OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 11, 1905, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1905-10-11/ed-1/seq-5/

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Reflections of a Bachelca*.
^Children, pretend they are jealous
{?^gT?Tvii-?ps that they aren't.
ups that they
The strong'man never crushes the
weak. ?
Big conceits often go with small
Faiths: in God makes some hope for
-g^p A woman can be happy because she
wants to and unhappy beeauSo you
don't want her to.
? -ti
Help for Women Passing Through
Chan ge of Life
, Providence has allotted us each at
.least seventy years in which to fulfill
our mission, in Ufe, and it is generally
our own fault if we die prematurely.
Nervous exhaustion invites disease.
This statement is the positive truth.
When everything becomes a burden
and yon cannot walk a few blocks with*
. out excessive fatigue, and you break
out into perspiration easily, and your
face flushes, and you grow excited and
shaky at the least provocation, and
" jon cannot bear to be crossed in any
thing, you are in danger; your nerves
have given out ; you need building up
at: once ! To build up woman's nerv
ous system and during the period of
"f^** change of life we know f no better
medicine, than Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Here is an
illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371
Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes:
' ' I have used Lydia E. Bingham's Vegetable
. Compound for years-in ;my family and it
never disappoints ; so when I felt that I waa
nearingthe "change of life I commenced treat
ment with it. I took in all about six bottles
and it did me a great deal of good It
stopped my dizzy spells, pains in ray back
ana the headaches with which I had suffered
for months before taking the Compound. I
feel that if it had not been for this great med
icine for women that I should not have been
alive to-day. It is splendid for women, old or
young, ana will surely cure all femaledisor
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in
vites all sick and ailing women to write
her f or advice^. Her great experience
hfattheir service, free of cost.
llUtm Address of <n persons CT
fl SH I HI" PO1-4 Indian blood who are
[ Hi? I LU not living -with any tribe.
(2) o? n.en who were drafted in Kentucky,
(3) of motlier* of soldiers who hare been
denied pousion on rcconnt. of their're
marriage. (4) of men who Heired in the Fed
eral army, or (5) Oie nearest kiu of raen
soldiers or sailor?, now deceased.
Washington, L>. C.
Qu! ok
Removes all swelling in 8 toas
days ; effects a permanent cure
in 30 to todays. Trial treatment
given free. Nothingcaa bc faire?
Write Ur. H. H. Green's Lons. '
Specialists. Bex B Atlanta.Q?
So. 41.
~ Twt> Fish Unaccounted For.
!,01d" Gorton of Manchester was an
ardent disciple of Izaak Walton. On
one occasion'he was si'Ung upon the
railroad bridge in company with some
of th?vyourrg men of the town, pur
suing ;jhis_ favorite occupation. The
fish did not bite well, however, and
one of his companions, becoming im
patient, unnoticed by. the oiu man, got
up, wound up his line, and started for
K?nTs, throwing a couple of fish luto
Gorton's basket as he passed.
? After a time Gorton, too, tired of
Stis poor luck, prepared for dearture.
Lifting the the cover of his basket,
he"iooked in, counted his catch, and
said?-with--a. surprised and disappoint
ed voice: 'Why I had five cunners,
arid now there ain't but seven! Where
the devil's tother two?"
vif iL-- Natural Conclusion.
A little New York girl, whose brief
experience of life was confined to
existence in an apartment house, was
.visiting in Philadelphia not long ago.
One afternoon, to amuse the child,
her cousin showed her a number of
photographs and views, meanwhile ex
plaining and answering questions con
cerning them. One of them was a
<r pipirrr^oT Windsor Castle, which, she
was told, was the residence of the
?ate Queen Victoria. After looking
at it a moment she innocently in
^gmred^f 'What floor did she live on?"
^October Lippincott's.
The Rev.-Dr. Fourthly-There aro
apparent difficulties, of course, in re
conciling the.seemingly contradictory
'doctrines of foreordination and free
.will, but
The Rev. K. Mowatt Laightly-Not
now, my dear brother; not now. I
made all that as clear as noonday in
a sermon ? preached six weeks ago.-?
Chicago Tribune.
When a "man comes home late and
gives the excuse that he went to sleep
in the., far from being worn out with
work and was carried out of his way,
his wife will believe, him when she
tells it to- her mother. 41
"Good," He Says, "But Comfort Better."
