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Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, January 08, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. 77.
NO, 48
Miss Waters Entertained New
Century Club--Death of
Henry Carson-Many
Social Functions.
The Misses Waters gave a spend
the-day party on Monday for their
gnest, Miss Lula Scruggs, of Chat
tanooga, Tenn. The hours were
bright and happy ones and passed
all too quickly for the merry party
which was composed of Misses Al
ma and Bertha Woodward, Clara
Sawyer, Zena Payne and Mesdames
Eleanor A. Schell and A. V. Cox.
Miss Maud Sawyer will go to Co
lumbia soon having accepted a po
sition in the engrossing department.
Miss Bertha Stalin, of Chester,
is expected soon to visit Mrs. F.
M. Boyd.
Mr. O. S. Wertz has leased his
hotel to a party from Augusta, and
at an early date will be ready for
Mrs. James White gave a dinner
party on new year for her visitors
Misses Annie Lou and Ruth Cates, j
and Mr. and Mrs. liedgepatb, of
Augusta. Besides these there were
about 10 other guests. The repast
was most attractively served in j
courses and the favors were unique
and prettv. The latter hours were
passed with social chat, laughter and
Miss Elise Crouch was hostess on
new year for a party of her young
friends, and au elegant G course
dinner was served. The arrangement
in the dining room was beautiful j
and a prettier sight, than this circle
of happy young faces, Would be
hard to lind. Merriment was had
over new year resolutions and in
the library sweet music filled the j
air. I
MT. and Mrs. W. D. Ready also
^>ve an elaborate, new year dining
ana besides a number of their imme
diate friends and relatives, there
were several out of town guests.
Mrs. P. B. Waters, Jr., honored
Miss Lula Scruggs, of Chattanooga,
with a 6 o'clock dinner on Thurs
day-evening, and the occasion was
one of the pleasantest social affairs
of the new year. There were 14
seated at the festive board, and the
centerpiece was a bowl of fragrant
flowers. Seated with the hostess and
honoree were Mesdames James
White, M. T. Turner, F. M. Boyd,
O. D Black, W. J. Hatcher, J. L.
Walker, F. L. Parker, B. T. Cog
burn and Alice Cox and Misses
Malbina and Sara Waters and Zena
Payne. A course dinner was served.
After returning to the parlor the
hours were spent with a flow of
animated conversation, intermingled
with vocal and piano solos.
Misses Effie and Georgia May
Wates, of Edgefield, and Nina Cun
ningham, of Augusta, were here on
Tuesday returning from a visit to
Miss Ruth Forrest, of Rushtons.
Prof. and Mrs. John Waters, of
Vidalia, Ga., spent last week here
with relatives. " Mrs. Waters is
pleasantly remembered as Miss
Helen Wright.
Mesdames M. A. Brannon, of
Spartanburg, Chas. Kneece, of
Batesburg, and S. A. Rara bo, of
Augusta, spent last week here at the
home of their father, J. R. Hart.
Mrs. Lallah Graydon, of Green
wood, visited relatives here during
the past year.
Mrs. E. A. Schnell of Greenwich,
Corm., who has been visiting her
mother, Mrs. Eleanor Ivy, has
joined her husband at Charleston,
where they proceeded to Florida in
their yacht. Their daughter, Miss
Iva Turner who was also here, has
returned to Randolph-Macon col
lege, Va.
The new year's gift f~om the
Baptist Sunday school, to the old
preacher's fund, which was a result
of their class collections, was $50.
In a note from C. C. Brown, he
stated that Sumter made the lar
gest do"? ion. with Johnston sec
Miss collie Waters was hostess
for the New Century Club on Tues
day afternoon and although it was
gloomy, without, warmth and
brightness prevailed within and
good cheer abounded. An hour was
pleasantly spent with "The merry
wives of Windsor," as entertain
ment, and papers bearing on differ
ent points of the play were read by
Mesdames Wm. F. Scott, F. M.
Boyd, J. H. White, James Stroth
er, and Misses Clara Sawyer, Raby
Strother, Gladys Sawyer and Zena
Payne. Miss Angelle Andrews
charmingly [[rendered two piano
solos, "The merry wives of Wind
sor," and "The minuet." The guests
were invited into the dining room
where a salad course was served,
this followed by sweets.
Mrs. Edwin Mobleyleft on Tues-*
day of this week for Florida, where
she will spend the remaining win
ter months with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs Julian Mobley. She was
accompanied by Mrs. J. L. Walker
who will visit her aunt, Mrs. Alice
Gary and other relatives.
