EP 6 4M8. are -at t o dcsc melus,. communi tqero ariterests. tributes dard ~a regular adrer .a Versgqaae. _ f a atratioa, and other legal bbaiesm, tributes of respect and a eedg,as as commanlca l. rstonal ebeater must be sid a ucxiptInpriceof the na aD Is or tselve .meaths$ ii efer six lb: ttea and 25 a lIs psee 2upcl4 6 cei iC lg ps at to 1 i-iertm be. - d at- regular s,..oe doUper square. caah m be fourd on fBa atGeo. P. aewsapezp.Avertistng Ba at.,) where advertisin eon may be made for it in New Y o. Y owers,postm:trter,aIProrle!it. egeur at that plee ADYERTISFEaTS. -B. H. Clie & Co. Prlo+ IYon Can.-Newherrv -Willeiar'b & Co. -Wila. CoBerald Book Store. YcWbirter. . W .i ori, ised after a 1Hless, at the residence of his Mr. Jas. Cofield, in Union An the 22d of August, in the year of his age. 'sial years the health of this dad .respected citizen had been ipafred,' which neessitated his t from the aetive diuties of ;Wrl1telligence. and genial man r e Ihn the sympathy and al who knew him. Peace to 1q r" otattons for Thursday. s3 m ding84; Low Middling 8j. :. Stair Way - iewen the stores of Messrs. S. P. Son and B. H, Cline, Leads fTrial Justice Henry H. 9 u e than Ever. e invite attention to the notice ie of the low rates at which we teh 'nted envelopes, bill w!d 3lttr 'eads, in~d all other ob Printing. These prices . ave known 'and watched the use t Swift' Spe.cific (S. S. S.) for over *fty years, and never have known or Seea r "of its faiure to care any case of Poison when properly taken. H. L. DENNABD, Perry, Ga. -E~ame. bad' tle pleasure a few mornings of exami1ing some very credita J emenasof crochet. work, made asmie Cline, the accomplished r of our' friend W. H. Cline. a 'onisted of a mist and a tidy. s.3amie is to be congratulated on c : , er skill in this kind of beautiful work aet Received. SOar monthly is acknowleged for Au ~~ae always pleased with the ~EW~I*dy and lively neigh The Flqra CabThet is a charming 6onthly devoted. to the varied and beautiful in the floral kIno'o The September number receive. Subscrip tionprieec$.25 per year. Publislied at 22 Yesey St., N. Y7. Rnew twa Coming. frw e nwit was coming, frw noised it on the breeze, the good time, the business time, the money time, and our friend Geo. MeWhirter, al thoue htuissed the mark as a weather prpet. kuowvs it also, hence he has S et his muse to work, and breaks out an joos -soug. Hie has moved into the lrestore vacated by Cloud & $mith, ad now displays a splendid assortmlent of groceries. Visit him ye ~' people. _______ to brai,st when:s man hhns e may as well give expression tobi thouights. ,We do think that we have -the prettiest and finest book and stationery store, between Columbia audGreeinvlle. Ithas been recently *Jtied up and painted, and a new stock invarious lines just received. Aito gether we claim th-at it is a credit F'to our town anid deserving of the r atro.ing it receives. We cordially -extend an invitation to the public. es pecially the ladies, to visit it. Moving Notice. Humriity is generally so symapa ubetie that it is always touched by any thing of a moving character. It is not oor-b:Anees now to move the publie -totearA but rather to move them agree abyby saying that Mr. Ri. D. Smith wiBl to-day Thursday move bis stock et clothing into the new Crobwell baulng, from whence hereafter he 7\will dispose of his splendid new stoek of getlemen's and youth's furnishing god.Look out for his new adver F teeat next week. TeInspection. Some things happen before others, and one of these before things is the drinting of the Herald. It gnes to press before the great event of the day --the Inspection by Gen. Managault. of that splendid body of young men composing the Newberry Rifles. This uoneh we can say now, however, that the boys will do credit to themselves and their Captain 0. L. Schampert. They were out In full dress Tuesday -afternoon and drilled like regulars. Three cheers and a cage full of tigers rifr the Rifles and their uniform. In the absence of the Pastor there - ere no services at the Baptist church last Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Smart after a long rest preaebed to lreaudiences~ morning and ngtat the ethodist Church. The it Rev. Bishop Howe assis F ted by teRev. M. Hauckle conducted *i the service at the Episcopal church B unday morning and afternoon. In the morning four persons were con firmed-one gentleman and three ladies. The Bishop preached' two thoughtful and holy sermons-the one in the -morning from Gal: 6 chapter and 14 vei-se. and that in the afternoon from t. Math: 12 chapter and 39-40 verses. POST OFFICE. - Wasaa C. H.,5.0C., Aug. 25.1883 Sist advertised letters ior week ending Steez1, 1883: Luis r. Catheriue.Huffman. Emma E. up,G.iT. I hpael, Jop - 0B6, Mrs. Julia Spermas, Dla Uzswa Eiss 8. 