OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, August 13, 1919, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1919-08-13/ed-1/seq-8/

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Your Ford ear will give satisfactory and money-saving service for CSTT V
years if you ju?t give it deeent eare.
Let our shop look after it, making replacements and repairs when necessary, let us keep it tuned up and run
We Give ning smoothly, and you'll sure have all the service and comfort you could get from a
Money- Saving brand new car. It's all in the knowing how. Our workmen are skilled-in fact we
Service have a Ford factory-trainek mechanic with us now. We Lave genuine Ford parts-we
make the regular Ford prices as established by the factory. Bring your Ford car in and let us look it over
"a stitch in time saves nine." * <
Have your car fitted with Hassle Shock Absorbers. Ten days' free trial
Office No 61
Residence, No. 17
Wednesday, August 13.
Mrs. A. A. Woodson . is in Augusta
this week.
Mr. D. B. Hollingsworth left on a
western trip several days ago.
Mrs. C. B. Key of Columbia is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Key. ,
Miss Fannie Sewell of Augusta is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Lydia
Rev. P. P. Blalock will preach in j
the Presbyterian church Sunday at
11:30 o'clock.
Miss June Rainsford has returned
from a visit to friends in Abbeville
and Greenwood.
Mr. Julian Key came over from
Columbia and spent the week-end un
der the parental rooftree.
Mrs. William Anderson of Thomas
ville, Ga., is spending some time with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hoi
Miss Carrie Sue Tompkins of Co
lumbia was a week-end guest in the
home of Mr and Mrs. C. H. Key.
The rains of yesterday ought to
give the Baptists enough water for
their August protracted meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. F. "W Miller and Mrs.
Bettis Cantelou motored to Hender
sonville Monday.
Mr. L. S. Keraagban. has joined the
steadily increasing 3?dger?eld colony
in the mountains. .
Mrs. Sadie Hill is spending some
time in the homes of Mr. E. J. Mims
and Mrs. S. B. Nicholson.
Col. and Mrs. W. A. Byrd and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter S. Adams left yes
terday morning in a touring car for
the mountains.
Mr. David Strother of Philadelphia
who made a fine record in the military
service has been visiting relatives and
friends in Edgefield during the past
Miss Julia Roddey of Rock Hill
who made a very capable teacher in
the Edgefield Graded school for the
past two years is here visiting Miss
Patti Major.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fuller left
Monday morning in their car for the
mountains. Owing to Mr. Fuller's ab
sence on a vacation this week, he will
pot be in his office Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Moore, Miss
Leila Moore and Miss Lalee Culbert
son of Waterloo are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Scurry this week.
Misses Genevieve and Mary Ethel
Fitzmaurice, two charming young
ladies from Columbia, are bare visit
ing their sister, Mrs. James S. Bryd.
A large crowd should go to the
Opera House Monday afternoon and
night to see the moving picture "Why
Germany Mest Pay." Manager J. H.
Miller has secured this picture at an
enormous expense and we trust that
it will he well patronized.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smith are sper
ng some time at Glenn Springs.
Mrs. P. P. Blalock, Jr., gave ?
?lab?rate tea Thursday evening :
lonor of Mrs. Charlie Hall.
Mrs. J N. Sehen!: is spending son
ime in Greenwood with her. daught<
1rs. Fannie Burnett.
Miss Maggie Winn is spending se1
ral weeks at Hot Springs, N. C., vi
ting her friend, Miss Iowa McFee.
Misses Frances, Weinona and Le
'urnett of Greenwood are visitin
heir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ?
T. Schenk.
Mrs. Je sse Bailey of Modoc arid he
ittle son have been spending the pas
^eek in Edgefield in the home of Mi
V*. L. Holston.
The next meeting of the Daughter
if the American Revolution will b
leid at the home of Mrs. F. M. Wai
en, Jr., August 19 at five o'clock.
Beaver Dam was on the rampag
'esterday morning after the ver
ieavy rain. The stream was highe
han the oldest inhabitants of Edge
ield ever jaw it before.
Miss Letitia Fairy of St. Georg
s the guest of Mrs. B. B. Jones. Mis
''airy has visited Edgefield severa
imes in the pas t and has man;
riends here who always greet he
rery cordially.
Mr. J. W. Reece, Sr., Mr. J. W
leece, Jr., Mr. Henry Hair and Mi
1. P. Wells are in Aiken this wee!
.ttending r.he grand lodge of the Ju
lior Order United American Meehan
Our young friend Robert Gray 1
t home on a thirty days' furlough
L year ago or more Robert volunteer
d for naval service and is now on du
y on the "Savannah," a torpedo ten
er. He is greatly pleased with pava
The Mt. Zion Sunday School will
ive a picnic Saturday, the 30th ol
lugust, and everybody is invited tc
ttend. There will be addresses and
pecial exercises by the Sunbeams
uring the day. Remember the date;
he 4th Saturday in August.
The Advertiser man is greatly in
ebted to Mr. Marion L. Quarles foi
he novel but nevertheless sweet and
nely flavored watermelon.T he meat
ras as yellow as that of a canteloupe
nd the seed were black. An unusual
ight but not an unususal flavor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tompkins of
'onnellsville, Penn., accompanied by
heir litle son, John, are here visit
lg Dr. J. G. Tommkins. They always
pend a portion of their summer va
ation in Edgefield and are always
ery cordially greeted.
The Advertiser household are in
ebted to Mr. George A. Adams of
talliers for a box of delicious grapes
nd a big, dark green watermelon as
irge as the shells which that monster
ierman gun fired 74 miles upon
'aris. It is the finest melon we have
sen this season.
