OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 24, 1857, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1857-10-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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liii own knife, , winch wu? found Sticking
through the. bcd-<*.lnthcs, tho thickness oi'
whioh is snid to have caved his life. The
chief of police next day offered, through
the paper*, a tcward of 83,000 for the detection
of tho perpetrator of the deed. Two
o'litcrprixing citizens appeared und claimed
the reward, alleging that Custanares himself
did the stabbing, in order to gain yinpathy
#i.? i ? '
.... v"> jjuiiumiuur. Claim, tin Oeing rcfu'sod
i.lie money, they commenced suits in
one of the courts to recover it. Ho the
matter stands at present.
The overland immigration is arriving in
profit nuuiberH in Carson Valley, bringing
>, in large droves of rattle. Several parties
had been attacked by the Indians or renegade
white."}, who stole their stock and
killed several persons. The following are
the names of those killed, so far as learned :
1..U- V \ '
iMMiii i>?unic?n, .Minn otccn, ami John
Lnwby. Wo learn of the massacre of a
whole train consisting of six men ami three
children. One woman wan shot through
and scalped, ami left fjiV dead, but was
found still alive by those whofrune up first.
She is not expected *o live. The stock
was recovered from the Indians, in doing
which only one Indian was killed. The
oitlv name* rnflnlloftrtil I
_ , > WV--WVVVM VIIVJ I HU inil . )
wore those of Ilolloway und his brothor-inlaw.
The three children were murdered
by those fiends before the fitfto of their pareuts
and horribly mutilated. The immigrants
to a man are willing to-join a company
to exterminate those fiends.
A Most Bloody Dual?All for the Lava
of a Youug Lady.
By tin; m.ul>) of the Northern l/iglit,just
arrived froiu California, wo learn tlj.it a dual
took place between Mr. ('. M. Blair and
Col. Casey, at Stockton, which rcmiltud in
the donth of tho latter. We <(iiotj from
the Stockton -1 rfjux the following particulars,
whiyji allow tHis to he about tin; blond.
iost and most dc.spo.iMto duel on reoord :.
A duel o.uuu oil" ?t an early hour Tuesday
morning, a fifty miles froiu tho city,
he'twecn Mr. (J. M. Blair and Col. CaH.ey,
both of Mercer county. A bitter animosity
lian for S(iui? tiiuo p:ist existed between
the pirties, growing out of it rivalry in the
' effort to obtain t!?#? fin ml nf > Mi-iu I.
young lady of prepossessing personal appearance
and accomplishment*, at present residing
with her father oil thojfJtani>da>is.?
Mr. J.Mair and Col. (!asoy ine? in the barroom
of the Weber llousc, on Monday
morning, each accompanied by friends,
whore a conversation ensued kotwe&n them,
at first apparently in a friendly manner;
but Blair, becoming vexed at the indifl'er
once which his rival assuiu'cd, made some
severe charges, which Casey dcuounced as
fals >, and at the same tim j rising from his
seat, struck Blair a severe blow with his
list. 0.isuy drew his revolver, but was
prevented from using it by persons presont.
Bltiir, being unarmed, stepped luck, but
was pursued by Casey, wUo dealt nim anoth
I > nvinu uiun 11 [i-ill (UC Ilieo. I IIC Il'IOIUtS
of the parties, however, sucpeedod in proventing
blood-shod, and restoring order;
nhortly after which, arrangements wore
made for a settlement of the difficulty bv
other means. Yesterday morning was fixed
as the time of meeting, at a place three
miles froni the city, whore the parties met
about day-light, accompanied by a few spec
t.iuirs. me ground was moasufod, a distance
of ten paces, ru>d the word being givon,
shot-i wftro exohaugod. On the first
fire, each party missed aim. The second
shot took cfFeot upon Casey, causing a slight
flesh wound. Upon attempting the third
shot, tho cylinder upon Casey's pistol rcwl
1- - ' '*
hujuu nj ruvuitu 111 vouHoquonco oi an exploded
cap lodging upon the tube. Firing
w.?rf then discOto tin tied for about ten minutes,
during which time the weapons, Colt's
six shooter*, were reloaded in every 'chamber,
and firing was again resumed. Kneh
party exchanged six shots in (juick succession,
without the "word," three of. which
t*iok effect upon Casey, while Blair escaped
without injury.
Tho most dangerous wound reoeived by
Casey, was a shot which dntarnd tho nr.fi.
toncum or abdominal lining. A ball also
*>:isse<l through the nbdo'iutial muscles.?
Notwithstanding tho wounfo received by.
(lol. Cascy> it is said that 1 jo exhibited an
apparent unconcorn throttgHyUl .lie tiring.
1 Ic was brought into the city by his frionds,
and is at jtresont ut the Magnolia llouso.
IMair, us might have boon expected, ha?
made Iiis euoapc, probably to await the result
of Casey's wounds.
We. have known Col. Ca?cy for a number
of years as oho of thq. earliest. settlers
upon the funping land* along tho Tuolumne
river. lie in known ami esteemed by a
largo circle of friends and acquaintances,
as a gentlnmtfu worthv of all- r-nnfidnnM* ?
and wc trust that the unfortunate a flair in
which he l.ns hoGomo involved, mar not
terminate fatally. The duol is, undoubtedly,
one of tho most doaporote on record, niul
we only regret the uceo?jjWj-jthat compelled
a reuort to .su?h hazardous means of ndjusti
npt a partijnal difficulty.
