MC.' ' > '-'4 ? . ? , , ^ * . . ' * ? ' tO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, ANO IT MUST FOLLOVV AS ?H? NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CANS'T NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN. ' BY KEITH, SMITH & CO. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1882. VOLUME XXXIII.-NO. 4L ?rmrT7?rf^~inj.r.T?.f.i-,r..-? ?-. t?^^.^.nnri) STRENGTH io vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulato a household, strength to do a day's labor With but physical pain, All this repre sents what is wanted, In the often .WrTc^WiMr. Ol) i I Wish I liad the strength!" If you aro broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which ls ii true tonic-a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases. 501 N. Fremont St., Ballimore! .During lite war 1 was in jured in thc stomach by a niece of a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. About four V cars Ago it brought 01) paraly sis, which kept mc in bcd six months, and thc best doctors in thc city said 1 eouhl not live. I st?ilci cd fearful ly from indigestion, and for over two years could not cat solid food and for a large poition of thc lime Was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. 1 tried Brown's Iron Bitte rs and now titter taking two bottles 1 am hble lo get up and go around and am rapidly improving. G. DECKER. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic, lt enriches thc blood, gives new life to the muscles and tone to thc nerves, 3 3 A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the prosont generation. It ts for tho ChTro of thia dlaoase and Its attemdanta, SICK-HEADACHE, B?Ll(7TJ8NE8B, DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, PIXE8, etc. that TTJTT'B PILLS havo galnod awdrld-wido r?putation. No Romecly COB over been dlncovorod that nota co gently on tho idlgOBtive orgqna, giving" thom vigor to as mm?T?t? food. AB a natural result, tho iNTervous System la Braced, tho Muscles fire Developed, and tho Body ttotumt. OMUs and SPotroar;. SI. RIVAL, ri Planter nt Day ou Sara, La., sayo | My plantation la In a malarial dlntrlct. Foi a o v o ral y mir n I could not in nit o half a orop on .ooount of bilious dlaoasoa and ohllia. I was noarly dlsoouragod whon X bogan tba use of TDTT'B PIT.T.B. Tho rosult wno marvelous* my laborora goon booamo hearty and robuotL and I have had no further tremolo. ' They re1teyothsenTOraedIta m mill bo mailed FRED 01? applieatiotu? July 13, 1882 84 ly W nPSF Scad to Ra BJ EL ttl HK?OTtK'N I ? fflHfflEo , , Atlanta, Un. For Illustra?ocTCircular. A live- actual Busi ness School. Ettablithtd twenty year?. Richmond & Jidan ville flt*. 112. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On end ofter tho 9th of July, 1882, tho Passenger Train Scrvioc on tho Atlanta and Charlotto Air Lino Division will bo as fol lows: EASTWARD. Mail and Express. No. 61. No. 53 Losvo Atlanta 2 40 P M 4 00 A M. Arrivo Gainesville f> 04 P M 6 19 A M Arrive Lula 5 86 P M G 50 A M Ar Robun Gop Juno 6 11PM 741AM Arrive Tocooa 0 48 P M 8 17AM Arrivo Senooa 8 14 P M 9 2G A M Arrivo Greenville 10 OG P M ll 03 A M Arrive Sportonburg ll 40 P M 12 24 P M Arrive GaBtonia 2 OG A M 2 50 P M Arrivo Charlotto 8 15AM 4 00 P M WESTWARD. Mail and Expross. Mail. No. 50. No. 52. Loevo Charlotto 1 00 A M 12 50 P M Arrivo Gastonia 2 02 A M 1 47 P M Arrivo Spartonburg 4 31AM 4 OG P M Arrivo Grconvillo 5 59 A M 5 29 P M Arrivo Seneca 7 43 AM 7 10, P M Arrivo Toocoa 9 18AM 8 89 P M ArRabun Gop Juno 10 00 A M 9 17 P M Arrivo Lula 10 87 A M 0 51 P M Arrive Gainesville ll OG A M 10 24 P M Arrivo Atlonta 1 30 P M 12 60 A M T. M. R.TALCOTT, Gcnoral Manogor. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent. A, POPE, Gen. Pao. ?Ticket Agent. \t Inc Portal ot* ?tl;mhood. BY JOHN K. M'OANN. I am drifting, stowing drifting, Forevermore from theo, Liko a ship without a rudder, Out upon an unknown sea. I om not proud to loayo theo; With'aohing heurt 1 gaze Book through my twcDty yeora of liFc, Through Boyhood^ goldou days; And [ eec a youngster ploying At marbles, top and bull; I seo him eoaling fcwccff -- -.-. For roay pi pi ns in tito fall. I seo him rushing madly, With n hop, a skip, a bound, For tho fcueo around tho orohard, From tho farmer's huugry hound. 1 ooo seo him on thc river, On an old "half rocker" skate; I seo him coasting down tho hill ..