OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 15, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1865-02-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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: - V.-'. V * .
Si;D3tT.!?TiO??S to pie ABVPIiTIBEE for'
your TES. ?OLLAUS in. ntl vance. For ?ix M.
ADV^KTIS?MKNTS will ^inserted a! J
P ?GL Ul* r??rSjijiare il" inlaioa lines or lc.*?) fur
i rion; '?.Ii',riiien3^itts without instructions s? I
.. i T if times u*h" ui-fotX. w!U*be puftisked
- I a '-Ii.-.rso.l ur^ir !?n?rly. .
Announcing OidtdMsii-s ta any Offlce nf lionr
? T W KS TY rv.?Z.ABS. to tie paid before thc
-, . : u:omi;:it.is?publis!i' d,.
r>l)ituary n&iocs, Tritones of Kespvct. or anrcon
alcatl.m personal in ?* najar?, wjll bo rated as at
t!?emcnfs ami charged accordingly.
Heavy Fighting dronud Petersburg
^?rit?tlscitr;,' Feb'. 7.-Tb-rc was he
ii. ii i.iJ; ;.? M our ritfii ; ?.siuni-sy and', i&?
w ?? -h v*ulr.'- i ft . i-ifdy ro'"our artas.
J : i<ig a . .-? rrfc? nii.de by G
J ihn Peg-ram bo.? < -n-i.. ITa'c?ier's.Ran yes:
day, tim enemy ana-hod and fiireed his
vivien br?ck sosne distance. Pograrn was
i nf-reed by Gen. Go don's* dividion, when
cn MIT iu turn was f ?reed hack.
Io th's charge upon thc eneby, Gefc. S
rel! of Georgia was painfully wounded.
Heavy firing was heard'late"this afterm
in thu same direction.." Cause unexplained
Gen.-John Pegram killed. Many of.
enemy were killed and woauded-but ni
taken prisoners. Our loss several-hundr
This thorning thc enemy advancod t
charged1 our linea South of Burgess' mill i
wore handsomely repulsed.
A sec-md ti rae,-'the enemy having been
in forced by a corp*, attacked ar.d drove (
m m until, strciigthoucd by M?thov'S jOivlsh
commanded by Gen. l'irin?gan, a grand chai
by tho-throe di vision?.was made, and the?
emys line birken. A running fight was-k?
up until alter dark, when thc Yankees tc
shelter iu their new works on Hatcher's B
irora which they were, not driven. *
Officiai from Gen. Lee.
. RICHMOI??, Feb. 7.
The following was received to-day:
HKADQUAkTsas, Feb. 6.
T> Gen. S. Cooper:
The enemy moved in strong force yesh
day. to Jlateher's Ran. Part of bis infant]
wirb Gregg's cavalry crossed and proceed
-ott Viu^htt'a .road-the inf-in'.ry to Catv
freck, .ami the-ca-valry to Dinwid.lie C. i
vhiTt? its advance encountered a portion
our civil'.-y snd r?tr?tL'
lu the a'teruoon paris of Hill's .?ni Gc
d m's troops^a^rno:!struted against the euee
.on tho.-letr*of Hatcher's Rilli, 'near Art
strong's Miil.- -. " m
(MoDthz bira entrenched; they witbdrt
after dsrfc. *- '
Du:i ig,, the' fight t?fforce that had s.
Tanest, beyond the crV-k ?jf.urrx.-d to it ni
w. r % rep --recd to be rc ero?* nig this mon.it
'?? ' ...rr.'. u:'-* dividion mer . ": lo ttl- ritrht lat
o' . -vVrvek t i. reconnoitre,-' v. i.cre it w.
vi ?...dus'.y i.lti-.eketl. The. battle was obs!
iv. :.v coriust?:? lor-serfcrai hpur*? but Ge
P :r:.n being kiih-if while Snively cr.c nr
gi .* hid me:?; . and Coi. Hoffman wonude
K-i ne co.ifuM-m occurred, and tho division vr;
pr - - I bick to ils oiigitml position.
S /aas] dijfision was ordered by Gen. Go
. nr. . to their support, when Go:i. Pogrom
chtr?ed the enemy and dr ive hi sn back i
turn and \va^ com yelled to wtir?. ?Vlahonc
div'sskig arxrv.ing, tho enemy Wa*forced raj
idly t#$is jrJgjfencW on flatcars Rita. Ot
f?si ?r'tea siuan^' ~fhai of'tjie cnc'tny'iu
iup?)o.-;ed to be very groat.
(Signed) . - R\ K. LEBY
RtcHMoitp] ?' J iruitry
i a the llouso r. r?-?'?'>- fl: wi . a
adopte^ i?*)??rHrtUi ' .
tho tuembei.s . ? C . v.ti c.lr ;-i
i:,d Siuar. -
A re ola iou wa? ?ilere.l vi.c ling ??c C- :.
?nitteo on Afcittyj Aff'i-i.-; li i ttrjirc i:iu<'ii.
ipedieney fi-.v-it'iig vP-rcfi.ient vii
power to call intf? s-rrte? u'l able jiotjied ?nal
.giio?.t Kl 'he C j?fh ierney to bc uso 1 .-a L
:niy?h;i:k b*.?t, to a'd:n the ?ujliKry tle:'v-r.p
p ' :(x-uuiry. A uVitibn'to lay-it ont:
i lyle wa" iiegarivcd by a vjto of V&to 3;?. I h
re^'dutTbri wis .-i.?"i>i<??l.
('h-.mb -r-i' re o4t??o : of i: '? ?i'y ns.to wheth
cr lit: (V)f--'l . ? ?. rn :ij t bas th" ('r>;i
K-it'lMijti 1 i ghi '?. ......vh-iscsbvc." as .-old T
nud oller titem' their treed ?rn, was tiblt-o b;
a vote t?fo3 t > U'i
T? e lloa-e r?^ :-'.rd.it.t df ti:to 3ctr?t ?os
S? >!?. . , .
Rr&i??oxr?, February 7.
i i t? o Stmn'.-?. ?Sc?ator Brown s'.ibuii??i
.-luwyig: ^.