The good people of Colliers will do
he right thing by giving a barbecue
riday of this week in honor of the
oung men of that community who
srved in the army and navy. We are
onfident that everything connected
dth the occasion will be well done,
laking the day one of genuine pleas
re to the guests of honor.
Mr. Hal Hill spent last evening in
the home of Mr. E. J. Mims, return
ing to Augusta Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Deal will motor
to Millen, Ga., Friday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Harling.
Mr. William Agner spent last week
in Greenwood visiting his sister, Mrs.
J. P. Holland.
Attention is directed to the auction
sale of real estate advertised on the
second page of The Advertiser this
Mrs. J. M. Gentry and Miss Willie
Gentry returned to Greenville after
spending a week here with Mrs. R. G.
The head of every family is urged
to bring a well filled basket for the
dinner Saturday. A large table will
be provided on the school grounds.
Miss Jeannie Simkins has gone to
Hendersonville to stay several weeks
with Mrs. F. W. P. Butler who has a
cottage there for the summer.
The young people of the town will
give a dance in the Opera House
Friday night. A band from Augusta
will furnish the music. ,
Mrs. W. C. Lynch has returned
from a visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Harris, who reside in
Henderson, N. C.
Miss Janice Morgan of Edgefield is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Maffett on
Edgefield Avenue.-Greenwood In
Dr. R. G. Lee s assisting Rev. Hen
ry Bell White in the protracted meet
ing at Stevens Creek church this
Miss Gladys Padgett will leave Fri
day for Cashiers Valley, North Caro
lina, to be the guest of Miss Amy
Sloan who has a summer home in the
In a spirited game of baseball be
tween Colliers and Parksville on the
diamond of the former, last Wednes
day, the score stood ll to 1 in favor
of the Colliers team.
Miss Ruth DeCamp will arrive
Friday night to be the guest of
Miss Eleanor Mims. Miss Ruth is a
daughter of Mr. E. H. DeCamp, edi
tor and proprietor of the Gaffney
The Advertiser has been requested
to announce that the annual protrac
ted meeting will begin at Berea on
the fourth Sunday in August and con
tinue throughout the week with two
services each day.
We are delighted to include in our
list of advertisers the Bank of Tren
ton, which institution is steadily
growing under the . progressive, yet
conservative, management of Mr. W.
W. Miller, ^v>.- , ,j m
It is estimated that there will be
more than two thousand people here
Saturday to attend the unveiling of
the Memorial Tablet and the home
coming exercises for the soldiers.
Come and bring a basket with you.
The dinner will be free to everybody
and all heads of families are request
ed to bring a basket. Besides scores
and scores of baskets, the people of
I Edgefield will supply a large quan
tity of barbecue hash.
o ?aq ?ato ?so *ot?7 ?ot^i ?o^<
Mr. W. A. Strom has had the good
fortune to sell the timber on his chain
of Limestone farms, there being be
tween two and three thousand acres
in timber, to a large North Carolina
lumber company. He has received a
payment of $10,000 in cash before
any timber has been cut. It is esti
mated that Mr. Strom will have 50,
000,000 feet.
Mr. DeLcach Warren has received
his honorable discharge from the
navy and was cordially greeted in
Edgefield Friday, this being his first
visit since he entered the service near
ly a year ago. Edgefield county has
many fine young men to her credit,
but none possess more sterling quali
ties than DeLoach Warren.
Movies h
Whatsoever a ms
Edgefield Op
ato *jt^ MW w un ?ssl AOfc
Mr. D. W. Gaston, Jr., of Aiken,
has been appointed supervisor of cen- :
sus for the second congressional dis- i
One day last week while out gath- j
ering eggs Mrs. Sam Agner came
near being bitten by a very large
snake. She saw the reptile just as it
was about to strike her. The snake
was killed by her two sons. Look out
for snakes while looking for eggs. 1
Mr.. Henry Hughes Hill has resign- <
ed his position with the government,
having been assigned duty in Beau- j
fort county for the past six months,
jind has accepted a position with Mr. j.
M. W. Shive, the Edgefield manager j
of the Davis Realty Company. '
tonday Nig
Present D
It is a thrilling
many, showing how
for the death of mil
how she destroyed ]
worth of property.
The story is buill
and is continued rig
Dramatic and thril
each other with as
Do not fail to see it
H The people of Ed?
J never had such an c
& before, a
First Show:
Second Show:
Third Show:
Fourth Show:
Fifth Show:
Afternoon prices,
Prices at Night:
u war tax; Children, 3
day afternoon and night
era House, Aug
Senator D. D. "McColl came over
from Bennettsville for the week-end
and his family returned with him on
Monday, after spending several weeks
here with Ex-Gov. and Mrs. J. C.
Sold on Ten Days' Trial.
We will put a set of Hassler Shock
Absorbers on your Ford for you to
irive ten days. If at that time you
ire not satisfied with them-if you
io not say they back up every claim
ive have made-then they will be re
moved and your money refunded.
Our guarantee, "Absolute Satisfac
:ion or Your Money Back," means ex
actly what is says. Write today
ht, Aug. 18
ay Events
indictment of Ger
she is responsible
lions of people, and
[00 million dollars
t on historical facts,
fht up to the war.
ling* scenes follow
bounding rapidity.
^efield county have
ipportunity as this
3:00 P. M.
4:30 P. M.
7:00 P. M.
8:30 P. M.
10:00 P. M.
25c. for Everybody.
Adults, 50c. and 5c.
5c. and 3c. war tax.
ust 18, 1919

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