Special ana Local. THURSDAY MARCH 27, 1884. ri. rA. 1%pers Postumter,amPooerity, is our 1_2hoied agent at that plae Mr. . IL rohn win also receive anil re ipt for subscriptions at Prosperity. Ths rmay beAopadon21a at Ge. owell& Newspap4r: A n BU mean 11(ou St -*bere~advertisin oon-| tracts mav be made for It to New Y-r| AW1kIbs vM eocfhr a favor by esam-i _.*he d&twXjq yts aM theirsnameL, and 0wtis ima mg* they Vi1ibtf o rit. istalas will *rmdmas. INDz To Nw ADvaTnsrE rs. Notice-Town Council. Notice-W. P. Bowers - Notice Gin ae-G. G. Lane. When Lovel Woman-W. C. Fisher. Notice-Final Discharge, Wm. Lester. S. C. m se Assodatio-John Forest. For the HOUSd of Repreentatives-MaInY I Voters. Blackwells Durham Tobacco. NEWERY CTTO MARKET RFUT. - CoRMED WEEK4Y :BY , WiHt & MIV , Vtta BrIken. Good Ordinary --------- Strict Good Ordinary ------ Low Middlng ----- . 9f Vidd1M'gk ---- ----- a ood Middling' -- - - - --- -O a rket very firm. ipts since Sep't. 1st,1883.15.824B. ts for week ending th,184. -- - -- -243 B.i t. Charles, W. Sims, of the hern portion of the County, died n Wednesday last of Apoplexy. *He had left home to go to a frieud's, and was found by the road side insen sible. Capt. Sims once did business an thisplae, and mad,zna%y.frIends. AImp everyda is a rush at FL CANE. Apply ALAPA, S. C. of Atlanta, Ga., -orma's Neutra family for d num sider it a medicine out.ho - pt pardb"e from me 'Lwaiecific' S. S. S.) has - Ne rnn. Swyge Marc] Alice C T. No. Marc 41"uRnOgof the tee, to townwas held Mon- fiet, T st Parsonage. Besides Marc ce.the Rev. Mr-j. -M. i linton Baptist Church 9 he proceedings, which resting. The Rev. Robt. at Laurens. The Phrens celebra og M. ila an-F day column. It .404a n, large a though nearly dead it on 11- The Mham's Bitters rest'ored h m perfect prope ion every.where istlinto a .tions. and truswostthy-etIsel.- He N J. L merchant at Clinton, S. C. sa ori No :t- a - he prei The Taylor & Cox Steam Tfr scope tinguishe: we are pleased to see has hea an agent in our~ town for the exhib)i- than ] tion and sale, and~none other than ourRse young and accomplishe.d friend Mrserl Geo. 0. Lane. He is the m.n to i speak of lts merits, and will do so to then me the satisfaction of all who consult him. thoe n e can be found at the store of Mr.her .P. Boozer. ne.ver eutati4 The Corpse Kicks. -of eacl A meeting of the Republican Party of the town was held on Tuesday thujec niiiht, for the pumpose of appointing TheI deegates to attend a County Conven- uThe tion to be held here on Saturday next. it T wenty-two delegates were appointed. a es The- object of the Convention of Sat- sep urday is to select delegates to attend scipts the ~State Convention to meet m~ Col- Del umnbia on the 15th cf April next. the 2 ene HaD. '- - the ev *Our toilm anda leki ~ iv visited Alt by a .very'sere haiLs~-n Toes- Sn)ee da-afternooli. 'the baUl # y T &e fu ly ~the size ofgUieOiegZs. i0ii A.W Eelsm Mill the hail was more ahnia c on c ering the ground two or three inches -The and very large. There was. ltle or arnme n wind ioprlsg,. * 'the dawmage tpterest wndowsirQtild.htve beeji grfat. ladin Statistics Prove It. - cp The Awieretrddnot intend subje< that half the children born should die intere der five years of age. But correet tiani sttistics prove this to be the estimate. "Chri Mothers just think of it ! And how Satun many of this number from strong, per of giping and poisonous medicines? op Ca Echoanswers, how tuany? Norman's Aboul Neitralizing Cordial contains not one to Th harmful Ingredient. An infant just. g.3 born can take it with Impunity. moeie tiele < Religious. aketel There will be preaching at Smyrna "''e church on the 5th Sabbath of this Cn ioth by Rev. W. G. Neville of Nine- od ty-Six. And on the 1st Sabbath in temp( April by. Rev. E. G. Smith, of Mars Blf', S. C. beisd The Rev. E. P. McClintock