Little Henry White Carson the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car
son, died at their home near town,
on Friday night, having been sick
for about a week. He was a bright
and attractive child and was the
joy of his fond parents' hearts, and
will be sadly missed in the home.
The body was laid to rest on Satur
day morning at the Mt. of Olives
cemetery, the services being con
ducted by Rev. E. H. Beckham.
Prof. and Mrs. Eric Hardy left
on Saturday for Virginia, the
former having accepted a posi
tion as teacher.
The record of the Baptist Sun
day school, on the first Sunday in
the year is worthy of mention-204
present with a collection. ?8.05.
? ?? ?
Cottonseed Meal fer Mare With
A Virginia reader asks: "Is the
feeding of cottonseed meal to a
mare in foal injurious, and will it
harm a colt nursing a mare fed this
feed? Is it a safe feed for a cow
with calf,and fora calf drinking
the milk of a cow fed on it?"
"We believe cottonseed meal a
good and safe feed for both mares
in foal and cows in calf. We know
that many would answer the ques
tion otherwise, but we believe they
do so on prejudice rather than on
definite facts or knowledge. We al
so believe cottonseed meal a good
feed for mares and cows suckling
their young.
There is no evidence, worth}' of
consideration, that cottonseed meal
fed reasonably or intelligently ever
injured such animals, and there is
abundance of evidence to show that
when properly u=ed, it is a most ex
cellent feed for such animals.
For feeding mares we would not
use more than one pound of cotton
seed meal to five pounds of corn, or
to five pounds of corn and oats. We
know of no better ration for a
brood mare or one suckling a colt
than equal parts of legume and
grass hays and ten pounds of corn
and two pounds of cottonseed meal
a day, per 1,000 pounds of the ani
mal's weight. Less grain nr., be
fed for two weeks before an*3 after
foaling, but the corn and cotton
seed meal may be fed in the same
proportions. Of course, if legume
hays and oats are insed, there
will be no need of cottonseed
meal, but cottonseed meal fur
nishes protein much cheaper than
For feeding cows in calf, or those
nursing or furnishing milk for
calves, the same statements apply,
except that a larger proportion of
cottonseed meal may be used, es
pecially if the cows have silage or
pasture or other green feed. For a
month before and after calving we
would not use more, than three
pounds of cottonseed meal a day,
but at other times, especially if
green feed or silage is used, the
quantity may be increased to four
or five pounds a day, according to
the quantity of milk the cow is giv
ing. If, however, only cotton
seed meal and hulls are used, they
are not suitable ration for cows in
calf or as a constant ration for any
other cow. When a ration con
tains sufficient variety and no more
cottonseed meal is used than is nec
essary to balance the ration, it is a
most excellent feed for horses and
cattle, but when fed in excess of
the quantities indicated its high nu
tritive value makes digestive and
other disturbances likely to result.
Such results, however, are not the
fault of the feed, but of the feeder.
-Progressive Fanner.
"Do you think, inquired Rev.
Mr. Snodgrass, that my revival ser
vices are having any practical ef
"Yes, some," acknowledged
Deacon Southpaw, "the last sugar
I bought of grocer Smith was only
two ounces short."-January Lip
Good and Bad Crop Rotations.:
A reader wants to know what is;
the real meaning of the phrase or
term, "crop rotation." He asks
if "allowing the land to grow up m
weeds and grass one year and culti
vating it the next is not crop rota
Yes, thi3 is one kind of crop rota
tion. Another kind is to cultivate"
the land in cotton for 25 or 50
years until it becomes too poor to
make a profitable crop and then
tr.rn it out and allow it to grow up
in pines or any natural growth
which may come on it- These are
crop rotations, all right, but they
are not the best kind of rotation.
To allow weeds and grass to
grow on the land for one or more
years, or as it is generally called to
let it "lay out" or "rest," is a rota
tion which may improve the fertili
ty of the soil, but it is too slow
and wasteful a rotation. The land
may be made to grow a crop that
will pay a profit and at the same
time improve the land more rap
CoUon followed by rye daring
the winter is a one-year, but a two
crop rotation; and cotton followed
with crimson clover or rye and that
followed by corn in which cowpeas
are sowed at the last working, is a
lour crop, but a two-year rotation.
But the word rotation carries with
it the idea of repeating or follow
ing the series of crops round and
round. This is the central or im
portant idea which the Southern
fanner has missed. His attempts
at soil improvement by crop rota
tion have been spasmodic, irregular
and short-lived.