The San Joaquin Republican Hay*, that
Dltllj wouudod as Col. Ca?ey w<w, lio insisted
upon having nnothop round of ?ix
shot* each, which h'w friends, of course,
prohibited. r jW
Nkw VortK.Orl. I.">. I{-)USCV(-It
lias denied a motion for an order citing the
Hank of Now York to tibow e.iuso why a
receiver of that bank nbould not be appointed,
The Judgo baa determined that when
the officers fit' Hfilvftllfc tmiilfa ??*?
---..-v* * "
good faith, no rooeivcr shall bo appointed.
'Hmj fact of suspension of specie payments
is not ? proof of fraud.
? * - ?*
A l)KMO<m.vrff> Mkahimik.?A correspondent
of the Philadelphia Pfrw remarks
judiciously, thai vfo itayo another les.*on
tilllirlif nW *iV 4.%.^ }..
v.v viv raiuo til l/fll? IIIGfnj)n^'?Cn8
troiNury. Ifnd the nn,i>oy of the
mout boon tU"<wn into thft Ncvr Yos k in??*>
kefc, fto that the oporntprs oould hnvo tfot
noiuoT ttutid iBveftfcM it In railroad Atfeurl ties
the p.ush Afnong the broker# of fliVt city
would lu?vo extended to alino?:t every ration
of busiucw and labor, und the und
Hull. . ... . * ? '*?u
suffering that followed the downfall of the
hunk of the United States would have been
nothing to the catastrophe. It is well occasionally
to remind ourselves of the prue(
tieal workings of tbia admirable improvemenv
upon the old fashioned system of keeping
and depositing of tho public revenue.
I tiik Kkmai.k Tkmi'kh.?We like to see
i a woman of npirit and life; for a dull, su
I pine, prosy woman is a poor affair indeed,
i And wo have no particular objection k
seeing "the sparks fly," occasionally, wliT
something really stirring occurs. We lik(
to bco hor joyful and lively; and, if slit
has a little spice of v>'ggery, we can pul
| up with it very well?nay, we like it all the
j better. Hut across, sour temper, we lmvc
i no good opinion of; for a woman who can
; never look pleasant, but is always fretting
i and scolding, will make an unhappy home
I for all within her house. And wo had a.?
I lief undertake to live In a barrel of vinegai
j in a thunderstorm, as to live in the house
| with Much a wuuiun. Solomon was right
, when he said : " It is better to live in the
corner of a house-top, than to dwell in u
wide house with such a brawling woman."
Let. a woman wear sunshine on her countenance,
and it will drive the dark cloiub
from her husbands face, and joy will thrill
i through the hearts of her children. Let .1
woman's words bo soothin*; and kind, ami
! everything is happy around her. Her iu<
I fluence will be powerful. Others will eatcli
her sweet telnber, and all strive to see win
i can be must like her. Sweetness of ternper
in a woman is more valuable than gold,
and more to be prized than beauty. Uut
may Heaven keep us from an untamed
shrew, whose looks are wormwood, and
whose words are gall ! We had rather take
j Daniels place. with the lions, than to think
! of living within gun-shot of such a tcvmcj
gant. If women knew their power, and
I wished t?? oxert it, they would always show
sweetness of temper! for then they are irresistible.
Consignees at Anderson Depot,
Sullivnn & S, Sliclor & S. II Kiicp, .1 M lienklu,
.1 II K Slnun & IA M Holland, (I Collycl
&Oo. W C lleulv. J II .flu Wlll.im x- ii u
S .Sliurpo, II Tyler. 15 F (i T t> Oniyton, 7. \V
Orcon, D J Jordan, l< T Arnold, WT Wright, !
S Mnvit, Ml;s. Ami MorrU, Fortl, .1 & Co, II !
Havcncll, -I C Ncvillo, Hani-on & K, C Hit/, II
Fftgen, A Henry, \Y II 1)(iulll.ir.il, A S Stephen*,
J T SloKn & ('?, J I) .Smith, L) IHcmunn, K & V
K Alexander, .1 Kruno, \V Vnn Wyok, J S Lortor
& Co, W 11 Calhoun, S WiUiunki, Whitnor A
0. A Fisher. M
F. HICK. Agent.
Makiiiki), on i'hurt?lay evening t!ie 16tH instant.
by Rev. .J. 1<. Kennedy, Mr. Kiiiikut K,
Uowkn, of Pickens, tu Miss M. A. A. Oi.ivr.it, ol
At Walnut Hhlgc, on tlie 1 fit It inst., by W. S,
(ivislnun, Kaq., Mr. li. NV. Wooihutk, of Spur,
laiiliurg, to Mi.su Nancy W.vdk, of Abbeville.
i 1 - . -i ??-?. ?rrrr? J
WILL h.> KAKKfiKI). ut I). Bicmnnn's,
Wnllr.iUa; on Saturday tho 7 th November
next, a CASTLK exhibited ut the
Fair last week. Chance*. 50 cents ; to bi
had of 1). Bicinann. Dr. Xnrninn. .1 It ri-sli.
I or, 0. lleicko, .Jr., ami at this Office.
Tlio Cattle ia madoof l'aner Maehie, ami is
useful ivs well a ornamental. Take a eltnncc!
(i. A. UUMTAU.
WaUmlla. Oct. UQi MT. 13 :t
VLL persona having demands against tlu
H-tate of John Knox, deceased, wil
make pavmfcit forthwith, ami '* >se having
demands against ?ftid Estate will prcneni
them legally attested.
