OCR Interpretation

The Newberry herald. [volume] (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 02, 1873, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026909/1873-04-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Special and Local.
vertisinagency of MUeisrs. Wa!ker, Evans &
Cogswl, represented by Roswell T. Lozan,
q is the only anthorized agency for this
paperia Charleston.
"MLssas. Giarn & Horurx.%%. Newspapr
Advertising Agents, No. 4 South St., Bal
timore, .Md.. are daly autborized to contract
for advartdsements a; otr lowest rates. Adver
tisers in Ohat City are requested to leave their fa
vors with thl. housc."
We will send : c(y of our paper and a
copy of ''Peters' M:sical M.nthlv" for one
year to any one sending us S1.50. Our pa
per speaks for itself, and you may know the
value of "Peters' Music:al Monthly." from
the fact- that every yearly subscriber gets
about sixty Songs, Duets, and Choruses, and
from fifty to sixty Piano pieces, worth at
least $40.
The Largest and Finest assortment of
Clocks, all varieties. Spleadid assortment of
Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Watches and
Jewelry of all Kiads. Handsome Pictures,
hanging baskets, and other ornaments. The
largest . and bst variety ever shown in New
berry. Prices moderate, at
Mar. 5-tf .1. F. SPECK'S
Pianos.--Wiere to Buy.---Veb
ruary Ist. 1873.
Prices reduced from 15 to 2.5 per cent. Lar
gest'Stuck in the South to select from. E!e
g;nt 7 oct. pianos, Rosew,)od Cases, Carved
L-gs, Overstrung BL-;o, and all Modern im
p:ovements 2*65, 275. 300, warranted dura
ble. Money refunded in case of failure. The
popular Southern Gem only *290, 300. 320 &
340. Hallet Davis & Co.. Square Grand 7,
oct. 1975, 41.43 & 9. Win. Kiah'e & Co's
uperb li;ruzueat loxer thar ever before
old. Addre-s as for SPECIAL TERXs. Pi
,anos sent on trial to any part of the South.
3nd for priee' lists, tatalogaes. etc. Select
he st le desired, give us the ortier and we
Suaratee to furnish a first Class instrument,
* refund the money. Wholesale Depot for
the celebrated Mason & Hamlin Cabinet or
gans-Fifty S:yles fron $55 to S1000, each.
Delivered FREIGHT PAID to cash buyers in
any parc of the South. Auy,Sheet Music or
Musc book published in the U. S. sent post
p:iid on receipt of retail price -Address all
Soushern Music Howw,
Mar. 2G, 12-10. SAVAxxAH, GA.
rson ndebted to us prior to 1873,
41 find their Notes and Accounts in the
jnds of an otficer for collection ten days
in this date, as longer time cannot be
Mar. 19, 11-tf.
Tuesday morning, April first, opened at
early dawn with a goo.l, old-fashioned April
shower, with thnder and lightning.
BsAUTIrUL IIEARs.-The new hearse
just received by Mr Richard Chapman, so
long ordered, and for which he has been
patiently waiting for many months, is a
marvel of beauty.
We are iudebted to Mr. M. Foot for
for late Northern papers. This gentleman
has just returaed, aud b:-igs a var:4 of
choice goods.
Mr. D. W. Hawthorne of Honea'Path, will
also accept thanks for papers at different
THA.NKs.-TZe Rey. E. A. Balles, the effi
cient and active agent of the American Bi
bli'SEie~tilF~nceipt our thanks foY the
present of a neatly bound Bible, with the
following written on. its inside cover, Pre
sented to Thos. F. Grenaker, Esq., by the
Rev. E. A. Bolles, for ''Reading Room"
March, 27th 1873.
An account of' a triple case of villainy has
e-eached us, the main faets only, howeve-, are
m anown. A gay Lothairio, in the western part
t ,f this Coun ty, destroyed the peace of a whole
offamily, by seducing one, marrying another,
e and running away with the third and last of
them. The three were sisters. We under
stand that the parents are about taking steps
to publish the villain to the world.
Rar.irs NoTucs.-On next Fr:day
night, the Rev. Manning Brown is to preach
in the Presbyterian Church, a sermon
preparatory to Communion. As severa! of
the Churches in town are on next Sabbath to
observe the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper,
all communicants especially are invited to
at:end this service.
The public generally are cordially invited.
G. & C. Rez.noAD.-On our ou:side will be
found a communication from Col. Dodamead
in answer to certain complaints as to freight
detentions. We too have full reason :o6otm
plain, but feel disposed always to give credit
where it is due. We have lately discovered
that the freights on this road are largely in
excess of ali former years, and so rapid
ly haveheincreased, that it has been al-1
most impossible with the means and rolling
stock on hand to push it through with greater
dispatch. Col. Dodamead is doing all that
he can under the circu.mstances to accommo
date the public, as.re are assured.
