V.", \ i- : ' . '.'V (j^r* A? communications intended for this column should bo addressed to S. P. Stribling, School Commie stoner, Walhalla, 8. C. nov,- to Keati. 1st. Nnrno tho subject. 2d. Ijot the pupils read consecu tively, alternately, or ono pupil may read tho entire lesson, during whioh o\u?c?r>o tho pupils may, or may uot, ho allowed to criticise any mispro nunciations, misaccontntions, impro per emphasis, intonations, inflections, after wbioh a familiar conversation '.' 'may ensue, tho suggestion of other kindred subjects, then, tho olnss may bo invited to reproduce on paper or the blaokboard, or slates, the impres sions produced oh eaoh pupil's mind by tho rc?dii)g of thc exercise ?nd tho discussions by tho various pupils. Continue this method until each pu pil has a distinot idea of the objcot . . and purpose in viow. Mako each pupil realizo that ho has something to do, and ilmt he is c-ijual to thc task; make a personal apppcal to each pupil's responsibility, tho duty ho owes himself, his parents, his country. Mako him feel that he has a talent, that that talont only needs dovelopmiont; that development can ho mado by him, and him only; oito him to that admirable lesson taught in Holy Writ, illustrating thc ulti mate doom on tho ono hand of neg lected talent, on tho other that great est of all rewards, "Well done thou .good and faithful servant." Impress upon his mind that reading makes a ready man; that all depends upon individual exertion; that overy ono .'is tho architect of his own fortune; that to tho victor bolougs tho spoils, i none n spirit of emulation arr.or.g tho pupils. (Jail their attention to men of eminence, those who sprang from thc humblest stations of life self-made men, men whom reverso of fortune scorned to have thwarted; yet, with steadfastness of purpose, indomitable determination, invinci ble energy roached thc high estate of men of culture, influence and power. Such aro Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Frank lin and our own Joseph E. Brown men whoso names will go down to posterity ns models of excellence, undaunted perseverance, usefulness and virtue. Mako them foci that these men filled high positions in lifo and that they, too, by proper appli cation may roach this high plano. . These mon have passed, and will pass away, giving placo to tho boys who strive to meet life's conflict. hrTiuni,i.N(;. Tho Four Big Guus. KU A I.I, WK HAVK PEACH? Wc print below the views of the Charleston World, Columbia Regis tor, Charleston News und Courier, and thc Greenville Nevis, upon the result of the recent election in South Carolina, and the necessity for the Democrats of thc State to "get to gether" before thc election in 1892. Tho Register Bays : Our two Charleston contempora ries came to ns yesterday with sound, sensible talk about thc situation. Thc Charleston World elnsses thc people into three divisions. First, those who bute tho Governor elect with a most hearty hatred. Of these it says : "Those who hate him, and there is no doubt but in some quarters he is tho most intensely hated South Caroliuiun that ever rose to authority nod command, will wait breathlessly foi him to reveal himself* as they have pictured him, thc worst man in thc State of South Carolina." Of tho second class, thc admirers of tho Governor elect, thc World says : "On tho other hand, there is no doubt but that thousands throughout this Stato look up to him with n de votion that is intense, a trust wbioh is limitless ?md un admiration which is beyond all bounds, who glory in his triumph und ask for nothing else." Of tho third class, tho World most wisely takes cognizance in the following striking words : "But there is a third class, and it embraces many more within it than th? &VCV?iCrn f?bai?vt?