OCR Interpretation

Keowee courier. [volume] (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 12, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1921-01-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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Of Cotton in tho South-Wunimmu
ker I s MI ?NS Note of Wu ming.
Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 8.-The cot
ton acreage committee at Memphis
is in receipt of a communication from
J. s. Wannamaker, president of tho
American Cotton Association, which
is of .so much importance thal i' Is
hoing distributed for publication.
The communication, which brings out
the fact that there is a tremendous
over-supply of cotton, was as follows:
Mr. Wnnnumnkcr's Lotter.
"Tho South is in a very grave sit
uation. The fact must be recognized
at once and faced. The great hope is
that the South will see and under
stand that a further increase in the
supply of cotton means calamity
that cotton is no longer a cash crop.
"Dr. Bradford Knapp, in a recent
statement made at Memphis, said.
'Get it out of your head that any
thing but the supply of cotton and
the world's ability to buy fixes the
price of cotton.' That summarizes
our present predicament.
"Col. W. ll. Thompson, of Now Or
leans, has also said: 'It makes no
difference whelhor there ls too much
cotton or too little demand for it
the result ls the same.' To-day, In
comparison with world demand,
there ia a world surplus of cotton
amounting to not less than 10,000,
000, and possibly to as much as 16,
000,000 bales. The present supply ls
not far from 27,000,000 bales, and
may be as much for tho current year
as 30,000,000 bales.
"True enough, tho total supply
this year is not much more than tho
world production in 1913, when, ac
cording to Prof. John A. Todd, the
world production reached a total of
27,703,000 bales. But we are feel
ing right now the effect of tremen
dous world crops of cotton produced
in 1911, 1912 and 19 13. According
to Todd, tho world crop, Including
America, during these threo years,
was 79,915,000 bales. Perhaps, had
the war not come on, a very rapid
incroaso which had been occurring
annually in spindleage capacity,
might have taken care of all this cot
ton; but while there may be many
'Ifs,' no 'if has ever changed a single
fact. The ten-year average amount
of American cotton on hand unspun,
at the beginning of each fiscal year,
prior try tho war. was 1,200,000
bales. Al August I fi Mi aero rd i ne
to ll?hi.rr au mn pi es M ru,, i authority.
.)??? & i. oiwr ol American roytojj ur?
sp I i. it Di e v.-O'-Pi ii 0 -tV.M'K'
bales; Ti H* j??.<v..,--. ".a:i? i?n?j outr
mate places the crop this year nt 12,
9S7.000 bales, and while some of tu
may think the estimate too large, wc
must accept it for the present, al
"The amount of cotton that has
come 'In sight' this year ls approxi
mately 1,200.000 hales loss (han the
amount brought "in sight' to the
corresponding date last year. Not
withstanding this decrease In the Mn
sight,' tho visible supply has increas
ed about 100,000 bales or more,
which figures must be added to the
carry-over In any attempt to fore
cast tho carry-over at August I,
1921. And since the crop ls also
larger, the difference in the size of
this year's crop and last year's crop,
12,987.000 against 1 1,325,000, or
1.662,0 bales, must be added, mak
ing a total indicated carry-over ex
ceeding 9,000,000 bales.
"Government figures, Issued by
the Bureau of the Census, indicato
that the world carry-over increased
last year ?,168,000 bales, notwith
standing a decrease of considerable
proportions in the world's supply of
American cotton. This increase In
the world supply of all kinds was due
largely to tho tremendous crop of
East India. Wo are now threatened
with a world carry-over of 13,000,
('00 bales, which on top of a possible
world crop of 27,000,000 bales,
would give ii s a world supply for the
ia xt fiscal year of I 0.ooo,imo bales.
Be it said, however, that world pro
duction of commercial cotton has
averaged less Dian 20,000,000 per
annum during the last live years.
World consumption of all hinds of
cotton was never as great as 21,000,
000 bales in a single year, including
linters at the peak of linter consump
tion for manufacturing explosivos
during the great war. This greatest
consum?)!ion of American cotton in
any one year, including linters, was
never as much as 15,000,000 bales.
