OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, March 23, 1861, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1861-03-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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: 1 -- J_ . ... . ... J-Jfii J. X- J ' '" ' " ? : !' ' '' - 'I1 - . Jll.m-L ] '. ' 1 ^ ..'-' l_.ll- ?1 .?
Is it ? w w- i? - . w- fe (p in i (Ef f ii I
iA X ? JJ i t ' csm^; i ; 5#l -b Ii ^ ' * -I li a I
Sabbath Evening Hymn.
Hoo I the shades of evo departing,
Fulls the sunlight from the west;
Might her darksome lobe is taking,
Tiruw Nature *>inkt> to rest.
Omy heart, search well each chamber,
I.est dome sin be lurking (hero;
Cleanse it IVoin i{? fmtl pollution,
Seek thy maker kneel In prayer.
Soon the lipht niiall fade forever,
Hoon tin- gru vo our dns( shall lii<lc;
Knoli fillnt bent thohenrt is giving
livings us nearer thai dark tide.
Kro the sun sit:tlI gild tlie morrow,
Erf the stars forget toshine,
Wo prtss the gates 6t' sorrow?
Mnke ns, Ldnl, 11101c wholly lliiuc.
Now, while mil lire sinks, reposing
Whilst the air a nt illness keeps,
Would I mourn my sins in sorrow
To that one who never sloops ?
Should dentil's nngel, cold appenriifllf,
Ue.ir my willing aoul nwny,
uiuoi iiiu, hum. o ur uuilill H uuru UlllUWS,
Quiilc 1110 to thy perfect tiny.
We. tin people of tlio Confederate States
each State ccting ip its sovereign mid indc
pendent character, in o? Jer to form u perma
ncnt Federal Government, establish justice
insure domestic tranquility, and secure tin
blessings of liberty to ourselves and our pos
tority?invoking the favor and guidance o
Almighty (Sod?do ordain and establish thl
Constitution for the Confederate States o
SkctTon 1.?All legislative powers hcreii
delegated shall be vested in a Congress of ill
Confederate States, which {shall consist of
Senate and House of Representatives.
Sr.c;noN -.?1. The House of liepresou
tatives shall be composed of members ehosei
every second year by the people of the seve
Val States; and the electors in each State shal
be citizens of the Confederate States, am
have the qualifications requisite for electors o
-l . * ?" - it. . r
i m; iiuim. numerous oilmen 01 itic Otaie Jjcp
isliituro; but no person (if foreign birth, no
n citizen of tbe Confederate States, shall b
allowed to vote for any officer, civil or politi
eal, State or Federal.
'1. No person shall be n llepresentativ
who slnill not have attained the age of twen
ty-five years, and be u citizen of the 0 on fed
ovate States, and who shall not, when elected
be an inhabitant, of that State in which h
thalt be chosen.
8. Representatives and direct taxes shal
be appointed among the several States, whiel
nay be included within this Confederacy, at
eoidiipg to their vespeotivo numbers, whiel
shall be determined by adding to the whol
nuiiuu'i- or rree persons,including tfiouc bouni
to service for a term of years, ?ml exoludinj
Indian# not' taxed, three-fifths of all slaves
Tl)e iicturtl eriumeratioii shnll bo made withii
three years after the first meeting of the Con
gross of the Confederate States, and withii
every subsequent tehn of ten years, in sucl
manner as they shall, by law diroet. Tin
number of representative* shall nut cxcec<
ono for every fifty thousand, but each Stat<
? shall have at least ono IlopVosontativc; auc
until much cuumeruiion snail uc inatlo tlio, ?Stat<
'of South (-iirolina shall ho entitled to choosi
six?the State of (Georgia ten?the State o
Alabama' nino?the Stiitc of Florida two?tin
State of Mississippi seven?tlio Sfate of l<ou
isiana six, and the State of Texas six.
4. When vacancies happen in the repre
sCivtaflon from any State, thi* Executive an
thority thereof shall issue writs of clectioi
to fill such vacancies.
5. The House .of Representative? Hba!
choose their Speaker and other officers, am
shall have the sole power of impeachment, ex
cOpt that any judicial or other Federal oflieci
resident nn<l iictiii^ solely within thq limits o
uny Stnfe, infi'y bcj im^oitahcd by n vote o
two-third* of both brunulxM of tho Lcgbla
tare thereof, - " ,
Skption o.?1. The SokqM of tho Confed
orate Stiltes sitall be composed of two Sena
Ttors from cnch State, chosen for six years bj
V +l?i* T tl. i ?l-~ - ' -
7 v..v uv^inKuniv mun;ui, ;iv liu; rcguuir ^cksioi
licit immediately preceding the contmcijec
uvent of the term of service j and eaoh Semi
tor^hnM have 0110 voto.
