OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald. [volume] (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, July 18, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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WILL be given on Wednesday, the 25th
July, instant, at Academy Grove, in the sub
urbs of the Town of Newberry, by Messrs.
Hunter & Birge. The best cooks will be en
gaged, and the tables boatifully supplied
with the choicest viands that this and other
maraXets, can aord, The most savory meats,
poaltry,, ete., will be dressed a Ia mode, and
vegetablies and pastry served in every style.
Fruits,. breads, confections, &c., shal be
abundant, while the most delicious and cool
ing beverages, such as ice cream, iced lemon
ade,. sherbet,. pop,. mead, and champagne,wine,
etc., on ice,. wil ghsh in sparkling rills from
silvery foants- and 'glassy goose necks, under
the canopy of shady bowers. Ladfes and
gentlemen, who know how to cater to the sat
isfaction, comfort and pleasure of other&, will
pregAe at tha. tab'es. The citizens of the
surrounding country of Edgefield, Laurens,
&C.; are invited to this festival. The only ob
ject ofwhre14 is an interchange of the pleasan
rie& o social life- - The crop6 will be put by,
and the season ai ap.popriate one for a little
festive jolity and innocen t mirth. Come one
and all to the feast of good things, and bring
your mothers, wives, sisters and 'sweethearts'
to graee the occasion with their beauty and
smiles.. Tickets to dinner wilT be only $1.
Refreshments, extra.. JNO. BIRGE,
July 4 T J. Y. HUNTER.
By John.T.. Fbtrson, Ordinary of Newberry
Whereas, R. S. Chick, haa applied, to, me for
Letters of Adminiiatration, Debenis Non, on
all and singular the goods and chattels,. rights
and oredfta of John, & Chaplain late of the
distrit aforesaid,. deseased -
These ave therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kind'red anti eveditors of the
said deeeased,.t>be and appear before- me, at
our next Ordinary'a Court for the- said Distriet,
to be held at Newberry Court House on the 19th
of July inst., to shew cause, if any why the said
Administration should not be granted..
Given under. my hand:andSeal,. this -h d-y of
June, in the yeai-of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and: si'ty-sis.
July 1'1-2t. 'JOHNb . PETE~RSON omN.A
L ha.ve- dbposited~ for sale, with Loverace &
Wheeler, at Newberry,. and with Cohen & Co,
at Heller's Mill-Dr. Wolo6tt's Dnstant Pain
Annihilator.. And. will warrant it to give
imamediate relie~f from HReadache,. Toothache,
Neuralgia Gatarrh, Weak-nerves,. Sore-eyes
and any nervous affections of the-fae-andhead.
E has never faileds. J. EAWKINS.
J!uly 42t Agt-.
!$25 BE WAR
TEEL above reward will be paid for the- re
oovery osaMouse Colored Mare Mule,.mnedium.
size, ini good order,.andi a bay Horse,, about
14 hands~ high ;: paces under the sadd1e, with
white fore feet, with a white ring around his
right hinud. leg, with~ a blaze int the face ;; was
stolen fromi the' camp on the C. & G. R. R.,
seven miles from Gelumbia, on Satarday
Whereas, Mr A. HARRIS, Merchant hav
ing assigned to me all his Goods, Wares and
Merchandise, together with his Notes, Books
of Account, and choses in action, in trust for
the payment of his debts, all and singular the
creditors of the said A. HARRIS are hereby
notified that the said Deed of Assignment- is
open to their inspection at the house of PER
RIN & COT1R4T, Attorneys at Law, at
Abbeville C. H., S. C., and they are hereby
required to meet me on SATURDAY, 7th
day of July, either in person or by At
torney, at the place aforesaid, and then and
there proceed to the appointment of an Agent
to represent their interests under the said As-i
By the terms of said Assignment, all cred
itors who may refuse or neglect to come in
and accept its provisions within sixty days
from the date thereof, to wit : the twentieth
of June, instant, will be forever debarred from
the benefits of the same.
June 27-t3. Assignee.
The State of Sonth Carolina, Newberry District.
In the Court of Common Pleas, Ex Parte
Abraham Harris-Petition for the benefit of the
Insolvent Debtors Acts.
Abraham Harris, who is in the custody of the
Sheriff of said District, by virtue of an order for
bail at the suit of Hartman & Strous, having filed
in my office, together with a schedule on oath, of
his estate and property, his petition to the Court
of Common Pleas praying that he may be ad
mitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General
Assembly,, made for the relief of Insolvent Debt
ors: It is ordered that the said Hartman &
Strous and all others, the creditors to whom the
said Abraham Harris is indebted in any wise, be
and appear, before the said Court, at Newberry
Court House on Wednesday the seventeenth day
of Oetober next to show cause, if any they can,
why the said Petition should not be granted.
