OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 30, 1845, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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and all the.appfiances which . the Trustees
inteid to bring there are accomplisher,
the Iercer University will doubless afford
ample.facilities for Literary and Theolog
ical pursuits. -
Leaving Pennfield and passing through
Washington and Lincolnton, l reached
home on the 2dday of April, being absent
two months-and three weeks, and-found
my family in.comfortable health.
To the honor of God, I now record his
mercy to me in that no -accident befel me
in.my journey of nine hundred miles-that
-I met with kind treatment in every place
a rece-ption, as a 'Minister of Christ, far
beyond my -merits. Obtained in cash sub
scription to the Bible cause. more than
$700, and have returned with my consti
tution greatly invigorated, and my health
Edgefield.C. I., 25th April,1845.
The revenue at New York, last week,
was $446,701 94. which shows an an im
port of goods.fully eqtal to all our wants,
.gnd full as many as our crops will pay for.
-N. Y. Express.
Post Ofce Robbery,-We are informed
that a number of letters have recently been
abstracted from the Po-t Office at Laurens
C. H., some 'of- which. consained money.
A young nan by the name.of E. A. Sau
nier was sispected of having committed
the-theft, when he was arrested and lodged
in jail at that place. It is stated that a
number of the missing letters were found
in his trunk, having been broken open and
rifled of their contents.-Mountaineer.
-Continued Drought.-Another:week has
passed without sufficient rain to-lay the
-dust. The wheat and oat. crops are very
much injured, and in some fields entirely
cut off; the corn and 'cotton seed that has
been planted.itr many places, cannot come
up. The drought seems to-extend through
out the whole United States, with- the ex
eeption of light and: partial showers in
- some sections.
Creditable to the 1. O. of 0. F.-The
grand lodge of Masiss:ppi have voted that
any odd fellow who may be concerned in a
duel shall be at once expelled from the
Hamburg Prices Current.
APRIL 23, 1845.
Bacon, per lb. Iron, per lb.
Hog round, 7 a 74 Sweedes,ass'd, 4 a 6
Haus, 74 a 84 Hoop. 74 a 9
Shoulders, 6. a 7 Sheet. 7 a 9
Sides, 7 a 74 Nail Rods, 74 a 8
Bagging. per y'd. RuIssa bar 5 a 6
Beat Hemp, 17 a 20 Plongh Moulds, 6 a 7
Tow, ,15 a 1 Lard, per lb. 6.3 a 9
Cotton, 174 a 00 Lead, " " 6 a 8
Balcrope, per lb. i a Itt Lime, per bbl.
Bcsrwa:c. prlb. 22 ,t 25 Stone, 2 00 a"2 50
Cotton. per lb. Rice, per 100lbs. 4 00
Ord. to 51 id'g - 44 a 5 Su. ars. per lh.
Middling Fair. 54 a 53 St. Croix, 10 a 11.
Fully Fair, 5.1 a 'Pot to Rico, .7 a 10
Fine, a New Orleans 7 a 10
Coffce, per lb. lavana. whi:e 10 a 12
Rio, 8 a 10 Do. - brown 8 a 9
Java. 3 a .15 Loaf and lump,13 a 15
Corn, per bu., 00 a 50 Salt. per bush. 45,A 50
Corn Meal, 50 a 624 Sack, 1 50 a 1.62
Flour.-per bbl. Tallow, ier tb 8 a- 10
Canal, 6 25 a 0 00 Twine. per lb.
Country, 4 50 a 5 00 American, 25 a 30
Hides, per lb. 7 a 8 l~nglishi, 25 a 374
H-IAMBURG, A pril 26.
Coiton.-On Wed'riesday there was more ea
siness among buyers, and a 'disposition to go
into thte ismarket, eveni at advantci ng rates l'rom
those of the-day previoaus. Thbursday opened
with a decided itiiproveneent In prices, owing.
to the fact, thiat the mtarkets below, as also that
of Newv York, on account of the untfavorable
news by the steamer ; our tmarket assumed a
more liveller appearance-a .till better feeling
took holdl oh biuyei-s, and sellers were enabled
to- realize faith 4c. otn Tntesday's prices ; leaving
thte market only dc. below onr highest quota
tions for tlhe past foutr wee'ks. T~he mnrket
close's dnll, wiuh the expectation of later dates
frotm Liverpool. Extremes 5% a 0G.-Daily
C HA RL ESTON. A pril gO.