"Food that fits is better than a gold
mine,'' says a grateful man.
"Before I commenced to use Grape
Nuts food no man on earth ever had a
iworse Infliction from cate th of the
stomach than I had for years.
"I could eat nothing but the very
Rightest food and even that gave me
??feat distress. .
"I went through the. catalogue of pre
pared fqods but found them all (except
;Grap&$nts) more or less indigestible,
gener?ting gas in the stomach (which
in turn produced headache and various
pother pains and bebe's), and otherwise
unava^able for my use.
' "Gr^pe-N?t/'fo?dl have found easily
idigest?d and a semite fed, _ and it has re*
;new?d myv.h?al&'.afld vigor and made
me ^w?U majri again. The catarrh of
?be 'stomach h?$ disappeared entirely
Wgi ^tte attendant ills, thanks to
. ;Grap.?*Nuts, wbJch/now is my almost
??| fojfo." I want no other." Name
^t^thy/'P'osr?m .Co., Battle Creek,
|PISg? . - ' -;
da?*'* triai tell? the story.
mm, -
Many Newsy Items Gathered From
all Sections.
Columbia Cotton Market.
The cotton market steady.
Low middling.9
Stiict low middling;...'. .... . .9%
Good middling.913-16
General Cotton Market.
Houston, steady, middling.. . .10 3-16
Augusta, steady, middling.10
Memphis, steady, middling . .10 3-16
St. Louis, quiet; middling .. ..10%
Louisville, finn, middling.. ... . .10%
Shortage in Richland County.
Columbia, Special.-The committee
appointed to investigate the financial
affairs of Richland county submitted
its report to Governor Heyward, as
was required by the act of the legis
lature. Acordingto the report of that
committee the county has lost $00,000
by the maladministration or the mis
management of the affairs of the of
fice. The report itself is sensational
in the extreme in the very calmness
in which it is stated, but the recom
mendations made by the committee oc
casioned great surprise, for the com
mittee has suggested that the former
supervisor, S. H. Owens; the former
clerk of the county board of com
missioners, Capt. ?. M. Douglass; a
member of that board., J. E. Harmon
and two other parties be arrested on
criminal charges. In short, it is
claimed that the county has lost $50,
000 by fraud. The charges are that
warrants for pay of parties alleged
to have done work for the county were
issued when those parties had never
done- such work, and that by forgery
their signatures were placed on the
papers as if the parties had received
the money, when in facj: the U?????> j
was paid to some other person, pre
sumably Capt. Douglass. There are
various other charges in the statement
given to the press by the committee,
but those are the most damaging.
A Canadian Prisoner Escapes From
Laurens Jail.
Laurens, Special.-J. M. Massey,
the Canadian who is serving a short
term in jail for vagrancy, escaped
last week, making his exit through
an overhead ceiling and ventilator to
th2 roof, thence to the yard by the
use of blankets. He is the man who
had drawings of Bailey's bank at
Clinton and is evidently a slick ar
ticle. The sheriff is making efforts
to recapture him. No other prisoner
Bail Given in Pendleton Case.
Abbeville, Special.-Application for
bail for John M. Ashley, J. R. Moore,
Wiliam Moore, Hugh Bowen and Sam
Rigby, charged with lynching Allen
Pendleton, colored, near Honea Path
on September 17, was made here Sat
urday. The State's case was based
on witnesses who testified as to
threats made by defendants and the
fact that they were in the crowd
that took the negro away. The contra
evidence was to ..establish presentee
of parties at another place when the
lynching occurred. After hearing the
evidence the judge admitted the men
to bail, placing the bond at $7,000,
which was furnished.
Darlington Court Adicurns.
Darlington, Special.-The whole
roster of cases filed for this term of
court were wound up and the court
adjourned. The last case tried w.--.s
that of Cox, a young white man, for
embezzlement. Cox was found guilty
but his lawyers made au appeal.
Items of State News.
Late returns indicate that in the
election held last week Florence
county the dispensary carried by
about one- hundred majority.
The financial troubles of the Un
ion mills have increased Charleston's
loses through subscription of stock
aud carrying of the paper of the in
dustrial concerns of the State during
thc past two years to about $2,000,000.
A special from Union says: Mys
tery still surrounds the death of L. M.
Trevitt, the white man discovered
near the railroad tracks, unconscious
on Sunday morning, and no clue being
secured, the coroner's jury rendered
a verdict that he came to his death
from unknown causes.
