OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 04, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1898-08-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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WAI l?AbliA, BOUTS* OAKOliINA, AUGUST 4? 1808.
Aro tho bOAt tovixv? to
bo fourni, direfully got
1 ten up ftftd ba,ud?>o))ii)iy
printed. If you uso
I,og(d Blanks o? imy
?:ind lt will bo to your
riterest to oAll nt or
?write to tbo Courter
Job Ofllco mid get our
prices. Wo corry iv full
f.tvek nt all UniOB. Spe
cie.1 forms printed nt
rcnHoiiablo rates,
- - - M
'A Brief Biographical Sketch of tills
*,AbIo and Willing Servant of God.
it William Gordon Novillo was born
oe Walhalla, S. C., about tho timo
j,. Mint Bcauroguard was calling upo?
Wy. Andorson to surrender Fort Samtor.
On his father's side he ?s o? English
descent and has inhoritod many of
tho sturdy qualities of John Bull.
On the mother's sido, ho is Irish, and
in some degree has fallon heir to tho
lamons Irish Bull flashes of wit aud
humor oropping out nt tho most un
expected times and places. With
the exception1 of ono yonr spont at
Princeton Seminary, his eft tir? edu
cation has boon obtained in his nativo
State. Hois thoroughly furnished
for tho work of the ministry, having
spent th roo yoars at Nowborry Col
! logo, ono at Adger Colloge, two at
tho Seminary at Columbia, and ono
at Princoton.
With tho exception of a yoar or
two nt Frankfort, Ky., his ministry
has been passed in his nativo State,
and tho greater portion of it in
Bethel Presbytery. His first ohnrgo
was composed of Ninety-Six and
Cokesbury Churches in South Caro
lina Prosbytery. From thence ho
AV .as called to Concord Church in
Bethel, from thence to Frankfort,
Ky., and ?B onco moro in Bethel
Presbytery1 as the pastor of York
ono of tho finest churches in the
AB a pastor Brother Novillo soon
Avina tho confidenco and love of all
his charge. Gifted iv remembering
names, affable and pleasant in man
ner, prudent and Aviso in conversa
tion, and Avithal deeply sympathetic,
tho passing years only strengthen
the chauis that bind pastor and peo
ple together.
AB a preaohor, Brothor Novillo is
always instructive, never entering
the pulpit, without beaten oil. Ho is
thoroughly Calvanistio, and no ono
can listen to him without discovering
thu impress of tho lamented Girar
deau. Ho is an intensely practical
preacher, but his exhortations, liko
thoBO in tho Paulino epistles, aro
founded upon doctrine. With a
clear voico und pleasant man nor,
;, thoroughly propared and deoply in
earnest, it is literally truo of Novillo
"While in the pulpit he fears not tho
fnpo of man."
Whilo Brother Neville is deeply
concerned in all that adds to thc
material and moral good of his State,
yet her spiritual interest is tho bur
den of his heart. For years he has
devoted his time, labor and money
to tho causo of domestic missions.
With a largo pastorate and a cul
tured audienco to greet him each
Sabbath, ho will yet ride miles in tho
afternoon to preach in destitute
piscos, and at any cost to himself he
is over ready to heed tho cry, "Come
over and help tis." For years his
"*guiding hand han been upon thc home
missionary Avork of Bethel Presby
tery, and very much of tho success
of that Avork is due to his wisdom,
Koal and onergy. At present ho is
chairman of tho evangelistic commit
tee, and hjs fine administrative abil
ity, courteous bearing, forco of will
and knowledge of tho field has
already placed the work upon a sore
basis. Ho is pre-eminently fitted
for home missionary Avork.
While liko tho apostlo Paul, his
heart's desire and prayer for Israol is
tiiat they might be saved, like thc
apostle, tho claims of tho heathen
world also presses heavy upon his
heart. Under his leadership tho
Yorkvillo Church is supporting two
foreign Missionaries.
Bethel Presbytery has honored
Brother Neville with every position
within her gift. At tho prcsont he
is a trustee of Davidson Collogo, a
Trustee of tho Theological Semi
nary, Chairman of tho Synodical
Evangelical Committee, member of
tho Executive Committee of Bethel
Presbytery and a member of thc
General Assembly recently held at
Now Orleans.-J. H. Thornwcll, in
Southern Presbyterian.
K J. I. Torry, of Trimble, Tenn., in
speaking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholorn
and Dlarrhcoa Roraody, say?: "It has al
most becomo a necessity in this vicinity."