^y Ou a sled with bonny Koto. 1 cnn eec tito youngster's school matoa Courting Manhood, ono by one; I eau sec tho village barber Shaving Dick und Bob and Tom. I caro no moro for Manhood Than an albatros for land! It*8 so good to bo a ourclcss boy So glorious--so grandi I. would not givo thee, Boyhood, Could i keep theo in my power, For thc wealth of all tho Indies For thc Quccu of England's dotier! But-good-bye my dear old Boyhood! 1 Icavo theo with regret; If I were proud of leaving, Would my eyes ond cheeks be wet? I know I never eau go back Through life's mysterious ways; I know I'll never sec again My golden Boyhood days. [Golden Days. An American Boy's Feat HOW JOE BENTLEY WON A BOUQUET PROM THE QUKKN OP 1'OIUUOAL. ?Toe Bentley wos au American boy who hud been brought up on o ontllo fenn in tho interior of ono of thc New England Stulos; but who had loft home fur the moro congenial life on board u man of-wur. ilia hist voyage took him to Lisbon, where to bis great delight he learned that there was to bc, during tho following Easter week, a great bull light. Tho wildest bulls had tcon brought from Andalusia, a largo nutn I Of of horses from the royal stables were to bo in tho ring, tho queen herself would presido and distribute the favors, ond, in short, it was to bo tho grandest bull-fight seen in Portugal for many years. All this had a peculiar fascination for Joe. In all his allusions to Portugal and Spain he had declared to tho boys that tho only thing he cared to sec in those countries was a bull (iuht. Tho bull/dightn of Portugal aro different from (bose of Spain in several important particulars. At every such fight in Spain, where this cruel sport is oonductcd in thc most barbarous manuel, many horses ?re killed and sometimes men, too, fall victims and nt the close of tho fight tho bull is dispatched by tho matador, or bull-killer. The law of Portugal does not allow tho bull to be killed, aud his horus aro always padded or tipped with brass, po that ho cannot gore the horses. Onco in a while, however, u man is killed in spito of this precaution. Tho excitement is intense, us the object i? to drive or drag tho bull from tho ioulosuro. Accordingly, having obtained permission to go ashore on thc day of tho fight, he modo his way at an carly hour to thu bull ring, and obtained one of thc best scats. Ile thought that ult Lisbon must bo there. All waited in suspense for tho queen to enter the royal box. Prcscutly she np I pcarcd ond was greeted with repeated cries of applause. Then tho sport began and Joe watched with interest and enthusiasm tho mad rush of tho bull into tho ring, und admired tho agility of Iiis tormentors in evadiug his onslaughts. Finally, however, the superb animal has driven all his oppo nents from the enclosure. Foran instant tho bull was master of tho riug. The most perilous feat of tho bull ring was now attempted. A young man, covered with silver luco hung till over with littlo bells, undertook to throw himself be tween tho bull's borun and ding to them till tho bull should bo sufficiently exhausted to bc overpowered ned taken from tho ring. Ho courageously made tho attempt, but unhappily missed his aim and fell dircotly io front of tho enraged animal. At this moment of terriblo suspense, moreover, Joe suddenly saw what had'not yet been discovered by ?ny ono else--thot tho bull had lost thu pudding from ono of his horns. Ile stood over the young man, his eyes glaring and his whole attitude ono of furious anger. Ho rcfusod to be di verted by tho colors glancing all around him, and ho scorned to bo considering wliother ho should trample on his victim or picroo him with tho naked horn. The young man did not doro to move, for ho was aware that tho bull possessed ovcry advan togo. Tho excitement of tho audience was at its highest point, and tho overwrought feeling's of our hero would allow him to retain his seat no longer. With tho sprightliness of a soilor?boy ho leaped tho puling. Everybody was as tounded at his temerity. An Englishman present fearing for thc lifo of tho unprao Hood lad, ai'ied out, "Como back!" Sovcml AutcriooDS shouted for him to lcavo tho ring; but Joo bad ruado tho venturo and ho was not going to bo frightened froui tho ring. On tho fur in at homo ho hod con quered moby a steer