"The ten-year average consump
tion of American cotton prior to the
great war was about 13.000.000
bales, or only 1,000,000 bales more
than our prospective carry-over. The
ten-year average consumption of all
kinds of cotton, including American,
prior to the great war, was about
17.500,050 bales. The world is not
likely to consume more than 15,000,
000 bales during tho present fiscal
year, and we have no asurance that
it. will consume that much, nor do
wo know nor are there any signs
as to-when conditions may be ex
pected to Improve.
"Europe 1? bankrupt, lt requires
nearly 4,000 Gorman marks for tho
former par valuo of 24 cents each,
to buy a halo of American cotton at
10 cents per pound, so bad is the
state of foreign credits. The number
of spindles lit for use the world over
has boon reduced about 10,000,000
out of a total of 1.11,000,000. Eng
land's 55,000,00 spindles, tho major
ity of which are working American
cotton, are operating only 2 I hours
per week, and there are many Amer
ican spindles either totally idle (...
running sher time ltecau.se lack
of orders.
"lt is folly to delude ourselves as
io tho supply by pretending that it
consists only of that amount of cot
ion in domestic positions, or to at
tempt to judge tho total supply by
thc .visible.* We feel confident that
any sensible, reasoning man will see
the necessity for reducing acreage if
he will take the trouble to read and
analyze the figures that I have given
in the foregoing.
"lt would be folly-and thc next
thing lo criminal-if those who pre
tend to speak with authority in the
South, to lead or to keep the South
ern cotton grower informed, should
conceal these facts. Tho spinner
knows bis statistics and studies them
-possibly more religiously than he
does his Hible. You cannot fool him.
but we can easily fool ourselves. If
statistics are worth anything at all.
they warn us now to beware."
Confederate Stamp was the Gem.
Berlin, Jan. G.-Philatelic experts
from all parts of the world came to
Berlin recently to attend the great
stamp salo held here, which, it is
claimed, has a wider range than any
over before bold tn Europe.
The total number of lots was 5,387
and the value nt upset prices exceed
ed $250,000 nominally, but rarer spe
cimens were not priced, and for many
there were no standards. During the
first day's sile there was a rush for
rare Argentine. Brazilian and Boliv
ian issues. United State? issues in
cluded the only known cancelled copy
of the "Franklin Carriers," brown
orange (orror), of 1851; the Liv
ingstone ( Alabama ) r>c. blue of 1861,
and three blocks of the new U. S. A.
90c. and 30c. issues of ISt'.O, with
Hags inserted.
Tho gem of the American colectlon
was a postal envelope of the Confed
?5 ta I ff ? * * n ort co bfft rtng .*???
!':t? i-'lght hand : stamp ii black,
on t'h'j ;i?f i. ba nd a C ?>?i i-> .
'tfVVh n?jil:i ? i ?tars arid '?'.?).?." to
j 'he- niaii ?nd li tho cob 'r Ino '".Ti
ela! post otflco poet's lyrical ?tions,
as follows:
"On, on to the rescue. Hie vandals are
(io beat them with bayonet and sa
bre and spear;
Drive thom back to the desolate land
they are leaving-?
'Go-trust in God-you have not li
ing to fear."
Aged Anderson Veteran Passes.
(Daily Mail, .lan. 6.)
The death of Archie W. McKee re
cently removed perhaps the oldest
male citizen of the Iva section of An
derson county. Ho had just passed
his 84th birthday. He was born In
the community and died near by bis
old birthplace, having spent his en
tire life in the same vicinity. Ile was
a Confederate soldier, having belong
ed to the 24th South Carolina Regi
ment. Ho was one of the very last
of ihat regiment to answer the roll
call on tho other side, as only two
members of the regiment are now
living. For several years Mr. McKee
had been retired from regular work
on account of feeble health, but until
a few days beforo his death he was
able to be about his premisos. His
death minks the passing of another
generation of one of the pioneer fam
ilies of Anderson county. A large
family and connection mourn his
death. His last days were without
apparent suffering. The end was very
"California Syrup of Fi.?s
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for tho name California
on the package, then you aro sure
your child ls having tho best and
most harmless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
lovo its fruity taste. Full directions
on each hollie. You must say "Cali
fornia."- adv.