CT wnri oUt.-To find sIx per cent:
Wultaipyany given number of dollars by the
number of days of interest desired; seperate
the right hand figure and divide b7 six; the
reutis the true interest on such a number
of days at six per cent.-363 days to the
r year.
To find seven per ceat.: Add one-sixth of
the result found above.
Tro find eight per cent.: Add one-third to
the first result found.
07 For 36-> days to the year, deduct from
above results one seventy-third for the ad
ditional five days.
"Why' is a newspaper like a wife? Because
every man ought to have one of his owp."
Why is a newspaper again like a wife?
Because some men vainly thik themselves
better off without one. Vain delusion.
H ut a isife at once, reader, and subscribe
for the Herald.
Both good, logical reasons.
Now why is a newspaper not like a wife?2
Because you have a new one every week.
And again why? Because it only aks for
money once a year, and then only $2.50, the
price of the Herald.
Good again.
due credit.
that the Union Prayer Meetings commenced
in this place on Monday of last week, havet
bens elatne,a dved tc signseo
promse, hatthey will be continued through
the peetweek in the same order
The Episcopal congregationweem isrd
to on Sabbath morning and evening by the
Rtev. E. . Miles.
The Presbyterian in the morning by their
zealous pastor, Rev. R. A. Mickle, and in the
AnnveraryMeeingof heNewvberry Dis
,,.ct ibe-Scity,onwhich occasion ad
reses eremad bytheRevs. B. A. Mickle,
- aning Brown, and appropriate re:narks
bq Dr. Lee, and the Presidcnt of the Soc.:ety,
.* R. Moormant. A lage and deeply in
The Lutheran and Baptist Churches were
closed is mouseguaene Of tC DeceeSa
-These gentlemen have built up a iragnifi
C.-it business, one of the largest and :uo-t
secssful in the South. Their apacity for
printing, binding and the manufacturing of
blank books, cannot be excelled. They are
the p.pular and widely known publishers of
the Rural Carolinian, a paper which every
farmer and gardener in the South should be
in posseison of. Take their immense estab.
lishment a a whole, it is one worthy of a
visit a.d woald1 cal for adm7ration even from
one uninitiated in the practical workings of
so large and v..tied :. business. We have
lately received a s iaple of their Charleston
series of Steel Pen., inanufaIcured for and
sol by them, and we pronounce them of a
superior quality.
DoN-r.-Don't spit on the floor.
Don't spit at all, if you can help it.
Don't drum with your fingers or feet.
Doi'i sit with your feet higher than your
)on't go with dirty unils.
Don't trim or Ckan your nails in company.
Don't clean your ears, nose or teeth in the
presence of others.
Don't blow your nose at the tabl
Don't make sipping tea-or eating soup a
'cooal exercise.
Don't cat fast,
Don't interrupt others in conversation.
Don't use profane language.
Don't whisper in chuich or at concert.
Don't pull out your watch in church.
Don't sleep in c!:trch-unltss the preacher
is asleep.
Don't run ii debt, bat if you lo, don't
forget to pay.
Don't forget to pay your subscription to
SALE-DAy.-Next Monday WIi! be S.11e
day, and there wi!l be hosts of people in
town. Some who will be here owe small
amounts to this office, and their presence up
stairs with the money due will aford much
satisfaction. Thitik of it and come up, or
meet us on the street and settle there if more
convenient. Those small amounts are much
There will be some 'again, who will see
this notice, who are neither sab;erjibers, nor
owe us anything, and a welcome is extended
to them. Come up and subscribe for your
County paper, frieud<.
Sonic there wiil be too, who keep country
stores and have weil .elected goods. and who
would like to advertise in the Hlerald, or
have cards or circulars or liand-bils priated,
and do not because they are not aware of the
facilities we have for doing work, and
Come up gentlemen, one and all. We will
be glad to see you.
poet, perhaps while folded ia his warm
blanket, thus gushes:
"The man that mises sunrise misses the
sweetest part of his exisienee. I love to
wate: the firsr tear that gliste.ns in te open
ing eye of morning-the silent song the
flowers breathe-the thri!!:ng melody of the
woodiland u:.:strels, to w h:ch the 4 oVlest
brook trickles applause-these,swelling out the
sweet strain of creation's matins, seem to pour
some soft and merry tale into daylight's ear,
as if thte world had drea:ned a happy thing,
and now smiled over the teliing of it.'
Under certain circumstances we agree with
him, but with the thermometer down to zero
or below, and a hard freeze on the ground,
how can any one enjoy the sunrise,especially
if it is blowing great guns and sharp enough
to force tears to ones eyes. W~ait till the
Spring time rea.lly comes-, and then it wilt
be delicious, no doebt-to those who lore it.
