OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, September 30, 1880, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1880-09-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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TERMS : $2.59 per Annum/
Rates cf Advertising :
Advertisements will be inserted at the
rate of $1.50 per square (ten minion linea,
or less) for the first insertion, and one
dollar per square for each subsequent in
sertion. *
A liberal discount will be made to those
wishing to advertise by the year.
W. W. OWDOM, Chappells, S. fl.
W. H. YKI?DKLL, Longmires.
JOHN H. HUTRT, Batesville. %
W. A. ODOM, Meeting Street.
J.K. DURST, Kirkseys X Roads.
E. B. FORREST, Minc Creek. 43BB|
J. E. COOK, Grauileville. S. C. -
Dr. JOHN B. ABNEY, Langley-, Si. C.
Capt G. W. NIXON, Woodlawn, S. C
N. W. BROODER, Ridge, S. C.
JOHN .CATO HM AN, Caiighman's Store,
S.O. _____
index ta New Advertisements.
Campaign Notice.
A Bet-Observer.
Pickled Shad, Cheese, Macaroni, Ac
G L Penn A Son.
A Desirable Home-R. G. M. Dunovant.
Annual Meetfug of the County Com
Pi-oelara?tions hy the Governor.
Land for Sale-R H. Willis.
Citation for Letters of Administration,
Subscriptions Paid Since I.a*t^nbli
Jno. B. Lanier, March 2.% '81.
W. T. Tillman, Dec. 23, '80
Maj. Lc. Lybrand, July, 8, [81.
J. O. Watson, Sept. ?-.' '81.
O Sheppard, June, 13, 'SI.
J. C. Whitlock, March 20, '81.
O. B. Whitlock. March 8, '78.
E. W. Sateher, Nov. 13, ?8Q.
L. Salter, Dec. "10, 'f0.
M. Lott, Fub. 27, '81.
W. S. Adams, July 1, '81.'
P. W. C. Posey, April -',"'81.
Ben}* Bet'tis, Aug. 8, '81. ,
Dr. Goo. Wiso, April ll, '81.
J. W. Miller, Jan. 8, 'SI.
B. H. Miller, Oct. !?, 'SI.
O. Tu Miller, Sept. 30, 'SI.
James Miller, Sept. 30, 'SI.
T. H. Derrick, March 30, 'si.
Ouzts <!k Dean, Mareh"30, '81.
Benj. Boatwrrght, April 12, 'S?
W. J. Ready, Sept. 8, '81.
Jas. M. Turner, Oct. 1, '80.
Rev W. B. Shaw, March 10, '81.
Mrs. S. A. Jones, Nov. 7, 'SO.
S. S. Horn, Feb. 28, '81.
A. Hom, April 23, '81.
C. M. Horn, Dec, 4, '80
B. F. Mays, J j ly 3, '81.
Capt. Juo. A. Wise, April 7, '81.
J. H. E<1 wards, March 4, '81.
J. M. Wallac, April 1, '81.
Mrs. F. Burton, Dec. 5, '80.
Hut Supper by the Baptist Ladles.
The Baptist Parsonage being very se
riously out of repair, the ladies ofthat
?congregation have determined upon giv
ing a Hot Snpp< r, in the hope of raising
a fund sufficient to have certain necessa
ry work done upon the said building.
And indeed it is ?o absolutely essential
that the Parsonage should at once be put
in order, lest the leaks-and breaks
and defects should require a mnch
larger sum hereafter, that the ladies de
sei ve al 1 praise and all encouragement
for their promptitude in the matter. In
deed if it were nojL ibr the women of the
land-as we have often before remarked
-there would now' be few churches or
parsonages standing in the South. And
when weak women so bravely do what
ought, by right, to lie done hy strong
men, it behooves tho said strongmen to
at least stand by them-to the amount of
their personal presence and a few paltry
cents. This is the plain truth, and there
is no getting round' i?, let men talk as
egotistically sa they may-and as is their
The ladies will give their Supper on
Tuesday night of next week, October
-5th, is: Afasonie Hail. And lhere is to be
no ra rh m g nor lottery work. Beyond
the cheap allurements of such little in
stitutions as a Post Office, a Fish Pnrul,
and a Fortune Teller, there "will be no
invitation to undue outlay. The ladies
will charge 50 cents admission fee ; and
for this, each one of their patrons will
get a very handsome supper both of sub
stantials und dainties, in fact a supper of
everything on the tables. Nothing but
Ice Cream will l>e extra. And now the
public know exactly what to expect.
And if they do not patronize these la
dies very generously indeed, the more
shame lo them. And as regards the
quality and quantity of tho feast--if
those requirements bo anything to peo
ple-and we suppose they aro to a great
many-no one in Edgefield need be told
that they will be far above ani%beyon<1
all cavil. Be present, therefore, on Tues
day evening, and consider it a privilege
to contribute your mite to so gc
Robinson's Circus at Johnston.
Persons from our town who happened
at Johnston on'Saturday last, thought
that old John Robinson's Circus had ar
rived at that place.; and they at once
made a rush for what they took to he thc
ticket wagons-the crowd around being
so large and so dense that their \ islrin
could not possibly pierce through But
what was their surprise to (ind that in
stead of old John Robinson's Circus, it
was simply yoting L. B. Whatley's Store
-whete you can lind everything in the
world-and everything at a bargain.