South Carolina Ginning Only 1,057
linio* Short of 1010.
Washington. Jan. 1.-Tho follow
ing figures have boen Issued front the
llureau of the Census, Department of
Agriculture, showing the number of
bales of cotton ginned 111 South Caro
lina, by counties, up to Dec. 13, l1?20.
with liga res tor comparison on the
same dale In lilli): The ligures* are
as follows:
County-- If) 20. I Ulf/.
Abbeville .... 29,SOO 25,553
Aiken . 44,3'M; 38>97.V
Allendale .. . r3,l33 1f>5* Ii
Anderson .. .. 73.95S 77,875*
Hamberg .... 20, Ol 1 23,9S0
Harnwell .... 2S.01S 28,650
Herkeley . . . . 7,242 9.68S
Cauhoun . . . . 35,330 32,239
Chorokeo .... 17.G27 15.763
Chester. 31,150 29,898
Chesterfield .. 30,078 32,801
Clarendon . . . 43, ?S3 38,40?
Colloton . . . . 6,657 12,33 I
Darlington . . . 44,227 40.08*.
Dillon. 34,344 39,710
Dorchester ... 9.382 14,79:.)
Edgefield _ 24,504 23,1801
Fairfield . . . . 24,601 21,082
Florence . . . . 39,275 40,107
Georgetown . . 3,437 4,333
Greenville _ 40,782 48,403
Greenwood . . . 36,524 32.98C
Hampton .... 6,813 10,489
Dorry. 7,379 8,520
Kershaw .... 34,753 28,692
Lancaster .... 20,692 21,000
Laurens. 56,777 46,736
Lee. 42,621 41,705
Lexington . . . 29,199 26.85S
McCormick ... 15.080 16,3731
Marion. 17,665 18.0701
Marlboro .... 59,048 71,385
Newberry .... 41,364 32,069
Oconee. 10,232 22,511
Orangeburg .. 84,31 1 83,944
Richland .... 33,285 26,669
Pickens. 16,477 22,787
Saluda. 28,4 4 7 23,467
Spartanburg .. 73.159 72,920
Sumter. 51,490 44,270
Tulon . 22.102 1 7.86 5
Williamsburg . 29,457 25,973
York. P.7.5S0 41,512
All others .... 1.90S 11,891
Total . 1,364,367 1,366,024
11 co! th Department Had Ditsy Tear.
Columbia, Jan. 6.-Much has
accomplished during the year tsy his|
dividion ut tho sta-. Heal . btu rr- .
m. ra. ?coordine, lo lin illnntiuLjre j
Rh?rg? of rural siinitai?On a:u> t .<.
uouut) ..cuiih ivork. ...... -. i,
055 hollies sanitated in the counties
of Orangeburg. Darlington. Lee,'.""al
berry and Cherokee, the largest num
ber of ihese being in Orangehurg.
In those counties 2.7 2 7 .'ionics were
screened, an increase of 2,432 over
19 19; 1.093 cases of hook-worm dis
ease were treated, 3,810 typhoid In
oculations were given and 17,514
persons were vaccinated against
smallpox. The number of homes vis
ited by health officers, inspectors and
nurses and health workers was 27,
757, and there were 12,225 office let
ters written, 21,691 circular letters
mailed and 70,637 pieces of litera
ture distributed. There were 49 4 lec
tures delivered to audiences aggre
gating 57,051 persons.
Give Them a Squnro Deal.
(Progressive Farmer.)
The first requirement in interest
ing boys and girls in farm work is
to be fair and square with thom in
making any plan or promise. Do not
give or promise them something for
their own, then pocket the proceeds
when the stile is made. Do not ex
pect the boy or girl to work day af
ter (hiy and month after month with
out encouragement of some kind.