BONNTs.-We do not ktnow how hnsbatnds
and fathers will appreciate the paragraph
below relating to the coming bonnets, but
this we do know, the ladies will all read it
with delight, and give us thanks too. We
are forced through a%'ction for the latter to
run the risk of scolding fronm the former.
"Int bonnets lace is the favorite trimming.
Long lace bridles are revivedI, either to be tied
under the chin or fastened lower down' with
a bow or small bouquet, as they were a few
seasons ago. A novelty this season is gros
grain ribbon with double face, blue, rose, or
green on one side and white on the other.
T his is very serviceable in trimming bonnets
that require two shades.
New jet ornaments for bonnets are shaped
precisely like the back of a high Spanish
comb. They are to be draped with lace, and
placed in the back of black lace bonnets.
There is a caprice just now for wearing a
clus:er of flawers falling very low on the
back of the head, where the hair is combcd
up from the nape of the neck. This is some
times the only bit of color seen on black bon
nets, and even th.s is half concealed by the
hanging drapery of Spanish veils."
AnVED.--We are pleased to notQ the safe
arrival on Saturday night of the fast moving
clipper "Time of Day," Capt. Speck owner,
and Mr. Singleton Ring, commander. The
trip from this port and back, round by way
of Martin's Depot and Clinton, was made
without encountering severe weather, but we
are itnformed by Comn. Ring, that in latitude
13 the long-eared propellers suddenly stop
ped, -in other words stalled-and all hands
had to be called on to put them to rights. No
damage was sustained. The "Time of Day"
disposed of its valuable freight of clocks,'and
returned in ballast. Mr. H. J. IIales went
out as super-cargo, and reports a pleasant
The vessel again cleared and left for anoth
er trip on Monday last.
P. S-Our indefatigable outside itemizer
tells the following, that on the first trip out,
an old lady somewhere between this place
and Clinton, on the approach of the "Time
of Day," dashed down her milk pans, and
upsetting her churn, rushed to the road, cal.
ling out as she wvent "run here children, for
I'm blessed if here ain't old Beck come to
lfe-I thought she wvas dead long ago."
Old Beck was one of the mules, and had been
bought for an eigl.t-year-old--but the o!ld
lady declared she was fully 25. It was a bad
'speck,' and as she proved deficient on time,
she has been swapped off for better.
Mr. Henry Blease again occupies his old
store opposite the Court House, and is open
ing a very heavy stock of cooking as well as
heattng stoves and tin ware generally. It
looks like old times to see him back again,
on that popular square, where for many
years he had the pleast.re of supplying the
wants of the public in his useful line. It is1
his intention to keep such a general stock of
house-furnishing and kitchen articles, as that
aything called for may be had and at
convenient prices. Mr. Blease-though he
does not look at all aged-is an old hand at
the bellows, technically speaking, and theme
fore his experience in manufacturing and
repiring cannot be excelled.
Mir. Patrick Ducket holds forth in the place
vacated by Mr. Blease, and will repair guns:
and dispose of stoves, tin ware, etc., etc.
The paint being put ou the Seceder Church
by Mr. Jas. ?acker' is a decided improvement
on the dingy aspect presented: in the past
Prepmrations5 arc making foar the erection
of theC Lutheran Parsontige for the comfor:a
ble quartering of the Rev. H. W. Euhxns,
reaient pastor.
on CoVege Street, and zte cotzi-es Me
Lovelac'e : Whoeler e.mtemnp!tc unling on
the gent:! hills b:yond, ti.e s ti-u tu a
direction will be qQuit attractive.
A new carriag and blacksmith shop i.
about to be put in opieration, by the e:er.
prising firm of Mesrs. Webb,Jories & Parkee,
the most improved machinery wili be p!aced
in it.
These signs of iniprovement spe.ik well for
the energy of our town.-men, and is an
evidence that Newb)erry is imovin" stetdi:v
ahead, and her watchword is Excelsior.
MILITARY I.NsrECTIoN..-Qa Wediiesduy
Last, the few citiz:n.; w1ho were appriz_-d of
the visit of Gen. McD.>well, cot miander of
theSonthera and Gulf Department, assembled
at the Depot and wituessed wi:h pleasure ar
inspection of Maj. Stewart's tine boly of
soldiers, forming the garrison at this phl.