preached. Wid an ezeellent sernnon ill the Met-hodist"" Church Sunday night, to a large andHen attentive congregation. - Gei The Rev. J. A Clifton preached in -e colored Methodist Church Sunday by ac umeonaandene.. :systhatNe- "Aov de pacedeasier or fre en In the Baptist Church on next Sun-.P~~ day, there will be preaching only at.If nih,as the Patrwill be absent inSte the morning, attending the Unin er Meeting~ at Mt. Zion. substr Rev. Dr. W. hi. Grier, President of nb rkirne College, will preach in Tho'uin Anot n Street Church on next Sunday. ~ wo~,qe -my v Inhe - e e a by b 3 a= 8 ' 3 eat g - e - es i iwasa SL ~ ~ a-3 9I cons r !j case --3 m toi -.~.cont ~ ji L1 ijj~j~ I s exce, * jias-. IT SAVED HIS LIFE I MR. W. E. PELHAM, DRUGGIST: Your Strengthening Bitters has been of great remedial service to me and RAS I BALLY BIMilY SAD 1Y LI1. For two years I was sick from Dys pepsia. Indigestion and accompanying depression. It Is the best medicine I ever used and 1 gladly state it. M. S. BAILEY, 23-2t Clinton, S. C. Road Working. We often hear the expression, "the right man in the right place." This seems quite applicable in the case of Capt. W. W. Riser, who was lately, much against his wishes, promoted to the position of Road Overseer in his road division. There had been great complaint made of the roads. The Captain vowed they should have a good road, and to effect this he had all his available force ordered out. Upon in specting tools they were found short, so lie at once made a detail and sent to the County Commissioners for an additional supply. A wagon load was at once dispatched to the scene of action. The road was at once attacked, and when last heard from the Captain had taken the first line. and in four days hard fighting, had advanced not quite half a mile, with forces all in Food order. The loose dirt thrown up, in that road, is up to the bed of a wag on passing over. Capt. Riser is still confident and says there shall be a good road if "it takes all Summer." A friend while passing cast an eye over the tools, and says that in the lot he observed two side saddles. As the Captain is making snch a good road, it would be well to have him explain the use of the side saddle in such work, for the benefit of other sections of the County. Transfers of Real Estate. March 7- '84, John Dominick to F. H. Dominick 126 acres, T. No. 9, $200. W. B. Chaplin to Mattie E. Pass more, et. al. 60) acres, T. No. 3, 0!.00. March 3, J. C. Wilson-to F. H. Dom inick 67 acres, T. No. 9 $652,50. March -i, Jas P. Adams to Anna H. Adams 55 acres T. No- $85. March 8, F. L. Boozer to J. 0. Meri dith 48 acres T. No. 1, $1050. March 3, J. B. Fellers P. Judge to Silas J. Cromer 70 acres, Township No. 11, $54>. March 3. J. A. Lathrop to J. P. Ad arad;126 acres T. No. :Mireh 8, J. 0. Meridith to James Gauntt 35 acres, T. No. 1, $50. Johnstone to Wm. P. ob1, $410. 4acre T. NO. . 4 1, Fannie C. MeeW L . Chapman to J.F. Todd I acre, 4, G. LI $2,00 - Jack 18, R. L. McCaughrin, Trus- L M Alice C. Chapman, 967 square , No. 1, $1,000. Tobe h 21, D. B. Wheeler, Sheriff, to Mr Vheeler et. al. 52 acres, T. No. inatic aid t tions, renakosmian AnniversarY. Schu1 wenty-fifth anniversary of the The i Lkosmian Literary Society was Th ted in the Opera House last evening in the presence of a Pr(Pc udience. cline( President, J. S. Wheeler, of tione rity, made a short introductory Pool, Sshowing the history and ap- J, g teness of anniversary celebra Bowers read an interesting es- W ari "Spectrum Analysis" In which lace, ented some of the important and ford; rful revelations of the spectro- Ed. E question, "Resolved that Greece 3, 0. reater impress on the world E. C. rome" was discussed by S. T. T. Q on the affirmative, and H. F. Geo. y on the negative. The ques- Th not entitled to a place among a dern inventions ; but the debateas< interesting. We