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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 07, 1919, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

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Bolshevism Hard to Destroy.
Very Easy to Create.
Partly cloudy tonight
and tomorrow little
change In temperature,
at S a. m., 70 decrees.
Aormal temperature for
Jane 7 for tbe Inst thir
ty years, 71 degree.
a ne iiaoe s a Mirror.
NUMBER 11.188.
Published every evening (Including Sunday)
Entered as second-class matter, at tn
postofnee at Washington. V. C
n --- - - - -
WASHINGTON. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 7. 1919. Closing WaD Street Prices
Beware of Homemade Drinks.
(Copyright. 1919.)
How to DESTROY Bolshevism?
That question has not been well
, But the other question, HOW
was answered quite satisfactorily
3n this country two days ago.
Men and boys were going to
their work in a coal mine. They
HAD to go to earn a living. It is
against the law to carry powder
on a train with passengers.
But twelve kegs of black powder
used for blastdne traveled with
j the men and boys. A spark from
a sputtering overhead wire that
broke did the rest. Eighty
three men and boys were killed;
others wounded, blinded, and
The owners of that mine and
that railroad who killed the
eighty-three workmen have writ
ten in big white letters across the
top 'of the tunnel in which
the workers died the words,
"SAFETY FIRST." What they
really MEANT was SAFETY
hauled the powder with the men
to save an extra haul, and killed
THAT creates Bolshevism. You
might counteract the thiner bv
hanging some prosperous person
responsible for those eighty-three
murders. Eut that will not hap
pen. In this country we do not hang
f those that murder wholesale, and
it's a mistaken policy.
England decides that the stage
was never so low, so vile, as at
present A pleasant English ac
tress named Ashwell says it is
"rotten, low and futile and the
British Drama League says:
"That's so!"
The stage is a mirror and re
flects its period. If you don't like
what you see in the mirror, change
your face, don't break the glass.
We are uplifting over here also.
An American clergyman, the
Reverend William Burgess, of
Illinois, says the American stage is
so bad that "it might make devils
blush." A devil blushing through
the fur on his face woiild be an
Interesting devil. But has the Rev
erend Mr. Burgess ever seen any
of the old religious pictures show
ing the temptation of St Anthony?
You learn from those pictures that
devils when they get started are
very daring stage managers.
From Mr, and Mrs. Hausman
learn to accept prohibition with
good CTaca and swallow it whrilp-
ii uout try-to oe vonr own diRMiiirr
Mr. Hausman was one of the good
husbands that never beat their
'wives, while he drank in the old
fashioned way. Then he decided
to take lessons and make his
drinks at home. It seems he
'began beating her the minute he
turned from the cupboard contain
ing his home-made poison.
A cheerful line comes over the
cable. Bonar Law, speaking for
the British government, says he
thinks the United States acted
within Its rights in keeping the
German ships that were interned
here. For that many thanks. Can
yon imagine what England would
have answered, if those ships had
been interned in her ports and the
United States had asked her to
divide them?
The State of Kansas is criti
cised because an appropriation of
public funds provides twenty-five
thousand dollars to protect the
health of hogs, eight thousand
J dollars to protect the health of
bees, and seven thousand dollars
to protect the health of children.
The sufficient answer of Kan
sas, a prohibition State, is that
its children are so healthy it is
practically a waste of money to
appropriate ANYTHING for
their health. The hogs often get
at the ensilage, which, in fer
menting, creates alcohol, there
fore the hogs need care.
According to sworn testimony,
THIS happened at sea on the
barkentine Paucka, sailing under
American colors:
Pedersen was captain. His son
tras second mate. Hansen, a
eommon seaman. Hansen was
slow in handling the royal fore
sail. The captain's son ordered
him down, knocked him to the
deck with a blow on the temple,
knocked him down again when he
rose and kicked him. The sea
man said, "If you continue to
beat me, I will jump overboard."
. The mate's answer was, "Jump
and be damned." The miserable
sailor ran toward the rail, the
mate kicking him as he ran.
There he jumped into the sea.
When the helmsman turned the
ship to save him, the captain or
dered her kept on her course.
The man was drowned.
Captain and mate, father and
son, are on trial for murder. Sail
ors testifying against them tell the
came story. It is interesting,
showing what men do when far
from law; they themselves ARE the
law It Is especially interesting
hecause this Is the kind of thing
that used to be done on the high
seas and things much worse, and
it was all taken for granted. It is
only yesterday that this country
took from officers on ships the
right to beat men under them.
We haven't yet, by the way,
taken from brutal men and women
the right to beat miserable, weak
creatures that they call their chil
dren It is not as bad for a sec-
Homeward "movement of national
guard and national army men from
France is complete, Chief of Staff
March announced today, all units
having embarked fcr this country.