/ii. i>- and thc members of this class, made up of people of nil classes, upon whose action South Carolina d?pends, are waiting to judge by his own works tho power for good or evil and the purposes of this mun, who, driving , kc n storm cloud through thc Stnte, lins scattered his opponents, over turned all opposition and politically rovolutioni/.cd thc Stato. "They arc waiting to soo bow Tillman will use tho power and nu thority which tho people have placed in his bands and they will judge him by his acts." Our contemporary is entirely right . The third class docs embrace many more within it than tho average ob server would imagine. Thc vet" of this Stnto possibly stands at 100,000 whites to 128,000 colored. Tn thc re cent ?lection not over 50,000 of this white vote was cast. Thnt would loovc in this third class eorno 60,000 whites who oro prepared to jmlgo Till man by his acts, r;\Kl who ii he, with tho Legislature bohiiul, him should give tho people of tho Stnto on tho whole a sound, safe and conservative rule, will sot thoir faces like Hint against any disturbance botweon tho pcoplo of tho State ns useless, harm ful and solfish. But, on tho other hand, should a wild and wanton ex orcise of power bo indulged in, cal culated to glvo tho pooplo no rest from solfish aud unprincipled agita tion, wo may ?ot it down that there is power enough in this third class to overthrow any administration thoy may doom hurtful to thoir bcBt in terests. Wo sincerely trust that the follow ing prognostication of tho World will provo true : "To tho people bo will bo a faith ful servant, ?oi ving them best as a fi rm j just and careful ruler, und South Carolina will, wc foci sure, bo tho botter for tho administration of this man, who is of and from tho pcoplo of South Carolina, knowing thoir needs and in thorough sympathy with thom, and when tho prejudices natural to this violent upheaval shall havo died away it will bo admitted by somo who havo opposed him most bitterly that Ben Tillman, the man from Edgefield, will have given to thc State of South Carolina an ad ministration that advanced her in terests, benefited her pcoplo and gave tho State an impetus which helped to placo bor in tho van ol progress." This is what evory good citi/.en ol tho Stale should wish and should dc his best to secure. We do not li vt to elect this or that man Governoi or any Bet of men to ellice. Om wholo purpose should he to BOCllN good and successful government, iel it como from whoso hands it may As Mr. Tillman has said of himsoll that no mau has yet taken him for 1 fool, wo do not expect to seo any thing of a foolish policy at his hands As in the case of all other men, w( expect to seo a sense of responsibly sober some of Mr. Tillman's extrenu views, and that he will do all that ii him lies to deserve well of all tin pcoplo of South Carolins, "willum reference to class, race or previou condition of servitude." This i very manifestly his policy, and whoi ho takes his seat as Chief Magistrat* ho will lind it conclusively out o place and beneath the dignity of hi ellice to indulge in sharp and spic uetic comments on any portion o thc people over whom he has heel called to rule. And so far as th colored noonie a LO. cauoer.iii^^uau peet from thc Governor elect, as fa as in his power lies, n fair and con siderato courso of conduct. Th colored pcoplo have mnnifcstl earned thia nt his bunds in their coi servative and prudent action in d< dining, as they have so largely dmr to meddle with tho "white man quarrel" through which wo have F painfully passed. They have show a willingness to leave it to tho whit?, to settle thoir own diff?rence They have taken a tremendous st< in this action towards inviting tl confidence of every, right thinkii man in thc State. Whilst it is ill deniable that they could have gm us a great deal of trouble in th oriticnl juncture, to thoir Instill credit be it said they have refused do so. It is ono of the most hop ful signs of pur day and times, ni tho Governor elect, ns we take it, too shrewd a man not to see and a prec?ate this and reward it by tren ing these people with ample fairlie and by protecting them nt the hearths and homes as essential ju lice requires ?ind common humani dictates. Our other Charleston con tom p rary, the Netoa and (fourier, in i article of yesterday, "Now Get T gc thor,'' expresses so happily 01 own profound convictions of tl duty of all good citizens in our pr Bent emergency that wc cannot fe bear repeating here its eminently j dioioilS and patriotic counsels, as f< lows : "This is the lesson of the olectie and it will bo so understood by : true Democrats in South Carolin The final appeal was to tho pari and thc party has rendered its vi diet by the votos of a decisive m jority, That verdict should cheerfully accepted by those agaii whose claims it has been pronounce and tho dissensions und divisio which have marked the unforli. MI contest within the party during i past few months should cud now a end for good. Ile is an enemy the. party and to the cause o? go government