OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, March 01, 1843, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1843-03-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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P ROPOSALS for carryi" the Mails of
the United Stes. fron e I it of July, t
18, to the 30th or June, 1847, inclusive,
Sath Carolina, wiU be received at the Con. i
MWs 0ee of the Post Office Department, in c
dhe e of Washington, until 3 o clock P. l.
fe*@ day of April, 184, (to he decided a
bythe st day of May.) on the routes and the i
=nm and time herein specified. viz:
3101 Fromt Columbia by Camden, Tiller's
Fmy. .to Chersw. 2 miles and back, sin times
a weekin two-horse coaches.
Lave Columbia daily. except Sunday, at I
a e, arrive at Cheraw me days by I p mn.
Leave Cheraw daily, except Snnday, at I a
wn, arrive at Columbia same days by II p an.
Proposals ate invited to carry the great Nor
thern and Southern mails daily. nits this runte,
by the following schedule, tn wa;;ons or such
other vehicles as the contractor av select, so
coatructed as to secure the mails atid protect
them against the weather.
Leave Columbia daily at 6 p tw, arrive at
Cheraw next day at 10 a in.
Leave Cheraw daily at 101 a mt. arrive at
Colnmbia next days by 2 a in.
Pr are also invited for the trasspalta
tion theo great mail on the direct road Ur8im
Raleigh N. C. to Columbia via Ruckiugham,
N. C.
31O2. From Colimbia by Loxilli " '' Is'
Leesville, Ridge and Lott's. to Edgeiteld c I.
59 miles wad back, three juies a week inl two
home coaebes.
a. Lave Columbh every Monday. Thurslay
and Saturday at 84 a tu, arrive at Elgetiehl C I
next dayb 12~ in.
a ge dfield c I every Maloiy., Thnr
day and Satuday, on arrivat of .\n;:sta m:,
say 10 a us, arrive at Columbia same Jayv by e
P us.
3103 From Colimibia by Laoxingtn. C h
AseAviDe and Hamburg. to Augusta. Gs..
miles and back. daily. in wagonosor inm waii uner
vebicles as the contractor ii18y o-lect.. 1o roll.
strcted as to convey the great Nurithern and
Sotbern mails and secure theiml againsilt Io, I
and the weather.
Leave Columbia daily at 3 at in. arrive at
A gsta sam day by 4 p it.
Leave Auguta daily at 4 a in. nrrive a, Ca.
luoabia same day a1 5 p an.
3104 From Columbia by Gelelaen. St. Mit
thews and Orngebur;. ' BraneIillao. Ia
miles and back. dlay ia railind cari.
Leive C.lunabia daiiy at 3 a Ill. arrive at
Dranebrill same day hy i a m.
Leave Branchvill daily at 12 ma. arrie :t
Columbia Pamne day by 5 p in.
3106 from Columl'a by Tl' ri' all.-. liar.
rewdale. Poplar Springs, Gadden*A (;rn~o.
geckhamsville and Cedar Slnals. to LewivIle.
6 miles ad back. once a week
Leave Columbia eveiy Ftidsv at 6 a im. or
r've at Lewisville next day by 2 p in
Leave Lewisville every Wednerday at I i'
m. arrive at Columbia next day by 6 p in.
3106frnnColuimbia by Cedarcree!k.Kra.i w.
jackson's eveek. Bell' stove. Uckh.ai. Hal
eivile. Craebyvlle, Fish Dn, Neale :, cree-k
and Monnt Ta or, to Panckueyvaille Vi muai.
and back, once a week.
Leave 'olumbia every Friday at 6 a n. ar
rive at Pinkneyvlale next day by . yn
Leave Pinckneyville eveay Wedlr.:ay at 6l
a m.arrive at Calnmubia next da3v by p .
35117 From Columbia liv Coakhati, Winga:-,4
boas, Albion. Yunguesville. BlackitOck. Chem- I
er C b, Braittnsville and Guthlriestvills. to
yeggville, 79 amiles and back, three tiae, a
week. is two-bore coaches.
Leave Columbia every Monday. W 'edto
day and Friday at S a m, arrive at 'sorkiille
next days at 6 P.aim.
eave Yorkville every Tuiesdilay. Thurslay
and Saturday at 14 a in, arrive at Cuumbian
t tani with four horscoache will
be ensidered.
3108 From Columbia by Hog'store. My
biatown, Goehen Hill. Beaverdamt, Unionvile,
Boganalfle, Glenn Spaingas. Partanburg c h,
Dasmascs and Island Ford. N. C., to Rutiser
Isledtoi, 133 miles and back, twice a week. in
two-borie ceaches.
Leave Columbia every Tuesday and .'atar
d' at 5Sa in. arrive at Rauthaerfordtoii aevery
Tudand Monday by 3 p an.
Leave utheltordf ton ery Monday andl Fri
day at S a m, arrive at Coliumbia every Wcd-I
esday and Sundayat 4 pl m.
Proposals lair four-iorse eoach aerviace to I
Spartanhurgh wdll be caineidleaed; also to coam
mnetae the rente at Potmari..
310 From Columbia by Oakville. Pomiona.
Newbeary c hPagesville,ltnnteill~llollhd's.i
Leutrens e h, Greeniwoo'd, Fountaina laun anid
Plaim, to Greenrille ecIa, 11.1 miale. and bac-k.
tree tinses a week. ini four hor-te paot cach,a.
hgave Colnoau every Tueasoday. liaareay
and Saturday at 6 a in. arrive at (,reenvie c. ha
aext days byCGpi m.
Leave Greenville elh every Tuesday.rahura
day and Saturday at 4 a mn, atrire at Culumia
next days at 4 p m.
3110 From LCodar ersek by Thiompaw::a. Me-.
Meekin's and Monticello. ts log's at.ru. --'I
wiles and back, once a week.
Leave Cear creek evesy Friday a: I10 a am.
arrive at Hlogg's store samte day at 6i 1,:.
Leave Hofg's store eve-ry 'iair.-day at 5 :a
m, arrive at (,edar creek samte d.:v by I plim.
3111 From Augtusta. Ga.l~ hy lvertoni. .. c.
Four Mile Branch speedwell. Luoer 'hIua.e
Runs, Erwintont. King creek. I'ape. cree~k. ail
Robaertsvinle, to Gilkisouville, % iaiea and~ bjes,
twice a week. I
Leaye Augusta every Monay nad Thiawa d'yu
at 6 a tm, arrive at Gillisnav ille every Wedhe%
day and 8atutray y l. .
ILeave Gillisonavtle every Monday ands Thar
day at ii a in. arrive at Augusta eveiy W ed- I
neauday and Satuaday by 5 p ua.a
3132 From Augusfta, Ga. by llamibuirg, s.c
Edge6eldch l b, Dutonbsvalle, Loa;:marae'. tnre.
Wirnter Seat, Fraxiersville. A bbeville.e h.l.Tem-i,
pIe of Health, Storeville. Vaareuimes. A adetrsona a
eb., Sarele's, Pendlctont. Doauable branche-:. and.