.! j'-kc- i, 'ttt tt |h< CiKrmdtj e-Ql! MiM ;-.r
:ivf ito i,s.?i! ta-:*d io repiQ't a bill, wit
, .. i.'-f?C-i>raoii<tut:le?i? lay, to t -ke ?itLiii lhT
:.. :. J i :tr v ?<vv>6c t'*.'.' C?nf?dcrafb Stn! rs :
..umber of negro soldiers, uoi to i ^cecd ??00
OOO, by-wluntary'f?nli.nnfenti wi h tim coi)
R;-nt ot'their iaas;er*, or by conscription,
may he found DCcesHary, and that the coinrnit
t?-.e provide in ?lid biri for .thc emancipation
o:'8aid negroes, in ali cise-i where thc j prov?
loyal and tru.e to tho end bf t:ie .var, and f..i
the immediate payment, tu^dc-r proper festric
lions, of their present value to their owneri.
Senator Brown said ho huroduccd 'his ro^
olu'i'?n to .?how, In his ??pinion, that the time
had come when wo alumldemplynegro tr;)o?)F,
Kow, if over wr, tho tim?*, wc were in tito
very crisis of our lato-ho had soon ?iib
pleasure tho revival of the war spirit, aid
boped it would sweep through thc .lund, 1 ut
fesred r,ux arrries wera n^t strong e;,ough to
withstand the Shetny rrithuut the employment
of negr ? troop1. On motion of Maxwell tho
resolution was transferred to-thc secret cn>i!
dar. The Sonate res;.lvdd into secret ses iou.
Tho House made public the 'su1 -jer ?itie j
engaged its attention iii *e?ror >e-si -n J r
several days, to wit: Thc t-'X bill to tnkgt t ??
discovery of tbft t rror in the imaiedirit:
tdli tie's of tho Governmontnf h?arlv 6100,003,
000. Thc Secretary of .the Tr^.i-uiy recoa
?nend? thc injprsase of the presenjt tax 100 per
< ent. to meet tl cdvlicienry.
He R'tv.s the character of: h's De;i-.r!
i-i such fiat the pay men I cannot b-3 u< gleets '
or postponed without dauger aud sei.iou.ily"
embarrassir'g the operationaoj the V/nr D?
The House r.-roived it - -.'f?jTtosecret sj%ijn.
Ti\& Situation.
jGencral Wheeler attacked the eijemyV cav
alry uder4Kilpatri ;k. a short distance be
^ ynnd Aiken at 10 o'clock y;storJ:?y morning.
After a sharp c. in'es., th" cnou.y v.-crK br,j
ken and precipiuuly driven u'?furas J-?b;?
' ston's.Turn Oat.. T!,e reheat of-the foe ;..-.. s
in rontc nnd demoraliznlion. O.i rjeitchii^
the Turn Oat, K?patrick. tnok rcf%e b?hi< d
cr-freuchrncnts where he ba-1 -sritiio rhfiTitfy
and'artillery supports, the number of which -
V #jifat9t nscertainc- l, but.believe! io be of no
gj^Sof majnifode^.
Gen. Wiip^ler re-z-irts Hut many/of the e i
piny rere kilted and. wounded; Irt? ?whfj??iH
?Bight. A batch of pnHoners?rrlv? ! ber? !:-.-l
evening. /
At tho time of going to pro-.v thia ^s (!$
precise str.icr, pl aflhtrlS, received from ? relia- i
hie source
Wo would siaf " paiontheticat?^r that ihs 1
public r-uhe se?nis to havo ceased ita throbs
cf fever and panic. One evidence of this, and I
a significant one, is that gold bas declined
from G?.to 50tand remains dall at thc latter
figure.-Constitutionalist of Sunday;.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1805.
.- -ti?- -.-S
The Situation.
TLo situait n of military mattors in South
Carolina is wrnppcd in mystery imponctrublo to
th? kon of Human experience. Knowing not&.
in j, anil b>ing nMe to learn nothing reliable, it
i? vain for ai to attempt tn tell anything concern
ing thc affair. Wo will not repeat the thousand
rumors that reach our ears. Suffice it to cay that
Sherman, with his wholo army, is in thc heart of
South Catalina; and the universal opinion in
those parts, ig thu ho is mirchirg upon Colom
bia or Kingsville Our own. opinion is that,
unlors he retraes his 6tcp?, tho dey of bi? dis
confiture is near at band.
One of the Rest and Bravest.
I Our pond and br?v? 'rir-nd, Cant. Gea TOXT
KINS of Co. B -fdimnton L-'^ion. ii at Lome fir
a few days ...rc^i"? hts war-worn*limbs among
thc haunts of civil z t.-Vr. and comfort; His ac
counts of thc spirit in the army, Mptc'aUy in
Gat-jr's brigade, .to which ho be/v?g??, are ia the
highest degree cheering and inspiring. Fis own
-sentiments arc : "Keep your sleeves rolled up,
aud the drcks^chared. In that ease our triumph
is sure."
Troublous Times iu Edgeitcld.
During thU war, we people of ETdgeficld havo
. had, compared to hundreds of other places in tho
Confederacy, a very calm and ploasant wnlk on
tba highway of lifo. And our walk is still com
paratively calm and pleasant How long it will
remain so, God only know* ! Lately however, wc
have been wandering in wot .ind slippery road?,
in bed times and wiutrv weather. For /our days,
our wh-ilo population rr:-s in hourly expectation
of heine pounced upon bj a pick of howling,
ravoning, bloodthirsty wolves-of being nt at;y
moment, night ?r day, gnashed, g?awoJ, crashed,
and gobbled up, in tho most merciless and fero
cious manner.- Women imagined all sorts of bat
tle, murder aud sudden death. Children h dd
" Raw Hoad and Bloody Bones" ever before their
oyo?. Mira of. large property were green and
follow, and grinned with horrible agony. But
let us n?rrate facts. Earlv on Thursday morning
Inst, it was announced among us that a largo and
formidable body of Yankon cavalry, undor KIL
PATRICK, had catered Aiken during tho provious
night. Refugees and straggling soldiers, passing
through from below, contirm-id this rumor, and
ailed thai EtXPlxniCK was pressing oa to Oran
geville .md VuucJado and would no doubt devas
tate thc wholo country. Tho Snpp?rting Forco
of Edgo?oid District being ia camp near the vil
lage, our vigilant. energetic Enrolling Officer,
Lieut. aiosss, itnmtdii.te*ly choue from that body
a number of brave und well mounted men^and
departed'with ifconi t'>?:*-.:??< Atv-r., intending to
c?tal.liih a tina ?T couriers V-ctv-.-tn that piece
and Edgofivld ; ibi". fa? did, i*;:d to him -.u i then
tho community is not a little indebted.