3Jones, Robert .rur, E' |Ma fe J. M Oe~Mrs. Rebecga uMMorris, W.W.j ,ogas Lala. I Wimiams, R. D Sad.8ite 'Wil sos, W.E ,uu Willam (2) IToong, Miss Lud~ia Pardis eIhing for leuers will ,2essaj avesIed. R.W-BOO E,P . Sebha rMMfn and Pienle. 'We=are toldthat the exhibition and pienic-given by Mr. M. M. Kinard's saoolaHarnnS1st-Fidayasa oe1ess in eezr tlar. The..ex eresesY tpi sr are saiato ia'e ard, her of the teacher show e j- merit as a speaker: In a nto4he exhibition by-ttie school. short addtesses were delivered by the School Commissioner and W. H. Wal lace, Esq. 'We are sorry that we were not able 'to attend the exhibition. and we return thanks for the cordial invi tation that we received. ":tothe Newberry S. C. dear . i wants you to under st$ad aant to go i a sah oas'ms s fashion as the 1 aales . e, scholars in Qu'sehe0.n as yeurs - . a Teacher." The es written on a soiled half of. an envelope wi received through the Post OffIe the other day. We know neither who "a Teacber" is nOr what he is driving at. But if he I. really a teacher and we knew his iame. we wold endeavor to have him "go in a Sehool1ouse" no longer as a teacher "Just fira fashion'; but as a scholar just to learn to spell andwrite. He might- then have in his sebool a scholar better than the present "Teacher." A Prophet Handred In his own Coun try." Some people are wedded to the fool Ish notion that there is no excellence in anything that does not bear a foreign mark. "'Tis distance that lends en eiantmet to the view." But we.are vving in a practical age. High-sound ing names were once of - much avail, but they are found now to empty things. aferit is the guina stamp that indicates true worth. Here is a rem edy that stands the tests of experience. As gold grows brighter by usage, so is this medicine the more appreciated as it becomes better known. The large and increasing sales of Norman's Neu tralizing Cordial effected in the little State of-South Carolina. the home of this. wonderful remedy, is the surest 1 proof that a prophet is honored in his own country. 'The 1i5t Y fl ir. The Premium List of the Newberry Agricultural and Mechanical Associa tion for the second Annual Fair is on our table. The Fair will begin on Wednesday Oct. 17th and continue 'until Friday evening, the premiuns ranging from 50 ets to $10 t' be award ed at 2.30 of that day. Entries free, but for all persons over 12 years of age an admission of S-ets will be charged, children under 12, 25 -ets. Season ] tickets $1. The List bears the inprint i of the )bserver Office, and is neatly i printed. But little time, about live weeks, is afforded our fanner friends and others to prepare for the Fair, and it is hoped that they will use the intervening time with an eye to the successful issue of what should interest the entire com- 7 munity. Let the :air under the new I regime he a complete suesess. I Colored Campmeeting The members of the A. 31. E. Church of this place had their annual camp mieeting at the Bandusian Spring during the past yeek. The crowd on Sunday was immense. In the after -noon of that day, Bishop W. F. Dicker-i son pre:ached a long and forcible ser-< Rev. Abe 3Miller, Dr. Turpin and others also preached during the week. The first of these (Rev. Miller) it will be remembered was once a resident of this place and office boy ini Jones & Thompson's, dental office. He now preaci;a'laithe Indian Territory. He prcehes flueia ly and intelligently. T'he campmeetig is .'econted a sue ess,-a great many havi:r< been con victed and converted. The services were held under the arbor iring the day, but in the church a night-the Bishop observing that mnuch better order could be had at nigh:: in the church than under the arbor. "Cousin