H. F. O1 KELLY,) . , ,
MILKS KNOX, fA,1,u?Oct.
22, 18f>7 lr? I
Estate Sale.
WILL bo sold, on WcdnosdAy tho lltl
day <>f Novcmbor next, at the lutt
residence of John T. Hlack, doccased, nil tin
Personal Kstiite of said deceased, consistiuj!
of Corn, Wheat, Fodder, Stock, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles.
Tr.HMd.?Twelve months credit without in.
tcro.it. $
pot. 32, 1857 K> 3
siait* i;ai?oliiaa,
PICK EH.1 ?l#r Riv^r _ ? I TAT ION..
\r ^riIEI?HA8, 7- N. MoKltt^y & A. Stewart
T T have Applied to mo '?r letlfiN,JidininiKtration
on nil mid singular the goml? nn?. ?
lols. v)kMj? and ercdiU belonging ?<? H. Stewart
late of the dUJrliy,uiii St*tc
tlje kindred nn?t credltoi'3'or Wnl deeeaucd are,
therefore, cited to appear before ine in the Or(Unftfy'8
office, nt Ph-kenn(J. If., on Monday the
Olli day of November next, to?hcw cause if an%v
they can, why said letter* should not J?c granted.
(liven under uty hand and ?cul of olttee,
Iine r.'tiiday ot Uotobor, 1 H.V7.
W. I'AIISONS, n.i'.n.
I Stale of tfoailh Carolina,
! IIKUKA.S, Avay Carfer liath applied Jo in?
I I T for letter* at' administration on all ami ?ii?,
gulnr tho goods hiuI chattel*, lights and credit*
i liolongtug to Asa Carver, Into of the district
and State aforesaid deceased: the kindred and
creditors of said dcflocwod are, therefore, oiled
to uproar befpro me in the Ordinary'* Oflicr:, at
I'ickout* C. II.i or. Monday theOth day of Nov.
neXl, to shew cause, Jt'any they can, why saiil
letter* should not begrantcd. Uivcu under tuy
no.I >-..1 f > -1"'? ' 1
. ........ U.1<1 9VUI VI wiitf, uiviimi uay OI UClODcr,
I J867. W. J. I'AHMOXS, o.i?.D.
IMitte of South CnrolSica,
WHF.HKAS, J. 11. ClftfHy i\Mh applied 16 mr
for lottera of administration on all <lhd ?inj
gulnr tho good* nod oliatteln, rights and ircdite
I belonging to (?cdrg$ I). Clardy l?to of the dintriot
and .Stftt? afore-snid, deceased: tho kindred
I and croditora of said deceased arc, Mioroforo, ci
| ted . <> a/jvcar before mo itt the Ordinary'# offiec,
atVlckous 0. 1]., on Monday t!?c Oth day oi
November next, to shew can?e if any thojr c#n,
wJir uaid letteV* should not be granted. Given
under my band and weal of ofllco, the 23d day
of October, 1857.
W. J. PABSON8. o.p.n.
| ? 'rr-:
X IIKHRBY forwarn oil persons from trart|
inp for oithor of two Noto?, dm*t? for
ixitiftfltrft OHtitWl, or l?;Mtror, for onn ?mn
dred and s\jtf v-novon (tollam (\ml fifty contu
i uuvu. "*? TOiwmwwwn ior wnictt they
wm-o given Iww failo-J, I will not pny thorn
untfl co'iiytylhul J>v law.
1 l* .JI
* / *
I Anderson Pricos Current.
Axu^Mun ('. II., Oct. -I, 18Tif
i Cotton por lb. - - - 11 @ 11J
I Suit, per ?ack? - - 2.(10
J C'otfoe, lllo, per lb. - - IS ( ?) 14
I .Sugars brown, per lb. - 12 (gf, 14
vi unuvu mm luni, pnr ID, in (?}
, Molafcsc*, West India, per gallon, 70 (a* To
" N. Orleans' " '* 85 (rf) 1 .IM>
Yarn (On.) per bunch, - - 1.20
Oannhurg*, (heavy) por yard, 13 (r?) 1 t
i Shirtings, " - 10 ($ 11
, , Iron, common ni*c Swede, per lb. OA
, i " Kngliah, ? t?
i Nails, per ke^. 0 6t\ OA
1! 1 Oil, Linseed, per gallqn, l.flT (? 1.50
Train, " - 'JO (m 1.00
oiums, 8X10 ... a (,i\ 3.2."?
. ' 10X12 - - 3.25(^3.(10
( Kicc, per lb. ... fi.\ (Ti\ 7
Flour, per barrel. - - 5 (n\ 0.fM?
> Wheat, per bushel, - - AO (<i 05
! Corn, 75 (>? so
i llncon, hog round, - - !" (i> 17
Hugging, (?unity, per yard, 1H (<V> 20
Outs, per bushel, - - 40 (a\ 60
! Pons. ?? -. - 1.00
' 1'owdor, Kitlc. per kog, - 7 Oh 7.J
[ i lu'i c iMiinvaya lo oc louinl 11 good Stonli
L | of (lond*. nt K., II. & ('o'e.
