OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 10, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1859-09-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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1' " ' ' ^ '' \ ' ? v' I j 'j.1 ^11' ^ .... .^.IH. .. l/'t '^'^''.? ? . >'jg"'.i"' ^'>|;,-"r " '^ ^ '" - "^1.1. I '' '
--t 't ' '. ) . KTO'TiiiNl: wnl a?iip dk *nutt.".fkD irinw foixoV/t?'k^iph,p tup imv, rnou-w^x sot thkn* r>F< iWisn to any. Max," ' .
. jr rtvi >1 ^ '> i!?,j 1 '-*-.,>: fr * 'p*j}'J-t ..? f? ? ' !*L <i ' ? * wtL" 'V . *? {J *' 4 *>*-"T '" " * i^ ' L "' \ :* ' nit!' . ' ' . Wi ' i
" " " " r - ?- .-' - ^ .V J ?."f ~~ ;" ,s"? "\*< :c ' *" '<?* " "> *r'Li f - > ? ' *7*- %{..V,"iE ..: * ? ?t-\ -. t * ?t* ?v. -" . A' rfi^ ' ' J . .'
UV ROB'T. A. THOMPSON* ' " PICKENS COURT ltOUSH; S.jf. MTUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1851). ' 1 ' - ? vol,. XI.-?\0 7.
. . ' ' 1 - : _ ' ' "- / ' 4 ' - ? ' ' ' ' ^
oy OHKKN VI1.I.E, '
.At tlie Mads-Meciing und IWhccu?, at Tunnel
Hill, August 19, lb'rio.
I' Ki.tiOtN* Oitizkns: Ychi hnvo nsscmbh'.d
to give encouragement to the pro?ctntron
of rt grant cntornriso in danger of btdiig
1 tibandohed and lost to the predant. gtvntfratlbn.
How dill'cront xvortld bo Your feolingfi
and mine, if yon bad met, tliir? day to
> couimomoi-ute, in joyous festivity, tllc fms
Hjijfo of- tho etcafn co?*iue py6r this Nifty
? muuntniw hi to the ;j;vcnt valley Of tlio. West !
How diffcrqrvt it would Ird with nlV of us.
*if this vast wsinmhlii^n of persons hn(l boon
i RuUimoned Iioro to' innm;unttb the coinlnoneetnent
of tin ont<!*prifcc WldeVfc'sis
f, .confteat, vrit>h tlio iroh on ml# of tvfailvMiy,
it tie Atlatrtiu flnct- tho jMiftsitisippI ! But,
?my friends, then) is mota bo'uov iti rctrlfcva
iti** si loM5-b:?ttfc> thnfHt) wrnoioj; n victory.
..Ifr* nXlUUTH "uioro nmdiniif'- mill- iwlnrfT*"
. i - ?" ,"
- ittorc^br^eVerHiioc iiBt} in<{amltiiV>lo cohtrttcft,
-iv^d:|>orhH|w hnrdor N\'o Wilt not
><lbe{J:Hr oOucccHH ts*hilnt- there'is hope Mft
'The ^iizo. i? too wftat livvfl onsily ifbn n?
*Vy?i ?!? On?c more we-will'nppW fotU?!
liO^iiilitnrr. Tlwiy 'nnr .?tottorrtJ)fo'',Tft'6rtl
v-SviiKO jitul <('nrollniifir#, fbt'1'.np: a
Ihvdpor in tho wolftmvaiwl' ptoApi-ratjtrtf
thvir W*fc mbfchcn 'Htiito. Wrll
niitv iU<w f..ll -vi
f?.-j IW imi nil VVIiUrjirfSHJ
^.Avhioh i? ,../W st? mUelr of' eoitrtn'cffcc,
I woitJthi until jxwer inta'Sonth Cnroflnrr:
*/v, Tweiity-^evdn-y*?r*<;?go the poopta *of
>k>nt!i -. (JimAifla - 'Under the nobfo te;ld- of
thoit 0*dhjnw v-Hfcync hnd H In tiding, f?nn
.-(the. in; porta nbo, In x conmtorchd; social
?-nnd political point'of "v|oW4 ftf tt connection
l>y railroads'^ with* tho-grcAt' woetcrn Htiites.
' j'/Uo people of Oliro, Kentucky, -TAnnttwWe,
North ( arolinn ttnd Virginia united with
thcv>\ in p^o|ectin'<* ft railroad from .Charles foil
fo liOUisvillft niwl fin'i-liim'ifi
\t1iVro of^t Iho nonrfy a)!prov<il of JAyxjs'hitiirrftj
t'dfIVdUlV.fis a:i<\ jSrimnrv ojKSQOujlio*
* bf-lWe nCo|>V. Koi|lTi ami V\*est. . 5>,1 x State*
wcrt'elllisteu'.i/l' the* en^oVnrt?c.' ()}u?rt?#rj
*TnV a J falltf.iy' aUvl ii^bAnK wqri) obtained
' frtM nil oPtk&n!' Millions jif dol)?r* won
'frnb&briltoa.. Th'tV route' was fmrveVqjJ n'ud
1 thtf y^fk fc'riinnitMiecSl.' The, tfiiijfo1
-of Sft'iitHOatiMna \Vfts alive to tUo project.
%'Mvt"ty ni;oi \Vlio cmfld rnf^ five ilollujf1
*oM sffiek.'' 'J^hc fjOitisla'tuTO,' siiliscvlbcd
"VifTn" ulilmSri, au'd trvo flic 536ilc'a.en<toVfic
.vm iiniiioiia mure. i)iu ;i tcn iOI\
"litfrtlitMrtl I ri.-i.; came ;iM<! KWr]it nvor tl *;
coWi<ry' Vith b'/i^nv^tcysiiill iruiit.
^f-h/uTtciioliofl ColuitjoL^ fipii tUcrc sU^ijkmI,
j'TWc feijiei-Ti^si! 'wgfi iibli^idon^l, nibl (j"uv eii
' tTrvMfilHin pnSAtjft Ky)^\ Tfic Stn^u, Hcenijjd
' ttf *??$ into a.'^iij/ouud It'tliiirjM',, au<l I'd.si
v/i^nt ftltrtgifCWuv oi liPr tfuc alio jmpyrtitpl
!li<<!n',stW. Not fib' tvVM ^lic hoftbcrn ami
middle Suites. Thry, too,' liinT mjciilT?c
.iipjigrtaucf ot" tliis wfHtQr^Qoiuieytiurt witi
J^lie A,tl?n?io? ,?Th<\Y dot eruiiuechut once \(
UMPirW^Vt &P 1 WrP. WuflMt
jjuQ? ,Mew, Vt?vk, JHiili?(litl^bia rtw
i j ?tyi(OMqr<tV>i!?ljE UWJY" 'U)> Ut.JtK> Mitwisqip
pi, iiVvoxncnyg <^' tqi^. (q^ttjVMid'iUitt}
vyi'^fipuj},n( dvU^v; AVjiiit vjitt) tlte coifdC
jqugliypijtlvopp ci(io,s?flfiu-tlwii
^rjvvt. wvaltt^? tUcir. wiiticjyrful coiww'end*
.?Jlieir irHpvv^tvlqd gCO^tU iniilp?wpority
^.rr-?yA-??u Vy?W.-4jlQ OftO|KMJUWiW?H...,'t>liW
,ovcr these, liupa of'.JMiltouiJj), up<l.vlovT>liic
W'Wiii.ry *IUC, WtU?>'H<W Willi tilt
)) )0? 11| j?^li ly 4II It iy^t/ftLfur inn,- cnvidie J. wit ji
t^c.ip^proMptyronrt jiwpMffrCtujosH-bettwti!Vn|
vjlliiges.aji'tl junp;ni(i<#^ to^as truVfliiief
^linpin^c up Jo vioy *?U jnouiuJ you
npd yon .wjll,ba.lo4t4u,.wo:KtaKul lulniira
tJHlV & cHcWy ,u u t*u; y ih&O r iuillW|ry ?*Oll
WUKltUU <tf l^yV. V '; -?...? ' .