Cotton.-The Uplanad market on Satutrday
last. that bettg the first day of our eomtmercial
week, passed very quiet, the sales amnountirig
to bttt 757 bales, withoiut change in prices
fromt the prev'ious week. Oni Sunday Liver
p~oll dates were received by the Gteat Wes.
tean to the 26th uIt- These accounts being con
sideredl as mnch more unfavorahle thtan they
hae ever b'-en anticipated, the matke't on Mon-.
day came nearly to a dead staund. We quote .
Inferior to Ordinary. 5 a 54
Middling..a middling fair, 54 a 6
Fair a good fair, .6, a 64
Choice, 6g- a 6a
Departed this life on the 2nd April. in the.
84th yeiar of her age, Mrs. SAnAH Buosu, con
sort of the late Isaac Bush, both of this District.
Sho was born in North Carolina, but moved in
early life with her parents to the State of Geer
gia. Sho had a very distinct recollection of
"those times that tricedmi's souls," and was a
sharer of those troubles :ind-parivations. From
Georgia she nioved to Greenville District, itn
this State, and from there to Edgefield. She
in early life evinced her devotion to the cause
.of her great redeemer, 'witichm s, pre--emtinet
ly marked the whole cours'e of her long
and chieckei-ed life, arnd enabled her so suc-I
cessfully to withstand its temptations and trials,
when religion was at so low an ebb She was '
baptized itt her 16th year by the Rev. A brahaum
Marshal, in the- State of Georgia. near Brier
Creek. and from that until the tune of her death I
67 years, was a oious and orderly member of
the-Baptist Chutrh. He11r last membership was
at Dry Creek Chutch, and we believe was the
oldest member. She was always calm and
retirinag in her habits, possessing that peace of
mind thiat-snrnassezh all understanding"-was
paver known tos have a difficulty with it neigh
bor or friend, or to speak evil of any one. In
horlatter days her constant-theme was reli
gion. For two-or tht eyears preceedingr her
death, site ret-with is heavy affliction in not
beimg able to -read time - Scripturs from partial
failure of sight. .She hed aways been a con
stat,t and diligent reader of the- word of God.
searching after "-eternal.'life." -8be bore it
with the patience and resignation ora true chris
tian, always repeating the "will of the Lord be
done." She was tiken sick on Thursday night
when retiring to rest, and lived only 96 hours,
when her ransomed spiirit 'was loosed fromr its
clayey tenement, aind took its fig~ht to the hatven
of bliss-to the " rest that remaineth- for the
Operations on the Teeth.
W ILL be at Edgefield Village,.od the first ga
day of June, and will remain for several by
days, during which Limp he may be consulted at jou
Mr. Goodman's Hotel, and will ie prepared the
to perform all operations connected wit his n
profession, in the neatest and best manner. cot
April 30 4t* 14 an
Reg'tal Head liuarters, off
7TH REG'NT, I. S. C. M. mi
EDGEFIELD C. H., S. C. vir
April 22,1845.
Orders No. I.
IN PRSaUACK of Orders from w
Head Quarters, the 7th Regi til
,nent.Ifhntry. S. C. M., will parade of
for review and drill, at the Old Wis- de
on Thursday, the 10th of July next- as
The cemmissioned and noncom
missioned officers will assemble on Jo
the day previous, for drill and in- he
- - struction. - to
Colonel 7th Regimont Infantry, S. C. M.- toi
April23 lot 9 N
Reg'tal IHead'Quarters, o
7TH RET'N T. 1. S. C. M. n;
April 22, 1845.
Orders No.2.
H' E Upper Battalion of the 7th Regiment o
.Infantry, S. C. M., will parade for review th
2nd drill, at the Pine House, on Saturday the
28th of June next. . - -1
The officers and non-commissioned officers
will assemble the day prtvious, for drill ,and E
The Lower Battalion of the same Regiment
will assemble at the Cherokee Ponds. on Sut t
urday the 5th ofJuly for drill and review. Of
firers and eon-commissioned officers the day W
previous, for drill and instruction. - t"
Lieut. Col. Posey and Major Mills are char tr
ged with the extension of this order to their resi tr
pective Battalions. E
By order of COL. WIGFA.L : E
G. D..MIMS, Adjutant. t
April23 9 14 "
PPEAR on your usual Company Muster C
Ground, on Saturday the 10th Mgay next, B
at 11 o'clock, A. M , for instruction and drill, t
armed and equipped as the law directs. d
By order of Capt. C. A. M . s : 'l
- J. COHN, 0. S.