E. P. LAKE, c. c. P.
elerks effie, Newberry, July 6th 1866.
July 11-3m.
The Editor of the Newberry Herald will pub
lish the ubove once a week for the next three
month. B. P. LAKE C. C. P.
The State of South Carolina, Newberry Detrict
Ini Equity, Helen O'Neall v Walter H. Hunt,
Bill for Do.wer~
lEt appearing to my satisfaction that Walter
Herbert Hu.nt, the defendant in this case, resides
beyond the limits of this State.
It is therefore Ordered, on motion of Mr. Bax
ter, Comp. Sol., that the said defendant, plead,
answer or d.emur to the bill in this case, within
three months from the date hereof; or the same
will be taken pro confesso'against him.
Comm's once, May 22d, 1866:
May SO 3m $15&
The State of South Carolina, Newberry Dis
trict-In Equity. Richard V. Gist and
Wife and others, v. Osian A. Rutherford,
Admr. & others.-Bill for Partition of Land.
The creditors of Dr.. Thos. B. Rutherford,
deceased,. are required to renider on oath and
establish their demands before the Commis
sioner of this Court, on or before the first day
of Sepember, 1866.
Coa's Offlee.12 June, 1866,
The Philaaelphia wonventiOn.
The Philadelphia Age says: We are inclined to
regard the project of a National Convention.. i.
August with more favor than seems to be extended,
to it by some of our-party friends; and it is due to
candor and fair dealing tbat we should say wby.
No one will for a moment imagine that we have
the faintest wish or hope for the disorganization'
or modification of the great :party-to which we.
belong, either, locally, where it is complete, or.
nationally, where it soon will be. But with this
unwavering fidelity is entirely consistent a desire:
to see agencies outside the Democratic party,
which indirectly may promote the maintenance
and reassertions of the principles, which if even the
epublic rights, must be reasserted. A National
Convention of any kind likely to assemble, must
be important and an imposing body-as, being
the first body in which for five, or indeed six
years, the Southern States have been. represented.
Their presence here, after all this- frightful war
and bloodshed, after this rupture of all ties, social,
ecclesiastical, political, will be pictnresque. It is
worse than idle to underrate the importance of
such a council or such an event. Our opponents
feel this, and hence their studious efforts to dis
parage it. This, too, seems to be the idea of some
of our New York friends. For ourselves, seeing
no harm and much probable good in it, we do not
hesitate to say, that the consummation in this
initiatory plan of restoration, -or reconstruction, or
reassociatyon, will be matter to us, as Democrats,
of sincere rejoicing, and the Radicals may think
and say exactly what they please about this clear
and frank expression of our views. The heathens
will rage anyhow.
We favor this Convention. rhere Is nothing or
little in what we may describe as its preliminary
platform that repels us. The Convention implies
no derangement of the political organization to
which we belong, and are proud to belong. Inf
deed, it strengthens it. Let it meet. Let every
Congressional district of the North be represent
ed, and then let it, as it certainly will, give a
grand example to Congress, in session or out of
session, of admitting representatives from all the
Southern States, and deliberating with them,
their ateient friends, their brethren yet. Let
them admit them with generous confidence and
without the wretched consciencE-traps of oaths of
abjuration and supremacy. Thus 'deliberting,
we doubt not of the result in theory and practice.
The sight of the Southern men in council with
the North as equals will invigorate the truly na
tional spirit everywhere. Philadelphia in 186
will be as Philadelpia in 1787. Christ Church
bells will ring as they used long ago to do, not for
bloody victories in a civil war, but for the new
creation of a nation and the resurrection of a
Federal Union. Practically, a Convention thus
animated and thus deliberating, will, for the ma
chinery by which its patriotic designs are to be
carried into effect, rely mainly, though not of ne
cessity exclusively, on the great and compact or
ganization of the State Right Democracy, now as
ever the true supporters of the Union. - Hence we
wish the Convention sucess.
MINCE MEAT.-A man was found dead on the
levee at Louisville on the 23d, with one hundred
and ten stabs in his body. His ears were cut off,
both eyes were torn out and the body .was other
wise frightfully mutilated. The case is involved
in much mystery. The body is not yet identified.
Governor Patton, in his late letter to Congress,
makes the startling announcement that there are
fully twenty thousand widows and sixty thousand
orphans (whites) in Alabama, and three-fourths of
them are destitute.
Prentice says that the Southern States are better
represented in Congress now than some of the
Northern States, for the reason that non-represen
tation is better than misrepresentation. Tis is
literally and rigidly true.
GEORGMTOWNI RAILOD.--The citizens of
Georgetown have determined to subscribe $100.
000 to the Georgetown Railroad. Well done 3

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