OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 04, 1912, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1912-10-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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We are still selling the celebrated
Studebaker wagon. The best yet,
Wilson & Cantclou.
No matter what yon want, in the
buggy line. Wc will get.il lor you
if we don't happen to bare just
what you- are looking for.
Wilson & C?ntelo*.
Ladies' writing desks in mahogt
ny, birdseye maple, weathered oak
in mission effect. Open and roller
top office desks and office chairs.
Ramsey & Jones.
We have now in stock a line of
cut glass and chinaware suitable for
wedding presents. We invite your
inspection. 4
W. E. Lynch & Co.
Look at our buggies and harness
before buying, we will save you
Wilson & Cantelou.
Large stock of wagon and buggj
harness, also parts of harness. See
our saddles, bridles and blankets
before buying.
Ramsey & Jones.
FOR SALE: Appier seed oats at
70 cents per bushel. Georgia Blue
Stem Wheat, made 24 bushels per
acre this year, at Si.50 per bushel.
Apply to
L. G. Watson,
9-ll-4t Trenton, S. C.
We are better prepared to supply
your needs in shoes than ever. We
have just what the children need
for school wear. Come to us when
?cou wish to get the children ready
for school.
Messrs. Rives Bros. as ;,sual have
been havingabig coat . ".it sale for
ladies the first of September and
this year they had such a success
with the large lice that the;r far
mer big assorted sales brought tho
trade this year without the aid of
printer's ink and t hey have now a J
second lot that will be in and will
let you hear from them. Adv.
We will enlarge cur millinery de
partment for th 2 approaching fall
season. Our milliner, Misa Graw
lin, has arrived TO tr:ke charge.
Many of our n- \ millinery goods
have come in and others are arriv
ing daily by ?.-^?ess. Soon we will
announce our fall opening.
rr--, y1 Y zzr-:- -ri, ?,-w*^xz7n\i--* ?a
I lake the Old Suit
Look New
We are better prepared
than ever to do first-class
work in cleaning and press
ing of all kinds. Make your
old pants or suit new by let
ing us clean and press them.
Ladies skirts and suits al
so cleaned and pressed. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
Edge field Pressing
Light Saw, Lathe and Shin
gie Mills, Engines. Boilers,
Supplies and repairs Fort.-: \
qle , Steam and Gasoline En
gines, Saw Teeth, Files, Belts j
and Pipes. WOOD SAWSj
Gins and Press Repair-.
V. A. Hemstreet i
Hunting Supplies,
Knives, Pistols, Etc, If
8 655 Broad . ||
? Near Ga. R. R. Bank ||
Time Whenv She Should Be Philco
sophical and Prepared for Wise
Cid Age.
There are people today asking with
all aprearance of sincerity what a
woman of fifty or more can do. Their
confining work in the home, say these
observers, is done. A common sugges
tion is that they be utilized in poli
tics. This suggestion has its comical
side, Miss Tarbell declares. A per
son who has nothing to do after fifty
years of life in a business "as many
sided and demanding as that of a
woman can hardly be expected to be
worth much in a business as com
plicated and uncertain as politics and
for which she had had no training.
The notion that the woman's business
ls ended at fifty or sixty ls fantastic
in the extreme. It only ends there if
she has been blind to the meaning of
her own experiences; If she has never
gone below the surface of her task
never seen in it anything but physical
duties; has sensed none of its Inti
mate relations to the community, none
of Its obligations toward those who
have left her, none of those toward,
the oncoming generations. If it ends
there she has failed to realize, too,
the tremendous importance to all
those who belong in her circle or who
touch it of what she makes of herself,
or her personal achievement
A woman of fifty or sixty who has
succeeded has come to a point of
sound philosophy and serenity which
is of the utmost value in the mental
and spiritual development of the
group to which she belongs. Life at
every one of its seven stages has its
peculiar harrowing experiences-hope
mingles with uncertainty in ycujh;
fear and struggle characterize early
manhood; disillusionment, the ques-.
tion whether it is worth while, fill the
years from forty to fifty, but resolute
grappling with each period brings one
out almost inevitably into a fine
serene certainty which cannot but
have its effect on those who are young
er. Ripe old age-cheerful, useful,
and understanding-is one of the
finest influences in the world. We
hang Rembrandt's or Whistler's pic
ture of his mother on our walls that
we may feel Its quieting hand, the
sense of peace and achievement which
the picture carries. We have no bet
ter illustration of the meaning of old
age.-American Magazine.