Yes, Mr. Whatley is drawing** costr.nl
equal to old John Robinson's. Ho has
Dry Goods, and Clothing, and Notions,
and Bo-its, and Shoes, and Hats, and
Groceries, and General Plantation Sup
plies. And he pays tho highest market
pi ice for cotton. And he is an handsome
and generous a 3'oung fellow asr ever
lived. And whoever does not attend the
Robinson- Whatley show at Johnston,
stands in his own light. Read Mr. What
ley's large card ia another column.
Keeping: Up the Rush at Trenton.
Mr. J. B. Norris, as may be seen by
bis announcement in anothe.- column,
continues to nish "the Dry Goods busi
ness at Trenton. He is lately back from
*ew-York, and hi'- prices aro as I
they can possibly be, while his gootl
of the first quality. His new stock for
the fall and winter trade is endless, and
he solicits the patronage of the?ountry
at large, a great share of which he is
lound to secure if buyers will call on
him and note his prices before purchas
ing elsewhere
E. S.-CorpocK, Agent for the celebrat
ed Studebaker Wagons,- the best in the
United States Another supply on bandf
Newlierry, S. C., Aug. 10th.-2m.ir?
Walk Up I
It will pay you to walk up to WKATK
ERHREE'S Combination Stoteand inspect
his large and varied stock of Dry Goods
and Groories/before making your pur
chases. Come and see and price for
yourself. Polite Edgefield men will
be happy ?o wait on you. My stock is
very foll and complete.
Sept. 20, '80.-3m 42.
Hurrah for Hancock*
For fine Whiskies and nico drinks, go
the old true and trl?d "Bonanza" Saloon.
July 28,1880.
AU our Churches will be opened for
divine service on Sunday morning next.
By Three O'Clock P. M.
? AU ladies contributing to the Supper
of Tuesday evening next, are respect
fully and earnestly urged to have their
baskets and waiters at the Hall by il
.o'clock P. M.
The Mass Meetings.
See tho announcement of tho dates of
the live mass meetings-one on each Sat
urday in October.
Bright and early next Monday morn
ing our October term will begin. .
Mr. Gonzalez* Account
Mr. Gonzalez, a young gentleman of
extremely pleasing appearance and uian
Riers, came to report our campaign meet
ng for the News ar ' Courier. We copy
his pleasing sketch. Tt is much better
than any we could writ?-.
John Robinson's Circus
Old gentleman John Robinson's Circus
is to exhibit in Augusta on October 11th
-next Monday week.
Vennor Again
Cold and stormy weather for the first
part of October is predicted by Vennor,
the Canadian weather prophet.
Col- Hobbs.
Col. John F. Robbs, our handsome
young legal friend of Lexington, has al
ready arrived in our town, to be present
at next week's Court?
About Liens
Persons holding agricultural liens
should deposit them with the -derk of
the Court Their liens are worthless as.
against judgment creditors, unie** lodg
ed with the Clerk. ?
In the Flush of Youth.
We regret to bear of the death of Mr.
Alexander Edmonds, jr., which occur
red, on Thursday last, at his uncle's, Mr.
T. L. Martin's. He was only 2it years of
age, and leaves a wife and one child.
Railroad Statistics
The railroad statistics sent us from
Troy, N. Y., by our young friend Torn
Rainsford are wonderful and instructive.
But why should Tom leave out the Edge
field, Aiken and Trenton Road ?
Best on Record
On Saturday last, bj/ three o'cloth, P.
M., Mr. J. K. Devore, living near Elm
wood, picked 300 pounds of cotton. Who'
can beat that for high ?
Hon. Wm. G Whitely.
The "Interview" with the Hon. Wm.
G. Whitely, which we publish on our
first page, is very interesting.
Think of It!
Three weddings soon in our immedi
ate midst? Beyond a shadow of doubt !
Between this and february. We could
give names and dates, but that, would bc
indelicate, and furthermore subject us to
assault and battery with intent to kill.
The Rifles.
It was gratifying-on the day of the
campaign moeting-to see the gallant
Edgetield Rilles again in lino They
were commanded l?y handsome First
Lieutenant Wade Youngblood.
For Orangeburg.
To-day, Tuesday, the Hon. John C.
Sheppard leaves our town for Orange
burg, to speak at the campaign meeting
there to-morrow.
Steam Engines
Our young friond, Mr.. Willie Addi"
son, as Agent for agricultural.steam en
gines, ought to move up to Laurens, or
Anderson, or Spartanburgor Greenville
From sdi we read in our exchanges, such
engines are as common in these c ?un
ties as cross roads. Why ls Kdgefield so
Magna Pars Fui !
As regards the success of the campaign
meeting last week, the Ed gell eld Brass
Band may well say mug nu, ?mrs/ni. They
played beautifully. And God knows
what we would all do v itliont thom !
Sixteen Feet High.
Mr. W. P. Seigler.of tho Liberty Hill,
section, brings us a stalk of Sorghum,
gro?na by him, a few inches over lt? feet
long. Some of the upper joints aro more
than a foot in length.