Mattie" Heard Fro. 3 A pleasantly penciled note, written under the grateful shade of a wide spreading oak in the church-yard att Zoa-indgefield County, comes- 30 us from Cbusin Mattie Boyd. As every one knows her, and to know her is to love her, so her many friends will be glad to hear that she is well, and clos ing up her twenty-third Edgefield ' lass, and out of that large nuimber has made many sweet singers. Edoefield ' still claims her serneies and will pro- t vide her another large class, but whether on that side of the river or on i this, Cousin Mattile is assured that there is always material snfficient to afford her a class. The gratifying intelli gence is also conveyed that her hon ored and beloved father, the Rev. Mark Boyd is gaining strength and health in Laurens under the care of ( his son. Rev. Geo. Boyd. It is always pleasant to mnake note of any of the members of tis happy, christian ~ family. Southern Cultivator for September. t The first Fall number of the above monthly, is fii of good rer.ding for. the Southern Agrieulturist. The num ber opens with 'Thioughts for the I Month"' by Dr. Jonies:; the "Silo" is written. by Mr. Henry W. Grady, who t gives a description of Mr. A. J. Orme's I Silo, within a few miles of Atlanta; a "Good Dirt Roads" and "Our Public Highways" are discussed; the sixth number of "Dickson's System of Farm ing" duly appears, and in it is discussed "The Cultivation of Corn." "Ditch ing and Terracing," "The Legal De- s partment," "Patrons of Husbandry" i and 'Bill Arp's Ldtter," are all inter- s esting features. The September number has a plan, with illustrations. for building a umod~el t Gin House. The Jersey. Horse, Hog i and Poultry Departments are full. $1.50 will pay for a year's su'-scrip tion ; or to clubs of five the paper is I put at $1.25 a year each, to elubs of ten at $1.00 each. Address Jas. P. Harri son & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Jlly Street Dots. Crops are better in this section than i farmers once anticipated. Dr. D. H. t Werts and five or six others went sein ing on Broad River last week, they S captured about 200 of.the finny tribe.< The most amusing thing of, tihe trip t was one of tihe party catching grass hoppers to bait set hooks; after chase lg them around over fences, ditches and through briers, about two hours he I concluded it was a bad job. He is now a knowu as orasshopper John. A free arbecue picnic which took , place at Jolly Street Academy (where j Mr. G. A. Mills he a fiourishing school of about 40) pupils) was a grapnd sue cess in every respect. There were about 300 persons present. Every one said it was one of the best they had at- ~ tended this season. The enjoyment ! of the day was croquet playing, ~ dancing and sparking. Messrs. Willie Ruff'and Adam Aull furnished excel lent music for the occasion. There a was no speaking until late in the eve- ( ning, then 'wire grass did some loud I taking. Yours &e.,i Personal. Col. Petty of the Carolina Spar paid our town a visit last week. Mr. B. H. Cline returned last lay, from an extended trip North. Mr. Abe Foot of Atlanta was town from Sattnday to Monday. We were pleased to see Mr. Be Epting of Pomaria, in town Mon We learn that Misi Lilian Steck xecepted a position in th'e Walh Female College. Mr. P. P. Langiord who has 1 erving in Greenville as juryman. ieturined home. Mrs. A. C. Chapman and her dat er a returned. home last we rom a vist.to her fathers. Misaes Birdie Rook and Ida F aho spent a summer vacation ou :owa are again at home. Mr. Samuel Sligh, of Florids. ik o isit to hia brother, our esteemed fr' he Rev. J. A.'Sligh. Misses Kate and Alice Mayer risiting in Laurens, Newberry mi heir bright presence. Mr. Jeff Wooten -returned from usta on Monday, after-spending a lays in that city. Miss Lillie Allen, 'who has b pending- some. time with her sist.e a.bbeville, has returned home,. Mr. Ed. Scholtz is in New York ] ng in a stoek of jewelry and fi trticles for the fall trade. Mr. S. S. Langford iz isiting qorthern markets in search nif uu hing to please the publi. Mr. Jas. Crawford is on a visit to >ld range. We are glad to say t is health is much improved. - - Mr.:M. Foot- left. on Monday for forth, for the. purchase of his J :tock of