OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 09, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Established 1335.
W2IK?3SDA7, PE2. 9ih, IMO
Office, No. 61.
Residence, No. 17.
When you want job printing ask
"centrai" for phone No. 61.
The farmers seem to vbe making
a run on the fertilizer dealers.
The tacky party at the rink will
attract all ages. Barrels of fun for j
MK O. B. Anderson, who is one
of the leading stenographers in the
state, is taking the record for the
Lexington court this week.
CaptT N. G. Evans, the attorney j
of the Southern railroad company
fct4?b?8 section, went to Jackson-1
ville yes erday on- legal business]
connected with the Southern.
Mr. Charlie Cheatham, of the]
Celestia section, accompanied by his j
family, spent several days last
. week with Mrs. W. H. Ouzts and
Mrs. D. P. Boone.
After resting quietly at home for
some weeks, Judge J. W. DeVore j
went to Yorkville Monday to hold
court this week.
Thr? cr?rnr.izat?on of a county W.
C. T. U. and Hon. Seaborn
Wright's address will be reported
. in our next issue.
The tttclry party ex the skating
ri'ik is being eagerly looked for
ward to by the young people, and
many of.the older ones also.
The Advertiser has not received
any names for enrollment as mern
~bers of the boys club. Surely Edge-j
field county will have at least/a
score of boys who will enter.
. Almost every day now some far
mer will say put me down as enter
ing The Advertiser's corn contest.
The number promises to be larger
than last year.
/; '
All members of the Rifle compa
ny are urged to assemble at the ar
mory Thursday night in order to
make preparations, for the annual
inspection'to be held March 7th.
" j Mr. F. M. Warren says the far
mers of the Harmony section will
have lotssof fun this year over the
contest. He also stated that the
man who beats John Hoyt growing
corn will get first prize.
The members of The Juvenile
Mission Society Koi the Methodist
church will give a festival of some
kind in the armory Friday evening,
February 18th. A fuller announce
ment will be made next weekT
Messrs. Ramsey & Jones have re
ceived two cars of wagons and have
anothet car on the road. They also
have a solid car of Rock Hill bug
gies in transit. Do not make your
purchases -without first calling at
Ramsey & Jones.
Rent contracts, mortgages of per
sonal property, titles to real eetate
and mortgages of real estate for sale
at this office. The legal blanks that
The Advertiser sells will stand the
test of the courts.
The Advertiser job office is turii-1
ing out some very nice work, sat- j
isfaction on every piece of which is !
"fully guaranteed. Have you not
some printing that you would like
to have done?
-In this issue will be found an ad
' vertisement of the Home Re<*l Es
tate Agency, whose manager is
Mr. E. J. Norris. This agency so
licits the listing of your property
for sale. Every effort will be made
to. sell it to the best advantage pos
Reports of the prevalence of grip
come from all parts of the county.
Pneumonia has also been quite com
mon this winter. The unusual
amount of sickness is doubtless due
. to the very changeable weather We
have had. However, the worst will
be over in a few short weeks.
The ladies who compose the
Edgefield~Civic League have been
vory generally commended for their
public spirit in causing the sub
stantial wire fence to be erected
around the college property. The
general appearance will be improv
ed With the hanging of the large
double gates. Massive rock pillars
wiH he erected for the gates, in
stead of using the ordinary posts
of wood.
Received fresh shipment of Leg
gett's Nabob corn and peas-as nice
as if just gathered from the garden.
Penn & Holstein.
We understand that some of the
R. F. D. mailboxes 'have been
mutilated and destroyed recently.
Thejguilty parties probably do not
realiz?nhe enormity of such law
lessness in "Uncle Sam's" eyes. At
the recent term of the United States
court in Columbia a lad was con
victed and sentenced to several
years imprisonment for tearing
down mail boxes. " Better let 'em
alone"-is The Advertiser's advice.
Full line of Levering's celebrated
roasted coffees, 15, 20 and 25 cents j
per pound; also Leggett's fancy j
parched coffee.
B. Timmons.
?E."--.fFjJLl-' ??-i - - ??-"? 1
'?. Sheppard; Esq., went to
linton last Thursday on business
nested vrxth the Connie Maxwe
.phanagi**. Mr Sheppard hss teen
ingupthe Terrell Smith estate
the orphanage.
Mr. L. J. Williams, now a
dent cf North Augusta, wa
Edgefield Saturday. He is
ducting an automobile establish)
in Augusta, having made the tri
Edgefield in atlarge machine.
While "music hath charm;
soothe the savage breast," it als?
tracts those who are many deg
removed from the savage.
Holland Music Store next dooi
the post office is a popular ren
vous these days.
