OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 04, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1912-12-04/ed-1/seq-6/

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Published Every Wednesday Moruliig
Subscription 81 Per Annum.
Advertising Rutes Reasonable.
Communications of a personal char
acter charged for as advertise
Obituary notices and tributes of re
spect, of not over ono hundrod
words, will be printod free of
eharge. All over that number
must bo paid for at tho rat? of ono
cont a ord. Cash to accompany
manusci .pt.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1012,
Prominent Speakers Will Ile Present
nt Nat ional Corn Exposition.
Columbia, Nov. Special: Wal
ter ll. Pane, ol" New York, editor of
The World's Work, and Dr. David E.
Houston, ol' St. Louis, chancellor of
Washington Unlvorsity, have accept
ed invitations to deliver addresses on
National Education Day at the Fifth
National Corn Exposition hero next
January. Doth men are well known
In this section. Dr. Houston is ono
of the prominent educators of tho
South. Hoth be and Mr. Pago have
devoted much time to the study of
problems pertaining to tho better
ment of rural life.
National Education Day has been
fixed for Friday, January 31, the ex
position opening on the 27th. Other
prominent educators who have ac- j
cepted invitations to speak on this j
day are J, D. Eggleston, State Super
intendent of Education of Virginia,
and Miss Mabel Carney, of Normal
University, Normal. 111., secretary of1
thc Illinois Country Life Federation.
The addresses of this day will be di
rected to real problems in school
Improvement and in tho Improve
ment and development in rural
schools especially. A series of ex
hibits, demonstrating tho methods,
value and need of rural school im
provement, is being prepared for the
exposition by President D. 13. John
son and a special committee of the
Winthrop faculty.
Treating a different phase of the
same subject will be the country
community exhibit, to be put on by
Miss Mabel Carney in co-operation
with the rural life department of
thc Presbyterian board of homo mis
sions of New York. This exhibit
will deal with rural schools and
church problems and their relations
to the rural community. Dr. S. C.
Mitchell, president of the University
of South Carolina, ls in charge of the
program arrangements for National
Education Day.
Called to Meet in Columbia On
Thursday, .In nun ry Kith.
Thc South Carolina State Farmers'
Union is hereby tailed to convene in
Columbia Thursday, January 16th,
1013, ?it 3 p. m.. and will probably
be in session through tho 17th.
All county unions in the State are
urged lo send delegates and nil mem
bers in .nood standing are cordially
invited to attend. In counties wher(!
there ls no counts union organized
each local union ls requested to send
one del,'nate. Count) unions will
clod delegates according lo the usual
basis of representation.
Tho Legislature will be in session,
lt is the purpose of this meeting to
place properly before the committee
of the Legislature tho measures we
wish enacted into law. The legisla
tive committee will re po ri a State
warehouse hill thal has been care
fully prepared and is pronounced
will nigh pc rf eel by constitutional
law;, eis to whom it was submitted.
There will bc other matters of legis
lation to bo considered In which the
union is vitally interested.
The work of tho union throughout
Ibo state will |)o reviewed and plans
for the extension of thc organization
will be discussed
flood reports aro coming in from
various parts of Ibo State, and w e
have reason to exp.'ct ibis to be one
of tho most representative i.tines
of the organized farmers of thc Stale
ever holli.
Hy order of the executive commit
lee: . li. \v. Dubbs.
President, and Chairman.
J. Whittier Ito . Secretary.
Giants' President is Dead.
St. Louis. Nov. 27. John T.
Drush, millionaire president of tho
New York National league baso hall
team, died of locomotor ataxia on
lils private car Oceanic, just as a Chi
cago, Burlington and Quincy train,
to which his car was attached, was
pulling into Scoburgor, Mo., 36 miles
north of hore, at 12.15 this morning.
Ho had been In ill health for several
years and the flying trip across the
country was begun in an effort to
better the ball magnate's health.
?fr fr fr fr fr 'I* *I**M?*I*?I**I*
Prepared Weekly for
By J. Una Ladd.
v. .J. ?j. ?j? ?J? ?J? ?J??J??|??J??J? ?f .j? ..*<
Computing Dairy Butions.
Bulletin No. Ii i, having tho above
title, ls Issued by the Pennsylvania
station, H. E. Van Norman, author.