Mr. H. W. Scarborough, the new
ly" appointed magistrate at Bishop
ville, received his commission from
the governor on Tuesday and immed
iately took charge of the office. .
A dispensary election for Ander
son county has been ordered for No
vember 4th.
Nothing has been heard of Ed wara
Beeman, a bookkeeper of a lumber
concern near Charleston, who disap
peared from there about three weeks
ago. His disappearance is a mys
The corporators of the Anderson
and Easley Electric railway applied
to the secretary of State for a char
ter. The capital stock will be $100,
000 divided into 1,000 shares of the
par value of $100 each.
Hospital For Anderson.
Anderson, Special.-Mr. Walton
Hall, of Boston, Mass., has given the
hospital association the sum of $1,000
to be used for the purpose of build
ing a hospital. Mr. Hall has visited
the city several times and his gift
is greatly appreciated. The fund for
the establishment of a hospital is
steadily growing, and this worthy and
needed institution is now as assured
fact. The hospital association" con
templates the raising oj $10,000 about
half of which is now <m hand.
Seattle wants an Alaskan exposi
tion In 1907, to celebrate some anni
versary or other. Los Angeles wants
to commemorate the centennial of the
pony express in 1909. Sedalia, Mo.,
already has on foot a project to cen
tenniolize Missouri In 1920. We here
by propose an exposition In Panama
in the year 22?5, in celebration of the
first centennial of the opening of the
Panama Canal, suggests; the Portland
A trolley bell curfew is in effect at
Winsted, Conn.
The United States sends thirty-eight
Rhodes students to Oxford this year.
Attorney-General Ellis, of Ohio, says
he intends to investigate the Harvester
The Governor of Nebraska has tossed
his railway passes into the waste
Tunnels for crossing are .to be built
nt some of the busiest street corners
in Berlin.
Germany will build larger battle
ships than any now in commission in
the imperial navy.
The penalty in Germany for a du li cr
ating food is six months in prison and
a fine of 1500 marks.
England's treaty with Japan has had
the effect of drawing Russia and Ger
many closer together.
The New York City birth rate has in
creased since President Roosevelt's an
ti-race suicide utterance.
After forty-one years' service on the
Liverpool police force Chief Detective
Inspector Strettell has retired.
A guard of the West Virginia peniten
tiary escorted Iiis former sweetheart
to prison for murdering her husband.
According to the Health Depart
ments report the deatii rate in New
York City during the last yea? was
thc lowest since 379S.
It was charged that nearly every
Brooklyn injunction restraining raids
on alleged poolrooms has been obtained
on perjured testimony.
Because of the disorganized condi
tion of tue city hospital system New
York City must build tents and pa
vilions for poor patients.
"Puncb," for twenty-seven years a
faithful and proud horse of the New
York Folice Department, was about to
be sold, when he was rescued aud pen
Dead or Not, He Was Buried.
Over twenty years ago S. P. Ives, a
well-known legal light of Essex coun
ty, and Charles P. Thompson of the
superior court were pitted against
each other in an important life insur
ance case ^t Salem, Mr. Ives for the
company anti Mr. Thompson for the
plaintiff. Mr. Thompson ? was very
anxious to put into the case certain
affidavits, and Mr. Ives was equally
strenuous in opposition.
After lengthy arguments the judge
decided in Mr. Thompson's favor, and
he proceeded to read, with much em
phasis, depositions relating to surgi
cal treatment, death, funeral and last
the interment of the insured.
As Mr. Thompson finished reading
this, which was from a sexton of the
cemetery, giving name, date, number
of burial lot, etc., he threw the papers
upon the table and, addressing the
judge, said, with a bit of impediment
in speech which sometimes bothered
him: "There, your honor. P-perhaps
Bro. Ives don't be-believe this man is
dead! B-but we've b-buried him, any
way."-Bosion Herald.
World's Largest Plant.
The largest plant in the world is
probably a species of seaweed, which
'often attains a length cf 300 feet. Tko
stems are dried and used as ropes by
fro Pnnih P^n teliW?ors.
