OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, September 06, 1848, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1848-09-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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We have sh1on% u, then, w% hat have al.
wsays heen the views of Geu. Cass on the
much vexed question ill slavery. Altnast
his Jait .ci, pret itus t resigning fr>m tIl
Senate of the Unitel States, was in stri
gecordanco with his expressed views.
Upon the propositi'n ton incorporate the
'Wilmot Proviso in the Mexican .Treaty,
he vuted agains.t the. measure.
The New Y,rk lleral.f clnes some con
)itents ptr Mt.t \b$ier'recentt speech
int the. te upon t' Oregon. bill with
the lulloutt remar'-s:
"Iu;ag,rd to.M1e. \Vebstc's position.
)hut is- atho a very imn pon ant poit. lie
takes the position assumed by the Buffalo
Convention-tlte same posi'ion which Mr.
Van Buren now occtpies before the conn
try. 'J'Jis,will.show Mr. Calhoun and toe
Soutern.statesmtlen that the North is wa
king up to a new idea; and.uuless there is
harnony..gomd feeling end toderatiotn in
the councils of the Smirt, there is great
data'er of a crists, at no "distant day. that
may be more disasreruus than any that
hasyet taken plece, All parties in this
region of the country are gradually assutn
ing tie samne gronttd that Mr. Webster has
taken. ard tlatWtMr.. Van Buren occupies.
ad--ftt which the \Vhigs of New York
ha,"d,Oaeaaored to hold t~r several years
past.,Thq Derrtcrats of this region mill
be gradually driven into the same course.
Ifhbrefore, all parties at the North unite
in itcb sentiment, the result will be a di
-reet ,ollisiout,etwgen the North. and the
-Souti; and in suc' collision,. the North,
'possessiUg, as it does, all the commerce,
'all.he;manufactures, and all the foreign
trader of ti)e cout,t.ry. will have a manifest
advantage over the,South, with its isola
'te4L prq4tctiuns. and peculiar institutions.
Noti eg- but good sense and moderation
among the leading. spirits. of the present
day.-can saue tKe country~fr -- adual
vetgiog;to-a ,disasterous c ze
toryt" -; . .
We ,tbink the herad's opinion as to
the state 9J pubhliefeeling. at the North is
correcttnDr; tn.pur opinion. does it erag.
gerate the danger of collision. Nay. it
the policy developed at the recent session
ofexcludiog the South from the Territo.
rie.of the L nion, be persisted in. we. d
not see how coliion is to be avoided. But
we.thir.k the Herald's estimate of the re
lative.advantages of the North and South
hamoynot been made with the reflection
wbicb usually, characterizes the specula
tionsof that journal.. The strength of the
Notit}consists in her possessing ."all the
commerce, pll..the manufactures. all the
foieign. rade of the country," but the Uer
alikforgets -that all these- are based upor
the;saaples."of the South. Without our
Cotto;ouric.,our Tobacco, our Nava
stores,stheyswould be'
..--Mehted into air, into thitt air..
And like the basrless tabrie a vision,
Lefyejiot a wreck behind."
Ittis.in the power oh the.-people of.tht
Sou!tr'atauy rottt-(and if the ag-res*
ivwjpoteyof thtmNorttr- s coutined, the
pt-leiy Aof exerci'inh that power wil
sodiib a Ltitatter of coasilerattun) by a
dogiing:itici measures as will practic?lly
ai x a.ir,ezoaar. . itth the Noril
ate-,bs4e-4"n..Zar-. There ia,no
thing. we..now ireceive from i-r-danEw4
cannur todutce curseve-ors procture-frott
oth e61e 'at leati as favonatbbt
iterms? The 'mineral: a-rd marnufactitin)
r~irCifs efAlab'aa,l -Geor"ia, N.' Car
o1ifVirgiuiiaTnd our ow ta St at e rc'quir.
but little.stimiulus to demonstrate their caI
pability of supplying our wants; and ri
vals would soon spring up in our mids-za
he thwelsaand- lanch.esters of-the Eas
terir Sttates: While, rherefore, the'Snutl
wi[nor unte collision with the North
Sht.Wjll dot shu0n it, nor does -he dread it
Charleston Mercury.
I-.E-Governor Hammond.-A correspon
dent ol' the Charlestoat Cotarier publishe:
an extract fromn a letter of this gentleman
in which he states himnself tolae a TaylIn
aman. The letter is-witho'ut day and date
W(eiher his ex- Excelleocy is of the samn
ojunion isti.l we khow not. Th)e State i
foItutiste, indeed, that Jas. H: Hlammotu
wagnot elected a Setnar over Judge But
ler, atn avowed Democrat, wiho " has hith
erto-refused ani still refuses." in legal paar
lance, to'-embrace the cause of Genera
Taylor, though doubtless repeatedly urget
ther~ebhto' by manyfl warm personal friemhd
wheare--W3jg.-'I-2=:'-- of_ex-Gov
ffishinodd alludes to the eflorts of the pecr
son addressedl, "to carry the vole of this
Stae" for Taylor, and gives him his ar
dent wishes " ter success. What 6 fig'rt
would a South Carolina Setntor exhibit as
an "ardent" partizan of thae Whi;t nomi
nee for -President ! WVe doubt not that
many of the supporters of Jas. H-. Hlam-'
mond will rejoice that they failed to elect
him Senator.-Greenville Mountaineer.