To puta crop of cowpeas or some
other legume in the rotation once
in every three or four years is abouts
like feeding a horse or a cow once
a week. Il may save feed, but it.
is hard on the animal. It may aj>?
pear that we are getting more fifcAJ
,?;ho laad-whcn-wc- feed' thc rot1 c<.^
about once in two or three years
and then give it only a half ration
by leaving only the stubble and
roots of some legume; but h is
hard en the soil and the actual re
sults are written plainly and dis
gracefully in our crop yields, from
175 to 200 pounds of lint cotton,
15 to 18 bushels of corn and 18 to
20 bushels of oats per acre.-Pro
gressive Farmer.
Home, Sweet Home.
It is one of the ironies of fate,
says an exchange, that the poet
from whose pen has come the im
mortal lyric of the hearlhstone was
himself a roving outcast-a home
less wanderer. The world remem
bers the pathetic story of John
Howard Payne. Broken in health
and reduced in fortune, the poor
American exile found himself in the
throbbing heart of thc great city
of London. Between his publish
ers-who allowed him little-and
his creditors-who came to see him
often-the penniless poet was in
sore traits. The Atlantic ocean
separated him from kith and j kin. He
felt the acutest sense of isolation
the bitterest pangs of loneliness.
Perhaps no solitude is more oppres
sive than the solitude of great cit
ies-the solitude which broods in
the repellant looks of the unsympa
thetic multitudes. It is, as Lucian
Knight has said, the heart's Sahara.
Bereft of all other consolation,
Payne seized the harp; and lightly
he touched the strings. But not in
vain. For the fire of inspiration
was in tho poet's soul; and on the
banks of the River Thames, from
the aching heart of an humble ex
hile, leaped the hearthstone melody
of Home, Sweet Home."
Wednesday last was indeed a
happy New Year at the home of our
friend, Mr. E. M. ??Padgett, who re
sides on the old Plank Road below
Trenton. Wedding bells rang more
loudly and more merrily than usual,
tile occasion being the marriage of
his two daughters. Miss Corinne
Padgett was married to Mr. G. G.
Walker and Miss Pearl Padgett be
came the bride of Mr. E. E.Wal
ker, the Rev. P. B. Lanham offi
ciating. All double weddings are
rare and are regarded r.a peculiarly
happy occasions, but this was par
ticularly unique in that twin-broth
ers married sisters. The home was
tastefully decorated for this happy
event, and a bountiful wedding
feast waB served. The Advertiser
extends hearty congratulations to
these happy young people.
Board of Trustees Call For
'Meeting in Court House.
Mr. Editor: On Tuesday the 24th
day of December last, in compli
ance with our request, quite a rep
resentative body of the citizens ol
oar town assembled in our Court
ilodse to consider and determine
what should be done for the promo
tion of the educational facilities of
our community. The existing status
was fully explained, and was dis
cussed in amicable spirit; and reso
lutions were adopted by a rising
v&t?, with unusual unanimity, which
provide among other things, that
tyur people will take prompt and
adequate measures to repair and
improve the school buildings; and
lUl?t, the Senator and Representa
tives from our county to the Gen
eral Assembly be requested to au
thorize the levy of taxes on the
.property within the corporate lim
its of the town for the accomplish
ment of the purposes which are de
clared by the resolutions.
..Everybody present must have
been gratified at the spirit of har
mony and unity of purpose that ani
-ted the meeting; and the hope
was cherished that wc would all
proceed with one accord to advance
tiie cducati?%nal facilities of our
t;'y.wn, and thus promote, not only
the welfare of our community, but
the welfare of our county as well.
We hear however, that a petition
i$being circulated among our peo
ple, addressed to the Senator and
.i .rabers of the House of Represen
tatives from our county, the effect
ci which may tend to defeat the
purposes of the resolutions which
were adopted at the meeting above
referred to.
Surely it cannot be debatable, that
c.\l of our people, without the ex
I caption of oue, are interested in the
{.welfare of our schools; and it must
l h? true that if differences of opin
Py evist as to. the best methods to
* du-.-bued, tuvj? eau be reconciler]
and harmonized upon a calm and
dispassionate consideration of all
the conditions as they exist. Surely
our delegation to the General As
sembly should not be embarrassed
by the consideration of conflicting
petitions in relation to a matter of
such vital importance to our people,
especially when these conflicting pe
titions emanate from their mutual
We know our Representatives to
the General Assembly, and we know
that it will be a matter of pleasure
to them all to comply with the
wishes of their constituents; but
they should not be expected or re
quested to reconcile differences of
opinion in relation to a matter in
which everybody has the same in
Therefore we hope that we will
be pardoned for asking our fellow
citizens to meet again, in order that
wc may again consider the matter
of our schools and how best to pro
mote them, with the hope that we
may reconcile any and all differ
ences that may exist among us, to
the end that we may present to our
delegation a plan of procedure upon
which our people with one accord
can unite.