A wonderfully capab
built on the Kodak j
satisfy experienced
simple that children
Fitted with menii
with iris diaphragm
Full description in
at any p?otograpfit
make ot
Fall bow lo
shoppers aud requ
our mammoth stock
We have everything from staple D
the prices aud qunlil
Our Milliuery department ia'fl i lei
Men's Boy's ar.d^Childreir
also larg? steck of Ladies' (
suits. Great Bargains in ]
Fiuest line of Men's Pants in IL
See our big values in Blanket?,
Our SHOICS cannot be excelled
MEN'S HATS in 'JLn^^a^
'Our store is tho place to gt
0 THE good man
all .'life is the
voice . of God's
? love.
Many "a man
who is rolling
down hill thinks
he is mating a
record rum
Prudence with
Providence gives
A coinpliinent
in prayer is an insult to C/od.
Some mistake greasiness for gra
Fretting is the frittering away of
life's force.
Wisdom will always be -credited to
Luck is i lie iirst word on the lips
of the loafer.
As long as saints strive the devil
will thrive.
All true love is proof of our rela
tionship to God.
God makes provision often by giv
ing us provision.
To Hie good man all life, is the voice
of God's love.
The object of service is society
rather than science.
The servant of the Cross must not
be a cross servant.
The man who has a right to boast
doesn't have to.
lie only is ready to serve who is
ready to sacrifice. N
There are always doors open to the
mau who has his hat on.
The "hands up" sermon lifts no
A child may dread, but he never
Thc best ol?eriug is that of our. obe
.Inspiration is mightier than exhor
Passport to the Pole.
Certainly the oddest passport ever
issued was ono signed by the Govern
or cf the Russian province, of Pov
olslc, on the shores of the -Arctic
ocean,, who granted safe conduct to
the North Pele.
He was apprcached by two members
of an expedition utting out for a polar
exploration who gave as their destin
ation the North Pole. .The governor
was nonplussed at this unique request,
but his visitors insisted on being sup
plied with the desired papers and
their request was granted after the
governor had thoughtfully written in a
clause stipulating that the responsibil
ity of the Russian government ceased
when they passed from Russian terri
tory. Thc explorers assented to this
qualification, and since their. travels
carried them but a short distance to
ward the pole they aro still possessed
of their unique documents- New, York
The ' Australians are tile greatest
tea drinkers in the world.
le and accurate camera
plan. Good enough to
photographers, yet so
V?X31? inches.
sous lens, and shutter
Kodak Catalog FREE
lc dealers or by math
Rochester, N. Y.
ir annual
the Edgefiekl
est them call to soe
when iu Augusta.
omestics to Finest Dress Goode,
y are ri?ht.
1 with the newest aud latest styles.
e Sui's from $2.00 to ??18.00,
.lloakp, Piceferp, and Walking
Ladle's Skirts.
ie city from $1.10 to $5.00.
frprmls and Comforts,
in ihojorice, qualify or style. !
? jtpxl COhM^.
t yr ur mollers worth.. . -
Government Report Shows Average of
Over Seventy-one Per Cent
Extremely Bearish Government Esti
mates Was a Great Surprise and
Only Buying and Heavy Covering
By a Short on the Bearside Saved
the Market From Stampede.
New York, Special-A large anionut
of selling orders had been placed in
the cotton market to go into effect if
the bureau report mad'; thc condition
69 or better. Very few of the most
sanguine bears had expected a condi
tion better than that percentage.
Consequently the government estimate
of 71.2 per cent, was a great surprise.
The largest firms of spot dealers
and the heaviest and most influential
operators rallied to the support of the
market. The buying and heavy cov
ering by a heavy short who has been
on the bear side for the past two
months, and his following, practically
saved the market, as the bulls had
been caught too heavily overloaded
to render much support. The govern
ment's report caused enormous sell
ing from the South and Liverpool,
but.th* market was finally steadier
under a continuance of active profit
taking by recent bears and by some
of the local and New Orleans bulls
tater recovering their equilibrium.
Low prices show a maximum de
cline of 325 to 150 points from las!
month's high level, which is equiva
lent to between $6 and $7.50 per bali,
and are practically the lowest prices
reached since early last summer.
Danville Council Gets Even.
Danville, Special.-The city council
passed sweeping restrictions, govern
ing t?ie regulations of saloons, which
were recently voted back after two
years of local option reign. Blinds,
screens or obstructions of any nature
are prohibited and the opening and
closing hours fixed at G A. M. and 7
P. M. No entrances "to a saloon except
the front door are altowc-d. and no
one is allowed in a bar after closing
hours. The right of wife or mother
to forbid a barkeeper from soiling
her inebriate husband or son intoxi
cants is recognized by the council
It is also against the law to purchase
intoxicants for inebriates or minors.