Dr. Von Bolton Has Succeeded In Ma
king D' monds Frcm Illuminating
Dr. W. Von Bolton has been trying
to grow diamonds. At a recent con
gress of the German Bunsen society
he described the decomposition of il
luminating gas under the action of so
dium amalgam, which precipitated tue
carbon in the form of black coal and,
it seemed, of diamonds, but these were
in too small quantity to permit of
analysis. Dr. Bolton determined to
obtain a greater quantity by making
diamonds grow on some mother sub
The Scientific American says he
placed 50 grams of 14 per cent, sodi
um amalgam in a long testing tube,
and coated the upper layer with a di
luted water-glass solution, over which
he spread amorphous diamond pow
der. The tube was kept at a temper
ature of 100 degrees centigrade in a
water bath, after which a slow cur
rent of moistened illuminating gas
was introduced. The amalgam was
allowed to give off its mercury vapor
for one month, when very little black
carbo? had been separated, but on
the layer covered with diamond pow
der many particles of high brilliancy
were found.
The contents of the tube were boiled
In a platinum crucible with a mixture
of fluoric and sulphuric acids. The
microscope revealed that the amor
phous powder had been converted into
brilliant crystals, true diamonds, still
too small, however, to allow of analy
New (Jae of the Banana.
'There are now in Jamai-.a six fac
tories manufacturing banana figs,
chip.>, mea! aa i Hour," said James
McC. Karn - |of i J;.;:ton, who recently
return ?vi from Ja alca. "During the
seaso- s at v : . fruit is cheapest
all c.- these plants are run at their
maximum capacity. The methods of
dryir? the Fr !1 are different in dif
ieren liants though all resort, I be
lieve, to a hot air process. It takes
about -00 to pounds of the fruit
to n.j?iufac 100 pounds of meal.
"The ban.-;; . fig ls as palatable as
the i;.itural ?-? ;-:id resembles it close
ly in -'dor. It has replaced the nat
ural fig in many markets in which it
has been introduced. The chips are
sold primarily for breakfast foods,
being made into a porridge. Several
of the manufacturers, who deal In the
European markets, ship the chips to
their mills in those European cities
and have it groufed into meal there.
Grist mills, the same kind used for
manufacturing meal from corn, are
Trust Father.
"Well, what do you think of things?"
Inquired father as the 'bus drove away
from the station.
"This scenery alh't what I expect
ed," complained mother.
"I don't believe that mountain is
half as high as the booklet claimed,"
declared sister.
"That sunset ain't up to the stand
ard," was brother's comment.
"Go slow, folks,", counseled father.
"If the mealB and the beds come up
to the booklet, we won't kick."
Chief Executive of New York Said to
Have a Marked Fondness
for ?igs.
'Tigs is pigs" with Mayor Gajnv.
of New York. They are his favonte
animals, on foot. Besides raising
quite a number himself at his farm
Deep Wells, at St. James, L. t, he al
ways displays an interest in pigs
owned by his neighbors.
He insists on them raising pigs.
The pigless folk of St. James hear
from bim (and he uses just as sharp
language in his neighborly conversa
tion as he does in writing letters to
rat catchers, etc), and hear from him
often until they annex a few "pork-,
ers" as a side line. Several denizens
of that locale admit they keep a few
pigs just to keep peace in the village.