Pickensvadle, to Greenville a: Ih, .10 unIe, tanda I
back. ihiee tIme, a week, in lour-hourae post
Leave AngustaeVervy Monday. Thursday and
Saturdlay at 4 ame, arrive tat Greenvtille c h nexit C
daya at 7p mn.
Leave Greenrifle c h every Monday. Thuare
day and Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Augusta a
n3 1 From AuststaGa.by Qn:akerSprinag. a.
Woodlawn,sa. c, Parks, Cairn, 3lapleton. lior
deanx, and Willington. to Calbouns Mills. 5$
muiles and back. twice a week-.b
Leave Angusta every Mlonaday and Thursday
at6 a m, arrive aaCalhoun's Mala next days by ~
21 a in.
Isave Calhoun's Mills, every Tuesday and r
1iay at 3 p in. arrive at Augusta next days
a m e gby Poverty Hll. C l -
lier's, Cokd 'ring, and Rtehoboth, to Long
mire's store. 37 miles and back, once a week. "
Leave Hamburg every Saturday at 6 a m,.
arrive at Longiie's atoae same day by 5 p ni.
leave Loagunire's store every Friday at 6 a al:
a, arrive at Hamburg ae day by 5 p ii. aer
3115 From Hamburg to Augusta, Ga, 4 mile di
and back, twice a day.
Leave Hamburg daily at 2 a m and 74p m, at
arrive at Augusta same day by 2.3a mandl 8 p'~ m.
Imave Augusta daily at 3 a in and 84 p mn, di
arsive at Hamburg aname day by 34 a anid 9
3110 From Aiken -by Edgefield c Ii. Elton, 8
Sleep creek, Phinnix. New Market, Woodville,
adfl, Coketauarg. Mount Hill. Brewertaon, in
Line creek, Lickvulle, and Sterling Groive, to
Geqnville e h, 113 miles nd back, thiree times ai
Leave Aiken every Tnesdaay, Thursday und
iaturday at 4 a m, arrive at Woodville saue
lay by 8 pm
Le.tve Woodville every Wednesday. Friday
nd Sunday at 3 a m,arrive at Grecnille stati
la-s by 5 p m.
Lcave Greenville every Tuesday. Thursda)
nd Saturday at 4 a i, arrive at Woodville
amae days by 6 p no.
Leave Woodxille every Wednesday. Friday
ad Sunday at 4 a i, arrive at Aiken saeit
lays ley 8p In.
Proposa!s to carry on horse on the whole or
i part uI'this froute will be considered. '
'1117 From Williston ly Davis' 3lilta to Jor
Ian's MillN, 16 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Williston every Saturday at 2 p u,
irrive at Jordan's Mills sane day by 6 p ma.
Leave Jurdan's .ill. every Saturday at 7 a
it. arrit e at Williston saue day by I I a Il.
31ld Front Bkackviilc to Barnwell ch, 10
nIA#es4 and back, aix times a week.
Leave Blackville daily, except Sunday, on
irrival of the Charleston mail. say 2 p n, ar
ive at Barnwell c h3 sante day by 44 p m.
Leave Barnwell c I daily. except zultnday. ut
a n. arrive at Black, ille same day by II I aus.
:31 i Iromaa St. Georges y Itd liank and
.Arterl o it) Blue leutie. :13 nailre and bach.
baice tuntema week. it Sulkie: the mnai to Me
akeng frotma adI d.-livered to the railroad cars.
Lea ve St. Gcor;es every Tuesuday. Thurs
lay, and *atuarday. at 12 m, arrives at Blue
1034.e s4medavs by 7 imt.
Leave Cim- leine everv Montday. Wednes
lay. and Fridj:ttani,arrite at'S.LGeorges
4tlae aays Iy 10 a ims.
'ropm-a!i for two htorse coach service will
e con-idered.
:3121 froma Uarmvec!l c It, toy lDttuconsville,
uif ord'is brid-.A v:Iey'; bra nch, toneik bran it,
teaci braticit. L-twinnville, and Itobertsville.
SGili0m ille. e2 miles and back, once a week,
iwae -i arnwvell e !I everv Thitrsday at .1 a
t.rriUe :it Gsilliminville noext day ly 4 p nt.
l.en.a% t ihiiianvide every Tte,di avit z a ma.
irrtv! at larmrwell r h next day by H y Im.
"121 Fron Pocoitaht;:o. by Ilikory Hill.
A,'.ipi'y Swamti. to uck tbianch, 3-:ni-s
and bacwk. mnce a %%-ek.
1.4:a e l'v#c.-:ali;: e iry TIuirsday at 6 a i:.
rrive aLt I)h branh::0 -.::e day b." itn.
Lii..'- ii... braici .-verv -'rt:dav at G a it.
xrrive! at Poe.tah::-n same day by 5 p :IV.
3122 Fromi P'iintlmai;.a to4t lketiort. 212 mnldes
lid back1. 1he zt 1 a met, inr t -kii .
Ledw,- 15itlit-o tery rv .iday. Wednes
l-tv. and m'.1 . 14 a t t1.1Il, Iri e',-at ca ir
..me ,:v, 111a m. I
I~easeli...i ti~ o v.-r% fnl.. e n siy
'1:1 .1 . I n . -,I ce at l'orottal;;o s:1111e
.it.*. Fiom Poent-tl;a to Gillison ile, I I
ilt.4 4aid hack. %ix inute2 a n eck. ont horse, or
t a I'ne Ioirie carriage.
Le.-ve l'..otaligo datly. e-xrept Sitday. at 7
t. arrive at G iillism ilte !ate day 10 a m.
Ueave. Gillionville daily, except Sunday. at
p m.arrive i Pocotauiro samie da by -4 P m.
3131 Il fr mhlo~ e:-1. by lio::dsille. Men's04
'eiry. Friewsipi. I'r;v.t~eter, Sumplterville,
lid Brnial'ord 1prm4. o Caman1. 101; tile,
md Itack. twice a week. inl two olircecacheg.
Let'e in:lthi .-te y M.i,:a and T1huir
lay at 1 I m, arrive ait Caidt-in next d4)s by
Leave Camnden every Monday and Timri.
lay at I a in. ar tve at Inabtiets tnxt days bj%
Sa ill.
31'Es Fr.in Charle.tnn. y Suimmerville. fit
biets. Brichsi ille. led'.w.ay. 1itrnant. Grit
ata-. Blarkillr. Willismon. and Aiken. to
lamatlutrg, 138 mailem and back, daily in rail
rnd cars.
Leave Clhnrlestnn daily at e a m. arrive at
lanburg amne day by 7 p tn.
Leave Hamburg daily at 4 a m, arrive al
:laruestna same day by 2p mIt.
Pragosals to exted ibis to Augusta are in
3121Troam Charleston by anlyawl-Uf -to
Vilmington, x. c.. 200 males and back lailyitt
teambeats to Wiyaw Bay,thence to Wiluttug.
)it in coache,. wagons. or other vehicles sa
mittrcted ate to tarry thte great Nrtern amth
iinthernt tmailar, atnd to protect thtem agaitnst
e wveather,.
F'or iniitationi Cor pro'posals for thia service.
e No '2! ii n\'rth Carnhnaa.