. ..W.JuU't oILtUis iiupmyoujcpt:YffiUr f?in>
V?u jin, 11?9 A|j^?\<;W<i>tUv >??jh
\or^, ^uga^v?p^wu4 wMjivy|uO<l,. nlul
tliix .woiiUh Wpfflffty' wuiyflovt'mjritiff
Jkcii) tu^yus, vi^lugc^anil <jiup4 t>oul t^oii
WetUin." lajlrqw) epiyiqct^in^^ouVli. nVO
Jipt* wa?( hi tcrcfitn?fc. herself wfal* itiffmtl
uuiy rui. yiiipji aU6 Inul iuatUu-y^ >viththc
J^cdpral .Gover/iipcntifttMJ^i^jyo
<\H^titationnl question, itijwJmh.sWnillic/i
nit or. her oliivrtlry, exlu^^ l^astfa.nctH\
^looted hcfiwttftcft*, tm4 ^in<;d obliv*oiu^tp
?]j ?Utp,pntcJcgrife pf .vup*tfvciucu t.
J$ip 9uorg<^A and jixjusuipua ot
%r jgjrifHtion tv^? rapitHy vcvH>viifeV>?thfl
^cr pel(V vere-tee<?oii?M)g baf?(jtj
W?tC?f Ae,t tywna fii^l village* Jcw;li.ni|?v,
qp4 *ijikin?,.ii;io i<ty<yiYiTftoil j;pHi.L'fAt
jw4*8WU^afriJ?? UonlcAftW
Iw tbitmwh U?nd of/j^rer'ttflfW .9c??U^
twa) A uy?t?n*#f. btaD.uIi- railjwK. cx*
tendiujp iMia dduioPt uvwjr disi^'ct of the
ftbtto, >Wfr(N:ertrrttfwfoeiwJ by t!MijfoApft? "^dtl
fch? iihcVol nW nukp??(M Af Wr J^febvinni.
U-& wotf'feu? feo'tfirteiHo bfrtltfntfa \W&r
ifc .(wor *Jifttofy4M<ftj4tfs?ry e*n^V>\'fi?.s
wm? -Jitintutb'44,' tli&'tld* tff 'iifril^yoflbn lto
our-tjdod Abfr'ifctol'i W/lfc?^$Ot'i/rtd
prosper. Thntika to tb*w bftiilteH fhtftbttw
wllllamrih^I'dWftldttf) Htfltfc nth4>f*^A\l
roftOa * lead! tig into ttiUcr 1t4</B
dooewell 'ftjp ^KMrtfwIv^ tirtd th# fcotf iffcfy?
(tat! arbor* <?hcy tfrwnidaie lit? s6r?? HtM
vNUfjW nftV Yunufofg ?'feW
ritftf |f?<r ffo^ain*
fl Mlnno nt* of tlwfc jrVaxt pen6i*l gbod'iv hi/rW
wer# flntioinn.tod. Tbo truth to; thatfiriKswnj?
h|iou1u iinvo no tcriuini Vqifced
tfiatca'bu/ trio 'AtWtitiftAM l>citip <)cmu?.!
than ft cvrtry. fMriuqr?Anfl planar #.>.??('nfc
now w*ni in 8oiit1v ?rt>Ui?a HUft ftro?tr*U*
a\ ? / i. * . ,a ?*
way irunic, oxtciHUng irem OTtr aonporc wjwm
orf'l grOiit oinporimii tlijdugh other 3ta^cs
* ??
0 # " *!
into tho.-fortilc jrml-botintUcSH valley of tliC 11
V?\?u. T!io riirtin trunh' v.-iH fec^'frur I i
branches nnd mako tlicin profitable. It ' i
will ditl'uso tlirouuhuut tlio Stute, by nioiuis . i
.1- .? i ? 1
, ui urnncuw, mo nou ooininorco or j 1
(lie West, whilst tlie Atlantio Oooun brings j
to.rts tbni of tho Old World* i *
Thoideay wbrch J~ havo rccontly t?eei*
woll ex-pressed "iri nlfon*uce t\?'our branch i
r> rtulrondB 'ir Sdtrth Carolina, awl tlu? necosaity-of.
having n main trunk extending j i
/ over tho nioutitnirw Uo the givnt Kathar o?
Water#!, by th& sn^^ums and fntdllifrent
Supi.lintontlont of tli*-' tJeorgia Uailrond,
in u private.lettor to a friend at (*rconvi)lv,
i sdcins to have btfen ditly ^appreciated and
t t itnojHcn rtyuio Vi?R<iiata\ro ;<rr houth V?roirMiha,
.t fihw.yours einee. IntVwlcr touiirry.
it nut, the. fthro Hideo Ruifroad wns-ohw
-togcdi -'iHje JiOpidhitrttr liwthnrixcd a mbscrrption
on tho jwrt of the- Ht?tc -t<v tin;
ivniount-of one-million of dollnrn, ami the-,
etidoiftenu'ilt of the bonds of the-oontpinjfor
one million more. The city of (Miar
1 lestoit subscribed ohr million, si till thc?Stato |
of Tennessee, ffflva liberal irid. The citi- -t'
'rend' of'South M'nrulinn, Wcorpirt, North
' Carolihn and Tennessee, subscribed for-1.
? soinvtliftip nvo.r-luiU' uiillfon'i 1 Wa'iigH & .
IJouipimy njrrecril tii t. \ thd t?Mtraci,"! iithI ,
rccoiy^l'or tlieir WorV olio-fourth' in *tock, !
, in ml the bonds of the ;ootn|>auy for niiutlier '
I fourth.hml o r .VirvuniHtuncCtf rtho '
work wns commenced. All felt* the livo
lii'Ht interest in thcproBoc'ution rind*ci*lsiplo-.
tiun. Tlwy had rnion and heard .i>f the
- Wr?fl?l6rfltl nf- flilcr- Anlmn.1
, I v. I,
I Mioti .xi'itli tlue West on-tho inldillo aim nor- |
: tlicm States. They li;id grown rich and |
. litrnspordus by it, whilst South Carolina had '[
ijodonre ftuor forthp.want >of it.. The pco- J
pic of "\'ir?j;iui:i quickly jmrccivod it* ad- ;
v?niu?oif,hiud itt nu o.^penBO to that State j
, .of icdlmillion.- of? dollar* her Lif?irtlaturt!
buit the Virginia and Tomies^'dtuHrotKl. '
.Cpov^ia, the Empire Stfttu of. the Suuth, j
. frith .all the * i?or dud cfteqjy jof ybuth, 'di- '
rooted by sdom and enterprise,' thlx'w
Ii Ifcoteif into the' scftmiblq for lh share in
, tJiis golden prize. - ?At nn oSpense of five
'.or .six luillion.s oi dollars tho(jo?frgia Hail-j
, road was coimtrueted by that Statu She I
hud the ?fflRoity Ttndbhlduexs to nmtfe this 1
appropriation out of !?? $Uito'Treasury.??