in South Carolina w sholl seek to perpetuate or lo revi Blich dissensions on any pr?te The truest, leaders of tho party fri to-day forward will be those \\ shall strive most earnestly and w shall make thc greatest sacrifices personal feeling and opinion, if m be, to restore and promote ll spirit of harmony and unity am? thc white pooplo which has so b characterised their political candi ind which is so necessary to tli political and material welfare at times, and especially at tois time. "The occasion does not require ill.. I. MUI!..ll., I 1 .IIIIMIH.MM. argument or A sermon to convince iu? tolligont ami thoughtful white mon in .Sooth Carolina a? to what is their first duty now. Tho Democratic party in tito Stato, the white pcoplo of the State, must stand togo thor a st a unit on all political questions if they would provont a return in wholo or in large part of tho ovil conditions from which thoy redooiuod tho Stato by their united action but a fe\v years ago. Wo cannot afford to di vido, for diyision moans injury and troublo for us all. Wo cannot af ford to loso tho ground we have gained; it is wiser to hold it than to placo ourselves in a position whoro wo shnll havo to fight to recovor it, and wo cnn only hold it by standing togothor and fighting togothor against the common enemy, instead of fighting among ourselves ns wo havo done this year. "Thc Democratic voters of the Stato understand all this, as thoy havo shown by their vote yesterday. Tho I )o ni oe rat io loaders of both fac tions ought to understand it and not on it henceforth. Their duty ia plain at any rato. They should com pose all thoir differences at once, and endeavor to restore porfeot har mony and unity to tho party. Modo rato and prudent counsels should prevail on both sides. Tt is a timi for concession, not for quarrels. Tin olection bas determined tho contest -let tho contest everywhere enc with tho olection." NOW KOK TUR WII1TK PL AO. This Stato has passed safely through one of the most trying or deals that ever threatened the lifo o a commonwealth. Disaster bas bcei averted; tho unity of tho Democrats party has been maintained; the whit" rheo stands solid with its hold unbro ken. Let us bo thankful, and let u all humbly pray that ?South Carolin: may never again be tried and throat cued as she has this year. The danger is not gone. It is pub postponed. There is need of states manship and courage and manhooi and patience to remove it and to sc cur? o'ur permanent safety. Th white people aro apart. They cam together at the ballot boxes on TUCK day in obedience to tho demands o duty and patriotism, but there i distrust and anger and bittering between thom. Tho passions thu have been aroused' aro yet alive; tb hatreds that have been created ran kio on both sides. These tinny mean continuing danger and unlce they arc taken away tho danger wi remain until opportunity develops to disaster. The one way to remove thc dai "ger is "ny concessions which wTll'lTial our people again one in ht art an hope and purpose. These mu como from both sides. Coneossic begets concession ns wrath boa wrath. Concession docs not mot thc surrender of any principle or tl abandonment of any honest purpop Captain Tillman and his suppoi ors are going into power. They ha' the right to demand that they 1 judged on their acts in thc futu without regard to the past. That gone and should bo buried out sight and though*, by lite results Tuesday and thc issues and questio to confront us in tho future. Let all determino to judge tho Tillni administration ria wo would a other, fairly and honestly, to gi credit when it should be given a blame where it is deserved. On thc other k ind lot it be rome bored by those of the successful ft lion that their opponents are wh mon and Democrats entitled to tb opinions and not proper subjects : punishment or wrath. Wo cam afford to bo divided. We will i be if wo will use plain basin sense and (?bey patriotic instill and the manly principio that a tij. is finished when it has been wi There is ho need) provocation or i cuso for seeking vengeance or tryi to gratify old resentments. Each us * as done what he believed to right and each of ns should oonoo the saine honesty of purpose to ev? other man. The fight is over. Let the wh Hag of truce bo raised on both sid let us get together as sons of 1 same good old State, members of t same party, brethren whoso vc hold tho blood of thc