OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 04, 1851, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1851-01-04/ed-1/seq-5/

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A e'orrespodcrtt of ihe JVcioYvrk
Post travelling in Virginia, gives 1 lie
followii^j interesting account ol tlitv
residence of the late Ex-President
Monrb'e- in I7oodon conpty :
MoNKoe-S House.?London conn
ty is celebrated as having been the
"residence of the late President Mori-1
roe, who some thirty years since, e- j
erected on his farm, situated about |
forty miles from Washington, aspjen- j
did brick mansion, at an expense of
somu twenty or thirty thousand dollars.
It was placed in the centre of I
Ins farm of four thousand acres, anil
being on an eminence, has a commanding
view of the whole country,
as far as the South mountains. The
house, on a smaller scale, is built afihe
plan of the President's in Wash-1
ington, has a splended povAloo sup j
ported by seven massive pillars, and |
is surrounded with large and lofty j
oak and loeust trees, in front and around,
a spacious lawn, and llorish- '
in# orchards, which makes it an oh- i
ject of attraction to strangers. It is
now the residence of Samuel Tj. Gouverneur,
Esq., late Postmaster in your |
city, and son-in-law of President Mon- ,
roe. In his absence, the house had
gone into decay, but TVIr. G., sin. ;o i
his residence here, has fitted it up it)
a hand 01110 manner, and made groat
improvements on the farm, so that in
n. few years he will have ' lie of the
best cultivated and profitable fcu'nis
in the country, and worked by hired
labor. The parlors of the mansion
are adorned with the portraits of
Piesidents W ashington, Jefferson, !
Madison, John Q. Adams, and all j
r?f? mflVmnnro ?\l' I
.... OI.JVIO V?| illUillW CillJIIU'l.
Vi/ : Calhoun, Thomson, Southard,
Wist, McLean and Crawford ; there
arc also five portraits of President
Monroe and his lady, and also of
Mrs. Gouvcrneur, their daughter,
with many other choice and ancient
paintings of the old masters. Kvery '
thing in and about the house hcto
kens (hat it was once the residence i
of taste, Wealth and snlnndoi*. mwl
worthy of (lie noble patriot who inhabited
A New Port of the Country.?The ,
person employed in taking11 he census,
writing to the Dubuque Tribune j
from Fayette county, Iowa, relates j
the following characteristic anecdote:
"While crossing one of the extensive
prairies that stretch along the
southern border of Fayette count)',
upon which the grass and vegetation
had grown to the height ol four or
r' ?
nve icei, then soared and ye.Mowe I
by the autumnal frosts, we wore suddenly
startled by the voice of a person
'Hello, there, stranger, did 3rou
come from this here course?1
Turning m the direction, of tho
voice, we discovered the head of a,
man just peering above the top of the j
tall grass, while tho arm was extended
in a southern direction- VV o answered
in the aflirmative, when tho
man continued:
4 Well-* stranger, did yon see any-!
thing of a town site in your travels,
'slanting a little; towards the sun with
abustin coming out spring by the side 1
of a boulder t 1 found one clown in
these parts last spring before the veg- j
etation was up, and I've been look- j
ing for it again close on to two days,
and, by thunder, 1 can't find it!'
We answered that we had not discovered
his lost town site, when he
4 Well, sti'an?zer.| 1 reckon I'll have
to give it up till the grass burns, and (
if you'll let mo ride behind into the 1
settlement, 1 11 make you a deed to '
a lot fronting on the public square as
soon as 1 ^el my land warrant squat- j
ted 0.0 u Kmpire City,"
Not being the owner of town prop-:
erty, we accepted the oiler."
I low it works, to ha"c mar,y Wives, j
?In these days of free discussion, we
arc all interests* to see how polipra- !
my answers. fi'!.e editor of a Wisconsin
paper gives an account of a
visit made him by one or the Mormons.
He sa vs:?
"Mr. Mills lived a year with Mr.
f ltn/1 * ?