The movement of regulars has been
begun, he stated. The Sixth Division
began its sailing this week.
AH remaining units of the original
Archangel expedition will be out of j
Russia within two weeks, General
March also announced.
Jfow on lVaj to Brest
The companies which left Arch
angel June 3. for Brest, he said, were
Companies E, G. I, M. and the ma
chine sun company of the 339th ln-
' fantry, comprising fifty-two officers
and 1,509 men. Two officers and 32?
men of unspecified units sailed for
The only American troops to be lef.
of the Archangel forces, March added,
will be the railroad engineers, ent
there, this spring for special railroad
i work- ' March was unable to say
denmteiy when these would be witi
drawn. '
LONDON. June 7- The allies can
invade Germany if they want to, but
it will be useless, because Germany
cannot pay what thev demand," Dr.
Dernburg is quoted u raying in an
interview printed in the Daily Mail
"Germany will sign a half decent
peace," Dr. Dernburg continued, "but
will not sign the present treaty."
AMSTERDAM, June 7. Count
Brockdorff-Rantzau, head of the
German peace delegation, is quoted
in an Interview in the Vosslsche
Zeitung as urging that all countries
in Europe create a continental union
and pool their labor facilities and
their supplies of raw materials.
PARIS. June 7 Premier Orlando,
Foreign Minister Sonnino. and Signor
Crcspi will leave tonight, or tomor
row morning, for the frontier town
of Oulx, where a full meeting of
tho Italian cabinet will be held to
roach final decisions on the Adriatic
ond mate to beat a full grown sea
man as for a man to beat his own
weal; child.
There is no reliable information
about the dynamiting. The Gov
ernment strangely avoids the
short road to information. Offer
$100,000 in cash and guarantee
safety from prosecution to any
body that gives information con
victing the guilty and you will find
your dynamiters. Anarchy Is one
tenth theory, nine-tenths envy,
based on financial distress. A hun
dred thousand dollars would wipe
out the bitterness of financial
failure, and buy a good deal of information.
"Unkissed Bride'
Was Spurned
v&r - -it MiF x ' '''' , "' '&3f - I I
Stepdaughter of Commander Archi
bald L. Parson and well known In
Washington and Philadelphia society,
who has succeeded in persuading a
supremo court referee in New York
to annul the marriage she contracted
two years ago with Henry H. Warner,
an employe of the Hog Island ship
yard. Mrs. "Warner is only twenty-onf
now and her husband a year younger.
According to her evidence before the
referee, Alfred H. Townley, she and
her husband did not live together
because the latter did not think he
could support a family on his pay
of $20 a week, subsequently raised,
to $35.
The evidence also showed the young
people had kept their marriage such
a strict secret they did not even kiss
in public and had only seen each
Says Konenkamp On
Eve of Call For Strike
"We're going through with thin,
make or break and we're going to
whip them.".
With this parting shot, directed at
the officials of the Western Union
Telegraph Company, President A. J.
Konenkamp, of the Commercial Teleg
raphers' Union of America, boarded a
train shortly after midnight, headed
for Chicago. Following a conference
with union officials there, he will, he
said, issuo a call tonight for a nation
wide strike of Western Union Teleg
raphers. The coll for Postal telegra
phers to leave their keys probably
will come later, he said.
Strike Ucfore June 10.
The date of the strike had not been
determined by Konenkamp before he
left for Chicago, but he said it "will
bi before June 10," which is the date
set for the nation wide walk-out of
electrical workers.
The general strike situation was
considerably confused todav bv the
many conflicting reports as to the
possibility of Its success. Union
officials in the South declared the
Western Union Is accepting business
only subject to delay, and Konenkamp
declared that "tho fight in the South
already Is won."
On the other hand Western Lru-n
officials state that business is pro
ceeding as usual and comparatively
few telegraphers are out in the South
east. Government officials hero express
ed no great concern over the threat
of a nation-wide telegraphers walk
out, pointing to the reported state
ment of the secretary of the electrical
workers union in Springfield. Ills.,
that Postmaster General Burleson's
Who Says Love
By Husband
Photo by Bock.
other In such places as the parlor of
a friend's home, the lobby of the
Powhatan Hotel and the Chevy Chase
Mrs. Warner also said she only told
her parents of the marriage after her
husband had said he did not care for
"Did ha ever ask you to live with
J him In the same house" she was ask-
. ed.
"No," Mrs. Warner replied.
"Would you have done so?"
"Yes, and in ?plte of tho money
question," she replied.
"You understand what Mgat!ons
that would call for?" the lawyer in
quired. "I do and I was willing at all times
to be the mother of his children."
J order returning control of operation
! of the wires to their owners would
probably make a natlon-wlde walk
out June 16 unnecessary because local
unions in many cases would be able
to settle their differences with local
Predict Complete Tle-tTp.