April 30th 2t 14 1
R ANAWAY from the Subscriber, on the
18th instant his indentered apptentice,
to the Printing business, by the name of John
Kimmey. Said boy is about 13 or 14 years of
age, sandy colored hair, black eyes; and about
4 feet 8 or 10 inches high. He has an impedi
ment in his speech, which causes him to stutter
so much that he very seldom tells the truttt.
All persons are hereby cautioned against har.
boring or employing said boy, as the law will
be strictly enforced. The above reward and no C
thanks- will be given for his apprehension. d
W.. F. DIUSOE. p
Aprilt30 f 14
State 9f. South Cai-olina; r
John B. Gorden C
Vs. Attachinent. B
Joseph M. Perry. n
Alex. J. L awton cc
vs. .A trachmedt. c
Joseph .3. Perry. .
71H E Plaintiff's having this day -filed tI
.Ltheir Declarations in the above stated tE
case'sin my offiee. It is therefore, Ordlered, in
that.the Defendant dd appear and pledto ii
the said Declatrations within a year aiid a in
day from the date hereof, or in defa' Ii ci
thereof finel and absoluie judgments wvill ri
be given and awarded against the said r
Defeodant in both the above stated cases.
TIJOS. G. BACON. c. c. r. 0
Clerk's Office, 28th A pril, 1845. I
April 30 14 ly -
State of' South ('arloina. tI
CAPT. T. J. DYSON, living near the ~
Fork of Wilson Creek and Siluda
River. Tolled beforo mie a bright sorrel i
horse, eleven years old, 15 hands high; of
some white arbout 6ach hind foot, one fore 3:
foot white haf dav up the leg, large blaze 's
in his face, and hip shut in the right hip, t(
and appraised at $20. . I
T HOS. NiCH O LS, Mag. h
April30. 15 .4tmn ri
Positively the ga intich.
A Estate of John Cheathami, Sen..deceas- t
e-,are requested to present thecm properly at- r
tested within the'time prescribed by law, and
those wvho do not avail themselves with this op
portunity wilI- not be paid.
March 4 ty & Execxtor
T HE Susrbrhaving purchiased Mr. mn
C. M.GRAY's interest in the Butch.
ering business, respietfully informs the cita
izens of Edgefield Village. that ho inte'nds to
continne to supply thne Market wit., choice
Beef, Veal, 3lutton atad Lambs, on us reasona- -
ble terms as the times will afford. Hie willj
commence on the fiast Mlonday in Alpril 'next, i.
and will continue to furnish his customers on h
Monday and Thursday's, until the mouth of i
June, when he will furnish the Market three thn
times a week during the Summer. Thankful
for past patronage, he hopes by st. ict attention'
to merit a share of the public patronage. He H
will devote his wh~ole time to the interest of his
N. B. Cash paid for flue Stallfed Beeves.
March 26 41 9.
Attention Light Infantry.
8piit of '76.
ii YOU will attend at Red Hill for
Battalliotn Review and Drill on Sat
urday the 3rd day of May next, by .
10 o'clock,A. 3M.. armed and equip
ped as the law directs. Commission- 7
ed and non-commissioned officers will
meet the day previous, for drill and offi
instruction. -tori
By order of Capt. Jous HuIL.LSt
B. MAR TIN, 0. S. wit
April1 -I 1 12 foua
S- to t
EQ" The friend ofs Liout. JizES B. day
hARRts,-announce him as a candidate for and
the office of tas Collector at the next ee- the:
t~t) (
Honeywood 10th Feb. 1834.
N purstiance of an Act of the Legislature,
passed-bn 'he 19th of December last, end
ed 'An Act to provide for the Military or.
lizatlon of this State," Commissioners were
me appointed to divide each of the Battal
s, composing the 7th and 10th Regiments of
Militia of this State into tour Beats, as
irly equal in territory and population as the
ivenience of the several parts would admit,
d to designate in each of the Beats so laid
a suitable and convenient ;:endgevous or
mpany Muster Ground. The said Coin
isioners have made the following reports,
or the Upper Battalion, 7th Regiment.
EDnEFIELD, February 3,1834.
Sir :-In pursuance of your orders, dated
illington, 1st January. 1834. we have divided
Upper Battalion of the Seventh Regiment
infantry into four beat companies, and have
signated the places of company rendezvous
follows --
Beat No. 4-Begin at the old cow-trail, near
ha Gomillion's, and follow that trail to the
ad of Bridge Creek; thence down the Creek
the southern line of this District; thence along
id line to the road from Edgielh to Charles
; thence up that road to the fork with the
3w .larket road; thence along thu New Mar
t road to the Old Wells; thence along the road
Columbia, by the Pine. Honse, to the begin
ng company rendezvous at Bridwell's, (or
illiam's old place.)
