shirts, in a Brood as
sortment 5f neat, serviceable designs and colors:
made with soft or stiff cuffs; full cut and well
made. First Floor.
Men's Night Robes at 75c
Men'j Muslin Nig
Muslin Night Robei. full cut and well
finished; plain or with
xancy trimmings; sizes
15 to 20. Flrnt Floor.
Men's Ribbed Underwear,
Famous Otis make IUbbed Cotton Vnion
Suits, of medium weight, long sleeve shirts and
ankle length drawers First Floor.
Men's Gray Sweaters, $1.95
Men's heavy weight close knit Sweater". In
grav and blue, made with pockets First Floor.
18c Crash Toweling, 12c
.! 000 ards of I'nbleached Union Linen Crash
Toweling, with fast color blue border, soft ab
sorbent giade. Limit ten ards to a buyer.
Flrnt Floor.
50c Roller Towels at 39c
Roller Towels made from heay close woen
aborbent crash, linen finish, with red border,
2"-. ard? long. Limit four to a bujer. First
25c Turkish Towels, 19c Each
Tlleai-hed Turkish Towels, close woven, ab
sorbent gude, size l&xSS inches, with neat blue
border First Floor.
25c & 29c
Stamped Goods, 16c
siampol Scarfs, Pillow Tops and Center
pie e -tampi d on natural color or cream crash.
FlrM Floor
39c Stamped Aprons, 29c
Ttail' nuid-r- and Stamped Tea Aprons, ntnmp
od on fin- w lit - Uun, trimmed with Val. Jat.
Art llrpartmrtil.
36-inch, Dress Goods, 69c
CIV inch cotton warp Melrose Armure. a styl
ish and serviceable material for skirts and
dresses, in black, nay blue, and wanted colors
First Floor.
54-inch Coatings, $2.19 Yd.
Heavy winter weight Coatings. S4 Inches
wide, in a good ai-sortmertt of colors, warm and
serviceable material for women's and children's
coats First Floor.
$1.75 Seamless Sheets, $1.49
Mx90 Seamlfss nieached Sheets, extra ml
itv sheeting ei.it'.n, hand torn and ironed V
could not dupliiatc them at today's market t
retail for less than 1 75 First Floor.
72x90 Bleached Sheets, 69c
Special lot f Divisible Seam lilearhxl
Sheets, 7290 tn hi . a now Idea in a seaiii-4l
sit et Made of ou(l, durable quality luttun.
First Floor
29c & 35c Pillow Cases, 25c
Lot of "run -T the mil!
Cases: mnde of good strong
ton. size I2x3r, md l."t:!
Imperfections First Floor.
llleached 1'illuw
round thread lot
.subject to slight
42-inch Storm Serge, 98c
I'xtra l.eavy hard twisted double twill Storm
Serge, a ttrcni, firm woven texture, in all want
ed colon including nav blue. Russian green,
Copenhagen blue and black First Floor.
$1.59 French Serge, $1.49
42 incpSFrench Serge, an extra fine close
twill quality, one of the most favored materials
for suits, skirts, and dresses Color assortment
includes navy blue, midnight blue, Burgundy,
battleship gray, African brown, Russian green,
etc., etc. First Floor.
Yarn Mercerized Poplins, 29:
27-inch YaYrn Mercerized Poplins, rich, lus
troiis quality In a large assortment of street
and evening shades. First Floor.
Mtmsmm iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii
K THEDEPPNnAm r vr"ulr" f X Vsf Z X. ' ...... .ur. u "tup F,cn-ur.il r fnuir" sT. "2
Salt's Plush Coats Gift 7
Worth Up. to $27.50, at. . .. . P.-f- v
Salt's PIush,Coats, with deep borders, cuffs and bip; cape collars of Molctex; others in
self -trimmed effects. Smart -belted models, lined with serviceable materia;; worth up to $27.50.
Up to $17.50
, . Up to $25.00
Suits $15.00
' Siults left from our-best sell
ing" lines, but. In broken as
sortments and' depleted lots.