The General was on his way from Greenville,
at which place, we were informed by Con
ductor Bush, a very complimentary reception
had been given him the night previou-:. A
little ahead of time, the train rolled into the
Depot, and the garrison troops being pat to
the 'present arms,' Gen. MeDowell, and his
aid, Lt. J. 1I. Holm,es,stepped out and were re
ceived with all honors, aal the iusp-:etion at
once c> eineuce.i. Time was pre:ious-for
however aceommodating Mr. Bush might be
he cotd not encroach much on his schedule,
bat a sufficient stay was allowed, not only
for a thorough inspection of arms, accoutre
inuts and dress, which were all f4und in
-ood conT!ion, bat ftir a brief coniveis::tin
bet.-een the office:s, when at a given signal
the ~ ri,m:Inu ih:m once ll.uae got at'::zd
"as 1d they r.u:ld away.
I was an interesting sight-those trained
regu*ars, standing grimly, rigidly erecr, eyes
frount, as hey went through the 1manual of
Gen. McDowell is a tine soldierly looking
mlan, apparently betwcen fifty and sixty years
of age, quick in movement, and showing evi
deuce of great firmness. Hlis aid, Lt.
IIolmtes, brought to mind the description of
some of Charey u'Malley's dashing charac
The appmar:ire of the resident of'ierrs,
Maj.S:ewar:, Lts. Mi'Zr ad A.ion, in
ful! regimental suits, was ine indeed, and
their .soldierly bearing, together with the ad
tmirale di,cipline and perfect drall shown by
their command, elicited miae;ai admiratIon.
Since pen.ing ilthc above we learn that there
is a prubabili:y that Major Stewart's com
mand will soon receive orders for removing
to another sphere. Nhould tlhs lie true, it
will be regretE:d by all who are ucqainte:1
with the oflicers of the garri:on, who have
proved themseives to be agreeably pleasant
Cnd kind i;4 ;l their laions, whether I
official or social.
The Auniversary Meeting of the Newberry
District Bible Society, Auxiliary to the
American Bible Society, was held in the
Me:hodi'.t Church 'an Sunday evening, that
being the regalar!y appointed tiuie. As an
e-i.c:le. of ti-e inaet :nanif : ! iu tis
:a, are pe d to note td at
tendance was unusually N:rge. The respected
President, on opening, stated, that in the
Providetnce o)f the All-wise ruler, te Society
had beeni permitted to meet together once
more after the lapse of a year, and during
that length of time onty one had been called
Ito his eternal rest-Mr. Duane Mower, otne of
the Execujive Committee. After a few more
p)ertiitent reniarks, the Rev. 11 A. Mickie of
tha Presbyteriatn Chuirch, in the ab.>ence of
the Rev'. C. H. Toy, of Greenville, was in
troduced to thme large audience,and addressed
them eloquently t'.nd at length from the text
"Ilow read!est thou"-Luke x, 26.
After the a'ble annual report had been reatd
b)y the euicient Secretary. J. A. Chapman,
Esq., who is also Treasurer and Depositary,I
which showed that the Society's funds were
at a low ebb and scarcely ay bibles o.n hand,
the Chairman called on the Rev. Manning
Brown for an address. The advancing night
however, precluded any lengthy remarks,
but in a practic.d tad earnest manner the
claims of the Society were presented to the
audience and to good purpose, as wats afzter
wards shmown, by the generous callectioni
taken up, and the number of names attached
to the roll of membership. 'rhis reverend
gentlettnan was followe-d by Dr. Lee of N. C.,
in a pointed and brief manner.
'rTe constitution of the Society being read,
a committee,representing the various church
es, was appointed to go among the audienca,
collect monies and receive nam!es. Some
fifty were modded and a good adlitio,n nmade
to the funds. We arc pleased to state that
the committee appointed tonomninate officers
for theensuing vear, proposed a re-election of*
the old officers, which was adopted. Various
resolutions were submitted and adopted,
amor,g which was a touchitng tribute to the
deceased member, Duane Mower,another cal
ling for the appointment of-a committee to
ascertain the number of deaths, together with
the names, since the for-mation of the Socie
ty, embracing a period of over fifty years,
for the purpose ot' making a permanent
record of tihe: same, and one expressive of
thank:s to the geiitlemen who had addressed
the Society.
The time for next regnhtr meeting being
fixed, the first fifth Sabbatht in March, April
or May, the Society was adjourned. And
thus ended this very interesting and highly
edifying Anniversary.
Improved white bloom cotton seed, call out
Mr. C. F. Waters and get some for planting.
The travelling public will please refer to
card of the Charlotte & Augusta IRailroad Co.
The card of the Baltimore & Ohio Rlail
roadi claims attention. 'This is at comfortable
and well furnished line.
Shingles and Hay are offered for sale by
Mr. J. N. Fowles. If either of these articles
arc needed, send an order to him
Messrs. G;eo. Johnstone & Y. J. Harrington
have formed a copartnership in the practice
of lamw. We wishi them distinguished honors,
and peun:iary rewards.
