OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 18, 1838, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1838-10-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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TIlE GOLD.N oruom10 .
Look at thai.,riglit crentare, darting like
n fltash of lire nsson the thiuk leIes! it
is tlo Go.o:- OtoLr... What a baittuty
("al ansy sionset elud siurp:ts- the! dazzha.
brilliancy of his bright plumage? No baii
ile of goi 1und disalonds conlid ever he ams:ale
to e4qua1.l him; hei i t soa'ter lat, amil no
1ncnnn tie, though hi., note has IiI.: varit-tv
td is iot long kept up; .ill there is a rich
nes. nd mn llwnes all his gay warile,
very plsing to tiw ear; atd moreover le
is so familiar i lass ia with liea.n and
sucis su dt'S111iir 0 0 Citiva tlhs itegplaia -
n nee boy ne-stlis and sitinig :-I fie wimlows
or our hioses-ir, percha e, we have an
applo orchard thcre-atd eves inl thei ' vry
strects ofi ur cii%, where eli enm lil a lall
clmt swiniging its droipirig ia anA o% er the
pavemici-that one catiol help loving him.
lie i,s, beside, of tih, slarling tribe with
powers of voice that m1igIl liet adapteda to
lnajanmue. li tiow:, lo aetially talks eves
in a Wild state., anil aihere is oed larming
Fellow who comes under my %%intlow every
lay, Uad calls Oti, ts p4:11ay Is you( Wish
to have the words spokenl-'.,1ss1k lire!
Look here, dloxy!"- a call which I have nit)
doinha his tdoxv tllderstands.
JBnt thfe Ollornst is nn WbJect mwrIbl
voor eiity. a1 piece o arthiiectire that
l"wss very liarly how well acgiimted he
is with t l&M, ih Caihmiliari:y eves: wa-il
man1t has its dian;eis. The Oriole is n1-s fool;
le has im noti. of raisisg a brood sf yoif sg.
nald tattenitig them, t:(! ana ph ms ior titur
h cat t) gohl-de at a a n'-tonthitl-11 he;
the httle fellow h-as Wit t-miln.-AI I' lix las
nsm tt thie eld, nlasm1ost. of;a droopinu lsranch
wiii h i lsown witi aprpenienbriay
enough to fripicen a ca isat m alof her nine
lives. Here Itese itngenimns sarebi ll c'
[rive to ialhir-. ) sng litile bag of1 hous.,
completly Alt of hr.,s' m av, -ist that (v'ri
mnalkinl wttili not veniture her whiskers
within -imipill. disanc ofilhe Same, filr
tile daiantiest mrs.1 that eve' made her
monastth nsate.'.
This nest is one sfo Ithe neI'est %,oi ever
saw, bein.-cy wove io--ther % ih -trings, lal
limted tp n ithi tio asal sa ian l a Ilsl
worWkm1anf-like a hiotn It i% n1e-ce-s:31ry Ihr
the Oril4 to has, poid sito sirinsa ao he
gin the frame w%ork sf 'sat nest wits; sno
body necd be told. there-fire, thla hits of1
twiane, packhbread, yarn, &(e. aro ivi --r-vai
rene'st wilih them at the tillt! of buildin.; -
te gflod Wives inl aite Country k'ep a pe
cial eye pon their skvise yt Hiasl thre:d
whichI el:ne to be. out, leachiw;; at that
timij. tecaste is halippe'ss that ilass sly hird
hans no seriple in appropriati,ig to hsimsevl
the gms.1s andI e:ttlus sf his nei."lhbors ihei,
Iiey nppactr in such n onvenitiviii shape.
Not log smiee ao, of ilu:se little pilt!rers
came1C1 l my fild hldy's kitlhaenl %% ials, and
llmmhs- oail'wil i pa ice of' her nviek yarn, ;a
dimzn Ceat i it)alewgIs; one v'il of IbIis Wias
sotna %% uvein into lie 'aes, atal fl'r several
das', this white yarin, asiiig ab t its he
bresze. was n grea at.a is. the eyes or
nll aite hirds isa Lie neighborhood; lthe spar
row, the wreni, tle fly etlier-eV'ery one
thait flitted by-gave it it <nap, causing her
to lcave her weWaing, pilp) assm1, aml scold
till she had arive Ilhem oaa f as I tis to e. re
11u.1141Y Aug -p10uifftuli .h1r' 'wh 'Itot Or
lenpver totters a loud and rapid chirr, like
lie winldini asp (of' i Clocki.-,Cew England
At:T'iN.-Agut ins ilac reidltiolt of
lie s1';oiass broughjt as it Ilat pocriod o aith'
year whi'h is plevu!iarly tihes tie otholight,
mnd of graiitudfle. The.- (rcator 1).s so har
s1uonlised nlat.r'al ojec 4 s asd sealswi b
Ie r'I, s'lai ions . I a' " 1 t I .;s ..I h at' af Ie
pariancipales of arase relhigion. il tat at'r' iand
ses'ess,sare tpes oft sthe :rthtttIs wihl r; ligionst
needas noa ostlser rat Iirsnatliens anss ;atisre
gaeeraiiy spreL'iadSsb'ti>t' iis, of~ ste tras ht oft
reliinst, sandl the im:nassrta:slit's ao' he "saul.
lIn tanyporat as'f thet beltes' alh:a the spiria saf
mass lash irs s'n etersasl shisa estee, 's' a have's t h
-.tridti in stat use that r:asste r et neve'r Is.'
chitl5lse Cat do Is.w'V.t'i i's dsei is
eb'l:mage its forms. Th'oussgh ins osae ..s:,' at
npert' vsantsis'hefor ass, it is aonlyaai
las srt'esan itself' ina nesuw nad mores's hemlast
fai f'oa'tmatiosn--aihe ~tsa ingredsients-alhe
Simitl wei. say thea't ths i ts' staul. alas ras'
sont, ate imel'ligenssce aof ms.ta--al is Isy
wshsat tera '.e a'leia.as.-i-; b-'s thasn ma ert its
meer5t endnaied wit han tt) nitys 5of sit,t leance,
w i tt'h asouliss is det'si,al! 'As's oursver
bsodies-theo eathlly temlh s-al 'super's'ar
ature to thec spirit wieb '1 inahsaits I themt
Rentsoan-th bsostastedl ebamn as of sl5: ihsa'
wholit waoutld bes wvisa' absova ws lat i,~ wsritten,a
r'e'volts a ti snseh a detgra d lin~ isl ----a Ithou gIhst
flIl ofl ingrantit ude' t o Omnssiiotens', an.l,
donhatt:nsg of' hji" wisdomts.