Gen. Shields.-Thie real intentions ol
this gentlemnari are still doubtful, as will he
seen from the cautious manner in which he
expresses himself tm the subjaoied extract.
The Emmet Club, at St. Louis, compli
mented him wvith an entertainment on the
18th inst, i'vben in reply to a toast by the
presiding oflicer, his views wore drawn out
in a neat and animated speech. T1he Sc.
Louis Oregomn says:
"'ileex-pressedl in very warm terms, his
gritfu sense of tho kiudness with which
h'baduntihormly been tteated in this, his
adopted countr'y, and of die ntany honor's
wisih bad been conferred upon himta. His
frs, allegiance, he saitd, was here on
-American- soil to Americsa n mti:utiot s.
er dearly loved his aati-ve latnd, btut he
edi1 not- consent to do ay act, or tje a
partiespant in any psroceedmig incon.isent
with iham.ailegiance. Thte news papers had
mixed his name- up with their notices of
expedtion to Sierra Miadre;. but he should
not, in connection with that, or ay other
expediiou. do anything against the~will or
wishes. of this governmens.
" Gen. S-. alluded to vmiliaryj ovgai:a
tion.s in this country to aid Irelatnd, such
as-te formationi of brigades, and condemt
ned'it as disrespectfal to the anthorities of
thisgsoudtIry, ad a violation of law, which
um o poe 'eturn by- adlopted. citi
zdd'foi thme privileges they had secured,
astY-ttbikindness with which they had beetn
s iuit%bly treated in the United States.
A th'e'uame titne, all who, knew him kntew
Cr mode of relief, encourageneul. and aid
to Irelansl in her approaching strgle.
The cause bud his heart, add it ubed be,
st"iuld have 1-s hahd,"
Gen Shields -The Ijibernian Socieiy
of llhoi, has presented Gen. Shields with
a g',!d nedal. In his address on the oc
casion he said:
'For my own part, I vill ledze mysPlf
here, that if Ireland ever strikes for liber
ty. I w ill join her in the str,_le, and cono"
sverute the residue of my 1fe no her ser,
vice ; and I smoetimes think that Heaven
has pre.ervrd my life for sone good pur
pose; and I know of no purpose more ho
Iv and imre brnevolent than that of aid
ing in the redemption of tofi native land."
From the Colmnbict Trlrgraph. 2d inst.
A Telegraphie Despatch received - last
evening dated B'altirt:ote. September 1st,
informs us of the arrival of. The Niagara.
The tews is not very importat-much
to the same eflect as that brought by the
Meagher. 0. Donnhue and others have
been arrested, and the trial of O'Brien was
soon to commence.
Tranquility prevailed, but the people
continued restless.
In England the Chartist excitement has
recoimm senceel with renewed vigor.
Paris remains quiet, though in a state of
seige. Lamartine is about to retire from
the Assembly.
Charles Albert has evacuated Lombar
dy, and the Pope has driven the Austrian
Army out of his dominions.
A letter found on O'Brien. from Duffy,
of a- highly treasonable character, and
written after rebellion to O'Brien.
The Irish Clergy are doing all in their
power to preserve peace.
.Three Americans and two Frenchmen,
crossing from Scotland at Armrngh, have
le= ested as beitng sym pathisers, with
large ur "smunev in their possession.
Meagher has wri.t n letter indignantly
denying that he has made a stipulation
with the governneut to save his life. lie
says no offer would he accepted but liberty
for all to leave their country.
The Liverpool papers are filled with ac
counts of the arrests, and of the American
The Market for Cotton was inanimate
the stock large. and prices steady.
France.-Paris is still in a state of seige.
Seventeen. hundred (1700) more found
guilty and two thousani liberited. Lam
artine has intimated to the electors of Ma.
con his desire for retirement. Great anxie
1y prevails concerning the disclosures of
printed evidence of the insurrectionists,
which will soon be printed for the Assem
bly and nothing surpressed. The debate
un it would have comneiced on Mlouday.
hur Gen. Cavai nac's : arrangements pre
vented. The Ireland non intervention put.
icy ncreates :.nurt erurls enenis, but the
Pope's good sense triumphs. Several pe'
litical arrests have been made.