3ti2.6 lroms Chairletn to Savannmaht. Ga..
It maikt andt~ ba.-k, three titi. a weevmk, in,
Lea'ei Chl:rle-stn every Mottday. W~ednte
y. anid Fridat', ati a iatm, arri'.e at .Sa'.zn.naht
a.. amize das amv - ni.
Leave Siair.h ta., every Tumsdaty. Thutri
ay. atnd Satnt.d.,s. at 2 a mu, arrm'vat Chtarke.,
nlam idysb 2 p tm.I
lr.oii, liir dail~y o.-r ice. wvil lihe cin-side'red.
3-7 'riom I1. that--t. hy Adama' lRmi,
uoiiti'a . ioa l'm ri;:. 1am.,E Craam.
lle. to sau'..innah. 4 a~.. Ud tntles and back dai-.
-.i in i lohm,.e c..ah-s. fromt alt, 15th Oceto
'r ti the' 1Ithlaneiar , amd in sulkies or covered
-agt. frim th~e 15th Juane tio the 15th October.
L a'. e ha,:rw.-:nt dIaily at 8 a im, arri'.e at
aanni::hm t..eu idas byv 6 a ini.
l.ia'.e st.m':mIh 'lmily t I p in. arrive at
'h., iie-ton ,Ie.: dayi 5 by 2 p in.
l'r..i.ah- ti rimi tww ie a weekt, on hoursepr
'rni.... d.. ta -tn ppl4 Walteritn theree titnws
.',-.-k. t'rom thm.- i neael polint on thi: route~
-il atl..i I,, con~'e-r. d.
1"lCim Fr :t nie~tOni, hy. 3liink's Cuort ns
tl lIlazck tink. to Pmae'.ille. 52 miles and back,
v :tt = .' ttm. arr:'. ait Puae'.ille next days by
I ..ve Pi.wr'.ille' ev'ery Wedniesdlay aftd $a
trla'y tat iat m. arrive at Chtarlestoni Thmursday
33-. Fuuoma r--n to e-eon, , 0
ile., andI '.sek. .ix imuet a wveek'. itt tiwo horse
,:i,b,--. fritan te 3th ( itmclwr toi the 15:mb Juntte
d in sailkies GIm i th 1!,Juone to 15ith October.
Les'e ;hia,:stoin daily except Suitday at .5
nm. atrive Ut Geio::etown nextwt days by 7 a mn.
l.a'.e Geonrgetiown d-uly excepit Smndays a S
m. arrive nt Charlestna next days by) 7 a aim.
130 fro Geourgetow.n by liuckatille amid
onin'.avbntit, to Littie itiver, (19 utiles and back
we a '.'eck.
L.ave Georgetown every Saturday at S* a
.arrive at l.ittle Rtiver next day by 4 p t.
Leave Little Rtiver every iontday at C a at,
-rv at George'towmi next day Ity 4 p ut. -
131 From G;eorgetow.n by Le~md's Ferry
d !tlutrray's Ferry, mu Kitngstree, 45 mtiles amid
iek. onc a week.
Leave Georr~etownl every W'iednesday at 1 o
.arrive at Kiangstree net day Ity 5 p mtt
Leave King~stree every Tumesday at' 6 a mi, ar
re at Georgetownu atext daiy by I I a mi.
3l32 From eotrctetownvm by Chinia Grove.
mich's creek, Flintvile Jeffrey's creek, 3lar's
kaff. Darlitngmt c hi, and society l11ll to Che-.
w. Ill miile-a and oack, thiree times a week
two horts coachiec.
Lave Gecorgetiwnt eve'ry Mlomday. Wednies
v anad Frdav at tI a m. larrive at Jelfrey'sm
ek next damy by 5 a mu, amid at Cberaw same
ye lay uip at.
Leave Checraw. every Mionday, WVedne..lay
d Fridav at 6 a tm, arrive at Jeinlre.y's creek
me day'lay 7 p ma, and at Georgetown next
y by 4 p ma.
Proposaals to run ithm smlkie are inivited.
3l:33 Prom Little ti'.er by Shiallotte, y. c., to
rithville. 501 mile-a amad back. once a week.
.ave little Rtiver every iotnday at U a am,
mive ait Stmithrilile tnext day~ by II0 a tm.
l'ave Sitthvilla' every Salurelay am 2 p mt.
riveat Little iter next dlay bay 6 p at.
- 131-nm',... P-th2 .y MttAfrrav's Ferr'.
King'sTree. Camp Ridge. Efrtngham. wijDar
liugton c It, 75 tiles and back. twice4 week.
Leave Pineville every MWedtesday and Sa
turday after the arrival of the atil from Char
leston, say at 10 a tmt, arrive at Darlington e h
next day. by 10 p am.
Leave Darlingtoa c h cery jjonday and
'rlrtt.ay at 6 a m.arrive at Pieville next days
by 5 p Il.
31.' From Friencdhip by Fulton and States
burg, to Camuden. 49 uties and back, twice a
week. in sulkies.
Leave FriendAhip ev-ry Tuesday and Fri
day at 6 a t, art ive at Camden same days by
7 p l.I
Leave Canden every MoandayandThursday
at 5 a mia, art ire at Friendship same days by 6
it; rriu Friend-hip. to Jacksonville, 12
mile' and bark. oace a n eek.
Leave Friandshaip every Tuesday at 2 p smt.
arrive at Jaickwvi'le sase day by 6 p in.
Leave Jacksonv ille every Tnesday at 10 a W,
arrive at Frienidship '.tam day by 1 p an.
:9137 Fromn Suapteryille to'Alount Clio. Wil
low Gruot and Ikanist View, to Darligton
c It. 44 milesa .ud back, once a week.
Leave Sumnpterville every Wedneadayat 5 a
in, arrive at Darlington c It same day at p mn.
Leave Dailington c It every Tuesday at 5 a
tm. arrive at Suatpterville same day by d is m.
3131 Front Strupterville by Mchansvdlle.
Mill Grove, Bishopisville. Gum Firanch, Ha:L
ville, Mount Elton. Gulley, to Darlington c i,
76 miles and back. once a week.
Leave Smanpierville every Saturday at 6 a
it arrive at Darlinaton c h next day by 5 y tat.
Leave Darlagton c I every Monday at 6 a
mI. arrive at Sumtnpterville next day by 5 p In.
3139 Fromn Sumptervilc by Bradleyille,
Salem. Kinig!ree :Iad Intdiau Town, to China I
Grove 69 tiles a nd back, oice a week
Leave Su:ttyterville every WednesJay at C
a mn. art ive at Claia Grove next day by 4 p in.
Leave China Grove every [i day at 6 a t,
arrive at Sumpter% ile m-xt day by 4 p n.
:1110 Frtatta Sutt-rviile by Plowden's Mills
and [Ire%% ington. to Jacksonvdlle, 30 miles and
back. once a w eek.
Le.ave Sumtaiptervilb.: every Monday a: 8 a m,
.arr ae at Jjakanavil!e sa1iC day by 6 p Is.
Leav I Jek'onaville every Tueslay at Ga in,
ar ive at nmpaaaaterville s::amehy by 4 t in.