In their business locals this v
Messrs. Penn & Holstein call at
tion to some items that should
terest every gardener and ho
holder. Look them up and i
I every line.
In about two months a munie
! election will be held, and as
present mayor and several ward
will not serve again, the. people
the town should be giving s(
thought to the matter of elect
j suitable persons to take tl
j places.
j Full supply of Glenn Springs i
Harris Lithia water.
Penn & Holstein
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reece fr
Thompson, Ga., visited at
home of Mr. J. ,T. McManus 1
week while upon their weddi
journey. Mrs. Re.?ce was Miss I
Manus, a daughter of the late
W. McManus.
jMessrs. Holland Bros. will ha
a formal opening Friday afterno
from three to five o'clock. An
tractive musical program will
rendered. No invitations will
mailed but everybody is most c
dially invited to be present.
We are headquarters for se
Irislk-potatoes, Early Rose, Bli:
Irish Cobbler and Green Mountai
Ours will insure a goori yield.
B. Timmons.
There is much fun in ? store f
the 3'oung people at the skati:
rink Monday night next, the occ
sion being a tacky party. The A
vertiser will stake its money (
R. M. Scurry's costume. Mr. Moi
trie will do his utmost to make t
evening a very delightful one.
-Nunnally's celebrated candy 1
Pen? & Holstein.
If you want scalp treatment, d'
druff cured and your hair to. giw
go to see Mrs. W. C. Hate
er at Mrs. N. M.-Jones'. Th
work will be done quickly.
The atrocious murd?r of Dr. (
W. Hickman.on the streets of SUE
merrilie, a fashionable suburb (
Augusta, one nieht last week, wi
one of the most horrible in the ar
nals of crime in the south. R
wards aggregating about $4,0C
have been offered for the ?pprehen
sion of the guilty person. I):
Hickman was a kinsman of Mr
N. G. Evans.V
Messrs. Stewart Ss Kernagha
have recently . added several ne<
lines to their already large stocl
one of the lines being cabinet mar
tels. They received a shipment o
mantels on Wednesday and sob
four by Friday.
Miss Robbie Jones paid The Ac
vertiser a very pleasant call while i
town Saturday. She was accompa
nied by her manly little nephew
Dabney Talbert. Miss Robbie i
one of the best teachers in the coun
ty, and has charge of the Prescot
school this year. .
Buist's Irish potatoes for seed
all of the popular varieties. Noni
better on the market.
Penn & Holstein.
Mr. T. W. Rearden is having
some very fine lumber sawed on h if
farm near town. As he is cutting
native forest timber it gives the
people of this section an opportunity
of securing heart lumber, the supply
of which becomes more and more
limited with each passing year.
Mr. Rearden's advertisement ap
pears elsewhere in this issue.
Fresh from Buist's seed farm-a
full assortment of garden seeds.
Buist's never fail to germinate well.
Nothing better on thc market.
B. Timmons.
The spring term of court will
convene on the first Monday in
March, with Hon. R. C. Watts as
presiding judge. The grand jury
for 1910 and the first week's petit
jury will be drawn by the jury
commissioners Tuesday and will ap
pear in the next issue of The Ad
The writer happened to be at
Henry Powell's shop a few d3vs
ago while he was delivering a large
wll-eonstraoted, beautifully paint
ed two-horse wa<>on body which he
made for Mr. P. P. Boone. The
very excellent manner in which the
body was made impressed the wri
ter, and we unhesitatingly recom
mend Mr. Powell's work. He can
make anything you want, either in
iron .or wood.
In buyintr your seed Irish Pota
toes not leave off the Irish Cobbler,
the earliest variety known. Finely
flavored and cooks well.
Penn & Holstein.
I Prof. .mci Mrs. J: F. Entamniger
drove down to Aiken Friday after
noon and ?pent Saturday and Sun
day wither, and Mrs. M. T. Hol
ley, Mrs. Entzrainger's parents.
Prof. Entzminger says the heavy
.and roads of Aiken county are be
ing greatly impro^d by th? appli
cation of clay.
A gentleman who makes regular
trips io Saluda told the writer a few
days ago that one can tell by the bad
roads when he crosses the Saluda
line. For all-clay roads, we do not
believe any county in the state has
better roads than Edgefield, taking
them as a whole.
National Biscuit Company's Fruit
Cake fresh by express. Edgefield
housewives know what it is.
. B. Tim mons.
Being the only Presbyterian min
ister in this section, Rev. T. P.
Burgess has to cover a large field.
On Sunday last he filled an appoint
ment at' Saluda. In spite of the
heavy duties that are upon him, the
faithfulness and devotion of this
widely-beloved minister to his peo
ple is very beautiful.
If you want braids made, save
your combings and take them to
Mrs. Hatcher.