.That loud uow defrays nil its expensed and
repairs, aud pays into the, Trtjnmtfy of the
f^tatcthc sum of onu ^thousand dollars a
?Ky every day in the year! This payrfient <
'ot- outi.-thousand ;dolkivtf-jv d.iy, in sash, is
i njadiij liKO th<>> oldT'titflhinan's Vrtf^ncst-i?
t no deduction* allowed for Sundays)?.rairfy .
I ? duy# on-nighta.' '< A
, | II ml tl?c> Off 0??ii*rl ' fr%?
i tltd oun*truL-Ui>D'i>f tiie liltiG 'Hidjre llaili
ronfi wan first been aide to>-carry, out
i their cpntrnot, thcro would hava- bcfcn rto
( | difficulty-.in-the cooiplcfciun of the wOrU-.-*i
| Tho endorsement >of..thfr* State of South
f .-tWolina would liavo been made. ; JJtft, in
I j.-oofimvpieiico of tho failure gf Ausx.'n }ju*?.<i
, ancl Co., new contracts had to ho made for
, (urildiirs^-iftlol mid.. .(^oiiRoquVutly thtf
. l$lui>r??ldg<* UuibWd Company'had to ap.
ply, last winter, to the Legislature tore- ,
, . 'fr'strietiunh wlriih stobd id tho
, ,?hy oPltheir ub'tiiiniiffr Uic pro'uiimi^Statc
. .eiulyiwrnncuL iS'i> additional appropriation.
i.t _ i?L- f Jt* .I'll f I - - '
, i.*wan. ismi'u.oi 111c ajflpisiaturo. anoy wore |"
, ' .simply requested to. do, unconditionally,
! wliiit tlnm* -'prodcccmbra-find wgrecd to do
under :tarfiuv'tjfe?t*ctuttiHV ''TKiia was not
, an nnrcusim?blt;'?r'?? imp?of>bv mjuoirt ta
make to tliy JiCif^TatTiroyXiiuJu^ the cirautn.' laiiKc^,
wlhNi the v.ivat ,ic consider|
i*d for,,.which ffire ffyiYiuYtt favor was jisfccif.'
*' !'Ply tnto'tti^'IiCjji:! Hue Virefo distinctly
. "ford 'Mint this wm\h\ npt'eiudilfe tV/e'cpnma..
fiV to eoViijllfc'fo tlie .rond', ' Further aid of
I ohc* foifflfo'i df tfSndVs' inrtre "would h'uvc ly
, he <xnuiU'<l. 13ut the' fjucstjon'; Wius. fdsiV
. -prc.soucou n> u.o jjC^j8i!i,turc in ono .otln'.r.
P'ollit of YlO\V, wlilcil oil-lit to li.ivc ll;t(l its
I luflmVnc'c'on ' fbpiV' ufccisioii. Tlicy wnv
I iiitoi'MK <1 111;; t, y)c|i) ronpo ai'l \v;is giv.
aMrMtU, wllldfi WM toTp;
I ho tjfUcli'tno cfrinnLotoe,"wealthpdwr
6t'krfl5.pYcrthcrlt5'''^f iWrtftftj) liaxl to jfc
' This tod Jirt u'njto
lie turned 6ut uy nrjvp^ huI>
toil . M'lic l.riK'lic'uit 1".- lilt -. jinticinor
, red' were'entirely to the Stukh/'rtnd to flie
wflbw State, itf wifc' thfcre. tiK miStji ;in:
j pViij^ribtciy a St?t3 enttrprtbt/. . ''
. I uv tjucjsiiiiii J.MUH prust-nw^ 10, f.i\o,J.MCgiidnturo
of .contuijjiii^^or flbuutjoniugtfyp
Blu'S" rTiiT-o itund, wagouo of grcnt rcsnon- .
; siUitfty,ii$ the cuad had to bi> Abutidom-d,
t .fooneotiort vritk'the vro?t, : by rai^
\Yfl& #ive? ftp fortrte*.'. Le% it bo boruor
i ii> nuud tlivt'tbo f^gbdittUPBrof dutH winter
t b?d PoUMira tO' do with the original wider*
ttikitfjr*r.iThoy?fo)Jnd.lhe raid commenced..
I Jt had b?o? ?0.flrdeied b? A-??ivioil?;I^ei^
of -dotynr* Hatty been
nppr'opfiwtcij},out, of; U>c ^tflte i'miBnry feu
> ?ni| actually Qspduded.?n
'Dm city'pf><&nu-lf*4oh tend ,tl*o .people of*
Houth ^noliua .li&dy JikowifWj. contlibuto*! i
<>wi million and ? fiajj wMob' was, ?Uoox?. <
ponded, i': Tli? Hfcnie of./feuot*two. had
* iinidu npprOpriniloft? ^Hicb tWlro: tdsooox* ]
1 (pttiHlod.o:i,tke-n?Hd/ Thc?jexpenditure* i
amounted to upward* of ihre<* million ntul
ndtnif! in. tb?n?h(d?:ri; ?lMuv mud had h'o^rt i
jxrtulod n? 'good - portion uftbe 1mnf; <4h?. <
. ^reat tunnel, the principal obstnaie to fcVie.
r^?i4, wh? half depl offcjie
, trtf^on/y, hVid hrt<TilHJ^ w?V <j^w?V<51)c?cd. <
^SSSS^f'^T :
Tim f|\lf:<Uon, tli'-n, WV1M fill* the ;
i1 tare to take the responsibility of saying that' i
\X * J .
nil tlijs work done and ,nn;noy expended,. ptf 1
under tin; sa.nctjon of ^.fnrmor. Legislature,. pyp
Shall be thrown away analyst l?'\cvrr, and (."M
rtuit this {rroat project of uniting ooyfh 'J
Carwliua by railroad with' \ho valley of tliO the
west, ns has been done for (Seor^ia, Viruili- mei
ia. Alabntinf. Mar viand. PufiiisVlv'aVibr/N?u-;'ftttl
Yorkniitl Massachusetts,'fcf?nll lio nltatiddtl-'' wbfl
ed, although solemnly'ndjtHhjort tfy mir'itxt
predccessora, representing our eon*filuenfs 'lias'
and tlie tmvereipnty of fc>olrtU Carolina,.'^ '.wWu
ho oxuoutqd 'for- tiia b'.'st intemttd p\', th *' Wy
S(ntc I Xlu? wrviu lcspaii^jbijity i
fut oijo liOirislaturc to tako?rcyevi?ing till
fif *i nri?vwm? ftu*\ i\*\ '* ttwttm* i??~ in ?