Beat No. 3-Begin at the cow trail near John
amillion's, and run along the upper Colun
a road to Watson's; thence dt wa the Charles.
n road to the southern line of the District;
ence along that line to Bridge Creek: thence
the creek to the old cow-trail. near the head
the Creek; thence up the old cow-trail to the
ginning company rendezvous at Posey's, (or
van's old place.)
Beat No. 2-Begin at the Pine House, and
h along the upper Columbia road to Lott's;
ence along the Longcane road to the line be
reen the seventh tnd ninth Regiments, thence
ong the regimental line to the road at Lof
n's, thence down the' road following its old
at to the west if Pottersville, and including
attersville In this beat, to the Court Hobse in
dgefield Villagc; thence along the inaih street
the old Charleston toad. opposite to Mitch
l's; thence doivn the Charleston road to the
,i.nning compati *rendezvous at A. Blind's.
Beat No. 1-Begin at the Old Vells; thence
ong the upper Cohimbia toad to its mouth op
isite Mitchell's; thence the main street to the
ourt House in Edgefield ; thence up the
locker road to the regimental line near Lof
n's ; thence along the regimental line, and
twn Cedar Creek, and down Horn's Creek
the New Market road ; thence along the New
aiket road to the beginning, company ren
;zvous at William Mays'.
Respectfully submitted.
o Brigadier General WILLIAM A. BULL, Con
nanding Second Brigade, S. C. Militia.
Cloud's, 9th January, 1P34. {
Sir:-In pursuance of our appointment as
ominissioner's for that purpose, we have this
ty laid off this Battaliou, into four Beat Coin
ins, as follows. viz:
Beat No. I-Commencing at the mouth of
ox's Creek, on Savannah River; thence up
id creek to its source; thence an imaginary
ae.intersecting the Augusta toad near the rer.
ence of Sitinuel Warner.; pinc down- tha
ugusta -oad to the road leading to Horse
reek Bridge; thence down said read to said
ridge; thence down Horse Creek to Savan
ih river.; and thence up the river to the
outh of Fox's creek, the beginning place of
mmpay rendezvonmsat Hamburg.
Beat No. '2-Comnmencing at :the mouth of
OX'S creek, and continnmtig up said creek along
e boundary line of beat number 1 to its in
rsection with the Angusta road nepr War
yr's; thence up the said to the Old Wells;
ence up the New Market road, (Baitalion
ie.) to Horn's creek ; thlence down said creek
Stephen's creek ; thenee .down Stephen's
-ek to Savanniah rivei-; thence down the
ver to Fox's creek. the beginning. company
:ndezvous fork of the road at Butler's.
Beat No. 3--Commecinig at the itiersection
thie l3attalioni line wvith thie westerna bounidary
Barnwell District :.thence ny) the Battitlion
e tO the Ol.l -Wells; thence down the An
tsta road to the road Ieaditig to florse Creek
xidge; thence dowin said road to said bridge;
ence down the road leading into the Charles.
ii road at Mo'seley's below the Horsepen
und to the residence of M rs. Glover , thence
ang an imaginamy'line to intersect .the wes
rn boundary of BarnwellgVistrict, bot mid
a'y between Bnrges' Mill. and the intersectionu
'the road leading into the Cliarlestoar road at
'oseley's, with the westerni bounda'ry of Barn-.
ell District ; and-thence along said'l~otundary
the beginning; company rendezvous, at
amnilton's bridge an H orse creek..
Beat No..4-Cotunencing at Horse creek
idge; thence down said creek to Savanniah
~er; thence down the river to the Barnwsll
e; thence along said District line to the in.
raection or the imaginary boundary line of
'at niumber 3;- thence up said boundary line
Hlorse creek bridge. the beginning company
ndezv'ous at Nail's Store.,
Respectfully re:.orted.
iBrigadier General WuLLIAx A. BUL.. Com-.
inding Second Brigade, S. C. Militia.
State of South Caitolina,
GEORGE POPE, Clerk of the Court of
Common Pleas and Geaeral Sessions, and
;ofhicio Registre of Mesne Conveyances, for
iDistrict and State aforesaid, do certify the
-egoing to be a corrcet coupy as will a ppear by
arecord of my said office. of book x x. pa.
s 484 and 485.
Given under my hand at Edgefield Court
muse, this 8th day o.f February, 1844.