A's Sihesre is an1 ,sanimnf ts the year5-.-so las
esacha man15's Iife,.' n' las isal or~ em dowsn' ,s.s
msiadstmmer st or'as ins thes sprinas Simel aof hi'
exis'sane's, there is sa rime. whena hsis onlyI~ joyv
is ina retsersion a, asr its 1t e enjoaym,s.nt sat
thea psrsent frits of spt r laborss und imbai s.
try'. T1i:s, annunn sa asf ii'. :nswers's Its thes
lulA'lid i, the year. Its wits: r i sldet'hs, asnda
bseysnd thlaat dlemaI ts' (Chrsistisia ' beies''
t hat thessre isa anistos'e Sprosg. t hasess ''advent'
a I.ife etern,a: I. if appy. tars'e thosea wos se ant
tittmna is thlis ti'-nitions aut e'arl'y ptroi,,e.ss
Wet5 ht5ve5 tais 'se;asn abohsaami n' i55on to5
lie gir a liid fora a he bso st if's ot' a kii P5roi
dencase. Naol snly sans' cropaas abundsaanst, the'
frsuis swieb'I mtinaistet'a laosur (lss anivmet, s
deapemtil for' sappoart ; hait aunive.rs:al hsesahhi eta.
.alha's ahsoso ishr ns' howss thesae lssins,. are' ina.
te'nded,e, ts patae saf themt 'in jay sawl alsa.k
l'alnstsss At noa peraiods foris masnsy a year Isshae
sat many hsapp~y c'ira:sa nceasas 'ombshisteds Iso
bhesas ti' ais at ths presst. [Let a-ithe
w'shaile we's r<ytice', a'emembersls,a ths. G(vr...
J,'osston Eec. (i:. '
Dl.-1f yasn atsk the l-'rench pro'sfes''
wha.at is alath est mitodea oh e'iiae ati<ss' ..e.
theys 'swii saswe'r yosu Ik lit'e ascl resar.sta as,
wvhens it wans imiahtira'd whs''at "sias ths first eS-S
iaentil 'i l'nen"! ha tt'. v.r' ,acion;
nsisi whsat thse secnuia ca'/lton; ands a.:s ths'
hirdal! azcmn. So would Is ths phIsis'inns osf'
m< f it we'are. imprtia'ed w'hat 'sis thea first
regnjisiiea in enmrlig dli se'ase, they's 'ss w hal nn-ii
swesr, diat;asud also secondias! dlit ; aad the
thLab-rd? ,ia.I.
-'I , itillowing prp.phecy iz, said to have
been delivered b a' Iritisah 4gyd, In tho
tinte .I # illint the Normut, and l.reser
veil b.' sflue (It tile 1uonki-4h .tas1si. viz:
-'I hat no . ore than three maoiarchs. ill
<ltret on.e, s ..n,jUtlitl ever %Stil:: I-rel
over thest: min,lipvni, withoi tolie Violut
I WiliamIn tie Norman,
2 %A iflinm nfus,
:1 11cl.r) the Firz-1,
Interrupted by tie tilarlpatlonii of SIphen.
I litnry tie Seconl,
2 i.Lward the I' ist,
Edn ar%Iliih Stieecolti,
Iiterrmpsedi by the:biCeaiOnl Snd murder
of' Ldwarti lile -:ecoted.
1 i.dwacd tile 'Iliri,
2 Ailchard the Svvo:i,
Ilterrupted by the depuito io of that Inoin
11 eur% the -ourth,
2 lt-liy ile Fifili,
ileutry tile 6ixe,
Interrtiptied by the restoration of the bontso
of* York.
I P-dwarl tihe 'onrtlh,
2 1..warl till' 1i1,1,
;i Rif-narl-l thle Thir<d,
InICS-terptel ly fite ti-if'pali oln of Ifleury
f Rihllnonld.
I Ilemry the Sevelilt,
'2 iill.r the Elglili,
I3 lEdwardl thet :Ixlh,
Interritei by tihe election of Iatly- J1110
I Mary',
2 E:lizabeth,
A fol6ig1 kig (.1inllncs, f icotani.) called
M 1O itSNIISkle tile CrUw.t.
t .laml-,1theC.''irzo,
'2 Chmic,t e lit' 'irst,
lint-rr-tepivil by thlee lepoino, Of Illlt hat i1
nrt hi, -.1114 Ifhe eoh-nnti .11a)oth11
t1rs1s l go trnt'lennt ie tue person of Oli
I C.'I'rlcs the Secm<l,
2.James ilhe Svcmlll,
Iutterttilacd by the ualIaration of a for
I \\ illiaml thle Thirtd,
2 Aie.
literrutipted I.v the parliamentary appointt
flicill ill, a 1,01tti-licir,
I (mtorge itie l'irst,
2 Gaeorge Iie scneil,
|3 (;etrge the 'I hard,
Iiiterripted by liht ifort in at inenpiacity
of tt soverei;n, atti aprlintnentary
nppo4! aint len fori'I!~C exris.t1.ig lhe soavereigni
ty ill tle lerNoll (11 11t4! prinice regent.
I tIor-g,e She Fomr1th,
2 \'illianti fhe F11''1n 1.
:3 \ietoria ihe Fir.t.
Whom may1 Gool bles.; bwr What i. to le
tile n1ext terrCp'iot!-/irp Courier.
Dutelli-.-Nothina, scearmr abncrt.