same spien? race. With mutual toleration, f bcaranco and forgiveness wo v soon bc again a compact mass white South Carolina Domoori keeping our soil against all fe moving together for our conni welfare and advancement, un? mayed and invincible. Down with thc f?iol who can read the signs of tho times, v would endanger t ho State by keep wrath alive or who in mean oxu lion over victory or unmanly rag? defeat would say any word or any act, to widen tho breach or ] vent'the reuniting of thc people Greenville News. -. . - - The Fi st Step. Perhaps you aro run ?town, can't can't sleep, can't think, can't do i tiling to your satisfaction, and von v der what ail? you. You should heed warning, you are taking tb?) first into nervous prostration. Von ne? nerve tonic, and in Kleef rio Hitlers will find thc exact rtnnedy for resto Visar nervous system to nor healthy condition. Surprising ia follow tho uso of flus great Nervo T and alterativo. Your appetite rotc K.1 digestion is restore?!, ami tho and k.dncys resume healthy action, a hot I lo. Price, KOo. at Norman 1 C'o.'s drugstore. ? Uov. mown, of Georgia. Governor Brown, in his Macon speech, referring to hitnsoif, says : As my own exporionco has sonf,o boering on this question, in conclu sion, I must ask tho audience to pardon tho egotism, which, under othor oircumstttr,eos, would bo offoti sivo, while I moko somo allusions to my own ease. 1 My fathor was a farmer with small means, and had a wife and ten chil dren to support, and I was raised upon a farm and worked hard as a field hand until I was nineteen years of age, when, with tho eonsont of my parents, I loft tho farm in Union county, Georgia, in Novombor, 1840, with the view of going to school at Calhoun Academy in Anderson Dis trict, South Carolina. My only edu cation was that I could read and writo, and I had been in arithmetic as far as tho rule of three. My oniy earthly goods wero a comfortable home-made chango of clothing, made by my'good mother and sisters, and a lino yoko of Btcers, which I drove before mo on my way to Calhoun Aca demy, about 126 miles, where I en tered tho school under control of Mr. Pleasant Jordan. I sold my steers for eight months' board, and as I had no money with which to pay my tuition, Mr. Jordan was kind enough to give mo credit for that. Suflico it to say that after tho omi of eight months I taught an old field school for threo months to got a little money to aid mo. Under tho encouragement of Dr. O. H. Ilroyles, of Pondlcton, S. C., and of his father, Major Aaron IJroyles, of Calhoun, and of the late Judge J. P. Heed, I returned to school, and got board and tuition on oredit for the next two years. In tho mean time by OIOHO application and hard study, I had prepared myself for teaching in an academy, and I went to Canton and took charge of tho academy there in 1844, where I had a line scoool, and made somo $600 or $000, with which I paid most of my past indebtedness. Having obtained the textbooks while teaching, I studied law by my self, but never read a day in a law yer's office, and in September, 1846. I was admitted to tho bar in Canton by the Hon. Augustus H. Wright then presiding, who was very com plimentary to me on the examination I then stood. With the aid of thc lalo Dr. John W. Lewis, so well anti favorably known to tho people ol Georgia, I was furnished the mono) to go to Yale College to the lav* school, where I graduated in 184G i WittM mame&-4fl M ton KfaabtttV Grishatn, in South Carolina, in 1847 Soon after this canto the perioc when I held my first official position and thc people delegated to me thoi first trust. In 1859 I was elected Stato Sena tor frorff the counties of Cobb nn< Cherokee, so that tho period of in; entrance into public lifo dates bael forty-one years. In 1852 I was ; member of tho electoral ticket tba cast their votes for Piorce and King lu 1855 T was elected Judgo of th Superior Court of the Blue Hidg Circuit, over the Hon. David Erwin who was then presiding. In 1857 wa? nominated by tho DeinOornti convention of Georgia,. without an knowledge on my part that my nam was being used, for the office of Gov ornor. I wa? elected in October c that year. In 1859 I was agai elected Governor, and in 1801 I wu elected for a third term, and in 180 I was elected for a fourth term. I 1809 I was appointed Chief Justit: of thc Supremo Court of the Stat for a term of twelve years. Aftc serving a