, j ^LAT" ILti he Hold, on Tuesday the 10th dnv
I i tV of No inbor next, a very VAI.l'A
I IUjK THAC'r OF LAND, lying in IMckem
| I district, immediately on Tuj>aln Hivcr, con!
tainiut? Four Hnninwl nml \
1 of which arc good bottom. On the premises,
i ! ure comfortable dwelling mul out houses, with
i a good shoal for fishing, Ac.
j lliSO
TWO TjIKKLY N KOUOIOS. 11 man and wo!
man; tin; crop of Corn, Fodder, Oats, Stock,
j i Household and Kitchen Furniture, 1 yoke ol
j Oxen, and other articles too tedious to mention.
Tho sale to take place on the premises.
! Sold as the property of Nancy Harrison, deceased,
by consent of parties, tor distribution.
TBUMS.?Twelve months credit with in1
tcrest, tho payment of the purchase money to
, bo secured by note and Hceur'.tv.
' Oct. 22, 18'>7 I.) 3
Special Notice.
? ^ Id, persons trespassing on my Land, es>
I _tl. jl. (luuiiuiy "u inn comuuonai line between
- myself ami Win. llothel, running from a
beech corner to a black oak on ."aid line, will
take notice tliat they will be prof>e<5Utc<l
should they not desist. " A word to the wist
; is Huffieient."
I Pot. 10. Is.")7. is
Public Salo.
rilllBltK will be sold at the residence ol
1_ Francis .Jenkins, on Tuesday the 17tl:
dav of November next, tho TitACT Ol>
LAN D Oil which lie iinvv livn* nnnlni.i!..<
( vwiiuuhhi^;
One Hundred and Thirty Acres, with tolerable
good improvement. Also, Hordes, Mileli
Cows, and ilocf Cattle, Hogs, Com, Fodder,
Household and Kitelicu Furniture, &c.
r Terms made known on (lav of sale.
Ood. 20. 1857 15_ .1m
Administrators' Sale.
IMi 1)0 Rold o"i Thursday the 12th day
T? ??f November noxt, at the late res!
donee of John Knox, deceased, nil tlie Per>
Honul Estate of said deceased, t<> wit:
Corn, AVIieat, Fodder, Horses, Stuck of all
! kinds," Household and Kitchen Furniture,
and other articles too tedious to enumerate.
i TERMS?On a credit of twelve months,
i 1 with interest, on all sums over $ ?; under
' I that amount, cash.
11. F. O'KKLLY,) . , ,
MILES KNOX, J Adln rs*
Oct. 22, .1357. 15 3
Estate Notico.
I 4 FINAL Settlement of tho Estate ol
{ Y. Daniel Loopor, deceased, will he. made
t before the Ordinary, at Pickcnn C. II., on
Friday the 28th day of January next. All
persons indebted to said Estato must come
forward and pay up, and those having do
inauus will render tlicni in legally attested
by that time.
i Oct. 19, 1S57 15 3m
> i nvi'ivc;.
I EXPECT to be at Pickenivillo on Wednesday
T.^xt, tho 28th instant. All ]iorsons.indebted
to E. A. Alexasiiur, Survivor,
will please make payment at tli.it time, ii
thev wiith to save cost.
Oct. 22. 18.Y7 br? ,f
rpiIK subscriber linn just roturned from
JL Ob&vicston with a selected Stock of Fall
j <vid Winter Goods, consistinffrtfDftY GOODS,
' Uftlico, Glnghains, Muslin doLains,
&?., of tlio newest and most fashionable patterns
; for gontlouiou, Coats, Vests, ami
, Pants, &c. Also,
r I CiiroccricN.
. I Consistir , of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Popper,
Indigo, Aljspioo, Nutmeg, &e.
A Nice Lot oFSHOES nntl BOOTS, ln?th for
Ltuiies nnd Uontlcmen's Wear.
Hardware & Cutlery,
Such as Knives nnd Forks, Pockot Knives,
! (Inzors uiul Strop. (Inns, Pistols, C'tips, Powder,
Shot, Lend, Frying Puns, Spiders,-Ovens
i and Pots.
jstUMLlttS, WHIPS, Ac.
j A Fine Assortment of Candy.
| Ladies and Gontlomen give me n call, ns I
have plenty GOODS of every kind iukI dos;
orintion ; Cheap for CASH.
o..? 1 r. 1?V7 " -
... ...... i??
Valuable Land for Sale.
I WILL noil to th? highest hiddflr on Wednesday
tho 4th day of November noxt the
i tract of land wheroon .John M. ltotyman now
' livAH,lying in PickonHdistrict, ljr miles Mouth
i >Vostof Bacholor'n Retreat, immediately on
i tho Road leading to Mullen's Ford, containII
w.cVOiiw iirvnnt" inuwa >
g muru or ichs
' with Fifty A&reft No. ono Creek Bottom,
all in a high A fat? of cultivation with all the
nocftMSHry lJuildiiijrrt, &o? IhimIh ot
Sanntcl Vanipr.-wm i?. II. Verror. NoM'fbr
distribution anmnjc thft iif*ir? of Violet. Bowman,
<looenM?J. Tito #?lc to tako pUco ou
tho j>roinit?o?.
Tkrj???On a crcftit of one, two anil thfeo
X yearn, with Now twiil fc)>prove?l security.
1857 14 3
UKIIHONS (iewirona nf 1/VtH Iv
I tKfttW nil frYi* it?tiftHiai>{jte.. 8 *_ .