This is tho best remedy in tho world for
\ -m collo, oholora morbus, dysentery and
dlarrhcoa, sud is recognised ns a neces
er v whorovor its great worth and merit
napolfto known. No othor romcdy is so
out thr?or O??OOtUftl, or so pleasant to
shove G<1 hy J' W' 1Joll> Wft,haM?5 H
. 'man A Co., Westminster; W.
names of Sonocft>
tried to sw?;
It was nearlV0 Admiral Camara his
_i.i As demonstrated that tho
app< ?moneo T v
ory for help.' nftvigablc. Also that
thing was wior n 8Pn"iim to
dingy, but co?h K(imM City Jour
on instant do.
noon OLD s. c. so?.
SoniothluK About tho South Carolina
Retrimeuts In the Civil War.
There ls pootry in our paBt, thoro
is deathless honor to South Caro
lina's gallant ?ons, but in writing a
short account of tho troops sent by
Our Stato to figltl for her freedom,
thoro is spaoe for littlo mero than
baro facts, and a list of nnmcB whoso
glory furnishes all tho beauty of my
theme. ,
For much of my information I am
indobtcd to our own bravo soldior,
Col. J. N. Brown, who not only boro
tho Bufferings and privations of tho
Confederate camp, but won Confede
rate laurels as well, having been pro
moted to tho rank of gonora!.
To tho call for troops to defend
tho South this Stato promptly re
sponded by raising G5,000 troops ;
20,000 of theso woro Stato troops, or
reserves, principally old men and
boys, verifying hor unparalleled patri
otism, robbed tho oradlo and the
The first gun fired in that immor
tal struggle was not at Fort Sumter,
April 12th, 18G1, but threo months
earlier, from Morris Island, Januar}'
9lh, 18G1, by South. Caiolina cadots,
commondod by Major Stovons. It
was discharged at? tho "Star of tho
West," a steamer carrying supplios
to Fort Sumter.
Tho Fourth R?giment of South
Carolina Volunteers Bent out
April 14, 1801, was composed of ?ol
d ic rs from Andorson, Ouoncc, Piok
ons and Grconvillo. Its officers wore
Col. J. B. K. Sloan, Lieut. Col. C. S.
M?ttison, Major J. II. Whituer,
Adjt. S. M. Wilkes.
Thoro was littlo lighting on South
Carolina soil ; our soldiorB mot tho
foo on the battlefields of Virginia
and Tennessee and by the courage
and patriotism they displayed, proved
tho spirit of 1770 was still a vital
spark, and that tho chivalry of the
South could produco the finest sol
diers, as well as tho finest gentlemen,
the world bad ovor produced.
Tho firat important battle was Big
Bethel, Juno 10th, 1861. Tho South
Carolinians who participated in thu
battle were commanded by Gen. D
II. Hill. On July 21st, 1861, took
place tho battle of Bull Run, or th?
First Manassas. In thia fight wore
Gonerals Hampton, Kershaw, Bon
ham, Butler and Bee with their com
It waa thoro Gen. Jackson wai
given his soubriquet. Gen. Bec ii
rallying his forces becamo impatient
and oxclaimcd : "Men look at Jack
son's brigade, it Stauda like a stone
wall." The namo passed from th?
command to tho commander, and hat
become immortal.
Tho next important battle in whicl
our soldiers engaged waa on Oetobe
2d, 1801, at Lceaburg, Gen. N. G
Evans in command of tho Soutl
Carolina troops.
In 1802 dur men participated ii
tho following battles : Williamsburg
Seven Fines, Guinea' Mill, Frasier'
Farm, Mcchanicaville, Savage'a Stn
tion, Malvern Hill, Cedar Mountain
Second Manassas, Ox Hill, Soutl
Mountain, Harper's Ferry, Antietam
Sharpsburg, Frcdcricksburg, Shilol
and Murfrecaboro.
In 1808 occurred tho following
battlea, in which tho 10th, 10th, Ititi
and 24th regiments took part:
Chancellorsville, Reaaca, Ne\
Hope, Harrison's Mountain, Cottys
burg, Milla Vahoy, Chiokamaugr
Richmond, Perrysvllle. In tho bal
tlo of Missionary Ridge they did nc
participate, beoauso thoy had mad
an unsuccessful attack on Knoxville
November 25th, and then roturne
through Fast Tennessee to Virgina
In 1804 took placo tho battles, c
The Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Col
Harbor, Dnndridge, Fort Harriao
and Richmond.
Gon. Gist waa killed nt Franklin
Novomber 80th, and waa succecde
bj Col. Flliaon. Capors.