The Palmetto Post
Mr. S. H. Rodgers, :he former editor
and proprietor of the Beaufort Crescent,
who sojourned among UM for a fortnight
last spring, and made friends of our
whole community, is again in our mitist,
the gnest of (Inn. Gary. In a short time
he will begin the publication of anoth? r
paper, at Port Royal, to be called the
Palmetto Post, and we hope that Edge
field will send him many subscribers.
U. S. Court Jurors.
L. R. Tillman, John W. Porn and .Ino.
M. Bettis, Esqrs, have been drawn as
Petit Jurors for the U. S. Circuit Court,
to be convened at Columbia on the-Uh
Monday in November next. J. R. Wat.
son bas been drawn on Ute Grand .lory
for the same term.
The Rangera
Capt. John Butler brought fifteen or
twenty of the Western Rangers to the
campaign meeting last week-fine fel
lows in gray cloth, brass buttons and
swords-aod they addAl very much lo
the eclat of the day.
Honored Citizens
The Messrs. Aull, father and son, of
the Ninety-Six section, pajil ns a pleas
ant little visit a few days back, indeed
Mr. Elbert Aull, the non, a prominent
graduate of Newberry College, has lo
cated in Ninety-Six, and there runs a
large and valuable grist mill.
Samaritan Association
The Simmons Ridge Samaritan Asso
ciation, colored, will meet at Pleasant
HUI Church, near old Rod Bank, on
Friday before the 3rd Sunday in Octo
A New Fashion.
'J wo bouquets are worn on the cor
dage,'one at the waist on the left side, the
other at the neck also on the left side,
diigb and far back.
A Fashion Not Quite New
Wide belts of saddle girth canvas, fas
toned with straps of leather and buckles,
are worn with allsm tsoi d mi-toiletcos
t urnes.
Another New Fashion
Very young ladies have adoplod the
fashion ol' wearing forge embroidered
and lace trimmed collara, just like those
worn by small children. Sixteener* and
sevonteeners can therefore now mount
the pretty bibs heretofore worn only hy
little tiny girls. We have seen a box of
beautiful ones lately from Ehrieh's in
New York.
The Injun !
As we predicted last week, Chief Bil
ly Mays of the Coopersville tribe, was
one of the sensations of Campaign day
It was a pleasant change from the mo
notony of the red shirts; for the red
shirt isa mighty old thing now in Edge- I
field. And especially was the eft'ect j
powerful upon the young. We have four
little grandchildren, all of whom ?ere
present ; and when we went to give
them a glass of lemonade, we fon nd
them transformed into four stone statues
with open mouths and glariug eyes,
hopelessly and peruiaueutly petri li ed.
Tho oldest ono gasped out convulsively:
'.The Injun !" And then relapsed into
ll inly stone. And they are still perfect
ly rigid !
Gen. Gary at Oakley Park.
Oar distinguished townsman, Gen. M.
\V. Gary, after a two months sojourn in
Virginia, is again at his beautiful home,
Oakley Park ; and the hand-shakings and
warm greetings that welcome him on all
sides, prove how deeply he lives in the
love of our community. Andwboknows
but that tho grand outcome of this long
larry at White Sulphur ma}' be a lair
mistress for Oakley Park ? God grant
it may be so. However, when George
Elliot outs thc caper at sixty, and Lady
Burdette Coutts at sixty-five, our friend
has many years yet in which trw! ?sport
himself idlv.
From Texas? _
Onr young friend, ?^jflfcfr Burl?n,
who, a year ,-go, jo'me^Qgpmcr brother,
Jake, in Northeastern Texas, is back
among us on a short visit. These young
men live in the corn and grain section,
and their crops this season are splendid.
They are pleased with Texas, and pros
porous there.
Inexpressibly Thankful!
For almost two months past, Mrs.
Pierce B. Bay, tho only child of our
friend, Mr. D. R. Durisoe, and the bride
flf eight months back, has been lying
low upon a bcd of illness, with her young
life, day by day, and night by night,
hinging in the balance. And ail this
time-for she is deeply beloved on all
sides--her fi ?ends have been painful!}'
excrr-isrri ; hut in Ood'.i unerr^Jp?vl
d .nee, she has ai. length rallied and is
nw considered quite ont of danger. And
wo make the announcement with frei
big* of inexpressible thank fulness.
Amid the Old Ecanes
' We were delighted to meet on cam
paign dav Mrs. Dr. Fitch, of Charleston,
one of ihe most intelligent and amiable
ladies Ridgefield has ever sent to grace
other cir-'.les. Mrs. Filch was Miss Vic
toria Ward, the youngest daughter of the
late Capt Richard Ward, ol the' Ridge,
and was a prominent member of Kdge
lie.Id society in tho merry ?lays of Col.
Arthur Simkins, Dr Bland and Mr Ma
grath She is now on a visit to her broth
er Capt Clinton WiuMbLml although
still a young yvomanjH jfcfcd? shook
her head sadly niul i.iiTi^HI^} no fa
miliar face."
Duty! %
On campaign day we met our honored
Dark Corner friend, Capt- Press Black
well, in the crowd, looking very pale
and wearing green goggles. We soon
discovered that he was perfectly blind
ami in great pain, from the effects ol ihe
HOI?', ryes which are so prevalent just
now. We lcd him to a seat and said to
him: "Press, what in the name of God
did you come out to day in such a lix as
this for ?" And he said : ''Well you see,
Jim, 1 thought it was my duty to come
on' on such an occasion as this ; so 1 got
up and r sked it." This is certainly a
line example of party faith.