Let us supply jrour table with
new crop Georgia syrup, Blue Rib
bon, Silver Drip, Silver Leaf syrup
or Cuba molasses. Can please the
most fastidious taste.
B. Timmons.
An old, experienced and very suc
cessful oats grower remarked a few
days ago that the extreme cold has
killed all of the insects, and that as
soon as the weather becomes milder
grain will begin to grow. Although
wheat and oats are small and look
rather badly now, a record-breaking
crop is predicted by many.
Only ten, more days are left in
which you-can return your property
without penalty. Better call at the
Auditor's office and "give in" your
property. Auditor J. Ii. Timmer
man has been instructed to add the
penalty as tprescribed by law to all
propertj' not returned hy thc 20th
of February.
Come to us for your valentines
beautiful and comic, sublime and
ridiculous-from 1 cent to ?$2.50
B. Timmons.
Will Remain in Edgefield.
Rev. R. G. Shannoiihou.se, rector
of the Episcopal' church, recently
received a call from a parish in
western Texas, near the Mexican
border, but we are happy to be able
to state that he has decided not to
leave Edgefield. In view of the
splendid service that Rev. Mr,
Shanmnhouse is rendering and the
perfect harmony and beautiful fra
ternal spirit that now prevails
among the i?cal churches and their
pastors, the people of our town of
every faith and order would regret
exceedingly to see him leave us.
Large fat mackerel-just what
you want for breakfast.
B. Timmons.
Ready for the Rush.
Messrs. May & Prescott announce
in this issue that they have con
stantly on hand popular brands of
guano from some of the leading
manufacturers of the country and
that they are ready for the rush.
Farmers should haul now while the
roads are good but should not close
their fertilizer deals before seeing
Messrs. May & Prescott. This
popular firm can also supply the in
gredients for mixing fertilizers on
the farm. If they havn't what you
want in any line they will get it for
you. Try them.
Put out your onion sets as soon
as the ground is in order. Wc can
supply you .with the best. -
-B. Timmons.
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work,
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re
sponsible for much sickness andsuffering,
therefore, if kidney
trouble is permitted to
continue, serious re
sults are most likely
to follow. Your other,
organs may need at
tention, but your kid
neys most, because
they do most and
should have attention
first. Therefore, when
your kidneys are weak or out of order,
you can understand how quickly your en
tire body is affected and how every organ
seems to fail to do its duty.
If you are sick or " feel badly," begin
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con
vince you of its ?reat merit.
The mild and immediate effect of
Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest because its remarkable
health restoring properties have been
proven in thousands of the most distress
ing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best.
Sold by druggists in
fifty-cent and one-dol
lar sizes. You may
j have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
pamphlet telli..^ you iiomoot'Smiinp.Root.
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis
take, but remember the name, Swamp
Root, and don't let a dealer sell you
something in place of Swamp-Root-ii
rou do you will be disappointed.
No Deduction for Bagging.
It is probable that the bill of
Hon. M. P. Wells prohibiting a de
duction for bagging and- ties will
become a law. The bill has passed
the House and has been sent over to
thc senate. The text of the bill is as
follows: i
'.That from and after thc approv
al of this act it shall be unlawful
for any person, firm or corporation
engaged in the business of buying
cotton in this state as principal or
agent, to deduct any sum for bag
ging or ties from the weight of any
bale of cotton,* when the same is
properly packed- and wrapped in
not more than nine yards of bag
ging and six ties, of the kind that
is now used in the custom of trade.
"For each and every violation of
this act, the offender shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and shall be fined
in the sum of not less than $5 nor
more than $25 or imprisoned for
not less than 10 days nor more than
30 days: Provided, This act shall
not apply to what is known in the
trade as round bales, and bales of
cotton which weigh lens than 300
Better Than Lard.
Wesson's pure cotton seed oil is
a cooking substitute for lard and
butter. No greasy food, no dyspep
sia. Odorless and tasteless. Benefits
lealth, pocket-book and domenic
atmosphere. Try a can and you will
always use it-only 25 cents.
Penn & Holstein.
Muriel-I see now why you com
pletely lost your voice when Joe
asked you to marry him last
Muriel-Silence gives consent.
Young's Magazine.
Look up 'the business locals of
Mr. B. Tim mons this week. They
will prove to be a valuable guido to
the shoppe] s.
Buis t's Garden Seed.
Begin now for the early garden.
We eau supply yon with seeds of
all kinds that are fresh from the
celebrated Buist seed farm. They
hold the highest record for germi
nation and satisfactory yields.
Penn & Holstein.
Ladies are well please^with Mrs.
Matcher's work: Shampooing, scalp
treal ment, massaging, manicuring,
chiropody, hair bleach, face bleach
and "hair dye. '
Lost: Small Alligator satchel,
Saturday last, between the court
house and the residence of Mr.