-GEORGE POPE, c. c.r.
April 30 It .14
State of' South Carolina.
C. 3. Glover, )Deca'rationt in
vs. Foreign Attack
Jantes HI. Haruison. ) ment.
r he Sa me, Decdaration in Foreign At
the same. ane.
tH E Plaintiff in the above stated casesgav
ing this day filed -hitsdeclarations in my
ce, and the defendants havineno wife or at
tea known to be within the limits of this
te, on whom a copy of said declarations
h a rule to plead can be sei ved : It is there
Sordered, that the said defendants do plead
ho said declarations, within a year and a
from the publication of this order, or fnal
absolute judgment will be awarded against
n. T HOS. G BA CON, c. c. r.
.,,rkas. ne Oct. , 18 . n 41
Charleston, 12th April, 1845.
u1IE following Regiments will parade far I
Review and Drill, at the times and places
as follows, viz:
The 44th Regiment of lntabtry at Suinier
Ville, on Wednesday the2lst of May next.'
TIhe 20th Regiment at the Swimming Pens,
on Friday the 23d of May.
The 29th Regiment at Darlington c. house,
on Monday the 26th of May.
The 30th Regiment at Benniettsville, on Wed
uesday the 2th of May..
The 28th Regiment at Chesterfield c. house,
on Friday the 29th of May.
The 21st Regiment at Lancasterville, on
Tuesday the 3d of June.
The 22d Regiment at Cathden, on Friday
thn 6th of June.
The 25th Regiment at Widnisboro', on Thurs
day the 12th of June.
The 24th Regiment hear Winns' bridge, on
Saturday the 14th of June.
The 6th Regiment of Cavalry- at Youngs
Ville, on Tuesday the 17th of J une.
The 26th Regiment of Infantry at Chester.
ville, on Thursday the 19th of June.
The 27th Regiment at Rich Hill, on Satur
day the 21st ot June. .
The 46th Regiment at Ebenezer, on Tues
day the 24th of June
The 34th Regitment at Yorkville, on Ttiesday
the 26th of June.
The 37th ,Regiiuent a or near Wilkins's old
field, on Saturday the 28th of June.
The 35th Regiment at Union Court House,
on Tuesday the arday of July.
Th'e 9th 'Regiment of -Cavalry, near the
Gleen's s pi-ings, on Thuisday the 3d of July.
The 10th Regiment of Ii.fantry, at Richard
son's on Tuesday the 0th of July. -
The 7th Regiment at the Old Welis, on
Thursday the 10th of luly.
The 9th. Regiment' at Low's, on Saturday
the 12th di July.
'The Cominisioned Officers of the 2d Bri
Bade of Infantry and the 2d Regiment of Cav
aIry, will assemble at Longmire's, on Monday
the 14th of July, and Encamp five days.
The 2d Regiment of Cavalry, will parade
for Review and Drill, on Saturday the 19th of
The 8th Regiment of Infantry, at Morrow's
old field, on Tuesday the 22d of July.
The 6th Regiment at Lomax's, on Thursday
the 24th of July
The 4th Regiment at Verrennes, on Saturday
the 26th of July.
The 42d Regiment at Mlinton's, on Tuesday
the 29th of July.
The 2d Regiment at Hall's, on Thursday the
31s: of July.
The 5th Regiment at Hunter's, on Saturday
the 2d of August.
The Conunissioned Officei-s of the 1st Bri
gade of Infantry. and the 1st Regiment of Cav
alry, will assemble at Pickensville, em Monday
the 4th of August, and Eucamp five days.
1st Regiment of Cavalry. will pdrade for
Review and Drill, on Saturday the 9th of
The 1st Regiment at Bruton's, on Thursday
the 14th of August.
The 36th Regiment at Timmon's, on Tuesday
the 19th of August.
- The Commissioned and WonConunined.
d1DbegWitr''aii,bie on the d~iy prevlonus, ex'
cept those of the 19th Regiment, and they will
assemble on the Saturday previous for drill and
The 5th Regiment of Cavalry will parade by
Coinpanies or Squadrons, (except that part in
Richland District) with the infantry Regiments
most convemlent.
The. Major Generals and Brigadier Generals,
will, with their staf', attend the Reviews and
Encamnpmentts within their respective coml
The Brigndier Gener-als afe charged with the
extension of this order, to their respectade Bri
gades.. .
By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
J. W. CANTrEY, Adjutant and insp'r. Geni.
A pril 23 14 f4
.Just Receiled
0 Pounds RIO COFFEE.
SCheap for ensh,.hy.