Once a boy did him a really good
turn and he desired to show his ap
preciation of the act. Of course the
boy got a pig for his reward. When
the mayor goes for his jaunt through
the countryside he calls on all the
farmers who raise pigs. The others
do not receive a visit from him.
Whenever he hears that a pig is lil,
no matter if it ls six miles away, he
goes to see that pig. And he usually
prescribes some home remedy for the
animal. He has been known to walk
ten miles on the hottest day to visit
an indisposed pig.
When the mayor visits his country
place at the end of each week during
the summer there is always a group
of villagers on hand to greet him. As
he goes among them shaking their
hands, instead of ?quiring about their
health, he says: "How are your
pigs?"-New York Herald.
German Paper Gives Simple Explana*
tion of Circulated Story Con
cerning the Pope.
An extraordinary story about Pius
X. was recently told by a preacher in
one of the churches at Innsbruck. He
said that while the pope was engaged
in prayer he fell into an ecstasy and
rose several feet in the air. Cases of
levitation-the technical word for the
phenomenon-are, of course, recorded
in the lives of many of the "saints. If
a writer in "Das Neue Jahrhundert,"
a journal of markedly anti-papal ten
dencies, is to bo believed, the tale has
a very simple explanation. Pius Y..,
it appears, was working in his study,
and happened to require a book from
a shelf which was beyond his reach.
He climbed on a chair to get lt. A
servant in an ante-room, from motives
of curiosity, not perhaps unmixed
with piety, happened to look through
the keyhole to see what the pope did
when he was alone. To his amaze
ment he saw the white-robed figure of
the pontiff floating a couple of feet
above the floor. The fact was that
between him and Pius X. stood a desk
which hid the chair on which the pope
was standing. It never occurred-JU, ?
the servant that so great a*person as
the pope would resort to so simple an
expedient to get a book. Obviously he
would summon a cardinal or a cham
berlain to his aid? Hence he jumped 1
to the conclusion that he was wit
nessing a supernatural phenomenon.
-Manchester Guardian.
Berlin Prohibits Horse Cab.
While in most of the large cities of
civilized countries the taxicab reigns
practically supreme, Berlin is the first
metropolis to pass a law prohibiting
horse-drawn cabs from carrying fares
within its jurisdiction. Such an ordi
nance was put In force recently and
the few remaining cabbies were given
notice of the death of their trade. Pro
vision was made for the instructing of
the cabmen as chauffeurs, and $150
was given as compensation for their
loss of trade. This gives the taxicab
drivers a monopoly, but, as the city
authorities have stringent regulations
covering the tolls and other matters,
no trouble is expected from that
source. Co-incidenf with this news
comes the information from London
that the cab situation is so bad there
that a society has been formed for
the relief of indigent cab drivers who
are now unable to reap a living owing
to the inroads taxicabs have made on
their fares.
The Stooping Bishop.
Nat C. Goodwin was defending a I
clergyman who had gone wrong.
"I don't ( 011 done his offense, mind '
you," said Ar. Goodwin. "But I want
you to be sorry for him. Don't cackle
and rejoice over his downfall. We
are all human."
Then, in his musical and thrilling
voice, the famous comedian resumed:
"I know' a very beautiful actress
who dined one Sunday evening at a
bishop's. After dinner the bishop, as
he helped her to put on her cloak,
stooped-stooped in more ways than
one-and imprinted a kiss on her
white shoulder.
"She turned and, looking at him dis
dainfully, she said:
" Ttemember, sir, if I am an actress,
I am a lady, too.'
"The bishop made a low and hum
ble bow.
"'And will you please remember,' he
said, 'If I am a bishop, I am also a
An Escape,
"It's useless to urge me to marry
you. When I say no I mean no."
"Always?" "Invariably." "And can
nothing ever break your determina
tion when once you make up your
mind?" "Absolutely nothing." "Well,
I wouldn't care to marry a girl like
that, anyhow."-Boston Transcript.
Petit Jury, 1st Week.
