Established 1835. /. L. MIMS,.........Editor Published every Wednesday in The Advertiser Building at SI.50 per year in advance. Entered as second class matter at the postoffiee at Edgefiekl, S. C. _ No communications will be published unless accompanied by the writer's same. Cards of Thanks, Obituaries, Resolu tions and Political Notices published ai advertising rates. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN EDGEFIELD COUNTY. WEDNESDAY, TANUARY 1, 1913. Politeness i3 like an air cushion; there may be nothing in it, but it ease3 our jolts wonderfully.-JOHNSON Long live the S. C. C. I. in Edge ' field! S Many a crusty old bachelor must eke out a lonely life for four more years. Don't be mad if you write 1912 a few more times. It serves to illustrate the force of habit. Don't make any more New Year resolutions than you will honestly strive to keep. Santa Claus is of? duty 365 days in the year but Cupid and the Stork never resL When the suffragettes serenade the Sew York solons will it not be an in stance of sweet balles out of tune? What young man in Edge?eld will hereafter send letters to his sweet heart by parcels post on account of their size and weight? Whether we are architects of our own fortune or there is a destiny that shape-our ends, we can make of the good year 1913 largely what we want it tobe. The conviction of those 39 dynamite conspirators will have a deterrent ef f?ct upon the criminal class through out the country. And you can just bet your boots that President Wilson ...ll not pardon a single one of them. Instead of being unlucky, if every individual sovereign of this great na tion will strive for the upbuilding of OUT common country as assiduously as will President Woodrow Wilson, 1913 can be made the very best year of the centuries. All previous long-distance wireless , records were broken Monday when the j powerful government station at Wash fngton caught a message that was sent from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a dis tance of over 3,300 miles. There is no telling what the good year 1913 will bring forth. It is within the range of possibilities to have a wireless message J encircle the globe. , A Baptist Hospital. . The Baptists of the state took a long \ .*tep forward when they established the ( Connie Maxwell Orphanage at Green- j wood, and next in importance was the j recent decision to found a Baptist san- j itarium. If the members of ' this greit denomination in South Car- j C?na support this institution as loyally < fi3 they do the orphanage at Green- j "w.iod it will prove to be a blessing to ( the Baptists, giving them an addition- < -aj opportunity for development, and , also a great boon to the people of the ] ?tate as it will provide an additional ] means of relieving sickness and suffer- . ing. By reason of being the capital of j the state and practically the geograph- i ical centre, Columbia is the proper place to locate the hospital. , Should Receive Entire Fee. When the marriage license law was enacted a fee of one dollar was fixed .for granting the license. In some ounties the entire amount of the fee Js paid to the probate judgo while in ether counties only a portion is paid to that official for the work of issuing tud recording the license. The law provides that in Edgefield twenty-five cents of the fee be paid to the judge of probate and the remaining seventy live cents be paid into the general pub lic school fund of the county. Consid ering the actual amount of clerical worx involved in issuing and recording the license and the responsibility, and no . infrequently unpleasantness, it is but reasonable and just that the entire amount be paid to the judge of probate. T.iere is a greater responsibility con nected with granting a license than the average person realizes. Should an applicant for a license, who under the law is not entitled to receive one, secure a license by false representa tion the judge of probate, although having complied with the law in so far as his duties go, would be severely cen sured by innocent persons who would suffer because the Ixense was granted. Furthermore, it WHS not contempla ted that the enactment of a marriage license law should be a source of reve nue for the schools, roads, or anv oth er purpose. The entire amount or the fee should be paid to the officer who issues and records the license, and our delegation should have the law changed in so far as that feature applies to Edgefield county. Agricultural Labor Plentiful. " For the past few years the farm la bor situation has been rather acute in this county, causing not a few land owners to have their land lie idle for the lack