A pril 16 if 12
P ERSONS having demands against the
Estate of Ann M-i. T-ri-y, deceased, are
inotified to present thein properly attested, and
those indebted to said Estate ate requested to
niake irmnediate papmnent.
March1J. TER RY, Execuior.
LL . NMOtice... ni(ur
A LLdmnstrates. Exctforsan ar
. dians having returns tov. make in my of
feare reques'ted to miake them as early as
practicable. -
- OHN HILL, o. E. D.
A pril 16 2t 12
73ItE Commissioneas of the Poor.fo'r Edge
field, being derirous to, change theloa
tion of the present Poor House, wvill receive
Proposals front any persons, wvho may be will
ing to sell as much as-one hundred and fifty or
two hundred acres of land, well watered and
well tiimbered,-situate within six miles of this
plae. ddtas .SETH BUTLER.
Chairman of the Board, Edgefield C, II., bc
fore~ the 1st day of May next.
April 9 - 4t 11
State of South (arOlina,
Daniel Boon. Applicants,. Summonts I
is. Geotge Horn and oth- in -
.era. Defendlants.- . Pareition. c
I T appearing to my satifacetion thbat.John
. H orn, George.Eleniburg, Larkin Eleniburg,
Ralph Elenburg, Adam and Nicholas Elenbttrg, ..
defendants in the above stated ,case, resides
without the limits of this State, It is therefore
ordeted, that they do appea'r and object to the
divisioni or sale of the Real Estate oif George
Horn, Sr.. deceasedofn or before the first tMon
day in July next, or their consent to the same
will be entered of record.
Marchs 26 3m
O.The friends of Maj. S. C. Sco-r-, r
announce him as a candidate for Tax t
Collector, at the ensuing election.
Nov 6. if 41
OWe are authorized to tannobnce
L avr .. WuJso?, as a candidate for the
Office of Tax Collector, at the next electio n.
Pebh.26 ,5
Epsey Salterwhite,
S. D. Clarke & Ca,
the Same. I
Turber Goldsmith, and
otherh, vs.
the Same. J
B Y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, in the above stated cases, I will
>roceed to sell, commencing on Wedaes
lay; the 7th May, at the Store lately dccu
>ied by S. D. Clarko & .Co. In the Town
f Hamburg, So..Ca.; all that stock of
DRUGS, cbnaisting in part of Medicihes,
3hemicals, Perfumery. Paints, Oils. Win
low Glass; Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Fancy
articles, Surgical Instruments, and vari
>us other articles.
Also, at the sain'e time and place, a lot of
Furniture, consisting of 1 Bureau, 2 Look
og Glasses, 3 Tables,' 1- Wash Stand, I
ot of Crockery, I Map, 6 Chairs; 2 Beds
and Furniture,l small Stand, 1 Sideboa-d'
[Carpet, 3 Lamps, 1 snall Bed, 1 Safe, i
et Fire Dogs and Tongs. Sale to .con
inue from day to day, until all is disposed
Tdrtas Cash.
April 23 3t 13
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias to me directed, 1 will proceed to
sell id the Town of Hamburg, S. C.; on
Friday the ninth day of May next, and the
day following, the following' properly, to.
wit : .
H. L. Jeffers & Co. vs. Thomas Kelly,
Spiers & Sale, and others,.vs. the same;,
eight. barrels of Liquors, . Sugar.. CofTee,
Dry Goods, Shoes, Tobatco. Corn and
Peas, and. sundry other-articles usually
kept. ion a Grocery Store.
Terms, cash. .
April23 3t 13
Sheriff's Sale..
B Y virtue of suhdry Write of Fieri Pa
cias, Iwill proceed to..sell at Edgefieli
Court House, on.the First Monday and Tues
day following in May next, the-following prop
erty, to-wit :
Witiam Woodberry, Indorser, vs. Rn.
dolph Carter and Elizabeth Carter,. the
tract of land where the' defendyt Elis
abetli Carter now resides, adjoining lands
of .lit Wise and others..
~ M. T. Mendenhall and others, vs. W.
J. Williams, the tract of land where the
defendant lives, containing twenty-five
liundred acres, more or less, adjoining of
lands of Edmund Cannady and others, on
Bridge Creek.
Thomas Carson, vs. Young M'crchant
and A. L. Nicholson, the tract of laud
where the defendant Young Merchant
now lives, containing fifty acres, more or
less, :adjoining lands of Z. S.- Brooks and
Nathaniel Burron, VS. Daniel. iosey,
the trac of land where the defendant
lives, adjoining lande of De-rick lfolecm
bake and others. - - -
H. BOULWAlaE, s. E. a.
April 10 e4t 11
State of South Carolina.