Heavy punishment and forfeiture of
license is fixed for any vila I ion of
these ordinances. Hie majority of the
council is composed of ''dry" men,
and thc "wets" claim thar, the wishes
of the people as exposed at the polls
in favor of saloons have hot been
carried out.
Electric Strikers in Berlin.
Berlin, By Cable!-The negotiations
between thc electrical companies and
their employes for higher wages wore ,
broken off and a general strike in the j
works manufacturing electrical ap
paratus and supplies has been ordered.
Two guard regiments now maneuver
ing-in the country have been ordered
to return immediately to Berlin as
a precautionary measure against
strike excesses.
Entire Crew Lost.
Manila, By Cable-The inter-island
steamer Canlabenia, 1907 tons, was
sunk in the recent, typhoon off Tyoao
Island, one of the Visayan group. Ap
parently all on boai'd were lost. She
carried five Americans, one Spaniard
and eleven native Chinese passengers
and a crew of 97 men and officers. The
island steamer Carmen i? also report
ed lost. Details are lucking,
Mississippi ?choola Open.
Jackson, Misa., Specnal.--Thc edu
cational institutions supported by the
State were opened Tuesday. The
opening has been delayed on account
of yellow fever and thc quarantines.
It is hoped, however, that thc epidem
ic is so well under control that there
will be no trouble among thc students
of the various institutions.
By Wire and Cable.
It is now declared danger of a
financial breakdown forced Japan to
tceept Russia's peace terms as modi
Late reports indicate many lives
were lost and a number of vessels
sunk by the typhoon which swept the
Because Great Britain contemplates
dividing the administration of Bengal
50,000 natives have sworn to boycott
foreign goods.
Prince Louis of Battenburg is ex
pected to arrive with his squadron, at
Annapolis on November J.
The hearing before the Legislative
commiltee investigating insurance
companies in New York was produc
tive of some surprising testimony.
The demurrer filed by the govern
ment against the plea in abatement
made by the ment packers was sus
tained, and they will have to stand
President Ripley, of the Atchison,
Topeko and Santa Fe Railroad, testi
fied before an Interstate Commerce
committee that the meat packers were
in a position to dictate railroad
Congress will he urged to amend the
laws that foreigners cannot use Amer
ican citizenship in protection of poli
tical agitation.
The question is asked whether Mr.
Roosevelt will pay out of his private
purse for the special train that will
carry him on his 2,000-mile Southern
Secretary Metcalf has ordered an
inspection of all (he steamers in thc
different districts;
Power Conveyed Far,
In the anthracite coal regions the
transmission of steam power to distant
machinery has been carried to extraor
dinary lengths because of the cheap
ness of coal relatively to the labor re
quired for running engines. In one
case the pipe is said to be a mile long
and pipes from 2,000 to 4,000 feet in
length are not uncommon near Scran
ton. Of course the metul is well wrap
ped in nonconducting material, usual
ly_asbeetos or magnesia, to lessen tho
wanto o? heat by radiation.
Judge Peabody's Irate Client
Some years ago the husband of an
Irish lady In Portland, Maine, found
himself in difficulty, requiring the ser
vices of an attorney. So the wife,
who managed affairs, went to a lead
ing concern which she'd employed be
fore, only to find it had been secured
by the other side. Inquiring who
she'd better employ, Lawyer Peabody,
now a-justice of the supreme judicial
court of Maine, was recommended. He
was engaged, but the opposite party
A few days later an acquaintance,
referring to her mistfortune, asked
the lady if she had counsel.
'Yes, I did," she emphatically re
plied. "I had Paybody, and I might
just as well had nobody."
Honey Forty-four Years Old.
? Brunswick, Maine, man has a
small glass case full of honey which
he has preserved for forty-four years,
and it appears to be as good now as
when it was first made. The package,
which originally weighed five pounds,
now weighs three and one-quartei
pounds, the shrinkage being due to
Letter Prom Marcus Mayer, the Great
Patron of Music and Drama.
Marcus R. Mayer, who brought to
America Mme. Patti, Duse, Salvini,
Coquelin aud other
famous singers and
actors, writes:
Gentlemen: I wish
as many suffering
men and women as 1
can reach to know
the excellence of
Doan's Kidney Pills.