. VM Mruqi IVIIUMIUIIF. *?pp|y 'O
WaUwlU, Kux, 0, JtQW * 11
J. D. SMITH & CO.,
A'l rtNDLiriOlV, SO. ( .1.,
4 KM now receiving mul opening n. splen
urn now mm careiuiiy selected iSl<?ck of
Fall and Winter Dry Goods,
Which hiivo Ix'cn purchased by one of the j
firm <in v.?iry advantageous terms. Our stock
I consists, in j>art,of LADIES LutKSS OOODS, I
j such as Muslin do Latin*, Cashmeres, Ah ?ac- 1
i cur. Ginj.',,um<?, Calicoo*, and Fancy Articles. i
For tlKNTLKMKN'S WBAK, we have:
: Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Satinets, Ye>-ti
iilgs, Cravats, ?.Vc. &c.
Heady IVfiuric Clothing,
j ConHiHting of Cloth, Satinet, Tweed, Dress
j and Overcoats, I'antw and Vests, of aunorior i
> . . . II mm 11IIIM1.
| A Iur;;e Mock of Silk and Morocco GA1TKKS.
hoots & suof.s, hats caps.
Jewelry, Gold Brooches, Iv.ir liobs, Finger
lliti^s, and other nrtioloH.
All of which wo will noil low for CASH,
i Cull and examine our Stock for yourselves
i and he convinced '.
. _Oet. ">. l*r>7 13 tf
1>Y V irtue of an order to.lgo directed hy
) W. ). Pnr.sonn, Ordinary of Pickens !
\ district, I will *cll to tho liiirliest Kirfilnr ho.!
?n ," ; *' j
! foro the Court Hoiigo door, on anleday in No- |
j veuihor next, the Real Estate of-'. 1>. Klein!
; bock, defeased, to wit:
Tract No. 1, lying in Pickens district, on j
Cane Cr?'?k, containing One Hundred and !
Eighteen Acres more or le-ts.
Tract No. '2. near Walhalla, containing I
Fifty Acred more or less.
Two lot* in the town nf Wiillmlln
provud, containing jointly One and onv-qnar|
ter Acros more or lose.
f>"' ! r tho payment of dehtt? ami distrihuI
ti "ngst the heirs of said deceased.
.i,n>lS.?Oil a credit of one year with inj
torest, except tlie c.ists which must he paiil
in cash; the purchaser to givo bond, with
good security, and a mortgage of the promt- j
sos to the Ordinary, if required hv him.
I,. CKA'lU, s.p.n.
Oct. IS. 18". 11 '? 1
rpO TAKK charge of Liberty Acndemv for
I. the vuiK' 1858. Application should be
| j made to the Trustees on or before the 2d Mou?
day in November. A Classical Teacher will
be preforetK Those applying should come
well recommended. lJy or?ler of the Trustees.
TUOS. II. HOGGS, Scc'ty. I
Oct. 15,185T < 14 |
Executor's Salo.
WILL DP. SOLI), on the 13th dnvof NTo*\
next, iit the late residence of Henry
[ Whitmire, deceased, all the personal propui
ty belonging to said estate. Consisting of
j fmr J load of Horses, Cuttle, llojrs, Sheep,
; Corn and Foddnr, Plantation Tools, House*
!i )l?l anil Kitchen furniture, ?te.
1 i Tkkms.?All sums over live dollars on a
j credit of twelve months, nil sums of five dol- |
lira ami minor, ciihii Oil Oav ot sale.
] IKN It V W1LITMI UK. j v'x ors' 1
1 0,,t- 14 _
Administrator's Sale.
WILL 15K SOLD, on tlio .r>tli day of Nov.
next, at the lute residence of .Joshua
j Chapman, deceased, all the personal proporty
! bolongiuz to said Kstnto, to wit: One IIor.se,
I (Jflttln. lion's. Slionn Pnrn oml W.ul/U. I.'..
in;* Utenmlw, and Household and Kitchen j
Furniture, Ac.
Term...?.V11 sums of five dollars and un- i
der, cash. All sums over that amount, on a I
credit of twelvemonths, purchasers giving]
; Note and good sccuritv.
I Oot. 15. 18o7 11 :i I
rpHK undersigned beg leave to call atten- I
1 tion to tin* fact, that their Wool Carding 1
Machine is in thorough repair, and turns out j
the very best rolls. They have a JJurr Machine
attached that cleans the Wool admirably.
The prjec of carding is eight ccnta per |
pound or the usual proportion of wool. The
Wool Cafdep is in the immediate neighbor- 1
hood of Hunter's Muster Ground, on Wolf]
Creek. ' WM. IJL'NTKIl.
ir 1 lii'tnn t \r I
_0ct- !L 1857 l':V ^ ""*tf I
Executor's Sale.
WILL BK SOLD, nt Fair Piny, on tlio
12th of November next, the remain- j
ing Personal Ewlnto of Ctvlcb Burton, deceased,
to wit:
One Negro 1k?y DEAN, 10 year? old; one i
sorrel Ilvrto, two beds am1 l'urnituiv, and !
1 other property too tedious to mention.
TERMS.?All Hun)fl under ei^ali; over j
wuuHinoum, n oreMit ot ono yonr with iutero.it. !
' Oct. 9, lft>7 ! '! 5
I\ OTIC 15.