Daniel C. Stryiy, Domestic
.William Allen. ... . Attahmen.
Y) an. order frion ihe Court uf Commnon
.Pleas, in the above stated case, J will p~ro
ceed td sell at fthe H ouse of Mr. .John S. Smiy
y',on Thursday, the first day of May next.
the following property to-wit: one Mare. onie
H orse .Colt, and one Pistol.
Terms of sale, casih. .
H. Bo.ULWARE, a. a. n.
SApril160: 12
jTILL be sold on Friday, the Second
.day of May ttext, at the tatb .resi
dance of Sarah Bush deceased, all the
Personal Estate of said deceased, consist
itng of nine Negroes. Horses, Cattle, Hogs,
Sheep, Corn and Fodder, Household and
Kitchen Furniture, and variotis other arti
eles.moo tedious to tment ion, on a credit un
til the '25th day of December next. The
purchaser to give note, with approved se
curity. The property not to be removed
until the terms of sale are complied with.
. T BOS. DELOACH; Ex'tor.
A pril 16 3t ~12
State of South Carolina;
YJOHN HILL. Esquire, Ordnarj,
of Edgefield Districi.
Whereas. Thomas Lake; bath applied
to me for Letters of Administration; on
ill,. and singular the goods, .and-chaf ters,
rights and credits of Henry Carr, late
f the District aforesaid, deceased, these
are, therefore, to cite and admonish- all
and singular, the kindred and .creditort
>f the said decea'd, to lbe and appear before
rae, at our next Ordinary's Court for the
aid District, to be holdemr at Edgefireld
Dourt House; on-the 5th day of lay
text, to show cause, if any, why the said~
mdministratietr should not be granted
Giveu under my band and seal, this
9ah day of. April, in the year of our
nord one thousand eight hundred and
arty-five, and in the 69th year of Amer
April 23 . 2 13
State of South Caroinia.
#E. Jackson & Co.,) Deelation
. a. . in Foreign
William Fitzroy. Attachment.
F H E Plaintiff ha~ving this day filed his dec
lation in amy ohlice, and the Defendant hay
gno Wife or Attorney known to' be within
me State, on whom a copy of the saime, with a
a1e to p lead can be served : It is ordered, that
ie Defendant plead to the said declaration,
rithin a year and a day, or final and absoItte
idgmient will be given against him.
GEO. POI-E, c. cP.
Clerk's Office,- April 30, l844
We are authorized to announce Gog
. SHEPPARD as $ Candidato for the officO
f Tax Collector, at the next election,
Edgefleld OG pctenaty1
. (o-rosLTE- BLAND ? BUTLER'..
T HE Subscriber respectfully informs s
friends and the public at .large. that- he
has recently opened a Confectonasty
and Fruit Store, us the Village f.Edge- -
field. and has -just received, from Cliarleston,
a large assortment of.
Candies, Fruits, Preserve, PicklN ,;
coniting in part as follows:
Canidies atd Sugar Plans, a good assort
Raisins; Currants, Figs, Prepared -Coc
English Walnuts, Soft Shelled Mmo nds.d
Limes, Cocoa Plums, Fruits iiBrandy;
Preserved East Iidia Ginger and Co'r
dials, assorted.'
Leacock & Co - Madei-a, Chery, .Sherry,
Brown, Pale, Golden and Port- WINES
London Porter, in quart and pint bottles. "
Family 6l rocerie : -
Stmoked Beef, a choice arisle; Pine Ipp -
Cheese, Fresli and Pickele'd Saitaii, No,
Mackerel, Sardines inai, Scotbh-He ings,
Boston and Soda-Biscuits; English mixe4 Pick
els, Olives. Capers, Prunes, Macirony;Pebper.
Allspine,'Mace; Nutmegs,: Cloves,-:Cinitand
Isinglass, Walnutilushroon and Tiiaistoat. -
sups, Pearl Starch, an excellent aricle: -
Fine-and Extra Pine -Spanish SEGA S ad.
Cavendish's TOBACCO;.&c.,-&c
All of which will be sold .cheap for Casa; or
on short credit to punctual custonmers...
Mrch 26. ~" - -.?
tOseossGE Ma. Goobui's HOTEL.)