2. Immediately 'after they -Minil bo nssom
" "bled* in consequence of tho lirat election, tliej
<h?U bo dividcif an equally as may be int<
three classes. Tjio sci^s of tho SenatoriK o
^ the first class shall be vacntod at the cxplra
of the second year; of tho sccond-elnsi
?t the expiration of the fourth year; mid o!
the third class at tho expiration of the sixtl
JV'" f nu VIII11 UIIU mil U ll'lljf OHOHUIl uvorj
Hecond year; and if vacancies happon by pe
*i?hatlor?, or othfcnvtae, daring the rope&ol
the Legislature of any State, tho Kx'Oeut'm
thereof may make temporary appointment*
until the next mooting of the lio^'niliitino
l J which hIimII then fill sttejl vacancies.
* 8. No person ihaM bu a Senator who ih'nV
* ? not bnvo attained the age pf thirty years/aiicl
be a elttaen'of tho Confederate States; and
who ulndl not, whon elected, bo ?n inhabitant
\ of tho State for which ljfrshall bo cftoson.
4. The Victf-fYeiidont of the )Lr6nfederate
Ktotea shall bo^Pfcsideht of tho Sonatc, bw
shall In76 .i.) vote, unless they bo equally dl
6. Tho Senate ehnosb' thai* other ofitcorsj
and also n Provident pro tempore \n
m the absotioe ofthc Vifee'-Vresident,'o* when
Tr: i. ? it ii- - ? . .? n?-1 . it -
IMU KIHIII )i?u tin; OHICO OI ITCHlCient 01 tl)C
CdwfolcMo StrttOA. ! *' ; ' ' . .
?. The Senate shall hnvfe tha solo power to
try nil ijnpofiohment*. When sitting for that
purpose, th*>? sh??ll; be oh oath 6t hffirifjfttion."
Whom lihft PrcKuIcOt of tho Oori federate
.State* ia Cried, the Ohiof Justice'shut!
preside; and no person *hf>U 1}o Convicted
without the concurrence of ttfo thirds of <he
pfwont. I 1 "
ft* v"' *"
7. Judgment in eases of iiupcachmont
j sin!) not extend further than to reniovul fro.n
i oflice, and disqualification to liold and enjoy
any oflice of honor, trust or proiitt under the
Confederate States; but the parly convicted
hall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to
j indictment, trial, judgment and punishment
according to law.
.Ski tion 4.?1. The times, places and nu. liner
of holding election for Senators and llepvncoiibihi'iiL1
*,U.A\ !? ? ?v?./?r.<??..1.*.l - - - ' t-' *
..." ...... . . va, .^111111 III i:WI lUril III Uin.ll Olallt:
by the Legislature tin roof, subject to the provisions
of this Constitution j.but the Congress I
way, ?t any time, by law, make or alter such '
regulations, eicept as to the tin.es aud places
of choosinjj Senators. :
2. The Congress shall assemble at least
once in every year; such meeting shall be ou
the first Monday in December, unless they
shall, by law, appoint a diflrivnf day.
I Sl-.QTION O.?J. I vie 11 House sl.n 11 be tlio I
i judge of tlio elections, n turns and ?|U?liiic:ii
tions of its own members, and a majority of
! cacii slmll constitute a quorum to do business; |
j but a HUiiillor number may adjourn from day
i to day, and may bo authorized to compel the
attendance of absent members in such manner
mid under'such penalties us each House
j may. provide.
li. lvieh House may determine the rules of
j its proceedings, punish its membevs fordism*
' derlv beha\' . . d. with the.concurrence of
two-thirds i i ..ic whole number, o.\pel n
? 3. lyieh Mouse shall keep n jonrntil of its
2 proceedings, and from time to tii.no publish
* i the Kiiino, excepting such part^iis may in their
' judgment require i-ecresy, nnd the yeas and
^ uaysof the members yf cither House, on any
question, kIii.II, at the desire of one-fifth uf
those present, be 'entered on the. jonrnnl.
4. Neither Mouse, during the session of
I Congress, shall, without the eon-sent of the
c | othorvadjourn for more than three days, nor
II to any other place than that in which the two
lloufies shall he sitting.
j Skction 0.?The Senators and llepivsen
lJ 1 tnlivcp.iliiill receive a coin pens; (On tor their
| services. (o bo ascertained by l. w. and paid
' out of the treasury of tbc Coiifodeiaie States.
They shall, in all cusch, except ti c. son, felony
* andbie:eh of tbo peace, be priviiencij Irmn
arrest during their attendance at the hossion
T of their respective Houses, and in n?r to
0 and r< turning from the same ; and lor any
j speech or debate ir. either House, they shall
nut llO fllloslliillii.l ill nil,- ,.tl ..? ,
v M,V vl,,vl | ? ??v v..
2. No Sonsitnr or Kc; resentativc shall, during
(he time for which he was olectetl, be
:* appointed to any civil oljieo under tho author*
? ity of the Confederate States, which shall
0 have been created, or the emoHrueuts whereof
shall have been increased during such time ;
and no person holding any olliee under tho
Cohfecleralo Statesthr.il be u member of eij
thcr House'during his continuance, in ottice.
? I ?J .... .. i .. i . ->
kiiv v uiij;mio l?V I' W, j: 111 III HI fill' |? 1"1 IIl!
cipal ofiicer in c?eh of tlie KxcciUive I 'epm t
' ments a scat upon the floor ofyeU.her House,
with tlio pvivilepo of discussing any uieastfres
appertaining to his department*.