have often lowiI te question discussed, but we rnl: heard a more satisfactory pres- derm n of the argument in support War< side.CA rkness-then Light" was the C. t of an excellent oration by Ar-- Gild' ibler. Orn exercises ran smoothly through- ing ch :speaker was master of his mous and there was none of the dis ble .drawing of concealed mnanu- Ml so often seen on similar occa. kowih ed: ghtful. music, was furnished by. rewberry orchestra; the audi- R ias quiet and attentive during. tenai sing. pres gether the celebration waat the - *ofd& mini agzn their April issue of the Belectic Mag- publ marshals a strong array of in n - and well-selected articles, the way with one by Cardinal Utes an entitled "The Inspiration of. the t Lre," wvhich professies to give the licat of the Roman Church .on - this 't. Other articles bearing on the. its of religion are : "The. Chris- ing evolution," by W. S. Lilly, and stianity and Politics." from the ray Eerier. A semi-religious pa- G: remarkable interest, is by. Bish rliske, and is called "Thoughts Aparitions." "An Invitation aner," by Andrew Wilson, F. R. Mar< and "The Germ Theory of Zy Diseases." H. H. Stathem's ar- Th n "Mfozart" gives an admirable Yorl Sof that great composer. The tieled s, "Tonquin and Anam," and rend GuiQf, " by Cap...R. on it A I. E. bear on important eon- blose >rary interests. Suggestive and a cir ale papers on literary topics will mak und uder the heads of "The of a iu-df Goethe," by Prof. Blackie : the e Polish Portraits," from Con orna aazin; and "The Last Dave of men ih Heine," from the Pall MVal cont e. Phil Robinson is represented Mr. other of his unique papers'on an- tend1 in poetry, entitled "Bears and Gar< is." There is a capital story, be n-? Adventure in Southern Italy," coll( Blackcood's and a trenchant O.s f,rom the same monthly, "Pessi- ties cour )lished by E. R. Pelton 25 Bond vant t, New York. Terms, $5 per ao single number 45 cents; trial ject iption for 3 months, $1. dept ly s her Beseue fromn Death. shoi 1881, while sewing on a machine, qui 'ife was taken with a severe pain As r side, which was soon followed Flo, ermorrhages from her lungs, se- time mough, fever, and she could neitherb u ep nd in a few weeks she u educed tQ a living skeleton. Her s sh refused to retain any food o be physician thought one of her As was entirely gone. At a final ma ilation .of two physicians her a was pronounced hopeless. Itried ann er's Lun Restorer by advice of. of the pysicians and she began d e prove aftr the third dose. She kued the medicine and is now in lent health, and is better than she the en in several years. I believe our? -r's Lung Restorer saved her two ' BNg. F. BEBNDON, lng TtkaaIm. Gn. hi Personal. Maj. N. T. Wardlaw, of Abbeville was in town the first of the week. Miss Chrisie Sligh is in town, spend ing a few days with her sister Mrs. T F. Greneker. Mr. M. A. Carlisle has been quite sic for a week or two, and has been con fined to his room. Geo. B. Cromer, Esq.. has been ar pointed a member of the County Boar of Examiners. James H. Rice of Ninety-Six, wa in town Tuesday.. He is of the laN firm of Benett & Re of Abbeville and was here on professional busines. Mr. John R. Sondley was prostrate last week by a stroke of paralysis, bu is improving. Mr. Sondley's healt has not been good for some time. Col. J. N. Lipscomb's friends wil be sorry to learn that he has been con fined to his room for some days. He i improving somewhat; but is still unabl to be out. Senator Thos. C. Brown had stroke of paralysis last week. an, suffered very much, but we are gla, to know that he is mucIh better. W shall hope to see him out agaim usual health. The information yesterday was tha Dr. Brown was better, that he wa rational and could move his paralyze, limb slightly. THE MUNICIPAL NOMINATION. NEWBERRY, March 25, 1884. A meeting