:141 I om .\aritan a- h. ty Catrs.i, [larlees
vitte. Brownt-. tie-. P'arna-nsas and Clio, to Ben
m-attllae-. miles al.d back. tonce a week.
I.a e . 'arti.'a e h every 'Torrsday at 6 a tm1.
:u aite at 1ienne45.ili t41.0 day Iy 11 a lm.
L i la.- fe tell;:, every Friday at 1W sl,
I riC4 a lion v to ad4.xt -,ay b p ti.
:l I'2 - 'rtm .117iri't v It lay .- len's Bridge.
Campbefllt.1 li.lge atI liareest ille, to Clio,
.6 na , anad back .JAce it wek.
Leae .' ianu e h .- #!r% Thuirday t6 a it.
arrive at (ie. txt day b) 6 a at.
Leave Clio every Friday at 3 p in, arrive at
Marion c h e.ext day by 6 p in.
31.13 From Bwaenataille to Cheraw, 14 miles
and back, six imtes a week.
Leave Beaaeitsville daily, except Sutnday,
at ; a tat. arrive at Cheraw same days by 1L mt.
Leave Oheraw dtily, except Sunday. at - ;
n, arrive at Uetwtic..'. ill- samt day It it tat.
Iop o6salt o carry in two horse coaches will
be consideredl.
:.14 I Fromn atIenettsville ly Adatisville and
BLarne.' Bridge. N. c.. to Sten artmile,20maile'
aud back. once a wtec.k.
Leae Bete'in4%ille every Saturday at 4 a
m, anive at Stewa t. 4tille sane day by 9 a M.
Leate Stwartsville every Saturday at II a
tmt, arrive at ktnettsville Pame day by 4 p M.
:;i15. Fraot Latcaste-rc h by Taxahaw, G~oldl
Mine. Ill. Croglan and Cliesterfield c ht, ol
Cheraw. and return by Metousville, N. c., in
stead or Gohl Mine, to Lancaster eo, equal to
65 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Latcaster c h every 3onday at 6 a
m, arrive at Cheraw tart day by JO an.
Leave Cheraw every Tt jai2 p M, ar
ivo at Lwnmcesr ehmit M.
anso 1runitamatre 1T
isville and Ilaziewood, to cbestenc h, 41 miles
and back, once a week.
Leavie Lanicaster c It eveiy 31onday at G a mn,
arrie at (~heater c It same day by 6 p mt.
Leate Chater e Ia every Tuesday at G am,
arrive at Lancaster e h sasune daty by 6 p ta
3117 F'rom Chteater c b by Batont iotage,
Carmtel Ilill and Tomaasville, to P'inckneyville,
rettara by Tomasv -1k tand Sauttderavtle to Ch,-s.
t'r c h,. eaparal to.25 mailes anal back.ontcea wee-k.
Leave Clwt'.er e bt evely Tuesday at 6 a mt,
arrive at l'mekiaey ville saute day byl1p ta.
Leave Pincrkneyville every Tue'sday at 2 p1
tat arrive at Chester c ht samaea day by 6 p ma.
3l4> Fromt Chester ca h hv Chesnutt tirove.
S prinag Iiaek. Nationa Fard. Fort Mlill & Spring
itill, to Chaarlotte, N. C, 47 milesaand back, once
a week.
Leaave Chetste'r e Ih every Tuesday at 41 a at,
art ive :at Charlotate,-:nte day Ity iij tim.
Leav'e Cht~att ite evr Wedntesday at 4 a ma,
arrave tat Clhe-,ter c It samn day by 9 p ta. r
:3l.ii l'romt Chester e ht by Torbat's atore,
Pe.dasv tile anad lilewood to Yonguaesville, |
JS mtiles tand bta-ck, ottce a week. -
Leave Cheater e It every Wedntesdayv a: I i a
mt arr.-e at You::ntesville, saame day by 4 p am.'
Leat Yomgnesv ille every Tutesdlay at 6 a ut,
arrive tat LChetetr c h siatme day by 6 p m.||
:1150 Frmna I'inckneyville by 3aaonnt Jtoy io
;,wdervsville, 9 mttaes and back. ottce a week.:
lee a P'incknteyvaleo evety 31oonday tat a
m. atrri'- tat t ;atwdev--v ille. satmea day lay II at m.
L.etan Gti'wdelynillet every Sloaday tat I p
ta. artat. at I'aanckneyvillje samnedav by 41 It mt.
3151 Froma Yutkville by Blairsv!i~lea, ck
nevville. 3lntt Tttahar. Decaattur, Uaniataville, t
(i'dar iGrovea. Crot' Kev<.('ronsAnchor. Ifunat
intont~t. Latrenst e ht. WVate~rloo. Stotney P't, 1
I )eadI~d I. anda Smtitha ille, tt Ahhaeville,108 atalets
id barl..- thret, Utme. a week, ina twu horse
:Oac5Cbec. . It:
Leav.- Yatville e'very ''Tnesday. Thursdayt;
attd $;attrd~ay ar d a ta, arrive at Atbbeville nte.iti
:vs hev ti p mt.
'Letvte A bbeville every Moanday. Wedlnesdaya
mdta Fraaay tat 7 p m.t arrive tat Yorkville every
Wdnsamy, Fridlay antd Mnitday by 5 a ma. r
L1.2 Fa'oam Yaorkville by laaynesville. Ebetn
zerv ille. Nationa FortdCoaie's 'Cavern. Neely'a
reek. Lantdford. Cedar Slautml. Cataba. L,mtg
street. 11ry creek. tusaaell P'lace, Liberty lHill.
mstd lie'l 11i11, t o Cattaden, .I9 miles and back,d
teae atweek.
l.eaave Yorki ille every Tuesiday at 8 a at. ar i
rive at Camtdeta every Thanasday lay 12 mt.
Leave canaden every Thtstrsaday at I p mt.
rive at York :ille every Saturday by 8 p tm. v
3153 Fromt Yorknille by Hiickory Grove
misth's Fttrd. Wilkina ville ,IDrationville, Limne- I
ione spring, Grassy P"onds, Back Shoalst. r.
c., and IlighI Shoaals, to Rutherfordtoa,ti7nmles
ad back. oncea week. r
Leav eirkvid~e every Wednmesday at Ga anm.
arrive at Itnt'.herfordtn anexi da by 4 p us. a
Laave tttaerfrdtoa eyery 3lonaday at 6 a
narriv-- at Yorfrville next day 4p mt.
31154 f'roma Yorkv~ile iy Hick'ory Grove.
:hertkee Iron WVork&, entopeirsvilla, anti liar- a
nany.taa lamestonte prings37 aniles anal back,
eee a wveek.I
Leave Yorkville every Sunday at 6 a m. ar- 1;
-nve at Litme-tne Springp saute dmay by I p tm.
Leave imsaaatonae Sprsangs 6-revy 3i' uadny at
; a mn.arrive at Yorkville ame dlay Ity 4 It' mt.
3155 Froma Yorkville' by 5leck's Ili! lope- a
elt, Oak Groave, Gowdeyuville, Hlancaackville
md la r ingsville, to S artanaburgha e h, 4 mailesa a
nd baack, once a wveL
Leave Yorkville avery.Thtursday at $ a it,
arrive at Spartansburg c ht same day by I11p mt.