S COT J on 7.-?1. All hills for raising revetine
shall originate in the House of Hi-proscntative.s
; hut the Sennto nmy propose or
concur, with an;in?Intents as on other hills.
2. JSvory hill whioh shall have passed Loth '
Housjos, shall, before it becomes a law, be pieJ
sentcd to the President of the (\?nfederate
States; if lie approve, he sliali sign it; but if .
2 not, ho shall return it with his objections to '
i! il. ? IT... i 1
I nun ijioutu.' in w hich ii biuiji nave ovi^iiKiti-u. !
I who sli.il) enter the objections nt lar^o on J
J ; their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, i
" j after sUBh re'eonsider:'t?nn, two thirds df that
I'oufto flhiill niirce to paps tlic bill, ii .shall be
" i sent, together with tho objections, ti> the other
House, by which it shall likewise be reeonsid1
ered, and if approved by two-thirds of that
, lloiiso, it shall become a law. lint in all
' snob e;tpe?, the votes of both Houses shall be j
- determined by yens ami nnysi tind th" .names j
of the persons voting for and acainst the bill
shall be entered On the journal of each house'
respectively. If ntty bill fthtill nut be returned
by the President within ten days (Sundays
excepted) after it shall have been presented
, to. him, the same (shall be a law, iu like manner
as if he had signed it, unless the Congress,
by their atljoui njneiit,prevent itsreturn; j
1 in which Case it shall not be a law. The
1 President may approve any appropriation and
disapprove any oth<r appropriation in the
" ; sit in o bill. In such Ciiso he shall, in aigniug
| the bill, designate the appropriations dir;jp?
ppQvqa; nnd Huili return a oopy of such (
' proprintjona with UIh ohjeotioiibvtp the Hoijsc
' in which tho hill sIujII h ivoori?rini,tcJ ; nnd
tho same procoiMlin?r? slinll then he had as in
ease of oti^er l^lje disapproved by tlio Pif.si*
dent.. '
-J). Kv'ery order, resolution or Vote, towlm-h
1 tho concurrence of both Houses may ho m-ceo?iry
^oncept on n rjueslion of adjournment)
' shall he presented to tho President of tho J
j. .Confederate Statc?; and before tho same shall
* tako effect, shall bo ni?i>roved hv him : or he- 1
! ing dianpprovcd by htm, mrty be repaeKcd bv
1 two-thirds pf both House* according to tho
rules and liiuitiitions proscribed in ohms of n
Skction 8.?The Congress limit hnvo
j power?1. To lay and collect tyxes. duties,
' imposts, nnd excises, for revenue nccemwry
to ivy the debts, provide for tho common do- t
! feptrp, nn3 (jiirry <in the Government of tho
' Cpnfedcruto States ; m>r shrill a ivy duties or'
taxes on ImportbiVop's from foreign nation* l>o
laid to promote or filter any branch of in'dys try
; And nil duties, imposts, nnd excises gria|J
be unifohn throughout tho CdnfedcratcSH^tes ;
r. +>, uynniv uviioy uii niu giCTin ui
i i i ? 1
wUll?V?U'l^|,V ? - , 4
3. To foguJnto commerce with foreign nn-.
tio'lirt. Mini J m# the sovcrnl BtutM, ana With'
1 the Indfjijl tribo* ; Kut fcolthet thirt, nor niiy ,
oth&f ^In^lso eonCAfripdl itv thd poWtitulion.
nhi11 ovqrbb' <foWfctn)re<f to rtelegnte tho power
to C}oiV?rdi?i fo flpj/rftpfiate riioriey for hrry'irt- ,
t<fn?! improvement intended to, ftjoilitat'cf
J commcrfif,'Wftjijpt fur f lie jmrpoae of furnishin?