1:tan the ille(quall terll4 111011 wVhicI Dilel
it, liwet.f. Onle hhlIl it? wv;iry of life.
rackid with pam. elndt in thie tetnplation
of snidire; his :11t,1g.list itn Itlll hestlI. and
in thel! elljopymlienit of, it. One 'ball le flnt Ile
eve of 1t1IMrinon1y with it ovehiet of wil.
mvni-.1n1 anivel 1lis thought ill his itno
lielt of' hazari; the other slhall b glail to
get rill of his wife, even at the ch;tnet, tit
getting a billet through I.iis brainp. ()ne
ent heAgar. with jist five sovereigiq Te I
pocket; his an1ta1goni"t the tilled aIil couirteial
pirssesor .0f ha11f a Comnty. The 1n1n11, it'
he he -,iit,e. -t!iall Icalve. his wilalv and cliil
diren 4he-titume; Ilhe wther inny enrieb hlis
ne4art %t kiindredl by hlis demth. ' Awtl all thi,
dai -v t;akes placc lor the proper -'sali.fae
tio. . Id .a -. 1 il a .t:lli.
G]or. N Oii Nt.ss.- I :tas here inse'nsi
bly i'l to iit;ke ant Uhlapolo fiar the intst;abli
sari Ihoase ph ysici:mall generu a ftlly ' bte-con i te
n)itl enInutent, wh lo have liae soone'st ernan-tl
"ijl icl thegnse'lves froml tile t)tivann of' the
Ourtia: uI anty%of snecesi is oe.'i one by th
tha-e; -tG a . tur ignIor';ance tat n sutitable re
If' trttth tlothi any where~ ltaUhife-'.t 14 Itf
st'kI no4t to smorb i 'r it with11 loss.inI! tfl'itn.
"111n ;tek taowb I'se th ga ~rehat'ess th'eeof,
unel esteem ilaib v'it n nth4'n
p)reSentt pracltt ice taf' ft'e M'e'el p:! IlimSI&,.
111n4l alich.,ases or' rliins eour conIi tution.
Ant eterpr"tiin goa 3htemi vantkee, whofl
hangs1 ontI~'. some here'S in 1 thI' ib'h-rnets, ut
like the ittfitite' 'er'ies itn Algebrat'. or' thel
Ini (alit st.v', tf the pat ienIlatr inv ention31
a11lla t.1 tht ''1,nk e'nn1 Simutiltnennly bi
nt pateek of' bel.m aI" pn-blin3ahhiu s Iai voor4)3
hta i.s bucker4)~~ ktt le a oe'iat he', bakc.? Bet
pauntds oIf bret'al, I tl rans aIl ke. oo--e'
irl' ii of1) du tcks. B fnglmn
p ~iri'o t he' ag'. Ithe netw p:mi lahlE bet'z
chItenedt1't, ''2h li nailrad Stove.'"
A ChdIe's~ A'fj'c!ion, for a Kitten.- -n
te'r outr otaittuII'. ir howf is recordedt!t la the:giah
h'. drtow n., af a younItg ci'l d of .\'fr. Ale4x
e'nmItstine101s lertl' whih tist3 aiost inflamli
(beIing, tanly laoura years tl' nlto) lo1st 'Is life,'
realIowedt'g a smati h foy to) lte r'iver, weepaitng
otter'ly, heem':llNe he wa9':s abouilt t) dron)9 In n
kiteeni f;ar wh.iebi ",be h:ll formedt't aI Stronl5 Ut
nehmeniiLt, ;a it no soner) 9.-. a it toeea i 114
hue w'' ater, ta th egnizedi cibi tatak a f
ts shoes', Usmi ralisinl ift..;IelIah's, unt ikeda
=!l'i, towardi thle abtet''a af' her dar ig antd
Ifit eltIn, but1 befosre reach'ing it shel sUank
talu dleep wmer, aw Usl her genlle~ spi .it re
arnedlle to t' (20 who 9' t gatve it. ThI e tr
w'.ill ''4)me. Bla Itth,i tere, wa';s none nar 1to
esen4' SIhe)1 liltie siiik'rer 9.n hlt 414 fearlesy
pera'ild and) saleriit'ed 1her 4)n1 n lif'e, to save
hant ofI at 'omparmi'ltively va'Jinlees 1ne, h) Ut4
m,14)1 h i'h. Sa 1414 t her yot.a...fec
Doae tic Ne
From the Augasta' Conatitudig)48j
Messrs Editort,-I se'A i i
the IPeople's Pre-4,4," imkes a Irfl po
sit iona reui tit the esiditdishmen ~'4ep.
der's Purse, to be radi. for, at o niat
Jockey ClIth meelings, by atiie for
Set :lone. ''i.is is the way to in
the qalities.#f*ur bolood atock, anI iiik
it mi.ght not he itiproper- tTi 6 rr
p ieritid however, to Rdd to Ith ro
tjirel by the present Jocko-v Cl 0les.
For we are runini g Into the Erlii' or
of breedttinr oil your fly7twa ors,
withili prz.i-sa the gtood .'Old-ifa ned.
-loqf, aml haiiing sort, that-ieni ei heir
t4' stonse and ipwiards-doing Q; f,ur
Imlile-4 ill ei- lt 1ni- tes. Tietie are n ud
that aret ibnit the COnn1-ry.-ifi, 'ving
onur stock For jfrulne4s., tie hief rein fir
tilduling nt a sentent, which is ce 6iiy
attended w illp sonic evils. Supposi 'hor.e
11anl oI the Cntn ill weightI or 3,1bs.
iittntted oni one of*pyour li'-hIt, hUt 411ne
or two mnile mig-s, and cheil by I cfyalry
corp4 )n sneh lores as M )ingo, or B ie 's
Cormus, or Eclipse, or Old Bertr;tnd' puld
give its, 1ur ofutlt'. Wtell-bred mnfl how
long woiihl he live? Thais is.n fil i and
rare eail tr the services of outr ho s-to
esenpe frot pursuing etemies.-.tt we
wki oir stock improved for ail the pt..rpo
4 1 of practictl ieralness. down. o the
COImIImIIn Hotd ordiatiry concerns of lir-e-lbr
I lie ebaisea. I cit- en rria-ue. I ite eIrr: IIthe iou(_lln.
