^_~~ _1^^^ -?l 1914 Harvest Scene on Hon W. A. Strom's Limestone Farm. Reproduced by courtesy of the Southern Field._ The Griffis Barbecue. It was impossibte for The Ail ver tiser man to attend the Griffis bu becue last Friday, as we had ex pected to do for some time, but w have received ?rood reports. The at tendance was large, the dinner was up to the usual high standard, the sinusic met the approval of the dancers and the order throughout the day was perfect. The absence of whiskey and whiskey drinkers .was very marked. Mr. (-5 ri tri s lias . always discouraged drinking and every possible form of disorder on tbe grounds, lt has constantly been h?s purpose to provide^diversion for the young people of the community and adjoining communities upon as high plane as possible. It has not primarily been a money making en terprise. Only a comparatively small sum is realized each year above the actual expenses. Made Mountain Tour. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Holstein, Sr.. Mrs. C. A. Griffin and Mr. J. D. Holstein, dr., returned Sunday night from a week's sojourn in the moun tains. They left Asheville in their car about nine o'clock in the for-t roon, came down to Greenville fori dinner, remaining about two hours, j ^and also stopped at Greenwood for supper, reaching Edgetield about ll o'clock. Th s is better time than they could have made by rail. Du ring their entire week's journey the party motored about GOO miles without an accident of any kind, using only about gallons of gaso line, notwithstanding the fact that climbing mountain roads. Thi> is a strong endorsement of Julian Holstein's skill as a driver as well as being a substantial testimonial to the durability and eiiomierun-i ning of his Ford touring car. Death of a Beloved Young Lady The friends in Edgefield of Miss Mamie Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Morgan, were greatly shocked Tuesday morning by the announcement of h?r death which occurred in Asheville early Tuesday morning. She had been in failing health for more than a year i and as her condition recently be came more acute she was taken to a sanitarium in Asheville last Wed nesday fe * treatment. She ?rrew worse and the end came suddenly yesterday. Miss Mamie Morgan wai deservedly/very popular. Her gentle manner, sweet spirit and amiable disposici?n caused her to make friends of all with whom she met. Miss Mamie was a member of Gil gal church and in the family square in the churchyard her mortal remains will be laid to rest this af ternoon. The Advertiser extends profound sympathy to the bereaved loved ones. Musical Treat Mr. Mrs. B. B. Jones gave great pleasure to about a dozen of their friends of musical inclination on ! Tuesday evening at their hospitable home, in honor of Miss Nan Gunter of Bates burg. Every time Miss Gunter comes to Edgefield a certain coterie of her music loving admirers by a peculiar magnetism are drawn together and she holds them spell bound with her bewitching voice. Tuesday even ing was such an occasion. Some of our coterie were absent, but she 1 sang about the one across the seas, and we thought of the other one | whose original composition and con genial companionship would have added great charm to the occasion, but he was prevented also. Miss Gunter sang several beauti ful selections. She is not often al lowed to sing anything new. Each one calls for the last years favorite, and the wee small hours find her still answering the demand for more and more. A delightful vacatiou from the .past was a new voice, that of Miss Miriam Norris who Bang two beauti ful selections, charming all who listened. Miss Eliza Minis sang1 with .* eompanimeut Hy Miss Norris, Dry Those Tears," this bei ns great favorite of the annual mus feast. Dainty refreshments of pea cream and nahiscos were served 1 the gracious hostess. Strother Duno- ant. ''.Miss Emily Barnwell Stroth and William Lowndes Dunovan both of Edgefield, were married ye terday about noon at Trinity re tory by the Rev. Kirkman G. Fi lay. The wedding was a surprise the families and friends of the your couple none of whom were presei at the ceremony. Mr. and Mr Dunovant left . immediately fi Edgefield where they will mal their home. The bridegroom is a brother < Mrs. Oscar La Borde of this city. While the foregoing announc ment which appeared in The Sta Sunday morning was a surprise 1 Edgetield friends who were not ii formed as to the plans of these pei pie. yet it was not altogether ui expected. It was known that bot of them had succumbed some tim ago to Cupid's darts. These popula yoting people represent two ver, old anihonored Edgefield familia Miss : Strother is the charmin daughWr of Mr. and Mrs. Julia R. Strother and Mr.' Dunovant i the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W L. Dunovant. They came to Edgt held from Columbia Saturday night The Advertiser joins their hosts o friends in extending heany cor gratulations and sincere good wisl es. Offcial List of Candidates The following is an official list o the candidates who have