.. J , ?..tv, .yp- V .......v.. ..." .., ..
vulvinpt 'sn larjio-au miimuit aiia interests 'I
feat! l?y the 'nhondnrttniMitf ftf tho iinur tliu
Boutl* CiVvothui hild likiMtlsft to' -.ftsUnoWR i oxp
fcdjjd lior want of coustauov -and jjovkcvIt- in <j
unee,-and her. inferiority in etitcrpri.se, nnd sufli
spirit to her. sifter Ktutenl Ilbw mortify- vvlii
injt to tbat pciJe aiiii lionoJ' ,\y??iv ii uftoivd 1 ihyi
whole fyutlxiu ft .ci'Mwdc y^iuust'
tlie General (l^vernuient! Ilow hmyilin- | tiid
tinir to that chivnlry which, under (he T*al- t ln*p
Vuetto Hn'sf, dashed at the cnnnen'n month ' the
nn.the butt.lo fields of Mexicu-1; How iiit | of.i
oopplstent AVith that oh) CftruHutt olvMincteP, I of
Q<^ irhifKUia 111 ?.?* ilo nvl* t <vt V,
money, when put in coippet'rUoiv tvi,tU t^io 1
interest*, honor nnd prosperity of tl\v St:?tc-! wjii
Slutlf it fac sriuf" <h;ltf rHut h C'nrofin':l has ' frog
jirown so prmtriortk and fiMft'stWfftifl tViut l AVKr
she i? rrfV.-ml to venture lu;t" niQjh&y like hbr { roa*
sister States}-in brihjfi?<?fct/mmbft't!, weidth-1 f^<1
nnd prosperity into-h?rbosonv? - -Shall this; wkl
unfiu^lictj. isiilqfny, all it?, Riding, Hut
embankments, l>i idy^s, jh^xk tluctii.^fut the
foiii; iuniicl into' tl\o mountain, on \ylnvh ^nti
we st.uij, he pointed oui to our cjhna?D Ken
nnd tbt ir doScefiiluHs for ooitt nrl&f la etjmp, wlii
a# an etcviml monument of tin;, plate's fol- ini-i
1y/nr|d tW childish peljtancss.'jQf the)r an-- oiw
editors'? ^'ever ! pcYCr.,', never! This still
'stTialV hot Tio.'" 'Another eflViffc ina.-^j Ifti'jtjado- eus:
to reverse the decision- ot' lust' winter. It vu.t
w:i? iftado a&dn&t the' hort^At convictions grcj
:ind patriotic" feelings of those Who' pi*>- 1
honneed'thc decision. stiti
We*?U UiiGw that nothing, we can do here for/
.to day* fcllow-eUir^?w? will huild the 111 uo Blu
l^idvo lUil(oad ; hut our uh.ieet in- njotti^y ftw
oij this hi^h uiouutniu, through bq>v- fcoui
cl? tlia atpoiM eUKMiois tpp^ foy.mqrofjj^ii 'ofw
? tiiilu, freighted with tnu rich products of few
the World', nnd its Vxihnty aint uinpj.trf?8^ >8 crc:
to show the groat interest the citizens of Tin
reckons fuel i&tho enterprise, aiwftlittktfan- boji
Other iifipe.nl in its ?uv?i'.to llnr wbola .Stnti^ Jew
of.Suuua Oiroiinav.tiiHl*i:oroos^.vjfirtlly to?he nun
ujjfuibors-of tbv-LogiiJiitunr. .-U'ljis v;illy in i Iic.r
8t> noble a civuse is ;n:ul(! under tl)Q uu?picCrt j put)
HUdii.i t^.prcsen.co.of Lli^ lv\c<Jflmic^'j tho 1 stilt
'(^ovcrjior iiiiu (\j111111anijorJjV.0hiof of the | sine
r-t;iteot South Carolina, \ ou ijmy rest u?- j the
Hured that idl th<; Kxccutlvc'can do will* be won
dpno,.ty further ibis,xsr^pt WjprU, He will '.din;
oriiij; it pijoniyieutly to the, \ ?v\y p.F the H hi
Ijhgwliit'iM'o in his annual uiC?S!>ge. Tljcm trie!
Tf aIw)u-s'hoiH! iii, tin'. Koooivl sober'{bought {.ed
of fcnligtcnCd Tej^felutt)!1." It Is a Si
well- known that a great many, lupiabew of. of.tl
the ,LejTlali?t?U'e,^vlio voted against thg bill yf srt'c
fi.U session wore not* opposed tji ili'y road Hid
They de.sifod to sco it go on. (!(l it ' sh'puYd full;
cross oVcr the nioifiitftihs rijfd pcnY'trntc the -take
vidl^y of thb Mrkstvxippf. ' ' Home Witfe fear- iposc
fid; hnw^ver. that?' the wotlf (V>u!d tiol bic bit*,
accomplished, and.the. sooner it was stfip-; ,?uly
ped the better. Others vveye . afraid, their Ii it
eoiifjtjtuenfs wore opposed, to Uic royd aod
felt boun<J to r(jpvt{8cpVt|ieui.' wlib
. Let \wjodixuder wUcther.uithcr. of 'those
reasons,u mm. jij
r,c^>U(l tbe r.oMtl boiug. uomplotud witii bhi
{l?o ooyi|*suij.V. i Uo no] cy/i!
pjupo^q, to. ft any uiyc. qulcubjtiops.rH-.
'J.'buy would bo uuiuUres^.iifi; tp.yoifc, flutJ.if
publi-diud t?> tin; *vyrU]| ;iigit b?J Miljiciviitiy: "n's
90 nfli tip vv>41M ?b Q t;H p p r ejei; 1 t#d, l>ut,thifjJ ^j1'
will -tUo Obtim^tosLof tli(vej)giueci9,hsiv$ ^
boon inud<? ami aiij known j'pr tbo ^Y.bolc ' '
w>ulf. portion of ftlic work jive bcyj) c<jyi.- ,rt^'
pletcd, imii it has abort of .tjiu. fijtif ,0 *
HKito.<j.., TbiSyit XTouitl-acoi^^ugVV: U>. be. a
ga?p)nt^Cj.,U ?anvthin^,v?o,uUl bo^ tlmt "tjio }$'<
iwumnigH arc xu|i, ?n?iJJia.l vouit win ???
HQtcost inuji) .tliau M?, stilted. ?fip thigh
ahura/jtoi-, long cxuqviciv;p ai';l.^r?oat jipuu' rtnf?
liift Chicf jla^imior, ftfeHuJhviejit '?W
satisfy n\l who kuowVuntjjat t.Uc \fojf# may fine
^vv4iuwlictl tbv.NyJi^t ho ;itu,t(W. Ji'tho.rou'l 0,1
pan^ta-^uj^fyr the oatiiiiotos, thqu thojiid J^>1'
asJtf'd triMn. tno vr l^or gjiiavftutco ol , H""
ODP #fau apldjtipnj*} fubaonptiopi' $?
of one million, will be enough, witlohcaid , Y$
from Tennessee and ina credit of the coinpftnw
to finish-iu-: "> '
,1 bo. tivconvillo '*nd 'Jo'.uMbitL It-iilmad "'**d
Vi^-s cQviunouco^ witb a/wpiUil^t.' abojutpne, ' ?!#
milfioh of dollar*, nrtd.UJia^cost tkwc ini)> 'MM?
lion. ifcSw Tvhs'tfnH'jArvp t ' By f?e credit' tfy',
of th(j eoinfy/Yiy.-""lJort<.!fi vrtW and f (\?
a?Diaineurvecv.ionomm! j,ito nniQTTpt OT'tTWf -',1.?