lights, hoftpoii#. awl oth?r?Uls
to navigation upon tho coasts, ami tho improvement
of harbors and the removing of
obstructions in river nuvigutiou, in all which
cases such duties shall be laid 011 the navigation
facilitated thereby, as to pay the costs
and expenses thereof;
4. To establish uniform laws of naturalization,
and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies,
throughout the Confederate States,
but no law of Congress shall 0i^<-fao any
dt lit contracted before 'the p'i?-sage of the
k.i mo. ,
5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof
aiul of foreign coin, and fix ihe .standard
of weights and measures :
0. To provide for the punishment .. ! counterfeit
ire tlie securities and current coin of
tliu I imiWIrivfu states :
7. To cfi(al>!ihli post offices anil post routes;
but the expenses of tbo ]'< st Office. lNjpiulmcr.t,
siftir ilie frst d iy of MiU'cli, in ti c
ycarof our Lord eighteen hundred nhd sixi vtliroe,
slitill bo pni?l out ?>f its own revenues :
8. To promote tin* projirer-K of science and
useful ni ts. hv Hcrurin*r lor limited tinn1" to
aaf' ors smd inventors, the exclusive rijiht to
tliv.r lOHpective.writinps jiihI discoveries:
J). To constitute tribunals infeiior to the
Supreme Court :
lij. 'J'o lefine hud punish ph-acics itiul felonies
couuniiled on the hij^h f-eas, and olVenet
s against the law of tuitions :
I 1. To declare war. grant letters n1"marque
and reprisal, and nialce rules coticv icaptuv>s
on land and water :
tTo raise and support armi. y ; hut no
app'opriatiou of money to that useshali he
lor a longer term than two years :
1:'.. To provide and maintain unavy :
i i ?r~ I... ....i ? -- ? * 1
4 1. JL ?; III*! i\\: IIIIV0 1 < . >:<)\?MIII1IUIII UliW
regulation of I lie h.nd :uid naval forces :
i:>. To provide for calling forth the militia
to oxicuto t'lic laws of tlie Confi derate
b'tates, mij press icsunvelions, and repel invasion
1 (?. T?> provide, for organiziuir, arming and
dIjjei|iliiiinjr tlie miliii and for governing
sucli part of tliens i"< : >\ he employed in the
service of tlie ('on!\ . r. : Sli.tes; reserving
to the States. rcspi? \ . the appointment
| of the officers, and the auihoritv of traininu
tho, militia according to tlie discipline prc;
scribed by Congress :
17. To exercise exclusive Ifgi^ition in sill
e::scs whatsoever, over tio 11 district not exceeding
ten uiiles square) as may, by cession
oi one el- more States and the acceptance of
1 I'oni'.tr'Sh, boeninc tlie seat of tlie Covei nnunt
of tin' Confederate States: and to cxote;?o
like aiitl.ioi ity over all places purchased b\
; tlie consent ot' tlio legislature of the Slate in
which tho same shall be, for the erection of
forts, map '.Vne?, arsenals, dock-vards and
ether needful buildings: and
18. To inula all L .vs which <"iall lie necessary
and proper for carrying into execution
I |?p nnu-ni'i- < '?/! ..11 I.?." *x..
* ""V 1'""'
vested 1jy tbis 0<jnstituliou in the government
| of the. Confederate S(;jtus, .or ill uny dcpartitiiMit
or oftioer tjioreof.
i S;.rni>N 9.? 1. The importation of negroes
of the African niee, from any foreign
country, otlior than-the slaveholdinjr St/tUs or
Tcr. itorics of the I'nitcd States of America,
is hereby forbidden; and Congress is icf-nired
to j>: .-S sileh laws as shall efi'eotualiy j.rovent
thf same.
2. Congress .shall also have povri r to prohibit
the introduction of slaves from any
Sti?fc not n member of, or Territory not bolonginp
to, this Confederacy.
3. The privilege of the writ of habeas eor
pus shall not bo suspended, unless when in
c?seg of rebellion or invasion the public safety
may rec|uire it.
4. jS'o bill of nit .indor, or r.r poqt
law, or law denying or impairing the right of
property in negroslavey shall be passed.
i). No capitation c r other direct tax shall
be laid, unless in proportion to tho census or
"iiuincrntioii herein before directed to be
(>. Xo tax or duty shall be laid on articles
exported (Venn n?y State, except by a vote ot'
two'thirds of both Houses.
"7 V.. -.1.. >i L- i
i . |iiviurvucv niiiiii i>c }<ive?i ov any ro*
gulof.imi of eommoreo of revenue to (lie ports
of one State over those of another.
8. X<> money shall bo drawn from the treasury,
but in conaoquenoe of appropriutions
made by law ; nnd a regular statement and
ae.count of the refleips and expenditures 'of
nil public money shall be publishedfrom time
to tiioo. . - .
0. Connie//} ;d<i<!l .appropriate no ciotvey
from thd tre. hury except by a vote of two'hirds
of both Houses, taken by yca? and
nays, unless it be jttfked and estimated for by
fioo)e,ono of the liwds of Department, and
submitted to GoU'iiefc* 1-v fciio 1'ronidoht ; or
fov tho purpose .of paying it* own oxpaiiBW
and cQiilii?#>ncio8 j nr lor tho -payment of
claims against tho (ViDtuderate States, tiic
juries of which Iihk boon judicially doclurcd
l?yrf trihtinid for tho invcftti?ation <>f cbtinm
ajorihHt the Ciovormucut, wh'Oh it ih' hetrhy
made tho duty of Conproefe to cRt dj|i.?h'.
