OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 26, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1912-11-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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Now Series No. ?02.-Voluino LXIV.-No. -18.
?J? ?J. .J? ?J. "J. ?J? ?J? ?|? A .J. fr oj? .J, fr fr
Better Shoes
for Your Money
You know that price doesn't always doterinino the quality
of an article; it matters not what you buy.
The best evidence is the number of satisfied customers and
the continual repeat sales. Ask any wearer what he thinks of
"Star Brand" Shoes. You'll find thom all to be well satisfied.
And why should they not? Every "Star Brand" Shoe is mado
of the best tanned leather. No substitutes nro ever used. Each
pair ls made ovor comfort-giving lasts, with just enough style
to mark their individuality. You cnn get them In any of tho pop
ular leathers.
Somo of Our Popular Sellers:
The "Patriot"-"A fino shoo for men."
Tho "Pilgrim"-"The business man's shoo."
"Stronger-Than-The-Law" -"The strongest and longest
wearing work shoes."
The "Soft & Good"-"A work shoo true to name."
Tho "Our Family"--"For every member of the family."
"Tess and Ted"-School shoes for girls and boys. Look bet
ter, flt better-wear longer.
Try a pair.
<<STAq PR/WP ^9ri? ftRE ?TETTFR"
Walhalla, S. C.
fr fr oj? fr fr fr oj? fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr
Money is Power !
Labor is Power !
You work a week for $ J 0.00.
That ten dollars represents a week of your life
work. You are a week older, and as the weeks,
months and years go by your strength is gradually
exhausted; you have put your strength into dollars.
What nave you done with these dollars? Have
iou spent them as fast as you earned them? If you
ave. you are poor indeed; but if you have spent only
a patt of the dollars, and kept some of them, you have
in these dollars stored -up energy and strength to
provide for you in your ola' age.
How much better still is your position if you hive
put these saved dollars to work for you 1
A good way to do this is to deposit them in some
good, strong bank.
The Westminster Bank,
Westminster, S- O.,
is a good place to put these dollars.
President. Cashier.
J. M. NORRIS, Assistant Cashier.
Senator Isador Raynor Dead.
Washington, Nov. 25.-Senator Is
ador Raynor, of Maryland, ono of
the leading Democrats, and a man
whoso name was offered at tho Chi
cago convention, by Mr. Bryan, as a
suitable candidato for President,
died early this morning with neuri
tis. Ho had been in a comatose con
dition since last Wednesday.
His Illness covered a period of BIX
weeks, and his death was hastened
by an attempt to enter active work
In tho recent campaign.
Hts death creates a vacancy in the
Senate which probably will be filled
by a Republican through the ap
pointment by Governor Goldsbor
ough. Senator Raynor was sixty-two
years of age and was a member of
the judiciary and the foreign rela
tions committees.
Democratic Chances in Dalance.
Washington, Nov. 25.-Tho con
trol of tho Senate after March 4th
hinges on Senator Raynor's death.
His probable Republican successor
will hold office until the Maryland
Legislature meets In January, 1914.
Tho Democratic strength in tho Sen
ato will still bo 48 out of a total
membership of 96.
10,201,431 DADE8 TO NOV. 14.
Nearly Million and Hali Hales flin
ned from November 1 to 14.
Washington, Nov. 21.-Cotton
ginning during the ftfth period of
the season, from November 1 to No
vember 14, was more active this year
than it was during tho record crop
year of 1911 by about 5,000 bales a
working day.
Tho total ginning for tho period
was 1,422,209 bales, compared with
1,342,331 bales last year. From the
beginning of tho soaBon to November
14 tho quantity ginned was 10,291,
431 bales, compared with 11,313,230
bales last year.
The average ginning a working
day woo 129,291 boleB, compared
with 122,030 bales during tho same
period last year.
Last year to November 14 thor?
had been ginned 11,313,236 bales,
or 72.7 per cent of the entire crop;
in 1908 to that dato, 9,595,809 bales,
or 73.3 per cent, and In 1906 to that
dato 8,562,242 bales, or 65.9 per
An estimate of this year's cotton
crop will bo Issued by tho depart
ment of agriculture December 12th
at 2 p. m.
Included In tho glnnings to No
vember 14 are 62,490 round bales,
compared with 75,963 bales last
year, 93,364 bales in 1910, 123,757
bales in 1909 and 173,908 bales in
The number af sea island cotton
bales Included were 42,321, compar
ed with 71,20 4 bales last year, 68,
495 bales lu 1909 and 56,701 bales
In 1908.
