OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, September 22, 1909, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1909-09-22/ed-1/seq-12/

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and'".wi ii em
.vc.i?r teacher to assist Mrs.
Mamie Walker, who has been serv
ing them so faithfully as teacher.
We like the business-like way in
which the White Town people do
things. It is their progressive, pub
lic spirit that has developed that
community so rapidly during the
past decade; All honor to them!
Remarkable Decrease.
Mr. Editor:-Ten years ago the
statistics showed an unusual sacri
fice of one hundred thousand souls
to the god of Bacchus. ', .
Kecently the claim, I notice, is sixty
thousand. Has the number been re
duced (40 per cent.) forty per cent
within the last ten years? If so,that
is a very strong argument in favor
of National prohibition. Could we
not get at the facts? Yours,
Tncxo. ..
Plum Branch, S. C.
Wheat Followed by Fine Corn.
We have been informed that Hon.
W. R. Parks has a crop of except
ionally fine corn growing upon the
land from which he harvested the
large yield of wheat this year.
There is no reason why the farmers
pf this county should buy western
flour, corn and meat when our soil
will produce a crop of wheat and
corn in one year. Let every farmer
manage as well as Mr. Parks does
and our old county in a few years
will prosper as never before.
Widely Beloved Trio to Teach
in Darlington.
Miss Addie Bell will teach next |
session in a large school near Dar
lington, Miss Janie Byrd will teach
the school at Lamar that was for
merly taught by Miss Annie May
Strom, and M'ss Annie May has
been engaged to teach a prominent
school just four miles from Lamar.
When we remember- that Edgefield
had to give up Miss Fannie Cochran
and others under similar circumstan
ces, The Advertiser is in gi eat trep
idation lest some of these other
edioice flowers be likewise plucked
by some stern hand of the Pee Dee
section. Lookout girls. The Adver
tiser does noi want to b>ar of any
"mortgages" being recorded in Dar
lington county.
Your Obituary Some Day.
A couple of years ago a cranky
sort of an old man came into this
office and stopped his paper because
something in it did not just suit his
fancy. We have frequently met him
on the street since that time and it is
amusing to note the look of surprise
on the old fellow's face that we are
still in existence regardless of the
fact that he stepped his paper.
Some day-and it won't be long
either-that old gentleman will turn
up his toes. His heart will be still
ed forever. Neighbors and friends
will follow his lifeless clay to the
silent city and lay it to rest among
the flowers. An obituary will be
published in these columns telling
what: a kind father, a good neighbor
and beloved citizen he was-which
the recording angel will overlook
for charity's sake, and in a short
time he will be forgotten. As he
lies out there in the cold, cold grave
yard, wrapped in the silent slumber
of death, he will never know that
the last kind word spoken of him
was by the editor of that paper
which he so spitefully "stopped."
Did you ever pause just a moment
to think that your editor, whoever
he may be, will write your obituary
some day?-King's Mountain Her
News From The Red Hill Sec
,Fall has returned an cr farmers are
being rewarded for their hard work
during the year. On account of the
dry weather which we have had
crops are going to be short.
Yesterday being an unlikely day
the congregation at Red Hill was
small. Just before preaching service
the ordinance of baptism was ad
ministered to two young converts.
The B. Y. P. U. was postponed
the weather being too bad to hold
a meeting. We will have the same
subject for next meeting, "Looking
We have at last had the rain
which has been needed so long but
most too much of it. Mr. J. D
Quailes and a few other successful
farmers have'Jost their corn crops
. on the creeks.
Mrs. J. T. Littlejohn, who has
been in the hospital in Augusta for
a week is doing as well as could be
Mrs. W. E. Prescott who is quite
sick does not improve fa3t.
Mr. George Quarles who was very
sick is in bed again.
Miss America Quarles, of Anti
och, is visiting relatives and friends
in this community.
Miss Annie Mathis is visiting
relatives and friends in Colliers this
We are looking forward to the
Woman's Missionary meeting which
is to be held at the home of Mrs. O.
J. Holmes* Thursday afternoon.
School Girl.
We have a few ladies' tailored
wash suits and summer waight
skirts that we will close out regard
less of cost.
Rives Bros.
Your clothes are an impor
tant factor in your affairs.
They present you to the
world as a Man of taste or ? s
a trifler with your appear
Our Clothes are styled
right, made right and fit righ
They are made to our order
in the World's largest and
best Tailor Shops by the best
of Workmen.