of tenants. Owing to several causes, conditions have very materially changed within the past few months. Farm labor in many sections of the county appears now to be plentiful. Instead of land owners having to g? out and search for help, farm hands have gone out to look for homes. This change of Conditions is due pri marily to the fact that many negro renters have been completely stripped by their creditors. The number of chattel mortgages foreclosed during t'ie past fall has been much larger than usual, indicating that a greater number have been in financial straights. For that reason many renters have found themselves unable to farm on their own account. The large acreage in grain has had something to do with the plethoric con dition of labor. Instead of enlarging and expanding by opening up additional cotton farms, there has been, if we are correctly informed, a disposition to eurtail the acreage of the regular field crops. Doubtless, too, many colored people have acted upon the assumption, and very wisely so, that credit will not be as cheap this y**ar as last, which would have made it more difficult for (them to finance their farming opera tions. Disappointing prices and partial crop failures are not without their advan tages. ?n occasional weeding out of an unreliable, irresponsible element among the tillers of the soil is the best for both white and colored. Practice Rigid Economy. The year 1912 was not without dis appointments to many individuals. Hopes were not realized-plans were thwarted-fortune seemed to frown upon their every effort. The New Year which dawned with the rising of to day's sun is uncertain. What 1913 holds for this or that individual, this or that business, no one can tell. We can live but one day at a time, doing our utmost to make the efforts of each iay a success. Because of this uncer tainty, and the impossibility of acheiv ing anything through our efforts alone, it behooves us to plan carefully and then execute to the best of our ability. I If there is one word that The Adver- | tiser would place more conspicuously i oefore our people, particularly our far- 1 mer friends, for this year it is the tvord ECONOMY. By laying the plans ; for the new year wisely and economi- .' :ally there is nothing to be lost and j possibly, very probably, much to be . gained. Unfortunately there is prac :ally but one money crop produced jpon the farms of this county, and ?vhile cotton is bringing a reasonably fair price there is no telling what will 1 se realized for the crop of 1913. One i oartial failure can not bankrupt, or iven seriously cripple our farmers, but jnless rigid economy is practiced a sec ond crop failure may be disastrous to nany farmers. This newspaper is not i calamity crier, but it advocates be ng on the safe side. The editor of 1 The Advertiser has an abiding interest n the welfare of the farmers of this :ounty. We want to see them pros per and become independent. It is our ieep concern for them that has prompt ed us to urge that economy be practic ?d this year. Do not base your plans on ? a maximum yield at a maximum price, out rather have in mind an average , yield at an average price. Then if the large yield and high price are realized the net returns will be the greater. Georgia Governor Talks on Wholesale Pardoning by Blease. Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 27-"If Souih Carolina has persons within ber borders whose presence is so dan gerous she cannot tolerate them ex cept under guard in her penitentiary, she certainly is guilty of a grievous wrong when she sets them free under conditions which forbid them to kill or otherwise damage her own citizens, but empowers, if she does not virtually encourage them to lawless deeds in sister states. "Georgia neither practices nor endorses a policy akin to turning a pack of wolves loose on your neigh bor's children after locking your own securely in the house." The foregoing is the comment of Governor Joseph M. Brown of Georgia, on the pardoning and pa roling of four score convicts, twen ty-five of them life-termers, by Gov. Blease of South Carolina on Tues day. A A A -T- A A .*- A .*. A A A AA A A ?*?. A ?*- A A A A A I Current Comment f .> 4* "Uncle Sam" Objects to Booze. Booze can't be sent by parcels post. So those who use the stuff will have to patronize the express company, or better still, quit buying booze.-Or angeburg Times and Democrat. Better leave off the whiskey alto gether. An Apt Comparison. When a governor pardons convicts on the condition that they migrate to another state it is like a man turning a rabid dog loose so that he may go out amongst the neighbors.