1\K All billfi apprnni'iiitinc mnnrv kIihII
t ^ i r n j """ "
specify in redorah < nrronoy the oxnct rtmount
of eitch nppropri.'iion and the pnrposts fof
Which it ih tuiidti j nnd Congress shrill pnint
ivo extra cntnpenfcition to any public (juntrftt!tor,
ofticor. ftyKnvt' or nri'vunt, aftor Buid contraot
shall have been ntudo or fruch service
11 m;. ..of.. .1
jmi n*n; ?n iniiiMii y ?ii;iii un grnnTCCl r>y
the <J<mfcdoruto Hfc'tedj iitid no perport holding
nny offioo erf pmfit ?>r fcinnt under them
?h?lk without tlio eoment of Oongrew*, neceptof-nny
pro?e?>t, enu>liiMerit, oflficA or tit it)
of any kind Whutevcr, from any king, prlneo
AM O* ?* A '
12. Ooliffresfl ahull ?n#lU'iu> la'jr respecting
ni?. i'?tnblinli>i?ciit (if volition, or prohibiting
the freo oxeroise thereof? or nhridpflng the
f'midom of peech,- or of the pr<w, or the
r?ght qf '.th* people. pfeaeesbly tcnwwemble Mid
.petition tha (Jovternnienl' ft>t it' red i-ewi of
gritsaniwxk'T' "5 ; ' * ,* ?* ? ?W M
-1 Hj A woll rpgu)?t?d mWitfa beingneecf-a
?y to thetiecurity of a free State, th( tight of
the people* to keep and boar arms sball uot be
1-1. No soldier shall, in time of pence, bo
j quartered in any house without tbo consent
of tlic owner; nor in time of war, but in a
[ manner ( > b prescribed by law.
' 10. Ti i ' lit of the peonlc to be secure in !
41 1
their jf. 'Mi.-, houses, papers, and oHoots
npiint-t uuionsonable searches ml seizures,
sjinll not viola'?'d ; and no warrants shall
issue hut upon pn<b >l)!o tiiuse, supported bv
oath or nflirmation, and particularly describing I
the place tu be searched, Hind the persons or i
things to be seized.
10. No person shall be heiil to answer for .
n capital or otherwise infuaious crime, unless
on a presentment or indictment of a grimd t
except in cnses ?ri.sinjr in the land or I
;isival forces, or in the militia, when in iictunl
m vice, in time of w.ir or public ibnijjer: nor |
. t :.)! siny person he subject for thc .-iunc oflcnce
L> < twice j i*t in j-jopauly of life or liu.b ; '
i. -c tj-t v'*?ii:|tolled, in uny criuiiiuil case, to be
? * j : gainst himself; nor be deprived of
life, liberty, or propel ty, without duo process
of Inw ; no; sh..!l private proper!y be taken t'?>r j
public use, without just compensation.
m. i ii mi crimiti:ii pr? ^( e.utioii.s tin: accused
shall enjoy the ri?rht t<i a spcody and public
trial, l>y an impart iid, jury of the State an?l 1
distlic-t wherein the cvinio* f-liall have been
, committed, which district shall have been
previously ascertained bylaw, and to bo ' >- j
j formed of the nature and can.so of the ticcusution;
to bo confronted with the witnesses
airainst him ; to have compulsory process for
onuuninji wunefses in lustiivor; mid to have
the M.?*istancc of counsel for his defence.
IS. In suits at coniiiion law, where the]
value in conHevcrsy shi 11 excecd twenty dollars,
the riulit of- trial hy jury shall be proveil
; .and no fact $0 tried by a jury f hnll
he (,tlv i wise re examined in nny com I of the
, Ooir'edenicy. thnti according to the rules of
J the ro'i;icnii Inw.
]! . i; ,\er.-:-ive bail shall not be required.
! nor e.sc live fines imposed, nor cruel and
1 uuusui.i pnui-l.iiients inflicted.
j 20. l'veiy l-w or resolution having the
1 force of law, shall rch :e to but. one subject,
! 1IU1 ..1...11 t u ... - 1 a .1 .??>
I ?11 v 4 11 il> I Is 11 i" ] I IIU f .\ |?I 111 IIH' lllKi.
j Swtion 10.? 1. No b't.jtc ."luill enter into
| nny treaty, alliance, or con federation; grunt
letters of tunrcjuo and reprisal; co:n money,
I niiikc anything but gold ;tnii silver coin a toni
den* in payment of debts: pnss nny bill of
j attainder. Or r.r pnnf facto 1 i\v, u- l.nv impairini'
the obligation of contracts or iv.antany
' title of nobility.
2. No Stole Hhtill, witlio-U th" consent of
i iiir ('iiiisrress, lay any iiupcp'.s or duti'V on
imports or exports, except wIikI uiiiv !>e abso:a?"ly
necessary for executing its im=pecti?"?Ti
| i>\vs j and lbe net j roducc of nil duties and
imposts, laid .by.tiny State on imports or cxpovts
(sliall be lor I lie u.so of tlio Treasury of
the (.'onlV derate States; mid all sucii laws
shall bo (subject to the. revision and control oP
i5. No State filial I, without tbc consent of
Congress, lay any duty of tonnape, cxcept on
sea-truing vessels, for the improvement of its
rivers and harbors oavi^at-d by the. said vescnlc
Iviif on / !( ?l?i? _ 1... n ?./ .? .... * \
uv..> f . *?? Ptit/n vi i? i ill mil/ ciiiiiii(;t Willi
any treaties of tin; tVii''. h-rated States with
foreign nations;. and#:?;\y surplus of revenue
thus derivedtdiall, after u;akju<>. such improvement,
he paid into the common treasury; nor
1 shall any S'tate lcn'cp troops or ships of war in
| lime <if peace, enter into nny agreement or
oi.tnp.u t with another ?t:ite, or with a foreign
powt r, or en-ra^e in war, unless actually iti}
vaded, or in such imminent danger as will not
i i. :. ! i ii? . . i ' i- i
, iiwuiu in uei.iy. j->nc wnen any river iiivint s ;
or flows t!iioii?rl) two or move States, they tuny j
enter into ?ompncts with each other to ini- |
prove the navigation thereof.