We therefore respectfully ask
our fellow-citizens to assemble in
the Court House at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, of Friday of this week,
to take all these matters into con
sideration, and determine what
shall be done with an eye single to
the welfare, not only of our people
now living, but as well to the wel
fare of people hereafter to be boru.
J. C. Sheppard,
W. W. Adams,
A. S. Tompkins,
J. L. M.ms,
J. Wm. Thurmond,
Board of Trustees.
Parcel Post Freight.
Since the parcel post law became
effective the R. P. D. carriers will
have to abandon their motorcycles,
substituting a commodious dray
therefor. The Advertiser has been
informed that one of Edgefield's
carriers has engaged Mr. Strom's
traction engine and another has
spoken for Mr. Will Reel's six-ox
team to carry his daily load, while
the third one is still tearing his
hair, being thus far unable to make
satisfactory arrangements for de
livering his portion of "Uncle
Sam's" freight.
Have you tried Noah's liniment?
It cures ills of mau and beast.
Timmona & Morgan.
Death of Mr. John F. Atkins.
Sunday afternoon a large number
of relatives and friends gathered at
Horn's Creek church to pay their
last tribute to Mr. John F. Atkins
who died at his home near Roper's
Saturday night in his 60th year. The
funeral was conducted by Dr. M.
D. Jeffries.
Until about a year ago, Mr. At
kins was strong and robust, an
ideal specimen of physical man
hood. Silently and stealthily a
dread disease began to undermine
his constitution, sapping his
strength and vitality. However,
not until a few months ago did his
friends and loved ones become
alarmed over his condition. Not
withstanding his great strength and
endurance, Mr. Atkins finally had
to succumb. For some time prior
to the end he was confined to his
bed and suffered intensely, but he
bore it all patiently. The acute
ness of his suffering would have
been unbearable but for the affec
tionate ministrations of friends and
loved ones. The unceasing and un
selfish devotion of his wife during
his long illness was exceedingly
beautiful. While everything that
science and human love and wevo
tion could do to relieve and stay
thc disease was done, yet practical
ly from the time Mr. Atkins was
taken it was a steady decline to the
His death removes one of Ro
pers most'valuable citizens. A de
voted husband, loyal friend,
thoughtful neighbor and sterling
citizen has been called hence. The
estimation in which ho was held
generally by his fellow-citizens was
shown last year when from a num
ber of good men Mr. Atkins was
recommended to the governor for
appointment to the position of ru
ral officer for Edgefield county.
Mr. Atkins is survived by his
wife, who before her marriage was
Miss Emma Miller- two half "sis- 4
tera) Mrs M D Lyon and Mrs. trun- '
by, and one half-brother Mr. W. J. 1
Harling. 1
Should Sandy Land be Plowed i |
This Winter?
There are two questions involved, .
which when answered will give the ,
answer to the main question asked, j
First, will the land be injured or <
improved by the winter plowing, ,
and second, can the plowing be ,
done in the winier at less expense
or more economically than next ,
spring when the crops are to be j
Ordinarily, we suppose, it would' j
be answered that sandy land is uot ;
benefited by winter plowing, but if ,
there is a large amount of vegeta- ,
ble matter on the land, like grass ,
and cornstalks, or if it is desired to ,
plow the land a little deeper than .
usual, it may be wise to plow it du- (
ring the winter, or at least, a month j
or more before planting the crop. <
Of course, it would have been better j
to have plowed this land last fall and ,
sowed a over crop, but that is not <
the question, and we do not wish to |
dodge the question now np for so- ]
lution, behind anjr such advice.