Leave Spatanburg e h every WVednetday at
a at, arrive tat Yrvlesaute day by 6 it mt.
315t0 Frott Uaionaville by Jonesyadie, 31le
ridesville antd cedar Springs to Spartaabuarg a
. It, -in~ ttmae amdithack, otte a wn-~.
Leave Unionville ccry Tnua' at atuts
arrive at Spoartauns:; c I satme day by .1 Iesat.
Leave Spartanblurg c i every .lcanday at t a
mn. arive at I c7ionville a:ne d:ay by 4 ; tmt.
3157 From Unionville tby Meanville. Sit'sili
store, atad 31. elsieleville. too cedar Springs,
2M milea .nd back. onz.e a w-ek.
Leave Unionville every Tueatday at ; a In,
arrive at cedar Springo same day by 12 i.
Leave cedar Springs ciery 3loaday at I I
il. arrive at U:i.mivvi!!e ame d lay y: 1) art.
315S Fron Uiioaville by Shdy Grove, I. -
berty Hall. Poplar Grvae..Maunt lehloa:. New
beriry c I. Shaopo Slri-9g. Perry'so X Roer, anid
3laant Willing, to Hidgc, j nailed and back,
o.ce a wC.k.
Leaie Utionville everv Sutidav -.t 7 a tm, ar
rise a! Igte next day h 7 p m.
Ls:a'-e lhie evcr; Fe:d..y -.t i a m, .aiiv:e at
II:.e l inex day bi p mtit.
d..-! From UnjiVen-.it! v 6 hn'er We and'
nlowdeviIlie. to Lim.:--tnu .crin. i oit
and Ia.:k, .ice 'a week m two.,e cache:
from.l'te I,4t Iay to the 1.t Nov.. atid olice .1
weaek on hor*-e. the reinaiader of tie year.
For two-hoarse coacla.
l.eave Ui'ons ide every Vedne.A.ay and Sun
day at I it mi, arrive at Limeston:e Sparimyp
Saine days lay 8 p ima.
Leave Limeatune spriig every Tuesday and
Satuaday at 3 a am, arrive at 1, niotaville stam
days by Io a mi.
For 1l1rme.
Leave 'nionville every Thirdny at Fn ns,
arrive lat 1.imestone Springo same day b) 4 p m.
Leave Limetusne.e SprinagS every Friday at
a mn. arrivc at lioinville %ame day ly 4 I tma.
31G0 F'rom Spartaunbirg c I by 31 utnt Zin.
Motti Lebanoa. New Proaapect. camun'
5torer. Fa:it ime., rryijat and Ednv ille, -. c.. t
Litic-lone. 71 ih ; and back. ocie a week.
L-ave Spartaibur eveiy eVdneaday :t a
ie. arrive at ime-unace ceei dav by 7 p am.
Ltave I.isteb e eerv Frida, at'5 a aim,:arri e
tat Spartariburg tnx: day lby fi p Iml.
3161 f'rmal Spartanbiura ch toy Walait Glove
.illvile, cmowasille, Woodraif's. M1sicin
Shoak and Soutil::town, to Laurense I,
mile- md bac.', once a we-k.
Leave Speartaliirg e I every Saturday at 2
p mi, arrive at mi,:nen. v Ie b -t day ly 7 ) it
Lenae L-ircIn eh--ry Mlunday at 5 a Il.
arria e at pacrtanhurc h ext day lhv 12 ..
:;162 From ly.nnenia e I lay Scnailatowni
Youn;3i:'s tore. e-etreviu- . ,rna . -rnh
ville aind Ph ille'. to Iaritanbr c I .16 mi:!3
1:1.1 back. e-- ia we,,-k.
.eave 1iacen, r It er ' Tc(Thy at .1 n i,
arrin- at Spartanabug e h1 a.n:n. lJ:av da-b 1-2 p mit.
Leave Soa:rtanibirg c I every .lonayhv -it . a
t. arrire :at Iacinires r I .:m w.y b I-N p mi.
Fti from 1.-atrev:, e nt lairnt rua
tory. ..ibtine acre-4. Tuu.lang Si...-A n'id
Tuli ton tip .ieLville, retcrts n v tairnew.
Cripph- rreek a tnh Ed-.: 1,o I.air.-i- c h, C-14a1
to 3d iule, and boack. once a v e-:I.
Leave Lanrens e hb every Wednday at 5 a
m. arrive at Licki ille an.e day by 4 p it
Leave Lickvillo every Thetiday at t a us,
arrive at Lanres c Ii same day by 7 p) in.
3164 Fromi Water!no by Aion'utvile, Cro.,
111ll, Slin.- Gruvea, r:bais Ferrv. Chri,
*i-ji's, (.'iolein:ana'si R oad-, 31eci Willing.
Germamile anld 144:ow C11 e.,%. tic I.1 xingtot
C I. 71 miles' aid back. ace a weekl;.
L.e'av! Waterlo ery Wedne:.lav ..t - a
mn. .tir;v.- at l.eaxingrcaoo lexit dai y bIy _ il-.
llao'io L.?.-ainiton c lievery Thir-d.ay at I p
ms. arrive -at WVatt rloo liext day at 9 p tm.
3"t5 From 'aterlou by .lownut Gallagher.
Gngatsville Qaieneenboro. Calihon is. Statont ileh
atai Go!den Gaove. to Gretnville c l, 55 uie,
an3 tack. ance a week.
Leave Watericia every Suiday at ; a m, ar
rive tat Greciaville c h next by I p ml.
Leave Greenville c It every Moaaday at 2 pt
m. arrive at Waterloo next day by 7 p tn.
3113 Fron Spring Grove by Milton. Dan
Lapsville. to Iltnntsvalle, 18 miles and back,
once a week.
Leave Spring Grovc every Friday at 3 p a),
aiivemai Uumoslo.crneunasso day Ivy 8 p e. -
Leave H untsville every Friday at 6 a t, ar
re at Spring Grove same day by 12 to.
31G7 Front Newberry c It by B:mliot, to
Milttona, 20 males acnd back, o-ice a wveek.
Leate Newberry c hi e very Tuiesday at S a
ti atrive at Miltan .sme clay hay l i a im.
Liave Miilton eve'ry Tuei.iy at I p mi, ar
rve at Netwberry c hi snme day byv 7 pa t.
316 Fromna cambrlrid;;e by llalfay Swvamp,
R~ic!-r.-oville and Liraait lull, to (TEtn, 24
iies atnd back. onlce a week.
Leave C:ambridge every Tae., lay .it 7 a me
irrive at l~honu :.ime dlay bey 2 p mi.
Leavte ltomn eveiy Wedeie'ufaat7 aam, ar
rive at Cambhrie samife day by ? p an.
:1169 [romn Edigelieldl c h by Kirk-av's ;-l
[oaderhlaloenix. Cambridlge,.c cdiStoany It'oint.
Sionnat Gallaghecr. lirewvertan, Genatsvilce and
Lravtonsvillca. to Varennae:-24 mciesand back
JiCe a we-ek.
