OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 17, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1900-05-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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?t%c JUo?ucc Courier,
U. T. JAYNBB, I , ,,",._ J l>. A. SMITH,
J. \Y. BUBLOIt, j '.' 1 j ,1. A. STECK.
EQ^*1* Communications <>r a personal
character Charged for as advertisements.
!* Obituary notices and tributes of
respect, of not over one hundred words,
will bo printed free of charge. All over
that number must bc paid for at the rate
of one cent a wold. Cash to accompany
A Visit to One ot Atlanta's Schools.
FrOm the car-shed in Atlanta, (he sev
eral hundred OXCUI'siotlists who took ad
vantage of the cheap rates last week,
went their respectivo ways. .Malters ol
business carried sonic lo thc city, others
went for pleasure,
Thursday evening's iimusomont nt tho
(.rand Opera House was a benefit enter
tainment. The local talent of Atlanta
was generously used that money for
paying the expenses of thc maimed vet
erans to Louisville might bc raised.
This \.ns thc second recent charitable
entertainment given o' the (?mild; an
other follows.
Ono objection lo excursions is the
limited time allowed tor a visit. How
to spend one short day is not always
easily Bottled. True. Whitehall otters
many allurements; but allow ing a casual
glance in the show windows at Ibo
Charming turbans of old rose and cern
shades and the tilmy fabrics artistically
arranged, to sutlice, the young pedagogi
cal aspirant linds nothing more prolltil*
ldc than a visit to the publia schools.
Certainly it is less expensive than shop
Williams Street School being most con
voniont, was decided upon as the one to
visit. I was fortunate in being shown
through Ivy .street school severa! veals
ago, before having taught. Miss beer
man, thc principal, is sweet faced and
affable Miss King, assistant principal,
seems thoroughly alive to her duties.
Tho teachers were nil most cord i lil,
Whorovor the professional spirit exists,
it is not dillloull lo become acquainted.
Tho grades visited w ere t he lirst, sec
ond and third, almost the entire morn
ing hoing spout with these. The rca
son for visiting only part ol' tho grades
was tho probably greater beiiolll accru
ing from ti longer stay, Misses Ponte,
Waters and Payne arc the respective
teachers of tho lirst. second ai '. third
There are in tho Williams street
school tin' dearest, brightest children
(Uko soniu of the children we have in
( Iconco).
first came tho visit to the second
grade, on Miss Waters' invitation, she
said, "You must sec my room before the
lirst grade, or it will liol seem so Y ute."
As it was, it ccrtaitih lacked nothing ol
being "cute." The children did excel
lent work. Some of them were quite
quick in arithmetic; some had beautiful
copybooks, writing thc vertical hand
with case and correctness; some had
very neat drawing hooks.
The singing in tho different grades is
remarkably good.
"Order is heaven's lirst law," says
Pope. Order evidently is thc inst law ol
the Atlanta public school.-. To sec tin
pupils march out for recess is indeed ht
toros ting, lu one erado there are sixty
pupils, six sections, so. in marching front
tho building, a lirst ami a second grade
pupil go together, a third and a fourth,
and so on. \ teacher ploys a march on
a piano. The school children tire paying
for thc pianos used in thc schools.
Thc teachers are collecting specimens
of drawings and compositions lo bc ex
hibited at their normal class this week.
Two of Die grades were looking for
ward to a picnic at (?rant Park last sat
Visitors are always welcome, and. a
no changes aro made in the usual prt
gramme, much ph asure and gain
on joyed. M \ i: v K, Sw A xx.
Seneca, S. ( !. May ll. ll.
Colton Handlers Med.
M At ON, i.A.. May I:.'. The Colton
(irowcrs' Convention held ai Macon to
day was ono of tho larges! convocations
of representative planters and business
men ever held in i.e.ngia. The conven
tion was called for tho plirsoso ol elt'ect
lng an organization ol' the cotton plant
ors which would enable (hem !<. secure
abettor price for their cotton, Ki ve
hundred delegates wore present, repre
senting ovory count) in the sialc ami
composed of planters, warehousemen,
manufactur?is, merchants ami lawyers.
Tho Convention was addressed bj lion.
Hoke Smith, Hon, l'ope brown, j.rest
dent of tite s ale Agricultural Society:
Hon. .1. I'. Hanson, Harvey .Ionian,
Jacob Haas. I. I'.. Knglisb ami others.
Mr. ?Smith iii his address sa;.I in sub
stance that the value ot the South's col
ton crop is furl bei reaching in its rll'eol
than nny other product ot the soil, its
aggregate annual value hoing over i.:>no,
non,ooo. Ho slated that dui iug the last
100 years tho money jin id for ?ho colton
raised in tho 17 ld ted States amounted to
$lf',(X)0,OiM),000, of this amount ll,
noo.nno.nno was received for cotton
exported. Ile said Ilia) it. lift) years Hie
Consumption Ol COttOII had na teased
from 2,50f.i,lMiO hales annually lo ls,noii,
'Hin bales annually, an increase ot Ti " pet
cent. Ho advised the tai mets of thc
South to organize so as t.ni roi Hie
marketing ol their crop on such a l>a-:
as would secure lo them its rt al raine.