Novel and Noble Beneficence
A young gentleman, a friend and pat
ron of Mr Jumes M. Cobb, has lodged
with that popular merchant a bale of cot
ton, with the request that ho sell it to the
b3st possible advantage, and distribute
the proceeds among the three resident
clergymen of our community And in
conformity with Ibis request, Mr. Cobb
begs us to announce that he will sell the
said bale at public outcry, hi front of his
store, on Saturday morning next, at ll
o'clock. And now, cotton-buyers of ?
Eigelield, come forward and evince your
appreciation nf this beautiful beneficence
by seeing that this bale-consecrated as
it were-brings a good deal'inore than an
ordinary one. Do this that you maj'
share with Ihe donor, of the bale in the
sweet promise: "Inasmuch as ye have
done it unto one of (he least of these, ye
have done it unto me "
The Railroad and the Advertiser.
Tho road bed of the Edgelicld, Tren
ton and Aiken Railroad has nearly reach
ed Bauskett's Mill, on Shaw's Creek,
about six miles from Aiken, and the
stockade will be moved lhere, perhaps,
this week. It is expected that the road
will reach Aiken in a few months. This
road will connect the town of Rdgefield
with tho network of railroads in the
State and contribute materially in the
business advantages of that live place.
With a railroad and a first-class newspa
per like the Advertiser any town should
prosper. -HeyMer.
Sunday School Convention
We learn that there will bo a Sunday
School Convention at Butler Chinch, Sat
urday, Oct. 2nd. All Ihe Schools in Sa
luda Circuit will be represented in the
Convention Practical points in Sunday
School work will ho discussed by prac
tical Sunday School workers. JThis is
not a pie nie or celebration, bit^i Con
vention of Sunday School workers. All
such aie invited In attend from Ihe vari
ous dcuom i nations.- ^hnt??ttt^^
We beg that some JjQ BB" may b0
present al this ('niive^B^vill send us
an account thereof. Perhaps Mr. Tray
v.'ick himself might be kind enough to
titi so.
The Langtry-Jersey.
And you must pronounce it Jamey.!
A young lady relative of ours who has
just returned from Canada writes us thal,
being peculiarly English, they areal! the
rage in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec,
and will soon be all tiver the country,
.lie says they lit li ko a merino undervest
thal is much tSo smell. And we copy
the following from the Paris correspond
ont of Harper's Bazar:
'.These garments, the Langtry Jersey
boddiees, are made by Hie manufacturer's
of tigbt-< designed for dancers. For tho
winter tho matth i'd will be made in all
colors and will bo richly embroidered
willi heads of jet. or in colors, and tho
embroidery will be so disposed BS to aim
il I ate either the scales or the plate of the
cuirasses formerly worn by armed
knight--. The .Jerseys are ma le by spe
cial uienxnremeiit ol' the figure and can
not be obtained everywhere. They de
scend rather low and inclose the hips
lightly. Their (unction is to display the
figure as fully as possible. This is the
most objectionable featuroof this fashion,
and I am afraid that it is just this feature
which has charmed the Indies ol fashion.
These Jerseys ure worn with all kinds
ol' skirts."
Voting for His Exec tor
' The Trenton correspondent of tho Reg
ister, describing lin Jifl^ft??n meeting
ol' last week, writes iftBBIWP
.' Alter the last named gentletnan had
concluded, tho air rang with 'Butler!
Buller! Butler!" The General tried to
excuse himself, as he was at bAie, but
he couldn't come that dodge They came
to hear him, and were not going home
without it. No people ever loved a man
as Kdgeliold loves Butler. As somebody
saul about some body else, ' We will keep
ou voting for him for United States Sen
ator until he dies, and (hen vote for his
A Regular Old Red Hot
A regular old red hot Democrat, who
was at the Democratic meeting at Edge
Held Wednesday, says he "never lteard
an oath or saw an intoxicated maa during
the whole day." Wo always wanted to
be buried in Edge Held, but now we
would like to live there. Hurrah for the
old County \-'Register.
Hyacinth, Tulip, Crocus
Now is Hie time tn buy Bull?s and
Winter Roses. What moro beautiful
fian the (arly Hyacinth, Tulip, Crocus,
Polyanthus, Ranunculus, Lily of the
Valley Ac,, ?tc, Ac? For all these-for
any sort of bulb, for any rose, for any
plant for any slimly for any berry, for
any viue- write tn Storrs, Harrison A
Co., gainesville; Lake Co., Ohio. They
will send you J00 Crocus bulbs, blue,
white, striped, aud yellow, for 81.25.
And all other bnlbsand plants at like
reasonable prices. And they are as reli
able as the Rock of Plymouth. We know
-them well
A Sample Waiter.
Mr. Ben Covar, of the Bazaar Saloon,
sends the Advertiser corps a royal waiter
of drinks suitable to tho season. That
Mr. Covar wields a magic hand in tho
line, is beyond all doubt.