I was greatly bene
fited by this remedy
and know it cured
several who had kidney trouble so bad
ly they were agonized with pain in the
back, head and loins, rheumatic at
tacks and urinary disorders. 1 am
glad to recommend such a deserving
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, ?. Y.
Revolutionary Cannon Ball.
While digging a ditch in the south
east part of the town of Bennington
Vt., recently a workman dug up a six
pound cannon hall that had been thre?
feet under ground and badly rusted, li
was on the direct, road taken by th>;
Berkshire county troops that came tc
participate in the hattie of Bennington,
and on the lot where they camped th?
night before reaching Stark's army.
TayJor*.s Cherokee Uemedy o? Sweet Gum
and Million is >!ature:s great remedy-CureE
Coughs, Colds, Croup aud Consumption,
mid all thront and lung troubles. At drug
gists, 25c., .r.(k\ nnd if 1.00 per bottle.
? married man lias great self-con
trol when he always acts as if he was
glad of it.
Coul.l Not Shut Ear Eyes to Sleep-Forij
noils on lieut!-Spent SlOOon Doctors
?Baby Crew IVorsc-Cured by
Cutieura For So.
"A senb formed on my baby's face,
spreading until it completely covered lier
froin licr.il lo Toot, followed by boils, hav
ing- !\>rty. on lier head at oue lime, and
more on lier body. Then her skin started
to dry up :ind it became so bad die could
not shut her eyes lu sleep. (Jue month's
treatment with Cutieura Soap and Oint
ment made a complete cure. Doctors and
medicine;] had cost over $100, with baby
growing worse. Then wc epent less than
!?ci lor Cutieura and cured her. (Signed)
Mrs. G. ll. Tucker, Jr., 333 Ureentieid
Ave., .Milwaukee, Wis."
A ceil; tree is (Iffy years old before it
produces bark of ?; luuimercial value.
AtlTancHip; tlio Farmers' Interest?.
Traveling agents and salesmen are
now sent from the linnie offices of tho
Chicago packers Into all Soulh Ameri
can and Asiatic countries. They are
going inlo every land, no matter what
language may be spoken or what
money bp used. They will exclmng
theit' gooda for cowries or elephant
tusks-anything to sell the product
and get something In return converti
ble Into money. It may seem odd U
some folks, but traveling men, curry
ing cases with samples of American
meat products, can be seen In the
desert of Sahara, the sands of Zanzi
bar or in Brazil, "whe?e the nuts come
from." Great ls the enterp".se of tho
Yankee merchant, The greater 11:?
market, the greater the price and sta
bility of the prie? of the product and
all that goes to make lt lu its various
The Japanese have bought thirty-seven
steam turbines with electric generators
Piso's Curo to" Coasilmptto-i ls an Infallible
medicine for coughs aud eohVj.-N. W
SAMUEL, Ocean Grove, N.J., Feb, 17, 100)
Japanese publications ave fall of Amer
ican articles on all kinds of subjects.
FITSpermanently cured. No fits or nervou\
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
KerveUestorer,?2trialhottleand treatise free
Dr.H. H. KLIXK, Ltd., 231 Arch St., rhiln.,Pa
Thc Tokio Street Railway Company
serves a population of 1,500,000.
Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teetbin,.r)so.rtens tliegnms,reduccs iu?amma
tion.allays pain,cures wind colic,25c. a bottle
Thc University of California operates a
dairy school.
Avoid Yellow Fever,
Usc thc great antiseptic preventative,
Sloan's Liniment. Six drops of S'oan's
Liiiiment on a teaspoonful of sugar will
kill yellow fever and malaria germs,
For the Housewife.
Ever since our Colonial ancestors
instituted Thanksgiving Day, it has
been a day of rejoicing, and the good
old-fashioned dinner plays the all
important part therein. A detailed
and an interesting account of a
Thanksgiving dinner, af; it will be ser
ved by the young housewife who has
folowed the story of "The Making
of a Housewife'' in The Delineator,
is given by Isabel Gordon Curtis in
the November number. "Thanksgiv
ing Day Novelties" illustrate many
seasonable dishes, from the traditional
pumpkin pie, to a choicely aranged
harvest centrepiece. Other articles
on "Nut Novelties" and "Maple.