Fine quality, materials. In a
variety of sljles and colors to.
sult every woman.
Coats $10.00
Good serviceable quality
eoats for" yeomen and mlsAea
in -an excellent range of ma
terials and styles. AU this
season's approv ed models.
$1.50 All-Wool Poplin, $1.29
38 Inch All 'Wool Poplin, an extra fine qual
ity for dresses and skirts. Jn navy and Copen
hagen blue First Floor.
$2.00 All-Wool Storm Serge,
46-inch All Wool Storm Serge, correct weight
for tailored n ear. In navy blue, brown, Russian
trreen. Burgundy, black, etc. Flmt Flaor.
$4.00 Broadcloth, $2.98
32 Inch 4llsck Chiffon Broadcloth, a hand
some rich satin face grade with an extra fine
twilled back. First Floor.
Salt's Sealette Plush, $8.49
Genuine Salt's Sealette Plush, a grade of
soft silky lustre, which resembles the richness
ot.f.tnC "A handsome material greatly favdred for
scarfs, throws, coats and cuffs. First Floor.
Up to $13.98 Boys'
Overcoats,. $9.85
Boys' Trench Overcoats, belted all around
with vertical slash pockets and convertible col
lar: double breasted' form fittlnir model, made
of heavy weight overcoatings. Ip dark fancy
mixtures: sizes U-tu 13 ears. Third Floor.
Up to $7.50 Juveniles'
Overcoats, $4.45
Juvenile Overcoats, for boys from 2 to !
years of age Newest model that button to
the neck; good serviceable materials. Third
Up to $2.00 Children's
Hats, 87c
Children s Hats of plain color felt and fancy
mixture3, with and without ear warmer tabs;
various popular shapes, for children from 2 to
12 years of age. Third Floor.
Up to $2.50 Boys' Wash
Suits, $1.69
Bojs Wash Suits, of
heavy weight
fabrics welf known "Mother's
"Crescent" brands: sizes 2 to S
Third Floor.
of age.
Women's $2.25 Silk Hose,
$1.50 '
Women s All Silk Hose, In white, black, and
assorted Hhades: including- bronze, gray, pink,
and .sky blue. First Floor.
Boot Silk Hose, 75c
Women s Boot Silk Hose, In black, white
and leading shades: full fashioned, with heavy
liile garter tops. Flrat Floor.
Women's Lisle Hose, .39c
Women's Lisle Hose. In black, -tan, and
white; medium weight, full fashioned. FIrat
Floor. '
Women's Cotton Hose, 15c
Women's Cotton Hose. In black and white;
medium weight; good serviceable quality. First
Children's Hose, 35c
Children's Rlbbfd Ho.e, in black and white
All sizes 3 pairs for 91J0O.
First Floor.
$5.00 Felt-nap Blankets,
.."ea.v wight. Felted Nap Blankets, flue
Bj , rvbel cotton that has the appearanrr
and finish of wool blankets. Double bed size;
white with blue or pink borders. Fourth Floor.
$8.50 Part Wopl Blankets,
Heavy weight double bed Blankets, part
wool; white with blue or pink borders, plaids of
blue, pin't. tail, and gray. Could not be bought
today to eu for less than 8.60 pair. Fourth
K lo-or
$18.00 Brussels Rugs, $13.95
- -.--, -auussn 4WUKD. UU1 U(JI
loop fabric; In floral and medallion designs, llos
desirable colorings. Fourth Floor.
f J. I i i JI uaBr-ii-, iiU-fJH, WOO
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.39
Bleached Sheets, 75c
HI cached Seainlrn-i fihoota -tm r k- .m
2UI15Ilchl,.L'da"affed: ieavy clone woven round
I V11? tret from March: ttlzea si-iiMi.
fi.nA L."j -2k m "Ii" -" vi
-,tv, uuu Otixisu. MTirwt KJoor
Up to $25.00
Dresses $15. 85
Fine quality silk Dresses,
in several charming styles,
with smart touches of trim
mings that enhance their
beauty and desirability. Good
assortment of colors and sizes.