The' Mexicdn Claims Bill-We have
under.stond, sitys thePennsylvaniaN that
the-rhairtmas -of the Committee tan For
eign Relation, of the H.use - of Repre
senhtivesi-Mr?"i'ttmati Smith- Fed.
eral ineniber froth d'onniettiebt--refused,
otn .the Satutrday~ previous to the~ adjourn
thent of ,Congress, to call the Committee
togeaher for' the vurpose of considering
the amendmnents made by the Sename to
the bill for 'the' settlement or the~ Mcxi
cani Claims wflereby the bill e'as lost,
The reason of this cunninug movernent
turns out to lie, that at thu next session of
Congress the preseot Federal majoriiy te-.
sign sbniting the questiou of retro
cession-in other 'words to give up New
Mexico and California in Mexico. By a
trick nearly simnibit, the Boundary bill was
also dic'ated. Such cotnduct as 'Ihis will
not 'Se u.derated before the peopte:-any
manit of any party who d8res mnake such a
mtotioni, will be hecld a traitor to the honor
of his coo omry, and w ill carry the brand
that Arnold didl to all foture time.
Petersburp- {Va .j Re; ublican 25th.
A Slave brought back-A negro man,
the property of .\ rs. I'itzsimnons. secretedl
himself on board the Nhip Samnorset, Cap.
T1oeker, (which sailed from this port for
Liverpomol on Sunday last,) anid was not
discovered until Trhuesdlay, when the strip
wais several hundred miles at sea. Not
Ghres& the delay and itnconvenience
inecessarily causeti ~tiie ship, Jhe C>p
irn immnediatecly bore away for this port,
and placed the rutnaway yesterday miori
ig on hoard the Piloit Boat No, 9, a fe~w
miles front ihe bar, which vessel brougnt
tim to the city last eventing. The fellow
apearedl to have provided himself with a
good supptly of clothing, a lie had ant eX
elent carpet hag, was filled, and a cloatk
or overcoai, we did not notice which, flutng
over his atrm, anid somel montey, the
amount of which wo dini nott ascertaip.
Charlestoui Courier, 22d udt.,
Counterfeit, Gold.- Thompson's Re
porte sayvs: "We are again impelled to
cll aittention to the fact that a large a
mount of spurious American goldi is nowv
in circutlation. There are different pro
cesses by which silver pieces are made to
represer,t gold; the most sucersful is that
of galvanizing them which imparts a clear.
miut like appearence to the pIece."
Southern Patriot,
M, Paigent, late Minister Pleinipoicenti,
ary of the King of F"ranice, has left ihe
United States for England, with ilhe.clleg
ed itntentiorn of placiug at the service of
Louis Phillippe, a large share of his prince
ly forture, anid insitinc rhe ex King anid
faily to irake up their .residence in A
m rerica.-[Mlontre'al Ga::ette, Aug. 10.
Foreign Posta ge.-The New York Tri
utn -says: "WVe uniderstand that a letter
has b'rnt received from Mr. B-aocrofr, and
Minister int England, giving strong reason
to bolte that before long a sattsfae:ory In
teratinal Postage Iawv will be established
with Great Britain.
Mdssachnseits has nine hundred miles
of Railroads iu operdtion, in which $40,
000,000' are investedi. The income-for
la.t yner ceeed 9.,00Q,0..
Slavery in Nrw ctxico and California.
Mr. Mai-sh, a member of Congress from
the State. of Virmnnt, 'and one ofitd t st
iearnd'd nth t ihit boh' y~,tt tokeh the
tground" .naintainld, 6y so',rie o f Ibi ahtes
jurii't in'.the' ciiry, that Slaevery exists'
by law in'-Califurnini and New :Mexico;
having 'never.been ligslly.adtolistcd since
its establishenut there 'by Spatiil-6 anthor
it v. ''tn:iioineil i positti by rea-'
ing fonm the (:iustitution of )lexico'end
iho Cn: -tiiintiort several of the States of
that confederacy. and we listened to with
marked attentiuu
At nine o'clock last night, an Augusta
c' rrespondent informs us, that the, Ware
House of Messrs. Andrews & Spears was
destroyed by fire in Iiis city, and six hun
dred dales of Cotton wore burnt. The
firecomtenced at noon.-Ch:r. Courier.
2d inst.
Odd Fellow.-There are seventy three
Lodges in the city of New York and
from returns on file in the onice of the
Grand Secretary, it appears that twenty
one of these -Liges'expended $30,400 39
doting the year ending on the 30th day of
Juie last, for relief in sickness and burial
of the dead,
Engraving.-A new modPof engraving
has been peifected in) this city by Louis
Woulenweber and George Dubois, which
from its facility of excention, aud its cheap
ness, has geat advantages over wood en
graving. We have seen a hentiful speci
men of the work representing the Pen
nsylvania Coat of Arta, in which the cross
hatcheling is done in the very fittest style.
The p-cess is simple and expeditions. The
design is first drawn upon stune, and is
then submitted to ar. acidulous prepara
tion, of course a secret, which eats into the
design in the course olthree or four hours.
It is then stereotyped in the usual manner
and blocked. 'iae process costs but hall
the price of wood engraving, and the
work is very way as beautiful and as pci
fect.-PhilwIelphia Ledger.