of the citizens wa held in the Opera House at 5 o'cloc this afternoon for the purpose c nominating a council for the et suing term. On motion of Mr. Y J. Pope, Dr. Jas. McIntosh wa called to the chair; and, on motiol of Mr. 0. L. Schumpert, Geo. I Cromer, was elected Secretary. By request of the chair, Mr. Pop 'stated the object of the meeting. Mr. Schumpert moved, That committee of three from each warc and three from the town at large b appointed to nominate a tickel Carried. On motion of Mr. Pop it was decided. That one colore citizen from each ward and on from the town at large be appointe as members of the committee. The chair appointed the con mittee as follows: Ward I, Ja Y. Culbreath, B. H. Cline and San Chappell; Ward 2, I. N. Gary, E< hl " and Jack Thompsor S. Mower, W. H. Lane an7-ir Whitener; town at large, R. Caughrin, W. T. Wright and reac Dawkins. sufi Schumpert moved, That nom- fire, ns be made- in the meeting to tena he committee in making selec Mr. Bass moved, That Mr. the npert' a motion be tabled. Lost. ley, aotion was then carried. tulte following gentlem6n were eral ised, a number of whom de- ' as their names were men- A 1: Mayor, Y. J. Pope, J. P. b* Eve W. T. Tarrant, J. E. Brown, by Johnstone, W. H. Hunt, and slin Y. Culbreath; Aldermen : the 1, B. H. Cline, W. H. Wal . M. Speers and Geo. Lang- exc Ward 2, 0. B. Mayer, Jr., and holtz and W. H. Hunt; Ward are C. Chase. C. A. Bowman and moi Jones; Ward 4, J. K. Gilder, to 1 Boozer, A. M. Bowers and Op cWirter. T committee retired, and, after dial -t absence, reported the fol- O ticket, through Mr. McCaugh ele ayor, J. M. Johnstone; Al- mos en, Ward I, B. H. Cline; tria 12, 0. B. Mayer, Jr.; Ward 3, Bowman; Ward 4, Jas. K. eve r. din~ motion of Mr. Pope, the meet- giv< atified the report by a unani- impi doe vote. hen C. B. Buist offered the fol- ma g resolution, which was adopt.- , was oved, That, by their main- the ce of the public peace and the hor vation of law and order, and tot hr -igid and impartial discharge stre y, the present municipal ad- Far jtration deserve the thanks of fellow citizens, as faithful ' servants. Tb: .Pope moved, That the min- Un< f the meeting be furnished to sch tree local newspapers for pub- dr n. Carried, thei motion of Mr. Pope, the meet djourned- mo JAs. MCINTOSH, pai~ Chairman. cas o. B. CROMEn, lf Secretary. 2t -----+egan Magazne. Ladies Eloral Cabinet New Pr< ,has among the illustrated ar- day in Its March number two that of r it especially attractive. One, ciel first page, of a -searlet Lily. the the oms of which range themselves in the le at the top of the~ iower-stalk, wil g a gorgeous crown. The other the E'loral Arch, ilbi trting one of ways by which' telawn can be mented aside frotnddding arange- ore s. Various interesting papers are th( ributed by well-known writers. be: Wn. Falconer, formerly superin- A ent of the Harvard Botanical min ten, describes how a garden can WO ade beautiful with hardy flowers cia eted from the woods and mead- lar F. Lance tells us of the novel- mn: among Roses grown both in this try and abroad. E. D. Sturte has some interesting facts to give "Yellow Water-Lilies," a s'ub- he rn which he is an authority. In the O.u tent of Home Decorations on- siL ch novelties in fancy-work are nu as are easy of execution and re- th: small outlay for materials, a fea- my which commends it to all ladies. W( he season is at hand when Spring an er Gardens must be made, it is Cc ly to say to our readers that the , ishers of the Floral Cabinet send fi year, post free, to every yearly Ti eriber, T wo Everblooming Roses, or, n packets of Choice Flower Seeds- ha before stated, any of our readers A: have a copy of the Cabinet for ex ation at half price (six cents), by ti tioning this paper. Address, La- ni 'Floral Cabinet, 22 Vesey Street, be York. fo any persons wish to subscribe