Al.. ut noon on Thursday, some half doren sol
diers from WaEKl.EB's command, ia charge ?f
150 or -?? broken down cavalry hoTses, chtorcd
ourtown-horses.and'an. On tho approach of
l : . Y;-:thces, they had quitted a recruiting cum;
on tho S. C. Raiirfad, and were taking their
horses up the;country. They reported no Yan
kees in Aiken, but a large loree twelve miles bc
!ovr. 5n?e o' liare r.ud bony ehevettti de latutilt
ware the Yankees that Ind entered Aiken the
niglit befsrt !
By nigh tia'! on Thursday, "".r couii?rs brpught
it; roli?'do intelligence that n/nic of tlio enemy
v ciUAtkou ? and Unit a considerable body
. . .; . . y - s between that point
tU? rV*j ''. i '. monntime, our people,
,:\-\ . . ...?ii.'-: J?a: "aim and collected, we
ot '. .. .'..ot- i'.-,.-. ? - iti ord-r fer tho rec.-p
tr. . ' J f * : or r.titer in '.urning tlieoi top?*
tur.'j i ovwtiins, furniture, clothing, wera s- nt
off .t d " .?;? i in raf?? placet; .?Iver, jewelry,
glavsj ci.ina, (tc, tc. ic, wi ve coo.iged to tho j
.?if.vp.dM'et.tbusor.1 of earth. Ol', thr.t wp poUCSS; |
?..I ha'f -he gold and silver now hil la Edgeficld
roil! We -rild j?nap our ftn?ir<i scornfully at
i'oto-i. Golconda, and 0?.h:r !
Fridiv wa? c- impnra'irolc .1 i^uict dr.y, thc cou. j
li-jr.- bvhil'iiig nvwS fr iu tintein timo thai Wheeler :
W?i rooc-**sfal!y ii Idi" s rt.un - !... hay sonic I
mi V. bel .w Alkotf. iu tho course of Friday night ?
bow'tve, a c->!iricr brought UJS?gs that l1 a Yan
kees had cntorid Aileen arid k?met] it. Refuge?*
?.n-i ctr ijrgl r.. rgaincomnxaied the repr-rt, nnd
tffdod tnrt'iy arrange ; nd horrible items of infor
;;i t- ;j i'h;-.'cr--rt w.as-.prcmat'urc; tho canny
.liri (hit p t >.; ? >. iit-tii ijutaird-.y. Kur dh}
ts?ji au cu i|, an' pari ol ti.
lix -.tetu-iii in Edgtfioiil vs.- n--n hi<h "r-nd
wi <\. sad c n->inucd*o uniit-Saiurday night, n
it was ascertdned f.ir eortaiu that the eiiiimv r-a.l
been i.-ireti -.-ut ' f Aiken, t>tM ptt.-'.ied back ^tu^c
utiles dowe Irji.? rn}li'Md. During the day ho
Yat.kees had d.-.-h ? imo Aiken, aad Whevler's
cavalry hal engaged them fiercely in the very
*tr?itt? of thc town, whipping them back and
Gnally oompclliog them to roiire diicomfited. On
thu d .y, Saturday, Whco'cr whipped them in
tare? or four different Sghtain ann arenad Aik'n.
Goal. Wboclaiiinay h-v? a grant many woxthlers
men la his oatnmaud, evidently ha?, hut after
tbi?, let us c ai-J to taik ubottt his troups not.
Ogiirlng. '
Ou Hunlt-y, a'.*cortling lo the reports of our
oouricrs, tho c-;>. my retired ?rom thc railroad and i
wide ni? east war?! y towards 0.-at.;;eburg. Gen. j
Whfoior ?.ni ll ." i .? ?-:<:g ?.o..Mvrrii'0 ?
!?rl -zn, whi-'i '. . i die Kd:.".o from Rjru- ;
W_?i ins ii L ': ; bri ige is thirteen !
mt'i" i .i 1 .y :'. icc frrrni l*d:;c- ;
il- ! ';'?? i. Z'H-.-? ting iatdj below
A'tkyri wa? a birt ot' Kilpatn^lt'a eav.i'.ty ; it i- j
said they h-.t-i a largo infantry supp ort. F-? tw? !
days pa ? W?. ! ivo L'en tranquil and fr^o fri-m |
": rd wild alarm"-; We know nut ho-r Iviig this
tranquillity .viii iast. i'erhcj'SXut ?Vw days. God
g?sr,t.it m?y he forever. Wander if the caria
i? givia';: >j{i" ii . ttoawiroe !
_ -lr.-n -
Thc militia Again.
?r> oa'i ?pet i il attontiqu to tho order: of Gk?.
GABLI.VCTOS sn-3 Lieut. Col. Annii-OK, coae.erniog
thc or-raiiixation of tir'c Militia.
Seo aotidc ol Re-.'. >|r. SAMS,-concorning
thc exercises of the Fo.-nrila.College^
Vue .Viclis.
Sn Savannah thc Yankee rule ia getting gra-iu
? 11 y miro and moro rigid.' Tho poor deluded
wretch i ?ii? tfi?iil ti' ni -k-j p-'.-r.-n with their foes
bv a c of cvwai Hy trf ory towar-t.i their
frieift'-s ani-coun'ry, ar? begittifing to CJUTT tho
rcwar i thr-.v EO richly dei*errc. tild Avenid, tho I
recreant u.ityoF. itt raid t? Le " utrru-ly euffering ? '
iL? lii'ter pa:ip;< of 'en,orso for his contemptible '
Cytw?rdi^. Ile ila's n<>t .*harid -jiuca ho dogr.itled J 1
tints i', nor rh?;s lie" bream ad a ??her breath 1 ho;
coes totjoriag about thc ;.!rccti, and appears (oho J
ab?nduiied l? de?pair.5' " Iba still small voice," j .
v* tupp?'iwj l? whispering to hia erivon heart ' j
night .md day. What ...n tineas .- hod-fellow is a
L-ii cdsscicace ? Is uo; all lui? a startliog lesson
for ns '! , ' I
Exeunt Peace Rumors ?