Tho convention concluded willi the
organization of tho (?coigin < otlon
(?rower's Associai lou, ami elected lin
vey ,1 ord a n president, I'. M. bougie)
vice president, find N. I!. Hutchinson
secretary and treasurer, and an execu
tivo committee, compose?! ol' Ihren rep
rosen lal ives from each Cnngn si mal . i i s
Tho plan upon which Ibo work ol
gani/ing the I armers is bc ell'ectod
was referred ?In Ihocoinmitte.rgani i
Hon and Uieexeoutive committee j.Hy
-tho convention ratifying, in advance,
any plan thal mlghl Le adopted.
Macon was chosen as permution! head
quarters of the assticiation.
I'.y tho very narrow margin 61 lire
votes. Mr, Crawford, ol No, '-. < arol un,
Democrat, was unseated hom Hie ollice
of Congressman, We arri Inclined to
I hink thal tho sill ing member, Mr, I I II .-.
lord, w;is clearly elected. His eh on
Whs attested by the propel authorities
in North Carol i mi, and lhere was no evi
deuce to show friilld or int i mi. lal i. m
I hal would outille Mr. I 'cai n lo lin
ollice, Ile it said '.o (heir credit, (natl)
Itopublicausrefused lo suppoi I thc pa i
san report of ?he majoiily, I.nt voted
against the contest a nt. Mt. Pearson
gels thc seal. Ile will I..- ('ono rc-siuna n,
Ind notwithstanding thc tart thal In- has
been considered a gentleman a.. I p Hie
respect of nil parties, Iiis action in fore
inga Republican Congress lo nvet ride
thc will of the people ol' his district ami
in taking tl.Illco hy ton e ..| pa)li: III
ship to which his opponent was eleni!)
elected eliminates Mr, IJii'llllli lld I 'oil i
son from polities in Sooth '.colina, j
Ile will hohl thc ollice. Ind he has lo .1 j
Ibo esteem (ind respect of Hie uuiet, eon '
servafive, honest men (d both patties. ?
Hit has paul fl teat lui pi it o foi his ? up
posed hon..!,;. Spartaiihiirg Herald,
< . .>
All South Ca roll mi veterans, indeed
-ill tho veterans of (ho Confederate army,
Will be delighted to kim-. Illili bishop
KUison Capers, of the di?cesi ol South
Carolina, the distinguished cx'-Coidoih
erato (?ciiei al. who is now one ol Mio j
most eloquent mid forceful divin 's in
tho country, has heen mleclcii . deliver
thc memorial sermon at the ( on fed ern I o
reunion al Louisville, Ky., on Sunday,
.lune ::. (,encrai ' ?ol do; , con niniiding
tho li. c. V.. lias mil i lied the bishop ol
his appointment and tin- latter ?ios ac
cepted the duly.
Tho Democratic convention .u barip
well county ondoised tho gubeindoi al
candidacy of A. ll. Patterson,
Largo Attoiulnnco at tho Annual Mooting
Five Hundred Del?galos Prosont.
Cl IA lt LOT TK, N. C., May ll).-Ono of
the largest assemblages of textile mill
representativos ever hold in the United
States began ti convention hero to-day,
t'to occasion being tho fourth annual
session of the .Southern Cotton Spin
ners' Association, which waa called to
order at IO o'clock this morning. Five
hundred mill men aro in attendance and
it is estimated by conservativo members
that the total capital represented will
aggregate live hundred millions. Presi
dent .1. ll. Mc Aden called tho Convention
to order. After congratulating tho mem
bers of tho association upon tho largo
attendance at tho Convention President
.McAllen said! "A long period of de
pression is at an end; every industry is
prospering; every man who can work
and will work can lind employment al
good wilges. Money is easy, the liuailCOS
of the country arc on a sound basis, coil
lldonco is restored, a bright future awaits
us and wo may confidently wait for a
period of industrial development un
equaled in thc history of this country.
lt gives us great pleasure to givo yuna
cordial welcome af all our meetings.
There w ill he no divison of teri ?tory, Ito
Mason and Dixon's line, with the man
ufacturers. We aro all together in ono
common interest and ono common cause.
Wo arc endeavoring lo convert tho raw
material into manufactured products
and to lind a good market in foreign
countries. Our export Irado alone with
Kmpire 01 China, without any organized
efforts on our part, will exceed $20,000,
"We should favor and urge a perma
nent and vigorous policy on tho part of
our d?lierai Covominout in favor of tho
.open door' policy with thc enterprise of
China, and wo should hold and govern
thc Philippine islands, which aro des
tined to become tho distributing centre
of tho Mastern world and make our
country the centre of Kastern civiliza
t ion.
"I hopo to seo this Association take
decided action on this question of pub
lic policy.
"Tho great hope of the South is in its
manufactures. Wo ask for no class lcg
islation. With extended commercial re
lations with foreign countries, now ter
ritory opened before us, wc can plant
our products wherever our Hag Hunts
ami successfully compote with tho
world. Wc should give strong expres
sions in favor of appropriations hy the
Mate governments for building and
maintaining textile schools.
'.There are many things wc could do
for our operatives-make tenement
Ionises comfortable, adopt improved sys
tems of sanitary and ventilation regula
tions, build churches and schools lind
provide libraries. Wc should do all ill
OUI" power lo erect a high standard of
morals and elevate and dignify labor."