for be Floral Cabinet in connection with g own paper. we can furnish the so -including the "Two Everbloom- ~ Boses," or the "Ten packets of C as 3WaV'n..tfQ 41o.9t Various and AR About. The spring time is coming gentle folks. _ Register, if you want to vote for Mayor. The Sultan of Sooloo is deacd-it was not known generally that he was sick. - The Senior Editor of the HERALD is still sick-has been contined to his rjoi for three weeks. j So soon as the ground has sufficient ly dried, it will be safe to begin gar dening in earnest. v You might wish to vote badly, at the municipal election, if you do not register before the first of April. Winburn keeps making those Beau t tifhl Photographs, come and be taken. h I 2-tf Vote for the nomineeA of the town 1 meeting, and let there be no cutting or - splitting. The weather is becoming delightful. and the prospect for gardening is de cidedly better than in several weeks. Too much rain falling now, be pre paring for a dry summer and when you do plow, be sure to plow deep. A When you come to town go to Win burn's Gallery and get your picture t taken. 2-tf. If you can not do all the favors you are asked for, do the best you can, you do not know what is ahead of you. Jurors, witnesses and all who have sinned against the State should bear s in-mind that the court of General Ses a sions will meet on the 31st inst. f Anthony Hennely, who accidentally shot Soney Young has been committed in default of bail to answer at the court S of General Sessions. a Geo. S. Mower, Eiq., is nominated as a man mozt fit in every respect for a seat in tIhe House of Representatives. e subject of course to the Primary. We mean what we say-sutYerers by the recent cyclone sh'all have a twelve anmonthis !ubscription to the Newberry HERALD ou giviing their names at this e oflice. Several have already applied. The farmers were beginning to look cheerful at the prospect of getting to d work by Monday, but Saturday night e the rains again, came now the ground d - is too wet to work. The Doctors tell you that hot Sup . pers are not healthful. Do not be lieve them. The Supper, to-night, will not be so awful hot, but it will be very nice. Be sure to attend. Our Jalapa correspondent is revel ing in the delightful region of the nd of Flowers. We envy him much - iit to Florida is a treat, at last Thursd..T hed us that W. 11. KulI news red the loss of his dwelling b but welearn that it was only a L M ,nt house. S. I e regret not-having mentioned at _ proper time that Prof. C. C. Dud Principal of the Kentucky Insti for the Deaf and Dumb spent sev- Can bi days in the city with his relative GRENE W. E. Pelham. that p. week, or ten days sunshine will Cars al ailed with gladness at this time. ry one's feelings will be improved the generous, glorious glowing e. Think of this, yeu who roll up * curtain. be citizens of Peake pay no tax, ipt one dollar a quarterstreet duty, a liscense for bar rooms. These the only i:ems of tax. They have iy in the treasury. These ought ~e a happy people. Do not try an ra house. he HERALD officee extends a cor invitation to friends and patrons gm ring in a portion of the Job Print now or ab>ult to be done. We can ute it in first rate style. and at a t reasonable rates. We ask a gns of imnprovemnent are seen on y side of our county, new buil 7, dwellings, barns, fencing, &c.. evidence of thrift, energy, and FA rovment. We like to see, this as every one elke. It is a sign of P ith. In the town especially is this lifest. At here is a com..tant warfare being :ed between t :e various species of THE N' animal kingd mn. Think of the ibleness of th : army of worms RICI ming the citadel of life: A dose of iner's Indian Vermifuge will de sy them.