Feeding experiments conducted at
the Pennsylvania station and other
stations show that rations computed
according to the new, "net energy"
standards aro much moro accurate
and satisfactory than those computed
by the old "digestible nutrients"
standard. The old standard assumed
that all of the digestible nutrients
found in a ration were used either
in the maintenance of the cow or in
tiu> produclton of milk excepting
what was voided in tho manure. But
more careful tests have shown that
there aro three other means of loss
besides the manure, namely, in gas,
in urine and in the bodily functions
of chewing, digesting and assimilat
ing the food. Thqt is, the muscular
and nervous energy necessary to
chew, digest and assimilate the food
requires a considerable portion of
that food to sustain it or to replace
the tissues worn out in these pro
cesses. For convenience this loss is
designated "loss by labor."
By the old standard, lt was found
that of every 100 pounds of corn
meal, nine and two-tenths pounds
(expressed 9.2) passed out in the
manure, and it was assumed that the
other 90.8 pounds went to the main
tenance of the cow and the produc
tion of milk. But more caroful tests
show that In addition to the 9.2
pounds voided in the manure, 9.3
pounds pass off in the form of gas,
3.9 pounds In urine and 3G.3 pounds
go to support the labor of chewing,
digesting, assimilating, etc., making
a total loss of 58.7 pounds and leav
ing only 41.3 pounds out of each 100
, pounds of corn meal for the produc
tion of milk. (And if she ls preg
I nant, a portion of this must go to
i the growth of the embryo calf within
I the cow.) This 41.3 pounds is called
I tho amount of net energy In 100
i pounds of corn meal.
I For convenience, the scientists cal
culate this ne', enorgy lu "therms." A
i therm is equal to 1,000 calories; that
: is, a therm ls that amount of energy
which, If converted Into heat by the
body processes, would raise the tem
perature of 1,000 pounds of water
. four degrees.
! Now that quantity of food which is
necessary to maintain tho cow at a
uniform weight is called the main
tenance ration, and as a general rule
tho maintenance ration varies ac
, cor ling to the weight of the animal.
I A 750-pound cow requires four
I tenths l. l) pound of digestible pro
? teln and four and 95 one-hundredths
(1.9.")) therms of eel energy for ber
I maintenance. A l.OuO-pound cow
' requires*.? (half) a pound of digesti
ble ina* er protein and 6.44 therms
of net energy; a 1,250 pound cow ,6
pound of digestible protein and 7.00
j therms of net energy, and so on.
If the cow is expected to produce
i milk, sile must have suMclent feed
j over and above tho maintenance ra
tion to produce the milk; otherwise j
a part ol' the feed needed for her
maintenance will he converted Into
milk and she will lose in Hesh and
To produce In pounds of milk con
taining 3 per cent of butter ff re
quires i."> one-hundredths (.45)
pound of digestible protein and two
and two-tor.tbs (2.2) therms of net
energy, for I percent huller fat. in
pounds milk requires .5 pound of di
gestible protein and 3. therms of net
energy; for ."> per cent .r>."i pound di
gestible protein and therms of
net energy.
Of course, in order to produce; 20
pounds of milk, of 3. I or ."> per cent
butter fat, tho feed must contain
twice tho respective quantities of di
gestible protein and net energy given
for i 0 pou mis.
The bulletin gives elaborate tallies
of the quantity of digestible protein
and net energy in rome thirty-odd
different feeding stuffs when of stan
dard grade and unadulterated, and
from these tables desired rations of
perfect balance can bo calculated
willi great accuracy for any cow
when her weight and milk capacity
are known.
Bul for ?til practical purposes it ls
sufficient to know thal for both main
tenance and milk production, an
economic ration for a cow weighing
1,000 pounds and giving 20 pounds
of milk a day having t per cent of
butler fal, should be one containing
one and a half pounds of digestible
protein and 12 therms of energy.