Qlnniug8 prior to November 14 by
States, with comparisons for last
year and other big crop years and
the percentage of the entire crop
ginned prior to that date in those
years, follow:
Dy States.
Year. Oinnings Per Ct.
1912. 961,378 -
1911.1,239,211 73.1
1908.1,020,724 76.6
1906." 834,910 67.3
1912.. 545,988 -
1911.. 563,115 62.0
? 1908_v. 605,232 66.8
1906. 453,668 50.7
1912. 42,154 -
1911 . 65,236 69.1-1
1908. 51/497 72.9
1906 . 42,278 68.8
1912.1,331,111 -
1911.2,106,305 75.4
1908. 1,564,037 79.1
1906. 1,193,147 73.1
1912 . 309,811 -
1911 . 269,548 70.8
1908. 341,953 73.3
1906. 552,919 57.9
1912 . 6 4 4,115 .
1911 . 719,638 61.6
1908.1,086,183 67.0
1906 . 384,275 62.9
North Carolina
1912 . 627,045 -
1911. 716,200 63.6
1908. 451,434 66.0
1906. 384,275 62.9
1912 . 722,512 -
191 1 . 657,497 64.7
1 il 08. 322,051 46.7
1906 . 484,996 55.6
South Carolina
1912. 882,978 -
1911 . 1,163,984 68.8
1908. 938,926 77.2
1906. 654,458 71.7
1912 . 158,072 -
191 1 . 264,777 61.6
1908 . 243,493 72.9
1906 . 142,601 48.7
1912.4,019,317 -
1911 .3,473,702 84.6
1908. 2.863,528 78.9
190(5 . 2,995,791 75.7
Other States
1912. 55,952 -
191 1 . 74,023 53.3
1908 . 4 6,751 63.9
1906. 30,371 44.5
Sea Island.
The glnnings of sea island cotto*,i
prior to November 14, by States fol
low :
Years. Fla. Oa. S. C.
1912 ....14,052 23,822 2,547
191 1 ... .26,818 41,730 2,656
1909 _23,453 38,825 6,217
1908 ....2.'!,020 '26,833 6,248
Tampa ..Killer" Pays Penalty.
Tampa, Fla., Nov. 22.-Robert
Anderson, alias "Thc Killer," solf
son fessed negro murderer of th reo
while persons, was hanged hero at
noon to-day. Thousands witnessed
the hanging. Anderson addressed
his race from tho gnllows and hold
himself up as an example of the
law-breaker. Ho was convicted on
November Otb.
Sight of Callows Fatal.
Tampa, Fla., Nov. 22.-Ills de
sire to see the banging of a negro
murderer at tho county jail here to
day cost aged Guillermo Gonzales
his life. Gonzales, who was about
70 years of age, gained admittance
lo the Jail yard, took a long look at
the gallows and fell dead of heart
illscase. There was considerable ex
citement over the occurrence, which
transpired nearly an hour before the
time sot for tho execution of the
murderer. '
1 ) Ol' &IO-B R E A Z IO A1 i IO WEDDING.
lV>p?Mr l'ouiig Couple Married Last
Thursday-Other Local Neus.
Setfoca, Nov. 25.---Special: On ae
eounttjOf the absence from (.own of
the ttyo local pastors, there will be
no pi'Mkchlng on Thanksgiving, as is
tho ci?tom here. This fact is greatly
deplored hy our church people. It
has biran many years since (if ever)
a Ilk j? circumstance occurred herc.
Anotmhf. deplorable feature is that
there-will be no opportunity to make
tho offerings for our orphanages.
As ".X Thanksgiving approaches
worjdly affairs give way to self-ex
amination and the question comes,
"For , Hvhat are wo thankful this
Mrjj'and Mrs. William Neill and
daughter will spend the Thanksgiv
ing holidays In Seneca. Their friends
will bfe pleased to seo them again.
Ajtlsi Verna Stribllng left Monday
for Affderson, whore she will spend
this vrajiek with her friend, Miss Bes
sie Sharpe, whose wedding occurs on
the 2tt of December. She will at
tend tie pre-nuptial affairs this week
and will act as maid of honor at the
weddntg. * Miss Sharpe will be wed
ded tflTj. J. Fertwell, Jr., and the
weddlTO will be a brilliant church
affalr/ftand will take place in tho
First .Presbyterian church.