Telegraphers union heads, however,
declare the wires of the country will
be completely tied up when the gen
eral strike is ordered, that tho elec
trical workers and probably other
unions will act in sympathy and that
they will fight the situation through
until they have won their case.
Government officials admit they are
keeping in intimate touch with de
velopments, and It is understood
President Wilson is in touch with the
l-AKGK COOL 2nd floor front room.
4 windows, adjoining bath, hot-
watff and phone, nc-nr Government
departments Franklin 1641 10
ran in two other Wash
ington papers for one
week without any re
sults. It was then in
serted in The Times and
after the first insertion
the rooms were rented.
Phone The Times
Your Ads,
Main 5260
PARIS, Juno 7. The document
which Senator Lodge reports having
seen in New York is not the one that
will go down in history as the treaty
of Paris, is the reply of those close
to President Wilson to the Senator's
charges that the full text of the
German treaty is in the hands of
certain American private interests.
In other words, thetreaty in its
present form will not be presented
to the Germans for signature. It is
bound to undergo considerable re
vision. President Fought for Terms.
All through the winter months the I
President Is said to have battled with j
Premier Lloyd George and Premier j
Clcmenceau in an effort to draw up .
terms to which It was possible for!
Germany to subscribe, or which could J
be enforced by the allies.
It is paid that the conditions origi
nally proposed underwent drastic
modification, but oven after remodel
ing, the treaty was so severe that
the British and even some of the
French delegates now agree It is im
possible to larry them out.
The President, according to his as
sociates, ilnally agreed to the treaty
In its present form In the belief that
the effort to put it into execution
would soon reveal it was impossible
of realization, even If the Germans
accepted it.
Do Aot Favor Text,
Nevertheless, the entire American
delegation is net In sympathy with j
withholding the full text of the treaty,
inasmuch as photographic copies are
on salo in threo languages In Ger
many. Switzerland, Holland and Scan
dinavia. Attacks such as that made by Sena
tor Lodge aro not regarded as sur
prising by some of the American dele
gates, who say thero is no reason why
the treaty should not be given out.
It is pointed out that it has now
been so widoly published beyond their
control that it is useless to keep it
fiom tho American public.
Difficulty in getting witnesses may
(Continued on Page 2, Column 1 )
The War Department today for
mally registered Its disapproval of
officers of the army using their mili
tary titles for the advancement of
private ventures.
The possession of a military title
Is a tecurlty for fair dealing, tlu
statement asserted, and it is undesir
able that such an asset, conferred for
use only in the military service,
should be used in commercial pur
suits. W. U. HEAD HOPES
NEW YORK. June 7. President
Ncwcomb B. Carlton, of the West
ern Union, today declared that he
hoped the telegraphers' union would
call a strike on all Western Union
Lines, as threatened.
"I hope Konenkamp does call a
strike," Carlton said. "That will give
us a chance to rid the service of un
desirable employes. It will eliminate
for all time those who don't have the
interests of the company at heart and
seek to embarrass its service."
Carlton added that the southeastern
strike situation remained unchanged
and that all offices were operating
uninterruptedly in the htrike district.
Tho service was "up to the minute,"
he stated.
Only 710 out of 40,000 employes
eligible to union membership have
joined, Carlton said. Their striking
would In no way impair the service,
he asserted.
see how fine cood clgeatlon makes you fel.
Hero Who Wed Today, Bride
and His Aged Mother
Foregoing luxuries which were
laid at his feet, SergL Alvin C.
York returned to his mountain
home at Pall Mali, Tonn., with
his honors as greatest hero of the
world war. Note absence of
effusive kissing or embracing ia
photo above, taken when his
mother welcomed him back.
NASHVILLE, Tenn.. June 7. In the
mountain town of Pall Mall, Tenn.,
heretofore hardly even known to the
people of this State, a wedding of
national interest took place today.
Sergt. Alvin York, proclaimed as
one of the greatest heroes of the
var, took as a bride, Miss Grade
Williams, sweetheart of his childhood
The event has drawn a distinguish
ed company to the East Tennessee
hills. Governor Roberts performed
the marriage ceremony. He arrived
at Pall Mall this morning after a
fifty-mile drive through the country
from Crossville. He was accom
panied by his entire staff.
York and his bride have been flood
ed with handsome presents. Miss
Williams' wedding ring was presented
by the suffragists of the State. She
received a handsome wrist watch
from members of the Nashville Ro
tary Club. Another present, from the
Rotarians, Is the offer of a honey
moon for the newlyweds to Salt Lake
City. York's wedding is the chief
feature of a homecoming celebration
by Fentress county citizens.
NEW YORK. June 7 The British
cargo steamer Beech Leaf, badly dam
aged by fire. Is being towed Into New
York by the American transport
Westhaven, according to wireless ad
vices received by naval authorities
here today.