Lace Curtains
Scotch Nottingham and Cabfe
Net, Lace
Curtains, in white. Ivory and ecru colors:
5i. a
and 3 '.4 yards long, 36 to 52 inches wide. In
cluded ara Dutch curtains, in sets, and panel
curtains by the strip. Patterns that closely re-
semoie me cosily laces.
J 1.73, $2.00 and fZCO values at SI.10
$3.00. $4.00, and $5.00 values atlJIS
Fourth Floor.
29c anri'39c Cretonnes, 19c
Yard wide"
Cretonnes, In mill
lengths from 1
to 0 )ards.
but as much as 60
yards of some patterns. Light and dark color
ings; iiora;, n cured ana striped designs, suit
able for curtains, draperies, scarfs, shoe, laun
dry and sewing bags. First Floor Bargain
55c Window Shades, 42c
Strictly perfect quality Opaque Cloth Win
dow Shades, size 3x6 ft. Mounted on guaranteed
spring rollers. In white, ecru, light, medium
and dark green. Complete with crochet ring to
match. Fourth Floor.
Infants' 59c Shirts, 39c
Infants' Wool fleece lined Shirts, high neck
and long sleeves; open front; sizes 2 to 6. First
Boys' $1.25' Union Suits,
Bo heavy Cotton Union Suits, unbleached
high neck and long sleeves; ankle length, sizes
24 to 31. First Floor.
Women's Cotton Tights, 89c
Women's medium weight Cotton Tights.
knee length, string top and open crotch: bleach
ed only; sizes 40, 42, and 44 First Floor.
19c and 25c Pillow Cases, 14c
Run of the illl Bleached Pillow Cases,
sllptitly damaged: size 4.ix30. 42x30. and 30x36.
Heavy linen finish quality First Floor.
$2.25 Crochet Bed Spreads,
Crochet Bed Spreads, double bed size:
Marseilles patterns First Floor.
$3.50 Bed Spreads, $3.19
Crochet Bod
Spread", extra
large size In
Flrsf Floor.
heavy 'raised Marseilles designs
15c India Linon, lie
27 Inch White India l.inon,
quality, snow white bleached
extra fine sheer
l-'lrst Floor.
59c White Rep, 39c
36-inch While Mercerized !ros grain Rep. a
heavy firm woven quality First Floor.
$3.39 Longcloth, $2.79
No. 475 Imperial I'ngllsh longcloth, 40
Inches" wide; line chamois tin ish iuallt 1'ull
12 varda In each pjece. First Floor.
$1.50 Messaline, $1.19
,30 inch Colored Satin Messaline. henvv riili
satin fare quallt). firm woven grade, in a full
assortment of street and evening shudes also
white and black. First Flour.
59c Bunny Silks, 48c
.'.(Tinrli Bunny Silks, a silk ami cotton fab
n having the appearance of all silk In a large
asMirtni iU of street and evening shades, also
blaik und white. First Floor.
Men's and Young Men's
Values Worth $15 to $20,
At $10.75
Mens and Young Men Overcoats, fine
quality materials. In a good assortment of
patterns, some only two and three of a
Kind. Form and semi-fitting models, quar
ter satin joke and satin sleeve linings. Sizes
3.1 to 3 Fourth Floor.
and, Young
Regularly $15 to $18,
At $11.85
Mens and Young Men's Suits of wool
cassimere, cheviot, worsted, etc . in stripes,
dark neat mixture", fane mixtures ami
novelties In coervntlve and l.uglish
models, sizes 33 to 46. Fourth Floor.
50c White French Voile, 29c
40 Inch White French Voile, extra fine two
ply quallt, with tapq.edge. First Floor.
$2.00 Black Taffeta Silk,
40-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk, extra
heavy grade with soft tissue and lustrous finish.
First Floor.
$1.00 Silk Poplins? 89c
30-Inch Colored Faille Silk Poplins, heavy
grade, high lustrous quality. In a large assort
ment of wanted street and evening shades, also
black. First Floor.