On Monday next particularly, and
throughout the week, May bin O ri flin will
have dinners in readiness for his patrons
Sorghum for the Million
And speaking of the Ninety Six sec
lion, reminds us of our young friend,
Hemy Mays, or was it William, who
passed through our town a few days
back on his way from Augusta-with a
lovely new bugg}'from Day, Tannahill
<fc Co.-fresh from Fred. Smith'? brother
in N w Haven. But it is not the buggy
we set out to speak of. On the con'rary
it was tho einpt3T barrels and hogsheads
we saw our young friend purchasing
from Mr. Lynch-a wagon load of them.
At first the impression crept into our j
mind that the handsome boy was going
to become a moonshiner-an illicit dis
tiller of corn juice-but upon gently!
querying him, he staggered us with the
information that he had ten acres of sor
ghum, and was about to begin to boil it
For Day & Tannahill.
We received the following singular;
note a day or two ago. And while thei
note is trom Peekskill, the envelope was
stamped ".Johnston:"
P?EKSKIU., N. Y., Sept. li?, 1880 :
Mr. Datums I believe you generally
keep posted in regan! to the welfare o) ?
ihe boys from Edgell eld. And I want
to ask yon trhat ott mirth make* Bate* .
bary m atti nell ce to Eugene ?talen:'
His and your, .
. Balesburg is a wealthy and luxurious
section, and Eugene is rmiply selling
buggies there-buggies anti carriages- j
for Day, Tannahill it Co. And Well-)
Wisher could not wish him any better;
luck than tobe eminently successful in|
the business. Stand up, Eugene, and.i
answer. Is there anything < lse that!
draws you to Batnsburg? Wo pause for
a reply. .. .
No Fences.
Col. McMaster, of Columbia, who at-J
t nuled our campaign meeting last week, ?
and who has been traveling a good deai
in Chester County lately gave us a most
channing picture of the looks of things
in that section. He is a gentleman of
rare intelligence : and we think bis de
li neat ion of the blessed effects of the
stock law would convert even the fiercest
For diarrhoea, dysentery, bloody-llux j
cramps in stomach, and colic, whether!
affecting adults, children, or infants, Dr. j
Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart
Weed is a sovereign remedy; It is com- !
pounded from the best brandy, Jamaica |
ginger, smart-weed, or water-pepper,
anodyne, soothing and healing gums, j
For cold?, rheumatism, neuralgic affec
tions, and lo break up fevers and inflain- j
matoiy attacks i tis in valuable and .should j
be kept in every household. Fifty cents
by druggists. lt
NINETY-SIX, S. C., Apr. i-f, 1879.
I have been suffering from indigestion
and dyspepsia for some time; had no ap
petite, and was very restless at night. I
purchased a bottle of your HEPATIC
PANACEA, and was sui prised how rapid
ly I improved after taking a few doses.
I used oue bottle, and uow I rest well at |
night and have a good appetite.
psr- For sale to the trade by W. H.
Larrelt, Augusta, Ca., and by G. L. Penn
?v Son. 4." i
JOHNSTON, S. C., Mar. 1, 1&S0. j
Dr. ?F. D. Jenni tigs, Etltje?eld, <S'. C.:
DEAR Sin: I have need only two bot
Iles (d'your "Hepatic, or Liver Medi
cine." I have been troubled, as you
know, for several years with a torpid
liver, and have taken a very great aban-1
dance of medicine recommended for the
liver, but have found none equal toj'onrs.
Indeed I feel like I am now well. I pro
pose to keep it constantly on hand. 1
am using nothing elsi.
Very respectfully,
_ . * I
Wc h?ve used Jennings' " Hepatic, or j
Livor Medicine," and heartily endorse ?J
as being all that it is represented to he. ' '
L. P. COVAR, Edgefield, S. C.
.IAS. M. COBB, "
K. ll. MIDDLETON, Clark's Hill, P. O. I
JNO. R. BLACKWELL, Bout wei I P. 0.
C. L. BLAIR, .? " 1
T. E. .1 ENNINGS, M. P., Parks' Store, j
.!. P. BLACKWELL, White House. i ?
lt. J. TALBERT, Mapleton.
E. A. SEARLES, *4 <
Col. JNO. F. TALBERT, Rehoboth.
Maj. rt AS. A. TA LBS RT,
J AS. A. LANIER, Odd Spring.
WM. HOLMES, " i(
O. SHEPPARD, Edgefield, S. C.
RUFUS DORN, Dom's Mills.
DON'T Fonc;ET when you visit Augus
ta, to call at the Large and Popular Slice
Establishments?? Wv. MIH.HERIN A CO.,'
913 Broad St. Their stock of BOOTS,
SHOES and HATS is varied and complete,
and their prices are always as low as the
Lowest. [Sept. 8, lSS0.-jan211
Rust Proof Wheat. "
HANDLED with the view of selling
for seed. Thoroughly ripe, freo
from broken or cracked grains, and from
cheat, cockle, oats, and ihe seed of all
other plants. Yielded thirty-four tush
els lo one sown. Brice. 8.1.00 per bushel.
Sept 8-2ieow40] Collier's, S. C.
Tie lew Fur
"WE tako pleasure in announcing to the
No Old Stock lo Work Off.
We have visited all the principal markel
we have all the most modern patterns of t
the Furniture Line, aud at prices that will
every particular. WE GUARANTEES^
August 25, 1880- Gm38 :
HEAVING removed our Stock o? C?