Probably tho hardest fighting c
tho war was at Spottsylvania Com
House May 12th, 1804, in Tho Blood
Angle. That battlo lasted, withou
interruption, for 18 hours, and r
Murfivoabore, wbon tho fightin
bogan on the last day of 1802, an
lasted two days. Tho following is
list of Confederate Generals froi
South Carolina.
Lieutenant Generals : R. ll. An
dersoil commanded u division cou
poaed of the brigades of Arinatca?
Mahon, Martin and,Wright.
Wado Hampton cavalry brigadi
of Butler, Gordon, Rosacr nu
Young. Stephon 1). Loo wns n|
pointed June 28d, 1804.
Major Gonerals : M. C. Butler, W
W. Gary, Bon j. Hugor, J. B. Ko
Brigadier Oonorala : Barnard 1
Boo, Milledgo L. Bonham, John
Bratten, Ellison Capers, James
Chestnut, Jntnos Connor, Thoa. F.
Drayton, John Dunnovant, fltepbon
Elliott, N. G. Evans, States Bights
Gi?t, Maxoy Grogg, Johnson Hagood,
Mioah Jenkins, John D. Kennedy,
Thos. Muldrop Logan, Arthur M.
Manigault, Samuel MoGowan, Abnor
Porrin, Pettigrew J. Johnson, John
S. Proston, Roswoll Ripioy, Clement
II. Stevens, J. U. Grapin, J. B.
Villopigno, W. II. Wallaoo.
Tho following, though appointed
from other States, are :
Lieutenant Gonoral : James Long
Major Gonorals : E. M. Law, P.
M. B. Young.
Brigadier Gonorals : Hamilton P.
Boo, Pinokuoy D. Bowlos, James
Cantey, Jack C. Boas, Samuel W.
Ferguson, A. II. Gladdon, I). C.
Govan, A. U. Lawton, L. Sullivan
Boss, Uoubon B. Boss, Lowis T.
"Many of thoso mon aro now dead ;
for others tho shadows aro longthon
ing and tho sun is going down."
by locid applications, ns thoy cannot
roaoh tho dlsonsod portion of tho oar.
Tlioro is only ono way to ouro deafnoss,
and that is by constitutional romodios.
Deafness is caused by an iullamod con
dition of tho mucous lining of tho Easta
chain Tubo. When this tubo gota in Hamed
you havo a rumbling sound or imporfeot
hoaring, and whon it is ontiroly olosod
deaf ur ss is tito result, and unless tho
inflammation can bo takon out and this
tubo restored to ita normal condition,
hearing will bo destroyed fv/rovor. Niuo
casos out of ton aro caused by catarrh,
wliioh is nothing but an iullamod condi
tion of tho mucous surfacos.
Wo will give ono hundrod dollars for
any oaso of doafuoss (causod by cntarrh)
that cannot bo ourod by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. Sond for circulars, froo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family Tills aro tho best.
Less Ltqor Drinking.
Tho bulletin for tho Federal De
partment of Labor for July gives
figures to Bbow that thoro has been
a largo deoreaso in the consumption
of intoxicating liquors by tho peoplo
of this country. In 1880 tho con
sumption of distilled spirits in tho
United States was 2? gallons for
ovory man, woman and child ; in 1890
it was loss than one gallon.
Such a decrcaso in tho uso of strong
drink probably novor occurred boforo
among any people.
There has also beon a decroaso in
tho usc of wino in this country. Tho
por capita of consumption of wino in
1880 was .'29 of a gallon, and in 1890
it was .20 of a gallon.
But while there has boon somo
decroaso in tho uso cf wino and a very
great decrease in tho uso of whiskey,
brandy, gin and other spirits, tho
consumption of boer has increased
In 1890 no less than 1,170,870,448
gallons of boer woro used in tins
country. Tho beer used for medi
cines, in cooking and for other pur
poses except drinking, is compara
tively very small. Tho great bulk
of thc beer consumed in 1890 was
drunk. Tho per capita consump
tion of beor in 1880 was only 1.86
gallons. By 1890 it had increased
to 16.1G gallons.
In spite of this fact there is good
reason to believe that thoro has boon
a great growth of temperance among
our peoplo during tho past eighteen
years. Their larger use of mild
drinks is moro than compensated for
by the great reduction of tho quan
strong and fiery liquors.-'Atlanta
A Hiiro Thing for Von.