The largest book-stile ever held in the
United States will take place in Net'
York this day. Frtt GU.000 to 170.000
olunes by Atertean publihers 'will be
offered; contribued by about 150 publish
ers. Besides the regular catalogue of-lG
pages, closely printed, there are three
others, one of 31 pages of English Books;
another- of 40 pages- of Aterican and
foreign Statitoery; and the third of 800
cases of Paper, cuttaining abou: 3~,000
The nu~nber of boats on the waters of
the Mississippi valley is 467. having an
aggregate tunnage of 132.566 tons.
On the 29th Augnst.by Rev. D.:D. Brunson.
BEtNJAJ1N tl' .tLt,MAi to Miss HASLTLE F.
;l,oEet, all of this District. ,
In this district. on Thursday and Friday, the
24th and 25th of August, near Colematn's. >
toads. at the residence of their itttier. Jmae,r
B. Coleman, M "ar.a As antd .r As
They had beeni the objects ofC the' 4ndest care of
an affectionate parent. attd had jttst arrived at
that age at which they coutd entable him to re
alie all his hopes in biessitngs showered hey.
thci ha.4 gn ils declin ae. when n
in piiisofthiryouth ndba t,tey were
swept fromn the eartha by the hean:I of,ieath.
M'trtha was in her 21st year. and Mary was in
her 19th, wheli these lovely roses were yehick
ed frotm theirstalk by cruel diseaste, antd doomtt
ed to eatly decay. They hadh barely cotmple-.
ted their edie.ation, to which every tiattion
had been paid by a kind anid excellenit father,.
attd thetr inces lightted tup.by the stinshitne of
healtth and contetttment, but it was thteir sad
dstiny, in otnly ai very fe.wdays, to be hurried
te the grave-there to remtain mittgted with
arth till thte last clay.
T.' e mannier of thecir death was mournfully
bu tt beeautitfnIty' illustrative ofl thet happy utnion
and congeitiality of mind and heart that bad
biund themo together all ihrongh lfe.
Mf trtha lead been sick feir abocur ten days
ard being atlmiest exha:usted frotm the severity
tof her ilhntes, a few minutes befoere -uhe breath
ed her ,bast, she~ sang two or three verses to
cartrniing anid delichthful tmusic, andI stitnk qui
etly atti comtposedly into her last sleep.
M,try. who was !yinz ini the room with lier
sister. and the violencer of whose disnase was
thotght to htive abtated, beirng consFcittts tht
M artha ka4eel& v-tensH ..lier._sutnk almost
ium.iity freen the vitdh-nce tof her etinemJ
'Sit said to her stetp nmother tthat shte could not
shd at tear ftor hter poor sister, fter hter own
heart w&as broken. In tess than: thtirty hours
her owna life was extinct. anrd tier ~centle Spirit
emebraced her sister's in death. Hler tast reqhuest
itt dying was. tha:t she should be permtitte to
embrtce the ce Id formt tif her sister. Oftet.rse
her reguest was granted, and site wentt off in
Thtte have we seenf twit ofthe rmost pronmia..
ind otf ladies cuit oty togethter in earty youth.
carried to the grave sidie by side, andtc there laid
side by side to'awvait rte last resitrectioen. Unt
the bereavement of te geeod old fathenr at the
loss etC his two eenly daug hters. the~ objects of hils
tenderest care, was nmore ovetrpoweriitr to his
mitind titan anty loss the deceased coutled have
susaited in their own tdeath. They have been
snatched from a woirti of pa in; heo has been
deprived tof the solace of his otd age. H is cont
seltion wvill be to meet i children ire a more
healthful clime.
DIED, at hie residence. in Mrt Vernmorn.Edge
fld Distrrct. So.Ca., Otn the 18th day of last
Jue, after a lingerintg illniess of eight n'ieks
ef the Liver Complaint, MM. Sconny, in the
39th year of his aige.
The deceased'-had been a Member of the
Batist Chu:rch at Chesat hi i Ior abortseven
teen years. arid for the last few years of:lila
life, lie was a Deacon of the same Church.
Ar the time of his deiith. he. manifested no.
fears whatever, biut expiressed a firm.hope of a
blessed immortality'
Hd left a wife and seven children, to eth'
with: onmeronts frienids and rel:atives 'to.nmourn
their lots;: hnt thtey serrow not as those thart
have no hope, believinig the promises~ of'Gos
that those who leave donte geod shalh come fQrth
unto the resurrection of bile.
Thr art gone, my hutsbatd
For thee of our little' iand.
We'll prepare to meet you.
In a promised happier land.'
W ILL practice in the Cnnteof Ed eMc
aneCd the adjoining Distritts.'
AUG 2 if -. 3 eS
Y JOHN HILL, ' Csq., OrJiusry of
Eedaefield Disirkr.