If the land does not wash and <
has a fair amount of vegetable mat- i
ter on it, we believe it wiH pro- i
duce a better crop next summer if .<
plowed during the winter. If the i
land is to be plowed deeper than j
usual at any time before the next i
crop, we feel quite sure that under ]
the conditions named it will pay to |
plow this winter. <
But assuming that this is doubt- ;
ful, or even that the land would ]
produce a better crop if not plowed i
until spring, then there is still to be I
considered the advantage of doing ;
the plowing before the rush of I
work, which always occurs at seed- i
ing time. If there is no other work I
to be done during the winter the <
plowing can be done at much less l
cost, and if the team is sufficient .
for the rush of spring work, the ]
crop can be put in earlier and bet- I
ter if some winter plowing is done. ]
In view of all these facts, we re- <
peat, if the land does not wash and
there is any considerable amount
of vegetation on the land we be
lieve it will be profitable to plow it
this winter or at least a month or
two before planting the crop.-Pro
gressive Farmer.
The old order of things has been ;
restored-from fruit cake and tu r- ;
key and cranberry sauce back to 1
cornbread und bacon.
During The Holidays The
Knights of Pythias Were
Entertained by Dr.
and Mrs. J. B. Adams.
"Here's to the hinges of friend
ship; may they never grow rusty."
This was the motto of a delight
ful seven o'clock dinner given by
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams of Plum
Branch, December 27, in honor of
the local members of the order oY
Knights of Pythias. Those present
were: Dr. J.J. Adams, Messrs. J. L.
Bracknell, T. E. Cochran, B. H.
Covington, C. L Harper, J. H.
Lyon, and Thomas McAlister. Mes
srs. J. J. Collier and J. B. Black
well being out of town were of
course absent.
The dining room was beautifully
and tastefully decorated with ever
green and red suitable to the season
and the occasion. Over the table
was a large decorated arch bearing
a candle for each member of the
order; the absent ones being re
membered by their candles uot be
ing lighted. But more interesting
and important to us at the time was
not decoration and sentiment, as
B ^ential as they a*-; in every day
life, but the bountiful supply of the
most appetizing viands that any one
could desire. All had been prepared
md was served in the most charm
ing manner by Mrs. Adams in per
son. We do not blame D tymon of
>ld for lingering long and lovingly
with tho idol of his heart and his
liorne if she were as winsome and
.-.harming with her domestic duties as
ilrs. Adams. First, we were served
tvith ?lie most delicious tomato bouil
lon soup. Then carno rice and salad
md dressing and turkey in abundance
[n this course came ham two years
Ad, something that is not seen
?very day even on the most np-to
?ate farr??.. It tvss a. rare dish for
some of us, and we can testify now
that ham lik? wine improves with
ige. For desert we had ambrosia
that well merited the name "Food
for the gods." The oranges used
ivere grown by a relative of Mrs.
Adams in Florida and sent to her
is a.Christmas present. Time andi
space will not allow us to tell of
;he variety and quality of the cakes.
Dne had to think twice in deciding
ivhich to take, for he could not
:ake and eat even a little of alL
after coffee was served the party
id j burned to thc parlor where a
?olly good time was enjoyed by all.
One of the mysteries of the even
ing was the conspicuous absence of
Mr. J. J. Collier. It was inexplain
?ble to us, neither do vr? believe
that he can explain it. When our
school closed Friday afternoon for
the holidays it seemed to casta
diadow over Mr. Collier, and after
the ten-thirty train Saturday mora
ng had started on its way to Aa
justa it seemed that he fell into a.
profound dream; it seemed that
there was a complete separation be
tween soul and body; hts work ni
the store was most unsatisfactory.
Sis employer did in some wayman
ige to hold him to his job until
Christmas day when ..he "took the
?rings of?.the morning and flew to
ibo uttermost parts of the earth,'*
meeking we do not? exactly (know
what. It was very evident that he
failed to find what bc was seeking
in Georgia, so on Friday afternoon
ae returned to Plum Branch only
:o remain with us unfil the six
o'clock train toward Greenwood,
lt took him only a few moments to
[earn that what he was seeking was
tot in Greenwood, and in less than
three hours from the time he left
Plum Branch he was with ns agaiifr
[in body.) The next day, being Sat
urday, wearily dragged itself away
from him, and that night he board
id the nine o'clock train for Augus
ta and Aiken (he said.) All of Plum1.
Branch is glad to report that school
lias begun again, all the teachers
being in their places, and Mr. Col
lier seems as happy as a bird releas
ed from its cage.
Mr. Blackwell was more fortu
nate in being able to visit his
lady love, and this case Cupid too
was at work, but the strange effects
were with the more gentle heart,
who as Mr. Blackwell was prepar
ing to leave, was struck with'an
awful malady which the baflilod
and bewildered physicians pro
nounced pneumonia.
A Knight.

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