James T. Muns. Suitable reward
.will be given if left at The Adver
tiser office.
Twenty pigs and yo mg hogs, not
to exoeed 40 pounds in weight.
Small oi ed preferred.
F, N. K. Bailey.
Ali opportunity to get a fine piano at
Eock Bottom prices; right at your home.
Holland Bros. of Greenwood, S. C., have a
nice lot of pianos in the Norris building next
to the postoffice and wish to close out all of
them during the month of February. They
also have a "CECIL?AN" player piano, one of
the best on the market, and will have some
choice music and invite the public generally
to call whether you contemplate buying or
Mr. John A. Holland will be on hand and
will be glad to give all the information
desired v
Don't fail to see these pianos and let us
talk the matter over with you, as we can
make it to your interest if you are thinking
of buying a piano.
Norris Building
Edgefield, South Carolina
New Arrivals at Rives Bros.
MendaPs ladies tailored shirt waists.
American Lady corset model for 1910.
Spring dress gingham.
Ladies Ne w spring neck wear.
Misses and ladies new style oxfords. Best ass
ortment of shoes for all in stock.
One case 4-4 bleaching special 10c value for 7c.
Big shipment of laces, embroidery. AU over
lace, tucking^ lace bands, etc.
Men's and boy's full regular made work shirts, 36
inches long. Special value for 50c. The Fergerson
McKinley shirt for spring now in all sizes cut to
full measurements and warranted to fit or money
Ladies muslirY underwear just in and.open to your
The Farmers Bank
Of Edgeficld begins the
New Year with much appreciation to thc public for the liberal patronage
extended to it in the past. For the New Year, 1910, it wishes its custo
mers and patrons a prosperous season, and asks a continuance of their
Combined Capital and Surplus - - - $100,000.00
Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. We arc authorized
to act as guardian, administrator, trustee and accept trusts generally un
der our charter. A General banking business transacted on reasonable
terms. Prompt attention given to all business m our linc.
We Solicit Your Deposit Account,
Georgia cane syrup 50c gallon
Hudson brand maple -syrup
25c quart.
Old process buckwheat, very
best, 5c pound. *
Evaporated apricots 15c pound
Evaporated peaches 12 l-2c lb
Leggett's Nabcb brand corn
15c can.
Leggett's Nabob brand peas
20c can.
Our stock of groceries is com
plete and up-to-date. Your
orders will have our prompt
and careful attention.
W. E. Lynch
& Company.
"I suppose, Bridget/' said Miss
Woodby to the new maid, '"you
think it strange that one who plays
the piano as perfectly as I do should
practice so much."
'Tis, mum," replied Bridget;
;'shure, if 'twas me IM give up in
disgust." /
A Modern Maid: "Am I the first
girl you ever loved?"
Modern Youth: "I cannot tell
a lie. You are not. You are sim
p ?y thc best of the bunch."
Jimmie, correct this
" Our teacher am in
sentence :
Jimmie-Our teacher am .1 sight
-.Tit-Bits. '
Will Surely Stop Thal Cough.
Won't Need a Crutch
When editor J P Sossman, of
Cornelius, N. C., bruised his leg
badly, it started an ugly sore. Many
salves and ointments proved worth
less. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve
healed it thoroughly. Nothing is co
prompt and sure for ulcers, boils,
burns, bruises, cuts, corns, sores,
pimples, eczema or piles. 25c at
Penn & Holstein's. W E Lvcnh &
Subscribe for
The Advertiser
For Sale: Shingles sawed from
native forest pine, also car. furnish
No. 2 shingles. Will deliver them
in town.
J. TT. Reel. I
Took All His Money.
Often all a man earns goes to
doctors or for medicines, to cure a
stomach, liver or kidney trouble
that Dr. King's New Life pills
would quickly cure at slight cost.
Best for dyspe^ ita, indigestion,
billiousness, constipation, jaundice.
J malaria and debility, /25c at Penn
' & Holstein's, W E Lynch & Co.
President Helps Orphans.
Hundreds of orphans have been
Iud ped by the president of the in
dustrial and orphan's home at Ma
con, Ga., who /writes: We have
used Electric Bitters in this insti
tution for nine years. It has proved
a most excellent medicine for stom
ach, lher and kidney troubles. We
regard it as one of the best family
medicines on earth. It invigorates
all vital organs, purifies the blood,
aids digestion creates appetite. To
strengthen and build up pale, thin,
weak children or rundown people
it has no c-qual. Best for female
complaints. Only 50c at Penn &
Holstein's, W E Lynch & Co.
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it ia- the best medicine ever sold
overa druggist's counter.

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