Mre?G. W. Gignllllat, Misses Lula, 1
Sue anjd Norm:: Gignilliat, Messrs.
Francljf Adams and R. K. Nlmmom.
wont .flown to Atlanta for "Pete;
Pari'';||st Thursday night. |
MlsJ&Mary Julia Reid entertained
a few'i?f her friends delightfully last
Frldamfevening. Games and music i
were enjoyed and late In the evening 1
deUch?? refreshments were served.
Mrs.'j. T. Ilolleman entertained;
her Sunday school class at a delight- !
ful para? last Friday evening. The
evening was spent In games, and a
geographical contest was enjoyed.
MlBS'Macle Sltton and Wilkes Dendy
won ';tlvej prize. A delightful sweet
luncheon was served. ;
Mrs?kiL. W. Vorher will entertain
the hi?i?ibors of the Once-a-Week
S week, in honor of Mrs.
ill, at. an open meeting,
l/alla Bailenger ls vi?ltlng In
this" week.
Wm. N<
Dr, Wy R. Doyle is in Hot Springs
forj?{' .^'.weeks for his health.,
.Ia,,y .'?orrna Gignllllat entertained
on Monday-evening in honor of hor
attraclve young visitor, Miss Fannie
I Chandler. \
Miss Margaret Morrison will spend
Thanksgiving at her home In Clem
Bon and will bo accompanied by Miss
Florence Reid.
Mrs. B. O. Hopkins, with B. O.,
Jr., bas returned to her home here,
after a visit of some weeks to her
homo people at Central.
Easloy and Seneca basket ball
teams will play here Tuesday after
noon. Our boys are practicing for
the event and will make lt a close
game, having been defeated last
weok at Easley by a score of 24 to
Mrs. J. J. Daniell, of Marietta, is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
F. Bacon.
On Tuesday night the first open
meeting of the Palmetto Literary So
ciety will he held in tho high school
auditorium. A debate, speeches and
music will constitute the Interesting
program, which will he given In full
next week.,
On last Thursday, the 21st Instant,
a beautiful wedding occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Doyle, at |
Calhoun, when they gave In marriage i
their daughter, Leila, to Roy Over- I
ton Breazeale. Tho ceremony, after
the manner of tho simple Presbyte- '
r?an service, was said at high noon,
tho bride's pastor, Rev. Mr. Mills, of
Clemson College, officiating. The .
handsome new home was admirably ?
suited for a large affair, and the
natural beauty of the Interior was I
greatly enhanced hy elaborate deco
ration. The conservatories of the
college were literally robbed of their
gorgeous display of ferns, and na- I
tlvo bamboo and Ivy were used with
beautiful effect. Bridal colors were
When the Frost i,
(James White
When the frost ls on tho punk in and
tho fodder's In tho shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobblo
of the strutt In' turkey-cock,
And th?e oacklin* of the guiheys, and
tho cluckin' of tho hens,
And tho rooster's hallylooyer as he
tip-toes on tho fence;
O, lt's then's the time's a feller 18 a
feeltn' nt his best,
With the rlsin' sun to greet him from
a night o? peaceful rest,
As ho leaves the house, bare-headed,
and goos out to feed tho stock,
When the frost Is on the punkin and
tho fodder's in tho shock!
They's something klndo' hearty-like
about, tim atmusfero.
When the heat of summer's over and
tho coolin' fall ls here;
Of course we miss the flowers and the
blossoms on tho trees,
And tho mumble of the hummin'
blrds and bu/zln' of tho bees;
But tho air's so appotl'/ln', and thc
landscape through tho bazo
Of a crisp and sunny, mornln' of the
airly autumn days
ls a plctur' that no palntor has thc
color?n' to mock
When tho frost is on the punkin and
tho fodder's In tho shock! '
seen throughout the entire suit and
myriads of white roses were used In
tai' vases, on mantels nnd inter
twined in tracings of green.
In fl parlor the bridal party
stood en tableau, and promptly at
12 the doors were drawn, showing a
picture of rare beauty. The couple
stood under an arch and were at
tended ' . Oliver Doyle as best man,
Mrs. li. 0. Doyle, matron; Miss L.