little over two years m health failed, and I resigned the oflie and went into the business of rai roading. I thought I had permanently rt tired from politics; butin 1880, whe thc Hon. John li. Gordon resigne his position in thc United State Senate, Governor Colquitt tendere me tho. appointment to fill the vi caney. I accepted it and served fe about three weeks under tho nppoim mont before Congress ndjournct I then became a candidnto for r< election to the office of Senator t fill thc vnoanoy of between four an five years which remained unexpire< The contest was a healed ono, an tho race an exciting one, but it ri suited in my favor by over tw< thirds majority. Again in 1884 was a candidate for the term of si years in tho Senate. I had no oppi sition, and was elected by the Gem ral Assembly with practical un: nimity; there was but ono dissentin vote. My present terni will soon hat expired, and I have announced n purpose to retire with the expiratu of the tomi. I will under no ci cuntstnnces bo a candidato for n other office of honor, trust, or prof Tho few remaining days of my lil if I have any, I hope to spend in tl State when? I have been so oft? honored, and among the people whom I feel tho greatest gratitud and lo whom I am under ovcrlastii obligations. As a member of tho Stale Sonni I presided temporarily over th body. As Chief Justice of t Stnto I was tho regular presiding] o?lionr ?ver the judicial dopnrtmont of tho State, nnd ns Governor, I preaided ovor the oxecutivo d?part mont. I never was dofonied in any race I over had, whero the ouestion waa to be determined by tho popular vote. Aa already stated, at nineteen yonrs of ago, in November, 1840, il literate and without means, I loft my fathor's farm, on foot, to go to an academy to school. In November, 1867, just seventeen years iator, I was inaugurated Governor of Geor gia, hoing thou a little over thirty six yoars of age, and probably tho youngest man that had filled the placo. If tho example is worth anything j to tho youth of tue State, my ego tism will bo pardoned. Tho inten tion at least is right. What ono boy, Under the circumstances ment inned, has accomplished, may be accom plished by another, and if not to thc fullest dogroo, thoro may bo many approximations by boys of pluck, enorgy and perseverance. Tho way is open to ovory bright boy to bet tor his condition. May you all do tormino to do so. Wanted Outside. Wanted-a boy that is manly and just, Ono that you fool you may honor and trust, Who cheerfully shouldors what lifo to bim brings, Its sunshine and pleasure or troublosomo things; Whoso oyo meets your own with no sha dow of fear, No wile on tho faco that is open and clear; Straightforward in purpose mud ready to push For "a bird in tho hand's worth two in tho hush;" Who scornfully refuses a something of gain. If it brings to another sorrow or pain: Willing to hold tho right over dear, Patient, unheeding tho scoff or tho jeer, Doing his all, with true heart elate, Wanted that boy, whatever his state. Wanted-a girl, not a butterfly gay; Gentle and swcot, in a womanly way. No beautiful picture, languid and fair, That always seemed labeled "please han dle with caro;" But ono in whoso heart ls hidden true worth, And faithfully follows its mission on earth. Hopeful and earnest in helping and giv ing, Finds plenty to do in tho life she is living, Filling it? duties with quiet content, Whcthor adverso or pleasant, just as they're sent; In tho garb of a queen or in homespun arrayed, Whatever her stat ion-is needed that | maid. eather 'Wisdom. haning, in his "Weather Wisdom," says : A deep blue colored sky, even when seen through tho clouds, indi cates fair weather; a growing white ness, an approaching storm. When thc sky in rainy weather is tinged with sea green thc rain will increase; if deep blue it will be showery. A bright yellow sky at evening in dicates rain. A palo yellow sky at evening indi cates wet weather. A neutral gray sky at evening in dicates fair weather. Tho samo in the morning indi cates wet weather. Haziness in thc air, wi)toll fades tho ] a i's iight and makes ibo orb appear whitish or ill-defined, or at. night tho' moon and stars grow dim, indicates rain will follow. A COSTLY CONVICTION.