Thc little private unofficial prelun?tiery talk
about peace, between our Coicmissi?pcrs on thc
one 6?1I0, and Lincoln and Seward o ii, tho otner,
waa " short sharp and decisive." Th?s, as w-? all
knew,-ia. tho amiable Premier's wjiy of doing
business; vide the " ?hort, ?harp" and dgeisire"
crushing out of the rebellion ! Everybody knew*
(he remit of-thia preliminary tali; and who
hoped fur anything better from pseplj?. who bare
ever boen io false and treacherous int their tell
ings with us? Butthofe is no har? des* ; en
the contrary, good. Wo have liiferlid to the?
and got their cue. They only oame~|lo iniult us
with atlvieo lo lay down our ?rms ajld submit to
our Malters. Old Blair; wily old jack, came to
Richmond to accomplish something ti the advan
tage of the Eederal Government, bul, if we mis
take not hil fool's errand has resulted in vast
good to the. Confederate cause. For are not thou
sands of our credulous people now -convinced of
what they have to-expeot from our bfemiei ?
Thoro i.? not * word uf truth in .iee assertion
that Mr Lincoln hui been notified that tho 4th of
March naxt ia tho limit of Europein patience,
and 'hat Mr.'F.Iair'i object was to-forestall the
in'erfcrencc which be foresaw from;j*bnad. No.
Buch notice, no such interference, is going tojoome
m pais. Linooln and Seward, as representatives
"f thc ineffably contemptible Yankee>sation, only
came in their pride and pity tojnsult* us ; sn in
explicable wrong, an urrattrrahle shime, which,
by the righteous (Jod 1 shou'dti ^
.J-turn-thp e--.ward'n h^ortit* steel, .
Thc s'u.-.cnr'l's bbii-d *n fl;tne.'-' J
Andnnw ivnb.no nothinc t'? di> Ihtsk to fighj ;t
ont; or fish? 'hi<>r> intt'.'??neither pre'dtainary talk,
in thc ewe '>.*, nhi.-h" ihey will hey loss proud
andmore polii- T-i this course ajad thia end,
all ot us-i he ?rr n.. the bravo, the patriotic and
tho hopofui fir w.vk. 'ho cowardly, the selfish
and the detpa--rinr--in y ..--?s .'well make up our
roiuds: a?-d that at "ncc and-unalterably. Let
us bc united, ci-el, firm; determined^ and as sure
as thi-rt is a God in heaven; wc >hj*ll,-before
another twelvo months roU away, gain.nnt>. v'
lasting independence.
Edgefield Female College.
One of the most advantageous and: attractive
features of Edgefield in those days, ? is thc large
and flourishing Female College, conducted hy
the Bov. MARI CN SAMS. Mr. SAMS is a polished
gentloinan, a thorough eoholar, ?./jery zei!ous
teacher, and.a most successful educator. Oue
hundred pupils n?w attend this institution. The
most determined and untiring efforts' of Mr. SAUS
arc bent towards the elevation of the/standard of
femalo education.' Ile is assisted by competent
and accomplit-lied teachers of both sexes. The
character of the school, together with tho rate?
of board and tuition, the healthiness of thc cli
mate, w i tho comparative quiet of our town (not
very quiet just at prosent, to be sura'} but always
has been in the past, and will be in the future,)
rondcrs this a most desirable institution for the
oducation of girls and young ladies. Where a
young lady has passed through this ?ollogo and
received tho Principal's certificate, they rrill be
prepared, in a literary and scienti?fc lotto, for
ibo reiner duties ff life. 3
This leo ib. a propitious time for parents to
educate their daughters ; mn, r.y ii '.-very' abun
dant throughout our coun' - ?: I wry little of
it ii being . x ... - - t .. -, education of boy ?
and y.u--.- ir-.-: i '-. :i?ticu fttid-;pr|tracted wer
bass.- ?.'..!.. . o :.. Juciftiori of our
s-iiii, ipr. it .? T.1-;- iuivoriant-lo educatp
uur flan iiit-> :u..-..ii?L:... >o as to coppensato in
part for th', wa::: or irv: <? i ice tuaJtAettltiyati on
among tl?-mt.ie ?>z\ ; of 'vur'?ttttn?'-pSp?&tiim: ?
beautiful, jet uneducated and irreligious, woman
m*y ruin u nutioa and submerge an empire in
thc gulf of inoral degradation ; while ?one leta
beautiful, but thoroughly, educ.-.tod and eincorely
pious, may giro chastity aiid moral iona to pub
lic sentiment, clorato national charaeter, abd du
much to rcdce.r. a world from ignorance and siu.
Si nco our Confederacy ha3 boan baptised with
th? richest blood of its patriot som, let its fair
daughters el?aus< tho social and moral oioutcheun
of public sentiment and character, with intelli
gence of miud and purify of chancier.
Thc Anderson Intelligencer.
Tho puhliealjon of th;s excellent journal, ins- j
pended four years ago, by the departure of both
its editen to the field of battle, has lately been
resumed j a fact which it gives ua very sincere
pica ?un to chronicle. Tho Editors of ibo Intel
lig-nccr are Mejor W. W. Hf MPH a* TS and Lieut.
JAMBS A. HUTT, thc latter well and favorably
known in ov.r cmmunlfy. For four yean past,
both thc?9 bravo and accomplished gentb.inon j
hare wielded their manly right arras most rigor- j
ously and untiringly In tho Confederate cause, t
Lient, li orr has been disabled from active 1er- j
vico ia tho field, and is now in immodiato charge j
o?. Ute Iccalltgenaeri Major U*wttrsRsrs is still
i:L- post naur Petersburg, and will furnish bis
pen r with occasional letters from the Army of
Not ti: rr. VirgWu. The Intelligencer ii publish
ed ii Xnlenon-every Thursday morning; price,
Si.tbr six lu'ii.ths. We welcome it to our table,
?nd wish for it a brilliant iV.re of prosperity,
popularity ar.d /.ucepss.
--* fr t "~
What, oo ii .i ?te HW-ii. U'.?M >t *?rpn?