D. Ramsa/, maid of honor, and Miss
Dit Ramsay, bridesmaid. Mrs. Doyle
wore her bridal gown, a handsomo
charmeuse, en train, with black pic
ture hat, carrying an arm bouquet of
white chrysanthemums. The maid
of honor was beautiful in a white
lace costume over green messaline,
the bridesmaid wearing a becoming
lingerie frock with real lace trim
mings, both wearing large black
picture hats, green sashes, and car
rying white chrysanthemums. The
llttlo flower girls, Misses Dorothy
Cheek and Janie Lawrence, wero
veritable fairies in white chiffon
frocks over green messaline, with
green ribbons, bearing baskets of
white roses. It ls mete that a bride
should bo her very prettiest in her
wedding dress, and while this may
not always be so, In this instance ii
was undoubtedly true, hor friends
agreeing that "a fairer bride the sun
ne'er shone on." The suit waa a
champagne melton cloth, with hat,
shoes and gloves to match, and she
carried bride's roses with shower of
valley Hilos.
Immediately before the ceremony ]
Mrs. T. V. McCaul sang "O, Promise j
Me," and during tho ceremony Mrs. .
Rebecca Shiver played softly on the
piano "Tromnir," and with tho im- '
pre8slve ring ceremony the popular
young couple wero mado man and
Immediately after the ceremony j
an informal reception was held, when I
the guests offered congratulations ?
and viewed tho beautiful display of
presents. The elegant apartments
were comfortably filled with a large
company of friends and relatives,
and tho effectiveness of the elabo- I
rate decorations waB enhanced by
the use of myriads of star-like can- ?
dies, which shed their soft light over I
the previously darkened rooms, ?
when drawn shades had shut out the
rude glare of mid-day. An elabo
rate menu was served, In which tho.
color motif was minutely carried tfut/V
Misses Ethel Smith, Macie Sit ton, j
Elizabeth and Joe Lawrence serving, j
The bride is tho only daughter of '
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle, and slnco her
debut bas been most popular in I
Clemson College society circles. The I
groom is a popular conductor on the
Southern. After a wedding trip the
young couple will reside in Atlanta. I
Tho best wishes of hosts of friends
follow them. I
Charleston Convicts Escape.
Charleston, Nov. 2 5.-Seven ne
gro convicts, known to be armed I
with three shotguns of the "pump" j
variety and one pistol, aro to-day at |
large as the result of a jail delivery
which occurred yesterday afternoon
at 5.30 o'clock at the convict camp
on tho Blue House road, two miles
east of Ladson. The negroes are
men who aro serving sentences of
from four to fifteen years, on charges
ranging from housebreaking to mur
der, and who were considered among
tho most, dangerous prisoners In
Charleston county. Every ono of the ?
seven had escaped at some timo or
other since his Imprlsonemnt.
Hawk Escapes, but Man Dies.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 23.
While examining a hammerless re
volver with which his wife had tried
during tho day to shoot a hawk and
failed because tho weapon vvould
not work, J. E. Love, a prominent
planter of Boynton, On., was shot
through the head at 8 o'clock last
night, dying Instantly. The pistol,
as his wife was handing lt to him,
fell to the floor and discharged. The
bullet entered Love's chin and came
out at. tho toi> of his skull.
s on the Punkin.
omb Riley.)
The husky? rusty russel of the tossels
of tho corn,
And the raspln' of the tangled leaves,
as golden as the morn;
Tho stubble lu tho furrios-kindo'
lonesome-like, but still
A-preachin' senna ns to us of tho
barns they glowed to fill;
The strawstack In the modder, and
tho reaper In the shed;
The bosses In their stalls below-the
clover overhead!
O, lt sets my heart a-cllckin', like the
tlckin' of a clock,
When tho frost ls on the punkin nnd
the fodder's in tho shock!
Then your apples all is gathered, and
tho ones a feller keeps
Is poured around tho cellar-floor In
red and yellow heaps;
And your cider-makin' 's over, and
your wlmmorn-folks Is through
With their mineo and apple butter,
and their souse and sausage, too!
I don't know how to tell lt-but ef
sich a thing could bo
As the angels wantln' boardln', and
they'd call around on me
I'd want to 'commodato 'em-all tho
whole indurln' flock
When tho frost Is on tho punkin and
tho fodder's in t,no shock!
McManlgal Found Oldld Playing with
80 Stielt? of Explosive!
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 22.-Ortio
B. McManlgal'8 story of finding his
little daughter In tho kitchen of his
Chicago home playing with eighty
one-pound sticks of dynamite, which
he had left on a radiator to thaw,
was told hy him at the "dynamite
conspiracy" trial to-day. Tho dyna
miter testified that ho and James B.