goods. Mr. J. G. Houseal has sold his pl o Mr. W. C. Cromer, and will i o town in a few mouths. Miss Minnie Ruff has consentee each school at Mr. L. P. W. Rise nother scholastic year. Mr. Andrew McCaughrin ret;urr roni Virginia last week, very ml nproved by rest and recreation. Mr. S. P. Boozer has returned fr he - Northern markets having p based advantageously of hardwa Mr. R. D. Smith, of the firm ,loud & Smith, the irrepressible yot 'lothier of Newberry. is back from v orth. Dr. W. E. Pelham returned fr .aurens County on Monday and ;orts that Mrs. Pelham is emprove n health. The Rev. J. B. Campbell arrive< own on yesterday, on a call from 1 ,anpbell who is sick. He is stopp ,t Mr. Robt. Moornan's. Mr. H. H. Samuels, son-in-law Ir. Foot was in town on Tuesday, eft Wednesday. His wife is stil: lenderson. Mrs. Joe. Milam who has been spe ng some time with her relatives ewberry. left for Atlanta yes1 aV. L. J. Jones, Esq.. and M. A. Carl =q., went to Laurens Tuesday af1 con with the hope of being' abl< lispose of "an old ease.'' After being at Liberty Hall, Glem Vest's, and various other places of erest, the Junior begs leave tn hat he is now at your service. Dr. J. E. Berley has decided to ote his life to the sacred minist nd he will leave home for the The< ~ical Seminary, in a short time. The Honorable David R. Phifer ti ~raphed from Dakota, to Mr. C. luist last week, that he had succee< a obtaining a divorce from his wife Silas Johnston, Esq.,Master.and v eturned from Glenn's Spring at Thu lay last. We are pleased to say t: (rs. Johnstonc health has improv hile the Masters is much better. L. W. Jones, Esq., reached ho 'hursday after an agreeable visil le North during which he took in arvels of the Louisville Exposit ad the-wonders of Mammoth eave. Capt. J. N. Lipscomib returnet ~olumbia the first of the week, afte: isit to his brother Mr. M. B, Lipscor he poor crops confirm his opinion t re need more diversity in our agri< ue. 'arlous and all About. Business reviveth. Nights and mornings are hot. This is the tixth day of September Col. Thios. W. Holloway has a spi id field of corn, at Pomnaria. The fire boys will create a sensat ren they get on their new unifori Nights and mornings ire grow elieionsly cooler, and remind on.: be fall, but money is still scaree. Wood will soon be wanted by ahabitants of the town, and this of uts in a bid for it at once. Read B. H. Cline & Co., new adv sement. It is worth'the reading, will sare you money, if you will o: et. September-yes there's an R. in V'ill you take your oysters stewed red? Dr. H. L. Battle. Jr., Wadles, G ays : "Brown's Iron Bitters are v< opular in this section and give cn1 atisfaction. We learn that Mr. McGraw has sa ut and will go to Arkansas in a sh mie. He has bargained for a pl. ear Richmond, Ark. Come aind get a supply of those I rinted envelopes, and have your ress and business printed on th or next to nothing. Our Book Store has been treateld lowing: A rtThe young ladies have made anew U ic departure in Darlington county. A M .short time ag-, a fair maiden of re- & spectable family, vjith a good educa O% tion and unstainedl character, rose dfrom her bed between midnight and em day and walked six miles to the house pc where her heart's desire was sleep- e1 to ing. She arrived there before daylight ish and first encountered some savage 1st dogs, but as old Cupid fears neither of locks. nor bar's, nor barks, she made ds. her way to the house, aroused the in- sleepy-headed swain, and then the ... re- twain walked six niles to a preacher' - em house, where they were made one. It is said that Darlington mothers are d locking up their sons at night, n ow, to a ew prevent the girls from running away 'M with them. is Boys,f "eternal vigilence is the price ei ofliberty." ,y *rs. THE KNIFE AND PISTOL.-The col D. ored campmeetingat Tabernacle which- t py commenced on Wednesday of last week er was largely attended. From 3,000 to 5,000 colored people were on the in ground. Saturday night a serious al by tereation occurred a short distance frome m~t the place of services. In the affray ike William Lomax, colored, was severely; *beaten andl stabbed and James Gilliam, nwhite, was shot in the thigh with a in pistol.