Wi a". .: h # --.i.? -nd broadcast
airaijtib, ' . ??re ?trenmiug in
?Verj i .1. . - .. .. it infection-most of
W.Q.U v.. i. .. . .-. : uadiearn ef luggage,
asd wort3 .- .. <v-rr, ta?ir passage through
the'* m. r vc 'in. ly, and in .squads
af fr?m .. ,. - 7c?rer the land like
rheh-.-.i ' ~ : '? their lavages are well
ni:h . 'u : Uriiig no far from the
fioi.t, we are <t ii .>.: a da | .-rs'iud all tili* 'Ve
:.r--- but w'uiil : J ?o iv? inca tue laVnagctij ..' r.'i
discipline of dur armies, bat, judgin. co? . ?
unbridled straggling, r.OBcthtng m.tM .. lavsn?
ta'ly awry iu milriary matters. Mb?i M.-.?
II auder era are eavilryjnon, aud ure, <T .*.rv j.
ally said to b-i, Wheeler's inca." Now tie ma
Jvrity of Gen. WHGB^BS'S men are, beyond a
doubt, ns bravo and good and truo r.s any soldiers
in tba service. ^nd??n the other hand, it i
oquslly beyond a dnubTkbat ho bas a lurga num
ber wan, Uko C^l. JACK FAUSTAKK'S braves, "had j
as lii'f hear tho ?i vii as a druin"-a set of ns j
graoelws ragamuffins us eyer kept slop sinct tho
hiorSdiild Col. FAi.iTAff'a regiment was disban
ded. Thoso straggler*/from ali accounts, nover
light, aud never bare f.>ught: and while their
battjr und braver coiupauioas ?arc doing baltic
nobly at the front, they aro luarautliag and plun
dering through tho country iu rear of the army.
Thoir outrages duri?; tho late military operations,
ja S-.-ulb Carolina havo been numerous and fear
ful. If a irpsjr of them were "'shot to dc.^th with
mu.'ketry," this terribie nuisance would it,-.i bc
Cunnot be Forwarded.
All persans who have ludgra boxos at' tho Ad
'.??-,'(-,c . nfSoe, t-, be furwa-'5 .. i to the 7th S. C.
Kegiment, ... h ' ' 't-.y tho game, ai
herc u n . . ?. . la.- tkeai eff.
V^rtiliae'H ;.;oy.
This ii"..O? .KV. li bj is ;>t; Valcnrirt's Day.
1'bc time-hu..'. -o 1 -ia .<:, -.vo iai.iginc, U not doiua i
i V'.ry ht ; i.-ruc.?-"-.lion.
?a . . . :-.T^ of Ila....- rrohibii?ag~ blacks j
from iettlipg in that Stato havo boro repeatod. I
I - Lu ck 1 e f s Wayfarers.
For more than a' weov past, I th? road? leading
fr ora Aikea to Nicety Six,' hare been lined aad
crowded with hapless refuges from tb.? lower
districts-particularly froia BarVwoll. The streets
of our town hare, witnessed the passage of-?ara
venj uf them; some "hare wagant laden with
what little they #oulA got oft*; many have not a
change of raiment, a meal fer the morrow, ora
placo in which te lay their hoads. At the ap
preach, of th? ruthless ard vindictive- fee, -they"
hive fl?d their eemfortable aad ouce happy homos.
Delicate and unprotected females, tender and.
Loipl? f children, nged arid infirm reen, are alt'
flying out into the pitiless night, into th? pitiless
cold, into the pitiless raia, into the pitiless wbie
world. Tho sight ii heartrending ! Let til who
are still living in peace and plenty and eomfort.'
be kindnndgenerous-rory kind *n-lgeuerous-to
theso homeless and unhappy iugitiyer. Be not
libra the Priest and the L?vite wno passed the
fallon man with averted heads, bat rather imitate
the noble Samaritan who knelt by- bis ?ide'and
poured oil info his wounds. Ab, thanks to Heures,
tr?relltr? s td I find Samaritans, as well as Priest?'
and Levires, on life's hard way! If rb ese luck
less wayfarers hare tears to shed sow, ire hepr
kind fate will druthers quickly. Again 'wo say
bo kind end generous and pityiog towards them.
"As ye would that mea should do nato you, do
ye even so us to theta."
Asa Hartz.
?AL HARTS (Major MCEMCHT,) . who js a per
fect Mercutio, whose exhilarating humor sud good
tempered wit, es exhibited in his'irresistibly
clever and funny letters, make ni rend our ribs
with laughing, has lately achieved matrimony
scoond tune. He writes a lotter abovt music, ia
whicbhe prefers " tho organ and monkey" to the
Piano Forte-on account of tho former being a
iab-r-saving machine. He -further avows his
intention ot taking lesions on "the organ and
monkey." Horrid .?'grossin Aax \ Wonder what
his fnir bride .hink* of it? 1'bey iel! U6 she plays
and singe very beautifully.
Religious Notice.
Ry Divino permission, there will be preaching
a Mt Tabor Church on the third Saturday and
Sabbath in Feb. inst, ile tuber! of-thc Church,
male-and fr ir ale, are kindly requested to ho
present. T. A. BELCHER.
--? -*- -
The retirement of General James Jon"*
from his position as Chairman o: lue Board
of Visitors of the Military'Academy of South
Carolina, is an event, which at.any other
time than the present, would have edited
one universal exprceaiou of regret from the
.country and the press. Only to the s.axie
ti"3 of the hour can the comparative silence
with which.his r^icna'-on bas beon receiver!,
be attributc-d j for among the many m this
cdmrannity interested in the cause of educ ;
tion,'there is doubtless not ono who h?.s n<-t
heard with profound concern that General
Jones has withdrawn from that' small but
important body, over which he has so loug and
sj ably presided. Identified as he is with
the admirable institution in question-enti
tled,, per haps, more than any one else, tobo
regarded as its founder-gray with more than
twenty years of services devoted to the pro
motion in every possible way of its interests
-it is very generally .felt that in parting
with him, that institution sustains a loss
which, withont ?ho greatest difficulty, will
not soon be supplied. That feeling of pa
ternity which he had a right to cherish to-i
wards the school which he had created and
fostered, and which helped to make him at
once so tender and so wise io tho car . which
h<* lavished upon it, cannot bs soared byjmy
successor} and, therefore, we do no wrong to
the gentleman who shall hereafter occupy
bi? p'neo, if we aay that however ably they
may discharge the duties of the office in their
turn, lhere will alwa\> ho reason to regret
that General Jones could not have beea in
.iuced to ra:air? that odioe as one ID which he
was entitled for life.-South Carolinian.
Public Meeting in Uichmoud.