? nw IKIII IlllVtt WIVUSone
(mi and two young ones; nil have t
separate Ix-ds; the younger have one |
dhild eaeh, and the oldest 1ms four or
five: Mr. Oheeseman has had two i
other' wives, l>iit one bolted and the
other poisoned herself. Mr. Mills
saysit is generally supposed that fam
ilfos composed of a plurality of wives,
Byepepceflbly and happily, nut that
it causes bickerings, heart-burnings, i
> find continual at rile. He days there
; i*1' is a division of sentiment among them
..in regard to the practice, the women ;
advocating it as strongly as the men;
that a year ago they were about e-1
finally divided in regard to it, and
at wn.3 < iiau^u ui SblllllTIBfl! rigfUHSI
potigamy is owing to discussion, and
tbfc practical developments of thn fcys,t fn.
,]Hg thinks that.il might he do/codfuj
from the Old Testament, but
Jjuit .strict morality forbids it?that it
Tiha&fo find rhomorbrtrfcft.,
th*t very few of the saint* prac-,
tiae it. " Z .
grSiCT??<jy ?>iw
Under this appropriate head the
Charleston Sun makes some com*
intents upon the following article
from a (leorgia submission paper,
iti wjnch an ilklisguisea pleasure is
poirayon at ihe pessible chance of
difficulties rttid losses bv^rlaking n
sister Slate And city. We do not
doubt that these outward cioakings
and inward chuculihffs at the prospect
of profiting at die expense of
South Carolina will he baulked and
cheated This fwcc! dream to Charleston
commerce an I prosperity, conjured
up by perverted feelihirs aiul a
detestable selfishness, could not be
realized, should South < rtrolina, at
anytime, choose to withdraw from a
confcderacv of sovereigns into which
sue entered as a s6vereign of her own
lree will. The just pride of the South
and Iter own security, the honored
principles. <>l sinfe Kighis, would
rise up iuuI fo; 1)1(1 coercion by the
Fecleral (jovornmerf. The moral
sefise of the world wvtild rev'elt at it,
and South Carolina would find Iricn Is
stepping forth to protect her through
out the l n'.on. l''oj?ijirn counties
interested in her cotnmerce, would
vindicate, by treaties ol alliance with
her. the principles of political and
coiHi iiOiViui I reef torn mVo'v c*t!.?i!
her soil should bo polluted by the
fnolstmm nf -'>n iiivnrl'inr nmui "mi
" .".".(j hi ol'.lll
by a Government she helped to create,
and which grown insolent in
power, should attempt to conquer her
proudspirited freemen, lens of'lionsands
of Southern men, aye, ofGeorgians,
would rally to her standard.
Akin to the croakings we have spoken
of, are the petty and disgraceful ;
efforts of Georgia submission papers
io oisereuuine i>am< paper ol JSouth
Carolina al this lime, by predicting
lor her, in ease ol her secession. a
suspension of her Hanks and a great
depreeialion of her paper correney,
and loss of Slate credit.
Those predictions we consider as
ill-founded, as they aie malignant and
dishonoring to ;he sources win nee
they emanate, and the: efforts to
effect present injury to Caro ina
Hanks, will he as impotent as tlu>v
.1: r..i
tu v di r.jui.
We like to see fair and honest
competition anion# Banks? e ch one
laying claim to credit on its inlr'nsir.
merits and resources. In point of
ability and readiness to meet their engagements.
the State of Son to Carolina
and the Carolina Banks, w'll
compare most favorably even wish
the history of (icorgia legislation airl
Ceorgia Banking in. fitutions. No
ii:(!i'-jous, \vp will not .say generous
friend of the C.'O'gia Banks would
advise a warfare of this contemptible
The financial honor of the State of
Sautli Carolina has no.ver heen tarnished
She lias never repudiated
honest debts, or scaled thom down,
and at this moment her State securities
arc probably higher t an tluveof
anv other Southern State. May
that gallant State forever eniov her
high and deserved fiscal credit. This j
supplies to nations the sinews of war.
and it's not less valuable than courage
and military energy. Sou'd circumstances
ever uni/ippily force her
to test their efficiency in defence of
her rights and her liberty, upon he'"
own soil, they will prove adc(|iiate lo
the emergency. 'I lie land of Sumter
and Marion and Moultrie can never
Ijo a conquered country.