A transaction in which you cannot
looao is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick
hcadacho, furred tongue, fovcr, piles
and a thousand other ills aro causod by
constipation and sluggish livor. Casoa
rots Candy Cathartic, tho wondorful now
livor stimulant and intestinal tonic aro
by all .druggists guaranteed to euro or
money refunded. C. C. C. aro a ?uro
thing. Try a box to-day; 10o., 25c, 50o.
Samplo and booklot froo. All druggists.
? ?
Condition of Stain Farms,
Tho following is tho amount of
grain raised on the Stato farms this
yoar :
DeSaussure farm-284 acres in
oats, 11,770 bushels. Threshed,
about 08 .bushels per aero. Whoat,
24 aor?s, made 288 bushels. About
11$ bushels por aoro?
Heid farm-217 acres in oats;
m ado 8,401 bushols ; 88? bushols per
aero. Wheat, 20 norns made 188
bushols ; 0? bushels por aoro.
Lexington farm and patches
Around prison m ad o 2,000 bushols of
oats, making a grand total of 28,268
bushols. On this farm only a small
quantity of wheat was sown, mostly
as an oxporimont.
Ramon's Relief cures Sick*?Ieadache,
Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera Morbus,
Diarrhoea, &c. fl$c. for large bottle.
To Spain's Peace Proppsal--No Money
Indemnity Demanded*
It Den um (is the Absolute Surrender of Porto nico, and the Islands
Adjacent to >hat Island and Cuba, to the United States, the
Absolute Independence ot Cuba nod Coaling Stations
ir. lb? Philippines ?nd l*m!rone Isdsnds.
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 20.-Tho Cabinot disoussod tho Presi
dent's answer to Spain's penco proposal to-day and roaohod tho follow
ing conclusion :
Tho absolute surrender of Porto Rico to tho United Statos and
tho cossion of several small islands adjacent to Cuba and Porto Rico
to the United Statos.
Recognition of tho independence of Cuba.
Cession of ono of tho Lndrono Islands to tho Unitod Statos as a
coaling station and thc cession to tho United States of at least a coal
ing stntion in tho Philippines.
Tho question undcoided ls, what disposition shall bo mado of tho
Philippine Islands an a whole. It onn bo stated that thoro is practically
no difforonco of opinion in the Cabinet on tho question of the roton
tion of tho Philippines Islands as a wholo, all tho members being op
posed to our acquisition of theso islands. Thoro lins boon no docision,
howovor, ns yet on the extent to which tho govornmont will go in its ,
decision respecting thc future of those islands, but it is probable that
tho answor to tho President will express tho willingness of thiB govorn
mont to loave tho mattor of tho future govornmont of tho Philippines
ontiroly in tho hands of a joint commission to bo appointed by this
govornmont and tho govornmont of Spain. Tho probability is that
tho United Statos will insist ?pon a guarantee of certain reforms in
govornmont in tho Philippino Islands.
Our answer ?viii mnko no mention of tho monoy indemnity.
Neither will thoro bo nny armistice at all. Tho answer will be in tho
nature of nn ultimatum, and if Spain does not aocept it she will faro
worso in tho futuro. The noto from Spain, it is said, was a vory
adroit and oquivoonl document, from reading which ouo would think
tho only question involved wns Spain.
Apparently Spain might not roally havo intondod getting a diroot
answor from us, but only to opon diplomat io correspondence This
govornmont will not havo any such corrcspondono, but will make a
8trnightforward statement of its present ponce terms for Spain's ac
ceptance or rejeotibn, naming conditions that under tho circumstances
aro reasonable and oven generous.
The Stars and Stripes Hoisted Over Fifty
Thousand Subjects of Spain.
POUT OV PONCK, PORTO Rico, via tho Island of St. Thomas, D.
W. I., July 28.-Tho Port of Ponco surrendered to Commandor C. lt.
Davis, of tho auxiliary gunboat Dixio yesterday. There was no resist
ance, and tho Americans were wolcomed with onthusiasm.
Major Gen. Milos arrived hero this morning nt dnybreak with Con.
Ernst's brigade and immediately started for tho town of Ponco, throo
miles inland, which capitulated this afternoon.
Tho American troops aro pushing towards the mountains and will
join Gen. Henry with his brigndo at Gunmen, which has boon enptured
by our troops.
A fight beforo tho latter place on Tuosday Inst was won by tho
American volunteers. Tho Spaniards ambushed oight companies of
tho Sixth Massachusetts and Sixth Illinois regimonts, but tho onoiny
wns repusled and driven back a milo to a ridgo, whoro tho Spanish
cavalry charged and wore routed by our infantry.