filed thei pledges and paid their assessments Hut 'SE HF i: K l'H Ks EXT ATI VES. M P Wells, J P DeLaughter, S T Williams, S B Marsh, Col-STY TREAS1 KKK. J T Minis, J R Smith, ? S Johnson. COUNTY AUIUTOK. J R Timmerman, C M Melichanip. CORON KR. J E Holmes. MASTER. S M Smith, A R Nicholson, J H Camelon. JUDGE OF PRORATE. W T Kinnaird. MAGISTRATES. First District: N L Brimson, C E Quarles, Second D: Wallace W Wise. Third D: J G Moblev, . J W Cox. Fourth D: J F Pardue, W W Miller. Fifth D: R N Edmunds, J W Johnson, J R Bod ie. Sixth D: R L Bod ie, J D Quarle.s. Seventh D: A Gilchrist, W E Sheppard, J O Seigier. Eighth D: W E Turner, A C Ouzts, J. C Tbmmerman. Absent For Two Weeks. I shall be away on ray vacation from J uh 18th to August Hrd. du ring which time my office will be closed. Mr. E. J. Minis at Bank of Edgefield has kindly consented to deliver finished work during roy absence. Geo. F. Mims. July 14-2t. County Campaign (Continued from page 1.) vised against his making public speeches. Fur that reason lie did speak at length. He said'that very likely this will be his last term, if elected again, as he can not longer] afford to make the sacrifice that; serving as a member of the House of the involves. It is his am bition to make such a useful mem ber that the peuple will say of him that be bas been a profitable servant of the people. Ii; closing Mr. De Laughter pledged bis very best efforts lo the peuple of Edgefield county if they elect him again. Ult. S. lt. MA15SII. The second speaker wasM**. S. B. Marsh of Trenton who, as he stated, appeared before the people asking that he be sent to the legislature? Above the rostrum in Che school building where the meeting was held were the words, "Class of '14," and Mr. Marsh slated that it could truly be said that he too is of the class of '14. Not that he has at tended the Johnston High School but that he enters polities this good year 1914 for the first time. He said the matter of deciding to enter the race was the greatest struggle of his |ife. The disinclination and the advice of friends not to en" ter politics on the one hand and the call to duty on the other, made it exceedingly difficult indeed for him to reach a decision. He said poli tics bau reached such depths of deg radation and shame in South Caro lina that he boped to be of some as sistance in restoring it to a plain of decency. If elected he will have constantly before him the interests of the people of Edgefield county and the State at large. In closing Mr. Marsh stated that he can not minglevery much with the people of Johnston and vicinity during the campaign ind requested his friends to become interested in his candidacy and see those who do not know brm so well. He feels confident of the support of ihose who already know bim. They have confidence in his sincere desire to be of service to them should be sent to Columbia. HUN. M I*. wKl.l.s. Mr. Wells congratulated the peo ple of Johnston upon the many evidences of prosperity which he had observed, tegarding them as the most progressive peuple in the county. He referred to the fact that Johnston was the first town in the county lo install electric lights and the first to establish a High School under the High School act. Mr. Wells said a legislator can frequent ly be of great assistance to his con stituency in aiding in killing a bad bill, illustrating the point by refer ring to the service he rendered in Hon. M. P. Wells defeating the bill that provided for cutting off *200,ooo worth of prop: erty from Edgefield county and giv ing it to Greenwood. He said the matter is liable to come up at some future time and there should be some one on hand with experience so it cou'.d be defeated again. He favors keeping; more of th money at home instead of ser it off to the. larger cities. Imi the road and schools. Ile favo amendment to the constitutioi ing a limit for the levy of tate state purposes, refering to the that Georgia has fixed a li mi youd which the legislature cai sro. Mr. Wells stated that 20 : ago the state had property to amount of 8140,060,000 and levy then was four and th ree-< ter mills while now the aggn of property has increased to 8 000,000 and the levy has als creased to about five and one mills. He has no war to mak the slate colleges but believes the common schools should be I generously supported. Mr. Wells advocated roar] provement at some length, sta that the people of the state are ina a tax for bad roads far in es of what the state levies. He that with improved roads, en?b farmers to market their proc more cheaply, about * 10.500 cc be saved in the marketing of 35,000 bales of cotton grown in county. Mr. Wells introduced a to place all of the convicts in penitentiary on the public ro: but he said, unfortunately, he the convicts were retired to prh iife before the bill became a 1 Mr. Wells advocates the levy < tax b.