At present prices in Pennsylvania,
cotton seed meal is tho cheapest
source of protein and corn meal the
cheapest source of energy, among tho
concentrated feed stuffs; but variety
helps to maintain appetite and good
digestion- and the addition of dis
tillers' dried grain and gluten feed,
both good protein foods but little
more expensive than cotton, seed
meal, will improve the ration; hence
tho bulletin recommends a mixturo
of 400 pounds corn meal, 100
pounds cotton sood meal, 300 pounds
distiller's dried grain and 100
pounds gluten feed, shoveled over on
a tight door several times to thor
oughly mix thom, and thon food 1
pound of tills mixture for every 4
pounds of mila obtained, and In addi
tion give all the silage and roughage
of good quality tho cow will clean up
without waste. If she commences to
take on fat, reduce the amount of
Tho farmer shon'd remember that
cotton seed meal, linseed meal, oats,
wheat, bran, brewers' grain, gluten
feeds, tankage and bone meal are
rich In protein; wliilo corn, corn
chops or meal, kafllr, milo maize,
barley and roots are sources of en
ergy rather than protein. Rico bran
and rice polish partake somewhat of
tlie nature of both.
Of roughage grass hays, straw
and corn and sorghum fodders are
rich in energy; while the legumes
peas, clover, soy beans, vetches, al- |
faifa, etc.-are rich In protein. Si- I
Iago may be a mixturo of both, but is |
usually of corn or sorghum, and i
therefore a source of energy rather
than of protein.
Effects of liime and Cow Peas on
Wheat Soils.
Bulletin No. 96 of tho Tennessee
station tells of a series of experi
ments on three East Tennessee
farms having different types of soil,
to test the virtue of liming soils and
turning under a catch-crop of cow
peas grown on wheat stubble be
tween tho harvesting of ono crop In
the early summer and tho drilling In
of tho next crop in the fall.
These experiments extended over i
a period of three years on one farm, j
four years on another and five years
on tho third. i
lt was found that two tons of
ground limestone per acre was equal ,
to one ton of slacked lime. The ap-,
plication of lime to a soil capable of
producing a good crop of clover was
unprofitable because unnecessary.
However, for Immediate results In
hastening the breaking down of
coarse stable manure or of a green
crop turned undor, tho application of
lime may bo justified on even good
clover soils. On soils that will not
produce a healthy growth of clover,
and on poor soils that are to be heav
ily fertilized with stable manure or
tho turning undor of a green .crop,
the application of limo is always ad
The plots where tho catch crop of
cow peas was turned under each year
produced very little more wheat
not so much In some cases-than the
plots whore tho peas were cut and
cured for hay. This confirms the
general experience of farmers, that
the roots and stubble of cow peas
su pilly the soil with so much humus
and nitrogen that it pays better to
make hay of the tops than to plow
them under unless tho soil has had
its supply of humus exhausted by
continuous clean culture for a num
ber of successive years.
In these experiments it was found
that land which had previously been
in sod for a number of years and was
therefore rich in humus and nitro
gen at the beginning, actually lost
both humus and nitrogen each year.
In other words, even the turning un- ,
der of the catch crop of cow peas each
fall did not restore MS much nitrogen
and humus to tho soil as was re
moved in the previous crop of wheat
and straw. Oil tho other hand, tho
plots that were poor in humus and
nitrogen at the beginning gained In
both by the yearly additions of tho
catch crop Of peas, whether only the
roots and stubble were added to the
soil or the tops also were turned un
Because wheat extracts from tho
soil largo quantities of both nitrogen
and phosphoric acid, the past heavy
annual exportations Of wheat have
served to transfer much of tho soil
fertility of tills country to Europe.
And the same is true in a larger
sense of thc exportation of cotton
seed meal, which is so rich in plant
food drawn from the soil that mil
lions of tons of lt aro applied to tho
fields direct as a fertilizer, both in
ihi.^ country and abroad.
(tri.soo Gobblers on "Turkey Special"
Washington, Nov. 21.--With a
majority o'f its 65,800 passengers
gobbling their despairing protests, a
special train of forty-two cars raced
through Washington early to-day,
hound for New York with turkeys
from Eastern Tennessee, destined to
grace many a Gotham table. There
were 34 cars filled willi llvo turkeys,
each car In charge of a special man,
who looked after the comfort of tho
fowls, and eight refrigerator cars
containing birds killed and prepared
for market. The "turkey special" ls
said to bo tho biggest shipment of
turkeys made lu many years, if ever.
- - - -^?i. -
Tetter, Salt Rheum and h mn?