-Abberi&i Mediun. e- Within a radius of two miles of. rd- Montmorenei, Aiken County. there are Dr. 250 hogs fattening to be slaughtered thMs winter anr1 most of them are fine. t.. IT I A FACT That Mothers have had no little rouble in getting shoes suitable or their Children in Newberry. 'hey have so often been compelled o take the shoe they DO NOT rant for the shoe they DO want, hat the time for buying their chil. ren shoes is thought of with dread. [HATBe B. ,I HAS ow in stock over 100 different tyles of Children Shoes is true eyond a doubt; and if mothers rill visit our store they will be sure find just the shoe the children re in need of. Zeigler' s Fine Cus )m made shoes for ladies, are the est manufactured, for the simple mason that nothing but the very est material is used in making iem What can be better than 1e best? Hess' Hand made shoes r gentlemen are perfect. The Future which financially )oks so dark and gloomy now rightens when the glorious an. oncement is made that we have WORSTED AT 81-3,10 IND 121-2 PER YARD. .11 interested are invited to attend ie grand Sale of Worsteds ! These ods are honest, well made and liable in every way, and are. even eater bargains for 8j, 10 and )4 ets., per yard, than our beauti Lil lawns wore for 5 ets., per yard. Having rented the rooms above ir.Emporiim wherein to store our agnificent Stock of Domestics, hich embraces every article in the omestic line, we are thereby en >led to devote over one third of ir entire store to Worsted ! Does is mean anything? It means a ock so vast, that no former mer iant ever dreamed, much less Lought of bringing to Newberry; varied and beautiful that Every ne can find just the style of dress iey want; so cheap that EVEN NE DOLLAR ($1.00) will buy 'a retty and a serviceable dress; ONE 'OLLAR and TWENTY-CENTS 1,20) .will buy a handsome dress; id ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY ENT ($1,50) will buy-a superb ool Cashmere. Just arrived a .case of Mdre. hompson's celebrated perfect fit CORSETS FOR $100. uying them in case lots we are en ~led to sell the- best corset made r $1.00. Go no further for a bet r .corset cannot be found. It ands without a rival for wear, mfort, and elegance of finish. uy them and you will be more than leased-our word for it. We have a complete LINE of LACK and COLORED SILKS id SATINS. with all necessary rimmings, which we offer at our stablished low prices. "How do >u sell such beautiful bleaching r 8* cts.,?" is asked by the de hted housekeeper, when our ex ~llent yard wide, FREE FROM barch "Hero Bleaching," is shown ~r, which retails regularly all over e world for 10 cts., per yard. Notions is our great Speciality. re love to buy them, we delight'1n lling them. To dispose of them Prices which are right instead the exfiorbant prices usually de anded for Notions shall be our mn. Great temptations await~ you Collars, Buttons, Gloves, Purses, air Ornaments, Bracelets, Breast-. ns, Ribbons, &c. A lovely line Hamburg Embroideries have just *rived. We carry the largest stock Ladies Fine .Neck wear in the ity. The styles are unusually -etty and attractive this Season. 114)IERY! ir stoek is simply immense, Great rgains will be the. order of the The GENTLl2MENBFruinhing oods Department is~eeiedenat ith choice Craga?s, Tied, Scarfs, cllars, Cuffs, *e. We will sell a muine linen Collar for 12 ets. genuine linen Cuff for 20 cts. genuine linen Shirt fog1 e ts. nderwear of. every de&drlption. e are prepared to sell Shirting c., by the piece at heavy^dis unts. We still follow our old rule of >lite and couirteous attention to rery visitor whether purchaser or >t. B. H. Cline & Co. Three Times A Day Is not too often to use it, yet if once day the teeth are 'brushed with 'oOD'S ODONTNE the greatest change observed. Instead of brown, stain-. I and ugly looking spots on the teeth >u will see a brigh row of polished marles, where te" teeth are sound id even when they are not perfect Ley will be kept from further decay. rOOD's ODoNTlINE cntains nothing hich can possibly injure the teeth but 1 the contrary is benefieial to teeth is and breath. Trade supplied by W. C. FISHEB,. Wholesale Agent, Columbia, S. C. r sale by Dr. S. F. Fant and W. .Feb. 28, 9.