Let them have an acre or tw > of
corn, cotton or peanuts to call their
"very own," and give them the pro
ceeds at the end of the year, or when
lt's a nice and proud farmer In
deed who can print on his buildings
the name of his farm, and under lt
his name "and sons." breeders of
pure-bred cattle, swine and poultry.
Such a farmer has dealt fairly with
his boys and girls, being wise enough
to interest thom, and has made farm
ing so pleasant for them that they
are glad to stay on the farm.
Kitten Tunis on the (ins.
New York, Jan. 10.A playful kit
ten was believed Saturday night to
hold the answer to the asphyxiation
of Conrad Weber, tl years of age,
and his wife. Esther. 4 0 years old,
in their Brooklyn home. Tho kitten
was found dead beneath the gas
stove, Ita paws alongside a tube con
necting the stove with a jot. Tho tubo
had hoon detached, presumably by
the kitten, while the couple were
One-seventh of the total petit lands
in the United States are localed In
Your Vitality is |x?w-Resistance is
Rich, Hod Blood Will Strong! hen
You und l'ut You on Your Feet,
Able to Resist Colds.
Your system, normally healthy,
should never catch cold. Your body
is adjusted to take care of sudden
changes in the weather.
lt is when you are run down and
your vitality is low that your body
cannot adjust Itself. Then you take
If you keep your blood In good
condition, with plenty of red cor
puscles, you will bo strong, and your
body will easily adjust itself to sud
den changes. You will throw off the
cold gorms that go flying into the
air when someone with a cold
Red-blooded men, women and chil
dren eat well. They have plenty of
energy. They go along with a smile
because they feel right.
Try Pepto-Mangan, tho successful
tonic. It ls a wonderful blood builder.
Take lt for a while till you feel right.
Pepto-Mangan is widely and heart
ily endorsed by physicians, lt ls ef
fective and easy to take. It is pre
pared in both liquid and tablet form.
The medicinal properties are the
Sold at any drug store. But be
sure you get the genuine Pepto-Man
gan-"Glide's." Ask for lt by name,
and be sure that the full name,
"Glide's Pepto-Mangan," ls on the
Will Sn? U. s. Officials?
New York, Jan. 6.-The Italian
Chamber of Commerce announced to
day that a $100,000 damage suit will
be filed here In the State Supreme
Court against Attorney General Pal
mer and four other officials of the
Department of Justice in connection
with the death of Andrac Salsedo,
who jumped 14 stories to his death
last May while under detention at
department headquarters here in con
?:..?. iou with tho bomb outrages of
Jin . . i 0 i ?.
Tho sui ti brough! by Salado's
(dow, named ii Iso William ,l Flynn
hiof el thc depart mont's bureau ol
investigation. It was charged that
Salsedo had been beaten "terribly"
and "tortured mentally and physi
cally," that he had lost hm mind and
become suicidally despondent.
The chamber announced that cop
ies of the charges had been sent to
the .'alian embassy at Washington
and to the Italian consulates at Bos
ton and New York.
$100 Reward. $100
The readers of. this paper will b?
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science hat
been able to cure In all Its stages and
that ls catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
Influenced by constitutional condltioni
requires constitutional treatment. Hall't
Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving th?
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature In doing Iti
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in the curative power of Hall'i
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that lt fall?
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CH1CNET & CO., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
N. <'. Doctor Commits Suicide.
Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 5.--Dr. Dun
lap Thompson, physician, of Wades
boro, this State, aged 4 2 years, kill
ed himself here to-day in a loca!
hotel, leaving a note to a local nar
cotics inspector to whom he had on
Tuesday applied for permission tc
use his own prescription to obtain
certain drugs.
Million Packets Of
Flower Seeds Free
Wo boliovo In flowers around th<
homes of the South. Flowers brighter
up the homo surroundings and glv(
pleasure and satisfaction to those wh(
have thom.
We have filled more than a mlllior
paokots of seeds, of beautiful yet
easily grown flowers to be glvon t<
our customers this spring for tia
beautifying of their homes.