A large li umber of new members were
I hen elected. Theodore C. Search, of
Philadelphia, President of thu National
M/in II tact u reis' Association, spoke oil
"Foreign markets for American goods
and the way to develop them." Ho
showed that this country, in spite of all
advantages, spins and weaves only :'.?_'
percent of American cotton.
At Hip afternoon session tho secretary
read a report showing that the Associa
tion has increased its membership to
I'T'I. ?0 new members being received to
day. Thc following officers were elected
by acclamation: Dr. J. P. McAllen, of
< 'ha riot tee, president; (?eorgo I!. Hiss,
? ?i Charlotte, secretary and treasurer,
and lt. I!. Kav, ol' Mc Allenville ; A. P.
h'hyno, Monti! Holly, and .I. C. Willing
ham, ol' Macon. Ca., were elected gov
ci inn s for t luci' years.
A telegram was read from the Voling
Men's business League, of Atlanta ask
ing that the next meeting he held in At
lanta. This was referred to thc board
"I gi i vc i no rs.
To night addresses were made by
(?eorgo Otis Draper and S. li. Paine,
bot li of Massachusetts.
A Tragedy in Augusta.
Ai orsTA, HA., May ld.-Aleck Whit
ney, aged .'?>, a society leader and popu
lar young m.in, was shot anil killed on a
street car at al 7.:'.0 |\ M.. by (ins Wil
son, a negro, in a dispute about, a seat in
lin-cur. M neb excitement-, but md much
tear ol' 1> Ilching.
At ? o'clock (Monday morning) there
is still a '.m al deal of excitement on thc
streets over the killing of young Alex
W hitney by thc negro, (ins Wilson.
Whitney and a friend were riding on
the electric hell line when two negroes
got on the car. one taking a scat in front
and ono silting down in Whitney's lap.
Whitney told thc negro there was no
?m ic .in before he sat down, bul WHS
paid no attention to. Ile shoved the
negro up, telling him lie could not sit
there. Thc uegroo's friend, Wilson, who
was in the scat iii front,said, "-it, sit
then- anyhow."
Whitney shipped thc negro with Hie
hack of his hand and a sett Hie ensued.
Wilson, who was not in the seullio, drew
a revolver ami fired, thc bull striking
Whitney below the left oyo. ile .lied a
lew minutes alter.
I.ur o- crowds soon collected and a spe
cial detail ol tv aity live policemen with
lilies win- sent to -nani the jud.
Wilson was secretly put on tho < ; corgi a
Hailroad train, bul a number of citizens
hail hoarded tin- (rain also and when
(? rove I ow* II was reached a tclophoiio mes
sage previously sent lo collect a crowd
; bc negro was taken off tho! rain hy t hem.
l ids is tin laiesl report, but. a lynching
is sure to follow ii not already accom
i III: \ ?.i;o r.v.Vi in o.
Ai -.i - ? A, C.v.. Mas l-l.-il a. m.-A
tele;.linne message fruin Crovctown says
thc negro has been lynched.
The ancients believed that rheumatism
was the work of a demon w ithin a mau.
A nj ,iii>' who has had an attack of sciatic
'-i inflammatory rheumatism will agree
ibat tin- i n 11 ?ci mn is demoniac enough lo
warrant the belief, lt bas never been
clan.I Hial Chamberlain's Pain balm
would casi out demons, bul il will cure
rheumatism, ami hundreds hear testi
mony lo the truth of this statement. One
application relieves tho pain, and this
quick relief w hich it alfords is alone
worth many times its cost, for sale by
-I. W. Hell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney,
Seneca; IL H. /.iinincriuan, Westmin
lion. M. b. Stephens, Commissioner of
Ainu' ne of (ieorgia, Dr. Stoddom, <>i
thc Ked i ral ? lovcrnineiil, and lion.
i 'oopor ? in tis, of thc Mate of Not th
Carolina, who compuso the Commission
looking to lite establishment of a pm
inaneni "Federal Quarantine Linc"
foi tin- cattle industry, so far as it
effects the Mule ol' (ieorgia, will meei
with the i.plc of Habitu, Towns and
I uioii nanties, who arc interested in
Ihi.-N mallei, on the following dates:
< layloii lliawncse ?Mtli, and blairs
ville :.M?llt ol May. Mr. Stephens desires
that ?ill pin tic. interested will meet with
Ibo Commission so thal li full discus
sh>n and a satisfactory ligr< omi ut may be
had. W. ll llaralson will accompany
I he commissioner and act as secretary.
< l is i.< ?a, ) Tl daine May I ll ll,
' AMI I inhering lunn severe dyspop
I'oi ovei I wei vc years and using many
remedies without permanent good I
lina!)} |I?,I?: h'oilol Dyspepsia Cure, lt
did mc so uiu< lt : . "I I recommend il to
eveiyone," willoi it, li, Watkins, (.'lark
und ll.Im, Cldllicotho, Mo. li di
goal . \\ hat yoit eal. ?L W. Hell,
Atlanta's MllVOI' ictuses lo resign lil
Hie i equi : t of t Im City Council. Ile says
ii his private life is to bo inquired into
In- desiri's lola) bare home facts in con
m ci ion with the conduct of his accusers.