Th htler. woud4nt Wi'lh to) ooirain his
61ei.., ihr %ix or in' - minite,;. iand then w;alk
11nd h-:ad his hilrs: , (if h1 conh0111 goat all.)
4d6nrin. thf. bialance Vft eexitinl- e6niest !
.1minut him then: in a chmireer that has- thle
'relnhi a,s weil ws the fleetnes it) oarry
billn thrun.-h I day, aol tmiake hii shout
an,i>ig ihef/ir.t in :if the denth. None hill
h ts,fre b-o%s of 80 ito 100lis. ea ride
tthe /(s/,mion e breed for fihe- tur-Ile*
wiihoui .truiailt)l eitheer body or .jndtge
tient. iiev are oiin unablo Ili (iontrol
evei tihe weak cre:m %r%s nin they are
ctllell to ride; n ho riu restive anid %-or
ry ,ut i their 'strength. lit-fitre ihev sho lie
e n ll ofoir its Fll exertion: a Il tli it is
10 n itn oile if their riiers' tsindtis arA--ulli
viviiely i inatred t0 discoliver ad scii' the
Critiena I1lilinlnt whenti the li ill eierted
p vrsf ti their horss siill drfise It re
!.tit 41f lihe ct0efuesi. Dired horses ithat sial
carry ts.n whose payiei powers can con
il Ite n truly, and wlafse 11i1dgments will
poinil 1) Ithedcs v oeet whidhishall
I. rnatiae ilhr rer itt their livor.-' Hlow
it:aiv races are lot for vait or snClijndg
tilin I:I the %imithfid ridelr,; I nppical to
the experiencee vert turitifanl. But for
Ihe- errinace, plough. &e. whal ;I dili-reie.
wV1111h lone equpipa:!vs man11ife-st lvifk,.fille
lirtied locds inl tle harness! .Niine i
your usrt levggCd, big-hellied sort, tlit p.iff,
and1 b'low Is they waddle along, suin6thlree
or lOir m1ilesonly at honr. No; te u,s
loitied aniiniitls, whose spirit and st niith,
no,) I s thi their din-iliiv of dilpl ition,
sliall sitake it ;a real plea%tire it) wIif- .over
Otir plaitis iike Gruek wvarritrs (lJ ud
And for our plutghs, &C why thei very
Mules froonm bloifde: ioanrv* nrL-tUo,i,
ri~ ~ ~ ~~ I MM y7ri"(oayou-~r tod - fleff,
long, slab-sided intihers of* the preset iny.
Bnt I have leparted fmiii miay d.-Ni.2a
when I i--an illi, ar'i( ic. i was. .ifrposi
bI,-. to exeite i areater o-mulaiiou Oi the
-su b1jt1 ei ofa lite tlock anion- ''Ior brOtlers,
aialr thal purpose. in olifirion if) ..
lir-eler's' priqu,iiiiiii, ; County conlest for
bl-reederls alione. Folr Its::i ine' let Ri-h
mlibildl throw down thei4 --atiltlel to Hi3arke,
114 Uiorvi a, for a serlies of I. 2, :1, and 4 anile
hemats, " sthl brah n~ eiwhis, liar ;2, :. anid .
yeartt itl.l utriedl hotrses tilt he inn hve dioek
if ilheir* esplcti ive coijieat s. liy untried, I
itt.in thaose iltut havte lnot atlpperedl 4)n te
Itrfian an:, plicll race. 'Thedult;ails of din.
ilItteSr. I leaive ior (others. snijsfiedl withi th.
sn;:gestiont of abe'a proo.,irio. n.
rae:et a..-Contsidlerale arivals of spec(is*
lior our1 liinks, have1 takeni place wi'lin a
li-w tdays.I all other amournsttt are tneart at
imudti, anlnill heIt receii edl its the course' tt
ai wee k. Specie ftund11s tare salso) proividedl In
at larte n:noniI in Niw York, ni bit ('nn
Ihr siurpolIses5 of l~ Echan,te. O f the s psciie
aecei ved . or lainr .t hantad. th l)ay ritenI ;uaik
the birainch .:tte l;st%e $60i.00t0, Ihe. Moinria
li ail lii:il liak Z528,lJ00. TPhe exatie a.
havet nor) undaierstoiod; hat aill are nelI pri-iu
connil ari rldnee. All our~ book-'l., it wdIl bie
recihlk-eiied, w.eare iin goodll codiain as1)1 itthe
t inta 4'f1 thleir t ast reo trt . santd athe nau ints
noni re-r eivedi nrte ian Olld-)lit t ' lhat they
ha:sl itn th< ir ':anh1. Ii is. iler to ae
inaairk. thauit nan r%sxanitata oif thes conditi.
titn edI lte bialiks throullghoutt the couantrv,
lew, if Onv, pressenat a5 sIllvent It cotndit
nts those4 of Geoirgiai.
Th'le l~rirancl hsurance IBank tar Colatan
ha is in ii. city'. las a5honh Iwenvlaty-seveni
dlherits inI 'sperei to onel~ ina i?iretation.
Thbe Banik of linw~'kitnsvile hias also1 late
I y re'ceivedi Ohtnt $ 10,00)0 in s, ecie,
'1he full buasinevss hais olpened n.ith it
praoblyl e'nn:Ine, shotia tlh banks he aube
'o nhrordl Ithe itlnns niecessatry for its pr
ebaose; hnti shonhtIl they he dra1wn utponi for
specie, (except wha li ny baD) e nec'tessary ftor
putrpolses oh ebIancle,) by thao..e w Ito sl it
in thle eiar art o1 I f the seaIsont, dliscoijst
ill tsitanecessarily stIlp, anid the puricess Ihe
graltly red sa.ed. if not tan abnflist entire
suaspenasionio elpuirchaises. Thlese are fitets
w ich it htenIes outr planters, anid aull
o,thetrs interested, to take inlto considlirataion.