Lcea:ve F.4etie!d c h: craacy Tiac-d!ay at 6 a
n. arr'.re at Varenneis next d~y bay S a pia.
L~enre Varenane- ec-:ry Sundacsy att 6 a im. ar
-ive at: l'dgeliele 't niext dlay by: 5 p m.
3170 Fromc We anter Scat by Sancdacer. Wide
nita's Clacihi n's Mi!N. Trrysrille, Chnarehl
ll, 1.on atdescul!e. Muitrila, Rogertrdc
~rerereena, lRock Mhills aen-I A nde.raaouradle, to
enadlert-,n. .e i:.,~ and back. o-:ce a wveek.
I.cave' Winter Seat every Ttie-diy tat S a
n. arrive at Pendcle'toii tint .Iny bay 7 p m.
Leave Pendaletonai every Trhuri~lay- at e ta tm.
arrat c at Winutecr Seat next cday byv 7 p me.
:1t7 Fremo Ahnev-ill. by War,-a:cec.('harclh
dlel Loawnde.<aville. Ch,':rok!ee Ili.ts, a
re' Ferry. atnd l uderiaviI!e, Gai.. to i:her
Leate Abevutle eery Tesdaeciay an. -riday
t .1 a mn. tart ive. at Libertmn .amie days b latS
fLeaet0 :d!v-rtcon ecryc-- Wedneayt andc ';a
nrday at 4 a ti, arrive at Abbeta aie- attus da~ys
cy IU p mi.
::172 I'romn *~Abbenville by'. Moneatin View~t
ntd Wiban'. creek, la! u1tfettua lb', 25 mailesc
aid back ona~ce a week..
ILeaven Abberu'illb - rery Sttucday act ;- a ma, ar
ece at Mole3t..rilha -ame day bay 5 p ini.
ILenae 3lcdlensivihle ever'. alonay~a tat 83 a mi,
rrive tat Ababevilte ,.ame day hay 5 p am.
31173 1-romi Gieeaauille a h lay Traveller'
~est, Orheatna, .3lerritin ilb.. Flakt Rock. llen
eracatnvlhe. 31mlet reek ad Liametoneie. taeA-.
dill. 62 maicta anal bacak. tharee times a week,
four-holtrse pocit coachtes.
Leave Greenivillec hI every Mccnday. Wed.
esdcay and Satarday at 4 a m.s arrive at Ash-.
ille 4Tame days bay It) p ta.
Leaive .Aslhville every Suntdy, Wedlnesday
ad [-riday at 4 a ma, atrrive: at Greenaville e Ii
came dayisay 10 pm.
Pero )sals to carry in twvo-horsae coachiet will
a considered.
3174 From Greenville e hi by Pleaanut Grove
ad New ilope. tao Spasrtannbuarg c ha, 31 males,
nd back, twice a week, ina twe hiorse e~oachae4.
Leave Greeniville e h : .ry Wedneaisday ande
;sardlay at 9 a tm, atrrit. 1a Spartanbutrg c ha,
nam day's by 5 p in.
Leave Sar'aabhurg c h every Wednecsday -iaac
latrdlay at 5 a mn. iarrive at Greens.ille e ha
ame days bay I p mc.
3175 fromn Greenville e h,. tca .Much Creek.
6 mtiles iad bacrk, onuce a week.
Leave G;reenaville e he eves y Sataurday at I Ip
ui.arrive at ?a1u.h1 Cree'k aame day by 6 Ip mi
Len a a it-sh Cre'ck cc cry Saturday at 6 a an.
rive at Greenville c h snamae day Iby I I a m
:1176 FrPic1ikeavihlle, 'y Eejenlity. Slab
Itwnf. Salter G;Ltwie. White laias, Goelden
igrinags. Doanthiet. ai:d hhiahy C:reek, tar Pie-k
g<-- ille, esiala~ So 22 amilec anad back ,iince a
Leave Peickenisvule, eve'ry S-itarday tat 5 a mt
rrite at P'ickenevihe same dna ay y ti pian
-31-- ro,... P,-ta..v.;l,, l... rJa....... e, .
l'nPfa ikinuawn, T!elve 31le. ;1and uWi eck,
to Ilmckensvile, equal to 'J miles and back,
ontce a week
.etve Pl'eken4ville every .lonidav at 6 a
in, arrive ait 'faiicev e sn day by ; p mn
:ll7 From Pendietn. by Picke-in e hs. West
Unioa. llone Shoe. leans' Ferry. Albright.
Ga, clarksail. iacoece. .\lemnutt Yoahl, und
Pleasant itient. teo l)Aehlne;a, 97 nilee uand
back. twice, a we.k. ins two lone coaches
Leuve l'endlet-ia every Vedlnesday and
S.tueday at .5 it tu, .arr:v at )hlonega nest
diays by -0 p In
L.e.'ve I)a-slotiega every Wediw-lay andil
S~aaurday at III a inl. arrire at l'enidlcti neit
d.IVa by Il p :n1
:17d F,,in I'endle:ot.. by Tom, nrille. 'a-ir.
play. l'arker's Store, ia. Aquilim. eutarneile.
WIlant ii:. lilhville. anld G0illille. to
6:i:,eealile. -U im.s V .: !ac,, once a we k
.cave l'emiheton every Sawraq ift,-r the
v' f a.- 'a at J.: *. . at
G:ievilb-neit day *sy ' p sa
Leave Gainovilfe every Thursday at G a in,
arciv-, at l'endletoii next day at 5 pt vs
Proposala to carry snce or twice i week, in
two lstoe coach"es wil be considered
31-0"1 From likei% e i, lby 1Ieunv land,
clareinant. llacheloril Retrt, and .Martia'
creek, to liieLensce h, erlual to :. niles and
bauk, inCe a wieel
L.eave Pickens r It everv Tucsday at 6 a ln.
:rrive at Pickei e I next da by 1 p Iml
:i From West Unimn to clayton, Ga. 41)
miles and back. onee a week.
Leave West Union every v Weel ay :t i; a
in. arrive at clay ton 16ame1 diay ly 5 yt Il
L.eave clayton every Weibe.lav at G a n,
arrime at West .Lijioi same diy ty'. - p Iml
s PCnc U. OrriCE.
Proposal% are. in tied for stipplyin- the folon
ing oicca i Smnth Carolina. lfor the ge tg
Proceeds of -ail oftlie, resectively. liitied
t I a um tu be iiated in tile p#ru'lUonal ill e.ach
ll.akh-ad c:inter% from Vaterboro, 20 mile.
ald ba.ie k . lice . vs.@ k
ian1i Iroea Gl ahatu ille, 22 inlAes and
back.unAce! a week
)at- Wet corer frum Ablbe% ille, 1 mile.I
aid back, ovc'e a nec k
Iib ty liall frome Pageseil!e, 8 illes and
b le C i :e1 week
.Inchwood frme Tillecr's Ferry,7 milet and
bc. cnl.o I a n ed
Salaority Croat )oW!.:t iranches. 5 tniles
and b*ek. oc e a
San 3inn Nratini t. 3l4.:iLtws, 6 iles and
, i. oie a . e4
* 1J. a n'M.li, from .alanat Gallahe'r, 4.j
Ile! ail hack. once a we.k
i Whllie lladl from FrazKr. ite. f1 wiles aind
arc, once a n e-k
1. Seven nainuteq are allowcd for 'opening
and closing tile iuails at all otticets, whiecre in
particular tirne is specified, but (ln ieailroad
a and i-teninhoat routes there is to be. no aore de.
lay thcan is nccesr(wy to deliver and receive the
.T inaiil is ibe conveyed in lrerernce
to pns-iaers. and trO thme enrtire exclusion, if
its weirbt and ulk reaepare it.