The chances are the resolution calling!
for bis resignation will bc laid on ihci
West Point Military ncadenij is ion
rents old. ll w is opened as a ('lilted
dales training school for army olllccrs
III l| il) I I on. There w ei c bul two
..oo fs ,)o:;('jdi Vt, Swill, of Massa, hu
?tts, .md sn,,,.n U. Levy, of South Caro
ma. I In- i I,,, -i cad?l and I he Iii st V ir
?lilianlo 'Ohlei wet I'oini was Wallet
voitli A elmstead, of (Jppci'villo, :- ho win;
tradualod in ISO I, Ile neon mo a lamons
ugiucoi officer and colonel of artillery,
ml M Is stated I hal no placo oil hf) he
?i (loll, 'sw ill fortified was ever taken by
bc English in 181 i >?,.
Some, of tho Questions Which May Como
Up-Senator Tillman Committeeman.
Tho State Democratic Convention will
assemble at noon on Wednesday, livery
comity will be represented.
Tho convention will elect delegates to
tho Kansas City National Convention to
bejheld .July 4th; it will choose a National
Executive Committeeman and will adopt
rules and regulations for the government
of the party.
ll is generally conceded that Senator
Tillman will be a delegate and that Col.
Willie Jones, of Columbia, will be an
other. These two seem certain, but as
to the rest there is nothing certain.
Many of flu; prominent citizens and elli
cuds would accept tho hourn.
Thoiplntform will he easy, unless a
snag is struck on the question of expan
sion. There wdll he quito a large num
ber of delegates, especially from tho
upper |MU'tOl the State, who will advo
cate expansion.
Senator Tillman is the Nal ional Com
mitteeman from this State, and he will
undoubtedly he chosen to that position
again if be desires if.
A very interesting question will he as
to whether tho State canvass shall be
continued. As a majority of the coun
ties have expressed themselves favora
bly to tho idea, there can hardly he a
doubt as to the result.
Another question to bo disposed of is
what is called tho "GTconvlllo idea."
That moans that a candidate shall be al
lowed to Hie ?ti--- pledge lon days bofoi'C
tho primary. This "idea" will hardly
meet with favor, as candidates who havi
borne tho brunt und expense of a cam
paign would hardly relish some darli
horse to come in and bimi them to thc
string. I io? hies it is looked upon by
many as au injustice.-Columbia liecord,
A Lively Time Expected in tho General As
sctnhly Over thc Doctrine ot Predestination.
Sr. Louis, May l-l.-Tho Presbyterial
Assembly will meet Thursday inorilillf
in the Washington and Compton A venu?
Presbyterian ('hinch, in this city, ld
vines and laymen to Ino number of lihou
one thousand w ill he present.
Only once before, in 187-1, has thc As
senility mot ill Ibis eily. Thc interest ii
the topics on tho programme and (lu
scope and possible ol?eots of the over
lures to be presented w ill make this om
of tho most important assemblies heh
foi' the past twenty years. ( ne of tin
most important matters to bo brought u|
is the epiestion as to whether the West
minster Confession ol Faith shall herc
Thc following arc thc sections in th
Confusion to which it is said exceptioi
is taken:
":? Hy the decree of Cod, for thc mani
festation of His glory, some men lim
angels are pi'odCstiuntod unto ovorhisliii]
"!. These angels and mon, thus pn
destiuated and foreordained arc part icu
larly and unchangeably designed, am
'heir number is so certain and deliilit
.hat it cannot be either increased n
Several Presbyteries have asked spec i I
cally that the Assembly should appoin
a committee to consider the whole que!
lion ol' creed revision, while others di
sire that a new creed bo ordered, leavin
the old ono untouched lo he preserve
intact as an historical document, willi
the new VOl'sioil shall bc thc welkin
creed ol' thc Church. These overture
will all be referred lo thc < 'uni in it tee o
Hills and Overtures, of which the Lc
Dr. Robert F. Sample, of New York, wi
bc chairman.
Thinks lilyan Will Win.
Hon. George 1). Tillman, ex Congres:
man from South ('molina, the Clark
Hill philosopher, who is affectionate!
known among all his constituents an
to many warm friends in Augusta ;
' Lucio Courge,"' spent several hours i
Augusta yesterday. Ile is an cullins
astie I tryon man. and, though ho d
clines to talk for publication, exprossi
I he linn convict iou hat lilyan w ill I
elected in November. He says m
only do all the signs of tho times poil
that way, but it bas become a nile no
foi" elections to alternate bel ween tl
parties every lour years. Then- are I
? nany candidates for the olliccs who ni
obliged tobe disappointed and who si
I no hope of securing preferment hy ti
I continuance of tho party in power, (hi
they swing over lo tho oilier side i
order lo seen.o position in thc change ?
administration. Augusta Chronicl
May ll.
i .elie-, instead ol Operation.
Thc rumors concerning tho alleged pu
ishmcnt meted out to Ligo I'i> I torso
colored, Friday afternoon for mst lc il
improper proposals to a white wornt
gradually ervstalizod yesterday moruii
and the truth was sifted mt. H is tri
thal Patterson was earrh 1 about (hit
or four miles soul lt of t lie eily by a crow
of determined Anderson county oitizet
for tho purpose of having a surgeon pc
forman operation. When the place
rendezvous was reached thc physic!,
did liol linn up. Many tn tho crow
wore in favor ol doing thc wmk regar
loss of tho absence of the surgeon, b
helter counsel prevailed and it was ?1
culed lo give the negro the lash. Il
back was bari tl and lou lashes wore la
on by strong ami willing hands. Tl
crowd then quietly dispersed. -?nderst
Daily Mai!, May I?.