-Roscoe Conkling, writes Eli Perkins, came into Charles O'Connor's oiliec one day when ho was a young lawyer in quito a nervous s.ate. "You seem to bc very much ex cited, Mr. Conkling," said Mr. O'Connor, as Roscoe walked up and down tho room. "Yes, I'm provoked," said Mr. Conkling. "I never had a client dis satisfied about my fcc before." "Well, what's the matter?" asked O'Connor. "Why, I defended Gibbons for ar son, you know. Ho was convicted, but I did hard work for him. I took him to the superior court and he was convicted, then oil to the supreme court, and the supreme court con firmed the judgment and gave him ten yoars. I charged him $8,000, and now Gibbons is grumbling about] it-says it's too mindi. Now, Mr. | ^'Connor, I ask you, was that too much ?" "Well," said O'Connor, very de liberately, "of course you did a good deal of work, and $8,000 is not a very big fcc, but to be frank with you, Mr. Conkling, iny deliberate opinion is that ho might have boen convicted for less mono v." Tho New Discovery. Von have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may your self be ono of tho many who know from pomonal experience just, how good a thing it is. If von have ever tried lt, you aro ono of Its staunch friends, be eauso tho wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial. Dr. King's Now Discovery ever ificr Holds a place in tho house. If you havo never used it and should be atllicted with a cough, cold or any throat, bing or chest trouble, secure a bottle at (?nco and give it a fair trial, it is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at Norman Drug Co.'s drugstore According to tho Detroit Free I'resHy a man named Willis has taken up bis residence on tho coast of Flo rida for the purpose of killing sharks, because onri bit his wife iii two. In one mouth ho killed over 100 by ex ploding r.iant powder in the water. Wo should think ho would lind it cheaper, easier, and oven less dan gerous, to get another wife. ".'?>.Ill I ll, I. I Mi-? Ruck i n's Ari* faa Salve. Tho best Salvo Ja tho world for cuts, hrulaoa, sores, uleurs. ?alt rheum, fovor Boron, tottor, chapped hand?, olrllhlahis, ooriiB, and all skin oruntloi?, and posi tively euros pilos, or no pay required. It | hf guaranteed to glvo perfeot satlBfaollon, or nionoy refunded, Pilco, couts por box. Por salo by Norman Drug Co. "I lavo you boarded long at this house?" i inj u i rod the now boarder] of tho sour, dojootod mun sitting next to him. "About tor, years." "I don't seo hotv you pan stand it. Why haven't you loft long ago?" "No other plano lo go to," said tho othor dismally. "Tho landlady's my j wife." _ Honry Gillman, United States Con sui at Jorusalom, has informed tho State Depart mont th nt throe locomo tives of Ainerioan ?nnko havo arrived at Jaffa, for tho Jorusalom and Jaffa railroad. "It is of intoro.\t to our citizens, and Indeed tho whole.world," says Mr. Gillman, "to know 'nat the first loeomotivos over usod in tliiB anoiont land woro mado in tho Now World-in tho United States of Amcriea. A couple fruin thu humbler walks of lifo carno beforo a justice of tho peaeo to bo married, when, tho cere mony being over, tho bride began to weep copiously. "What's tho mat tor?" asked tho husband. "I novor told you that I don't know how to cook," sobbed tho bride. "Don't fret; I'll not havo anvthiiig for yon to cook. I'm a pout.* Tho world's stock of diamonds has increased enormously in the hist lif teen years. In 1870 the output of tho tho African mines was about l,f)()b\000 carats; last year it was over 4,000, 000, and tho great, trust which con trols all the principal mines nsserts that it has 10,000,000 carats in sight nt tho present time. Wm. T. Tannahill, an old and much respected cotton broker of New York, committed suicide Thurs day by shooting himself through tho hoad with a revolver ut his home at Englewood, N. J. lind health proba bly caused the act . Tho lending physicians of England are a unit in declaring that within tho next 100 years some tonic will bo discovered whereby men will grow old so ?lowly that tho average of human lifo will be 200 years. Have tho courage to be ignorant of .a great number of things in order to avoid being ignorant of everything. NOTHING SUCCEEDS. LIKE SUCCESS. TTT?