\_A. ugusta tJomtitut ion a/1 fit.
Difficulty with Austria.?The New
York ICxnress says that thn loiters of
its Washington correspondents, by
last n'?ght Southern mail state that thn
Austrian Charge* (Mr.MoOurdy)suceessor
of Col .W'clib is there, hut has
not ohta'ned his orders yet. Mr.Mu!sernrnn.
the charge from Anstra, it
is also sad, acts a ; if thcro was in schief
browing* Independently of
these intimations, we have similar
hints from other quarters. Humor
says there is a frame up between the
American Secretary of State an 1 Mr.
Hnlsemanm that the latter has been
demeaning himself discourteously, m
consequence of the kind treatment
we have given the riungar an r<* lugees
officially and unofficially,; that- therefore
Mr. MeCurdy wiil not be ihslrue
ted to go out of the country un'il Mr.
Hulsemann renders something of an
appdlogy for hard and harsh words;
and that these are the causes of the
i /v? ? .
Small Pox.?Wo learn from the
Ashville Messenger, that tlvsdisease
prevails t > some extent in Henderson
village; one death had occurred, and
there were several now rases.?ft
had not extended into Buncombe
A negro woman died in New Orleans,
recently, who from records in
possession of her master, is believed
to have been one hundred and thirty
yeSrs old. She left a hmhand eighty
years oldThe
reported arrival in Scotland
of a couple of carrier pigeons, taken
out by Sir John Ro$$; has been contradieUd.
Feeling for th Pillars.?When Lu j
ther was at Co'.iurg, lie wrote to a i
friend, "I was lately looking nut of |
my window at night, arid I saw the
stars in the hqavyus, and I s /'rpat !
beautiful arch over my head, but I
could not see any pillars 011 which
the Krea! byiUrer had fixed hi- arch;
!irw! l/nt I lin f-*ll ??< ????-! !>?
MMM j v * iw u\/u IUII UUI Mini *nvi !
groat arch stood firmly. There are :
some who are always fooling for the
pillars, and longing to touch 'hem; j
they stand trembling and lenr'ng- lest j
the heavens should fall. If they
could only <xrasj> the pillars, then the j
heavens would stand fast,'1 Thus
Thither illustrated the faith of his
own sml, find wished to inspirit others
with the shine strong confidence*
liarmrm in Washington.?A well
informed source supplies us with the
following, in a private lcUer from
"Jenny Lind offered fearnum, in j
Bait'more. $100,000 to release her i
from her engagement. I It? telegraph- i
ed his agent here (in Wash ngton) to
rail n the ticket* for Monday* and i
have only one concert?Wednesday ,
?an I to <1 po -eof the house ;it anc-1
lion. Hi; is loo voracious nn I will
devour poor Jenny. '?Cnro'.ininn.
Tho Charleston Mercury of the
*2Ud uli says:
"SircJitJi fro't C:)irvKr>i/.? \bout
forty Swede , rif stalwart f ame and
intelligent conn enan -cs' nr ived on
Saturday, and started ys'e 'ay hv
the lla'lroad for the s"cnc of their labors
in \ 'nion Distr'et.
Stop my Paper. -Willi Ed'tors
I his language has !e-oino common
Should an rtrtiV appear tlia' doe no1
please a subscribe", he takes sa'is
isvuion to him e f by sendiii"- he a
bove ominous wo' lslo I 'U 'lir.?
1 laving re eved li niself by so do- 1
ing poor good sou! h <-o:- to bed
sleeps soundly- and fie's 111> in 'lie
niornintr w ill 'lie fii'ni lie'ef lliat lie
unfortunate Kditor, an I 1 he paper
patron:'e I by h ill and vcrhupx never
pai J for is defunct?dead?or suspended.
So far as lie Is ooneerne I
parlmpn it is, an I nerham it is not.?