- -For sale by Dr. S. F. The it. our ni just ei le News st ates that a citizen of this existe: sends si ven children to school. and in .t is good. but we remember when ings. le Henry B. on the first day of Garde 01 sent thirteen and told the chil- nish tl r to tell the teacher that he would two I e sent more but his wife wanted Frien< n help to cook. elsewl he Republicans are beginmg to for Thn Te preparatory to an active cam- cents n this summer. This being the tubes our County Democratic clubs gravir a begin to show some signs of .The State Convention meets June i. Every club should be fully or tized before that time. iite a sti ong delegation from the Sa perity High School was up Fri evening to attend the- exercises the Phrenakosmlan Literary So- on :y. We will venture to say that Mon:sz members of the society, in fact all Joui' students of Newberry College I at all all times be pleased to meet inelud m, at any aiid all publie exercises. editloi editi1 )ur thanks are extended to our col- the sa d friends for their subscriptions to "I*ntt Newberry HERALD. Quite a num- NEws -of names have been lately receivedl. party, vast improvement is thus shown pary their desire to be informed as to the dlent< rking of our county interests, so- either Iy and politically. More particu~- tine"aZ ly do we notice this about Whit- of the ~e 's.ductic s.fro 'Why, what are you putting that on Spe feet for," asked a man with a una. vy cold, "Why, to draw the cold edited of yorhead." answered the coni- an t a erate nurs2. "The deuce you say, moa could rather have it stay where it is and p: m be drawn $lhe whol~e length of MOa body." At any rate there is a tto re pleasant method than that, go suppi I get me a bottle of Dr. Bull's Theths ugh Syrup. yeart Fhe Newberry Rifles met for the Day at time in their new Armory, on dy tesday night. They have the Arm- Daily, E neatly fitted up. They will soon (lay ve the finest hall in the State. WSzE< nong the items of business acted on on Tuesday night wvas a resolu >n to have a'dance on Thursday ht at the hot supper. The mem r of the Rifles wil: appear in uni- II~ rm We hope every one will remem-rii r the object for whici' the supper is sn. No better opportunity will offer when on of doing honor to the metmory of disb asbington and to the name oi Sonth prep iolina; two words dear to all of g Mr. R. LT. Greneker has bought the right for Charlestop County to the "Wagon Jack &c-'' Our friend knows exactly which end of a case to go to when he sets type, but how about the "Jack."' We would venture to sug gest to him that he be very particular and not take his "Jack" to the end of the wagon that the mules are hitched to unless the mules should be turned facing the wagon. A mule possesses great raising powers someLimes. A colored Adonis, in endeavouring to secure the affections of a colored Ve nus, found saiae means of inserting his fingers into her purse and of ex tracting three dollars. This not be ing in accordance with the views of morality entertained by the Gravel town Venus, she gave him to know that if the cash did not soon appear, a criminal prosecution would. He finding his cash account rather short, gently suggested that compromise might be effected. on the basis of a sudden marriage. This being agree able to Venus, a, marriage was at once had, an( the parties are now happy. Married Monday. Sweet Gun. When we consider the medieal au thority of the world recognizing our Sweet Gum to be the finest stiniula tiug expectorant known, and that the proprietor of "Taylor's Cherokee Rein edy of Sweet Gum and Mullein" has the formula of the Cherokee Nation of ineorpora ing (he sweet gum with the tea of the mullein plant of the old fields-which many of car readers will remember our grand mothers making under the direction of the old family physician for croup. whooping cough and colds-it is no wonder that "Tay lor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein" is producing such effec tive cures in Coughs, Croup, Whoop ing Coughs, and all bronchial affec tions. For sale by all leading druggists, 25c. and $1.03. M uinfactured by Walter A. Taylor. Atlanta. Ga., proprietor Taylor's Pre mium Cologe. POST OFFICE, NEWBERRY. C.H., S. C., Mar.22. 