Exch'ltantge itt New Y'trk ait ittr Banks is
no1w twit per cent,--Mron MIessengfer.
E' dt hra TI l''oSter. Esq. hta' been ap-i
po iltI:i .y t he atversaor itf the sltte of
'l'ennessee to bte a Senatostr int Ihes Coangaress
of the. Unaited S dates, to lill the vaicanacy Or-.
icaisionedlb' rih liIo ns. l'elix Graaundy. Mir.
(.'s tiermr expre onl~ta the 4thl oif M~arch pex a.
I .lgis4lrre fotr thte aerma of1 i, earsi fromt the
St h of AIlarei b ne...A ci si..1 ri..
BADEN Con-.-Several planters in the
vicinity of this city have mad!e no experi
mcin wil) ihis cni. andff s 1hr as we can i
learn, notwiiistinim, the unfavonible sea
son we have had inl this section oreniry,
they seem well plealced with it. and we
have heard some or theiii .xiress the opinl
inn that its Vvield, iII a filivoralile snnon, will
no doubt Car exceed thie' com) 11rdseed.
Wo have new in our iice iwo suiks of
this crn, rrom I tie phntj tatifon of MI. Sa m
iel C. ei . %w it Ib seveii gelled va rs i mnd1 1i III)
bills, whiclh we wolli s:y will I-qual ill
porodoet five ears ofr the on:mon corn. ma
kiii un nvere of -,ix i4o epaiiS tip iathl
sinik. Stieli of otr nvrieiolluril niinds
lave exie iieil-11 Wilh this corie will ob
ige. n s by furnish; he reiy'h of theivr oh
se.rvat iois.-A uigustit ConstIutiomdit..
Lif. P-e Or1ing V-st.-We vterday
had 'an 4#i+40irtimt Io wviIni 'I'rom 'be
1utnviker Ifill wl4arI an exhibiimn of tile
woli Illan1d Itower ii t'he Lifie- Prvserling
Vest" the iivention of M r.W. C I2-itihone,
of' this city. A full growii boy with all his
!Ielles il bill his coai, as knI)Uov%'ed pil) ill
the iver byone of thi!,so vests, nli;l his hwad
kept evirely onm of tlie water. wiihowt the
least exetinia on1 his part. We boit-ve aIl
w%ho were- poreent wvere mati.,f:md th:ii the
inveni1 i answeis the pirpiosi lor whieh it
is desigiatel. It is Imade like nyi coinution
vest wt hii hlie exceplilli that the lsreisi ;tll
a poritin 0!* the- back )I- lileld1 wit Iinlia
ruhier. whieb eal le inflaterl h,- the I1e-ath
in : Ia te Imloiills, anld Ili n%ell in Ille wIn-!
ler ;ls fn apfl iI.
I is li i i tiene. 1 le m, he11 sh Ill. put
01n Mlly whenliiln-,linh- damnter threiti-is,
hell worn) .1:n1l inles"lnfhen1ravellin.. )-I Om
water, as the ili:t mli-r. n"heunr1101 ,11.,
ti, de n(o itijare Ihe ailpearatiee.-Hurt
ford (C Con.) ('ourit r.
I1orriud -4ie mpi i1/r: !I loth#r to itureider
her own Infunt.-ICn Tiavd:iv mornihig
abomu l ocloic, ral I. .1. \Y. Crn i-.
41remlanl of, Ihe e nliet-a tr 1*I.dlv :t the lI mt
ol,3311 shreut and I IhInveiu1111 e la,iljn
a ills rIfil, he b I Wv1ea w .1o1 1 ass, blwn
li the iock nthi o ibno tn o I I rfive lI ir'g
buiulle. '1'hi,eirent-t:m.,mee, tigthlerl n%illh
sPeinm her slop nee Spleak to soilne childrniit
who .vwe vidwhing bar-k onl the whar-I,ex.
Cited nitenlion,. when heI was 14114 b-"V a liltle
gil that sheo aukethe n11 ""manl whl- it wa-4
se thirew iino the n-r, and slht' rt-plied,
6'4411115 dead rais." Mr. C. was still dlissat
ilifie.d, 1holigh nJoIhing (if [lhe hitndle could
he soen ini heIIe' water. PiresentlY,owever,
the sie.imer 'l'eegrai liiipns<i41 h. by.cal,ed
I sWe'll il the Svaves, nd it) his'si rpriiseik,
What he win Supposed tt be fhe liibeI.ss bo.ly
of in ilint was wai'shel up mnerly to where
lie was siamning. IlIsei.d dit ehildl and
laid it on a Ick iieai hv. iid then itnrl,< inl
pursuit ofil he i'lhumanl I11othelr, lo was
iot yet out tof siht. In thi poraiit, Mr.
C, wa's joinedC by~ us nrli fhi eion - wourkmiena,
n,amdc( Wunrr anne Mhirnt. The- womlanl,
however, succleelld in malkiig good hei
escilpe. ai has no sinve leen seCen.-.
Y. E.rpress.
Ntir.rir.K. Oct. 1.
An instn.iie ilhlie p)oipli'esi, f it- re
lierto bee' he affiordel bste:o ;l s ISS1h,1 tO COIsI
avigic in stoitiv euhilier wat exhihi
the U'. S. Fhi l-'n:on Capt Skiiier, rni
s'Il her sitain. and i-i-:td i ihr - ('ape.,
in sere's of dirtSe'-4 vviekh. a''i siccee
ilt-d Im rsein:? iie brig jr iFavitriie, frolt
Torl's IWatil, wih stilt, which half li.st
sili, andi must in all pro,habiliv h1e ben
drivii a.hore. 'l'he -'lion ill'onedialiv
tollk le lig inl low, anl in six hieogurs rII4111
lirr depii -- i- mil lhe le:oiur reiinrued
'i -hier pr'ize 4o hier 'liirm'r -eneboIgernee.
Thke eci1)4 ity o1 Ih I'nhiiiinz is spio kenii hl
commiiandute ciiCapr. Skinner'l, she' will r'ceive.'
an lull i ai til.--Braconm.