'ntt'JHliby KfcWf In
boortYirt't; nnd Vrft'bciW<i.i{)aiu dfPMVy'thtfifti' tlbal
doftfc of ' t/hil" M.uf:' ''T i lfafa't n e hmtriry df pf a
lit WiliWds'in tnri'fllrit?}8,rStatBHi.''' If tHli' iu?v
trntrorj5Vi>dn^ tfn8 'prtWid1- tfpfWtM -cjtiBcps' boil
who f>roj*ctpt!'lhcrff 'TftoMMthd' will
floiftlit ftfiionhf rtf tfi^itn'V fih(V tmcW' rkuty-' filial
jwibdft ttvbnihi tfidri Bfcrof6 tidijltiGfrtmif of'tl
Oiiv rrmn, iv ao m?;uuvi rji w iiuiiiur n nilk^IC. I? III
rtnlrp&d Ww twcverairtb tfio roj>ttb|ioVcrtlM * by it
a^t?diifvefo6nU^irtttn5ikdv ''' ''1* jit,* ft
'ft 4s #nW'5tlWf?Win Milo' tf'frlmfiiMrk hti:
RAUrijdit! 'Wlili5^4'illiav&Ati^HMy;WnHb'f|* W5 itt- *
itfy ym
ItokittWe Jrt Jfa&WlMe ol! JQ
LliWli tiWie i f?nf
itiMpWfafoiufi ;Ph
us, lK? VbtaiWmo projector^ that ppVftt wid men
jtuycuduus wwk, Iui.h ljvt<J lu sec the city been
T~ * * y - - <" * ' "V^"~ST r--.-."111
jti\tUnorGlM'co'vicrby means yf Unit road, st'r
ut" the jriyato^t <y>iuuicrciul cities 011 the fji
linont yf Anip?7?uJ _ ? ( ha
lie ClinrJcs.toij and Hamburg Kailroad, not
{(Jhgest railroad us tlic woiild, at itseo.ii- ba
icomont, was actually begun with a cap- by
of :i few htintlrcd thousand dollars; It Tli
t. on im^rovinjr, find bc*irebuilt by ' ni
/\vn credit ftih! fowurcfl, till its stock 1 lb<
bCcoaiO ;i profitable investment, :md tiio lii'f
1 ii? u gtiod mi list an tin I condition.? wo
uld that railroad efer liave been com- tin
ii'cU, had Mr. JJIack,its pntjeutor. waitrd ! Ki
I;o l.a lobUijmo.d .s^l^grijitions sullioient I un
\novnit tu the presort, cvat.of fbe ujitd ' wn
iieiv cannot bo iC shadow of doubt t lint j loi
Ulne 155d</e Hailroad C-otiipahv. nftor j in
undirifjj six i)r-seire<i'i)ryiiorrA <tf dollars, j li*?
^nsti'ut.tinjf ihwroml, will have credit fco
iciont to .?upplv unydcUciom;)' oi". funds ' an
uh tlnty may tiood. Thoiijis no<Ian<ji\r j do
-.J ;!?' i-.;..'.! i?rr.-i :.i -...'i . .. 1 *
II <>1 HIV ? W?<u UU/lli; Ml'JIjK'li Illiw. illjtlll- i
cd ut some ftttufc tiru*', if th<* present ( <ja
fj< piven by tin- Legislature; The route } nti
ra'ctitfrtblo, the estimates sho\V ittf'fcost, 1 sol
'WorJcdoue proves tho correctness of I stt
hoscostiniivtcH, and the fund* mid credit i cv
the comjr.my, -when" tlicnid aoujjfht is do
itfi, v ill unurj.-Uto tlib work. , . ' I j^x
iCt us now consider tho ot.Ik.cr reason JY<
cji? influenced. i\inny lnon^bers of the fn.
;lkliitufo To .Vole against tlie ptock aid, , to
r Vrorc WeM-Tri'shcr* to tTie suc,6ei?s of (lie tci
W It iVlhe duty of' n member of the ' Tl
tihlliluW'to*"respect, ift MT <|iU'Atu>ns,'the ! hi
Ikjs and opinion?; Of liiH^iistitHOntsi-?- j sti
, as n ful and wise legitflfltor, he ' eO
aid, iu i'd, eO'jj .pur.suQ bis own cynsci- ' ii;
y\us ci)U\iutioii.s.of public p^Uyy. IJo j cu
MIUUIIIA nio, i yi v.o ^ *;\|4I l? U?llcJ '1 \f
eh 1?is constituents have not. This th
Tit change their opinion. Hut ob< di- j .\
s in all c;ihc.h to the opiiuons of otitis con- ! nc
iicnta would Entirely disptnstt 'with dirt- |k
jioy, and doKtrfly tho ijivat, beauty an I j br
u,o yi' tho v. pvcaoiitvitive fjutuiV' of till in > ry
l^tcpubiio..,. J . > . . : . ' f
!at it is respectfully uracil that tho eon- th
Licnts of theso members had cither 1 ea
nod 116 SOttlcd opinion fn regard to the { ttv
e fiiclire IlailrOad. or if they had. It \([\a cy
nod without erulficibnt informr.'tion to re<
id t(*i a correct eAn'clusirtn. It very ' w>0
happens iri every eoiomultfty that'a ! isl
prejudiced, uetiVe. clamorousmen, will th
ito what seems to l e public'opinion.? | Ti
!,V, appi)$M ;uvd talk l<>nd, dyijouucu and |_foj
Jly. ugsyrt theij- qpiuiuiiH, .whilst. otliprs j an
noi^y 'and less active, tho'iftb twipeqs lib
jerous aiid efluMont at home. n'm-nnvor !Vi<v
nl or eonsiitiyccl irt tjiis formation yf j yji
lie. opinion. \\c ha^l a voin:iF!;iitiiti in- t;d
iuc'()f tlrin in SoUlli (,'aMliia a fo\r yc.'ivs <ri
o. From all that was said and done in rlif
Stale, it XvaV Supposed thit tft'o \>eople vi
& niino^t ttnjniHnoiWly1 fti favor of s? ee- ha
r from Jthcr !?'ed<;iul (iovol'miumf, -o&oopt j/s\(
imU'ulot' i'nion men irt (itvenviilo Dis- fai
t. iJvit wlifn'thv-tpi^siion waH>ul?mt- j.to
t)Mi vo^u in thoiulccaon yfvdoj^iU)* tu ; ft*
...ii...... h - - <t? i? fi.I ii-j.
'uim in V.UII^IiuuiU .UJl|)lvbVW/? nil
lencoplo came forward and vot(>l nujajiist < >?