W S Marsh, Trenton,
J B Scott, Johnston,
(??forge Lotiue, Meering Street,
W ?Hie Y. iu-e, Ward,
DH F Manson, Ked Hill,
Tmyior Bri-:yrs, Meriwether,
l*? B J-m's, Picken?,
F;iust Moore, Ropers,
J H Callahan, Red Hill,
P L White, Liberty Hill,
.1 K Corley,
M B Maffutt, Johnston,
J L Miller, Colliers,
J W Morgan, Rehoboth,
; Ara?s Eiibanks, Red Hill,
! J H Lyon, Plum Branch,
T W Lanham, Plum Branch,
J B Corley, Moss,
J C Allen, Elmwood,
J H Reel. Pickens,
S B Mays. Wise,
T C Mathis, Red Hill, J
S B Strom, Rehoboth,
H E Bunch, Modoc,
T E Miner, Plum Branch,
M A Lott, Johnston,
Cleveland Derrick, Ward,
S J Reynolds, Rod Hill,
R F Walton, Johnston,
D A Johnson,
N M Jones, Pickens,
C W Robertson, Plum Branch,
A L Brun son, Moss,
N W McDaniel, Modoc.
You owe it to yourself, your family and
your work to keep in the best possible con
dition. If you have strong, ready muscles
i-rich, heathy blood and a clear brain, you
can do more and better work and really
live, and enjoy living and bc a blessing to
those you love.
Much of the eternal grouch and many
of the aches and pains you see every day
are caused directly by a lazy, torpid, over
worked liver, and all of that may be abso
lutely cured by lt. L. T. (Richardsons
Laxative Tonic). One fifty-cent or dollar
bottle of this magnificent tonic will prove
to you that it is the finest laxative and the
quickest strength building tonic ever of
fered sick, suffering humanity. Get a bot
tle from your druggist today, and keep it
always in thc family medicine chest ready
to put the Liver right in one night or euro
malaria, constipation, or bilious fevers in
the shortest possible time. If not on sale
in your town, writ-j R. L. T. Co., Ander
son, S. C.
R. L.T.
A Perfect Tonic
50c & $1.00 per Bottle. Ail Drug store*. Jj
.-- ==
'.Veter's NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary,
?(G. ?.C. fticrriani Co., Springfield, Mass.)
surpasses the old International cs auch as that
book exceeded its predecessor. On the old
f candation a new superstructure has been built.
Tee reconstruction has been carried on through
many years by a large force of trained workers,
nuder the supervision of Dr. W. T. Harris,
I former United States Commissioner of Educa
tion, ar.d reenforced by many eminent special
ist;. Thc definitions have been rearranged and
' amplified. The number cf terms defined has
been more than doubled. The etymology,
synonyms, pronunciation, bare received nn
' sparing scholarly labor. The language of
English literature for over seven centuries, the
: terminology of the arts and sciences, and the
I evcry-duy speech of street, shep, and house
; hold, ors presented with fullness and clearness.
' In size of vocabulary, in richness of general
information, and in convenience of consulta
tion, the book sets a n w mark ia lexicography.
400, CCO words ano! phrases. -
60C0 illustrations.
2700 pages.
Wme to (be pnbl??en for Spectm:n Paget.
We always carry a large assort
ment of perfumery, toilet water and
sachet powder. We have Hud nut's,
Roger and Gallets and other cele
brated brands.
B. Timmons.
We are ready to supply the chil
dren with what they need for school.
We call especial attention to our
fall stock of dependable school
J. W. Peak.
WANTED: The Cosmopolitan
Group requires the service of a
representative in Edgefield and sur
rounding territory, to look after sub
scription renewals, and to extend
circulation by special methods
which have proved unusually suc
cessful. Salary and commission.
Previous experience desirable but
not essential. Whole time or spare
time. Address, with references,
Charles C. Schwer, The Cosmopoli
tan Group, 3S1 Fourth Ave., New
York City.
gBBaBBMBBHBmra-g fi IB B
The oJci Time Quality,
Mad? cf the Eesc Material. It
Stands thc Test of Time.