quito os wild and pow erful as even thia maddened bull. Ile was oonsoious that thousands of eyes woro watching him with coger interest; but Without hesitation ho advanced toward tho bull, coolly plucing himself BO that, with ono hand, ho could grapp tho bull's horn, while with tho other he could scizo his ehoggy mano. Tho young mun, meanwhile, hud leaped to hin feet and retired to a sufo position, leaving Joo to fi?ht tho bull alono. Joe's modo of attaok had never .bcfo.EC.buen seen in Portugal, and it op pcared tho extreme of folly. A murmur of rc fronst ra ooo was hoard iu every part of tho audience Muny cried out for tho ont&pinos to rush in and rescue the reek leas youth. Tho bull did not socm to np prcoiuto thc turu events had taken and for a moment stood motionless. A st rango B?ICUCO, almost ominous of defeat to our hero, settled upon tho pa\ ilion. It was U thrilling peono-tho bravo Bailor boy op purontly ot thc moray of tho furious uuimal and thousands of spectators looking on with breathless interest Suddenly tho bull recovered himself, and, with an angry flaunt of his. hoad, re newed hostilities. Joe quickly found that clinging to a yurdarm in a tempest was less difficult than to the bull's slippery horn; but he wus determined to be captain of this lively craft. Somehow ho felt that thc honor of his country depended upon his viotory. As a good seaman favors his ship in a hurricane, so Joo resolved to humor thc bull. Ile realized that he must take caro of his strength, for ho would uccd it beforo he got through with his antagonist. Now thc bull began to exhibit his wrath. ile writhed mid hooked ond stamped. Ono instant tho audience expected to seo poor Jco dangling from bis horns, and thc next trampled helpless beneath his feet. Hut Joo clung us wo would cling to a life-line in a feai fol surf. Puring tho intervals of thc bull's violence, as in the water on its ebb, he struck gallantly upon his feet, flieh time ho did so, cries of ''Bruvol bravo!1' rent tho air. Tho bull put forth I groot power. Ho plunged und torc around tho ring. Alternately he jerked and swung Joo from his feet, und fairly spun him through thc air. Tho pavilion tossed und reeled, and whirled beforo Joe's giddy sight. Round ?iud mund (lew tho bull us in a ri>cc for lifo. Sevcrul times ho com pleted thc circuit of tho ring; a circle of dust tose from his track and hung over it Uko a wreath of smoko How Joe held old Ho feared ho could not endure thc shock and strain for n minute longer anet he dreaded to let go. Put all at onco thc bull's tpced slackened. Joo felt a thrill of gratitude us his feet once moro touched thc ground. Ho was tired of Hying ?nd was very glad to run. Tho bull, convinced that ho could not libcruto his horn from Joe's unyielding grip, cunio to a halt and with disappointed unger began to paw the ground. Joe lind longed for this advantage, which strange to say, a bull seldom gives till toward thc close of u fight, and ho sprang directly in front of him und firmly grusped both his horns. '.Pravo! bravo!'1 rent thc uir. Joe bruoed himself and waited, and when tho bull threw his foot high in thc air With its litllo cloud of dust, by a quick powerful move ment, Joo twisted his head to ono side BO strongly that thc fierce animal was thrown off his balance, and fell heavily upon his side. A score of men iu?hcd in to hold him down until ho should bo secured; then he was rolled and taken triumphantly from thc ring. Joo was almost deafened by the ap plause. Ho suddenly found himself a hero in thc estimation of thc audience and wus overwhelmed by the ourbursts of cnthu siiism. He was not allowed to lcavo thc ring until he had been led to tho royal box, where the queen, with ber own hand, passed him a beautiful bouquet. She also extended to him on invitation to come to tho palace whero she herself would receive tho brave American boy.