1884 List of advertised letters for week ending Mar 22nd, 154: Adams. Miss Susan IIendrix, Geo P Abbott, J B Johnson, Mrs S C Anderson, M A Johnston, Miss F G enjaman. Nelson Kindare. Mrs C iand, Julius Keene, Fred W 13cuford, Mrs Jordan Murray, Mr I N Burton, Charjote(col) Massaian. Miss I Brooks, E A Ruff, P W Chalmers. J C Russell, Seymour Duncan, Eliza Snowten, Miss Irene Davenport. Philip Steabin. Miss Viney Edington, Samuel Sams, R O-G D Grazier, Mrs Nellie Williams, P A Hibber, Jerry Parties calling for letters will please say if advertised. R. W BOON E, P. m. .?Iarried, March 25, 1884, at Kinard's parso 4 ,by the Rev. W. H. ArIal, Mr. iSS MARY ie News & Courier work obtained daily from EUGENE Als KER, the regular News Agent for ing U1 Lper, immediately on the arrival of the Depot, and after that at the HERALD BOOK STORE. -' ZSTA 8IN decet rend4 IILLER'S respe RMER'S ALMANAC dersi ty d~ ice 10 cents per copy -to HERALD BOOK STOREs 88 WBERRY HERALD, THE AMERICAN AS- Ma LTURIST, TWO SUPERB EUSRAY INGS, ALL FOR 3.10. - American Agr.iculturiset is one of f ost valuable exchanges. It has tered upon the 43d year of its ace, with varied improvements, An ore reading matter and engrav- genu It is invaluable to the Farm, tatio r and Household. We will fur- Fo ie American Agriculturist and the Hu is ?" and "Inthe Meadow," iere described, and the HERALD e year to any address, on receipt C B *ee Dollars and ten cents. Ten extra for packing in substantial and forwarding by mail the En TE annah Morning News FOR 1884. the 1st of January the Savannah G NEws made a new dej riture in Let 1sm in this State, on that ate beganan I a paper, D EVERY DAY IN THE TEAR, for ing its mammoth eight-page Sunday mt i. "to eve subscriber to its daily i." The gsc ription priee remains mad me, viz., $10 a year, or $5 for six e future as in the past the MORNliNGma will support the National Democratic and avocate the principles of that that tl lee, as It has been always, indepen f all political or' personal clique, local, State or national. It will con o advocate a reduction of the tariff i it belleves that the best interests people will be served by such re. n. In its colurans the latest news 11 parts of the world will be found. ii attention will be given to the >f this State, Florida and South Caro Each department will be carefully OFF] ,and the aim will be improvement higher standard of excellence. xpense will be spared to make the :NG NEWS the most readable, reliable Ma ogressive newspaper in Georg,ia. The MI [NG NEwS is the only paper in(beorgia tthe Augusta "Chronicle and Consti- of ( alist" -yhich takes the r and tion imental Associated Pres d ce. Mrlc ES will be fuller th nti. an ever before. Al TrMas- cate ,by male or .city delvory, 7 to t ...n.he.week .............. $ 1008 that and Frida'y, or Tuesdy, Thurs- tioD) and Saturday....... ..... 5 0 at I L NEWS. ... ..... .....------------ 2 00 Gegt J. H. ESTILL. Proprietor, Savannah, Ga.. JI manFor wound.disease or ot 3IlI her disability. Widows, kI1minor children and de pendent parents entitled death resulted. Claim reopened, res- Toile on, inceassbouny b y and go WHEELER & MOSELEY, PROSPERITY, S. C., LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Dec-3m. P RINI I respectfully announce that my NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING -Is now ready for Ingpection. Suits in Broad Cloth, Worsted and Cassimeres of Latest Styles, Finest Made Garments-and the very LOWEST PRICFS. A choice line of Handsome and Servi ceable Spring Clothing for BOYS & CHiLDREN I Noted for its make up, Newness In Designs and Cheapness