-1y XU~ esO, ond oer in Fee, DschrgsoruDe rtz,ec. srreresae R E and elegant sto +avird'e. Fron Goods almost at as we don't wani a few days for ti in selecting a st< our store the . of Newberrv an< success far BEY( we will spread 4 large and attract Sanjg. 7, 32-tf. - South Carolina MILITARY AJADM Charleston, S. C. GEN. JOHNSON HAGOOD, Cairmaa Board of Visitors. COL. J.,. P. THOMAS, Superintedt. The Second Academic year since re establishment by Act of . General Asembly, will begin Octo 2d next. Applications for Cadetsilg tnmt be made on or before September 20t1 next,. to the Chairman of Vis itors at Barnwell-C. H., Pay Cadets received froi iy State. Registers or Circulars furinshed by Supermntendent. Newberry ge~ Instruction in variousa :d ments will begin Oct. 1st. ihtnruors. FULL COURSES OF S.UY. ?rae tical courses in the Natural Spiences. Prompt entrance secures great ad-van tages. Board $10 to $12 per month. Tuition $19 per term. For further in formiition, address REV. G. W. HOLLAND, A.'M., aug 13, 33-5t Preside4t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA NEWBEREY COUNTY. Court of Probate. D. Augustus Dickert -and Mary C. Dickert,-Plaintifs, against Susannah Cromer, Sarah Dominick, and David Cromer, and John L. Cro mer, William Cromer, and Martha Cro mer, heirs-at-law of Lemuel Cromer, deceased, Defendants. Summons for Relief. To the defendants, John L. Cromer, William Cromer and Martha Cromer, hcirs-at-law ..of Lemuel Cromer, de eased. You are hereby- summoned and re :uired to answer the complaint and ptition in this action, which-was filed n the oficee of the -Judge of Probate for said County, on the first day of arch, 1883, and to serve ae copy of your answer to the said complaint and petition on the subscribers at their oficee at Newberry Court House, South arolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of such service; and if you fall to answer the omplaint and petition within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief emanded in the complaint and peti tion. Dated August 1st, 1883. [SEA L.] J. B. FELLERS, J. P., N. C. JOHNsTONE & CB~OER, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. aug. 1, 31-6t. S. B. JONES, sUccEssoa TO H. A. BURNS. I take infinite pleasure in informing my friends and the former customers f the old firm of H. A. BURNS, that aving purchased his entire stock, to wyhich I AM DAILY ADDING FRCTIT S, CONFECTI5NE RIES, CANNED G00DS, AND A LL THE, VABIOUS Hous8ehold Articles, so highly prized by the tasty house. kpeper, and which no one can do with ut, that I am now prepared to furnish everythng needed by the most fasti :ions appetite or taste. -All I ask is that you call and see me; and if you do not see what you want ask for it. A specialty made in.Seasonngs, such as Spices, Cinnamon, Cloves, and al] kinds of flavorings. ICE CREAM AND FRUITS IN SEASON. SS. B.JONES. SOMETHING USEFUL New Letter Writers. Recitation and Dialogue boo0ks. .V J dertsesentts. bat Cloud & Smith will move September 1st to (heir new e. (now being built by Mr. Crotwell), opposite J. 0 now till September 1st come to the Old Stand-and buy.w our OWt .AOtO to move any Goods to our new Store. We will lea te Northern Markets and )ck that will suit our customers. We propose t mke l second to none in the Up-Country. Having met with IND OUR EXPECTATIONS, )urselves more than ever.this Fall, and will lay in a ver ive stock. - loud. & iz THE NEWBERRY CLOTH 8* 3 JOHNSON & The Racine Farm and:=ritc July26, 3G-3m. New and Seaso it Are being received evey d large and complete man Spring and Sumner s an ul lne wil e offeredat ra Examine them. G. BOUENIGH~ B XL March 28 13 tf ImportantNotice.' ', Buying p.nd selling for> j'EML CASH ONLY I am enabled to offer to the public IMPORTED ANm AMERICAN BRANDIES, LEu4 also the finest and bestEFrench Branldies, the celebrated BAKER RYE UaDL for family use, at prices which defy ndeoad COMPETITION. POftTER'S TIVOLI BBER I_________ for family use, one dozen Pint Bottles Bed iFaun;0a rm ar~ at reeieprmp0ttn All order's will eevprmtaen tion. With thanks for former ptron- . age to this house, I respeetfully solicit a continuance of the same. ______________ 03 KLETTNER, T Under Newberry Opera House. june 11, 24.-7mos. - -c;uc ca 'rrae.c tet,n ths ter ooeatuies.Bok v ingH-neetons in Patents free. I eE8. .. AE faetAt%