Are cured by C'tiaintyerlniiCs Salve. One npplicA
tlou relieves the itching nm\ burning sensation.
If You Rostro Good Germination,
Select in Early Fall.
Clemson College Doc. 2.-lt has
como to the notice of the station
that from time to timo In the spring
on a number of farms tn tho State
there is a scarcity of good seed corn.
The question of how to prevent such
a deplorable condition thou arises,
and tho usual advice given for meet
ing this poor seed corn situation is
to test tho germinating power of
each ear. This is good advice when
lt does not become a yearly habit,
but the germination test is very dis
couraging unless the seed corn ls
gathered and dried early In tho fall,
thus causing the seed to retain full
productiveness which the germina
tion test cannot restore or even pro
perly reveal. No matter how care
fully the seed corn may be tested in
tho spring, the best seed and the
highest vitality cannot bo had un
less selection of mature seed that
have all the characteristics of a good
yielding, acclimated variety, was be
gun in the fall and good care taken
of lt during the winter.
It has been demonstrated that the
early fall use of seed corn racks will
increase tho acre yield of corn by
several bushels on practically all
farms. Tho initial cost is slight and
the racks can be used for a life Hmo
when properly taken caro of and
stored away when not in use. The
sure way for the fanner to avoid us
ing 'and and labor In planting seed
of reduced productiveness ls by se
lecting seed early and caring for lt.
A small house could ho built on each
farm so that the seed for all spring
planting could be kept therein. Such
a house should he well ventilated
and so constructed as to bo In acces
sible to rats and mice. This could
bo dono by inverting a common gal
vanized pan over the pillars. Then
beginning about two or three feet
from the wall a tier of shelves ls
built upward from the floor. These
shelves are made preferably of slats
Instead of solid plank, so as to allow
of sufficient ventilation between tho
ears. About six inches from this
tier another tier of slatted shelves ls
built and so on in pairs across the
room. Two or three feet ls left be
tween each pair of tiers to permit a
man with a basket to pass through,
placing the ears on tho shelves. The
husked oars are placed on these
shelves after selection In early fall,
and will soon dry out, thus lessening
all danger of freezing and thereby
loss of vitality of seed In spring.
A cheaper initial cost can be had
by stringing heavy wire ono and a
half feet apart across from one side
~>f the building or In any dry, well
ventilated bouse on tho farm and
hanging tho corn up to these wires
by means of a double string. Tho
ears are laid In tho two strings,
which aro then crossed, another ear
put on, and so on until the string
of ears is just about two feet from
the floor when tied to the overhead
wire. This method permits of per
fect ventilation between the ears, but
thc weight of tho undried corn some
times breaks the wire or pulls it out
from its fastenings.
Another method in common uso is
to use the upright wires of an old
electrically welded wire fence. The
diagonal wires are cul off short
enough to reach about half the
length of the ear, and the ears of
corn are stuck on these diagonal
wires, tips upward. Usually these
wires are bent upward at a slight
angle to give 111 mer support for tho
oar. These wires should he hung DH
a supporting wire as in case of the
strings. When the building in which
they are stored is proof against ro
dents, these wires can bc hung on
nails from the cross-pieces.
Any one of these und hods insures
the farmer against moldy, diseased
corn and against seed of low vitality,
caused hy alternate freezing and
heating. F. H. deter,
Assistant to Director.
Former Senator (Jordon Dead.
Okolona, Miss., Nov. 28.-Afloran
illness extending over several weeks,
former United States Senator .lames
(Jordon, aged 70, died here early to
day. Ills death was due to tho in
firmities of old ;:go.
Senator (Jordon became prominent
In the Senate when ho delivered tIn
famous "Good will" speech, immedi
ately after his appointment ti) lill the
unexpired term caused by tin? death
Of Senator A. J. McLnurln. Ile was
appointed to tho Senate December
27, 1909, and served until February
22, 1910. In that short timo he
attracted national attention by his
quaint utterances and his unbounded
Senator Gordon served throughout
the War Dotween tho States as a cap
tain In tho Confed?ralo army. Ho
was a successful cotton planter, and
author and poet. His poems and
other articles have appeared in many
prominent publications throughout
tho country. Senator Gordon was
born In December. is;n, and until a
fow months before his death had
been In excollent health.