In 11'ne hundred and nini\ caf,es out
of ninc^kiuid rvd. J lie tafer coii'-lu:
on i-rfirftfM - and,although the goo I
[)a:ron.fJVIl?'.Slm)Pee, does no rn
co've a? his, residence.
\vhereve> i^poke.* h'c nose tIn* next
m ?rnin c ii stares hjni i' ho fare The
paper is not dead defunct "r suspended
!?y ihe Y? Mi Iruvnl of h s pa'ronnge--!int
it onrrhl to he, or should
he. if siinilav chjjsn^t^rs*had control
of lie press." The exfeive is loo
great for them,' however" so 'o do ?
therefore 1 lie n"ess remains, nnj
should remain uninnn noV I. \W
have quite a nnmlvr of subscribers
to our papev. and fee' 'luin'ful fn
ca-'h ouo (or his nnlronnw hit' ?< > r?nas
subscription 's 'v?n (" iVol ;i ?s bir
an item in the bu nos no .ha 1rv>?
no! pay mu'*h more 'Inn w nn I if
wo depewlo I on si bsrrp' nils for :<i
living, wo would ha*'e '<> finn'-sh
IVtO.M.t. ... ll... W.. I -I" .1 '
Ilk nil.-) >11 I I 11 - I'll I III .fill' lOl" fill'"
ryng on our !>u iiuv.s.
The a hove. remark are eal'e ' for'h
hy the follovriur nilr-'e- whteh wo
find in the Nc.v O 'cm n[:c en1 of
(lie 20th insi. c \\ on'! ros? e'Mful
ly ''all the aMom'nn of our readers to
it. Il is written n a pleasant vein,
and there is more truth than poo'ry
! ni th? remarks, so far as editors are
concerned ?Cwxiitutiova1i-\t.
Stop nit/ Paper.?This is a verv dis-!
aprreeah'e use of the imperative
tense: and e I'-Uks very, ol* en loose
their temper and #onl niniiuo n. as
well as n subscriber. Now wo Mi nk
a man hasa riarht <o 'weiVeor refuse j
a paper, j" st as his 'asie. rapriee or j
jt?'-.prmon'. nviv rleto'ui ne. We 'liink
an editor has no right to complain?
rertainlv not io bring his grievance I
before his remaming readers. Editors
too f>ften forget that their subseri- j
hers nan have no possible m erest in
iiicc matferv. We always f"oc' 1 a
pittv lor 'he family k which lose: our
week'y visit: wo know tin? vonn<f ladies
will m is the siorios *v?toM?and
I he o'd mau's will si/rh for the sent imental
poo'y?and iho oid man himself,
will begin, after awhile, lo val
ne our crop articles. Thov l?se a
great deal more 'han we do. But
we never tlrnk o< abusing the good
man for spending bis money just as
: pleases. Tlio other flay we received
; n letter from one of on;*, pet suhsrrrhirs
in Mobile- It quotes from a recent
artie'e of the Civs* ent. l,You
ask" say thrtv, "what does the South
want ?" "We can only answer for
ourselves?we wan' our paper stopped
P And so, vy*?11? a jest on their
I lips, our commercial friends rut our
' fi r*n iinotnn VAv'/v - *
ii< i|iiHininiiic- ???. K I?I pari
with such funny follows- more especially
ns they alwaya paid "n advance,
ff we only knew how to please everybody
we shouW Ik? delighted.?
Can't Dr. Gilbert cure tho loss of
anhacribers. or make new ones come
in place of theolcV? Whenever one
drops off we feel all the glories of
mai'tyrdcnn ; we catch, the South
1 Carolina fever, ahd are all overish
! with patrietifli*. .
The steamship*Africa arrived from
Liverpool on ii'iml ult.
German affairs were less warlike
though limy wei'u still impelled. There
IJUiK !i rum 11?i ?r? ill' ! ? 'iminnliln
?? *%? ** HVI ? . ? IIW|ily V/l till UllttVUl/ll
teiUfinenl ofexisting difficulties between
Austria and Prussia, though
preparations lor hostilities were still
continued hy both powers. The
prospects of peace had a favorable
elleo' on the cot Ion market.