-Spartanburg Journal. It is a grievous wrong to turn loose vicious criminals upon this and other states. Out of Balance. Some men are so light in the upper story that they have to part their hair in the middle to preserve their mental equilibrium.-Newberry Observer. What about those who feel compell ed to wear their hats on one side of their cranium. There are a few of this unbalanced class round about Edgefield. Made a Good President. Every time President Taft says any thing about the South he makes him self more popular in this section of the country. We believe there are ?orne people in Augusta who would vote for him for President.-Green wood Journal. Had not the Baltimore convention nominated a strong, safe man, a good ly number of old-line-Democrats in South Carolina would have cast the ballots for Mr. Tat* in the last general election. He has always proven him self to be a friend to the South. Gonzales Wanting Nothing. Editor W. E. Gonzales announces that he is no candidate for political fa vors at the hands of Mr. Wilson or anyone else. lt's mighty fine to be perfectly in dependent, but above all it shows that Mr. Gonzales' zeal for Mr. Wilson was born of patriotism and not of patron age.-Gaffney Ledger. Mr. Gonzales always takes high, un selfish ground, which has caused his paper, The State, to be looked upon as one of South Carolina's most valua ble assets. Governor Should Investigate. Of course the governor does not feel in any way responsible for that lynch ing at Norway last week. We have come to an awful pass when human life is taken under s* ch circumstances as" these. Just keep up this sort of thing and the lands of this country, won't be worth ten cents an acre, for-,j there will be no labor to farm theirnr: We must depend on the negro as a farr/ laborer, and they are certainly not going to stay in a country where they have no protection from the mob, and who can blame them?-Bamberg Herald. Innocent, inoffensive negroes should { be protected from the mob. Let the ^ guilty be punished as provided by law md let the innocent have the protec-1 ] :ion of the law. 1 .J? A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A i* * I Smile Provokers | j. * ft. A AAA AAA A A A A A A A AA A A AAA A Knickei-"Do you understand mort ?rages ?" Bocker-"Yes; the first is for Lhe car and the second is for the. upkeep."-New York Sun. Maud-"Miss Oldnn thinks that hotel clerk just lovely." Ethel-"4Why so?" Maud-"He wrote opposite her name on the hotel register, suite 16."-Boston Transcript. "I feel very uneasy; it's pouring with rain and my wife went out without an umbrella." "No doubt she'll take refuge in i shop somewhere. " "Yes; that's just what's worrying me so. ' "Now, Johnny, said the teacher, after she had explained the mean* ing of the word, I wish you would write a sentence containing defeat." After twenty minutes' struggle Johnny announced that he was ready to be heard. "Please read your composition," the teacher directed. "When you git shoes dat's too tite," Johnny read, "lt's hard on de feat." "You say your wife threw a plate at you?" "Yes, it was a fine china plate. It broke against my head." "Didn't she appear sorry after she threw it?" "Yes, she appeared very sorry." "Ah, indeed. And what did she say?" "She said she was a fool not to control her temper." "Good. And what else did she say?" "She said she didn't believe she could match that plate again if she hunted the town through." Beautiful Christmas Exerci at the Baptist Church, On Christmas night the Bap Sunday school celebrated the oe sion with beautiful and appropri exercises. The church was docoi ed with garlands of green and wi bearing largu ?reen letters tl formeil Christinas mottoes w scriptural texts. liol ly and cei were used in profusion and i whole scene was impressive a suggestive of the happy and joy( season with its holy significance, The first part of the program \s arranged especially for the pleasi and entertainment of the little fo and the recitations and dialogi were given by the smaller merabi of the Sunday school. Jack Fel am's recitation, "Giving and i getting," presented the idea f which the entertainment was pk ned and he fully convinced his be; ers by his earnest little speech th it really is more "blessed to gi than to receive." Little Hansfo JVIims extended Christmas greetin although he could not pronoun the word, but the audience seerai to understand and to appreciate h merry "Kisraas." ''Mother Goose's Christmas pa ty" brought back old friends new roles. They too had caught tl spirit of generosity and were brin; ing gifts for others and notkeepin all for themselves. "Little B Peep" was lovely, being