I rpiIAT Tract of Land, lying ami sitnntoon
] 1. Crow ('rock, belonging to tho Estate of,
i Fountain Alexander, deceased, will on the&l I
day of November next, be rented to tlie hi<*li- j
est bidder-**-tile renter to give possession the
'2d day of November, 1858. ,
I). A. ALEXANDER, ) . . ,
T. M. ALAXANI>KU, \ Al,m * |
j VCU 10. !?.?< 1 V n
A.'. F.\ M.\
rplIB noxt Regntar Communication of I'ondlo1
Ion Lodge, No. 5M, A.-. F *. M.-. will l?<j
held in the l.odgo Rodtn on Mon lny, November
2d, at 7 o'clock, is m.
Uy order of \V. K. .low, W.% ?*!. .
Oct. !*> . It. E. SKA IK)UN, SecYy. ;
Final Settlement.
! 4 I.(j nMWiliia i.'l-n
i Jt\. thttt ? Hnnl Hottlcniont of tlio Kstato of
ThiiuittH II. (lusftway, dcoeasod.'wM l>o made
| before the Ordinary, Ht I'itrkerm C. Il.j on
Monday the 11th iloy of Januar.v next.? '
Tliono indebted to f>aid'Instate inuat make pay I
inont, and those having demandn will ronder
them in, Ic^hHt nttented, hv that time.
.ufc. I>. OASAWAY, Adm'r.
Oet.fi, 1H57 ' IS' *-im
' -;4 LL porxoiiH indfSIJtOn to the F??tnto of
I J\_ John Couch, lato of Pickeus district,
i decoasort, pro hcfohy notiflo.! *hnt thoy mu.st
i innka payment; and, thong having drnmunJ*
again Ht ?ii?i ?'-<tan*, will jtftwent limit to u*
li-jnilly atte.sttvl.
MARY A rmrnfi >
nOUT. cbivit. j Adm'r.'
?.C>, IfVtj 1! flin
VP0CXTXQS wia iii rr.adt tc ths Wpis
JV latum vf South J'wroiinm at Kh uc*t nvnoimi.
for on act to uicwpor^tc w l'iokon#
i If. t*hu*cli. r . ii*#.?, 13i7
OX iiic Opih of Oo.;?<l>cr{ ii'ftimt, c.t {'.:c
lutn residence of llcnjninin Cleveland,
deceased, 2} miles from Fair 1'lny ainl 1}
front Knox's Hridge, (where A. .J. Looney
now liven)
Toil Lik<i)r IVogrocw,
^insisting of two Follows, one Woinun, and
seven children. Also, the
Of the snid Denjamin Cleveland, dccewcd,
consisting ot Tract No. I, containing One
Hundred and Kighty Acres more or less, of
which about lUO acres are oluared, including
20 acres of good bottom. On this tract there |
is Dwelling House, &c.. in pretty good repair.
Tract No. 2, containing 180 Acres more or
less, of woodland.
Also, a small nnnnfit i* r.P
Tkums.?Twelve mouths credit with interest.
All Hums under $10. cash.
Oct. 1, Ailm'r with will anu'xd j
UK R AFFKKl) FOR. contusting of KASLKY'S
Sl'LUNUlDMIMiS, nnd other inn-j
chinerv. together with Seven Hundred
Anriu I.r I.ni?.l .....1 1,1 rt a? . .
..v. v< W> Mlll'l <%M\l . li' 1 WM II J jWll* 111 111(3
Village of K.islev, making 2.">0 prizes. Ilij^lie.-u
prize, $20,0001!! For further particulars
koo hand I ?i I Is. or address eitliorof the follow- I
iug gentlemen at Eusley, Pickens J>i^tiiot
South OnrMlitiu.
Pricc of idnmeos only $10.00. Any person
enclosing & 10.00 addressed a* nhove, ami j;iving
their nunut and Post Office plainly written,
will roccivo a certificate of chance !>y return
F. N". tIAKVIX \ i V.. V. St.OAS.
A. T. LBWIS. ) '3 \ II. UKK TJIIll'STOX,
owu/i ni))> r..>. I I AliMX. MoUKB.
OKO. SKAllOKN, > ?, t.J. 1). ASHMOltK.
001.2*1857 12 if
Valuable Lands for Salo. |
rpiIK subscriber offers his FARM, on Fall
Crock, eight miles north of Pickens
11., at Private Sale, until the first of Xovomber
next, containing Five Hundred and Fiftv-two
Acres more or less, with eoventy-five
acres of bottom. Porsons wishing to pur- i
chase land would ilo w?>ll to i?nll h,** ?,-'i '
examine the place, and they will find my I
terms and price reasonable. If not disposed j
of before, it will be sold nt Auction, at Pick- i
ens C. II., on Salcday in November n<*xt.? '
Terms: a credit of one ami two venrs with
interest. NATIIAN CiV'NXIX.
Sept. 22, 1857 _iL_
of tiik
State Agricultural Society of So. Ca
To lie held n.1 Pnlimiliin <?i> !"> m?l. ii#i.
l'Jtli and 13th November, 18">7.
f Executive Committee of the .State Agf.
ricultural Society of South Carolina respectfully
call the attention <>f the citizens of
the Southern States to their Approaching Fair,
at which premium** will he awarded for all
articles o f Agrie ultural, Horticultural and |
Mechanical interest, as well as Ladies' Fancy
Work and Domestic Economy, embraced
in an extensive Premium List, which can he
had on application to It, J. Gaok, Secrctarv.
Fair Forest, S. ('.
Tins Society has erected the best and most
Commodious Halls in the United Staffs, for
the convenience of cxhihitor*, and good Stalls
for the use of animals.
All articles will be transported to and from
the Fair, by the Hail Roads in South ('arolinu,
free uf charge, at the owners' risk.