*s*ion. " So It ul!T lib' with the nlucJ'Hj
p&l'Hftlhrtwd ' whenever tlio,. qhostroo Is j
^discussed bct'uro tliv people' n'n'd a vo'ta ,to^
in oti it. T-wn-t!iU'<U wiH op- $u'
id to it? hcUig ?'dntndoiied,'and ail tli.it \<e;
btiwu oil it ot- papJie ;vud private cm
loiiptiousdvisjujf )(ivtiv?i*J.n.sl.b> th? Stattt thi
i stated already in the public. newspu- no
, that the yrcnt District of Edgefield,^ jsjy
so Sohfi\rtf.4 and l'(^)fo8<}ntativcs voted |\sic
JtifonlriTy f/ith vrhftt f hoy siippoSt-d (t> be \rc
whihetf of thblr eoiistViuetfts', n?a?itfct! tho coi
o Ridge railroad;bftn <^i von tfnititetftTaihle i viV
lyneeof biiUi^.iy/a.voi'pf tho.e.utPjpripo; ! f?h'
it ix'sniiJ 1 !i:it 111rv vvl><>! <1tJc<r:i#inii will 1 fiO
jy..-;? 1 ..... , "W,
t wiyt^r. voty.for the fij jv^ju'pd (,.> tv?i
h the rrffiu. Kti'douDt .siuuinr tuu^ih j >K<
/ions of public opinion have taken place rot
rtbfMi-lets.- . "";i\ "
<k u<T Mxv colisiilor the reir-on \vliir-h w}'
ifeitefe tli(K?f! mcitjbl'fe who hr^uufritnrllV sh'
,ho enterprise &<>fno fjf'tllftin
tjioroute was utterly iinro^.c^eablo, jyul Huj
cr could be ou;lt even witli all the I;d>^r ' ujf
All t'lio lllrtrtcv Ml 1?l\? WrtAil- A frii'n'il '
t ^ ^ T j r- - ; ? rv. ,n
iftn (V^K * jfG n t le n ?h n of gVeAtliitolligchce (rn
tlistmcrtflslivrt nSt itfrnll'rVpiUn tfori, (Srtot' f0,
nio Uwt tf: fill tUo n?fn'Jif <l>o wofld, wc
o.tbe^ay*oV Adanfrfiiul bnp\v mitplnyed w!
tlie Stump I louse Tuniu I, >hc work i eo)
,Ul uyt ?Cjt h? vp 1^'jqA p!e ted 1 . Tjm [off
I1I8pmiyoyt tln:tiii;v I TO
0. liiid gone ten or fifteen jVe,{ into the i nt
11) ^: i i 11, nn3 -.-I'll :i '"t < V seem;.;" t liem ' (!,
ftffk? IY my mend Wort? t6 return lier<i 1 th,
rfhd hee'tlrc'^ro^Y^ wliu-tj"has bco'n I nit
lo by tlio fSroifthU f?Y>?-rjroti6 Cofrrtriit'tvfi-fe, |
j.Huto ho vrmiM ntlinU b'G -wjuMnkt.ikfcn. J
uuyi move tVso lwilf.thry^H I do
Ni}j^ur)t;iiu, finj^ a vor^r, ?u^U nuvttqugf
tints' 4ej#pcmjiiuts buyv Ifo^u jhiiplvycU
t'^nljrtwix or tViVyuai*. . ,j Jf*
'iQ.pj^t? ifc>mpr?uo- ( Ml'
ile, t wotO.u ^?'?1 ftJX'Pj? ^bc laiig^ng* ! ?W
tliatiug^iialiccf ongtiieci', whooncc ?:iid to j*Ri
< iiiMifrV und hft bin ( \ri
.1 _.M - jvJ 1 . I !/- Ji A '
u&.rnuroan nwywiKjrcrr * .Toin? ft? ?nv.| ma
?a(lf? c?xw?j!>a ?)uoifthlr?(i wiul'AlW^I ia.
fullv .tho t,r|t^h j cloi
>,8/9'^r,*V <4
ISw!'1' w $?
rT tad scibiitlfvc meu wiio r)nvbT*coii_ oit j ify
Wh .Mi'. HltYnho au'ii tJo1k. (Yuvvn"! 1 jug
. it i . l r* . .?. -i*i " . ,i i I nil
uwy-tiirwY inw it> nwvy w ooiirpfMAd i,u
ftiv y/Wiif5y*ti?n exjw.?i?^irf'- eij^t?^>iKk iirt,
5S^;4Mls?W*-i ".- * ? ?**'. * **'?'? >; * .*'! tby
, \g
W'ttbfrlM A*
uelijrawpjis,. \*oi? <q-relivet--up* nurtj Mu
I, tlifty would Know tfiat this his not iBa
i the c*3H?i with nny r.iilroads ovee con- t'?
I ii. i) < iw> vili in
uctcd "hi the UiHtWl State* o"i' 1 lie wofld. |
alt. tile thousands of railroads wfiicli i
ire. been Lu'Ot iu Kurnpe and America, <
t, ono lnm over been discontinued. Tliey i
it ill!i toy, been rViAhiincd-. kepr up 1
their income.from freight nml travel.* ' f
ey liavt: benefited, likewise, to. an incal- ' ]
lublo cwtnit. the country through which (
ivpss. Labor ban iftcreaHod in value,.! t
ins ltav(i risen in price, and coinmercial / J
alth and prosperity have been diffused
roilfhoilt t.llrt Ipmintrv It- ?!>< III....
?- - J ' * ' I 1
dfio lJnihoud to bA an exception lt> tl>i?s <
Hxpeyicnee of the whole c-iviiitfcil l
ii lti '' .SvinjVy rk>t. T-hvr*? {? iv>w"Uwn''i
it. , None y;?n ]ii|>ki|Mi|ACd that will bonr 1
test i gal ion, 'i-he. IJlue Kidjtt- Railroad
s all the udvnntiuras of-similar rattronds 1
rnftrttctod in (ieov?*];i litftl Virginia, whieli i 1
iv doing well at id V>:ly tn^ htuiddpnic" divi- |
nd.-?/ ! . t
Ko'mO of the. irailroad^ ,in Europe have . :
4 hundreds, of thousand of dollar* p;?r I
ile, and yet they not only sustain them- j
vw, hut arc profitable investments to thel.i
wkholdors. 1 will Venture to #ay that | '
pry rMlroad whi^li Jjascvcrboen built haw .i
ublcd' and tvt'bhd ull ..calculation. and
ii oe.nope, as to the extent ot travel and
7gl;t . ^aiJry:uln. New Hp;^Q*uvH *>f [
i^'at sprung up, and uv'W indueonients
t vel.^r\:je, wliieli wen; ij^ver eoutoiupU- '
1 hnd could not Gave been foremen.?
fO item of i ts,pper as frclnlit was unknown
(ifcorgiii xyheVl (fair railroads were collected.
7 N<rw?c6ppoVofe fcfanils pc'xt'to
tton as an nrtrelo of freigflif over Vbe Otor*
i'Railroad. Wbwi'wc were making cM?
hrtion.H- to induct;-' fnibsel-iptionV tb'tho
ix'onville and Columbia Railroad, no one t
ought of freight onftonvto (IreftnVillc. 1
11 tlio calculations weve made for its trails- ;
ivtiUiuj) the other W.?y/ 35ut it has so j
ippciicd tljnt tVii.s item of freight 011 corn f
ouglit from Columbia Irty" W-u, lov suvc- t
\ ypvyrcorisid^ralfju,. \
11 would, be ainuaiii^j,. no\y, to look .ovpr >
0 eideujalibns of tne friends and advo- j
te's oF railiimd^, wlicn* first projected, .as j
their pi'obablc" tYcF^lit and travel, aiid
in pa re thoso calculations with the actual
ccipts of the'roads'. At the time* lb03'
n'e fnfidc, they weVfc supposed to'be fool- r
1oxrtffircratbins, arid yet tube lias'shriwn '
at they liavii bctfu doubled'a"nd trebled.
n passougoN ft day was the estimate made !