No exclusive tailor could
make better clothes.
The best dressers know this
and so we're right in s uying
Men Who Knoir, Come Here for
clothes r
Suits $15, $20 to $30
Overcoats $15, $18 to $25.
If you've never bought
Clothes here, Sir, come to see
what you have been missing.
You'll like our Serviee as
we'll as you'll like our Clo.hes.
742 Broad St.,. - -
"The Home of
Good Clothes."
Augusta, Ga,
We keep abreast of the times a:id offer the latest and best
implements. We have made a study of the farmers' needs
and the implements that supply those needs, always keeping
the best that the market affords!. The season for deep plow
ing and sowing grain is now here aad we have just received
a large shipment of the celebrated John Deere plow's, All
we ask is that.you buy one of these plows. After using* ic
you will have hp other.
Farmers who are informed as to the implements that give
the best results are using Deere's Harrows. They are strong
flexible and the teeth can be set at any angle to suit the
character of the ground to be harrowed.
We present two cuts of first-class implements th.;. are
needed now by every larmer who does already own them.
We can order anything you w7ant, if we haven't it in stock.
Laundry Agency.
WE now represent the Char
lotte Steam Laundry formerly re
presented by May & Tompkins,
and we solicit the patronage of
the public generally and we will
guarantee satisfaction. Get your
laundry in by Tuesday afternoon.
Jones & Son
Master's Sale.
Court of Common Pleas.
Mrs. Hattie Harling in her own
right?nd as executrix of Rufus
Dr. G. A. Bunch, et. al.,
Pursuant to the decree in this
cause, I will offer for sale at public
outcry to the highest bidder, before
the court house, town of . Edgetield
and State of South Carolina, on
salesday in October, 1909, the same
being 4th day of said month,bet\veen
the legal hours of sale, the following
described realty to wit:
All that lot or parcel of land,
with the improvements thereon, sit
uate, lying and being in the town
of Clark's'Hill, County of Edgetield
and State of South Carolina, con
taining two (2) acres, more or less,
and bounded on the north by lands
of the estate of Mrs. M. J. Tillman,
de'd.,south by the Baptist church lot
eaut by the C. & W. C Railroad, and
west by lands of W. H. Nixon.
Also all that store lot, now vacant
situate in the town of Clark's Hill,
comity of Edgetield and State of
Soatb Carolina, containing one (l)
acre., more or less, on the west side
of the C. <fe W. C. Railroad, and
bounded by the said C. & W. C.
Railroad by the estate of Mrs. M.
J. Tillman and the public road lead
ing to Augusta from Clark* Hill, S.
C. ?'.
Terms of . Sale: Cash. Purchaser
to comply with in one hour after or
Master is authorized to sell again
the Same 'day. Purchaser to pay
for papers.
Master E. C. S. C.
Sept: 8, 1909. 4t.
Sec our line of men's shirts that
we still- for. 50c worth 75c.
Rives Bros.
Wo can save you money on musi
cal instruments. Large stock of
.stringed instruments to select frei.
RAM SKY ct .lox KS.
Large assortment of window
Ramsey & Jones. ;2
For Sale.
A No, 15 Rife ram, practically
new; also 100 ft. of ? in. pipe and
600 ft. of f in. pipe. Reason for
selling, need ram of larger capacity.
P. M. Markert,
i Morgana, S. C.
Do you hot need a cook stove?
We have a large assortment of all
sizes and prices. Come in to see
Edgetield Mercantile Co
Beautiful iron and enameled beds,
just what you need.
Ramsey & Jones.
Large stock of handsome iron
and enameled beds to select from,
with springs to fit.
Edsrefield Mercantile Co
100 sets Of baggy harness soon
to arrive. Full assortment of car
riage and wagon harness. We buy
in large quantities and our patrons
get the benefit of the advantages
thus gained.
Ramsey & Jones.
There is no better buggy on thc
market for the money than the
Hackney buggjr. A car of 40 bug
gies just received.
Ramsev & Jones".
Ginnery Notice.
To the Public:
My gin machinery will be put in
thorough repair by expert workmen
and will be run during the coming
season day and night, if necessary to
handle the crop, and will be under
my personal supervision. I solicit
a liberal share of your patronage
and will endeavor to please as in the
Abner B. Broadwater.
Cleaning and Pressing
I respectfully notify the Edge
field public that I have moved ruy
dying, cleaning and pressing room
to the ground floor of the Corner
Store's annex,"and solicit a contin
uance of your patronage. We guar
antee satisfaction on every piece of
work we send out.