-St. Nicholas. Scriptural Dancing. Dr. Eadie, tho scholar, draws tho follow* ing conclusions from n careful collection ol till tho passages which refer to dancing: (1) That dancing was n religious oct in true worship und in idol worship; (2) thal it was practiced exclusively on joyful oe ce si ons, such us national festivals or great victories; (3) that it was performed on suoli great occasions only by ono of tho sexes: (4) that lt wos performed usually itt the doy time, in thc open air, in tho high ways, in holds und groves; (5) thot men who perverted dancing from a sacred use tc purposes of amusement woro deemed info, mous; (G) that no instances of dancing arc found upon record in thc Piblo in which thc two sexes united in tho exercise, either os an act of worship or amusement; (7) that there arc no instance* upon record in the Piblo of social dancing for amusement -except that of "vain fellows" void of shame, alluded to by Micheal; the irreligi ous families desoribed by Job, whioh pro duced increased impiety and destruction, and Horodia8, whioh terminated in tho rush vow of Herod and tho murder of John thc Baptist. At tho Bankers' Convention lost week, ot Sorntogn, glowing ocoounts wcro modo by toprcstn a'ivc 0>pitalist8 from difjorontsco lions of tho South of tho prosperity of tho Southern States. What is most needed ia capital to bo employed in developing our resources and in biding manufactories of cotton, woo) and tftftehioery. rio it was thought* Address of tho State Domooratic Gommittoe to tho People of tho State. llOOMS OF THE 1 STATE DEM. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, > CoLUMMA, S.O., August 15, 1882. ) Fellow Citizens: Tho candidates nomi nated by tho ?State .D?mocratie Convention ot Columbia aro worthy of tho support of tho whole people No other politioul body will, or can, present to you candidates for States oflioes who havo equal claims to your confidence. Thc Dcmooraoy of South Carolina have received the nominations with unfeigned .satisfaction, and aro deter mined lo elect their oundidaics. It will bo on unmixed blessing to tho State, however, if there shall be a truce to political strife, and honest men, with honest purpose and without regard to their political associations in thc post, uuito in voting for tiro upright, capable and faithful candidates who aro now before tho people. Tho Domocrnoy cannot bo expected to load themselves down with taxation for tho benefit of their former opponents, if thrso persist io pre ferring politioul tromps or imported voga bond8 to Curoliuisns of proved worth and acknowledged merit. Tho principles declared by tho State Convention os formulating tho objeots and intentions of thc Democratic party arc in telligible, liberal and progressive. They look to the preservation of Honest Homo Rulo os thc paramount need of good citizens of every condition in lifo, and they pledge to oil thc people tho just administration ot equal jaws, and economy with efficiency in tho conduct of tho Government. In tho broader arena of National affairs thc South Curolina Democracy stand pledged to thc reform of the toril! system, so os to lesson tho burdens of tho people, nnd to tho rc? form of thc civil service as a means of improving politics. When tho political workers shall no longer have u hundred thousand Fed ral offices os a luro and bait for their hungry dependents, tho power of combinations of unscrupulous politicians will assuredly bc broken, and for every caudiduto, within his party, there will bo a fair field ond no favor. The Dcmocraoy demand likewise that tho Federal Govern? mont, by liberal appropriations from tho treasury for educational purposes, help thc Southern States to convert tho present ond rising generation of freedmen into intelli gent and i'osponsib'o citizens. lu ull things tho South Carolina Democracy sol emnly bind themselves, before their fellow countrymen, to pursuo that public policy which will multe tho whole peoplo content, by securing their rights, guarding their privileges and fostering their growing pros? polity. Tho Stato Executive Committco remind their Democratic fe'low-citizens that, while thc control of South Carolina has been won by tho party, ond with that control hos como thc intelligent odministratiou of gov orutnontal affairs and pcaco in every Caro-* lina homo, tho power of tho Democracy can only bo maintained and consolidated by eternal vigiiauco mid untiring effort. Thc Democracy aro not so strong that they ouc afluid to disagree or divide. Disunion non would bc as perilous us in tho historic cam paign six years ago, when thc Stole wat wrested from thc grasp of tho iguorant ond corrupt. Toleration there should bc within tho party lines. There is n m pl o scope und verge there for tho assertion of individua views