Franco and the other Continental
Slates are traiiuuil.
In Kn/^land'fne papal excitement
has subsidedThe
Africa had heavy weather
during her \ oyage.
Tiie South Ca.o na Aiiiiuai Conference
of the Methodist Kpiseopai
( I. li:. I !>-: -
vyiMin .JWIIII, I'l.-MIWjJ J illflt! j>IC'S|ding,
closed a very harmonious and
pleasant session at Wadesboro, on
Monday, 'JlJd Deo. The following
are some of the appointments:
Samuel Leard presiding e'de of
Cokesbury di trie,t.
\\ . A. ( ' il I lit V\'I?I l ( 'llllll .) ini.l
roil; A. M Fos or.(?reenviic laiirn
1 A ( " vil , 1 \ ? T II 1
iJ \i < 'I \ * ll ritnl . \ ? I .1 ii<H I1JOII (l().
c rcuil: \. I) .Mcdilvery ami L II.
I nuvvoo 'x1 ciullcion circuit: John
Kinjinr. I'ickeus circuit; I). H.lliard,
Paris Mounia n; W. P. Alou on,
Sp:?rlanl>m-r al on: .Miles Pucktt!.'
;lo. circu IJ. !\ l-'tanu , M?*} owai
ircu't: Tj ScarSorou'.vh Ca^aw a
< rcu ' M SI i n ant | re-d ug el
it*:* ut i i M -niii on district.
The ( 'n A77/ A\>v/?The sienmor
A:it,*! nni;i. a* St. I.o ; s. on tho titli.
with :i(K) < <;i niJMi emuTnn's. from
New () onus ostrth-iy passongers
hv clio era dur tig In* pai-.sugo up.
Tlu? s'oamor Columbus, also with
cm 'grunts o.-.t t wo. vc by rho ova
diirnir tho trp up. The scanicr
Ihiohos. at Lonsvil'o o 1 tho Dili.
hud .r> deaths by cholera among th?deck
Nothing ^ets so vv de a mark between
a vulgar and a noble sonl a*
'ho respee: an I the reveren'in! love
of womankind. A man who is alwitv
sneer nir a! woman is generally
either a coarse pro'lignte or a eoa ser
bigo .
'/') f'^.riThrira t.r>t ..1 \
7{?" ' ' MSt
ncrea e. of m&| be obtained by
managing judiciously, systematically
rai ryinuf out for a time the pr n"ip!e
of increase. Take for ins ance a pea.
Plant it in very rich ground. Allow
it to bear the first year, say half a
dozen pods only. Remove all others.
Save the largest single pea of
these. Sow it the next year and retain
of the product three pnds only.
Sew 'he largest one 'he fol'ow iv.r
V( ;VV - I!'! l e!rv!: fii.c i ."> ! * .m .. ^
cp tin* a and Uv iho nov vcar
1!)?' | n?! wi'l by 'hi mo havo 'roK'od
its ; o nil \vo*?rlit Kvc a- orvvnWIs
-ow l.c 'arjjfo I soo l Hv these
nionti: you w ?ro' oa > or anv'h'ng
c'm" oi'a "H< of wh'<>h wo have at
pro on' no concetti on.
Sfd'r: /\J(ic1cs?v ?Mr. M'l!s who
i now cinjr-' fed 'ipon n co'o.ssa' o
<i os'r'an st.Jne ofJackson. in |)Von '.e
4 I * * *
iii iic fiy oj asnnur'on has ropsentel
thai ill's admrab'e pro !n/*,'on
of Amer ranas'l shall be e\h bited al
the London Industrial Fair.
Eveiy f-hip is a romantic. object, i
evcept thai we sail in. Embark*and
the romance quits our vessel, am!
! anflfs on every oilier sail in the horizon.