Messrs. Webb, Jones & Parker, are the
agents for this place of Brown's Cotton Gin,
advertised in another column. Specimens of
which can be seen at their establishment.
L. R. Marshall generally means what he
says, and as he tells the people that now is the
time to buy goods low down for cash, they
are advised to believe it.
MESSEs. ABtRAMS & METTS--make a most
liberal offer this week. Five hundred cash
customers aire wantedl, eacit of whom shall
receive the full value of their moucy. Oh,
what ge:ierosity.
The attention of all persons, the rest of
mankind included.is invited to the announce
ment of Mr. Foot, who has now open, tan ele
gant atssortmnent of spring and summner goods,
togethe:r with groceries, &c.
That eminent and popular dry goods man
C. F. Jackson, Columbia, is just back from
the great North, and is showing amost ele
gant stock of goods, at very cheap prices.'
Go and see him or send an order:
The openiug of Messrs. L,ovelace & Wheel.
er's stuck of spring and summer goods is
well worthy of notice, ttnd the ladies need
only to be simply informed of the fact, that
they may go then e ttnd f'east their eyes on the
fascinating display, and not only the ladies,
Spring is opening slowly, but we are ll as
to -IV tht th S': ii'; cock .f M. !. .
R S. .Chick w prch:seK ,i:*Jl,
been opened rapidly, i- being .d cheapi;
and is large, varied and handsome. Go an
examine their stock and lay in your suppli
at once.
The Eastman Business College at Atlait
grows rapidly in popularity, and deservedl,
for it turas out scores of yotung men aniuu
ly, who are fitted and qualifed for th
active business walks of life. Weareplease
to notice that Newberry is there reprelente
bv sons of Mr. .la4. l.eeder, and Mr. Wil!ae
On last Sund:iW week, a --irl named Jan
Sleivy was wilfuliy :nd f.:t:lI .i:ot Iby
b. named .aeohp Cromer with an E.nfiel
rir. Both colod. Cause unkiown.
It is reported that Mr. - Spear:ran hi
oeured the sev~:s of Fev(eral Englis
hurer.:. Ti.e price of 'am nnd he:p wi
go up It Is lci:red.
Mr. Win. 0. Carnm. o'e<t son of C.ip
J. M CM. ahms. Lf i C.a. , die.1 o
Monday the 24th, :: his fathr's r.,,idLnc
lio was on'y 23 Years of age, and haLd heei
sick but one ::.
The Sons h. I an .verfloving meeting o:
last Ta -ay.i1t night, a:-I in conscquhirie
'.:rge num ofextra chairs hU:il '( to be iur
ni4izd. Aout oe ha't er( la.lies, the sii
ters we mean.'nOr the chairs.
I Ie dwelli':M of .Ir. W. C. Sligh, near .
lapa took fire one d.v last week, from spark
a:N ; on the rm,t. and, but ,i'kfr ":rIsV e
mma cdlred :s.r who b;:pnocud :M heinth
yar,!at the :Ime, it would have been con
saned. Tie damage done was very sligh!
The n:ades: man in town is Sini:li. w
don't know which one tilugh. tor he ha
been winding up his clock regularly ever,
night for fifteen years and has just discover
ed it to be an eight day piece. Hie now ha
the epizoot in cousequene of expoure ii
the night air in cooling himself after the di
Newherry is a thrvin. place-person! liv
in. in :he ni;ltains who do no: ;: lght
Cvery flay, are iti uck whcin they cmt, he:c
Sonic few things only are lacking ye:-a fir
engine, water works, gas works, coal ard
Iltisiness wagons are ge:ting to be commo,
on the srees-:he Sin;.er Machine Co. havi
a tasty one, also the Wheeler & Wilson, the.
there is another-i one in the clock ah,terst, anm
a whole briga:le run with the Culver Bros
suves. Inded Xewberry is a civ.
Our young friend who hel.l the ribbon
attacled to the long-eared animals drawin.
the 6iek wagon, on m1kin. Ils first grant
;ntre lat Wednesda%, seened so i:itent o
"tim" a. to be olivioas iof lesser thing
as a da:naged post at the corner of Mollo
liorn will testify. He must not go in blint
next Lime.
The Union piray,:r cm:tiigs, 1:-ld in th
Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist andr Lutber
an Ch (urches, we:eC largely mtten.kd ,!uuin.
th,:'; actrmo:a. ar.oi. :ld htst e I
is good to see such i Enioll of the Va-:o1
denominations, and it is a bappy augury fo:
thte spir itutal growv lh of :he chlurchtes.