In pursuance of a call of Gov. Smith aa
immense public meeting w*s< held at the Afri
can Church.
A series of patriotic resolutions were adopt
ed, thc last uf which reads as follows t
Resolved, That in this presence aad in
face of the world, reverently invoking there
to the aid of Almighty God, we rom:W our
rcrolve to maintain our liberties and our in
dependence, and to this end "wc mutually
pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sa
cred honors."
President Davis addressed the meeting for
?he s>pace of thirty minute?, lie said that he
was rojpiccd to witness this demonstration,
mid expressed hi? belief that rf the people
would give their hrarty ami unanimous re
sponse to thc demand of tho exigency, 'the
rinetity would next ask for conferenos in
*~hieh to make known oar demanda. Ilia li'e
was bound up in the Confederacy. Under no
circumslances wuuid he be the agent of a
reconstruction of the Union? Ike Psesident.
WZ.S frequently interrupted with enthusiastic
cheering. Several other addresses were de
livered! ,
A call for another malmoe ting fur Thurs
day has been published,
The weather is very inclement to-day.
Thc ground ia corerod with snow and sleet.
? ? ?
Interesting from Virginia.
PETERSBURA, February 8 -No .fighting to
day, and quiet is once more resumed. The
enemy still maintains his position at Hatch
er'? Hun. His lines thereby hare been ex
tended, but not arl mevd. Gen. Sorrel's
aound i-s in thc lung-., but not considered,
mortal. Coi. Ll <!?. ?? <. Virginia, was kill
ed .II the light * M ..-.i: v. Our loss wiil
hot reach St'fi; ii?'* euVaiir'* ios* ' Btimated
li.r.hv that! ii um;- :. l.c de.|d* (>{??? Hil been
'?rie ?, ?ud the wounded OA.uj.hi truro tuc
; L MMioray :s erecting ob:;ervator?e?
........tight. The h-avy cannonading,yet
uday altomoon, WHS caused by our artillery
au?ffttig thc eucmv'a line. Boto aid? ? are er.
gagtid tu day strengthening tho nev lines.
RicffMOxn, February t?-An official dt-a
patch from Gen. Lee says the enemy made r-o
advance from their position on Hatcher's
Run yesterday. Uisskirnsfsbeia hows** r, lime
pu?hed forward against ports cf our lu.ee,
hot made no a* tac?c.
RICHMOND, February 8.-A oorre.?po:idvr.oc
is published in the ??eidii.el, tt'is m- r.:~ g, Iii
tween the President and Air.. Seddon, ?iiovr
ing that ih.i laster resigned hu jamttio . .*??
Secretary of War in wn.-jeqiiSucc of a ?e.so.::
Iion adop cd by the Virginia delegation it
Congress, advining legislation in t?o (Ja bi ucl -
by relieving all present beads. . Air. Seddun i
eays after .<nch an expression ot^bpiuionj ne
could no longer lill the position with a lull
measure of usefulness to the President or Con
federacy. Tho President] in reply, expresses
bis wat m personal regard and official confi
dence in Mr. Sodden, and discusses at consid
erable length the relations between the Ex-*
cculivu and LegisUt ve Departments of the
Government. II? represents the proposition
ni the rights and privileges of the^Confede
rate Congress ia .contrait with the British
Parliament, Mr. Seddon, iu reply, expresses ?
^occurrence in th? views represented by the
President, but adheres to his purpose to ro-|
We siocarcly regret to learn that Brig. Gen. j
Winder, the Commissary General nf orison
rtcrs for the Confederacy, died of apoplexy, j
at Florence, S. C., on th? ?th ioflt. ' ]
Hew TO M MISERABLE.-Sit by- the .win
dow ?nd look o?er the way to your neigh bor'n
excellent mansion which he l?a recently bail;
and paid for and fitted out. ' " O h, that I "wan
*-ricb man !" .
Get angry with your .neighbor an?Vthinl:
yon have Jiotji friend in th?, world. Shed J
tear or tyro, ?pd iakfl a" walk in the burial
.ground, continually saying io yourself,u When
shaB I be buriad heroT1
Sign a note for a frhnd, ?nd never forget
yohr kindness, and every hoar in the day
whisper-to yourself; "I wonder if he.wiil
cvar paylhat note?"
Thiiikovarybodv.means to cheat yoa. Clow
ly examine *v?rry bill you take, .and doubt
its being genuine until yon have put the own
?r-to a great deal of trnnble. P;Ut confidence
in Bobody. and believe every wan you trade
with to be a rogue.
Never accotnodate if you can possibly help
it. Never visit the sick or afflicted, and sev
er give a farthing to assist the poor.
Bny as cheap as you can and serew down
to the lowest mill; Grind the faces and
hearts of the ne fortunate.
B,rood over yourmUfortnne., yaurlack of
talents, and believe that at- na distant day
you will come to want. Let the workhouse
ba ever in your mind, witk all tho horrors of
distre'B and pi-overty.
Follow these recipes strictly, and yon will
be miserable to yonr heart's content, if we
may so speak-sick at the heart, and at vari
ance with th? world. Nothing will cheer or
encourage you ; nothing 'throw a gleam of
sunshine or. a ray of warmth into, your heart
H Aaa??, by B. M. Martin, Esq., at the bride's
residence, on the 7th inst., Mr, JO UN PRICE
ind Mrs. FRANCIS MOKOAN, all of this Dia
triot .
MA RBI KD, at the Baptist Church ia this Village,
on the Ith inst, by tho Ber. L. B. Oiraltney, Mr.
D. P. M?EWEN, 2d 8. C. Cavalry, and Miss
M AB Y A. E. DUBISOE, all of this District
MABBIBD, by Ber. D. D. Branson, on tho 19th
Jan., Mr. P. W. THOMAS and Miss ELIZA
BETH MCDANIEL, daughter of the late E. B.
McDaniel, Esq., all of this District
Mi.RBI BO, by the same, on the 26th January,
ABETH S. SHABPrON, all of this District
MAURI ED. by the same, st the bride'? residence,
9th Feb., at 2 o'clock P. M., Mr. -Ir. E. HOLMES,
Co. I?. 1st S. C. t; and Hra. SARAH J. HAN
SON, all of this District ? .