Three Hundred Thousand Tons ol h on.
I tl ICM I X< ll.y >t. Al A.. May IO. Pig in
is heing moved from Bcssincr and lins
over tho Kansas City, Memphis >v I:
mingham railroad via Holly spine
Miss., and tho Illinois Central for Ni
Orleans at Hu-rale ot' throe train loa
daily, about I,ooo lons. This iron is I
exportation lo li uro pe, ami thc iron m;
tots.say this particular movement w
continue a month. At the same tit
much export iron is going to the ports
Chai lesion, Savannah. brunswick, Pern
cola, am! all available ship room is boil
rapidly engaged. The 1 utopian ii,
famine, causing ;? risc in Hie nhl world
prices, and a slight dollcclion in t
American markets, arc thc primo cans
ot the movement, promising an export
timi of .'(00,000 ..ons of Alabama iron i
I lie > car.
Cen. Cronje Should Have H.
Lt.sou;, N. c.. February 10, IU00.
Scud one half gross (loose (?lease Lit
mont, ..'"> cont sisee, l here is mi doubt
to thc curativo powers of <.sc < iron
Liniment. Wo have used different lu
ments, hui yours excels all.
Yours Indy, 11 IM. i i. Hims.
These people are Hmong the largt
dealers in mules and horses ill the Slit
Annual Report Ol Woman s Hoard ni MissiOl
The Hoard ot M issloiiH of t he Mel I
disl Lpiseopal Church, South, ino!
annual session ill Nashville, Tenn.,
May Ililli. The following is il summa
and statistics of tho Woman's Hoard I
I he s ear ?list closed :
Summary <>t tho work abroad M
sionarios, nil; assistants, lill; board!
sci.ls, i,; pupils in boarding sci.
2,'2.")(ij day std.is. III : pupils in d
schools, 2.00S; total pupils, I,Tit: Hil
women, un: scholarships, I 10; hospita
?_': Bible colleges, ?I; kindergartens,
value of properly owned bj (ho Womat
Hoard, including the Sennit! Bible a
Training School, $??(11,272,70.
Ktutistics of tho work til home < ',
feronoe societies, '?'.?>: adult auxilia ii
2,200; ad qi I momboru, ld,">27: auxiliar!
organized during tho year, ?iO? incinhi
added dat in;'. Hu: year, :j;-|:t2; young p?
ph 's and Juvenile societies, j,2.VI ] yon
people's and juvenile members, 20,:|
young people's ami juvenile soolctl
organized during tho year, l::l ; me m I a
lidded, .".,?.* 12; total members, 72,011; sn
.a t ?bois to the Woman's Missionary A
vocale, |O..'IMI; subscribers lo Lift
Worker, 10.000; amount collected foi t
rear jtisl closed, $07,10 I 01,
Tho Georgia i'.onelt orop is said lo
'mumous, which nmiouocomoiil lickl
Jm I'ililronij magna'cs. '/'hey gel I
.roi) t?,
An Essay on "Our Duly."
Tho following ls an essay which was
road recently heforo tho Pleasant Milgo
Sunday school hy Mrs. .J. 0. (Samson.
Thc school VOtOU that tho same bo pub
lished in 'flin KKOWKK CouitiKu:
"Duty bototo pleasuro" is an old and
very familiar saying, but wo do not
always feel that a duty performed brings
its own pleasure. lt is nevertheless
true. When we have dono our duty, no
matter how unpleasant Mio tusk may
have seemed at first, wo fool that our
conscience is clear, and, therefore, wo
arc satislled and pleased about it.
Sonic pooplo make the mistake of sad
dling themselves with a great many
things that are not really thoir duty at
all. Wo have no right to neglect the
small, boundy duties of 0 very ?day lifo
that lie at our feet hy reaching out after
sonic great imaginary duty that is hoyond
our strength and talent. Wo should
seek a knowledge of our true duties and
then perform thom faithfully.
Duly is three-fold. In tho lust place,
wc owo a duty to ourselves; in tho sec
ond placo, WO owe a duty to each other;
and in tho third place wo owe a duly to
our Heavenly Father.
Tho duty wo owo to ourselves is to
make ourselves true, honest and upright
SO that wc may deserve thu love and re
spect of others. Kaoh ono of these little
girls and boys can ho truthful, can ho
obedient to their parents and attentive
to their teachers and thus make them
selves good and true.
Thc duty wo owo to others lies in tho
golden rulo, "Whatsoever ye would that
men should do unto, you, do yo even so
unto them.'' If we always observe Hint
rule wo will never fail in our duty to
others. Wc will never fail to ho kind to
each other ol' judge each other harshly
or unjustly.
(?'od made us-wc aro tho creatures of
his hand, (bendore wc ought to ho obe
dient. Ile feeds and clothes us, there
fore WO ought to bo thankful; Ho keeps
us through thc day, watches over us
through thc . (gilt, guides and directs
our way, tho. fore wo ought to trust
liini; Ho fulfills all his promises to us,
therefore we ought to be faithful: and
Ile gavo his only son to die for us, there
fore we should never cease to love Him.
And lastly, but not least, wo come to
our duty in attending tho Sunday school.
lt is the duty of the little ones to ho
here with bright, smiling faces, with
well learned lessons and good behavior.