A message from tho Westhaven said
that the engines and steam steering
gear of the Beech Leaf are out of
commission, and that she Is steering
badly by hand. One fireman was
killed and the third engineer seri
ously wounded. Tho vessels were
southeast of Ambrose Light when tho
message was sent, and at the present
rate of speed they were expected to
reach the light at S o'clock tonight.
Nothing was said as to how the fire
This Is the childhood sweetheart
of the soldier who was married to
him today by the governor of
Tennessee. This photo was taken
last Monday.
NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 7. Miss
Consuelo Barrios, daughter offormer
President Barrios of Guatemala, died
here early today following a brief
Miss Barrios became the ward of
President Manuel Calvera of Guate
mala, after the assassination of her
The erection of public buildings
and laying out of parks on all land
south of Pennsylvania avenue to the
Mall, from First to Fifteenth streets
northwest, were advocated at a meet
ing of the parks and buildings com
mittee of the Chamber of Commerce
Tho property running north from
Pennsylvania avenue to B street,
from First to Four-and-a-half streets,
was also Included In this recommend
ation, which will be presented to the
full meeting of the chamber at the
Ebbitt Tuesday.
After combing tbe Capital in tbe
trrorist hunt, the police and Fed
eral agents have, they believe, the
names and headquarters of all of
the local radicals, suspected of hav
ing anarchist tendencies, and are
prepared to place their hands on
them in a general round-up, which
it was intimated would be made.
Already the police and Federal
agents have "talked with numerous
known radicals in the Capital, and
it is stated that several others, have
hurriedly lerV the city 'and have
sought caver elsewhere.
Seek Three Radicals.
There are three of the radicals who
are eagerly being sought. Each of
them. Is alleged to have made remarks
to the. effect that the bomb plots, one
of which nearly cost the life of At-
Itorney General Palmer,, waa justified.
Thestt thxee Jr .U-bellAvedjwhave-wleit-
Ithe cityi -it -'
There are others, however, -lit is
said, who have expressed similar-opinions,
and they are being' kept cbh"
stantly under surveillance. When the
word cries from Chief William J.
Flynn; head of tbe Bureau of Investi
gation of the Department of Justice,
they will be rounded up to be grueled
a to what knowledge. If any, they
have of the bomb outrages and the
MaJ. Raymond W. Pullman, super
intendent of police, and Inspector
Clifford L. Grant, chief of detectives,
who arc handling. In co-operation
with the Federal agents, the Wash
ington end of the- investigation, be
lieve that the identity of the man
who planted the bomb in front of the
horns of Attorney General Palmer, and
who was blown to bits when too in
fernal machine prematurely explod
ed, will be soon established.
Tangible Information.
They stated this morning that De
tective Sergt. Guy C. Burlingame,
who has been In New. York and Phil
adelphia investigating clues found
here after the attempted assassina
tion of the Attorney General, has
tangible information as to the Iden
tity of the man. With this identi
fication clinched, the police here 'be
lieve that his confederates the bomb
plotters will be learned, and their
arrest and speedy trial will follow.
Both Major Pullman and Inspector
Grant state that they do not believe
the bombing outrages were fostered
here, and they dobut that any of the
Washington radicals had any hand in
"This crime will be cleared?up-but
it takes time," said Inspector Grant.
"Every agency of the Government and
every police department affected, and
others not visited by the agents of
the anarchists are working. It is not
ti be expected that the case would bo
cleared up In a day."
Watching Newsstand.
Special efforts have been made by
the investigates to learn the identity
of persons known to subscribe and
buy from newsstands Inflammatory
literature, tending toward the setting
off of bombs or the Incitement of
readers to revolution in the United
One piece of this literature, con
fiscated by the police and turned over
to Major Pullman, was a pamphlet.
entitled "I. W. W. Songs to Fan the
Flames of Discontent."
The songs attack society as it is
now, the present wage scale and sys
tem, and direct blows at the present
form of government.
Major Pullman says that he believe
the plots could have been fostered in
cither Paterson or Chicago, hot bedrf
of the anarchists. He 'said this morn
ing that neither of these cities &&
attacked by the anarchists on Mon
day night. He still believes, how
ever, that the terrorists who planted
the bombs in all probability started
from New York to their destinations.
Suspect Held for Sanity.
Because he was acting suspiciously,
Ernest L. Kendall, of Devore. Cxh,
was taken into custody last night at
Ninth and G streets and brought to
police headquarters by Policemen
King and O'Rellly.of the First pre
cinct. He was suspected by the police
men of having some knowledge of
the bombing outrages.
This morning. Inspector Grant
found that he had been released from
an asylum in Los Angeles, Cal., in
the custody of his brother and that
he had no connection with the case.
"We have eliminated the man en
tirely from the case." said Inspector
The man, however, is still being

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