Tru: ENcKx:-: Coatl.:-r,----Shouldnel,aer i,l'iin
ih' mundanehi4( spdii'r. thein full- It wvill lie ini
4:5 peih'Ihtn. parl fci ii heii'rbta nie- -re-st thle
'ci n. 41 ihe 15t of i i I )e'embiter, ad :1c44
tie samie peiod'i)I it n"ill nisi lie nearei4sI lihe
. ,it0 Itic'es lrger' in veloinnlI' thlan lie
eath yesI .' sneh'l i- thle tenit of44 it. sub lstan 4ce
tlint inl ly9t5. a'ir \Vii. hler'eiec n:hel s bl to
dlisce''4 erniarogh it's Iiiass. n '41.5r of' lth. -20th
11,1 etiide.i 1 mc hecai 'acn'u lembry piiilaneli
nlo) e (41441'I reh e,~: from vapo,4o alignid eeut.4
AX le'itir frr4o1 lh-r1rijt sayis: "'heni4't lias
hiermie ci drug ; lie '4eas1 ona l.ceeni pri'-"
tionsi, :11m1il' le imri ihiir iif thie fii'roer am
p)ly repid by a bounitiiili harve--t. I Jith
ernto11i ihi ann haIi:s been'l dependant 144 plIoni
Ohiica and Neiw Yoirk lfor hier bired,sel.,;!
dih' has onw15 aI surp'lus? f/emillion andl , h//f
Ius/ of n'hceul, wicth will ie' remis feii'
mairk't in thle sprninu ofl IS39 . A giz1s,' mili
iera,. & c.. are as trictk 114hops aIl 445aer lihe
Stait', ma.k ing 'on'tra:e'i,,i nI prer vm-yingj
Ii41-i i' o seen -iiling pier hishel : imiceh
epc'ed-- ilponi thle 'iitintiion, andc t he dis
''A m.i reblan t in Jliilelcd:pss'ed ithroinh
lhere ai das cir 15n4 s?luce Ironi Aia' interneir oi
thec Staitec, iand the nor)thI piorlican otf nudion
ut. lie io'ntfile met thait lie had malre- :
'onitrn'e't aii M ichiane iiy foar (60.0i00i lh,,be
eif'we s~l;at .9 ~1 pe'r biush,e. ele reed inl
the eningi of' navaigaioin nexi spiring.--N.
Y'. Star.
H~all Store, in Sreitmer.-ti 4inl('men'
Perhaip it re'nv sutbsarve' saome geoid pur
pise f'or a he puiac itot haar thiraith i u vor
columnsi l', an1 neem'iimt cif the fim44t dies'-it ivo ai
per~Iha ps, aniy othle r m11n ofei lli loei't clbie.
i r'ase ini ha' t"n. ii''nKist antid i''l Ion the
eveni:sg taf thle I8th Ii"eptembehitr, in M~1neoni
County, AInhanm1:, inll45 Twsh,i p t'ighiieci.
Rnniiee sSwenty-si, nud oe p.mrrinlan:ly con
the irmt 44f.1idge'1 rl4fIrr(Iiarnnly ofl e,'e )~
I tin C' tto lia r(''pj oh 1114 hundr41ed ne'res,
wh4Iih w.'.nhi havave ra'eug'ed 'rosn S to 10
hiudredc peundls, wSas ic ten minitess tIe
stroyed. the appearalilnec'e of Coir to;, fie'lds in
.aniniry, a ifter' bing pirlcd ont and r'unI
over by) e'nttle, (now. the creips havse hadie
timeli to) die.)
I Iin tiori wS la t last preistra'ech. anal
pea< eniireIy die"tredt. A ndc ti ti-, -,te'n
f'rcm one lo two hutnede trees priostratede In
the farmi of fls' hundred ncr..~ Il en, sc.
somelaing of the ca,c. However. out of
thle sco.r who have heard of, nid come to
visit dh sCenle oW dlevn11st'nion, aIl agree tha
this is onle of the rare cascs that titsfripl,
hle f a11Cs Ilf U 11,ail SrOrm in Ohe mnonlilh
of p'Scol. antid fhat of itis miu;, rom tihe
iouth iEast, are anonmae4s not herclol4rie
kniow- i Ii t- cir ldest to. hn a word ilhe
whoil,)( scevne i-, I %phedbaeconly bly iln) who
does "w%ondler-4-oii cifir eartl."
Yotir.; respeit fiil',
Ol A DI All I'C1i.S.
Society [Hill, 'laron c. A lia. S.-pii. 27.
1'. S.--mny tif the Stine er; % v Ow sizv
off he's e ; 1 inl wherV obstrUcted abot
a ft deudep whlen it CO.sed.
1ront the Charlea m reury.
AlAoR'S OFFIY:, 00. 12, 1838.
ie sil'icrilber wckion lesa thie receipt
I*rom the Ilms. Nitlibas Iiddle, Chairman
of tit late ithlpie fileefing inl 'l'hilatlelph:a.
il' the stiln of I wo 11uIsIaIn1d 'four luidred
and1 s1 -ixl. -,fe ololar. 47 cen-;, whichi, iln
ilii Ion i te sum (if 570() pre.viously re
ceived from the same sirce, compiews tie
contribiaio o( f o he citizvtinI l'l hilmdelphin
for the' relitl' ol tho sull'oerers ol tle! late cmn
Il]:)a,ration inl 1his City. ''he whole almilt
c4lledted inl Philadelphi is $91116 4i;
Which, il adelition Ill tile Imilliliceftl dlala
tionl of z:20.0-0) ny the Blank of' thle IUn1"lil ed
SlateQ, m i:lkthe wholle 11an1ino received
frims Phiblael4aiin the very hand-kome and(]
geieris dona i 3 tif'529,.16; 'i celf,
TuIcu31Bg.., Ala. Sepi 8.
Patitl Recouainte-r--We are inainmd
ihn1t me the ., mIa., a 1adly ref4,0m11.t
lMok PM"!ha in ihe treels t linssek il-, (or
Cou1nt. Vf)%.wn.) fift Weell .140311 A. Ch l:nsa r
l' it. of hIIIe cit.Y 41f A 141, an l 'l'hifoi aN I..