-rehsoir^AUA M'S MIOROHE KILLE? is tho most wonderful medicino, is hcoauso it has never failed in any instance, no matter what tile disease, from LEPROSY to tho simp lest discaso known to the human system. Tho scioutiilo men of to-day claim and provo that every disease is -AND Mam's Microbe Killer Extermin?tes tho Miorobos and drives them out of tito system, and wlion that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. Mo matter what tho disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fovor ora combi nation of diseases, wo euro thom all at [ tho sanio timo, as wo treat all diseases ionstitutionally. Asthma, Consumption. Catarrh, Dion chills, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease, Chills and Fovor, Romalo Trou bles, In all its forms, and, in fact, eve ry Disease known to tho Human Sys tem. Bowaro of Fradulent ImitationsI Seo that our Trade-Mark (same a? above) appeal's on each jug. Send for hook "History of tho Mi crobe Killer," given away hy DA KUY or CO., Druggist, A gt,, Walhalla, S. C. Lady Streot, near G. & C. R. R. Depot, Columbia, S. C., -MANUPAGTUIIKIi Ol' Steam Eilpes and Boiers, Mill dearing, Vertical and Hori zon ta (hmo Mills, Grist and SAW MILLS OK ALL SIZES, HOUSE FRONTS, HAILING FOR CARDEN AND CEMETERY LOTS. Prompt and Spocial Attention given to Repairing of Ma chinery. I would call the attention of tho public especially to'Hie fact that my CIlVciiLA R SAW MILLS have taken the tlrst prize at every State Fair in Columbia when on ex hibition, and that I make a specialty of the manufacture of tho IMPROVED CIRCULAR SAW MILL, combining great simplicity with durability and strength in their construction, and there by I am enabled to put on the market an article which rivals any other in ?rico as well as effectiveness. I havo on (lie many testimonials from the foremost sawyors and mill-men of t his State who uso my mills to their perfect satisfaction. I am enabled to furnish House Fronts, Railing and all Architectural Work at short notice, having a large variety of patterns; and, bosidos, tho experience of many years in tho trade, so that I can suit customers in every manner to their taste as well as to prices. My experience and knowledge of gearing and othor ma chinery by this time is well known! throughout the Slate, and will warrant to ovory one that, he can be suited by me, I pay eloso attention to Repairs ot Steam Engines, &0.i when ordered, BO that they are promptly lilied and no loss occurs to any customers by delay. Parties desiring any article in my line will lind it to their best interest to call or correspond with >>m Write for Circular and Price List, which will be furnished on application. JOHN ALEXANDER, Columbia, S. C. M.ty 2, 1881). Judicious AiivorUolu g Creates many a now business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull buHlnosb-. Kcsenes many a lost business, ?SavoH many a falling business, Preserves litany a largo business, Sedures suenes? In any business. JUnuks. . Wo keep constantly on hand tho fol lowing I Hanks at roasonnblo prices: Tittosto Heal Estate. Mortgages to Kcal Estate. Mortgages to Heal Estato, with Foro olosuro. Noto and Mortgage Porsonul Proporty. Agricultural Lion, with Note. Agricultural Lion, without Noto. . Wo koop other Blanks, but tho abovo embracen those most ill general USO. Condensed 8uho(tulo 111 oftcut August 3lBt, 1890. COLUMlllA ANW UHKHNV?i.iai DIVISION Tran:H run hy 76tlt Meridian Tinto. Noam HOUND. NO. 04. l.v Charleston. 7 00 a tn IA Columbia.ll 00 a m Ar A huon.12 02 a in Al Union. 1 8a p 111 Ar Hpartanburg. 2 30 p m Ar Tryon. .4 40 p ni Ar Saluda. 6 33 i> m Ar Flat Kock. 6 54 p ni At Hcndorson ville..0 10 p m Ar Ashovlllo. 7 00pw Ar Hot Buringa. 8 40 p m Ar I'ninai u.12 20 tn Ar P ros no ri ty.12 42 p m Ar Nowborry. 1 00 n in Ar Ninety-Six. 2 21- p m Ar Greenwood. 2 40 p in Ar Abbeville. 8 60 p tn Ar lien on. 4 00 p m Uv Hulton. 4 10 i> lu Ar Wllliainston.. 4 22pm Ar iv'/.ri. 4 31 p m Ar Piedmont.i. 4 4s p m Ar ( ii cen vi Ho. 6 80 p tn Ar Andel M ni. 4 40 pin Ar Si "ii. va. 0 00 p in Ar Walhalla. 7 00 p in Ar Atlanta.10 40 p m Sue i II IIOUND._._No. PB. I.v WnWnlln. 8 SO a iii l.v Sonecn. 8 64 am Lv A ndo i .'.on.10 03 am I.v Greenville. 0 15 am ricdinunt.."..0 55am Poller.10 Ihm Williamson!.10 18 a Ul iionm,.10 60 am l.v Abbeville....10 60pm l.v (1 rocnwooil.12 24 p m l.v Nlnoty-Slx,. 1 16 p m l.v Newberry. 2 37 p m l.v Prosperity. 2 67 pm I'm i ia i a. 8 20 p tn I.v Hot Si>ilnc,s. V .10am I.v Asheville . 0 05 am l.v i tem lei sunville. 9 50 a Ut l.v Flat Kook .10 10 a tn I.v Saluda. 10 37 a m uv Tryon.ll 24 am I.v Snartanburg.12 46 p nt I.v union..'. 1 66 p ut Ar Alston. 3 36 p m Ar Columbia. 4 40 pm Ar Augusta. 0 07 p m Ar Charleston. 