Whereas Henry C. Cuilbreath and
Mary H. Scurry 'hrth applied to -ue
for Letters of Administration. on all' aud
singulaii the goods and chattels, rights t
'fid. credits.: of William. Scurry late of I
the District aforesaid, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and aildmon
ish all.and.singular, the kindred and credi
tors'of the said deceased, to he and appear
before me, at our next Ordinary's Court
(for the s'aid Districi to be holden at Edge
field Court 11ouse on the 18ttt day of
September inst., to show canse, if any,
why ihe:said adminisaration bhould not be
Given under my hand and seal. this 4th
day of September in the year of our Lord
one thousand right hundred and forty-eight
and in the seventy-third year of Ameri
can Independence.
JOHN JILL, o. E-. n.
Sept. G 2t 33
AVE commenced operations in their
Cotton Factory and are desiron ofuh
iiingZ the services of abcout Three llundred
additional White pcriaticcs princip.lly Girls.
above the age ofli,urt,-eo; and also 'Iirly .la a
Irons to take c:harge of their Boarling Houses. 1
As the. comnpany mitend to establish and a
mnnaiiu a mot r xemil:ry state ofi morah in (
the place, any yomng lady vhose circumstan- I
ces require that sie should labor for a sup.
port. may engage as a weaver, apint:er, &c.,
at lucrative wages, and with the msiti pertret
assurance that they will not lose caste by such
employmient, and a temporary residence at I
Graniteville. No personr witl be re'eived iii
to the service of the Company. who cannot I
bring the best testinoi;a.s as to their moral
chaineter. al iotnc wilt be permittel to re
ioain in t'e place .% ho do nut mainutain auch
Two Chirehes are terited. School hIouses
will be provided, so that al miay ibtaiu ei her
: plain or classical elicati' n. All thtilics in
the employ of the Company, as well as tcsi
dents ol the place, will be rerinired to keep
constntly at school all children under the age
of ihireeen.
Neat and comfortable Boarding houses will
be furnished at a low rent; alo g.,od dwelling
housws to fatilies who can supply four cfle.c.
iive hands from their own detnstic circle, or
who will take that number as Boarders. The
rate of Boarding will be low and will hefied
by the Company. The above named oirsis,
therefore must not be reearded as sources for
making money, but as atotding excellent situ
ations for widow ladies who are in indigent
circumstances, and who have children to rear
and edueate, such having the advantage of
competent instructors free-of-charge. istances
have occurred in which families have availed
themselves of similir cireomstances. to proecre
the rudiments of edtcation for their boy:, while.
tlirmh the indn'trv of their sisters they nwere
afterwards enniled to obtaitn a collegiate edu- -
cation, thus fitting.them for occupying ; the
highest poRition in society.
It is the object of the Company to benefit
ie State by giving employment to the de.serv.
tine poor, bnt, it is.akso a primary object t-oh
'taint interest for the capital expended in these
work-, they vvilFnot permit their houses to bi
,ceupied byy-nny..who cannot or will- not ten.
der-themnselveauseTul.. They.. wish .it;.to.: be
distinctly uniderstcod, that Gran'itgile i4potaf
place of refuge for those who a-e "i1ncapacita- .
ted from any cause: 'for ubtaining their- living
by industry. .'. -- l
They3 would also statc, that it,e Matrons al
Inded to must tbe ste:h persons, ats from their
ditdcatlion utml standim!g will c.Nei t it proper mt
iltuce in the mnental and mocral cultilte of the
enales uinder their care.
It is hoped and earnestly regnesled,.ht l
who f'eel an interest in the ireegreses of manu
hactes in oir State, in itae welfare Of the
pir,r aeid such as have a- kiiowledge of this
institition and the personis who are entinged
in this emiterprise, will pae their best effrorts to
ire:tate the coniteints of this circular ;that thea
mitds ohf all. whti ooght to enigage with mus. toay
ee directeid tic Grantiteville, where a comflorta.,
le home, anid the mmeennms of ceducatimg their
children may he secnred..litb
Allt c.,mniumiicationis on the sect ons bet
ad res,ed to G(tt G t'' Kt1t..LY
Agrent at GranuittviIle.
Sept. G, 6iv 33
State of South CaPolina.
iN ilEt COURT'I 01| 1DIA.4fY
Thomas alcCarty and wife 1
Pa.tsey and others, A pplic'aiits. I smnons
vs. int
Polly Stewvart atid others, Partition.
Def.hendants. J
IT appeing to my satideation. that Thomas
3Stewart. Williami Thompson, ITiona
'lhimpson, Ale'xanere Thiompso, Nearcmilha
Thoiipson. Ne'lly Thiompsoni, Peelley Thiomup
son. and Tabith;i Thiamipsou, Disuribitees im
the Real F.sta:te oif Alexamler Stewart de-ceaseed,
live without the hin its of thi State. It is
tjerefire ordered, that thiey dim appear ini the
Coeurt of Ordinary lfor the Dhistrict afciros.'id.
aid ohjee.t to the Sale oir Divisien of the Rteul
Estate afoaresaid, oii or before the foturth day ofI
December next, or their consent will be
entered of Reentd.