Thie 1tm:r. A. M1. Caiiereg, of theC Meth.o
dist Conferene, favored the church goin;.
people of this place with morning and eve
nling discourses on Sand:y thle 21., both ful
of his cioqulence anid lower. The reveren:
getntlem:mn is much drawn toward tiS pot
tion of the church's vineyard.
On Weduesdayv last v.e were favoredi witu
a visit from thse Rey. W. S. Black, formeilj
pastor of the Methsodist Church here, bu
nov P'resid ing Elder in the IIl!ston, N. C
Conferencee. lHe was received with open arms
not only by his o!d dlock, but by the communi
tyv generally, whto cherish a large esteem foi
him. 6.o gcod an opportunity was not to bc
lost, therefore, and the Rev. Manning Brow:
ytlv ot ani :poinltmenit for him to preach
whicih he dii in a .;raCious and highly profit
able maniner. Remaining with us until Fri
dhy, he left for Atnderscn, to visit his ve::er
r.bie and much loved mother. We are re
joiced to say that he is looking rcmatrkabl.
Yotnng Spring, a tenlder yout:, of hntt a few
weeks age, suddenly collapsed to a breatth c
Northi wind ont.Wednesday last. got bloe ir
the gills, like a fish too long out of water
md before Thursday mo)rning seemed abou
to give up and depart to the "clitme when
the woodbine twineth." We were rejoiceo
bowever to fi nd that t!t i next sunt discover's
tigns of life. Tihe yout:g feiJowr is nowvo
rously trying to become~ useful to soeciety.
[t is siucerely hoped he will be able to kecj
2n his legs, and to that end we call ont al
the ..ongsters of natutre, ftrom thespatrrow up
to. insp ire him with their songs. Ye yoaun
maidens and boys, let your hearts gutsh out
ye flowers burst into bloom, birds inIto song
and succor the sick yonng sprintg, thas
new life may be infused into his veins.
Talking of birds, we notice that U. S. Sen
stor Robertson has presented a lively set c
English sparrows to Colnmbia. to be placci
in Sidney P'ark. Are we n:-ver going to hacv
a Park? Surely we ought to have one
with shady groves for medit.tion, for lovers
to ramble and gush over in, and where th<
Cornets may discourse the sweet airs of
Nleyerbeetr and other composers to listenin.
rnultitudes. Oh ! let u< h are a Park,
And wye would not forget, while in a sen
timental vein, that our market-erected a
such cost-is oftimes bare of beef, let alots
mutton, pork, etc. Come to the rescue of
folir suffering towns men, ye people of t
:Onn:ly. Let us have beef.
A sad and mournful sight r'eveatkd itsel
yn Saturday morning at the market house
l'he carcase of a beef of dark mahogany, oi
perhaps walnut color, and as many hungr.
people standing around, as there were pounda
>f beef. ceach and all vociferotusly cryins
variously out, tender lo:n, steak, first cut
tecond, etc. Verily, vecriiy, th,e lines (loins
mave not falh'n to us in pleasaat places.
Refractory horses inclined to move back
ward instead of forward should not bt
logged in rear, this treatment makes ther
tick up) behind and go still futrther back. A~
:ase in point happened Wednesday; a stov<
wagon horse put in a protest, driver' whippet
biehind, horse kicked in same direction. Foi
an hour nearly, situation remained unchang
ad. Squire Pool of the brick hotel appeares
yn the scene, and attacked the.horse in fr'ont
and on the shins of thle forelegs, anid so vig
>rously that it less five minutes, the stub
born animal, after being brought to his
knees two or three times, shiowed the utmos
impatience to get away from the place, and
Irag as many stoves as might he piled in th<
wagon. Gctting.down on the marrow bones
s very efficacious, good for man or beast
sad we commend the idea to our readers. I
vorked like a charm on the horse, ineltet
aud subdued him.
THE ECLECTIC, published by E. P.. Pelton
>ew York, is received for Aprcil. The Eclec
ic gives the canm of lio:-ign as w.eil at
bomne literature, and is one of ihe best liter
ary papers published. Price, $5.
THE SocrittN CcLTtVAToa in it< .rpril
hmer is fre'ghtedl with good things fur th
sgrienilturist, antd gives h imn more than th<
value of a year's subscription in insfot'matiot
d AN, A
Panatofn Supplies, Dry Gol
e Keep constantly v:
C.e ~Cf~&Ai
:w n ; la e Ti(1
Lard, ua,S.a[
Siu:r Cor:n, Toi
h Pink E
hoice.A No. I ar.ielc GO:; Blitter, :-:id
Give t;sa 1-:11.
.I. . J, i-tf.
ih our v rx;,-ience weare satisfi-d that it
%ill be to our inwerest as wll as tie
Interest of Those With
Whom We Deal,
to 0oi r !ve. str y to tho GA'Slf
YST M !, :t:rd S% L f FO ui S!uN NT P R01TS.