T HE Subscriiber has just returned with a
n'ew. fashianable-and ;well selected iteci --
of Goods. consisting in part of -
Muslins, of.variotia kinds,
calicoes from 6& to 25. cents per yard;
Domestics, of all descriptions; -
-Ladies' (entletbeds' and-Children Shnis -
WhIte and Bladk Satin Shoes; at 50 'ents
per pair;. -
Bonnets; Gentlemens' mad Boys', White
Black.. Leghorn and Palmetto Hats.
Cutlery, Croeker,, Groceties, ifedicines, C.,ak."
A full assortnent of
Fort LADsE 9AR, a - new add fashionable
style of Head - Orhaments, Hdiriqus,
Bracelets,- Fancy Combs - and Neckta
. ces:.
Thn'kln for that- liberal patronage. which
has been bestowed on hint, he would respect
fully inform his friends, and customers, and the
ptiblicdgenernlly, thai he will always cndeavqr
to sell as low Jor Cash as can be purchasedjin
any City:
Please call, see, examine and stisfy.ydet
Apiil9 if1 -
The Carolna Baptiste
.T is proposed to publish with;this title4
Ti Periodical, at. Greenville, S. C.;-ttt
der the editorial. coniduct' of Rev. T. W.
Haynes. -. . ;.
The New Testamsiittiurch-its mem
berehip-its. govei-dinent-its officers-its
order-its ordinances-its union-its gen
iiis-lit lawis spirit-its -moults-its
doctrine, as-iiiderstood and maintaioed
Baptists, .will claim primaiy -afattseiin
the original articles of ihe Carolin' Baptat
Our aim will be- to develope, fit- the
christian, and sicondly, tbe Baptist, aqd
neither to merge the christian in the Rap
list, nor 16 be Less christian because Bap
tist, in our editorial bearing. Dignified
christian courtesy to all, men and towards
all 7Jehomin~atios of. christians wfil be
studiously insainred, while a manly4
frank and independent avowal of oui- chier
istied vlews- of revealed itutth ill be no
less marked The golden mein betwiss
bigotry add latituiftnarianisms will be our,
-aim. 'Ele Carolina Baptist will, asg-far as
its size, form and period of issues will- ad
mit, be a Ba ptist Family Newspaper and
Library of Useful Knowleidge to paieurs,
children, farmers. minisiers, deacons and
chusrchesi, as well as other classes -of our
readers. Its plan and objectlis to pa.
gate truth. -
Terns-bite- Form.
Tihe Carolina Baplist will be issued a
monthly, ueatly printed on new tgfe, itn
quarto form, with tiiree coluronn-a page,
upvt a doule medium sheea, each anm
ber camanining 16 pages, with a neatly ex
ecutted colored cover, with an index teischt
number and to each volumne. .This -form
is-suitable for binding. Single copies for
one year, $1 25 each, payable on the re
ceipt of. the first nsuber. Twedity-five
copis orne year, $25. A similar udiscount
to Churchses, Ministers orAgn.
The first nimbei- i~l. be isfued as- soons
as 1000 namres isfidlI be re po&'ted -to the .
Publisher's olfice, if io-ne promptly. ,No
payutent expected . until subscribers-shall
receive thecfirst number. L-et those who
procure dubscribers, uimply. make a list -of
their names,' written plaidly and-,irr full,
with the narne 'of the Post Office, Distrsct
or County. and. State,..andregtrest the P.
Master to farward,.-under his frank and - -
('.us save the-charge of postage.
All le'tters referrio'g -to the husineis.*de
partmnent -rmust i.l addris d to 0.,.
Wells, Proprietor ; and finae deigned for
publication, the Rev. T. W Hlaynos; Ed
stor-always free or-postage to them.
. Agents. -
All Baptist Ministers, Clerks of Church
es and Deacons, and all Post Masters, are
authorized and requested to act as Agents.
*To Baptist Churches. -
It is respecifully submsitted to Chiurch-es
whether they amight not, as Churches, -in
struct their Clerks to- order any number
of- copies desired for circulation withma
their respective limits.-. -
Arl1,-Publisher and PropritorT
luist Received
it P50.bbls. choice Canal Flour,
50 boxes S; Sperm Canidles,
50 do. - Extra and No. 3 Soap,
20' half anid qr. bbls. No.1 Mackerel (choice,
60 kitts ' a
20- q-iarter bls. -No 2 u- -
5 caseschoice Codfish. .
2 caseusfresh Mrustard0 (extra,
3 boxes-Cliocolate. No. 1.
- For sale low- by
Dec.1 -SIBLEY &r CMP D .
De. ' 4$.

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