Before the fertilizer salesman arrives, g
you will not buy 2 per cent, go
per ton. Show him that mc
5 to 10 percent. Potash, a
effect of crops on soils rcoj
thc per cent, of Potash sh
increased until it is as {?rei
greater than, thc per cent. <
phone Acid in thc fertilize!
and your dealer best. Thc i
of the crops arc better and t
costs les
Trio Will Have Pick of Senate Com?
mitten ( 'I in i rn mush i ps.
Washington, Nov. 28.-Control of
the Important committees of the Sen
ate In tho next Congress, when that
body will bo under Democratic dom
ination, has become a question of
pressing Importance. The matter ls
considered so vital to tho shaping of
legislation and Democratic policies
in the new Congress that party lead
ers now here are discussing lt with a
view to obtaining immediate action.
It is expected that some form of a
Democratic Senate caucus or confer
ence will be bold next week to take
preliminary steps tow?.rd reorgani
The Senato committees not only
exercise a practical control over all
legislation of Congres?: but they will
control no little patronage. The agi
tation In Democratic ranks bas arisen
from the fact that a few Democrats
long lu the Senate bold the ranking
positions on practically all the Im
portant committees. If the rules of
seniority aro followed, each will be
allowed to pick the chairmanship of
ono of these committees, and at the
samo timo hold second position on
Senators Bacon, Tillman and Mar
tin, who entered tho Senate In 180ii,
head the Democratic membership of
many committees. Senator Tillman
ls the ranking Democratic member of
eight committees, and under the
seniority system would be entitle.1,
in tho new Congress, to take thc
chairmanship of ono and bold tho
second position on all the others. Un
der the proposed plan he would be
entitled to select a chairmanship, hut
then would have to give second place
on the other committees to members
not now holding important positions.
Among tho committees over which
Senator Tillman would exercise con
trol are appropriations, Inter-State j
commerce and naval affairs. Sena
tor Bacon commands tho first place ?
on five committees, among them for
eign relations, judiciary and rules,
three of the best committees of the
list. In addition to being chairman |
of tho Democratic caucus, Senator
Martin could he chairman of either
of thc four committees, Including
Newberry Mob Lynches Negro.
Newberry, Nov. 23-Will Thomas,
a i negro, accused of the assassina
tion of Spurgeon Johnson, a whito
farmer, several weeks UKO, was taken
from a magistrate's C? astable last
night by a party of . asked men,
chained to a tree and his body rid
dled with bullets. The lynching oc
curred about 14 miles from here,
while tho negro was being brought
to jail. The constable declares he
at first refused to surrender his
prisoner upon the mob's demand
and (Ired his pistol, but his "bluff"
did not work. He says he was I lien i
surrounded hy tho crowd, threaten
od with deatli If lie resisted, and !
told lo get down the road. Ile obeyed I
and a few minutes later heard, he I
says, over 100 shots. Tho negro's
body was found still chained to the j
tree this morning.
Tiie negro had been confined In
jail at .Newberry and was being car
ried back In tho neighborhood of
the crime for a preliminary hearing, i
Dr. King's New Life Pills
Tho best in the world.
Dr. R. V. Pierce of Buffalo, author c
Medical Adviser, says " why does not thc
body as he treats thc land he cultivates,
phatc what bc takes out in crops, or thc li
The farmer should put back into bis hoi
exhausted by labor, or by ill-health indi
disease." Further, be says, " thc great
Pierce's (?olden Medical Discovery is ir
to the stomach and purity to thc blood,
nature with thc substances that build u|
Doctor Pierce's Ciold?
is due to i's effect on thc stomach and <
cases that hetfin in tho stomach arc cure?
is simply tho result of on effort mado b)
and exhausted. I havo found tho ' Dis
ulator and rich blood-maker."
Miss LOTTIE KNISKI.Y of Perth, Knnsi
of tho effectiveness o? your remedy upon
for two years or moro. Doctored with tbr
ons kinds of so-called 4 stomach cures' bul
down, could not sleep at night with the pu
ach. Was weak, could eat scarcely iinyth
time. About ono year and a half ago I he
cry,' and after having taken several boM
Can now eat without distress mid have ga
I thank you for your remedy and wish y
;o to your dealer and explain to him that
ods that contain only 40 pounds of Potash
Klcrn, profitable fertilizers contain from
md.that thc composition of crops and the
uire that
lould be
.t as, or
A l'ho;.