and opinions. Dut those whe abandon tho party or oppose it, bcoausn thc mcusures they profcr havo not been adopted moko themselves tho enemies of good gov ernment, whether they choose to mas querade as Independents or boldly fiauni tho black flag of thc Republican party Political solidarity is as important us cvci before, and there is loss excuso than in auj previous canvass for discontent and deser tion. Opposition to tho Dcmooratio candi dates and tho Democratic platform, in thu campaign, must bc taken os proof of in vincible ignorance, or of greed ond ambi tion thal would sacrifice ihe brightest hopct of tho State for tho gratification of person o desires, Tho Stole Committco earnestly urg< their fellow Democrats to exert themsolvci to tho utmost to bring out a full vote, am to s pa ir HO piaies to Swell tho rani; s of tlx colored Democracy. Dy well consid?r?e Inws, repeating and ballot-box stuffing ari alike guarded against. Tho Democracy therefore, can go into the canvass with tin assurance that the strength of tho opposi tion will not bc increased by trickery o fraud, and with tho satisfaction of know ing that, in South Carolina, thcro shall bc beyond dispute, ti freo nut! fair election Dy personal exertion in exhibiting and ex plaining to individual votera tho benefit: und blessings of Democratic rule, thi Dcmocraoy cun command tho intel?gon support and continuing eu operation of tin colored people. To this end no labor, ni persuasion, no orgumcut should bo spored So will tho Democracy bo proud of tin ' triumph (hey shall enjoy, ns tho lawful ant legitimate result of just administration wiso nominations, liberal principles nm sympathetic nnd unflagging work. Th tl wo owo to thc Stato ond wo owo it to th* traditions of tho mnstor-raoo to which wc belong. Victory wo must havo: and bono with viotory. James F. Izlnr, Chairman. G. D. Bryan, Wm. Munro, J. Otey Heed, ll P. Todd, G. W. Croft, Wilio Jonca, Jno. D. Erwin, Giles J. Patterson, D. P. Sojourner, T. Stobo Farrow, C. J. C. Dutson, Juo. W. Williams, E. ll Gory, J. F. Uhnmo, Geo. Johnstono, J. 1). McDucas, E. li. Murray, Wm. Elliot, Chas. S. Sinklcr, Jos II, Eirlc, V. W. Dawson. A Railroad Jubilee. COLUMBIA, August 24.-Tho rntlrood moo met hero yesterday to reviso tho freight I rates. Amoog thoso present wore Mr. Solomon Unas, trnflio manager of tho Associated roads; Mr. Slaughter, geoc ral passngcr agent of tho Richmond and ?'aoville road; Mr. D. Cardwell, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta sod of tho Columbia oud O reen ville roads; Col. S. R. PiokenB, general freight agent of thc South Curoliua Rrilway; Mr. M. J. Ver dery, Presidout, and Mr. Hill, goncrul freight agent,, of tho Augusta and Knox ville Road; Col. R. L. MoCaughrin, Presi dent of tho Columbia and Qroenvillo Road, and Col. A. C. Haskell, President of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Road. Tho freight rutes woro advanced on tho lower classes of freight from 5 to 10 per cent, and on the higher chesses from 10 to 20 per cent. There has been a general advance in tho freight rotes all over tho country. The railroad men claim that tho country is prosperous iu almost every depart ment o? industry and can alford to pay ad vanced rates of transportation, sharing with them tho increased expenditures necessary to keep their roads in serviceable condition. It is expected that tho freights ovor tho railroads in this State, during tho noxt year, will bc at least 15 per ocnt. in excess of the freight business done during tho present year. Tho crop prospects were never 80 flattering and tho business already dotio by tho Columbia and Grcouvillo and tho Charlotte, Columbia nud Augusta roads in thc transportation of small grain to markets outside of tho Stuto is altogether without parallel in the history of tho State. Tho Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta road hos hauled out of tho State, during tho presen t season, 2,000,000 pounds, and thc Columbia and Greenville road has furnished transportation for 3,000.000 pounds of onts. These oats wero shipped to Charleston, Au? gusta, Wilmington, Richmond and Haiti more, and their salo has gono far to relieve thc necessities of tho farmers of tho mid dle and upper couutics. In order to encourago industrial activity in the Stuto aud to promoto tho interests of