THE FARMERS BANK of Edgefield, S, C.
Capital and Surplus Earnings $110,000.00
Total Resources over 350,000.00
When you sell cotton the first thing you need is a safe de
pository for your money-be the amount large or small. That
sase depository is the Farmers Bank, and don't stop until you
get there.
The average man or woman is not in position to invest a lit
tle surplus money so as to get this money just when it might
be needed. You can invest in our interest bearing certificates
for 6 or 12 months and be sure to get your money just when
you need it, and too, your money is safe. We act as adminis
trators, guardians and trustees. All business handled with
promptness and liberality. Loans made on approve! security.
DIRECTORS-Thos. H. Rainsford, Dr. C. P. DeVore, W. B. Penn, E. H. Folk, S.
B. Mays, C. A. Wells, J. Wm. Thurmond, W. H. Harling, A. E. Padgett.
Bath Room Outfit
We can install a complete bath room outfit at a
small cost. Let us quote; you prices.
We carry a full line of pumps, rams, tanks, emerald
bath tubs, wash basins, sinks of all kinds, water closet
fixtures, terra cotta pipe, piping and fixtures. Plumb
ing of all kinds done.
Barrett and Dobson,
5S4 Broad Street,
Augusta, Georgia
We desire to notify the public that we've
added furniture to our stock, having just re
ceived a solid car of tables, bureaus, bed
steads, washstands, safes, rockers and
stright chairs.
Come to see our assortment of furniture,
shipped direct from factory to us.
'ftliose Fault?
If you do not get value received for your money. If
you get inferior goods for which you pay as much as
we charge you for the good kind, you can blame only
yourself. Our 20 years experience in the grocery
business and our . 'square deal" policy is worth some
thing to the prospective buyer and all we ask is a trial.
"We can deliver the goods." Groceries and feed for
man and beast.
Augusta, Ga.
Office and salesroom 863 Broad Warehouse Ga. Railroad
P. S. Mr. M. Gary Sa'cher is with us and will be glad to see his friends
Try the new liniment, Hornet's
Nest Liniment. It can be used both
internally and externally and never
fails to afford relief.
B. Timmons.
Our dress goods department is
replete with the newest fabrics,
popular weaves and colors. The
ladies are invited to call.
J. W. Peak.
Beutiful assortment of combs
and brushes.
B. Timmons.
We are ready for the early fall
shoppers. While we have other
new goods to arrive, every depart
ment has been replenished with the
newest and best of everything.
J. W. Peak.
Improve your eyesight by pur
purchasing a pair of glasses from
us. We have them for all ages.
B. Timmons.
Every department of our two
stores is being filled with new fall
goods that I recently purchased in
New York. We will be better fit
ted to serve our patrons than ever.
If you want anice carnage, oall
and see our line.
Wilson & Cantelou.
Blacksmith Shop.
Jim Oliphant, "Court House
Jun.' "ormeri) with Rich Holmes
blacksmith sh ? near Presbyterian
church, ha? . ''ncr' a firs?rc 'r- ?
blacks; H shop on ;iie Crocker
irop?ri. >t Cautelou'.sstables. rk
4t Jim Olip ut
School Books and Supplies.
We are state agents for all books
that are used in the public schools,
and will e onstantly have a full as
sortment of these books on hand.
We also carry a full stock of pens,
pencils, tablets, copybooks, exami
nation tablets, etc.
Penn & Holstein.
Does Your Piano Need Tuning?
While I am down on my annual
visit to Edgefield I shall be pleased
to tune a number of pianos in this
section. Many people in Edge
field already know of the quality of
my work. Those who do not know
me I re ter to R-.'V. P. P. Blalock,
who has known me from boyhood.
I guarantee my work and my prices
are reasonable. Orders can be
phoned or loft at The Advertiser 0 f
T. L. Martin.

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