3. A prefi-rece i.-t to bie givena to pan.engers
lereniga lit lalth rianaccig mad limalL over tlose,
travelling in any iother.
-1. 1'or.t Ollice blarksc, mail hags, andi the
special agents of' the Delpartimenit. on ex.
hllitin of' their crelentials, are to be conver
ed without lirther charge on inail Imes adualt
ting of such conveyance.
5. .Mail agents are to ie- ntryed without
charge on the principal railroad and steaibat
lie.4, wvhere the size oftle uwails aland tihe tuna
ber of the otlices will regquire their employ.
ment by the Deportmeit, and ins that case a
soparate apartment for the amssrting and safe.
keeping of tie nail, i. to be provided lay de
buatraetor ader theo direction of the Depart.
6. In all cases. there is to be a forfeiture of
the pay of the trip, when the trip is not rnn;
a lerfeitire of at least oel-fourth part of it,
whaen the running or arrival is saa far behaind
titne as to lese thec coannectieon nieth a depenid
ingcc tnail anad a forfeiture of a due perophortin
ofl it, wvhein a grade of eervice~ is rceadercd inf'e
iior to thai ill the contract. Thcese tricitacre
naaay be iuncreasedl ito penaaitie.s e't higher
:a~ntiiit accor-ling teo the rnatmie or f'raequecy
Iof hce t~siiure andc the i:eeportanice~ ef the nad.
7. Finer vt wIl hecunpo-ed,. untless the edelin
queniC c be at:.det.erily' explai ncel ini edie ti me,.
acer f~cnling toc take fromc. or deli-.er at a 1ost eaf
fice. the ecnil, or anay patrt of' it : for sifering'
itobwe. ineared, lu-c, eor de-trayed: fear coan
veyinacg itra a llce or ma.atnner that expomes it
tdeparedasion. le.. eer injeury : fear refusing af
te~r demuand tea conuvey.! a acaail by anly coaacha. r.aid
road car. or steamboaeat, whaich the contractor
reglarlyI runes ore the roete., heyondle the speci
iedl icoianber ef trips ala the cotriact: anad for
nIot arris iang at the timne ..et. A nid fear setting
u p er ritunni andi express toti transcnit coiliaer
enil aintellbgece in cud vacste of thea mail. a pen-'
a!:y wdll be e.1::ctedl elial ti a esparter's pay.
.w The l'ota teir Uceneral inaav anico thle
'onatrar't fhr re-pea:ted faileure,; fer violating thec
Posact O)t!jee lt w a; liar disoeulvie:: the ina.:tuc
tione, eaf th~e IOrpaertneeeni: feoa refingi e teo dli
ch-er;' e a'carrbe-r tyheni recacri '' lby the Ih-p::rt
mleaci : r a1-i~irmu Iia teae crart n athienct the.
'aoa"nt ofe i.- Poeltwai.-'cr Ie-neiLh. ear tear aei
t:c'ti a or rtiu ;g ani ex9... :., a'hci eca~eid.
:.. i. I'ei.t.i-t 4 aei,era! 1.-v :dte~r the~
coatract, ;ae aiter !.ce -.chlaeai. he~ allon ing~ it
pare-r-sta increas eefl cirnyeet'sC .c. ~u ithiun the
rerictios i:ncacaed lay ..a f tr thec .ci-edetional:
su~avice reive~cd, ear for thie i .''ressced rcedel
itilce thelm~eeynee.t ect .e!elatmaecal caeck or car
riers ia remieered naee'.ar', buti ihe cuntractoir
n tay. iaa ceeh~ ca-e. relingni-u-h the conetact, on
itn:aly noatice. if he jic,-fera it to the chanage.
lIe aey atno disceontinu mala icra tai thae -ery we.~
hie alew iu:: ona etmnah' citry pa ona the
ie.cuTe pann;: e:--I niii bce I-aele theronagh
dlratlc n post uica-, eer olthier w ise. after- the.- ex
picrationa el eacha qualrter, e-ae ini February.
I.lav. Ait:ntst andea Noea'heer.
II. Thle di..taces are~ gi'-a acccrdliize to thn
best ittermaition: bhat io ientcreed pay na ill
lbe aallowa ed. .hoould they pcre' 10 le greater
thlian is adver'ctiaed, if thec places are correctly
1'.. Thu l'ocetmaste~r Genearal is perohlibitced
lay law frotm kaaonaingly cecaking a conhtractI
frhetransp1ortationrs eat the mad~e with any
ptrson wh tall haave enatered mit any comebi
mactiona or proposed to) enter into any 'cmbai-a
tioni. to preventL thle :nakieng ef ainy laid fur a
macil ceentraect by aney otheer piereme ar persons.
wheo sheall lhave ma.e any agreeene. or edhall
hea e givena or pecrfeanmaed,'ear promtised to give,
oar peerfoarma acy considceatieont tee do, or noet tee
do, anyvitig whvlate-ver, tee icndnec ay othecr
pcerwone cnot ta buid foer a ael ca ct.
131. Otn coachl roaute's whaere the pareent cocn
tractor sheall lee suplle'rseed lay ace undaerbider.
w temay tnot basre thce tage property reesa.-ite
ier the perforance of' the 'otntrcet, lee shall
purcrhla.e froam the peeent ceante aecter '-uch e f
hi,. coae hi-s.tcecnes, andelh:arccec, beeleongcicg tea the
Irente :c4 'el1t le n't'Pilel, erllciaj lee catceade
ier thei -ercrce. at ae lcir r:,inaetione : citd mac~ke
p-ligmnt thcere'fir byi rea-eonabb-e insetahnacent.~ a
hi-e pay baecomce< de~e, uacts the ;are-enct cute
Ii teor ehelccl ectectiane to ruce ateael on ihe
einte S~hold they tnot utrcee its tie the aenitac
bleno ef the pereperty. the terima, ear the -.ee
rit'a. ealcaec m aahe,e a peerson whol mcay cp
po'mct ac chir'i.ancd thaeir deceision shlall bte fiaal ;l
ceg the l'ostacsc.te'r Geunernl waill eamele thme teet
pi re. Shuld te. eeudmerbideer fail tea 'cimply.
le bid h l el lae e'rede to the cotractior: hnt
th~el~ le e.. le.tae ,t. the pranosal-a f thcet rc
derbidder will be jceie-d u3seJd.uw1igu1a
The underbidder -hould pire early itice lu,
i.ntention t( take or not tu to/ake ine .-ttIvj, n11d
if tihe Liater, of' his reasois ;and thle present
contrzactor in to i.. terine. fil tIe iii..t appisca
tion. whether le n% 4!1 e:ll it a n8..