Dainties" can bc made to advantage
at this season of the year, and will
add a novelty to the family menu.
Gray-Terrible storm we had last
evening, wasn't it? Thundered loud
enough to wake the dead.
Smith-So? I didn't hear it.
Gray-Didn't hear it! Why, ma.n,
where were you?
Smith-At home. An old school
mate of my wife that she hadn't seen
for years spent thc evening at our
house.-Chicago News.
Flashy people give Um vrprld lil (lo
For Family and Farm
615 Albany Street, Boston, Mass.
'c 'ip - v sim R.R. Faro Paid, Notes Taken
-jBM Beard at Cc 'Vr?w Quick
Ther: ar" unseen things about this Saw. Yon
canuo: S' . th- o toxf ure o? tte Steel; takes
a sharp, cutting educ and he Ids it longer than
au y other Saw. You cannot sec the toughness
of l'.bre: bends without a Lrcak or a kink.
SILVER STEEL, t'..c finest enteilte steel in
tho world, is madj on thc Atkins formula,
temper*. 1 and hsrde-ed by the Atkins secret
process, a. i used y in Atkins Saws. You
canaot see the perfectly grad-atcd taper of
the blade; TUDS easily, vitbout ckllng.
But ' can see the Atkins trade-mark and
lt is your Drotec ' ? when you buy a Sn w. We
arc saw-nfakers and our trade-mark on a Saw
means that it is -ur own make r.i:d that we
aro Justly prom: ot IS We mzkc all types
and sizes of Saws fer ah purposes.
Atkins Saws, Corn Knives. Perfection Floor
Scrapers, etc., nrc sold by all good hardware
dealers. Catalogue on request.
E. C. ATKINS CO. CO., Inc.
Largest Saw M;nuf. :urera in the World,
Factory sud Executive Office*, Indianapolis, Indiana
BRANCHES : New York, Caicatro, Mlnnonpolla,
Portland; (Oreson), Sc. ;lc, San Francisco,
Memphis, Atlnutu and Toronto, (Canada).
Accept no Substituir- Iciist on the Alt tn? Brand
MI followed the
trail from TCXOB
On the Traft
mm Fish Brand ?>FSg
i *>i> * Slicker, used for
rommel?liCker an overcoat when
??? cold, a wiodcoat
V/hen windy, a rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if wc got to bed,
and I will say that 1 have gotten mora
comfort cut ot your slicker than osy Other
one article thai I ever owned."
'? (Thi I?TT.; ind crtjrtt* of thc writer of (hil
uuxollciiut! otter nay li? bud on education.)
V/et Weather Garments for Riding, Walk
ing, Working cr Sporti.-.g.
5aoe)g2 entail
CO., Limited -
T020??TO, CAItADA *?S%f$}&&
Lemon Elixir.
Is ii sure eui o for all I
and a preventivo of
and other fevers.
( Grandparent
Good for < Parent
( Baby
Ask Yonr Neighbor
50c. and $1.00 per bottle
Science declares
Nevv M?thod. By /
Yt means a diseased Stomach. Ar
Gas. Sour Eructations. Heart Faina
jng Pains and Lead Weight in Pit
tended Abdomen, Dizziness, Colic,
plexion, BAD BREATH or Any 0
Nothing else like it known. It's ?
Sorption. Harmless. No drugs. St
otherwise-so savs Medical Science,
the Stomach and" make you worse.
Wc know Mull's Anti-Belch Waf
know it, hence this offer.
SPECIAL OFFER.-The regular r
is 50c. for a full sized box, but to inti
wc will send two (2) boxes upon rec
ment, or we will send you a sample
Hi?ud till? uri. with your name anti a-1
who doe.? MOT ?Il it for a FREE Knraul
address and write pla'nly. Write to-d.i'
SOLD AT. ll KU ti STOKES*, 00 cents ne'
" ' BBBBH - -?
you ennnot spend years and dolls
buy tho knowledge required by c
cents. You want them to, pny th
them as a diversion. In order to handle F
tmng nbout them. To meet this want we r
o? a practical poultry raiser for ,'Only 25c.
n mar. wno put ?ill lils mind, and time, am
cn ralshnr-not as a pastime, but as a bush*
ly-?vo years' work, you can save many Ch
tani dollars for you. Thc point is, that y
Poultry Yard aa Boon as it appears, and km
teach you. it tells how to detect and cure
fat.tentns;.; which Fowls to save for breed
you should know on thin subject to ma ko i
".ve nenin Ut sVynpn. BOOK PUBLISHING
'3= & *3= S H ? ES K
M. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Lina
cannot be equalled at any price.