Let one and all, from the mountains to the
seaboard, turn out to celebrate this Annual
A. P. CALHOUN", ) M j
1.' i? l) I I L'n I H I
K. u. i Aii.unn,
.1. l\ ADAMS, 5.
1). L. HARLKK, ~
R. J. iiA(?B, ?
rt,t. 1. 1857 12 4 I
ALL persona indebted to the Kfttatn of
Fountain Alexander, deceased, oitlier
l>y Account, Note or Sale-hill must make immediate
payment, or thev will be required to
do so l?v tlio law forthwith.
1). A. ALEXANDER.) . , .
T. M. ALKXANDKH, I *vum rs'
Oct. 8, 18.37 13 4
01' nil ni/.e$, with and without lltillow-wivro.
For sale by J. II. VOIUT,
Opposite "Planter's Hotel, Walfialla, S.O.
Au.miPt r>. isr?7 4 tf
fcC-3 . ?
67) a = ? 2 5
r~ G) .* 2 W : (7 - o S5
O 11 ? * | |
rvj ? c J g -5 ^ c
H?*ff g2* lit jj
^ K.a = r- K-e c 7 . Si
Q5 (Sg W ?e ? t; ? $ 4 & s "
0 * 1 ^ ? f E I jlI? i i ~
^ - ? "rT a-* 5 fe - ~ -5 "C .a
;> ra v ?? 23^ gI | ~ s
2Z pr1 Jf* r? ~* *"' ? ?, *s ? O 5 !r
1^ ^j: CW - -. . . * / >. = u J - Jg
^ = 5 r- S ^ - s * * ? ~
N- i?il '" - a U! ^ &* 4> ^ 53 ** Cs?
c'SjuiH .. - it c<
Lwj &? I So ? i** i :*
pi r^.l:l..yl. 4 3 2
A X 1>
Solicitor iu Cqnilv.
June 12. 1H.,7 2i) Jf_
BBTWKEN Col. Ktihlcv'fl and Major Ari*
nil'*, on tho Ortenvillo row I, my l'OCKKT
HOOK, containing utanit Two l>ollar? J
ami a half in ctutl'i ?o?no rocei|iti?, and two
liotOM. One note drawn payable to Simeon
I 1/ _:?1. . -1 . L- ? ? L' 6 ?t #V ?'
>*? Ul'llll, IllUUt' UT ill. II., l<. C, dt >>. I). IVOltll,
eftid note bring givon l>y them, for Four Huntlrf-d
Pollard, for ft plfcfl of land. Another
nuto drawn payable to John Kasloy byZ. Martin,
for ?n*ontccu Dollars an<l snventy-five |
cftlltH, (hMl March?, 1HA7. 1 berrhv fnr<? ;
warn all porsons from trading for paid notes.
Sept.. 17, 1857 10 tf i
riw raivnTiMnii
ji.v wnuwiiVAVKJ3
NOTK'K in hereby jjivm to flic judgment (
and other creditova of Janunt Kin?, dcr-cusrd,
thnt they must establish r/*)>pc- :
tivo demand* liefore n#r on or before Monday j
the 7th day of iVoombor next; orthcrwixe, j
rbcy will Cc barred.
E. U. KK1TII, Kx'trix. |
K. 31. K KITH, ) v ,
Tv7. KKIT]I, > Lx "r8
Sept. 5, 18.17 8 *" 3ra
OtxrriGos'e Hubs?
'pnr. fulmcriher hus purchuyeil the ri^bt (0
1 iniikc, ven?l. or ui?e (he !*??<*>iit, p-anUsl orij;inullv
Jo Henry Nyoutn. of 1'Minnylvnnin, for
I lie useful improvement of < '?n i?ge lltilmof nil
kiiitl*. When seen, ith utility must be
eilt to nil. The lluh is inncle of east iron, uvoin^ring
in weight less thim I'onr )loiiintff. Tim
Inventor sav* the hub is composed of a buck and
front section, mid having n tiiin metallic tube or
ring, independent of each, centrally placed botwi'i'ii
them, against which the iHuer ends of tho
spokes nbut: when aula sections uro so lundc,
hh that iu removing the hack one, the plpo or
box of the iinb shall also be removed, or removable
with it. to facilitate the properly introducing
of a new spoke, substantially as described.
Oarrieug? Oo\ipling.
Tho itnrinrHicrtiml hns ?K?i !>.?
tent right <>t' a superior improvement in the
It mining Hear of Carriage#*, which only i.eeds
to lie seen to be approved. It is ijiiite i-:..iplc,
anil inn)' lie attached to vehicles now in use, ut
u very small cost.
Shop right* lor both Patents for sale <>n reasonable
ternuj. For further particulars apply ii?
TMekena C. II,, Auy ">. 1^'w I if
^TngmuSIr supplied
j. 11. r. smux & Co.
\\""l*i are now receiving the largest and most
IT complete assortment of
<$ > )?) 3
T!ini *< linvo ever bronpbt to this )>lnce,
we mi' willing to ftt sliort protita. Our
<nouds luivu lieen rnret'tilly *6liM'tc<l in New
York, uml t'linrloston. Wc can ln>
nlwii^s found at oiu* | willing and rendv to
sjlmw ?>nr fJOHDS I'rw of < liftrfic.