True politeness, little girls and boys, is
nothing more (han kindness (d' heart.
What is a prettier sight than tho bright,
smiling faces of these little girls and
hoys as thoy gather hero from Sabbath
to Sabbath to learn the truths of thc
blessed Word of Uod? They aro like
lovely Howers in a beautiful garden, ami
the older ones should nourish their hun
gering minds with thc true bread of life,
thus tilling each little mind with some
thing worth learning, ll. is tho duty of
tho children to come to thc .Sabbath
school to learn of Jesus and to become
like 11 im-kind, obedient ami true, lt
is the duly of tho parents to conic with
thc children that they may learn the
truth of thc promise, "Seek mo early
ami ye shall timi me. lt is thc duty of
thc teacher to over carry these young
people on our hearts, to willingly, earn
estly and prayerfully seek to instruct
thom in a knowledge of Hod's Word,
that they may grow wise uni o sal vat ion.
I lt is tho duty of thc Superintendent to
I hold forth something new each Sabbath
that will be tor thc interest and good of
all, and have a kind wand and pleasant
smile for every one, and now let us each
strive to do our duty to ourselves by
being true, honest and upright: to cacti
oilier by being kind, a licet ional e ami
helpful; lo om-(nul by being obedient,
faithful, trusting ?md loving.
Aa Outrage Near Kingstroo.
Kl.NO sr lt Ki:, S. C., May I ? '<?- News
reached herc yesterday morning that a
negro named Hamp Mcdill has made an
attempt at criminal assault on the nine
year old (laughter of Mr. CK Kaddy, a
Well-known Citizen of I he Cade's section,
nine miles north of Kingstroo. Cater on
the report was continued, when Mr.
Kaddy. the child's father, and Constable
W illiamson drove into town with Mcdill
and lodged him in jail. While thc news
of thc crime caused mindi excitement
and lynching was talked of, the fact that
Mr. Kaddy wished the law lo take its
course did nundi to allay such feeling
audit now seems probable that tho ease
will bc tried at the next tenn of Hie
court, which convenes hero on May 21.
Your correspondent talked w ith Mcdill,
wini admits his guilt. Ile is a coal
black negro, 22 years old, and has a wife
and two children. IO very th big is tpiiel
lo day and few outsiders are in town.
I consider it not only a pleasure bul a
duty I owe to my neighbors lo tell about
the wonderful cure effected in my ease
by I he t i mel y use ol' ( 'hambci Iain's ( 'olio,
cholera and Diarrboai Ifomedy, I w as
taken Vi ty badly with dux ami procured
a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of
it effected a permution) cure. I take
pleasure m recommending it to others
suffering from that dreadful disease.
J. W. Lynch, Dmr. \V. Va. This remedy
is sold by J. W. Hell. Walhalla : W. .1.
Lunney, Seneca: ll. I!. Zimmerman,
West minster.
Annual Session Imperial Council Order of the
Mystic Shrine. Washington, D. C.
(in account of tho above occasion the
Southern Itailway will sidl round trip
' tickets flinn nil points on its lines to
Washington, D. <"., and return al rate of
ono Ural class tare for the round trip.
Dales of sale May 20, -'I and 22 w illi
lilia! limit May 27, lt*"". I'ersons resid
ing at non-coupon stations desiring to
avail themselves of these reduced rates
and purchase Coupon tickets will be rc
quired lo give thc agent at their station
al least two or three days notice in ad
vance ol tho proposed trip in order Hud lie
may he enabled lojobtaill through tickets,
cte. Kor information call on or address
?my agent of thc Southern Itailway oi
ils connections, s. ll. Hardwick, A. ti,
P. A.
W I m 1.1 \ I.I: ri lt? M Kits' A --o, I ACION,
Tho Southern Itailway w ill sell round
trip Hekeln to Charleston and return at
the rate of one IllSt-claSS fate for thc
round trip from all points on its line, ac
count of above occasion. Tickets to bc
sold May 22, 2.'$ and 21, w ith ('mal limit
May 2S, ll., inclusive. Kor detailed
iiiloi nial ion apply to any agent of Ibu
Soul bei II or its connect ions.
Thc Southern Itailway will sell side
trip tickets from Charleston, s. c., at
rate of one lits!-class larc fol' thc round
Inn to SI. Augustine, Kia., Pensacola,
I'la.. Mobil.-. Ala., New Orleans, l a..
Meridian, Miss., birmingham, Ala..?( hat
tanonga, Tenn., I Iris toi, Tenn., White
Sulphur Springs, Va., Washington, | ?.
(',, Norfolk, Va., and intermediate points
Tickets will be sold J illy ll, 10(10. with
Kital limit July 20, Kitti), to holders of
return pm lions of round Hip tickets
sold to Charleston, account of Animal
Meiling National Kdlicafional Associa
lion. Snell return portions of round
trip tickets lo be deposited w ith agents
from whom side trip tickets arc pur
chased. Agents w ill issue receipts foi
tickets di posili-d and upon presentation
ot said receipts will return to original
purchasers tho return portions of round
ti ip tickets deposited. Kor detailed in
l"i ma i i. m apply to any agent ol thc
Southern Itailway ot its connections,
Pension Commissioner Kvnus tells ot
the ease of a soldier born in IS20; mar
ried in bs 17; his Hist w ife died m IS70;
married again ami was divorced in ISSI;
married a third time and was divorced
m Cd: ina tried ?i foti ri li lime and was
divorced in i '.i.: married again Decem
ber ni, ISOO, ami died fourteen days
nfler Tho wulov, of toni teen days
wifol.I.aged 17. was granted ?I pen
Sion of a mont h,
Under $3.OOO Un?h Deposit.