.1lne-i, ofr MI Ifi f n v. 'ph par,111lt-; n-r-.
1o111h armwd with ...ht gilm4<, Iiallf-d With
pfndieLr anl ltick -h. Iln tie rvie uitter
Je. 1.ne ns nfillided hv seIer a;lls lil %vlwic
tmok ef'lert ill his 'ii. iml stnth. neck. arm
and hoid r. heli-vid tit b' m Irlr l di
nut fire hi, gim. w\-a atiderst-tad i.i4 it n
l'oprimie m-47111rrr1enc4 Orew toit Of ;1n oild
dilficntoly bew t hte ill pariies.
Ir. Ch:a ber "torthwith -mrr-dared him
self tEt hliea berill'ofl e t,,a% I 4
the (ith. trii asel wildl a'quiui-d, bysee,-t
Il eiIry.-A1a"PHinMitn.
I'rom11 th.:. C"'iltSgn Couricr.
Fno,.% li:y \k i.4-r.----Ily the U. S. ald
schr. Hfope ;':l. Gni-us, arr- yV.S
terlay Imrm K-y \. V, have r veel a
file tf t411 he ,ut l/oridiman. Ito dwhe 2;1 h.'
rom1 whicli n. ll y Ihe wins:
IKE-: Ws..-:wr, Set '2'.
1110- Shipwrac/,-s.-Tht bri.. 21iti, 0of
Bansair, Captai S. ilt1101, master, rati
asihure, ,iffG:ardeis Istid, 41, ith Si
itstalt, lin-hipleid lser riudder. Ihirew aoer
board po i tif tel l.,-aro40. fild putl inere ioli
tlhe 19th lo 1r4epair's.
Tht, Whomner M.\ary & Atgtaa, 23 days
frolle ha-4ta1nlore. araved here ye-ertlity
%,ilh 11ml tih'ie ipatssagers of fit e ls ner
\niefir,l% ice m fser,prm A palachivot
:, wicha was "4Ist :away near GUm Key,
b i e foillow.il_ news:
* 3 '1 . - ,
ter Campbell, wclh'l arrivedl here yester.
ay Irmm a ertiz, w. have obtained the
itillipwin., -*,rr-ci inm.in
'I"Vil lilt "T h welif fihe srig AInvr, ne:ir
IBaker 4'a11,344I-over, 11mu he11 '' p1.i
f' Ilhe inSelianl; :setkd h46 killel ioae
theta. ihe Iest tollk 1k the % flods. I.*4.d
ill the t.iIg %eVea's41 .4ab, 1 letter.: alsm . hill
ofldn ,bV which1 if wv!. ;1w'. rI.i- ..
w'as li-oiia 31a-".aniel'o, (Cuba1)1) honaaial lae
iharon, 41r4 asbv.h ite',a P thes I6 s grater44'9) pri
4)ne4 of114 the49.ete .' 14as 1nmi4 -h.-41 ner'ar th).
w..rekl: we''t l)1rn1 'hi' irig. l-''4'i-l si:.-ift.
at. 'lTh' Smackt!.-, which were'.'l laest on5 also
" I"', trollI, 9.'cy,ji. 'ere l'iken ie b6 urnst.
l'hiilbr-uk, ss he lii' hiE144ner.4 Pal,.5' 1ine, 9.9-p
-"e-r'-:'.:n E 2-,i, 1s:
Mr. I-'diatr-1 'iaila'i lfroml'.1 ;iinoza.u on
the''I ahif' Seuptembelir, in 1he sehIr l'aILeI
01nh- l'rem te N. I-:., ' whi:b ins'sgcrase to) a
Inusr'iem145-: 4-4 Ihe' 7th). my9. ve1154 I sse,yig 616)5..'
01) is er hem'n 4e4ndI- sta rotd Ier d'ecatk 14)54d,
when4t'1 '' 15'aslforcet's 164 away19..14. he-r 14gn'f'
not44ihe on: dI.ckI but1 hsr ilng h::;n- n..'e re
moned46i 04n thea ves,".- I. r:ie '.6a mllakinsg a4
inur breach'i over us. 1)44il Sitlsy 45no)rning,
the !hh in,t!... when4 ii h6':sa to nun65'-rate.4'
near4 s:ils, I Ilf r11' 9.9 r'eekI inl lite loli Ihal
in4!: rema1)46'~inae'rae444j mi15''ielay 445f5.45;54)
lte I lilb lias. n.' hI'l I procee'daed 644 iln'.
I fell mi .941 w ith ' the wri'el.ed! brig F.pot a
roii n.' ieh we'..re sevr.d5 If sthels wr'aecker'.:
they. too)k ll' 444 board ~,. and)4 were'' no:6).1 hIs
;stably ente1'rI;ained' whie114 we9'( rema)s11i4.
wtitha th4ens. Ai h-nll us n e.4 arr'ived'. at Ini64111
19.e'. whetre 1 '.' as intlralsa6Iee to1.4'. 116on4-'
a lilt le'"si on'r'csaaun. tohld mels, 9 was' 44 a1 libe6r
1ty to 45'5e has4 enp196la for4 14 'lleeping aparrmoorIliH
eedl 16) thian k hiss 11or Ihis indnslles I l ;kiI
314'. I14).v.e, lihe Poas't 31 ste6r, wh.o34 inv9.ited4
me46 reo 1has inen,e4, wherl e P''I remOliaind a4 weet'k,
'eedial hi4s41 I):. 4)de6rIakl~ings. I and)1 m5y
crew arrived'a 446 99.9y Wes ' ti the ii. 22d1 ins1'.
mt the 9.u'u1 wr 44in .Iou. 1146) I.ii'ridge.
ourl5s, rese-c'ti-naly.
W- -1. IliLIJROOK.