Wallace Harr.'s.
We are offerinj
early shoppers,
can suit the most
io pieces Goc
ticking i Sc value
5 pieces 12 ic tic
Good checked
7? value at 5c.
50 pieces shirl
colors good for
dresses, 1 etails e
at ioc at
10 pieces extra
In the next issue we wi
as our line in this depart
York buying goods for 01
to our store will COL ?iure
Master's Sale.
Court of Common Pleas.
J. F. Eutzniinger
A. A. Glover.
Pursuant to tue decree in this
cause, I will oiler for sale at public
outcry, to thc highest bidder before
tho Court House, town ol' Edgetield j
and State of South Carolina, on
salcsday in October 1 wot), tim same
being the 4th day of said month, be
tween the legal hours of sale, the
following described realty, to wit:
All that parcel or tract of land
ituate, lying and being in theincor
Sorate limits of thc town of Edge
held, in the County of Edgetield,
State of South Carolina,, containing
one half (i) of an acre, more or less,
and bounded on the north by Acad
emy Branch, east by lot occupied by
A. A. Glover, south by thc White
lot owned by R. L. Dunovant, and
west by street er road running by
the Baptist church and being the lot
conveyed to said A. A. Glover by J.
F. Ent/.minger on January Uth,1007.
Terms of sale: Cash. Purchas
er to pav for papers.
.Master E. C.S. C.
Sept. 6,. 10.00. -lt.
Physician's Card.
Any one desiring ray profession
al services can find me in my office,
front rooms of the Adams Building.
A. R. NICHOLSON, Jr., M. 1).
Notice to Creditors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Enoch Peterson, Sr.,
dee'd., are hereby notified to present
the same to the undersigned duly
attested, and those indebted to said
estate will likewise make payment to
Sept. 8, 190'J. 3t
Cotton Seed Meal and
I take this means of notifying
my friends and the public that 1
keep a large supply of fresh Cotton
ton Seed Meal and Hulls constantly
on hand and can fill their orders at
reasonable prices. Warehouse near
site of old depot. Your patronage
A. M. Timmerman
James xl. Dobey,
Johnston, S. C.
Office over News-Monitor Office
Farm For Sale.
Desirable farm four miles from
town of Edgetield. known as the
James Harrison place, containing
27U acres. Bounded by lands of Mrs.
Kate f). Butler. Will sell for ?8
per acre. Apply to 31 rs. W. D.
Jennings, Crawford Ave., Augusta,
Ga., or
Edgetield, S. C.
% some Specials this week for the
Every department r filled and we
fastidious buyer..
id Feather
nt i2oC.
:king at 9c.
:ings good
shir! s and
: very where
heavy cot
ton flannel i?c value a 10c.
5 pieces krindledown, pink
blue and white, good for
cloaks for children 50c value
at 39c
5 doz. ladies' barretts 15c
values at icc
io pieces all wool red and
white flannel, retails every
where at 50c per yard at 35c
ll give you some specials in our Clothing Department
ment is not complete. Our buyer is now in iNew
.ir four stores, and goods are arriving daily. A visit
rBld'g. - Edgefield,S.C.
My fall stock lias all arrived and I am better prepaaed than
ever before to serve the public.
Parents, see my see my School Shoes and ?Staple
Dress Goods-everything that is needed to get the
children ready for school.
My C!othing,Shoe,Hat,Dry Goods and Notion Depts.
:ire all chock full of new things at reasonable prices.
Call and see for yourself.
We have this sum (100,000.00) to lend on Edgefield County Farms
Property must be improved and occupied by owner.iiave loaned through*
out Georgia and South Carolina for 10 years. Write at once if you need
funds. . ' . -
TP^iruoL S^oir Sale.
GOO acres, 200 acres open, well watered, 3 tenant houses. 9 miles Plum Branch
A bargain at $2,600.00. For particulars address the owners.
$5,000 worth of merchan
dise at Cost.
My entire sto'ck of Dry Goods. Sh, s awl
Notions are now offered at cost,
Oxfords Slimmer goods and Fans at 10
per cent tess than cost.
No goods charged at cut prices.
James E. Hart.
all Styles
Our new Fall Styles
are just in from the
celebrated CROSSETT
factory. All of the new
leathers and lasts.
New Fall Neckwear
nothing prettier ever
shown here.
New Fall Clothing
for men just in.

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