Given tinder tmy hanid at my Office, this day
the 28th A ogtst, 1848.
JOZIN (tILL, 0. E. D.
Ang 3O 3m 3____
PPLICATION will be. mtade to the Legis
lature at its ne:tt Session for a Pubhic I
Rod to be made freon Shinhnmrg aon Entee
Town Creek, by way of Doern's Miills on
Ha~rdlaor Creek. to intersect the old Camn .
brilge Rload ini Abbeville! District, not far from
Maitison's Ferry on Litt!e River.
Aiie 30th 18.18. 3m 3
A.PPLICATION will he inade to thieLg
isAtueof thmis State at tIme tnext Sesson,
t re.peal the Sixth Section oef an Act entitled
tin Act. toincorp.orate certain societies and corn
patties, and to renew and anmenJ certain Char
ters heretofore granted, ratified on the 17th of
Decembmr. 1847.
Aug i23 3m 31
Domestic Goods..
alLL. otTers for sale
4-4 -& .7-S heavy Sheetings and
Shirtins from that Factory. These goods are
remarkable for weight anid fmnish, and will give
good satisfaction to the buyer,
varions styles of Brown & Bleached Good,
Osnanrs, Prints, &e.
Partiilar attention will he given lo the sale of
Southern Manufactured Goods--consgn1met.
of which arQ respectfully solicited, and upon
which advancesivill he tmade if des.tred. - -
Chareton, Anig 10th. 1848. - - 6t- :30
We ar"amvortsed to a4=t
iounce SILAS L. HELLEH, Esq. of Cokte-"
tmry. as aCandidatle -tu epreesut Abbe,1ls
^dgefield, Lexingfon.-mUd Newberrj#h: l the
.ongre'ia of die United-States..
Aug 3 of
(E ' 0are'authorised to an oneq .
H. WARDLAW 'q.as aa4'C didate for
seat ini-Hte. liuuse :of RepresepVaJies at
he ensuing eleiion.
SAu-2 -f
) We ore nuthorised to announca
AuI. JAMES P. CARROLL. as a caod-l
late for a seat in the lI)use of Represeu.
atives. at the ensuiug election.
Augu,t 9 1848. if 29
We are authorized to announce WM. 1ll.
O11 NSON Esq. as a candidate for Clerk of.
he Distret Court of Edgelield at the ensing
lection. Aug 23 tQ .31
lT We are ~autnorized to announce T. J.
V1ITAKER. as a+icandidete for the OfU'cb
f Sheriff, at the enauina election.
A . 23 if 31 -
D R. ELBElRT BLAND respectfalty ffters
his Professional Services to-the citizens
f E"dgefield villa.-e and vicinity.
Olice next dour to the Court Ilewse.
Aug 16 tf 30
P'amily Grocery & Liquor Store.
H E subscriber respectfully informs his
frienrds and the public th.at lie iias opened
Store on the corner recently occupied by
letbert & Duffy, where he willkeep onhand
-eierral and well assorted stock of FAMILY
ROCERIES. LIQUORS &P.., which will
e sold on accommodating terms
M. ). ROCHE.
IHamburg, Aug 16 3t 30
Bacon and Lard.
11E Subscriber has jist received a large
+ulrply of Choice BACON and Leaf
,ARU, which he offers low for CASH.
J. A. WlLiA MS..
A 29tlh. 1818. tf '2
IRS. McCLINTOUK proposes opcing
i Schol on the 1st of September at frer
esideoce. Mrs. M. hopes by strict aneotiot"
her Pupils, to meet a share of public pa
Cliildien at a distance Can be accommoda'ted
q day boarders, per week, at - $1 0
'F.RM.-Spelling. Reading. Arith
menic with plain Needle-Work.
per quarter. - .
co,raphy, History and Writing
with the above, . - ~ - 0
Ang 16 if - 0'
N Election will he held in the Town -of-.
Edgefield on the 2d Moandav in Setem'ber
ext, for Intendant and four W ardens 1br said.
JAS.'B. SULLIVAN, a i rs
Dit. E. J. MIMS.
Dy -order of Council.
E. J. M1318,_Clerc.
An_2ith.1848.' 2t 32
Head Quarters) A
2d Regiment, S. C. A
EnoeEtnr., C. U. 28-rt Ato.1848.;
)rders No, 6b ,.,
The 24 Reguinent of Cavalry wi1 a p ar at
.ongmires on Tuesday the26th a ge
ext: nied urdeqaipped astheaii'w I d
r drill"and review. ' "
Commissioned and Nonrcoansii. Oli- -
era will meet the .4ay -previoUs f .I nd
Coimaniders'af Sqoadrddds are-ch&a(d withs
e extension oC'tis order to theit respective
lay or4er of arig..Gen.iJ.,W..AYT
, Ttos. W.La.uAu 'C"
Ane. ' d- 2:
"f The Abueville Banner wuil e twibeL'
nd foirward acconflt tot tis office.- * .