The lect'n)4ts1 from NaYssan1t, (N. P.) of
81tn-I - are trily di'.s'rsjing. The14 htil'
45 ve6- 4ls. some534 botom464 I '4 uwruds. 4)1hersdai'.
mas$ted'6. h44're' 4and4 there 16 tota 1444wree'k, Ihave'u
retionmu onf lu- I;laaaa suih.. Th'le lios obrle
&Isro~per'r y. n.445s. 44tt-m161ily, hee very. gre.
Ca4pt. Meegm'i, lesnu N5a'isanl, 19hat at (one
bsonse alrL theltre we.'re, h) .l 4inIg, tw.ety
live entm1;as, all1 of1 themas Inns41t of' vessae,
tha:t h:td 2'.lflberi 4"rom the. a TZ,.' ml
est inabliitntst:, say thatnot widhin their re
rollection, has this- cont been visited with so
iremendou a hurricane.
'rit]URSDAY. Oc.-roax. 18, 1838.
T1Jw' Cou,irt ovf Commonsv, Pieas~ commnencedl
its Si-,sion at this piace-, on the 15th iustanit,
Jaidge O'Neal pr.-bidiig.
A light frot 1'ell in 'his Districa ot the
0ith inlst. Ohe-Ars h1:ve since fallen, but
vegetatiotn i; not muh inijiired.
At a meeting of the Citizens of Edge
field Village on the l2th inst. the following
gentlemen were cleted DeleLates to the
Convention of Southern Merchants, which
assembled in Ati::tstio, Ga. on Monday last.
WIllTF-'1E LD 13ROOKS, Esq.
The following gentlemen are elected
Commissioners of the Poor for Edgneftl
Dr. J F. AI)AMS.
W it ! SOl %itA, t
There were several errors in the Elee
ion Retit-, w hich we ptilished last week.
We ussnre our readers, that the fault was
tot ours. The statenent w4oich we pro
cnred. we were infrtimetd waj corteet. but
it was not st. We now give the vote, as it
really was polled.
lei 11 S1il1T11. 1-403
*Tr. j. mit imi;.EiR, 1649
'N. L.. GRl IFFIN. 1539
* P. 11. WA It D L A W. 1396
*J. P. C A R ROL L, 1248
*J. WV. W IMBItS11, 1079
J. SilEPI PI), 1073
jN. WATSON, 1021
T i- NIN. 922
J. tRiFFIN, 765
Tho-se marked with an asterisk (*) are
Stalistics of Cotton.-Prom n statement
lnawii l Iv t) eminent merchani for the
N. (. Rve, it a ppear- that the cmnsivtion
oT. S. Cottoti, from the venr 1810 to 1837
inclu-ive, amounts to sixteen millionis nine
hundre-iand fifty six thousand six hundred
ind thirteen bales.
The (N. C.) Elizabeth City Phoenix
says. h.st North Carolina owns in stock,
ff-fNtnitMr-t1r'Vr tovl ,~e7 rl -t - -
Iilli,ons of dollirs. and is free frot debt.
Oll Rlip Vans Winkle has not been in so
eleep n slumber for the las; e0 enrs. --s is
2er'18ally thought. While some 1f his
1ne;;hhlrz hvive been tulitg and ,ponalin
tlhir imon-y. lie has silt-Ooly been fillisn2 his
r<,s andtsnowloias out ihis ensh at a good
I.-'viaw in a geam hiamnoreda arsic-le upon
Ste'nm P'sakts. r laimvs for. E nglatnd. the
honorvs of havinig Or.gi ntedl the proi,et of
a rsg vin r -tamtt boat linie bv-t ween~ thait cotnn
rv tad oaurs. it admits 5 lat thle I'. S. senst
thea first Steamt [laa neross the great Wa
ta'rs. Baant it iowat -par tt)'n 5hiat tin Ameari
Can inzen7.'t first 't)niv'.-d'. the dets;sen ot'-nn
ninte mieksat re -si-;rly neross thse Ocean.
sir. J units Smaiths of Connectietnt, an
owerI a Ne~ n York litne, is snid hv the N.
0. II nihetin,t t.. L the firolst who) proposed( tos
esatasbli,h a cossmmunicantionz by steamt, be
tweeni Enamsii an-h thet' Uteuita'lSttos. At
hsis solic'i:taionan act of inacorpor'ationa was
grasntedl to as comnv:ty, by the liritish Par
hi amvienst.
imtportanvt to llouse-ueie.--A..g n exchiange
pape lisa 5. , thas a str'onug solti tins oyf salt
vial water will kill t hose pestilent creatures,
headv t.m"s. We supposei~ thait thes liass is to
caetc themui fisst, 'andt putt 5tem itn piclel, af'
la'eprarn tnlires t. ('on ress.
int the' t 'angr'esioal Disrt 5 of Green
v.ille anal P--'n-lb-t'on. t Maa t Wady 'i Tomp-l
son as e'lectedh by a mtntjarity of 1000 votes
r!/, wa.,s hiv oppvonett
Inv the Chtvalestaon Convgressionajl)Distriet,
Isanar E. iiliovmes is elected~v. IIlugh S. Le
gara ..Inti Xu-ThIrasur,/ w;as his oppo)anenlt.
iiiant , Le'xini,atn, Orangerbusrg anal
liarnwell, 1". II. IEhnoiare.
Bes anfosrt an solle~ itoin, Ri. B. R hets.
Lauirens. Newhberry andl F*'airfield, J. K.
Kerhaw~., Sumter, Lancaster. and Ches
terfield,i J. P Ricehardison.
Senators andl la'epresentta,fires to thte SteI
P'sndleton-enatr. -- Norris lepre
senitatives, Jnan. B. Uiiid. J. ii Cox, J N.
Gvarn a..l. .il'*liinne'. J. C. C2alhunt, J1. T.
Whuti,hl, J1. P. llev'd.
Green-sville- Re rsetative-s, Ui. F. Per
A hb. ill e-~ elprese atives. D. L. Watrd
la Bi ..t. J. A. C lii -, 4. i. Arnuold,
J. F .
L . r, s--Re. resa at t -as, J. hI. Irhv.
- Saxon.-Roadg~r...-Calanwe4

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