Gen. Garretson lcd tho fight with tho mon from Illinois and Mas
sachusetts and tho enemy retreated to Yauco, leaving four dead on tho
field and several wounded. None cf our men woro killed and only
three were slightly wounded.
Tho Porto Ricans are glad the Amoriean troops havo landed and
say they aro all Americans and will join our army.
Tho roads arc t^ood for military purposes. Our troopS^aro healthy
and (ion. Miles says tho campaign will bo short and vigorous.
Gen. Miles has issued tho following proclamation :
"In tho prosecution of tho war against tho Kingdom of Spain by
thc pooplo of the United Statos, in tho causo of .liberty, justice and
humanity, its military forces havo como to occupy tho Island of Porto
Rico. They como bonring the bannors of freodom, inspired by a noblo
purposo to seek tho cnomies of our government, of yours, and to destroy
or enpturo nil in armed r?sistance. They bring you tho fostering nrnis
of n freo people, whoso greatest power is justico nnd humanity to all
living within their fold. Ilonce thoy release you from your formor
political relations, and, it i? hoped, insure your ehoerful accoptanco of
tho government of tho Unitod States.
"Tho chiof objeot of tho American military forces will bo to over
throw thc armed authority of Spain and givo tho people of your beau
tiful island tho largest moasuro of liborty consistent, with this rnilitnry
occupation. They have not como to mako war on the pooplo of tho
cou.'.try, who for centuries havo boon oppressed, but, on tho contrary,
thoy bring protection, not only to yourselves, but to your proporty,
promote your prosperity and bestow tho immunities and blessings of
our enlightenment and lib?ral constitution and govornmont.
"It is not their purposo to intorfcro with tho existing laws and
customs, which aro wholesome and beneficial to the peoplo, so long as
thoy conform to tho rules of tho military administration, order and
justioo. This ia not a war of devastation and desolation, but ono to
givo all within tho control of tho military and naval forces tho ad
vantages nnd blessings of onlighted civilization."
Advlco to Candidates. Jones wns dond, and a lmllnt.i?
An astuto politician in giving ad- stating that Geo. S. Jones, Esq., had
vico to candidates says : "Don't stay departed th's life for hoavon at 12
too long in ono plnco-keep moving. M., was posted by a Bympnthotio
Always bo in a hurry. Five minutes family on tho door. A passing wag,
is long enough to stay in ono placo ; full of misoliiof, plnccd tho following
r if you stny long thoy will have a notice on a tolograph shoot under
* innoo to pump you. Don't allow that of tho family : "Hoavon, 12.80
yoursolf to hindor any one. Try to P. M.-Jones not arrived. Exoito
mako a good impression, but don't mont intonso,"
stay long enough to ruin it. Go to
ovory house you cnn nnd soo the Beauty ls Blood Deep.
Indv if ibo lnnii ia not nt homo and Clean blood moans a clean skin. No
indy it tuc man is not nt, nome, mut homly Aboutit, Casoarots Candy Ca
toll hor your businoss-who you aro thartio oloan your blood and koop it
and what you aro running for. In "loan by stirring up tho la?.y livor and
ninn timan Wilt of ton it will dr? inst driving all impuritlos from the body,
nmo times out ot ton it will to just " ,n (o (, ft ban,8ll p|n,pioa i)0n",
as woll OB seeing tho man himself, blotches, blackheads and that sickly
Women usually aro bettor judges of billons complexion by taking Cnscnrots
character than mon, and if you mako fe0??^ ?Pr c?nte; AH druggists,
a favorablo impression on tho mother batisfaotiou guaranteed. IQo., 26o., Mk>,
nnd ohi?dr)n you scouro tho voting Thoro ig n?Td roR8on why a
Strength ot ibo household." iM .... . ... , ; ,
*?.,< .. j Christian man should ! bo unduly
Don't Neglect Your Liver. SOlloitOUS about what in likely to
?dver troubles quickly result in serious happen to him in tho future, for tho
r-ompllcatlons, and thc man who neglects bis ? ., ., . , , , , ,
liver ho? milo regard for health. A bottlo mmo fathor that has cared for him
a nVr"^!!H.7rul,Il?,tor^t rk? "T *H?? in tho l>a*t will continue to do HO in
will keon tho liver in perfoct order. If tho s
[liticafiO lia? developed, Brewan' Iron Hitters days to conic.
will onro it permanently. Strength and
vitality will always 'fow j? .u*. i AU drusKlata guarantee Dr. Milos' VAT
Browns? Iron Bitters in sold by all dotiert. ' Pttw te stop ueVtaehe, "Oaf* cent a dose."