* Qauinine. -
freh ap' y jstreceived.
frhsaly jutR.S. XtOBE tTS.
Anug30 ty ' 32
Pine Apple Chesse.
Ivery superior article.
For sale by Rt. S. RI)BERTS.
Adg il0 tf 32.
Roots ind Sihous.
[ N ddition to my former larg'e bnbck, I hare
l ja-t received
200 prs. Womnss fhoes a.j 50f ets.
100 -Mens Brograns at 1 04)
j00 l " oys - at 6
5() " " " at 8
5i0' Mens Shippaera iit 5
50 Ladies Fmne Rid at . 1 00
Fiu sade by . . ROBERTS.
A ug 30 tf 32
ii.. R Granhtevklec is see.
now vacant, and will
* he rented tEl a gsod
iaunt oin re,ranable terms. T[he great number
f Strangers who visit Graniteville, renders it
desirabhle locatioa for a Pnblic House,-the
:tronage of whicli couuld be increased to an in.
elinite extent by an enterprising Landlord.
is oneo mile from the South Carolina Rait
toad.anud five rtiles nearer to Edgeflild ', ir.
han either Aiken or Hamburg, over a goof
nd. and won.ld, wiith suitable accommodisiens;
on become the poinit for taking the Rail,Road
y travellers fra'in thme upper Districts ging t.
harlcton. Added to these advantuges th'e
iamheur of bo:rrdb always to be eutained in
uch a kusy plhacas Graniteville,- tieconclu.-.
in is irresistible, that there is an-ipeninf for
n emierprising muau. Rleferencee to Mr. Gao,.
6Lu.r. Agent, at Graniteville.
Ane 23 3t . *
ROWN, very superion~ 1 lbs. for $1 00
KLOArF, " 8 " 100
~RUSHED, " 8.1 10o0
For sale by R. S ROBERTS.
Aug31) tf 32
Valuable Land for Sale.
T HI E Subscriber offers for sale his valuable
Plauntatmin, corntaining 400 acres, about
me half of which is cleared and in a high
tate of cultivation, and under good fences;.
he bialance is well timibered-woodland. The
rract lies otn Cedlar Creek. waters of Hora'a
Greek. 5 miles soumh-west of Ealefi4d; Coakb
[lotuse, and adjomnin slads-of Dr. .. P. Ad#
ms, Jas. Ranfod Vm I. Moss and others.
Jn the premises is a good comfortable Dwel
ing House, Gin House and' Screvw and alL
acessary out buildlings. and- itn- excellent
rchard- of all kiards of Frnit. The-Tract is
ye!l vatered and adapted to the cultivation uf
ottn, Corn abd'small Grain.
Any person wiishing to. purchase will do
sell .>eall and examine fair themselves - For'
ither- information, application can be-mnade
o the Subscriber ont thme premises.
. R. ApDINON..
Aug. 28, 148, .if 373
f:tsl lti,;dgefield district are re
aaq : Rielirdson's ai
-4ii1ste r, tt 4t.tt nsidb
iajbn f'itnsnrds f4preselting
at.the n $ iutnsteiQ ftGi'.Q.40.b Re
'nnent Tetn l our gullaut -ollicer, Lieut.
.' 33
gQd Xo:.7.
:' .Regularnietiug of this Lod-e tvi11
t,d inuM.p ay rvening next at 8
c7ok LYON. See
Sepi. 33
. L L .De . eLange.
AS returned to -Edgcfeld, C. II.. to
K emiitr -for 'a sbnrt timre only, during
awhichabe can be fongd at M r. SPAYp's Hotel.
R.Wto . koDRtouEs, a1. U., Surgeon
Dentis..CharaestO 8.' C.
Spt8 6 tf 33
Walker and -Bradf'ord.
WPtareliongseu and
WPILFJAitihft ti-occupy "Tue. Or.h
V:Wftiannup''WAnenousE," amit. trans
act a gen'er3"Storage and Conimission Busi
They apainitender-their services to their
friend6 pii the public generally in the storage
andls e of priduce, ait- the Receiving nid
Forvi-dicg 't' Me'rchiandise, or any ' other
busifivePl't t1iflie;-iwith whict-they ay be
favoled. -'ibertl nilvances will- he' nade on
[todace'consi:ned to thetm when required.
To.Teir patrons they cordially return their
most .sincere thanka, fox the liberality, w. ith
which,tly .have been so grattiously favored:
and respectfully solicit a continuance of the
same,'which theyfiope to merit by nnrenittin;
attentioa'to'a bisinessentrusted to their care.
Sept 1st, I848.
0- The madersigned still contiones his'
connection"r+th Messrs. Wal,cr %. Bradford in
the Re.ceixinuo4 Forwardling Business. to
which he wll,ive. his undivided .ittent ion.