We are adding daily, from Neribern ?
full and complete Slock, consisting of
Grocery Store, and also NARDWAR
farm. We will
Pu y Augura Tr
Having ample means to pay for the i
Ranks. Sell your Co ton in Hamburg
tiny .Your Supplies as
than you can in Augusta, aud SAVE
isfaction, and to please all who favor
August 25th, 1880.-r.3m38,
Corrected Weekly irani the Augusta
Evening News.
AUGUSTA, GA., Sept 28, 18S0.
Tono of the wirkst-12, m., easier;
3, p m., steady.
Ordinary. SJ
Good Ordinary. nj
Low Middling._. ]0i
I Middling . 10i
I Good Middliug . 105
O'DOIili Bli
ITAKE pieasu^fc announcing to" my
friends and aoMBl-itances throughout
Edgeheld (AranjPf that I am now with
theold and reliable brm of O'DONNELL
<fc BURKE, f?rocers and . Commission
Merchants, where I will heft, all times
glad lo see and serve them.
Weare offering Flour. Meal. Sugar,
Co (Tee, Syrups, Bacon. Hams, Lard,
and in fact ALL KINDS of drooeries, as
low as you can lind Mem in the city.
Ploasegive me a call, and I will obli
gate myself to give von satisfaction.
Augusta, fia , Sept. 22, 1880. ?Im42
Books Wanted!
]PERSONS having old Books, Novels,
Histories, Biographies, ?Ve,, muy
lind a purchasr-if by addressing tliis ci
lice, giving Title pi Book, price and con
dition. 'j? loes must be very cheap.
SeptriS^SM. tf?2
look- to Your Interest and Buy Your Fall
SHOES &c.. From
Ja's. M. Cobb.
Beautiful PRINTS, from 5c to thc best
Cambiic styles.
DRESS GOODS, from 10c per yd., to a
handsome BLACK CASHMERE, at il
per j'ard.
No end to NOTIONS and FANCY
Remember I am Headquarters for tho
* Best Shoes for the Least Money,*
bought from the best Factories:
Capital stock of Men and Boys' wear
HATS, O <&C.
Weed Sewing iVInchiitc
can be hail at my Store for $25.00, with
all Fixtures.
complete assortment.
X3T Come in and call Jot what you
want, in any Line, and I wilt take the
greatest pleasure in waiting on yon, and
be thankful for all favors ko wovor small.
j. m. cwnre.
Edgefield, S C, Sept. 15, 1880. Sm'41
\o. 101, Seventh SI., ( or. Reynolds
Where he will conduct tho business in
its various branches. Advances ol' Bag
ging and Tics and Family Supplies, al
lowest market prices. Consignments of
all Field and Farm Products Solicited.
Commission for Selling Cotton, 50c,
Storage, 2i?c.
Augusta, Ca., Sept. 7, 1880, !hn4fl
49t? YEAR
TllIS institution constitutes the Medi
cal Department of the Stale University.
The Diplomas aro signed by its Ch.-.n
The Session will commence on the
First Monday of November, ami will
und on the first of March following.
Apply for Circular to
(JKO. W. RAINS, Dean.
Sept. 22, mo. I 42
is selling our two splendidly illustrated
Lile ol'dii'ii. filniBCucE?,
written by his life-long friend, Hon. J.
W. Forney, (an aiuhor of national fame)
highly endorsed by Gen. Hancock, tho
party loaders, and press; also
Life of tien. inws'fl?'i'Sil,
by his comrade-in-arms and personal
friend, Gen J. S Brisbin ian author of
w ide celebrity), also strongly endorsed.
Both official, immensely popular, selling
over 10,000 a week!! Agents making
$10 a day! Outfits 50c. each For best
Books ami terms, address quick, HUB
BARD BROS., Atlanta, Ga. billi
public that wo are now opening one of thc
AW the Very Latest Styles.
A in the United States and can safely say
he season We will have everything in
compare with any market South of Bal
OUR STOCK.\lt will be complete in
ROCK RI ES lo the
ami Western markets, to an al read" y
every article kept in a First Class
E ami many other articles used" on a
ices fibs* f'oHon !
?jame without checking on Augusta
;, at Augusto prices, and
Cheap, if not1 ( header,
BRIDGE TOLL. We guarantee sit
us with their patronage.
. ju* .
. ? - -. ?
?oni the Load
Coil ?try, and
ottered to our f riends and'the Public at
? -\T- . '
n ? ?-.i . ?. ?
(3:\0 IB-FtO-A^T) ST., ^UO-TTST-A., G^.
lu Cons?quence of His Decease,
Embracing cvAry vari ely of Fabrics and all cbssns
of thc choicest quality of Gooda to I>r> found in lio ?v?sc .
appointed Dry Goods ?louses South', iv now offered to
consumers at
And Ibo Headers of tho AnvKKTrsKU now have prc
?| sooted to them an opportunity to secure from Every
W Department tn thc Emporium, tho best assortment of
Elegant, Serviceable, Useful and Ornamental Gohlis
Ever offered in Augusta, and should avail this rare
advantage by purchasing at once large supplies for pres
ent wants and future need,
At a Cost that Is Without a Parallel for Cheapness.