C the llaiuljjLirs fimd between ('Uarkutou
d Au^u^ta ! 'J'liw was rinded X-i- too
<4.e; but instead of tea the daily avere
bnS.lfoOn hundred* ! \Yhen the (lrcoj>llo
Railroad, was. spukon of, -a.distiDguUdipioiiibcr
of-|tlie l}ar in an adjoining d'usct
f.ivor?tble to milrbadn, declared )ntbly,
ill n spooch, that iiwsmucb a* (irecn- I
i?/i< n \ <* #% I ??' i ? -* '
iiy ?.?.* it vvn ivyi iiv^; ltl; yyy
d uo use ftir a riuJfyaaV a nil . could not?
stijh) o?<$. Irishman wcut-30
' sis tQ,j)ro<lt<t bhHtjwvj wquU uwt ba uble
neml tiTiiii {^reeaviilc-' more tlnuv ofro 1
ight train overy. yc>ir ; but ' Trptti ieiTce
s shown tlnt'n chtily ffurglit train is nccshry,
And always Ouifics and dejiaVt;? hoa'v- 1
ladtn. ' , V ' f . ^ i
l^t U.yaid that .ijbw lilac,ItidjM. RoytJ ji
itc'-riuiuatu at a little town ill XeuntfSsee, j,
lioiuul'id by mountains, wheY? thoy hxv?;
ry iittle to noud to mnvket. clMiirf w')i
5!it mistake iii eVory pfthUvif vtey,\ ' Tfi j '
L'Urst Y>!a'ee. tbo" lWrfA Pillor* \Vill
t strcp at Koo^y'illt/ov-any where olyq 1
k of tlio Mississippi Kiver, pvi'hapH.ihis
le of OiaViioitic Oaoani . -It will Uav-o uo *
'tttKjft t edit in Its at h^, - by iyiurom of-it*
nnuetioirifrltK other railroads. H'hfcwhttlc
llry ?f rtte'-WolSt "wifrbc. ohoneil ti/ it, ,
(1 will IVoi-lit ir uJifl all its im; 1 m id c >n
! iuiis with 11.10 iiu;in-list; ami in.uiX'ii.iil)/
ulyqf tjio ijv^it valloy otv tho-^lissigMipi'C'
),ynp. yyo !jup|>oiit> it possible' that oviv '
i(i -\vijl ?U>pi IviioxxmIIp, -when luHh 1
>i?n??j?6rf*nml fvonttrtky *ro yfcrtVly' mid
Rhi<* t?} fefcttftfd it (o r'nadH already (?Vtu- !
hcted Fi'dn'i thoMfesffwip'pl. , I
It matters not whether Knpxville.be a I
all town'or a {irV??b onb,' situated in tluj 1
nUitaiiiR'dr fur r<Mntf\Vd fftmi tliefri! It i '
fiAt 'the* pfoduee oft Knoxvllli!'6r 'tlic ; j
tin of* KYio.tvillit fhift aVc'cont^ndriljjr | ,
, but that of th<v bartrtdl^s West. As i
ill- 'lidjrht it be tiered thrtt Aruk^on,
icrc the IJluc Ridge ltirihtoad Tin* itsj 1
itVtoibrtwhient, i? ftshiaH'VilhVjre', and will '
it no market* fiwr tho pfinlncc of* th'e
e$t.''KuuJtfMle fln'd Anderson, sUtvited ,
tho two errda of "the .vcrtd, nvo only tbMifh i
rowi/h'which tho freight'" arid* tmVcl of '1
?> IMito Ktd^A'lt-lilf^:wV will pa^ 'in "^>uVg !
u .reruniing rronv t?e -Atlantic tu tile
?" W - - 1 'J '
What rtrfeir' tra<]?' nml cqnitiiVjlro lion?'1 1
ne fur (he nofthofn cili-V-I rrtro;u!v )
Mifiohod. 1 hiitcspAlfcV) "of Itfc effeets'oii t
*ir?rfa nn?I -'lifer fenftfoaift. is .{
4\s ifi'u Mntcftulny fir'tnls "Sltm# tnidtf, (
(til oXtertfliiK- Jifn'raijfoutfs t(j' tWfe Mis '
Iftpfii. : "Norfh OaroVrnn, tlHr'good 'Old' ,
p van Winkle of thcKonth, is goinf*t)n <,
tli h?r Control iiaiii^.yK and. will lihi. '
r_- ^ - ?r-. ? " * ' ?y- I I
itclV ootippoU<<>? yrw^thcVr
u|iq ToipM'^*g9 J^nihjrpdL: iYil?#nt t^iuJ fa i
iir. ^yMtU ?nr^ij)?,.Mfill:bnt .litevWfcljr. out N
IfroWt^o 1
! .^nciii xQii flidu and'the- \
ttU^CHrp^uii ,r<*U oh-etWlr il j
j U)*l?PV& bepu vlr?n()y j
Tiyu^tiou.li?ilc<);?<i ?liiw i
c^j>| ttfjylp .\v!ik-U ivjO'l 10 jiHyfc r
WHwW'wik ?fc? Wufc?ltMhd! *
I'lll ;ilt(Wi1 KllL'nnn. Tltn ItUKhOiaiiUliili *.
Itnvp lh^ib |
jipcd on tliat ^v.td- 1'iXMrt 2Stjvy; York- uytl 'f
ltimorc; iii?t?iid bftcudinjr thoin ground '
Cfmj'lcsldn and to ftj-crhvillc.
I* w^in i > ?.,! ,p, ! I I mmmmmm***
.Cuusidcrmgidi thcnc. efforts, made und
mil. i'nir. so sucows?fully by other State*,
.mi any oue b? su-blind au.iiut to see that
t bjlvyqvcs South L'.uvolina to cutor tinace.
and compete wjtli 1 i"U ^ietora for thu
l'of<Jc)i pl'i/.o, Oi" ?bo. will be distanced, iu
jfrYsperity, and fooSc her power and 111 He. nee
in the Federal ITnioir? In all tlio
ttlier 8(atea more has been done by theii'
Lcjj;i.slntiir?3 for railroads than has been in
5outJi<.?iirolinul 'ir'he IjOsibltiLitre of licor
;ia ?p|/ruprjalcd fiveor-tfix millions, North
Carolina a< much more, Virginia ten or iiffech
niill'ioin, Ilegislature of South
Carolina aTittlo over ono n/illton ! All
t lift-Vest U'a.s I icon (\6nc iiij j^outii Carolina
by private suVst'l'iptioiH uiifl tTtc division of
tltu sJiTVphrt rtfvcfuurivrcived' from the < leu
era! < !oV*?rrnnfctlt."
Are We so poor iii Sutilh CaYolinn tlwb
we cannot aid railrosdy'ont of the public treasury
they have dpno in other State's T- Surely
notr South Carolina Iras the reputation
of possessing great:wealth, her taxe*
firc,;noiler?ite, ayd her public debt not large,
j'hy Ibink of /.lie State, vrhioh belongs t<?
Ihe State, and haa a .capital of live or six
millions, came foi ward last winter, and offered
Co liicct the' bonds required hy the
Blue Hidu1? RailVoad Company, if the Le'gislatnrfc
woiiM grant (he aid required.?