McNamara had gone to Chicago io
blow up non-union work in February,
1911, but when they reached Chicago
from Indianapolis they found the ex
plosive frozen.
At James D.'s suggestion ho put
tho dynamite on a radiator and went
to look over the proposed job. When
he returned he said his little daugh
ter was on tho floor with tho dyna
mite and James B., tho Los Angeles
Times dynamiter, was testing a bat
tery on tho doorbell.
"James B. laughed when ho saw
my little girl toying with tho explo
sive," said McManlgal.
"He said, 'Tell papa what that
ls.' My little girl replied, 'Why, lt's
dynamite. I know lt won't hurt me,'
and kept on playing.
"She said she had seen boys in a
vacant lot kicking nbout sticks that
looked like dynamite. Tho way J.
B. laughod made me mad and I or
dered him out of tho house."
I McManlgal said when ho and
I James B. went to South Chicago they
found the glare of nearby furnaces
so brilliant they did not do as much
damage ns they intended, placing
only two bombB instead of four.
Witness Intimidated.
Joseph Schwartz, Chicago, was ar
rested this afternoon charged with
attempting to obstruct justice by in
timidating Cornelius L. Crowley, of
Monica, Pa., a government witness In
tho dynamite cases. Crowley said
Schwartz, in the 'presence of a de
tectivo, told him not to testify to
the truth.
Stealing 1,200 pounds of dyna
mite, hiding lt in a shed at Tiffin,
Ohio, and then In suit cases trans
porting it on passenger trains to In
dlanapolis was an, experience, also re
lated by McManlgal.
Confident that.tho agitation over
tito I*)s Angeles . explosiona would
"blow over" and that James B. Mc
namara would be ablo to do moro
"Jobs," McManlgal added, plans wore
begun In January, 1911, to carry on
the dynamite campaign with zest.
"When I reported to J. J. McNa
mara how easy it had been to steal
tho dynamite from a stone quarry at
Bloomvllle, Ohio, and store lt In my
father's shed at Tiffin, ho was pleas
ed," said McManlgal. "I brought
him several suit cases of dynamite as
a sample and he locked lt up In a
vault, nt the office of the International
Association of Bridge and Structural
Iron Workers. J. J. said he would
send James B. vor to help mo carry
lt. We brought lt in such quantities
that J. J. said he could not store it
all at tho Iron workers' office. We
had about 1,200 pounds."
Will Propose a Two-Cent Rate for
Inter-StRito Travel.
Lynchburg, Va., Nov. 23.-A reso
lution proposing a two-cent passen
ger rate, to be operative In South
Carolina, will bo offered for adoption
to tho railroad commission of South
Carolina by Col. John ?. Richards,
Jr., at an early date. Col. Richards,
who was in attendance upon the Con
vention of tho National Association
of Railway Commissioners authorized
this statement to-day.
A resolution was offered to-day to
tho convention by Col. Richards to
have tho Inter-State Commerce Com
mission consider the matter of dis
crimination in regard to mileage
book travel limited In tho United
States and to have it pass a uniform
rule governing the ?iso of mileage
by roads In the several States, The
debate waxed warm and ellcitod
much favorablo comment, but was
finally rejected.
in an interview Col. Richards said:
"Every effort was made to get relief
for the people of South Carolina.
Prior to tho convention I had written
to the president Of every road in
South Carolina, wherein I requested
them to reinstate the Inter-changea
ble mileage, which' was only discon
tinued after the passage of the rocont
act of the Legislature regarding pu li
ing of mileage on trains.
"Some of these officials answered,
some did not. The result was not
satisfactory. As a last resort I en
deavored to have our National Asso
ciation get us relief through tho ln
ter-Stato Commerco Commission.
Having failed in this, I am now In
favor of tho establishment of a two
cent rate for Intor-State travel, and
I will at an early dale proposo a reso
lution carrying into effect this plan.
I consider the railroads unjust to
their South Carolina patrons In tho
discontinuance of tho interchangeable
mileage. lt ls nothing moro than
spilo work." 4.
Don't wasto your money buying
strengthening plasters. Chamber
lain's Liniment ls cheaper and hot
ter. Dampen a plcco of flannel with
it and bind lt over tho affected parts
and it will relievo tho pain and sore
ness. For salo by all dealers, adv.
., . ---"
R. K. Currln has boen selected to
rnanago tho Clemson Agricultural
station in Florcnco county.

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