Secret kindnesses done to mankind
are as beautiful as secret injures are
f I V . '...111 -- ?? l
*w in; llivi^lliy gtHHI IS
' s god-like as to he invisibly evil is
Rusk,Senator from Texas is
s'lid to he lying seriously ill, Rl Wheeling,
A sermon was recently preached
in <he; Wesleyan meeting-house at
Lidney; Monmouthshire, by a I eal
.-,?i I'j I
I ?> I
Gut to Porch (t?p-We know of no
substance saysine Scientific Amv'icftn,
wliicli has no.in; into such #OM<i a!
line, in such a short time, as this.
Il is now used for pipes whips shoe
solos, picture frames, &r., hut, perhaps,
its most useful application is
ihe coat ing of the lelegraphic wires.
! A New York paper says there
wore t hirl V r>lul<lmi? plinulnund f"?
v . luivimu ji;ir
ny Li ml in (hat city ihe same week.
The young man who was rossed
inlovolasf week says if it were not
forj^tttri# wei he would drown him
sell"! He will probably compromise
| matters by shooting himself in a looking-glass.
The Loticjon A' heneum announce?
that tlhe Jenny Lind excitement, in
j Ain^rica haa jvhp|Jy subsided! and j
1 Rarnum dare 1 ot show hik head!
L *'
J Jfc
Remaining in the Post Office at
Pickclis C. II., Quarter ending 30th
September, which if not taken out
vvjiliili ihree months Will be sent to
tl\e Post Office Department as (Jead
4 1 I I \ A
iMisi)5j Alexander; uaguarcan /\rtisl;
C?. Alien.
Samuel IJanen.
Anna Calhoun or \\ albon Collins;
J. C. Clayton;
Elijah Foster.
V *
Bright (lilslrap; F. Ciarvin.
Tolit) Holcvln John Iiurd; Jmiies
rioldon; Mrs. iViary A. MtinnunilC
W W T1/.!! ??.,1 .) 1 T.wl.?.. .....
' * ivuuiivM ^ %/wnu j.xuv.icv'11 01 ^
J. C. I f u^lies.
James Ionian.
Win. Johnson.
James Ke.lli jr.
Dr. Thomas J.ee James II. Lesley;
Lev ileus.
I.J... M ' .1 . I IT t " .. /V. ... I
'111111 .. . .#<111i*_'ss tucviiiiim;
David McLe nn Robl. Maxwell jr.j
^ . N
(). \\ . Norris.
L\ \Y. Pic'ens David Prctlcy.
M s Margrel Rogers: V\ tl- Rice
1j. Roach Caleb Robertson; Li3.
Stephen Suii.il, V\ m SiscsunrcJerry,
or Jefein ;t11 Sa icrfield'
J. V. Tnmmor; I 'jpps Wiliiams |
'jiuics Yotingh.omh J. ?.ouiig" T. A. }
: gffil
<& ') z l? T T f ?
THE subscribers have commcnci'ii tin*
publication of a New YVerkly apci lor
innii ies, with tlie above ii Jo, untie-1 lhe <-nlire
control of T, S. Arthur, who will con
ccntrate upon it all, or ncmly i ll, of his lil
......... 1 .1 mi i ? -1
i-i urv mi 'ins. lie uesign ui mis paper is
eleailv expressed in the title?"lluole OazclU'.
! 11 will lie, cinphaiic illy a paper
for the lu-inc cirele.?n household eompaninn?a
pleasant fi e.-ido friend, eotning I ;
a!! with a cheurful eounl< nanee. and seeking,
while; it imp irts instruction, to enter
ain ami inteiest all elas-es of loaders. A
leading feature of ilie "I lome (7:i/.et u*" w ill
ho a scrip * of 0 iginal Nouvelctlps hy the
Ed tor, who will furnish some loui 01 live
picilurcs of domestic life, written in hi.- host
til ylo, for every volume. The ' Home Gazelle"
will he the organ of no party nor
sect; nor will it bo tlic exponent ofany of
ihp ifttun of 11 p day. But it will faithfully
dvoeate thp right, and seek, hy every
mean . to widen the riivlc of human hup- j
piness. 11<iiii;>tIv will t.hp rditoi Ipnch the I
i nth, as he has ever done in his wrings,
for i he sake of g tod lo his h-llow men. Uu
in doing ihis, lie will avoid unneee>?nry I
li ii - hue?and e u-elos otlenee, nd keep
in- juurivti net' i um si in 01 wounding son.dify.