And Every Article in Stock has been marked down to
a price tlhuYmust insure rapid sales and efl'eet a speedy
clearance. .
: ?
Au?. I. .1880.-ImnS
?>I7, 549 and 5.11 Broad Stcect, Augusta, (JK.
JZ&- Sunday and Night calls over the Store. Will attend to all tho details of Fu
nerals, furnishing Hearses, Carriages, tfec [Sept 1, ISS0-0m">9
V, O T T O fl C O ?VI itt ll S ? fl O fl? M EC GS c? 23 A RI T $
Ne. 'it), Seventh (McIntosh) -Street, AUGUSTA, OA.
J5#- Consignments of COTTON and OTHER PRODUCE Solicited. Orders for
MAGGING and TIES iillod at lowest market prices. [Sept. S, \so.-:?m
Wo. !Si?3 dlroatl Si., Augusta, j??a.
llESrECTFULLY call the attention o? the pennie of Edjjefi?ld and sur
rounding Counties, to their large and complete Stock of
ft OJ LS, VARNISHES, WIN Do W G LASS; <fc'i cfc,
w h i t^^l^0 fi o retie at Pj??????^' v rs Ciin found" in any market. In addi
, thcjJP^the Largest and Best oolecteil Stock o?
ti on
iwWCY UOODS ?nu\ xoiusir ARTICLES .
Mr. R. IT. LAND, (formerly of BAnT??TT & LAXD,) will bc found
in tho House at all times, and will be glad to see his o'd friends from Edge
field. [Aug. 25, 1SS?.-.miCS'
JOS. lt. DAY
^LUL^IX^t^ Gr SW
Carriages, Wago s, Blames*, am? Saddles*?,
Wli lesnBe Dealers ia Car ria gre "Wagon IWalcritti;
ELeatSaci', Shoe Findings, Belffijffij Pack ?sag, &t%
Tho atttonl?on of consumers is cslled to our full assortment, of Goods in all the
above branches, which wo have now in stocky of t!|e best Ma?nfjtctnra and Quality;
and at prices lower thar, heretofore abtainod for inferior goods Our aim is to
improve the standard of excellence in every department and to sell nothing whi?lj
we cannot fully guarantee, and at lower prices. Wc are now jeering-Oho Horse
Plantation Wagons best timber-?40.?>-Two Horse Thimffle skein light best
Umber-$(?0.00. Two Horse Wood or Iron Axle, $0.00. Two, Four and Six Horse
Wagon now known to save your Stock, your temper ano your ninney Axles
never broken, never strone:, never out of set, always run light and carry as much
as your team can pull. TOP and No TOP BUGGIES, Extension Top four seal
.Rockaways very cheap. Platform spring wagons, two and three spring Democrat
Wagons, Childrens' Carriages in great variety &<;., ifcc.
March 27, 1879-ly lfi AURHSTA.f:A
9 Broad St., Hear Low Market, Augusto, Ca.
ways on liand or made to order. A large .sect ion ready for lettering a id
delivery at shortest notice. Several hundreds o? new designs of the m >st
modern styles ol'Monuments, furnished at al? wer price than ever le ore
in this market, and of the best workmanship, similar to that of the new
Confederate Monument-, recently erected by me in this city.
Tia KO. ?rn A n K WA i/a" E S* .
AuousTA. GA., Nov. 25, 1S70. Iy51
HIS Association, gotten up on the principie of Iii? " Knights of Honor,"
is worthy ol' the confidence and patronage ol' our people. It was organized
by thc bcd. business men of Rainmore, with whom many of our citizens are
acquainted. For information apply to
B. M. TALBERT, Local Agent.
Ju'y 27, 1880. 6ID84
. :ff?l,? BELL
. . - .? - "'t..'?'.''
Warchonsc, No. UYl, Campbell St.,
Between Broad and Reynolds, near the
Store of Z. Mr Coan,.
j?-zf- Personal attention, given, to busi
ness " Tito 'instructions'' ol' consignors,
promptly obeyed. Bagging' and'Ties'
furnished customers., [aug. 23-2.13m
? RESPECTFULLY announce lo
my fricnd^.f Edgefield County, that
.I am now with the Mammoth' Dry
(TOOIS,- House of Augusta-J. ' B.
WjjiTE & COA-whW Y'.will' Le
pkaseSHo see and serve them.
PIERCE: B. ?nBisTic.
Aug. 20, 18S0. 3m38
~ Master's Sale.
Ju Common ricos.
"VTOTICE is hereby given thai, by vir
JLM -tue of the several Orders of tho
'.'oort of Common Pleas, in the cases be
low stated,.'!?.will sell nt'Edgciiold Cl li.,
on thc iur.sc Monday In October next,
tho real estate in the several casas below
E. li. McGee, Simeon McGee and others,
itt. Henry H. Black, Adnfor, W. D.
"McGee, c! :?!.-lompl?hit for/tccount,
.i<Ue of rut! estufe, <tv. ? . .
c^aifci-wiii, ?oil i a. four i-onurato
tracta the 1.OK!S r,; lurid McGep, Sr.,
doe'ej , as follows, viz:
TlvAOTNO. 1, emuming by survey
ol .raines Mi KOITCM. B>q , "P. S , mada
on Ift?J August, 1SS), ?Sixty-nine andono
half Acres, situated in the County .-md
State albres-.ijd -and adjoining lands' of
John Derry, Willhuir k. brander;, and
Tracts Nos. 2 :iii? ? 1 o? said estate.