MaaRixn, by the same, on the Otb Feb., at 6
o'clock, P. M., at Mr. W. Holuajat* .residence,
Lieut. WILLI AM PARKMAN, Co. I, Wk 6. C.*
Regiment, and Misa ISABELLA L. MORGAN,
ail of this District
DIBS, at Staunton, Va., on tho 7th January,
in the 31st year of his age, fr nra a wound receiv
ed whilst leading bia Company in battle.
His affectionate yoong wife had the mournful
privilege of ministering to him in his last mo
menta-heard his last prayer for his oonntry, and
his wife and his two littlo boys. His remains
were buridd in the Church-yard at Gilgal with
Masonic honors.
The deceased pose??sei qualities of mind aad
heart which tko vicissitudes of his short life had
chown to bao;' sterling worth. Modest and re
tiring in his manner, determined and firm in his
purpose, without affectation, ho iras strong and
firm ia his attachment* Ho entered the Con
federate service aaa Corporal ic Company E,
7th Begiment, S C.V., and "by regular step?.'of.
promotion was ia command of his Company
; wuon wounded. ." ' -~ "* -
Ho wa* bjp'.ized as a nvsmber of tho Charca of
ChriKt ul Gilgal wbtiu quite a >eutb. ??cd e.xoai
plifled bj a well ordered lita tb? rvligioo be pro
fessed. Aa a husband and parent bc was affec
tionate and kind. His death ic a loss-a loss
which is felt and known to all who knew him.
His family has rcoeired a wound which timo may
ameliorate but never can erase. Their eensoln
tion doubtless is that "ho waa guided by thc
council of God and received up to glory." D.
DEPARTEN this life, at his residence ia Edge
fie'd District Dee. 3$(b, 1864. Mr. ROBERT
QCABLES', I? the SSth year of a ?j age, J?-ving
tin affcedonate wife, and seven doling ehiMren,
with numerous friends tn mourn his loss, though
they mourn not as fhoie who baro no hope ; for
he had been a consistent MtRihrr *r the Bap i?t
Church of Christ at Mountain Creek for tereral
Ile was not fla'.r? upon tho battle-field bj an
enraged foo, hat his life wa.? devoted to oar utrug
gle for Independence. He is d^ae with the
elamors and hardships of this atorld. Sometimes
wa think he cannot be forever gone : aad then
the sad truth tells us that ht? is sleeping in the
enid and silent torob. Yes, he fills r. patriots
grave. Nothing will disturb that rest, entil the
great Judgement c*ay ; when ho will riii clothed
in immortality. 5, i?. D.
Special Notice.
THE exercise* of the Kdgcfield Female Col
lado ure not?Hifte$,iicd, n -r will they be mi
lkia it is poritively kw tra th?.t the ?-nemy arc ad
vancing npon the town.
M. W. Salis, Principal.
Fob l-l lt S
Important Notice.
ALL rori? us hiving claims against the Estate
of E. B. McDanloi, d?c'd., are hereby no
tiilod to present Ibo same forthwith.
B. P. G LAN TON, J ^"f
Feb U _?t?_8_
Take Them Away.
ALL persons haring Watches or articles of
Jewelry nt mv Shop, are respectfully urged
lo take them <-,way^ immo'liatcty ; a?, in eua? of
an advance of thc enemy, I will not he responsi
ble fur said property.
H. A. GRAY. '
Fob 14_' U _l_
07 Saturday night last, from the stable at rey
Burt plantation, a valuable HOBSE. For
fie recovery, and dolivery to rn?, of said horse, I
brrchy offer a liberal reward. The boree is a bay,
five y?nrs oid this spring, has a small star in the
torthiad, aol a white spot on the hack; aleo a
lump on th* hark. He belongs to .Mr. Lawrence
V.'ii iiur, A >,i:-. hy old >;'.iUiot:ia'n living with mo
wbi e i:i.?aons are iu th? army. For any iutelli
zciic* ciiticuraing ih?? h ?r><3 I will ba extremely
. Pcb 13 2t 8
A Likely Young Negro
?W-ILT< se'l ?a Sale-day in March next (the
P h.) J?, tho Cflirf House stops, a LIKELY"
YOUNG NEGRO FELLOW. 25 years of age.
A jnad field band, a very good coarse Shoemaker,
and Plantation Blacksmith.
XTJ3~'Vvvza% tv eist t pur oh ssurs.
Fob 25. ii_8
Mules Stolen.
STOLEN from the Recruiting Camp n?ar lidgc
Ueld, on th? night of the o:h inst., THREE
MULES, branded C. S. - Ono is a large Mack
Mule, ene a gray Mulo of medium sta?, the color
of the third not remembered. Any information
t'aat will lead to tho recovery of acid Mulei will
be thankfully received.
Fob U _J*_
LOST OR MISLAID, about the S'Jth January
lait, my RE TIRED PAPERS, given me
br a B?ard of Surgeons at Gordonville, Vi, OD
th* 2d M*y 1*0*. Aj'iy infurro ifiin concerning,
ssld papers will bo thauktul*-r coiv,-d.
Pcb 8 2t*. g
State of South Carolina.
COLBMU, F?b. 11th, iSft.
. o '.. ?. ".?.
LIEUT. COL. n. W. ADDISON, A: D..C., il
charged with tbs special duty of organizing
ono or more Companies In tho 7th. and 1Gtb Regi
ments S. C. Militia, to consist, of not leis than
sixty-four, nor more than One hundred moo.
He will includo in tho organisation all male
[residents between the ager of nix teen ssa sixty
years, who are sot in Confederate military sor
rico, except persona detailed bj Confederate or
State authority. All- exemption* granted by a
Board of Surgeons in tba 7th Regiment (lately
organised without authority) will bo reviled by
Dr. Yeoagblood, Surgeon of ?dg?neld District.
No discharge will be granted for disability until
theeertificates are sent to this Office for appro val.
Lieut. Col. Addlaon will, if deemed by him ne
cessary, order out'said Regiment? for th, purpose
of executing this.order; and. ail the Officers of
.aid Regiment will extend and carry oat ardors
from him for the purpose aforesaid,
. If on? or mora effective Companies bare ab
?ready been formed in either of tho Regiments,
Lieut. Coi. Addison will not ?issolvs them, bul
may assign to them a sufficient number of men to
complete the maximum number.
As soon as thc organization of tho R?giments
has. been completed, Lieut Gol. Addison will
Imaka' his report to thia Office, and order -ta? Offi
cers te held their Companies in readiness for th?