all thc people the railroad passenger agents have mude especially low rates for all tho ag ricultural fairs in thc Stoto. Thc rate ogrecd upon is ono cent and a half per milo for ouch milo traveled or three cents for round trip tickets Io addition to this all freights for exhibition at uuy of tho fairs will bo transported freo unless sold ot tho fairs. Upou tho shipment of all articles for exhi bition full rates will bc charged, payment to bo made in advance of shipment. Upon tho return of thc goods exhibited, howovcr, ou thc certificate of tho secretary of the association where exhibited tho money will bo refunded by tho railroad agents, and thc goods returned without oeargo to tho place of original shipment. The Greenback General AN INTERVIEW WITH MU. W. W. RUSSELL, OF A.N'DEUSON. [From a Staff Corresponden!.] SENECA CITY, August 17.-1 had an in terview with Mr. Wi W. Russell thia even ing about tho condition of tho Greenback party and its plans. Ho said: "In Oconce County wo have nine clubs, organized or about to bo organized, of which one is a colored club. This olub was orgauized with twenty members, but I learn that its membership hus been inorcascd. Wc ex pect to poll from one-half lo two-thirds of tho white vote of O oonoo County-this much has been conceded by sonic of tho Dcmoorats. Wc have not yet undertaken to organizo theso pooplo, but havo so far only organized tho disaffected throughout tho Stuto in order to hold them in hand until after thc State nouinations aro made, when wo proposo to put a full State ticket in tho field and tnuko a canvass of thc State from thc mountains to tho seaboard. In our Stato nominations wc will make our selection front thc D?mocratie Stato ticket and that selection will bo Col. J, N. Lips comb. Tho rest of tho Greenback ticket will bc sclented from tho best material wo cnn .'??et in thc State, men, if possible, who havo not boen connected with politios in thc Slate, and young men if wc oan get them. Circumstances will have to direct us in our choice of a nominee for Governor. Unless wo can nominate a man who will piomote tho beat and truest interests of thc pcoplo, BO fur as 1 am concerned tho posi tion of Governor on our tiokct may bo left blank. I think very well of Mr. Campbell's nomination, but do not know anything about it. "Tho basis of representation in our Stato Convention will bo ooo dolegato from each organized olub. No estimulo of thc p.icngth of tho olubs oan bo given, but wo havo organizations in ovcry county in tho State, with tho exception of Abbeville, Newberry, Laurens, Union and York. "Wo will nominato n candidato for Congress in osoh of tho Congressional Districts. Mr. Raskin will probably get tho nomination in tho lilack District, Col. Cash iu tho Fifth, Mr. J. Hendrix Me I/ano in tho Fourth, Col. 1). Wyatt Aiken in tho Third. I have not thought of who tho candidates moy bo in tho other dis tricts." 1 naked Mr. Russell if there was any truth in tho story that ho had received 830,000 with which to make tho Green back canvass in South Carolina. Ho said: "No, tboro is uot ono syllablo of truth in such a report. It is altogether fatso. If you want to know who is furnishing tho money to conduct our fight I can tell you that it is thirteen Carolina farmcra. Ask tho National Dank ot Anderson and thoy cnn tell you how much I sui giving to tho i oauso. I only wish that no did havo 830, I OOO. I wish somebody would givo us OOO, for with this amount wo oould organize tito Stato so as to win. "Wo will mako a vigorous, aotivo, oner-, gctio, campaign. Thc nominees on our Stato ticket will moko a thorough canvass a regular 1870 oampaigu. Wo hopo to have aid lu speakers from outside tho Stato and will divide limo with tho Democrats if thoy will allow. My improesion is that tho Democrats cannot afford divide timo because there is a build oiof ot in every county who can't tolcrato opposition." Mr. Mussel 1 is in a very oomfortablo frame of mind, aud seems to think ho is in oar? UOSt. The Greenback clubs in this county' aro weak in numbers and resources, and the Dcmooratio loaders soy that tho nov/ party will not bo ablo to voto moro than one hundred and Gfty whito mon at tho' November elections. J. 0. H. Fruit in Now YfMfk* Ninety-two car loads of poaohes woro poured iuto West Washington Markot yesterday morning. Each cur