fi fifi BEWARD to anyone who can
jUUU tfsprove this statement
W. L. Douglas fr3.S J shoes have by their e_?
?lient style, easy fitting, and superior wea ric z
lualitlcs, achieved the largest EaJe of any $3.50
(hoe In the world. They are just as good as
hose that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 - the only
inference ls the price. If I could toke you into
ny factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest in
he world under one roof making men's fine
?hoes, and show you the care with which every
>air of Douglas shoes is made, you would realiza
vhy W. L. Douglas S3.50 shoes are the best
?hoes produced In the world.
!f I could show you the difference between tbs
thoes made in my factory and those of other
nakee, you would understand why Douglas
53.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold
heir shape, flt better, wear longer, and an of
greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50
ihoe on the market to-day.
W. L. Douglas S?rorg Mada Shoo* fa*
/Wen, 02. SO, 52.GO. Boya'School A
Dress Shoos, $2.ZD, $2, $1.75,$1.SO
CAUTION.-Insist upon baring'W.L.Doug,
as shoes. Tako. no Substitute. None genuine
yithout bis name aud price stamped on bottom.
"WANTED. A shoe foaler in every town whew '
W. lt. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of
(amples seat freo for inspection upon request.
Fast Color Eyelets used; they wilt not wear brassy.
"Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
W. Ir. DOUGLAS, Brockton, .Mass.
The tbreo "Ills" that mako lifo a burden.
Nature's great remedy. In use for almost
a century. ??old hv all druggists.
Lomlsvlll?, Ky.
Toubled with ills peculiar to
heir sex. used as a douche ls marvelously suc
::ssrul. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs,
ttops discbarges, heals infl?rematioa ead local
iorencss, cures .1er.corrhcea asd nasal catarrh. '
Paxrine is in powder form to bs dissolved in pore
niter, and is far more cleansing, healing, germ ?cirial
ind economical than liquid antiseptics for a i 1
For sic at druggists, CO cents a bot-- ?> ;-J
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Pnce.
(rrjT Tin n ? TJinr Shorthand and Bookkeeping. .
LllLlluil?r?l A thorough business course,
Ha tl road accounting. Ourgraduates corer the
souvh : nositlons ?riiar?ntced : catalogue free.
UTEKCIAL COLLEGE, Mlllcdgevlllo, Ga.
amis amt ALL EISE FAILS.
I Best Ooujfh Syru?), Tastos aood. Uso
In time. Sold by drurcHts.
So. 4L
MONEY'S $ $ wgc^;ffS?
lt the only way.
Ibsorjiiion. No Drugs.
e you afflicted with Short Breath,
. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Buru
of Stomach. Acid Stomach, Dis
Siek Headache, Pimples, Bad
ther Stomach Torture?
?ure and pleasant. Cures by ab
omach Trouble can't be cured.
Drugs won't do-they eat up
ers cure and ?re want you to
>rice of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafer?
.oduce it to thousands of sufferers
eipt of 75c. and this advertise
free for this coupon.
POW 127.
dreoji, and the name il n Hr us sc', nt
cbox of Mall's AnU Belch v\ nier*tn
rd Ave, Rock Island, JIL aire fnJI
r as lui? oiler m ny not appear again,
r box.
natter how heavy its pi-image or swift its
with a Icr.g, strong, straight shooting
Results are what count. They always
?wi cr trap shooting, ced are sold within
a postal card for our ler?.. illustrated catalozcc.
AN MONEY &?>?jjfe$ &
nless you understand them and know
ow to cater to their requirements, and
irs learning by experience, so you must
>thers. Wc offer thia to you for only 25
elr own way even if you merely keep
owls judiciously, you must know some?
ire selling a book giving the experience
) twenty-five years. It was written by
d money to making a success of Chick
ic.33-and if you will profit by his twen
?cks annually, and make your Fowls
ou must bs sure to detect trouble In the
ow how to remedy lt. This hook will
disease: to feed for eggs and aiso for
ing purposes; and everything, indeed,
t profitable. Sent postpaid for twenty?
H/Oyss, jg* Leono-rd. st,, NwTorK Gfty

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