Sold. Tdio greatest promptness i? the ?xeeutioa
of these.orders i*. enjoined.
e- ' 9 ? ? * --J
By command of tba Governor; .? '" - . -
Adjutant k -Inspector General,
Feb H lt : ' .%
F?b. Mtb, 1865.
IN obedience to the above orders th? 7th S..C.
Mil i ti., is hereby ordered to rendezvous at
this place on Friday next,'th? t7tb February.
All applicants for exemption on account of physi
cal disability are required to attend the day pro*
vious for examination by Dr. YoUtfgblood, Snrge
on for EdgeSeld District. -
Thc 10th Regiment S. C.Militia will rende
vous at Richardsons, on Saturday next, the I Sta.
February. Applications fur exemption on ac
count of .physical disability, are required to be at
saki place the day previous for examination by
Dr. Youngblood, Surgeon for Edgcheld' District.
The names of all defaulters to' the above or
ders will bc'forwarded to Head-Quarters without
delay. H. W. ADDISON.
Lieut CoL k A. D. C.
Feb rt lr 5
Td Rent.
.HE Subscriber will rent ow TUESDAY, the
_ 21 st inst, at Mount Enon, Ridgefield Dis
trict, A TRACT OF . LAND containing about
Four Hundred Acm, on which there is -a large,
comfortable Dwelling Hon Je, .a?nd ail necessary
out buildings, and about Sixty Acres of Laud In .
a high.ltato of cultivation, with a g .od 0robard?.
I Situated in five miler of CbappcU's Depot; Grofcn
vilie A Columbia Railroad. .
Feb 7 . fl 7. .
^??.Guardian copy twice-Friday and Tnes
I day-and forward account to this ofliee.
- $300 Reward!
AN AWAY on the 13th Jannary lost my casu
. SIMON, about 19.or 20 yenrs old, weighs
ao"ut 140 lbs", is near ? feet hi^h, yclViw com- .
Ljkcted., as/1 blt upperTroxtt Jrtritr-rr*: nm-jr.'.; ai
jd ?caye J.' ~1 tfn^+^. TU^l JyV;>d>
j ?ale ir? Greenville Dia'riel, and it u likilv i-.cliaa
j rcturas.l to that District
I wi l pay a reward ?f $-*9? if d?livor*d tu tb?
R IgefieM J*H->r, or S'JCO reward if lodged ia any
jail co that I ead get him.
Fjb 7 L's 7
?gr?reenviUo Patriot will copy twice and for
ward aeconnt to this C?JB. . .
Enrolling Office,
EDGEFIELD, fi. 0 , Yob. 3d, Ui6i.
THE mm named below a.i hereby r-r!*r<? t.?
report io person at this ?Sa? at 10 u'eioek
A. M , oa Saturday the IS?.* if ?kia mo ah, f?r
rerUi?n of their ccrliie?tc* *.<( ?xsaptioit hy tao
Medical Beard.
William Byrd,, F'tjj? Oversireet,
Jamel Eidsoa, Hrephca T. Wran,
Bcnj. Sheppard, Franklin A. Murr?',!.
J. S. Hughes, Groote F Hendon,
Jefferson Brigg*, Alfrad Whittle,
Robert Stuart, R. L. McCarty.
John MsManus, JatnoaeM. Riley,
John Horn, Hu ur? RubcrtV-D,
William G'.ff, R. R. Grigabr,
J.ihn M. S tidh?ni, J. M. Donny,
Madia .n R. Carver, Ephraim Cr-wit.
Bcrj Kirkland, Joseph Smith,
Sylvester B. Gregory, John A. Rctt.-n.
A.M. Grogery, Jame? Strom.
John C. Strain, Ti'man Sa'r:'c:-.
John P. Strom, Adato Paagi?,
Wm. B. Maya, J. T. Ga:/., v.
Lewis A. Powell.
;.->' .%. .. F. J. MOSES. Jr.,
Lieut A Enrolling OtStcr.
Fib 8 Zt 7
To the Public*
TUE undersigned have secured the lorrie?! of
MISS HATllS L. MORGAN, of thia Dit
trict. to take eharge of a School at Liberty Acad
emy this venr.' School to becta oa- the Vetoed
Monday in February, the 28th. . .
Miss M. ls a thorough Scholar, ?av ?ag grada
ted at one of the drat Colleges in th? Stat?, wi vii
the Second Honor.
Th* first Session will continue four month?-.
j ?A dayseieb. Th? second Session, the nm? time
i Ratos of Tuition, the rame as charged in other
I Sc bonis of tho same order. Sch,dur* eharged
i tViira th? da? they enter to elcee of See-don.
Feb 7 ' 3t 7
Tax Notice.
WE propose to be at EdgeCeld C. H., Mon
day, 20th February,-at Granit?rille oa
Tuesday, 21st and at Hapsburg, ca Thursday,
tb? 23d Fe h ru*-j, tv receive the rotorua and
tex?l on sales n nd receipts for tba quarter ending
30th. Dec. 180*. Aa at present instructed tites*
tax?! will be'receired in now onrreacy only.
There sro still unpaid on the aa*. vnlortm tax
books same small amounts wbioh mutt be paid
forthwiyt There ar? alia some who have sot
yet made their returns. This mutt be attended
to at once.
H. T. WRIGHT, Collector,
T. DEAN, Assessor .
, 12th Dili. S. C.
F?h 8 _2? _7__
State of South Carolina,
,Y W. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edga
J field Diatrict
Whoreas, Tillman Padgett, has applied to rn?
fgr Letters of Administration, eu all and singular
tao goods and chattels, rights and Credits ?f
R. Wright Adams, lat? of the Diatrict aforesaid,
dee'd. \; -
The;* are, therefore, to cite and admonish.all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of the
?aid deceased, to be and appear befor? me, at o'or
noxt Ordinary's Court "Tor the ?aid District, to bo
holden atEdgoflold Court Houseyoa* Qa 18rh day
ef Fob. in at, to ?baw causo, if any, why th?
?aid administration should not bo granted.
Given under my huid and seaVthii *th day of
Feb in tbfr year of our Lord OB? thousand,
eight hundred rad aixty-fiva, and in tho-'?ighty
ainth vear of tb? Independence ?f S. Carolina.
S W. ?. BUBISOE, O.B.?.
Fob, 7 *. f

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