AN AipiRAjl l?HFFN
lill Ullll-MIVlllI "OL.I.I1I
Four Colorations of Her Kin Have
Fought Under tho Stars and Stripes.
The following beautifully worded
article was handed to tho corres
pondent of the Knoxville Journal
and Tribune by a loading attorney
of Gold?boro, N. G. All tho facts
aro thoroin historio and will bo road
with interest by patriotio Arcorioans
everywhere :
Less than ono hundred milos west
of Ashoville, in the County of Chero
kee, tho extromo western county of
North Carolina, on tho broken brow
of a lowly hill, across which crcops
thc shadows of tho unnamed peaks
of the beautiful Nantab ala Moun
tains, thoro stands a modest farm
houso that novor know a luxury. In
this humble and scantily iurnishod
home, about ono milo from Androws,
a flag station of tho Murphy Brandi
of tho Wostorn North Carolina Rail
road, thoro livos an aged widow with
a record so remarkable as to deserve
a dioico placo in tho annals of her
country. Crowned with tho-snow
that novor molts and modestly olaim
ing tho memories which stretch
aorose ?,ighty-oight long yoars, sho is
tho saintly grandmother and tho
Godly mothor around whom throe
generations of horo.es aro wont to
gather and pay reverential homage
of affeotion.
Her name is Mary Phillips Tatham.
Sho was born Fobruary 2, 1810, and,
thorofore, is in hor oighty-oighth
yoar. Hor grandfather followed and
fought undor Gen. Washington. Her
father was in tho thiokestof thc fight
at Now Orleans undor Gon. Jackson
and through lifo boro tho living ovi
doncc of tho oarnngo shown in that
memorable struggle. Under Gon.
Taylor in Mexico her husband was
in tho foro-front and novor faltered
or wavorod in tho faco of death itsolf.
In tho lato war she had six sons
who fought through and to the end
under tho stars and bars-ono was
ono of tho body-guard of Jefferson
Davis whon finally oapturod, and in
tho presont war botwoon tho United
StatCB and Spain fourtcon of her
grandsons aro in tho regular service
and aro worthy sons of worthy sires
-ready to do and to dio.
Theso are faots without color,
which can bo vorifiod by him who
doubts. Mrs. Tatham is still sprightly
and seemingly unconscious of tho
burdon which eighty-eight summers
have slowly-and I have almost Bald
cruelly-imposed. This quoon of
Amcrionn womanhood, Amorican
mother of Amorican horoos, in a
modest American homo, in tho
longthoning twilight of a lifo so long,
so fruitful and usoful,* around which
tho shadows swiftly deepen with
Buoh a record, commanded my pro
foundest homago and intorcst ana
impelled this modost montion of hor
name. Tho roadors, I am sure, will
instinctively sharo tho unbidden wish
that a kind Proviclenco may hil hor
fow remaining days with tho sun
Bhino of that swcot poaco which
passoth all understanding.
Grocnsboro, N. C., July 10, 1898.
[Mr. W. C. Tatham, of Walhalla,
a gallant Confederate vetoran, well
k??own to tho people of Oconoo, is a
son of this vonorablo lady. His son,
Mr. John F. Tatham, is ono of tho
number of grandchildren at present
sustaining tho war roputation of. his
family, hoing a member of Company
0, South Carolina Volunteers, now
at Jackson ville, h'la. Since enlisting
he has been promoted from a privato
to artificer.-Kns. COUIUKK.]
Mr. A. C. Wolfe, of Dundoo, Mo., who
travolfl for Mnnsur and Tibbotts, Imple
ment Co., of St. IiOiiin, gives traveling
mer. and travelers in general, some geed
advico. "Hoing a knight of tho grip,"
ho ways, "I liavo for tho past throo yoars,
mado it a rulo to koop myself suppllod
with Chamberlain's Collo, Cholora and
Diarrhoea Romody, and havo found Hu
morous occasions to tent its merits, not
only on nvysolf, bal on others as woll. I
can truly Bay that I novor, in a singlo in
stance, havo known it to fail. I considov
lt ono of tho host romodios travolors can
carry and could volato many instances
whoro I havo usod tho romedy on skop
tics. muoh to their surpriso and roliof. I
hope ovory traveling man in tho United
StatCB will carry a bottlo of this romody
in hlB grip." For salo by J. W. Holl,
Walhalla; H. H. Zimmerman, Wostmlu
stor; W. J. liiinnoy, Sonoca.