well re resented by pretty little Corr Cheatharn. "The Maiden all Fo orn" aud Little Miss Muffett d? lighted the little folks with Eliz beth Timmerman and Elfie Alie Lott as these characters. Eleano Minis as Mother Goose was gracioi and kind to her large family, e; tending them a cordial welcome a they arrived at the party. In the Iii tie gathering were Jack Spratt wife, Gertrude Thurmond;01d Wi man in the Shoe, Lillian Pattiso r Cur'y Locks, Emma Martin; Jil Ruth Hart; Red Riding Hood, Mf ry Lily Byrd; Old woman in a Bas ket, Elise Hudgens; Miss Mar C^uite Contrary. Elizabeth Lott, anc last but not least, Santa Claus dress ?d in his accustomed red suit am furs bringing, as he always does happiness and good cheer to th merry little band. Instead of receiving presents eacl child brought a gift l'or the orphan age. Before the box was filled Eliza beth Lott recited "Empty stock ings" creating sympathy for th? motherless children and J. C Hughes spoke clearly and distinctly his views on "Dividing his Christ nas." Several children joined in a iialogue explaining the purpose for ivhich the offerings were to be giv ?n entitled the ' Christmas box." These little tots rendered their parts veil with the result of a generous response in clothing, toys and mon ?y for the orphanage. Those whe vere in the exercise were George Tompkins, Hough Hart, Elizabeth Lott, Gertrude Thurmond, Strom Thurmond, Eleanor Minis, Kate Wims, Ethel Cheatharn and Roland jnutrgs. The Christmas story of the birth if Christ occupied the second part )f the program and was divided in ,o four tableaux and pantomimes. During the first scene of thc shepherds on the hillside watching he star, Miss Elizabeth Rainsford lang beautifully a solo, "Shepherds iritrht the star is shining." Presenting a wonde rfully im pres live scene was the vision of the an rels, *a multitude of the heavenly lost," appearing to the Shepherds md forming the second tableau. The rose colored lights that lit up ,heir fair young faces made an ex remely effective picture impres "ing in an indelible manner the Bethlehem story upon the childish ninds. During the scene, the choir loftly sang the angels' song of that blessed night, "Glory to God in the lighest." The manger scene was next pre jented, the dim starlight revealing Mary sitting by the lowly bed like :o that where once lay the won ?rous babe. The clear soprano roice of Miss Rainsford was again lieard in a soft sweet lullably, 'Sleep little Jesus, sleep.", The last scene was the visit of the Wise Men of the East bringing their {rifts to present lo the newborn king. During this Mr. Geo. Mims sang ii? excellent taste and with fine affect, the old but ever beautiful Christmas song, ''Silent Night" with soft choral accompaniment. This closed a most delightful avening for the members of the Sunday school and their friends all ?)t which was arranged for their pleasure by the efficient and belov ed superintendent Mr. W. B. Cog burn. The committee on the entertain nent of which Mrs. Mamie N. Till nan was chairman made great suc less of this occasion throughout, md Christmas of 1912 will hold a aTge place on that account in the nemory of the children and older people as well. Medley. > f We wish to thank our friends and patrons for their liberal support for 1912 to make it the banner year of our business, and we promise you all in our power to please and give you values for 1913 to make it the best yet. Yours to serve, New Year Greetings Since coming to Edgefield our business has steadily grown. For this steady patronage we are deeply grateful to the people of Edgefield, town and county. We expect to continue tip carry a large stock of de^dable dry goods, notions, shpe4 clothing, etc., and ask for a continuance of this patronage through 1913. Israel Mukashy Bargain House Round Trip Excursion Fares ito Columbia, S. C. and Return -VIA Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the Sc nth -ACCOUNT Fifth National Corn Exposition Jan. 27- Feb. 9,1913 Account of this occasion, the Southern Railway an nounces very low round trip fares io Co return, tickets on sale January 23. 25, 27 3> 5* 7- I9I3 with final limit returning tjo reach original starting point not later than midnight Fe' as follows : umbia. S. C. and and 31, February )ruary 12, 1913, Aiken, Leesville $2.45 Ba tes burg $1.20 Edgefield, I Johnston, $2.10 1.70 Proportionately reduced fares from olher points. At tractive side trip fares from Columbia. PJor further infor mation call on nearest ticket agent, or9 A. H. Acker, TP A., W. E. McGhejEwAGPA Augusta, Ga. Columbia, S. C. H. F. Cary, GPA., S. H. Hardwick PTM Washington, D.C. Vbjashington, D. C.