SrcnoN 1 ?I. The executive power sludl ;
he vested in > Prviid'vM of the Confederate!
Stete* of America. He.n'ul the Yice-Vresi- '
dent shall hold their o!w""? tor tli<4 t r.n of 1
six vers: hut tbo Ihv.-iiilont .shall not h.Q r.-clitiiUij.
The Provident aiul Vice-President
8|)i'il he elected as follows:
2. Knoh State slmll appoint, in such* 1111111j
nor as the Lo?;i?lntiiro thereof nipy direct, a
| number of .electors cqunl to tlx- whole uutnher
of Senators and llepre*ent:iii voc to which
j the State maybe entitled in the OongreMi j
hut no Senator or Representative, ov person
I holding nn office of trustor profit under the J
('oiifodorldo Siaieb, ?li.ill bo appointed an j
, cj.'. ror.
0. The c.lectors sbull meet in tliuir respcc j
; tivoHtftH'S itnd voto by ballot for President
I . i tr: . . i?.. 1 . " i . > I
( imu ? in: rresiu'iK, one 01 Wlioin, lit least,
j shall not bis :m inhabitant of tho same Jr-1itt
with tlwniHf.l ves; thov shall nnnio in their
ballots the person voted for ns President* ?n 1
in distinct biillnts t bo per.'nn Voted for as VioO1'resident,
nnd '.hey shall make distinct lists
of nil persons Voted (of* as President, and of
nil persons voted form# Yiec-lVcuidnnt, and
of tho number of votes for each; which list
I they f-lntll sign nfifl fortify, nnrl trnmunit, sen)|
<>d, to (he (rovrnrioitf of tho CVutfrderito
I direct-oil to thfl I'lth^lont of Hie Senate,
\<liofulfill, in the preaoiiQC uf tne SenntC nrid
I !li>u<c of Reprcst'iitutivps, open jtli the cortif* t
! iratcH. and the votes .shnll then be counted ;
the person having thq greatest miinhor of
,'r.Ti ki fitc T*r,,u!,ti?n# til,i.ll lin llwi
if ?ucK number be a mnjovity of tho whole j
nunifior of electors appointor!and if no per-j
son havo n majority, then, frdm tli? pevsofiR
having the highest rtoinl)(vrs', not exoeedtnp
| three, on tho list of thoso voted for aa Presij
dftnt, the Ifonso of UonreAcntativea shall
I cho0fl0Jrininefl!i(t'eH' by ballot' tho President,
i But iriftjhopaing tho President. tho voto? shall
1 v.* 4S.I.L i... e/..VAo fji....
i/? ifinvii fc.vt.vvoj v??v if. j>??,i>vnnMnV/?J MUlit
enph State having oiio vote; a quorum for
this put poao tdiidl, coiifii^ of h member or
niomb?TO from Iwothivdn of tho (itotefl, and a
! majority of all Alio Sfcato* nball bo uoccesary
to a choice. And if l^ic llonso of He.prcsentntivea
qhall npt chdoHO ft President, whenever
the right,of cb(rfof shall devolve upon them,
before the fourth d;>y of Mgtoh no*t following,
then the Vice-President shell not an Pres'
;Im ' . r,:; . vis - !
ident, at< in ca.?e of the death or other Constitutioiuil
disability of the President.
I. The person having the greatest*number
of votes as Vice-President shall be the VicePresident,
it' such number be a majority of
the whole number of electors : ]>:> i ' 1; and
if no person have a majority, then, <?m Mio
two highest numbers on the list, tlif ' n;i(>
shall choose the V ice-President ; a';Uoi'iiih
foi the purpose shall consist of two-third." ;
ityof '.he whole number shall bo necessary
to t choice.
5. But no person constitutionally ineligible |
to t ho office ?t I'resident .shall be eligible to
that of Yicel'n >idont of the Confederate!
States. !
(!. The Congress may determine the time
(?f choosing the electors, and the day on
which they shall give tln-ir votes ; which day
"hall he the same thn u. it the Confederate
7. No person except a nahm l born citizen
of tho Confederate States, or a vilizen thereof
at the time of the adoption of the. CoiiPtitutliili.
or ft (-.iti'/fn thor<M?f horn in I 'nil. i)
States prior to the 20th.of December, l^li >.
shall his eligible to the olVico ot' 1 'resident:
neither : hall any person be eligible to that
r.'.Viee who shall not have attained to the age
ot thirty-live years, and been fourteen years a
resident within the limits of tho Confederate
Slates, as tin y may exist at the time ol his
8. In cf.ee of the removal of tho President
from ofti'.'o, or of his death, resignation, or
inability t<? discharge the powers and duties
I of the said office, the same shall devolve on
the Viec-Prchidcnt; and the Congress may,
by law, provide for tho case of* removal,
dei tli, resignation, or inability both of the
President and Vice Prudent, doc-luring what
i otlicer shall then net ns President, and such
oiV.cershall ret accordingly until the disabilii
, v bo Removed, or a President shall be elected.
