OCR Interpretation

Edgefield advertiser. [volume] (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 30, 1921, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1921-11-30/ed-1/seq-4/

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if b3f * )f 3f--jf,
Ten Bi
9:00 A. M. Sharp. Be On Time!
TRUTH OF THE STORY fs??Z ofx?oidl
Mr. Abrom Daiteh has
turned his entire store,
stock and all, over to
me to dispose of at any
price. You remember*
my last sale well. You
know by this time my
reputation for price
slashing sales. I prom
ised to sell you mer
chandise at prices that
have never yet been
attempted in the mer
cantile world. So c OHL6 ?
and see me once again
and 111 send you back
with the; same satisf ac
With the first of the year near at hand and all my bills falling1
due, I am forced to sell my entire stock of staple merchan
dise, consisting of Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes -arLd Hats for
ladies, gents and children in order to meet the demands of my
creditors. In all the years I have been in business in Edge
field I have never Jiad to resort to a sacrifice of my merchan
dise, but the same conditions that are prevailing over you
and your farms are responsible for my Gigantic Holiday Sale.
With the sam?JCaith that you have had in me so will I recip
rocate and pledge my word that I will have my entire stock so drastically reduced, such
as never has been-present to the public.
Good, heavy denim Overalls,
value $1.75, now _^ 98c
Extra fine grade Work Shirts,
value $1.25, now__1 67c
For Men and Boys
Fine percale Shirts, value $1.25
Extra fine woven Madras, val
ue $2.00 at _$1.19
When our store opens its doors_at 9:00
A.-M. Friday, December 2d, we will
give to each of the first 100 persons en
tering .our store a cash due bill for $1.00
White Homespun, formerly
sold for 08c, now per yd. 04c
White Homespun, regular 10c
value to go at per yd._poe
White Homespun, 36 in. wide,
besC quality, formerly priced
at 25c ,Sale Price per yd. 09c
Checked Homespun, good qual
ity, regular 15c, to go at per
Best Cheviots, all colors, were
25c, now per wd. _____
From the moment the doors of
my store open on. Friday, De
cember 2, until the last day of
the sale, Saturday, December 10,
I will give to each customer that |
purchases $3.00 worth a ticket
entitling them to a chance on a
jar of U. S. money that will be
raffled off on the last day of the
sale, Saturday, December 10, at
1:00 P. M. at my store. Mr;
J. P. Whatley, Chief of Police of
Edgefi?ld, a gentleman whom
you all know well, will pick the
lucky number. I make this of
fer not in the interest of a gam
ble but purely as an added token
of my respect and esteem of the
people of Edgefield and its sur
rounding counti

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