TRACT NO. 2, containing by survey
as ahovo, Sevcnty-livoandonedialf acres-, -'.
situated KS. above, and adj .ming Tract.
No. 1 of said estate on tho'North, lands
of Mw. Annie Bodia on thc Bast, lands
of Frank M. Gibson on the South" and
Tract'No. ti of said estate on the Weat.
:TR ACT NO. containing by survey
as above, . Sevcnty-ihreo and one-half
acres, situated as above, find bounded ari
tho North Uy/Traot No. -I of said estate,
on th? East by Tract No. 2 ol said estate,
on IhAS-.mlh'?v lands of A. Whittle ann
Hy sH?lac?c.: and on the Wost bv laud
of Daniel W. McGee.
TRACT NO: I, containing by survey
as above. Sixty and throe-fourths, acres,
situated ?rn above and bounded oh the
North hy^mds of John Denny, on tho
East by "Tract No. 1 of said estate, on the
South by Traft No- .'! pf said es?ato, and
on the West bv land of the. estate ol' M.
Whittle. ?< ?' ?
TERMS OP 'SALK: Tho cost of suit end
one half the purchase money t/> bo-paid '
in cash; thc, balance on a credit of one :
year willi inti-rk*' fro in day. of sale-to
oe secured by bond and a m >rtgag>> e-T"
the premises, sold. Purchaser to pay ex
tra for Titles and Mortgage
E. J. Miller, r.s. M. Adeli. c Lanham and
. others.-Co)iij)l?inl for Foreclosure
I svili sall in this case: AU that Lot,
Piece and Parcel of Lurid, whereon the
Defendant, M. Adeline Lanham, now re
sides, r.nd containing Four Hundred
Acres, more'or less, situated in tho Comi
ty ami State aforesaid, and adjninii-g
landStOT J anies A. De Vere, Josiah Lan-,
hain, John E. Atkins aud others.
TERMS O^.SALE: One-half; thg pin
chase money to be paid in cash; the bil
anoo on a credit Of twelve months, with*
interest from dato of sale-sceurod by
bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of
.?he?prcmi.se.s. Title's and Mortgage extra.
William ll. Briggs, nt. J. J. Bunch and
I ii. this- ease I Will sell thc Tract of
Land"belonging-tb tho Defendants'?I. D.
Hudson and John L. Addison, contain
ing One Hundred und Bight acres, situ
ited in the County and State aforesaid,
mid bounded1 by lands bf JJ J. Bunch, A.
J. Hammond and Henry Townes.
Terms of sale.: Cash. Titles extra.
S. S. TOMPKINS, Master.
Kdgefleld S. (.'., Sept. I, ISso. 'ititi *
Master's Bala.
iii Common Tle?s.
W. IT. Howard, Sr., and Charlas H. llow
anl, survivors of W. ll. Howard A'
Sms, PI ai uti tl's, itt. Elbert II. Aull.
Complain! for Foreclosure.
NOTICE is hereby given that, Irv vi:
tue of tho Decretal Order of Jiidtm
.I', ii. Kershaw,.in this cause, date?. J7lli
March, iSSO, 1 will proceed to sell at
Edgef?elri 0. H.. on Hie First Monday in
October next, tho following real'estate,
All that certain Tractor Plantation of
Laud, lying and bsing in the County of
ISdgeflel'd and State aforesaid, and con
taining Klve Hundred and Five Acres,
more <,r less, bo muled bv lands of Dan
iel Proctor, Ea-t by lands of W. T. Head
and J. M. Dyson, South by lands of Wm.
Haiti wanger and W. II Boulwar?.
Terms of sale : One-half the purchase
money lo bo paid in cash , tho balance on
II crcilitpf twelve months, with interest
from tho day of saie-tho purchaser Cf)
give bond and a mortgage ol' tho prom
?ses to seairo tho ciedit portion. Titles
extra. w
S. S. TOMPKINS, Master.
EageOold, S. C., Sept. (7.TS80. -lt ia
WiiJ? ihc-?.a:;?c:U and yinni Complet <;
Stock or
Kvci' Rrwitgltf ft?&Atghfettr^ Sctcef?tl from
Ten-of:ih'-3 Best Makers
I.avgo. CojiSmi-fs V.'ii!:. 9fonnftdVt utera
vi Kimble ;1 : ' ?t^ * t*
G. 0, ?f?GBiNSGft & G0.
To RI?.L AT.L,i:.s.^ Pr.ir;; TITAN ?PAID
StO lo :>i) per rent. s.ayeddiy luircliasliig
Ti ll. M. 0. T. S.
Special UeiiiicUon Co'r.tiuutd io'81
I.'irirr Suies. Lew Prk rs. Ouick Snirs.
Great Reduction,
<r?y Io priooso; HJITARS, VIOLINS
.>0<) 'MANOS, ti ORGANS for sale on
our popular (?lou of monthly instalments.
Tuning and?? Repairing,
By C. H. TAYLOR, tho onl^ author
ized Tuner ol'the Augusta Music llmwo.
Sept. 21, 1880. ly.r>

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