Kuti ri ful i'm. Cn i i
0?,f>n ?ll jun Mt Doth Snxi'f? Vfirjr Chonn flofird.
? ? .-m II In ? /V In Inmin ?IllffillCM OollugO.
Maoon, Qto?yia,
A t Bull Run.
Comrade Cia". Kima, of Mochatpcsvlllo,
N. Y., was struck by a plOCO of slioll willoh
lutcrcntisod sovoro heurt trouble. Ho suya:
"At ?conj Bull Run a piece of shell
lodged in my shoulder, and later
rheumatism -xd in, which in torn af
fected my heart to such extent that
several doctors pronounced my case
Incurable* Dr. Miles' New Heart
Cure relieved my pains, shortness of
breath and enabled me to work? also to
sleep soundly, and prolonged my life."
ls sold t>y all druggists on guarantee
lust bottle bendita or money t>nck.
Dook on heart and nerves aont freo,
Dr. Milos Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
A Counter Claim.
Thc Governor to-day received a lotter
from tho War Department in which a
claim is maile against the State for $:>!<>,
000, the alleged am?.mit duo hy tho State
for the seizure of certain guns and am
munition in Charleston in December,
I stitt. This was alleged to have been
done hy Col. Cunningham of the Seven
teenth Infantry of South Carolina, and
by order of Governor Picketts. The lot
ter to tho Governor is from tho Comp
troller of tho Treasury, and payment is
insisted upon.
It is supposed that this old claim,
even though it has no merit, is meant to
offset tho claim of thc State against the
National Government for two hundred
thousand and more dollars on account of
the Mexican war and other claims dur
ing more recent wars, lt presents a most
interesting situation to say tho least.
Daily Itecord, May loth.
An Epidemic of Whooping Cough,
bast winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
thc (li soaso, having severe coughing
spells. Wo had used Chamberlain's
Cough Itomody very successfully for
croup ?.nd naturally turned to il al that
time and found it relieved the cough and
elleeted a complete cure.-.lohn K, Clif
ford. Proprietor Norwood House, Nor
wood, N. Y. This reinedv is for sale by
.1. \V. Boll, Walhalla: W. .1. Lunney,
Seneca; II. 1!. Ki minor man, Westminster.
September 7, IS'JU.
Enough ovidenco Itns been adduced to i
show that tho killing of Goobel was a '
cold-blooded murder-au assassination,
carefully planned and skillfully exe
Trespass Notice.
Abb persons aro hereby noli Ped not
to trespass or outer upon my lands
without consent. Those who do so will
he dealt with according to law.
.1. ll. A IJKX AN DIOR.
May Ki, HMM). 20-2:5*
Bridge to Let.
Filii li County Supervisor will let , to tho
J., lowest responsible bidder, tho con
tract to build a bridge over Cano Creek,
on new road leading from Fair Play to
Knox's Iiridge, just beyond lion Meritt's
residence. The letting will ho at bridgo
site on May ?Mst, 1000. Tho Hoard re
serves the right to reject any and all bids.
Supervisor Oconoo County.
May 15, 1000. 20-22 |
INotiee ol' l^inaxl Set
tlement ?1X1 <1 JLM.K
NOTICE is hereby given thal thc un
dersigned will make application to j
1). A. Smith, Ksq., .(migo of Prohato
for Oconoo county, in tho State of South
Carolina, at bis ellice at Walhalla Court
House, on Monday, tho ll tb day of j
Juno, 1000, at ll o'clock in the fore
inion, or as soon thereafter as said appli
cation can bo heard, for leave to make
lilia] settlement of tho estate of Tims. L,
Gibson, deceased, and Html discharge
as Adiniuistratoi of said estate.
Administrator of Kstate of Thomas L.
(iihson, Deceased.
May in, 1000. 10-22
Notice ol' Pinal {Set
tlement ix ri cl l>iss
NOTICE is hereby given thal tho un
dersigned will make application lo
I). A. Smith, Ksq., Judge of Probate
for OCOIIOO county, in tho State of South
Carolina, nt his ellice at Walhalla Court
House on Saturday, tho 10th ?lay of
Juno. 1000, at ll o'clock in the fore
noon, or as soon thereafter as said ap
plication can ho heard, for lea\o to make
ilnal settlement of the estate td F. H.
Williams, deceased, and for lina) dis
charge as Administrator of said estate.
Administrator of Kstate of F. II. Wil
liams, deceased.
May lu, 10(H). 10-23
Sliei'iiT'8 ?v?nleH.
1)Y t/IKTUK ot sundry executions to mc ill?
> reeteil by.). lt. Kay, Treasurer ot Oeoueo
eoiuitv, I will sell, liefere thu Court linnie door,
In Walhalla, S. C.i Knlesdny in JUNK, itHMI,
Hie following described properly, lo-wlt:
All tlcu piece, parcel or lot or bimi, lying in
thc town ul Walhalla, nu Ann street, amt humid
eil in tamis oi thc estate ut .lohn Kaufmann,
deceased, un thc smith nv the colored Methodist
chin? h. on north Itv the vstnte of John Kauf
mann, un Hie west hy Aim street, and Kiowa as
Hie Henderson McKinney tut, containing ono
and i on.--1 io 11 acres, minc or less. Levied
on as Hie properly ul Henderson McKinney, ul
suit ill thc Slate lor laxes.