in Price. A handsome line of Furnishing Goods. Shirts, Collars, and Cuffs, Silk and Linen Handkerehiefs, Hosiery In all of the F..shionable Colors. The Latest Novelties in Men's Neck Wear, made up in an elegant variety of New Silk designs and Shapes. HATS& CAPS I Correct Styles-all sizes, shapes and colors for Men and Boys. FAUST & Son's. Celebrated HA ND MADE Shoes, (Every Pair Warranted.) in Congress WB___on or Lace, and Lowquarters for hn' 'mer, with any shaped toe. These anship. M-Amr.9r in Fit, Style, or a nice line of Truittv,' mbrellas and Walking Canes. Respectfully, E OF SOUTH CAROLINA, [NTY OF NEWBERRY, is nc THE COURT OF COMMONtse AS. . in E. P. Chalmers adm'r.t vs Jno. B. Crooks. creditors of Thos. C. Crookd ed, are hereby required to r and establish on oath their ctive demands before the un ned at his office, within thir ys after the publication hereof wit: the 12th day of April to SILAS JOHNSTONE, and Master Newberry County, act1< ster's Office, 13th, March 1884. the 5t to s RMAN KAINIT ! other Fertilizers. Tons in German Kainit dirct impor sale by RMANN BULWINKLE, KERR'S WHARF, And R LE STONl, 8, C. that remi A giEEifDRzy my ing A ne send to you a tape measure instructions for using it, and 3.75 I will furnish the best ,rial for 6 shirts-cut but not , and guararntee a fit, or for and $1.25 I will furnish and . Ladies can now make shirts will fit. J. C X The RClHMOND. VA. and ble gistration Notice. b ECE SUPEEVISOB OF REGoISTRA- effo1 TION, NEWBERRY CoUWrY. Soffiee will be open on the first day in each month until the 31st tober inclusive, for the registra of those who have arrived at the of 21 since the last General Elec . those who have lost their certifi ican get them renewed by proving be satisfaction of the Supervisor they have been lost. Applica Sfor lost certificates must be made east thirty days before the next eral Election. W .Y AR Supervisor of Registration. SI AIR RESTSRER--REAT ENIBUS8 andsofitness Reore Dandrf~ Locratic f.fmilies of Great Britian en med E''e ietof ~ sbion, A ges tr e la,ora g g?. Ii N THE BEGIINN OF THE NEW YEAR . C, FLYNN, Offers to his friends and customers of the past year for their patronage, believing that so long as the people pat. ronize him they show their appreciation of him as a iner chant. THE LO.W PRICIIES to be found at FLYNN'S entitles him to a front seat in the mercantile sphere, and in order to retain this position, and still merit the confidence and patronage of the people of Newberry and surroundings, he IIEIQGES HIMSELF is announcement to lead the town PRICES ig the present year as in the past. 'HIS PRESENTATION t intended for an extremely fancy or acrobatic adver ent, but it means STRICTLY BUSINESS, and a would take care of Number One, go where you can he most goods for the least money, THEREFORE LOOK ur own' interest, and bear in mind that the same fair honorable dealing which characterized FLYNN'S trans ns of the year just closed, will be observed by him upon ear we are just entering. His constant aim has been l the people good, and reliable goods, T HIE LO1IIST PO88IBli~ PRI88, if success is the measure by which to judge, he feels he can justly claim it, as his business has increased .rkably since his appearance in Newberry., id in this connection, it may not be improper to remind atrons that I have on hand Ladies' Cloaks, and Walk fackets 2.5 per cent less than New York cost. ady made Clothing regard less of cost. number of heavy over coats, regular prices from $11.00 8.00 now $8.50 to $14.00. fact it will pay you to call on FLYNN first. DONT FORGET Domestic Sewing Machine takes the cake for variety excellency of work, and can be bought at very reasona ries. endering my sincere thanks to the Country people of New. y for their past support I heartily pledge my continued. rts in behialf of low prices, [AS. J. PURCELL, Manager.