We will take iu exchange lor (iooiU, Corn,
uye, vtni-ni, iiaron, l<artf, Tallow. Uwrwiix,
lloney, II<>nip.>q>tiu. Hug*. Cliipkptis, thicks,
, Tm kics, Kggw, Uuttcr, &c.. ui the market prico.
April '.J'.!. 1857 -II ' tf.
| 4 I'PMCWTtOS will l>o made to tlx- J.pgialfc!
.'V tuvc. ut its n<*xt Hcsniofi. for a renewal of
, tlio uct incorporating the village ol" l'ickene,
l with nmon>tm'?nte> to the fame.
Angus! 22, 1"?T 0 8m
\ FINAL wctloment of flic Kstato of f. P.
Keith, (iwcuHoil, will ho made hcfot) Uir
Ordinary, at l'lckfiis ('. II., on the lirM H?(urj
iliiv in J unwary ne\t. AW yvr*o?K imlcbtvfl l o
f?aid estate must come forward und pay tip. ami
thorn* hating demands will render theni in lcgaN
ly attested ny tliat lime.
August 2li, I8;*>7 7 Hin
MV I'OWDKU M MjIj boing now inactive
oiifrnlion tf- ti *1 f? n il
-, - -- -- ? ? ?
I*ov?"?Ier can lie furnished to dealers and
othfn-s at low rates. All orders addrennod to
[>. 15fewann, Wallinlla. will he attended to.
Sept. 2<'>, IS.'iO J*2 tf
Final Estato Notice.
Pl'lU/M! NOTICE is hereby given to all
iiAi'tii'H interested, that a final settlement
i of ttie Estate ol' Allen llobinson, deceased,
j will be made before the Ordinary, at I'iekcns
I If., on Monday the Trh day of December
j next. After that time 1 will not bo hold rc!
sponsible for interest,
i ALVA OKI I'FIN, Adm'r.
Soph 1867 8 3 pi
Halhallit, S. t'.,
J XFOKMK his friends and the public th?t
1 he has engaged a eomjjotcnt Coppersmith,
I who has upwards of tw'entv vears ex peri Mir/?
in the manufacturing of COPl'Kh KKTTLKN,
STILLS, rind .'(11 other artrelrs msouj
faoturcd out of Copper, Tin and Sheet-iron ;
and ispictured to till orders for all work in
j his line at short notice. Terms moderate.?
| Refers to the durability of his work.
. mpilHl I). I>.l I -l If
j. w. suitim. ju. j. w. ii.vuui.--om. /.. v. im i.i.iah.
Attorneys nt Ln?,
l\rlLr. ntfonrf ]?Tomplly fo all business entrustr
t.?l fo their cnrc. .Mr. Pci.i.iam crm aU
ways lie found in fho (Xlice.
JScpLjO, 1850 t? If
Final Notice.
i i i ?fV,.4~ . - r /? * ~
. , .... ...,n.?v<i hp i.. ' . i iiahi x 10. and
i il L. & W. N. either by Note or Aei
count, are called upon, for the lust timo in> this
| uiannci', to comc forward and pay up. Wuliuve
| given long indulgence, but must now usk for
: 11 full ami j'vonij>t settlement. Should this rcnr
| sonable rcqtioht not bo immediately complied
I with, I lie Hooks of Account an<f Notes ?ill bo
plnccd in tlie hands of Messrs. Nokris, IIaiiri!
sox & 1'i i.liam lor collection.
I.. .?t U' v <*n vrn
I .TnIff PA 18.'7 _ :: ?i
lVnlfiatln, S. C.
ffUIE MibsoriliCrs liop IrnvO to inform tlieir
I 1 friend* iwul the public gcnovnlly, ttint tlioy
(ti c now n'coivinp a "(RVgc and elegant aaxortnumt
of sfnponal>lp ^
* ? *
CotiKiHtinft of the iisunl vnriHr, which aro of
tlie lntp*l ftvlcM ami mo*t hnnutiful patterns.
Together Avitlv a frrwli fnpply of
I'urchnft&l oil thr- lx'*t t?>r?nn in the New Vnrk,
l(?)tiniou* und ("linrlrston market*, nml will
he sold on the bfrat tvruin for cash only. Try
Jewelry, Ac.
Tlicv <i!ho Imvo on band a vorv valuable Stock
of. .Jewelry, inchulimr Bj>lci?iid l?oM and Silver
WATf'liKS, ami Kaiicv Article*.
Drug*, itlrdicincM, Ac.
Tlioir Stock in tliis department in licaxy unfl
| tiio afwortnient general, and, a* great car?
' whs had in bttyjng, tlie purchaser nifty rest
aspurod of getting a pure article.
Thohr Stock embraces qnitc a variety <>f
otlior articles, which can only 1>0 appreciated
by being *een. f'ajl early and buy bargain*.
WnlfniTls.^tTny0->, 1857 4fi if
fllllB undorwpcned hik p!f??<urp in
I milts (he public that thr FLOl'H MILLS
at the Full*, two ?iwt ? Imlf mil..* dU.>. n;-.u_
vnn C\ H., have repaired un<l put in motive
operation. Thp vorj l??Ht new HoIUnjC
('loth* have been ai)** aftarhH to
tho Mill*. A Miller, wheeojnfr* well recommended,
has been eujjaged, and no efforts wilt
be sipmed to rwiko n good article wnd a largo
turn out of-FLour. <iivo u* a trial.
.irVKt'.IKI ll..livi'1'T i?
r. J* i i, i j < M>r.'vi"r
Soft % 1?.')7 If ' 1 4

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