Also, all lieu piece, parcel ur tract of laud, in
Tillaloo tow iiship, ( Icmii'i' county. Smith l an
Ima, ?un? i iiiing twelve (12) acics, more ur les:
mid hounded by lands ol J. T. Cox, J. T. Shod,
A. /.iuituoiiuau and otliers. Levied un tis thc
piopi'i i v ol Hm estate ol' Handy Mucliolvone, p.
i-., al -nil ol lin' Stale Inr taxes.
Also, all that piri e, parcel ur Had of laud,
ly Inti in I'hatiooga township, Ocoiiec county,
si. ml L Carolina, on wains ul Changa creek, and
hounded by lands ol John Walls, eslato ol ll.
W. Kuhl maim, W. .1. I m Uh' amt others, cont ai li
ing two hundred ami seventy-eight (278) ames,
nunc or loss. Ix?vieil un as ihr projierly ol Wm,
Lennie \- Illus., at suit ol thc Slate lui laxes.
'terms ul Sale-Cash. I'm chasm s tu pay extra
fur lillis. VV. W. .Vu?SS,
Shel ill i Iconee Comity.
.Ma\ tn, tann. 10-22
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains !
Our Now Stock of Organdies, Lawns, Dimitios, Pique, Porcalos, A:c.,
and buy your Spring and Summer Dresses before they are picked ovor.
Wo havo a full line of CLOTHING, HATS, S II I HTS, LADIES*,
GENTS'and CHILDREN'S SHOES, and ovorytbiug in dents' Furnishing Gojds
that aro strictly up-to-date, dive us a call before buying and wo will save you
"Wo havo on band some genuino Muscnvado and Now Oilcans Molasses. Try
uno gallon ami you will want moro.
Wagon and buggy Material of all kinds. In fact wo try lo keep everything
von want or need, and will bo glad to sell to you as cheap or cheaper than yon can
buy olsowhoro. Our motto: "LIVE AND LET LIVE."
dive us your patronage, and wo guarantee valuo received for your money.
Yours truly,
0 A II T E R & C O.
I Sell The Best on
the Market,
i Ax^r,?^ . j 1,000 A* ii s 11 el H liar Corn,
i wnnt,. J jo.OOO A*iin<lle? Good Fodder*
ZIT '"'"Dynamite always on hand.
T, E. Alexander,
Livery, Feed and Stile Stuhle, "Walhalla, S. C.
Look ! Price ! Buy
1 STAND, where I will he glad to seo nil nf my customers and thc people generally,
especially those who want to GET MORE KOK THEIR MONLY than they can get
My store house is full and running over with goods bought before .the late ad
vance, such ns Dry Goods, Notions, Sl oes, Clothing, Hats, Furniture, Crockery,
dlasswaro, Drugs, A.c. Also a complete linc of Hardware, wit h Stoves and all kinds
of ll ol low-ware.
Have just received a complete line of buggy. Wagon and Slip Harness. Have
plenty of extra Single Check Lines, Collars, bridles, Ac, at reasonable prices.
1 have a full line of Groceries and Canned dodds that w ill go cheap. When it
conies to Coffoo and Flour 1 am away ahead, as 1 got a largo stock before the rise.
Como and sec mc and I will soil you for cash or till fall and save you money.
Will buy your SHINGLES, CHICKEN'S, EGGS, A c.
West Union,
S. C.
5 ?uWWi* "Fred Kauffmaim" li
? ? ])?''?' 011 a is n rm cn t corresponds to i ?
(?|) I^:.f\y^^^^^^MP^ tho sterling mark on silver i (^)
II^^TK ff lillaT I
10,000 yards Wrecked Sheeting, 3-yd, Goods-you know what it is worth ;
My price, - 5c.
50 Ten-pound Caddies of "Little Henry" Tobacco, from the Railroad,
at $2.75, - - worth $^.00.
All kinds of Plows, - -- -- -- -- -at 4c.
My DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is full. To reduce this I will give cut
prices on everything. A lot of Sea Island Percals, carried over from last
year, fast colors, at 5 cents. A nice new lot Simpson Prints at 5 cents.
My line of Clothing is complete. All
the new weaves and styles at prices to
suit you.
r^i??S?2U } T CLOTHING < Nothing Shoddy,
Correct. Stylos, . ?; Every Suit
Right. Prices, ) F0" MEN AND B0YS? ( A Great Bargain.
Call and see my stock and you will
be convinced.
I am over-stocked in this line, and
in order to reduce it I will give you
some rare bargains.
Oak Post Beds at .... $1.25, worth $2.00.
Bureaus (Railroad) at . 3.25, worth 5.00.
Oak Dressers, French Plate Glass, at 7.00, worth 9.50.
Oak Double-draw Dressers for . 8.50, worth 12.50.
If you need anything in Furniture
be sure and see my stock.
Ballard's Flour Always on Hand !
Coffins, Caskets, Robes, &c. Orders filled day or night.
O ?

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