0. The President shall, at st. ted limes, re
ee'tve for his services n compensation, which
shall neither he increased nor diminished
iiiirin-i the period for which hcsluil! have been
elected ; and he shall not receive within that
pcrum any omcr emolument lroni tlie L'onfederate
'-'t itis, or any of thoni.
10 !>oforc lie enters on tho execution oP
his office, lie shall take the following oath or
affirmation :
' I do solemnly swear (or nflirm)thatT
will faithfully ex< eute tho office of 1'resident
of the Confederate .States, and will, to the
I best of my ability, preserve, protect, and doi
fond the Constitution thereof."
SlX'TlON 2.?1. The l'resideut shall bo
commander-in-chief of the army and navy of
1 tho Confederate Stated, and of the militia of
tho several States, when called into the actual
j service of the Con,federate States; h<- mnv re|
quire the opinion, in writing, of the. priuei]?al
| officer in each of the Exeoutive Departments,
upon any subject relating to the dfifies of
j their respective offices; and he slinll have j
power to grant reprieves and pardons for of- ;
fences against the Confederate States, except
in eases of impeachment.
2. He shall have power, by and with t' <
advice and consent of tho Senate, to make
treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators
ni'OCOlit ziAiw.no I\a ^...1
I |^> VUVIIU UUIIV Hi j (IIIU HVi Olltlll IIUIU I IliltlJ M1U,
] by and with t!io advice and consent of the
j Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other pubj
iic ministers ami consuls, .Judges of tho Su!
prcmc Court, and all ollu1 officers of tho Confederate
States, whose appointments are not
herein otherwise provided lbr, and which
shall lie established by law; but the Congress
ttiav, by law, vest the appointment of such hi
n?rior ollieers. as *thev think in ilm
J I?
1'resident alone, in tlio oourts of law or in the
lie-ids of Departments.
Tlio principal officer in oath m' ti.e Kxcenlive
I >opnrtinents, and all persons c.'iw'eeted
with tho diplomatic service, may iv v** ' 1 '
from olfieo ut tlio-pleasure of tho President i
All other civil officers of the Executive !><v |
]i.".rtmeiit limy be removed at any time by tin* i
I V-.-ldcnt, or oilier appointing power, wlion I
their nor vices ary unnecessary, or for dishonesty,
incapacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or
neglect of duty, and when so removed, the
removal shall lie reported to the Senate, to
gether with the reasons thorefijr.
4. The I'resident nIi ill lv.ivfe power to fill
nil vacancies that may hifppen?duririjr the recess
of the Somite, hy -granting commissions,
which shall expire at the end of their next
f-C-ssioii; hut nn pcrpon rejected hy the Semite
shall be re appoint; d to the s.uno oiliee during
their ensuing recess.
Ski th?n i>.?1. The President shall, from
ti:na to time, give to tho (Jongre** information
of tKq s| a to of the Confederacy, and recommend
to their consideration fy?ch mous-uix* i
i.rt ?i,..n ...i * '
.IV .-unit illlU y j
lie ?nny, on extraordinary occasions, convene
both iVoitsiJv, or cither of them ; ami in case of j
di.itjjreomont between them, with respect to',
the time of adjournment, ho may adjourn '
them to such titue as he shall think proper ; J
he shall t'Oeeiyo omb^^udor? ntic] o'b^r public I
ministers ; ho shall take care that the laws bo
faithfully executed, and shull commission all
the officers of the Confederate States.
Suction 4.?1. The 1,'resident.; Yieo President,
and all civil oilitwra of the CI dn federate
States, shall bo removed from ofTieo on im
peaohwcnt for, awl conviction of, treason,
bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
' A11TTCLE Hi.
Swtton J.?1. Tim judicial powvof tho
Confederate* States shall bo vested in one Supreme
Court, and in such Inferior Courts as
the Congress may from timo to time ordain i
?_,i ? .1 ifl.? 4?. v?*>. ?iin o.,
cnu crmt/iiniii i !?- i/utn i-llu Oil*
promo and Inferior Courts, shall hold their
office during good behavior, and ahull, at.
stated times, receive for their nervicea a compensation,
which shall noi be diminished during
their conti,i?Ui>neo in office.
Suction .2,?1. Tlie judicial power shall
extend to all cnsc3 arising under this Constitution,
tho laws of the Confederate Htatea,
and treaties made or whic)i shall be made un*
dor thoir authority ; to nil cases affecting ambassadors,
other public ministers and consuls;
to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction
; to controversies to whioh the Confederate
States shall boa party; to controversies
between two or more States; between a State
and citizens ot'another State where the State
is plaintiff; between citizens claiming lands
nndi-r grants of < 1 iiVcro111 States, and between
or tho citizens thercofp and forj>1gn j
.Suites, citizens or subjects ; but no State shall
bo sue 1 by a citizen or subject of any foreign
li. fn all eases affecting ambassadors, other
public ministers and consuls, and tlioso in
which a Slate shall be a party, the Supreme |^
Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all
the other cases before mentioned, tho Sunroino
I 'mt wIimII onnollof .>
jm<ihv7 vvui u oil 'I i i auiH/ ?? j ' pviiuiu J U I IOU ICllUI/,
both as to law and fact, with such exceptions,
and under such regulations, as the Congress
Kind) make.