Oe h -pt ouvi-- d Ov a p1t ilpubic ;.:enk
rAiI lly, . 'viv 3:, a !:ia, - ri r this tew
SVtm1 up w hi h we n.ow enter, ald we
l ende;vor to make it to theirincerest to
rVe us U..i pa-ro-:12(.
A good stcek Af
Heavy and Family Groceries,
and a CONSTANT SIPPLY of the
I :o tij- a of : vis 1f -hi xb %- invite all
pelois wvishing to purchase goods in our
line before they nj.tke their purchases.
R. M00 %A & 0
All ~ 41fi prn :.:bdtoabow vr
Ac , tr m ern istl req .ed to
111ake pmymnt At oice. All our clanis are
r past due and we mn.zt have :hem settled.
WVe meanu what we say.
MIar.c X ::---a0
Are rece iing their FAE L 5U~PPLY of
Oct. 2, 40-tf.
J. H. O'Neill, Agt.
Corner Caid well and Friend Sts.
Opposite Mr. P. Scott, Merchant Tailor,
Has just received and opening a general as,
sortment oft
Low for Cash, or coun
try Produce.
The public generally are invited
- to call and exam ine my stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
The Highest Price Paid for
Free Transportation.
WE are prepared to ;grind from one to
one hutndre d and fifty bushiels Corn per day,
and will furn:ish free transporta:ion of their
i rain to a::d fromn our :mi!! for oar patrons
free of ebar;e.
A pr. 17, 1t--:f.
TU.AT eie;gant and commne.diou4 S:rc on
the corn;er, (oppo-ite A. M. Wic ier'.), arnd
S.*tely occupied by 'deFall & Pool. For
terms apply to
tcrFALL~ & P'OOL.
)ds, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c.,
a hand a good line of
ging, Plantation Hoes,
,I Trace Chains,
lacco, WVooden and Willow Ware,
'C Potatoes, &c.
bbls., - bbIq., 5 and 10 gallon kegs, also a
3uckwheat Foir in ab'r.ance.
11. O'N. IiARRING'TN'.
Proessionaf CinWArd;.
Dental Surgeons,
((radnuates of the Pennsylvania College of
Dental Surgery.
Mar. 19, '3-1 1-:f.
To Woimaen. Both Married and
* Single.
Appy for relief beforc you bcc.iuc a con
ninmd invalid.
I have been for years past attending strict
ly to the treatment of diseases of women,
both married and single, and as the number
of cases continues to increase almost daily I
will pay special attention to those who may
apply to mc for help, and may, if I should
get a sufficient number of cases, make it a
There are many women who are taking
medicines recommended for such diseases,
which are worse than useless, they palliate
and sometimes seem to give relief, but in
fact they postpone the evil until the disease
assumes the chronic form, and then they ap
pir to the Physician for relief, which en b
given, but not so soon as when talen in the
first or early st.ge.
I use no quack medicines, I treat diseases
;. *U. UFF.
Y. B. I practice for cash nly and promipt
.Mar. 12, 10-tf
Attorney At Law,
Ouicte in rea of Messes. Moormn.;a &1
Ma I.r. 5, J-.'
Dr. G. W.A (Gairmany
lepefu!!y in forms the' pu~blic I hat hec
ec.n be found during the day, at Mr. .John
A. Chapmaan's ltook Stor..
Mar. 19, 11-tf.
All the most approved PATENT MEDI
C!NES$ constantly on hand.
ARTI('LES, of the choicest character.
MEDIFINAL LIQUORS, of purest ouali
Prescriptions compounded carefully, at
all hours, day and night.
Mar. 12, '70-10-tf.
Plaini Street-COLUMBIA,
Hlasa ibays on hand the purest
Drugs, Medicines and
Medicinal Liquors,
All kinds
Of the best,
Superior Colognes,
Combs, Brushes, Soaps,
Poades, and Fancy
Teilet Articles, &c.
Orders promptly attended to and with
utmo,st satisfaction. Meh 5, 9-3m.
A sure and permanent Cure for nll diseases
caused by a deranged Liver, such as ,aun
dice, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Fevers,
* Nervousness. Impurity of the Blood,
Melancholy, Costiveness, Sick
Headache.Pains in the Head.
* and all kindred diseases.
Prepared only by
Mar. 12, 1l-tm. CHUARLOTTE, N. C.