; It is this grad? of goods that pays you
quantity ahd'qualit"
ho actual plant i.>ol
s per pound.
r /or Freo Jook willi
'itu?io Formula*
1 Boll you Potash Salt
nn ; it y (rom 20U ; mu min
to (or prices.
[J?MiH S?ll WORKS, Inc.
?? ?rejjwy, NtfW ?ci?i
M.M?dnocV B!cx'<
CWC?SO, lil.
E?ti ? Trill alis.
ZannuH, Ca.
KMIr.c/ Hi.iV :<y,n,
KtisliioaD), La,
Scrgeont-nt-Arnis of United States
Kennte Passes Away.
Washington, Nov. 28.-Col. Dan
iel M. Rnnsi'ell, sergeant-nt-arms of
the United States Senate, former
United States marshal for tho Dis
trict of Columbia, and an Intimate
friend of the late President Harrison,
died here early to-day as tho result
of an operation performed on Novem
ber 7 th.
Col. Ransdell was one of the well
known figures of public life. He bad
been sergeant-at-arms of tho Senate
for nearly twelve years, having been
elected to tho position In January,
1900. As such officer he had practi
cally completo charge of all official
Senate affairs, the Issuing of sub
poenas in Senate inquiries and the
conduct of Senate functions. He was
70 years of ago and a native of In
dianapolis, Ind.
At the time Col. Ransdell's Wash
ington career bogan under President
Harrison he bad been city clerk and
city counsellor of Indianapolis, a
member of commissions and had held
many positions of trust In Republi
can party affairs. In tho course of
a three-year service In the Union
army he lost his right arm before his
public career began.
Tho Miin Outside.
(Dy Frederic A. Wilson )
Even though without 'tis stormy wea
I drink; you drink; we drink to
The man outside looks through the
And wishes ho were a man again.
Our time is now-we lead our lives,
And we forgot the man who strives
To gain a foothold on the sands,
And shows the world his empty
We seo but once Darno Fortune's
And If we tarry but awhile
We are the men outside the pane
Whoso chance will never como again.
Restored to Health by Vinol
Letter to Mothers.
Anxious mothers often wonder why
tholr children aro so palo, thin and
norvous and havo so little appetite.
For tho benefit of such mothoiu In
this vicinity wo publish tho following
J. Edmund Miller, New Haven,
Conn., says: "My little daughter, over
slnco her birth, bad been frail and
sickly, and was a constant source of
worriment. Several months ago wo
commenced to givo her Vlnol. I Im
mediately noted an improvement in
her health and appearance I gave
hor tbreo bottles of Vinol, and from
tho good lt bas dono her I can truly
say lt will do all you claim."
This child's recovery was duo to
tho combined action of tho medicinal
elomonts extracted from cods' livers,
-combined with the blood-making
nnd strength-creating properties of
tonic Iron, which aro contained In
Vinol will build up and strengthen
dellcato children, old peoplo and the
weak, run-down and debilitated, wc
return tho monoy lu every case whore
It falls.
J. W. Bell, Druggist, Walhalla, S. C.
i thc Common Sense
! farmer trent bis own
Ile puts back in phos?
ind would grow poor,
ly tho vital elements
iced h> some chronio
vnluo of my Doctor
i its vitalizing power. Ii given strength
lt is like thc phosphates which supply
) tho crops. Thc far-reaching aotion of
;n Medical discovery
organs of digestion and nutrition. Dis
I through thc stomach. A bilious spell
r tho liver to catch up when over-worked
covery ' to bo unsurpassed us a liver rcg
ns, S?ysj "I will hero add my testimony
myself. 1 was troubled with Indigestion
ee different doctors besides taking nutnor*
, received no permanent relief. 1 was run
In in ni v chest.caused by gas on tho stool
ing although I wa* hungry nearly all the
-ran taking vour 'Dolden Medical Discov
les am nearly cured of stomach troubla
Incd llftoon pounds In weight.
oil ttl! success in your good work."

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