This the-Hank showed its Ability to do if
& 1 1. . 1 - 1 ? 1 * -
lmu uimu* wi:ro liraue pnyauic twenty year.-?
hence. No taxes would ever bo levied t<?
nay oil' thoe boilus in e:;se they toll on the
rtatCv 'the proU.ViIil.V Was that tlie in(jpnKi
of t\?e'rpa'd mijrht itself bo sufficient
t/i moot aiu| pity off tluJije bonds as they became'
Hat if rho Stnte hfa't to-lirv :i tax twenty r>V
forty yen** heiiiM1 ttwpky ibis rnilroail <W?bt.
it wonlil Ito iv tax on ? ?;r posterity, undone
>< un i> nit-'v nii^jsm ?vn Hiu>ru i" pay ior mo
nlos.siii;;* atid^bcnelHaconftpred 011 th^m by
ffte rt'uitj". It is rtjjht proper that posterity
Kh^Vnlrt \>Xi imrd^nid With the hi.to? for
great and important putitio improvement*
fri^tU which tlievavy to-derlvi; (ho bctioli's.?
Instead of l>e^)iiil^ig tl^e payment of tlio.su
taxes, tliey will 1)1 ess "us lor then), when they
cortaldtfr the1 "result t<) the country atul to
t henisol vos.
Some of.the nietiiliors of our Logislaturo
from the en* tem'pofthin of' the Statu were opposed
to tlic lllfvo K'djto- Railroad beeauso
iltey <liil Mwt export it- any benefit t<>
tb^i.r swtion qr cunji|UlK!Mej. If any ndvaiitrijres
wore tr# be .secured front it. tlicy woulU
1 >V, In tbi'Tr oj?itSion. exclusively confined to
Chiij'lc*-t?m niidthe western districts of 'South
^iUdliiiiu Tbtais 4.pr.e1U mistake. Tbi\,produiVof
the West, which will pass uvcr this
roa<l whciV e miplo.ted, will hut j^> fo C'iarle>Toh*
for 'osporthtiuft or lonsuiifptlpn. It
niurtt difi'npo itself ail fiver tin* f>t;\lT\ ami
into eyf?y suction 4d' the t*tate . whoi*"
iheiejs :n.y de nund 1'vi* it. l>o the |isnpl?
Ht'lVijjf (Mi t lieu rent lyee l>ee re jniry none of
this western product; fin?l trade '' lliivc they
no mnrkiV :iirton?r<t. tlioui ('mi* li-uwin lm-?l
flour, p"ui liccfi |?oi?, cattle, .!icg<, . horiscs.
inulc-;! tmtoiV l>nf??MT{X. whiskey, ami a v'arioty
ai arc j^rofrn <>r l'tvlsQilltir
inniiuljiotiireil in tlto States of.'PvnrtcsfCpy
lyjiiyiuk v?. Uliu)t .Missouri, Illinois ami
finjiiinfi, ftiii) usoil .oc^roiiMiinpil on the l\y
Dfct*?' 'A ltli'ge port}<?l? of (hat nhniuco is at>KnlViftrly
for thte cotton plKtiteri} i?f
Muvlbortnjifh, JMrlio^ton. Marion, (iortrgotownH'ui
^11 hiVu>*. In C"lumlwa it wjll lib
listifyutoil i'ur.thv (l.tfoiQUt raUrwn'ls, Tim
tu Wtiftajjc tn (iul- lai.lrnails tilouu will l;o i?i<
invonsiiletnLle ni{i:tvi\ '
.S.inienl' tTj"b payis\)ort ip the luwor country
k\cro (??'llic ron'T, liwnii><0 it would
enhance flit* importamo of Chuvl^.-ton, ami
imnfcD the citv to ovef-Miielow them in power,
influencejutv) wealth I W*:ih there" ever 1111
iiltiii conee-v^l iu greater inisftppnjliensiun of
tlie troth, ami more foreign to the .triio iuterssH
of u people? The lhi'^er ami more pros*
pt?vt>nn<mr' Metropolis ami commercial
^utpoiLuo* liCeou^ti, s<> will be the growth ami
pwwyuily iho wUoIq State.- All parts
will he honeiitteil a.ml. none can he injuretl.
Chrtfl^stoA \Vi1t- h8fA Hio Sfnttf of South Car-1
nlinA whitf the he'nl m to the luiinan "body.?<
' i\w? ?UK r? 11 f A-.
lisliihuto [t over tho State, as (lie heart
<?>n<ls lis blood in all the cxtioiniiica of tho
'vmI v to strqjiflthtfM iwd nourMi tliem. Theso
mr^|i 30 n tic i nan iivayjjp ivssihoU that no
ine !h Tikejj'To \>? mmied by tho approach
if nrtd'pfoHjierny in his vicinity.?Whniovov
hoard of a profit mtnincvrinl city
injuring it# nuijjblxHhood hy its increasing;
kvcalih ;uiJ.prosperity ! 'J'ho icvcv.-e is trim
in,'n nioKt iivondcrtul degree. Look nt Now"
Vnl-k \ Soe how nho <'i:-sCininatCM her wrjillli
ill uicr that nlid wiOfiilficent* Siate f
ii? up tin* Hudson,.riod liehnhl the bcnntifnl
md piclnj'Os^.ue^ijjuxJry *, adorned'with
ill (hat \venith, antl ml, and taste. and inluslrv
can bestow- Tliov have ri^on un W
llie ,y{.Unit wealth which ha<l
l>CCn Ocyuiiiul^lblT In Ihu city. l<ook utlhu
urr?rt<lpffur,>ititern?1',i:npri Vcmcnte of New
Vbrk State, tfn'd Ask whA'i originated Ihfit,
uii/avhoni'o ua*?6:(ijo capital to t'onstrm t
.t'jv iu^v??*o amount of eior.v
:oiiceiv?iiilo tliinSr pnnvn, in oil tljo country
irminil, going irrto flys cit v of Sow York", and
ho mAnW r>f thar'jtv mi vnfnrh ctil'ricil into
osuVilvf' M fnt'ieh and horuMify it. It'
jlmrtemMf ttl rWav Uirgf OTfntljrh to cov?h?s?hfll?
.Strrt*.'fto "\f?W?^?tyr?y holder in !t
Oil lit ?i ro?l tlV..,wllv
nfwn*.(tfs of tlfe I.o^isfhluto from
Jpftrtjut-Jmij;. ThIoiY, 'YoVk. Hfttl IhntR'ovUoii
f tlio tStrtfvf ripp?6-<xf tfin? TSNir RiclgA l\ui1oml
lutufMisc thoy thought (licro \vi?m n bottfr>riml
<<:hrappi; |Oni?jOv8t Re <i)?hii(ii>hm up tliw
litVcy t?!' tfifc* firifnrl River. prolog t<>
?? *?HVpli'ii? fltrftr of ?t railfWu oonilco
tnAil>MW<,0nr8<MUl^ Dirriiliha nntl llie grcftC
Lifnat.i- (whitit inuuM?hm/irt
*?I?VW vv' 1
Mnte, uu<J are willing U'C.StntQ flmyM m.aka
M^(Wipy?n{priAri<i'nrf out ??f tlvn ptf l/.'.u (i ea?r
iry to Hco'iinplifli * "> ^roRt niul xo ilosnnTiio
iii-cyi|,?vp?i?c. J)?i;njx tliu Isui ?f il.f?
.(VTiaUtujco thru tmnlivd fnr i\i> appro print ton
[on lipQbllsini Pit11Kjit pnf-ptm^.
t?U ttwrt)ii<t liTtovt'-WiA tkr<>0(^U T><ri-(',etd.
ftin"'/Onf ' iVi? x?(li?r routo
linnltl bo tpWi(1.?r
N<ffcf in ftli owmlor1, I wonJr)
. wc rr>T tiT?T taw

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