$1.50 Crepe de Chine, $1.29
3S and 40-Inch Box Loom Crepe de Chine,
heavy crepy finish grade, guaranteed not to slip.
In a large assortment of street and evening
shades, as well as black, white and cream. First
Up to $4.00 High Shoes,
Women's Lace and Button Shoes, of patent
colt. iull and combination leathers; high and
low heels. Discontinued lines and broken Jots,
some being slightly Imperfect. Sizes in the lot
from 2i4 to 7. First Floor.
Bungalow Aprons, 98c
Of good quality percale, elastic waist, square
neck and border trimmed; full cut sizes. Third
Floor. '
79c Muslin Nightgowns, 69,c
Women's Extra size Muslin Nightgowns,
V and low neck models, short and long sleeves.
Third Floor.
January Clearance J7TTT? ATflTTTJ?!?
Reductions on $ (J KIM 1 UKhj.
Your money will buy greater furniture value now than it will again"in
months, for these are "odd lots," which may suit you just as well as though
you had chosen from a complete assortment of styles. It is our .clearance time
for discontinued patterns and few of a kind pieces of Furniture, and prices are
deeply reduced for prompt disposal. Buy now and pay later oa onr DiTidand sent Plan.
Brass Finish Beds, two-inch con
tinuous posts and one-inch fillers
Sizes 3 ft to 4 ft.
Onlv ..
While n.-inirl Ilrds. two-Inch square
tubing strong and sub- Q-J Q Ije
stantiallv built tiJXU.Itl
-iX-ood-Hnlsh Steel lleds.
or American walnut nniii, eiy t i
solid panels Itegularlv i5 OXii.OM
'Uhlfr Knamfl Merl HtM",
continuous iostH and flc
two inch
llnlr Mattresses, long bl.v k hair
covered with V C A tick
ing Regularly I1 00
Stearns & Foster
P5 5sI
! IrSr t ft!
of this busy, growing store,
- .
lour p jl
79c Muslin Petticoats, 69c jj J
W'omen'a Extra size Muslin Pettlcoits. lull o" )
length and width; neat tucked flounce. Third j A
Women's 98c .1 ' j
Nightgowns, 89c . B J
Women's Flannelette Nightgowns, assorted
striped effects; double yokes, with and without
collars; full cut sizes. Third Floor.
Women's Petticoats, 49c H
Women's Flannelette Petticoats, white and
assorted stripes; neat flounces- Third Floor.
Women's Petticoats, 69c
Women's Extra size Flannelette Petticoats,
assorted stripes; full length; deep flounces.
Third Floor.
Children's Nightgowns, 59c I
. Children's Flannelette Nightgowns, assort
ed stripes: double yokes and braid trimmed:
sizes 2 to 10 years Third Floor.
Children's Aprons, 49c H
Little Children's Gingham Aprons, long
sleeves, belt and collar; sizes 1 to 6 years. Third
of Groceries
MUk,. 12V2c
PON and
124c for
large cans of
E v a porated
Milk. tT.)
Pork and
Beans, 14c
Soaps, 10y2c
PON a-nd
1 0 "i c, for
Camp bell's
Soups, assort
ed kinds.
PON and 14c
for Wagner's
Pork an,d
Beans. (T.)
Dasemeat. -
design Dresser.
Walnut and
Colonial Chiffonier. Ma
hogany finish plate mirror"
and large draw- JJO7 S(
HHfti ryt
S12.501 IFjigMJ IMpES
finishes; large COO Kfl
plate jnlrrcr ViiiitOV
t.'oldrn Oak Table,
extra shelf, size
Z:Zi Inches. .
Oak Dressers, Krench plate
mirror; size IOxIS. four
Golden Oak Urrssers. with
plate mirror large CIO "7K
drawers... . &"
drawers golden
oak finish
I'rlsrllla ewlnc
Table. mahogany
finish, complete
with supply tray
t.o-larls of reed liber full hood
corduroy lined, easy run
nine gear ISegularly J2
6 s

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