0 30 p in NORTHBOUND. SOUTHHOUND 1 No. 4. tNo.8. I .cavo 6 -15 p m-Columbia.. .A nd vu 10 80 am Arrive 0 12 p m....Alston.Leave 0 30 a m " 7 (Kl p ni.... Tomara .Leavo ll 12 a lu " 7 23 p in.... Prospoi ll v.. Uea\ o 8 50 a tu " 7 40?I m....Nowborry ...I/javo 8 30am " S 45 p in-( i old ville_I.eave 7 28 a tn " 0 08 pm - Clinton.Leavo 7 05am " 0 45 p m^. Laurens.Ixiavo 0 30 a m NOKTHH??ND." * BO?TIIHOUND. tNo. 60._fNo. 61. Leavo lb 40 ?in....holton .Arrlvo 8 40pm Arrive ll 02 a m.... Willlamston " 8 17pm " ll (Winn - Tolzcr. " 8 10pm " ii 25a m....Piedmont .. " 2 63pm .' 12 05 p iii....(lrcenvlllo..Lcavo 2 10pm . Daily. t Daily oxcept Sunday. Tlllt(lu0?l~CAlTljKI?VIOK. Nos. 3, L 50 and 51 daily except Sunday. Main lino trains 61 anti 55 daily between Co lumbia and Alston. Dally except Sunday betwoon Alston anti Greenville. ...i'H.lln.uiii parlor service. b?twe? '.uAiimiJUUii^., liol Springs. N. C., daily, without chango, oura from Au^iiHta, connecting with 0. *v G. 51. I'lillmun Parlor far on C. & (1. 51, Daily, Co lumbia to Hot Springs, N. C. Tickets on salo at principal stations to all points. D. CAHDWKLL, Division Passenger Agent, Columbia, H. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, General Puss. Agent. Soi.. HAAS, Trafllc Manager. tim* tic Coast illirie. Passenger department. Wilnitnyton, JV. C., Januar]/ lil, 1800. Fast Lino Ucl ween Charleston and Co lumbia and Upper South Carolina and Western North Carolina. Condensed Schedule. WICRTWAim. Leavo Charleston (N. K. lt. lt. Dopot) . 7 80 a in " Lanes. 1) 10 a in " Sumter.10 88 a ni Arrlvo Columbia.ll R5 am " Winnsboro. 2 24 pin i4 Chester. 8 34 M " Yorkvillo. 5 00 '? " Lancaster. 5 23 " " Kook Hill.4 10 " " Charlotte. ? 16 ?? Arrive Nowborry.12 30 " " tJrconwood. 2 !J0 " " Laurens. 0 45 " " AndoiHon. 4 40 " " Uroonvillo. 5 20 " " Walhalla. 7 00 " " Abbeville. 4 00 " " Snartanburg. 2 40 " " Ilonduraonvillo.fl 10 " " Ashevillo. 7 00 " K AST WA 111). Leavo Ashovillo. ? Oft am Leavo Ilendersonvllle. ll fill nm Snartanburg.12 4b m " Abbeville.10 50 am " Walhalla. 8 00 " " (heenvillo. 0 40 " " Anderson. 0 ?17 " " Laurens. fl 30 " " Creonwood.12 88 p m " Nowborry. 2 45 p in Arrive Charlotte. 1 00 p in " Rook Hill. 1 57 " " Lanoastor.ll (Warn " Yorkvillo. 1 20 p m " Cliester. 2 40 p m " Winnsboro. 3 8? " " Columbia. ft 20 " " Sumter. ? 87 " " Lanes. 7 50 " \ iiivo Charleston (N. E. K.J1. Dopot) . 0 ?10 p ni Solid Trains between Charleston and Columbia. S. C. J. F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EM EPSON, Clouerai Passenger Agent. " MOIJTII CAROLINAill?nJWAY CO. 1). IL CH A.M HF UL AIN, HKCKIVKR. (lOMMKNCiNO March 30, 1800, at 1.30 v. kt., J F.nstorn Timo, Tra?na will run as inliows: MAIN LINK TO .AlrO CST A, OAII.V. Leavo Charleston.'.. 0 (HI a m 0 00 p ut 11 Uranchvlllo. 8 55 a in 8 26 p ni Arrlvo Augusta.12 01 noon lt 26 pm AIIOIIHI'A TO UHAltt.KHTON, DAII.V. i.eavo Augusta. 8 05 a nt 4 40 p nt 11 ltram livlllo.10 50 a in 7 58 p ni Arrive Charleston. l 16 pm moo pm MAIS LINK ANI> OOI.OMUIA DIVISION WHAT, l?AII,V I.eavo Charleston. 7 00 ft ni 6 IO pin " Hrnnohvllle. 8 35 a nt 7 46 p tn Arrive Columbia.10 43 a in 10 05 p ut (DAll.V, Kxei'.rr SUNDAY.) " Canill?n.ll 30 a lil 10 60 p nt CAI.UMIItA DIVISION ANO MAIN LINK HAST, DAILY I.eavo (.'aniden (dally except Huiulayi 5 50 a nt 4 46 p nt 11 ('illumina. 0 43 a III 5 25 ]> lit " llruuchvillo. 8 55 a in 7 45 p ut Arrive Cleo lesion.ll 03 a in 0 .'10 p nt CONN Ki ETIONS Made at Union Depot, Columbia, with C. & G. It. lt. by train arriving at 10.48 A. M. and departing at6.25 v. M.; also with C., C. .Sr A. lt. lt. hy samo train to and from all pobttson holli ronds: also with H., II. ft C. R< U. by train arriving at 0.30 v. M. and departing at 7.00 A. M. Passoiigors take llreiikfnst nt Coltiinhln ntul Huiiper at Krniiciivillo. At I'regnatt 0 to and front nil points,on Knlnw viiie Kalli nail ; nt (thnrleston with stenmors for Now York, .luekHonvillo and points on Ht. John's Uiver on Mondays, Wednesdays und Fridays: wltli Charleston mid Savannah Itallrond to and from Havannah ural points in Florida Sail v At. A ?gusti? with ? ?e'orf.in fnxi <'oi>?rr>.t ?'s'.lrc.v.!.''. to aiid from nil points West and Hotttii: nt n?nek villo to and from all points on Uarnwell Itallrond. Through tickets cnn ho purchased to nil points Smith anil West hy applying to ?I. P. MILI.H?t. f). T. A., Columbia. H. U. PICKKNH, General Pnssengcr Agent, 0. H. WAltD, (icnoral Managor.