WT- V..II-,,,- ??,'-, i- 1 -
u O ouii?Vu tiiiri ?A? tm Olio your
that tho pcoplo in selecting their rop
roBOntativoB will bo govorncd moro
by mor it and qualification than by
tho glad hand-shako. What is needed
in tho gonoral aeaombly aro men who
aro in a position to know the peoplo's
needs and who will tako that prido in
tho honor conferred upon them to
work for thOf?o nocds.-Manning
It ls Suspected that there Is n Com
bination of Candidates.
WINNSIIOKO, S. C., July 20.--"In
spiring Hold Barleycorn" roignod at
tho campaign mooting hore to-day,
and the candidates for Governor
woro targots for tho sharp-shooting
of loose-tongucd liquorites. Tho
mooting was hold in tho woods about
three-quarters of a mlle from town,
and was a mild repetition of tho one
held in tho samo placo in 1890. Thoro
woro some ladies present and for tho
most part the crowd was quiot and
respectful to Mio oandidatos. Fring
ing tho huma.? concave juBt in front
of tho stand sat tho jig water orowd.
Their liquor-loavenod sallies were
direoted at tho gubernatorial candi
dates, oxcopt Governor Ellorbo, who
in somo way was fortunato enough
to escape tho dose that was adimin
istorcd to his six competitors. Col
Tillman's tusslo with them brought
from him tho statement that they
wero mobilized in tho interest of oin
of tho oandidatos, whoso nani? h<
did nov call, and thaf this was UK
beginning of a campaign of free dis
ponsary liquor to accomplish some
body's oloction.
Ever sinco tho mooting at Man<
ning thoro havo boon hints and sus
pioioiiB of somo combination of cnn
didates with tho supposed backing ol
tho powers that bo. To-day Mr
Sligh made a slight roforonoo t<
this, assorting that ho was in no com
bination, and that if ho ran aoross i
deal or ?ombino ho would expose it
Mr. Evans likowiso disclaimed con
hootion with any combination. Edito
Koostor, of tho Columbia Record
Governor Ellorbo's roforonoo to whoo
was reported in to-day's correspond
euee, was on hand to-day "watoliing'
and taking notes. Ho doolaros tba
tho Govornor's remarks to-day wer
stripped of tho offensive porsonalit;
of tho day boforo.
Mr. Cooper declared Tompkin
was a momber of tho disponsar
board when tho dispensary was die
graced, and ono of his own famil
had run nronud tho Stato cryin
rebatos. As for Brabham's decline
t ion to hold au oilico that had an
connection with tho dispensary, h
??aid God deliver him from euc
goody good men. Gen. Watts di
olarcd that Col. Floyd's condnot i
Chcstor was unworthy of a Sout
Carolina Confederate soldier.
Col. Floyd declared ho was a Can
linian from proforenco, while Wat
was ono bocruise ho could not help i
Aftor tho war ho ohoso South Car<
lina becauso ho bolioved upon h<
altars would burn longest and brigit
est tho great principi? of State
Major Blythe was plain and pra
t.ioal in his argument. Ho had hi
moro military experience than ai
man in thc State oxcopt the Office
of tho rogular army.
Mr. MoMahan was among his n
tivo glens and hollows. Ho song
tho oilico of Superintendent of lid
cation because ho lind a deep convi
tion that ho could bo useful in pi
moting tho common sohools. I
though tho sohool systom could 1
improved by tho enthusiastic and i
telligont labor of tho Suporintondcn
by his going among tho peoplo whe
education was baokward.
Col. Rico said ho would stand
fall on the record he mado when ?
perintondont of Education. Ho t
olarod this ofllcor ought to ho call
superintendent of common Bohoc
Legislation had taken a great d<
from his strength. His work shot
not bo at tho Stato House, but c
among tho peoplo. Tho soho?
should bo carried almost to tho pc
man's door.
Mr. Brown said if elected it wot
bo his privilege to work on tho wo
places in tho country for tho edin
tion of tho boys and girls. T
majority could not go to college,
it was to tho intorost of tho pco]
to improvo tho common sohools ch
to thom. Ho deplored the conditi
that mado it nccossary for tho far
ors to desort their farms and go
tho oitics seeking education for th
child ron.
Mr. Fonthorstono had a tboi
road to travel. A doz un or
liquorites had squattod on thogrou
immediately in front of tho platfoi
and during his speech sovoralof th
paraded around living ?XOi.Tut?iu
and interrogations right and h
Tim prohibition candidato was
only ono sontenco on thorn, doolnr
that they needod prohibition m
than any crowd ho had spokon to.