Ma ., . . -
eye atm.e JmK4.-A M . K M
eve br:;.ot hsm r cn istn of .ie ats an t pn .si DREtSS
C 0 1-j c f
GOui 8,G. 111Fl RES, &c. w it'fll ].,e of,
: :N mthr atiles . f ::... i: a h t Clai Dry Good. tabishmen.
u...t...0, *he ion an d upevion of MIZZ. A. Mol' RMICK, so :en -ri: y know
ti :.ia : I8 s .,:-he . il.d :.t,u esu u u. trcin :e e : having
r*:- by her-&l ,:1, :lt fi,: e, "o t :ca! t5
t.i: !. in 1 TFhe : : o : b d f :- jStly c i i in- , c.t ie -
Iand s4talc tor i o i n. us: .e.
p it:> ::, :w- h.i. -- to give :1 ..4 e i.
J. I. KI1 NT A. RD ,
Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods.
C OLUmBIA. , S. C .
WE are now receiving and will continie to throu;h the season the B1T READY
MADE CLOTHING. that cannot be surjpassed if eqalledl by any custom made. All the
A splendid line
'he nuder igned respectfully calk hie attention of their frie,.ds ar.d utomcrs of New
ber--y and upper Counties, to their lar:eand w.eil selcc,-ed Stock of Gook. V;*orS to the
City are invited to call andt examine. Orders will be promptly at;ended to and satisfaction
guaran teca.
Oct.9, 1-tf. KINARD & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C.
0\,iEF R - S E. A M-IeC
TCK io
The AMERICAN will Last a Lire Tl-ne.
SHIRTS, &c. It is,superior to all0ther4 for s mplicit,
and -durability.
It has been pronounced by the best me
chanics the best finished, and made on the
Om- euitromeirs know that we always best plan, of any machine manufactured.
(;APLMN'1S.Will sew the finest and coarsest fabrics, no
have special styles of GARENT.matter how much starch. Never dr ops
. . , ~~~stitches, ruts light andal stnie s.
an atiual nHAT. tten-Call and examine for yourself.
not e hd insmnl esablshmets. Sold on tneo most reasonable ter ms and
not o hd insmal ctahhhmets. satisfaction guaraniteed.
Send vour orders a?nd we will fill Inaueen:ent- to clubs.
them.Oct. 23 43-if.
is <di:tinict from our R EADY DE _____gies, Salidlery. .
and our patrous canl dependup:be
ing pleased.uo:be jEB,J &PUkR
We still take ordiers for SHIRTS. -
guarainteeing a PERFECT FIT. We ~nrur
send Goods per Express subject to ex- y~t~~ ~~r~
Aui can n.ow a stock of
R . & W. C. SWA FFI E LD, Carriages, Buggies, Saddlery,
Mar. 19, nl-tf. HANES AND FIXTURES,
ooooooooooOoOo0oo 00ooooooo BABY CARRIAGES,
000) 000
000 00(1
oco Which will prove gratifying to the 00ooo alv n.~iii.ultO euy
000 public, anid which we are glad 000eealy hanu,nnafo euy
000oo elegance, durability a.d superio:tty cannot
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 000000ooo000 be surpassed ini thec country.
ooooooooooooooooTO 00o00o0000oo0o000 WE SELL AT FACTORY PRICES,
0000000000000000 0 00000000 000000000
00 Imipart is thatt our stock of Clothing 00 , ACOrY ADL 1.and' I.d E ts Au
000 is always kept up by regular ad- ooo 1- TR v.o uphn um u
000 lmer. i..aw neve*r oo
i:ignoi 2 AT THE LOWEn STORE
000 000 can be found0 a choce ani areasot
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOoo min: t f
0000000 000000
ooooooooo F m l Grc ie
0000000000000000 000000000000000o0o I
0000o00000o00oo0 * * . 0o0000000o000o00
ooo All that is asked is that a call be ooo of~ ever ch are:e an ki :. ~ hie we ti
000 nmade ooosl
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Low for Cash!
000 000
00000000000000 00000000000000000
occo0000o00000000OA 00000000000000000 We huv !arge'y o? ICOTTON and give tihe
000 000 top of the mtarker :'w . n.
0oooooooooooooooooooooooo0ooooooooooo00 All we ask is that th pub:e will favor
000 000 us with a call so that an exandination may
E The Clothing Emporiumofm; betmade. lnememsr:r Ice are th:ce sepa.
00000000000 000000000000 0000000000000 \\W EBB, JONES & PA RKER.
0000000000 OOOOcoOoo ooooooooooooo** hIterEsti Gg to AU.
000 000 My'tm o*fflicebh v :g exp:red. I re
000 NEWBERRY, $. C. ouo spectf my n ' .y ;*.::s,-i o h:d liens,
Quo oto deeds o mrtag<s a r .ted ding my
oooooooooooooso 000oo ,oQQgOO oooo oeo term of oSice, to csU ou Messrs. & ,Tne

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