The trial of all crimes', except in cases of
impeachment, shall be by jury, and such trial
shall he held in the State where the said
crimes shall have been committed ; but when
not committed within any State, tho trial shall
] 1?# ..
..IU .'Ml II |/Iiiv;v UI I'liiviUi) UO ifliu VyUirJIX^^lUHV
by law have directed.
Sections.?1. Treason agninst the Confederate
States shall consist only in levying
war against theni, or in adhering to their euemie*.
giving thoni aid and comfort. No person
shall be convicted of treason unless on the
testimony of two witnesses to the came overt
act. or (<n confession in open court.
2. The Congress shrill have power to declare
the punishment of treason, but no attainder
of treason shall work corruption of blood,
or forfeiture, except, during tho lif' of the
person attainted.
Skption I.?1. Full faith and credit shall
bo given in fiich Si ilc to the public acts, records
and judicial proceedings of cvfcry other
State. And the Congress, may, hv general
laws, prescribe the manner in which such
acts, records, and proceedings shall be prpMed
' nd the effect thereof.
Suction 2.?1. The citizens of each State
'11 be entitled to all the privileges And ini[
niuuitias of citizens in the several States, and
I shall h ive tha right of transit and sojourn in
any State of this Confederacy, with their
slaves mm! other property; and the right of
property in said slaves shall nyt be :hero)>y
2. A ] ". on charged in any State with
treason, l\ <>nv or other crimes against the
laws of uoii State, who shall fire from justicfe
and he found in another State, shall, on demand
of the Executive authority of the State
! from which he fled, he delivered up to be removed
to the State having jurisdiction of the
o. No slave -or other person held to service
or labor in any Stato or Territory of the Confederate
States, under the laws thereof, escaping
or lawfully carried into another, shall,
ill consequonce of any law or regulation therein,
ho discharged from such service or labor;
but shall be delivered up (in claim of the pnfr\y
In whom such slave belongs, or to whom
| su- ii wrvico or labor may bo duo.
| S .i*'ti<>n 1). ? 1. Other States may bead*
milc il into lliis (Confederacy by a vote of twoth'.rds
of the whole House of Representatives,
and two.third* of tho Senate, 1 he Senate voting
by States; but no new State shall bo
formed or erected within tho jurisdiction of
any other State ; nor any State be formed by
the junction of two or more States, or parts
of States, wil> out tho consent of the Legislatures
of the States concerned, as well n.? nf
(lie Congress.
2. Tho Congress shall have powfcr to dispose
of and make all needful rules and regulations
concerning the property of the Confederate
St.. tes, including the hind* thereof.
:i. The Confederate States may ?ef|uirc new
territory; and Congress shall have power to
legislate and provide governments fur the inhabitantb
of i.ll territory belonging to tho
Confederate States, lying without the limits
of the several .States; and may permit them,
at such times, and in such manner as it may
by law pvovi.de,' to form States to bradmitted
! into tho Confederacy* In all such territory,
the institution of negro slavery as it now exists
in the Confederate States, shall bo recognized
and protected l>y Congress, and by the
territorial government ; and the inhabitants
oi tiio several I'oniedorato states and Territories,
shall have the right to take. to such Territory
any slaves, lawfully held by tliom in
any of the States or Territories of the Confederate
*1. The Confederate States .shall guaranty to
every Stake that now is or hereafter ninv become
a member of this Confederacy, a republiaan
form of government, and shall protect
e iehof tiiein ti<*ninst invasion J and 011 application
of tHe Legislature (or of the Executive
when the Legislature is not iu session)
pgainst domestic violencer
A liT 101 j 12 V.
SF.OTtON I.?1. Upon the demand of any
throe States, legally assembled in their several
Conventions, the Congress shall summon a
convention of fill the States, to take into consideration
such amendment* to the Constitution
ns the said States shall concur in suggesting
at the time when tho said demand is
nuifli> ' Jllirl mYimiiIsI r.nv ftf* !?/ * nrAMAc-rt/l
-j y.i y ,,,v
nients to the Constitution he ngrocd on by tho
saVd convention -voting by States?and tho
Hiimo bo vatilied by tlie Legislatures of twothirds
of the several State#, or by conventions
in two thirds thereof?us the one or tlie
other mode of ratifiention^nmy he proposed
l?y tho general convention?they shall tlicn6of<>
\v:?rd fofirt n part of this Constitution.-?
"Tut no Stntn shall, withput Its consont, betdeprived
of its equal representation in tho
MiTinr.K vi.
1? Tho Government established by thl?
.Constitution is tho sncferssor of tho Ptt>Vfe- ;
ional 0<iYOfhrrtcnt Of tho Confederate States
of America, and nil the Mrs pawed-by the
latter shall continue iu force until the samo

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