Mr. A roh cr avoidod tho rooks i
caught tho good will of tho J<
Barleycorns by talking about edu.
I tion for tho poor man. Ho thou,
I thoro nover was a biggor dcoept
Hoya! makes th* toasf ?>(HM,
V, ?UOICSGK?C snd?ehvlvfe?.
porpotratod on tho taxpayers than
whoa tho collegos wore built as poor
mon^ collogos. Ho distributed his
educational circulars and thoy woro
snatohed up with avidity by tho
Mr. Whitman's appoaranco made
tho squatters riso and got glecfuU
Tho redoubtable G. Walt finally
squelched thom with tho remark :
Whiskey has ono virtue. It brings
out a man's character, an? if ho?s a
fool it will show it to a dead moral
Tho Hquorite8 and ox-squatters
gavo Govornor ICUcrbo tho gladhand
and were oagor to hear him on tho
dispensary question. Tho Governor
doclarcd he had hoon ono of tho first,
porsons.to join tho "liefprm" n.\qye..
mont, but that ho had boon elootcd
Govorncv as tho cxponont of peaoo
and unity. "There aro," said ho, "a
certain ?ot.of politicians and n littlo
sot of mercenary newspaper editors
who aro political prostitutes, who
have slandered and abused mo bo
cause thoy could not uso mo, I defy
thom to moot mo taco to faco boforo
tho pcoplo and mako their oh argos.
"How far you think you'll got ?"
was tho salutation from a liquorito
as Col. Tillman came forward. Oth
ors chimed in with ejaculations of
moro or less rolovanoy, until Unolo
Gcorgo told them they had bettor go
back to Doko and sloop off their
drunk. Somo of tho crowd bogan to
howl and spit fire, and Unolo Goorgo
thundered at thom : "This is the first
timo dispensary whiskey has been
used at tho meetings in tho interest
of tho political machine that is back?
ing one of the candidates for Govor
nor. Ho ought to tench you bettor
manners or tako you around and ox
hibit you." Howling was redoubled,
and Unolo Goorgo doolarcd this was
an indication that from now on un'
tho 30th of August froo dispensary
liquor would fiow from thc moun
tains to tho soa to carry tho elcotion
for ono of tho candidatos.
In my report of tho Chester moot
ing yesterday in somo unaccountable
way ono word WOB changed in Col.
Tillman's speech, making him favor
"prohibitive" license, when ho said
"private" license. While this was a
manifest orror of tho types, tho tele
graph or tho fast gliding pencil, yot
Uncle George was omboldoncd to got
up a man of straw, and doolaro that
Tho Nows and Courier and tho Stato
"distortod" his remarks. Ho is horo
by assured that as a poaco offoring
thc "distorter" will bo oruoiliod if ho
s?'ow his head, hands, foot or faco
Col. Sob amport also faood tho
storm. Aftor buffeting it for ton
minutos ho said ho hoped tho docent
people there would eliminate tho
trash. Ho prognostioatod a littlo,
saying that ho was going to bo Gov
ornor, and that Kllerho would not ho.
At any rato ho could guarantee that
ho would suBtain whoovor was elected
hotter than tho drunken howlers
Col. Watson nipped tho first
howler in the bud by offoring him a
silver dollar to shut up. Ho was
vory emphatic in denying that ho
had abused Kllorbo. What ho said
was simplo fact and truth. Ho
thought it was peculiar that Ellorbo
did not go to Horry. If it had been
himself he would havo gono thoro to
assort his manhood if thoy had put
him in tho river. Boing interrupted
frequently, ho said ho did not want
tho votes of drunken howlors.
Somo timo ago, a littlo bottle of Cham
berlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy foll into my hands, just at a timo
whoa my two-year-old boy was terribly
aiiilcLod. His bowels were bi ...MU? con
trol, Wo had tried-many remedios, to
no purpose, but tho littlo bottlo of Colic,
Cholora and Diarrhoea llomody spoodily
cured him. WILLIAM P. JUNKS,
Oglcsby, Ca.
For salo by Hr. J. W. Holl, Walha!!*/
S.O.; H. H. Zimmerman, Wostminstoiv
S. O. ; W. J. Luunoy, Seneca, S. 0.
..;. v;\ . ;-?*t?-~.
Tho sincoroly pationt Bvnner may
bo sure that'ho is making no mistake
in canting himself without reserve
upon tho iovg.vlng morey of God

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