load con sisted of 400 or 500 baskets, ond each bas ket held half a bushel. Tho fruit rau into the market between 2 o'clock and sunrise.' Then tho tide turned, and by 0 o'clock it had all run out. It found its woy for hun dreds of milts in all directions, lt touched all tho watering pluoas along tho coast from thc eastern extremity cf Momo down tc/ Gape May, ond reached fur iuto tho in terior. All tho hotels and all tho small markets of New York and Now Jersey and New Eugluud made drafts upon it. and about 40 per cont, of it wu3absobrod by thia ci'y for its refreshment. Dut tho mark 'linen said that this was nothing. This waa only the trifle that tho undersized Stat'' of Dele wa rc could do. Just wait, they rc u rited, until the Stato of New Jersey began to whoop her up. When New Jersey erena a fair estimate of tho amount of peaches that she drops into tho market is said to bc 200 our loads n day. Tho market men aro now waititfg with soino interest for this dull season to cud and for that busy ono to begin. Hut thc watermelon trade in West Wash, ington Market is fairly booming. Tho long brightly -striped melon that Ho piled iu hills on every huud como from Maryland, and tho dumpy green melons, styled "nigger hoads" in tho market vernacular, oro tho product of New Jersy. Tho Mary.? lund melons overshadow their homely'' neighbors just now, but tho others wiU have their day later in tho season. Yes terday twclvo schooners wcro unloading melons in tho dock bick of tho markot at thc foot of Vesey street, fouv- were unload ing ab thc foot of Murray street, and eigh teen wcro lying off tho J cray il its awaiting on opportunity to unload io their turn. All of theso schooners had arrived from Maryland within tcu days. Etch carries a oargo consisting cf from 5,000 to 10,001? melons. In addition, tho Maryland pro poller at Pier 7 hos brought 30,000 mel ons within eight days, and within ton dayw 20 car loads of from 1,000 to 1,500 molons each havo been poured into market by rail. These melons, liko tho pouches, go every where. They may bo seen sliocd open, blushing, and fly-laden on every oily oor ncr, ond they aro despatched to all pointe* for hundreds of miles round about. Thoso who handle them in West Washington Market do so on commission, getting tort percent, for selling. Tho molons bring in" tho market from $5 tu $18 a hundred. Thc vessels unloading yesterday at Vesey' ntreet choked tho dock, lying four nbroast. Thc fruit was pent flying from band to band like huge, elongated, highly oo?orcd base balls. Dandy-lcggod Maryland darkies in amazing clothes took part in tho game and the fruit was counted in sing song as it ornoo up from tho hold.-N. Y. Sun, August 24th. Tho New York Tribune says: "So littlo has been said during tho last six months about tho condition of tho colored rofugeee' in Kansis that tho peoplo in this part of tho country havo settled down into tho' comfortable belief that their destitution has been permanently rolicved. But such docs not seem to bo tho foot. Ex-Judgd' James DoLoog, of Ind?pendance, Kansas/ is now upon a trip through tho Eastern States for tho purpose of convincing as' many persons os possible that 'there oro over 10,000 of thoso people now in at?" solute poverty in tho State of Kansas, eating nothing but corn bread, water and, greens, nnd somo aro dying of want.' Judgo DoLong, brings letters from Gover nor St. Jobo, Judgo Wagstaff, and many others guaranteeing his integrity and knowledge of tho subject. Ho explain?' tho destitution whioh bc hopes to relievo by saying that theso 10,000 rofugooa' havo no money to pay for tho Govern* ment land they aro oooupying and riof appliances for cultivating lt; that it ia almost impossible for thom to obtain ot clay's work oven in tho short busy season, and that tho pooplo of Kansas havo al ready contributed tho last dollar that thoy can afford." In Mr. Glad^onj's mnstorly spoochoa beforo tho Eoglish Parliament on tho Egyptian question, ho declares that Eng? land has gono to wai- to preservo interests whioh she lins in common with tho wholo civilizod World; that tho Suca Ganai munt; bo kept open not only as a highway to India, but as a highway for tho general commoroa of Christendom, and that thin i oon only bo secured by sustaining tn orderly government iu tho country through1 .w.htobi j it pasaos.