-.end Quatlers,
it/r Regimlent. S, C. M.
Mit..vtt .E, Sept. 5th, 1848
Ordis No.U.
Charles A. Meige late Adjutant, having
resi.ted, Stanmore B: Griffin has been ap
pointed' aind coiniissioned Adj.itait. --Will be
obeyiirdind respected nccorditigly.
."-By-ordetrof Col. G. D M Il S.
- ..Js. 3. Sut.Is:t, Paymaster.
Sept;. . t 2 3,3
L. .- PENN, Merchants at Edge
e field.Ooart House, having this day ex
ecuted a.deud;aesigning their Estate to the no
dersigted f.4Iie beniefit of thetr creditors-as is
providedin.the said deed,"the 'cteditors of thu
said G. L. &EPeen. are here-by notified to
meet at Edgefeld Court House on Friday the
15th insfent.farthe purpose of appoittine at,
Agen t, if tteyrsee fit,.to act with the sibscriber
. e ,L GRIFFIN-Assignee.
Sept 5ld 4. if " 33
Lost or .:islaid.
O NE Nots of.hantdrawtn'y S. 8..Thomp
kins,fu: .twQ hundred and fifty dollars,
daed 2lst sd.1S43, and doe one day of'er
date, with a' edit thereon of $60, in the hand
wri'tiig of J. Williins- ~the~dite of wlit'
not recollectel. Al pe'rsohs are cautioned no,
to trade-for ud note, for it bras since been paid
, :e S. CHRISTIL".
Sepi0. . tf -13
Mary Lanalgey aini others,
lanh Laaen oIl;
O'1TAC"Eshereby ei'en, til.aby '.i~uo of
N he ducihe'o the Cor it ofl Equity in this
cae;shcailt' td.'efild, C. H.. on the first
'it ndayv in dptober next, the following tracts
of Iland belonin' to thie Estate of Heniry Lang
ley.dpceatsed, y z
The Mtth9a~v Rhodes' tract, contaiiiing two
hundred acre', more or less, sitanteid mi the
Didtict and ytate afomresaidl, on Cuffeetowna
Creek. antd Gdjomning lands of ite Estate of
John Anidersn dec'eased, John E. Harrisont &
Sarih Langtei.
Th~e Bill Ltigley tract, cnntaining two. hmn
dred acres miev or les., and adjoinitng lainds of
.. Devote, Alfred Bell, James Rodgcrs anid
lio E. LI arriou, and the above traet described
as the 31anhteic Rhode,' traet.
The Reedy Creek tract. containing fwn htni
dred and live lere0 more o'r less, and adjonin,i"
lands of HuglrMoself. Janmes Cheathatm. Star
line Bnrnett aid Wilson C. Robertson.
The a,bove buds will be sold nn a credit of
one and two jears, with int--rest from the day
of tatle, e xcept for aqo much.as will p.ay the cost,
tobe paid itcasth The prhs oe
to be secitred. (y bond with rood secnutes
8.'8. TOM PKIN S, c. F.. E. D.
Con~Amniner's Ofbre. Sept 5th, 1844.
SSept. 6 4t 33
IIerbert. B. Elder,
vs. Bill for forecleoture
John Hill, tOrdinary, and and sale.
Washingtn Strom. J
OTICE-it hereby given. that i.y virtue n'f
Nthe decree of the Court ini this ense,
shall sell at Edgetiehd. Ciort Ilinse con the
rst Monday in October. next. (One tract of
land, bohitainig fivb htundred andl twenty-three
aces nmore or les. sitnate in the Distrnet and
State aforestd. on the Mfartintownm :mid Scott
Roads, and Gunnnell's Creek. bouinded by
hnds of Lee 'Unlstein. Diavid Qitarles, DamieL
Prescott, Henr-r'Waldrum and Mirs. Whitaker.
Terms of sale, cash.
Comistiont's Oflice, Sept. 5it, 184d.
Sept.6 . 4 t 33
By .J)H N.iilILL, Esq., .Ordinary of
EdgeielDislrict:~ly*ui p
plied io me (ors letters of admmtiistration,
on all and singultar the goods and chattles,
rights and credits of D), D.- Plunketi
lte of the Djstrjet. aforesaid. dec'd.
Tese are,'ihereford. to cite and admno
ishi all anid siular, the kailred-and credi
torsof the said deeceased." to be and appear
before me, iii.oair next Ordinai-y's. Court
for sti sa1lY 'tziit, to be holden at Edge
feld Court kIou ati the 18th day of
Septeubein .to show cause, if any, why
tue said ad ainistratiotr should not be
granted. L
Gven un syband and seal, thiS 4th
day of Sepia iithigear of aor Lord
one thosand eight hundred and forty
eih 'ad 'es,vepteMifr yearo
A'meican Ind c)ndeace. -
- 4 JOHN-H-JIMx, 0. ?- Dn
Set ' - .t -

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