He will oppnsn wlmi i- false
.mil <-vil,ns i ne, <>l lii> -out d dulie>: t>ui
while doing so, v\ ill Mm; ii<? >li i |>ci langu ig?
ili n its cin kc iikI c MTiion nmy re<|uit?*.
l ilt* "Moini* <.r zt''ie" will lie elrgiinilv
l> in led, on liie \\ hit*' | >.-1 pi*!', wiili I rge
oli* ii I ici-J i v 11?', ilutL may he read by
oung and ol 1 will) 'lit i .jury io tlic even.
One <*c>|iy. per annum $2 00
Three copies 5 00
Six 10 00
Ten 15 00
r ourieen '20 (10
Where a club of six, ten, or four.eon
copies are sent,1* an extra copy
will be furnished to the po una.- ei\
or oil er person who makes up the
rlnb. One copy of either Gouey s
Lady s Book. Graham's Magazine,
or Sartain h Magazine will be sent
for foil I (la II flTM. All Inllnrs inn j
post paid. Money thai is run-en' at
the place where the subscription is
uvule, will be taken in payment for
the paper.
Ad li\ ss, T. S. Arthur Co.
No- 5 Atb. nian Huilclings Franklin
lace, Philadelphia.
/i vv i t a
V>!1 Ki/YI'.
C. OOD T,ands on Hamsay's Creek
X and Chan^a: good Mills and
marhinei,V't?all my lands on Pall,
Oconee vviodkod- and other ('reeks,
and on OWainga Hiver. I will sell
low for cash, or on time by bein#
secured. My object is to get my
business lo^other unit to- mow?, and 1
have made up rfiy ?rind to offer such
bargains that those who have (he
means may be induced to buy- Come
and see, and buy good lands, fine
water power, in a heaithy and pleasant
part ?fth? country. I rejuctantly
shall leave riiy native State, with
the horeofbelng more tiRf?ful-??I have
hA n(lw>i< * -I
unn/1 iHutwwitiwiu J OO HOI 6Xj
poet more honlth or worldly prosperity.
' 'Zl'ftW*I
hope all persons indebted to me
will pay, withont cost or trouble.
Oct. 90,
| mmm wmE vuppms.
For the vzclutiive isalc <{f <} Ra
1 vv/'w and Dubois and Svabury ?
celebrated Grand Actiuh Pi"
/V41/I i< V.v/iio
3S and 230 Kinjr Street, (;it the Hepd.) i
Every Instrument xohl in <icei mpanicd
icil/t (i written guarantee, sp that
there is no risk whatever to the purfit/IV
"""'maw in'sic.
VI H. .OATMS would respectfully unit
JLt A 'he intention of fhe public generally
i lo his select crtt-nloguo of musicnl public;*
tions, the copy rights of \vliicn liuve been
i secured from the Composers.
Anna Hixhop's (rmnd Murch, founded 011
llellmi's <olc.l>niied Hondo Minnie, 4Ah!
don't mingle,' in * J .a St.ronjtmbuiii,' and
introducing ilu* new variation, composed
i,v n. iiii.i i
- \ I'WVJPIIVU .11111
iho proporl\ <>l Bochsa.) EfftbtDished
with a correct likenessof Madame Bishop,
in tlie clijiincliT of Amina. Arranged
lor the Pinno Kofto by N. C. Boch.-u]
PrK-f 37^ renin.
I'uc unit flan leu J'rnpiquex: (A Nij^bt in
the Tropic-.) A lie\ e? ie, on a motjvo
from L?- Desert, by I'llii ii c l)?ivid. ( ./imposed
hv Mil us ice Sir: koM-li. 9,7 ? rent*
Oram/ Polka I'\ii)t<intiattc: compqsl'd by
uu? laic omnium (.initansl, Vircent A
Velimidt, author of iln- 'UrlM-iit An;
ran?ed for t lx* I'iano I'Nirlo 1 y Miss AdolKojinstock'
2.*> ccrtiN.