14. A b.d recea ed af;er mw-u. t"-wit: the
l3th April next at 3 i In. or without the guar
uilec required by law ; or that co:bineu one
ral rout, :n tine hun orcotiopenation. crm:nout
be coluideied int comltpe-titi)n with a regular
ropo.<uli. not adjudged it) be ext.%iava-gntit.
1,5. A bidder muy ou'r o coilach, railroad. or
teaisbouat routes, wisere tha t tranisportation its
dilhiciult or inpracticaile : cerimea s ueaS. , t,
seurse or n : -'c Clle.- nUe i is
interist herrire. a ,.rtlwd beCilitr of days.
wakO nomonthll. lie lay propo-e to ohnut all
u:iee that is inmccesible. or is nrot ),, the. s:;e
I rtiad. t,-- r.ivay. er at 3 ste.:nlholat !aNde;g, as
tme .le nay be. tr e Ii.! , -r to "3*ten e' itue
ao ilterir miodeof2uvpy It. . -Urel Cne. lie
tunt :s c aked. ea it is btious that no mail
cuineetiur1 .r otheir piubic 3ceot ;m"Atioti i
prejuhee., ile 111Y 1a.r Ir a pecified num.
J.r of day, 1o;r istere ruinint tine to the tri at
certain Iea on hl eeji::rly had loads. But
beyontd the-se ennges, a1 piool for service
difflerent fromu fhe :adrettirwement will prev-ent
n2 beieng con '.4,red in collptim:ion with a reg
ui:ar bid. net tl Pet aside for extraeaganco; and
wiler ita bid cultaie. analny of the abore altera
tions. their divade:,nit::es will be estimated in
Cmilparing it with ather proposals.
Iti. There should be but one route bid fur in
a propesal.
17. The route, fahe ert ice. the yearly pay,
the btiddier's i:ine aureeid nice, anId the iname
of each inember of the firm, when a company
offero. should be distinc'?v ittated.
Id. The fohlowin: is ii'e form of the gnar
aintee which ushond he !illed.the first blank with
ithe iane oftihe guiv:antor. the second with
that of the bid-let , and the third and fourth
with tie IeN-ini:al wil :erinintifig points of
thoe rotu t: aind al'ter bein-t dated. should be
1gned by theb - gir:hor. who musist be shown by
tritt..r tr icat'- f . e po-tanaater. or other
'j"cy -i:e1.r ir ad. to be a man of
poropert;. and able tu iiake good hsis guaranty.
This;:narantv, Peo cerfitied, honid accompany
each bidl.
-1i *unetrrpegrned-1 guaranties that
---Whims bid for carry ing the mail foiom -
1.1 - 11-! 2.t.-cepteel lh tih l'PWnmiuater Cets
er.tl. --- eIal enter fito an ibiligntion plior
tf the at day i..& July.v nexr. with good and auf
ticient suretieq, to jerlirtn flhe service propo
-' Dted "
19. The hcit ,hould !c' senit wnder eal, ad
dre-ed it)o, 1-th r.t .-hirtant l'stmasvter Gen
erath --Mai l'ropoe)3al in the state of
--. wr::ten n thee lace of the letter; and
shoui be dceopatched in time to be received by
eor before fle 13th A pril next, at 3 o'clock. p in.
:2). The contract are be executed before
the 1st July next.
Post Offite Departnent. Dec. 13. 16-2.
January 11 12t 50
State of' South Carolina.
(jrnlinary of Edtetield District.
Whereas J:CItes C. .Whittle. hath ap
plied to me for Letters of Admintistration
o0n all and singular the gools and chattels,
rights and crhtils of John Warren, late of
the District aforcail, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admoti
ish all anld bingular, the kiudredi and cre
ditors of the said deccased, to be and ap
,ear before me. at our next Ordinary's
Court for tile said District to be holden at
Edgcfield Cjour Hlouse on the 13th March,
1643, to show cause if any, why the said
Adminitstratinu should not be granted.
Given under my hand and seal this 17th
day of FoS'. one thousand eight hutndred
andi forty two, and in thc sixty-seventh
year of .\merican. [ndepeudeoce.
0. TOW LES, 0. E. D.
i'eb. 20. {$2 124} 2t 4
State of South Carolina.
B Y y LIV~El T OWLES. Esquire.
Ordinuary of Edlgefieled District.
Whberens. Willia-n Murrel, hath applied
tol me for Letters of Administraion mn all
and sinegular the gooeds andi chattels, rights.
nnmd eredits of John MceClendon, late of the
District aforesuid, daceased.
Thlese are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish all and sing'ular the kiudred and credi
tors of the said dlecasedi , tie cud appear
before tue. at our neCxt Ordlinary's Court
for the 'eid District 3o be holJen at Edge
fleld Copurt Ilouteeon the 13th M1arch. 1843,
to -,bo-x e-nu, If nutv. whty the said Ad
uintras~ution shotnhl not lhe gratntedl.
Giv.en tiner mvy htieoe and scal this 17th
day~ of Febru ary, ~no teousand eight hun
dredl andt forty three, anid in the sixty sc
veth year oh .\merienn lindepecndence.
(O, TOWLES. o. E. n.
I".b. 20). l1':. [$2 12} 4
State of' South ('aroinia,
BY OLIV~El Tm'F Wld.S. Es-quire,
I)Ord ineary of 1Edgetieldi District.
Whlereaa. Jaceob I. e. haeth applied to
men for Leiters of Adhminatration, with the
will anntexed, on -cl anid singular the goods
ande ehatttets, rigzhts' and credits of Amos
lBanks. lato of the Di2.aict aforesaid, do
'I hese arce, therefore, teo cite and admon
i~sh 30l and. sing~ul.tr, the kindred an~d cred
itoars eef the saied decea-ced, to be and appear
lefuort e. at ocur text Ordlinary's Court
for the saidI District to be holent at Edge
hieled Court Hlouse otn the 13th M1archi, 1843,
to show cause. if any, why the said Ad
tministratiotn shouled not lhe granted.
Given under tmy hand antd seal this 17th
day of F-ebruarv, one thoosande eight hun
irced ant forty threc, and in tihe sixty-se
venth year of Armericenn Independence.
O. TO W LES, 0. E. D.
Feb. 22 [$2 12] b 4
rp lIE Subiscribers beegs leave to inform
Itheir frietnds and the publtic ini gene
ral. that tthey havinig entered in eo part
ner-.hip, are dtetermiuned teo work to suit
cthe time3C. and wilt be thankful for all
eorder. thteir frieneds aned he peublic may be
plea-tedt toe give thtem: nit work they re
cie n ill tbe edone by themselves.
Hlous. .Sin. aind Ornuantental Painting.
Iitiationzs of WVoodl and Marble.
Chjair-s andt othecr Furniiturc dlone in tho
nenteC.t mnner, and1( at the sehortesf notice.
F$"All orders frotm the country punctu
ally attended to.
.. W. DUR fLL,
Kiagefteeld C. II. Feb. 15 -It 3

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