\ the state on the sale o quor just as is done by the naiit government, the, amount receivec be apportioned among the count He spoke of the work that is ing done bv the state colleges, cc mending in the highest terms work that is being done by Citadel. He stated that the thorou ness of the work of an institut of learning can not be judged the amount of money at its cc mand, the appropriation for Citadel being far less than that the other schools. He stated tl about *4?n per student is paid the colleges, while the children w attend the public schools only ceive about *'9 each. MR. s. Ti WILLIAMS. The last candididate for legis tive honors to speak was Mr. S. Williams. He began by saying 1 political aspiration dated from 18' and that he has " attended coun conventions and served as the e ecutive committeeman from 1 club for the past 30 years. He sti ed that he has given more free ser in the political held than any oth m an prese nt. Mr. Williams referred at leng of the work ot Clemson college ai to hi. duties as a member of tl board of viators of this institu tio he being the only farmer on tl board. Seven lawyers compose tl other six members of the boan Ex-Gov. M. F. Ansel being tl chairman. He says the duty of tl board is to examine everything i and around the college. There wei 800 manly boys in attendance an that avery department was run Uh clock work. In speaking of ho' Clemson uses the money it receive Mr. Williams stated that'aboti ?110,000 was spent in the eradica tion of the cattle tick and in stamj ing out diseases of live stock. Al of this has been a good investment Mr. Williams discussed the pub lie roads at some length, statin; that there there are three ways ij which money can be raised for roa< building: 1st, a bond issue; 2nd, b; special levy, and third by a reduc tion of the road tax and the enact raent of a law requiring every mai in the couty to work from four tc six days on the roads each year. Mr Williams said that neither of thes< plans of improving the 1,700 milei or roads in the county would b< favored by a majority of the people Mr. Williams favors compulsory education, having been convinced of the need of such a law by the small attendance upon some of thc schools of the county. He also cited an instance where a farmer in thc oounty who own 800 or 1,000 acree of land and ig not giving his chil I j dren any advantages , of an educa jtion. Mr. Williams favors the prin ciple of compulsory education hut j may not favor some measures that j may be introduced, j Tn closing he congratulated the ?Johnston audience upon the very ?close attention that was given each j speaker, stating that it was the Mr. S. T. Williams. most attentive mdience that he has witnessed in 10 years. The candidates for the c un ty offices were called upon, but all ex cept S. M. Smith, Esq., and J. H. Camelon, Esq., candidates for mas ter, declined to r?pond. These two gentlemen only made brief state ments. J. W.Cox,Esq.,candidate for magistrate of the'Johnston district, announced his candidacy. A At the close of the county cam paign meeting the chairman intro duced the Hon. R. M. Mixson, a candidate for congress. Hon. James F. Byrnes, who is a candidate for re-election, was not present. The speeches of thes? gentlemen will be reported by The Advertiser when the Congressional campaign meet ing is he'd at Edgelield on August j 4. Treasured Letters of the Sixties Brought to Light. The subjoined letters were writ ten from the scenes of the war in Virginia in 1S0:3 and 1804 by John Srayly Lan dru m (an uncle of the The Advertiser) to his pareuts, Dr. and Mrs. John Landrum, who re sided three miles north of Meeting Street: He was sergeant in Co. K., 14th regiment S. C. infantry, Gen. McGowan's brigade. Camp Near Orange, C. H. Va. August 5, 1803. My dear Mother : We have marched undisturbed by the enemy from Cul pepper to this place, wading three rivers which crossed our path. We are now within a mile of the Rapi dan in which we bathe, the only plea on which we can leave the camp. Last Saturday we were on picket. On reaching our post we found Hampton's brigade giving back from before the enemy, hav ing been driven bv them four miles that morning, the Yankees having more than double our number. By order of Gen. A. P. Hill we were immediately deployed to meet them and arrest rheir progress advancing to meet them when we came to a slight eminence. I cannot describe the grandeur of the sight of the valley below. There was nothing to obstruct our view and we could watch every manoeuvre. We poured volley after volley into their most beautifully formed squadrons, and they immediately detailed squad rons to attack our right and left flanks respectively. Our cavalry was formed on our left. The enemy made the charge which was done in elegant style driving back our cav airy on our left aH having no op-" position on our right. They flanked right and lett and came up in our tear. For a while it was a hand-to hand fight. They hacking with their ?abres and with pistols iu hand or dered a surrender which was done by a part of a North Carolina regi ment which with ours wes the only infantry engaged. We soon cur. down those in our rear and by the aid of our artillery, drove back those