Stmnysidv \\r(il/z: ('inlx-llislu'd will) a licnulil'ul
nd corn rl view of Sunny ido, Hie
icsid'-iicc of \Va>hinu(Jin living; coh<nosud
hv I!011 i v I'. Ontos. 25 cent--.
Mara /Ham liolka. 2f> routs.
i\a Plfh tie fctifiiiH'iit /iiilroduoiij/
the nir 'M-.ltii a In Fniniv.' 25 cents.
I.ct'r t/Wmoitr Polka; 25 c^jjuv
Yankee J)tk><Uc Polka. 25 'cents.
/'ci/a'irk Wi//wm's (? rrfi'ii Pi /tea. 95 els.
St'caixf Susnin.afi Polka: I \ Kzilia. 25 ? Is.
Home, &wcct Home, J'olka: beautiful.
2j"> cents.
Last Hose of Summer, Polka: very popular
2f> cents.
Love, not Polka, by Rzihi 25 cents.
Celebrated Linda Polka, intrnrlucinp 'J\li
\v u'd (he happv day was near.' 26 c s
- liar lesion (Quadrilles: by F; \Voolcoti.
1)7^ cents.
Dix/xiirivf/ Mart/, a beautiful Ballad, eoinposed
hy the late di&linguUdjcd vocalist,
John Wilson. 25 cents.
Keowrc Waltzs, in 2 Nos.; by ft lady of
South f'nrolina. 50 rents encli.
Palmetto Iicijhmnt Quick Step?embe
lished with n correct repiesentntlo'n of the
new Millitiiry Hall, Cltnrb stori: by //only
T Gates. '25 cr-nts.
| Southerner Quirk Step?embellished with
: correct representntion of Rte?m>hi|)
' Southerner. !?y //eiiiy T: Oaten. 25 cents.
Gasper Guards March, ('oniposed by a
lllflv l?f ftllllfll f^W 1*1 Of. #.r>n?<.
T/ttoy Lonrj Polka, ttlovermni kisol'e. 2f> els.
(,'aniinal of Venice Polka, very popular
2fl certts
S'c>/ermarkinrhe Favorite Polka. 2~> cents.
Also, nil the Mew Music received by express
from the principal publishes in the
United Suites.
*#*A liberal discount made to dealers,
schools and seininaiies.
jfjrOidcrs for thc^e publication* must
1 be sent to
234 and 2fl(5 King st. (at the lu'iicl)
j'-PHE lT n<lersign take 1 li'is method
1 of calling the attention of purel
ia set's lo !i largo slock of (i roceries,
hfiih in Augusta (ia.,a?d Hamburg
S. C. Consisting in part of
liolli (niiitiiy and
Diuulcc; I t to lO iiiclics
wide, ami heavy.
iinlc Ko|?o and Twine. I
Mula^cs, Ghee He, Mackerel,
Flour, Bacon, Nails superior quality,
MOULD, of all kinds,
Solo Leather, Onk tanned,
and Hemlock, do,
Powder* Shot, Lead, Soap, Starch*
Indigo and Madder
If fc'
! Negro Shoos, and Blankets of the
heavjcst and bypt quality.
Homespun, Calicoes, &c. &lc. ?
All of which wo will sell at the vary
lowtot prices of the * Augusta and
Hamburg marketfl.tMpW#* >
I Orders from Ceor^i?, Alabnmn,
and South Carolina will be thankfully
received r .1 filled at the lowest
prieca.?Orders addressed to Howard.
McDonald Co., either to Am |
gust a or Hamburg, will meet with I
, prompt ?"enWnj^^W AR?. i
T.M. - 1
O^KVhe l,mu<MW>lle Meriilo, and
; Hnmhurn W>? J
ooiiv "ne inonllh |
, on. -i. ism*. ? w" dUj
?. ..... uiui-tU
r'HOSK who wish RMfad
Bedsteads* cai? #<<jt i)wtfon
onahlo terms by appl^in^lo ^ |
Piel^ei^j C. S. C, |
,A 5

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