Wouldn't you like to have flv<
packets of beautiful flowers free'
1021 catalog is a 116-page handsomely
Illustrated seed book with twent:
beautiful pages showing the finest va
rloties tn tholr true natural colore
It ls full of helpful garden, flowor am
farm information that is needed li
every home, and, too, tho catalog telli
you bow to get these flowor seeds ab
8olutoly froo.
Wrlto for our 1921 catalog now. I
is tho finest, most valuablo and boat)
tlful seod book over published, an?
you will bo mighty glad you've got it
Thero is no obligation to buy any
thing. Just ask for the catalog.
Here's X?i
Progressive Farm?
I $1.00 year,
;The Keowee Couri?
$1.00 year.
Either paper well \
Price of Both. (
Talks of His Travels Since Ho Has
Been Ono of Unelo Kain's Hoys.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Tollison, of
Walhalla lt. F. D., recently received
the following interesting letter from
their son, Ernest B. Tollison. who is
with tho military contingent at Camp
Lewis, Wash.:
Camp Lewis, Wash.,
Dec. 2 3, 15120.
Dear llomefolks:
As you have often asked me to
j write you a letter giving you some
thing of an outline of my travels, 1
will try to do so to-day:
As you already know, when I left
Greenville, S. C., I was sent to Co
j lumhus, Ohio. I saw a lot of beau
, tiful mountain scenery on my way
J up to Columbus. I remained there
; about one month, when 1 was going
. again, this time on my way to Texas
i City, Texas. I found there a large
training camp, Just off the coast of
the Gulf of Mexico. The land is al
most perfectly level ?is far as one can
! see This camp could accommodate
?I.'Gilt '.'.(Mil) .l i1 lit" . W< ??.'.!!( 'lid
j enjoy tho surf bathing . ..ere.. Ojno.
. tl? ;?* while "Ut ? { mw ?ur
: o? iHo largest nsli Mi n J lui vs' ?Vor
-seen I' seemed to bo perfwolly hann
j less. One could swim all around it,
and Hie big fish would "play hide
and seek," swimming ground tho
i "human fish" that were out there in
i the water with him. 1 saw a man
shoot one, one day, as it was near the
dock, and dually they succeeded In
getting lt out on shore. Some ono
said that it wieghed lf>0 pounds, but
do not know if this was merely a
guess at the weight or not. Anyway
it was a mighty big fish,
i We remained at Texas City for al
. most two years, then wo were or
t dered to the Philippine Islands. Wo
' left Texas City on the transport Bu
I ford, traveling by way of the Gulf
! of Mexico until we reached the Pan
; ama Canal. Just hefore we reached
Colon (as you remember, they had
? Just completed this groat waterway
1 for transports) there had been a
i great slide of earth Into the cut, al
most filling the canal. Wc had to
remain there about two months un
til they could get the canal opened
up again. We enjoyed this, as we had
no duty except to march out every
morning and watch the dredge boats
take the earth out of the canal. It
was at Christmas time, but evcry
' thing was as summery there as in
.lune back home. The scenery was
grand. There were about 1,700 sol
' diers in our crowd.
' Soon after the canal had been re
paired and passage made possible,
we wore out on thc mighty Pacific,
and on our way to thc Philippines.
We stopped at Honolulu for sup
' plies, then were on our way again,
, taking twenty-eight days !n all to
i make the trip. Indeed, I felt like I
* was a long way from home then
' 13,000 miles. We had a very good
, time while on thc islands until the
t United States declared war with Oor
. many. Then wo began to prepare to
* do our part. too. We commenced
, training In the spring, and as it ls
f very hot there we soldiers became
covered with prickly hoot. The only
' relief from this was to bathe three
r or four times a day in the ocean. Wo
I, sure did suffer there during tho
' months of July and August.
: During tho early fall wo wore or
yt dered away, of couran We woro ex
pecting to go to France, but not no.
1 The officers said lt was to be Siberia,
jj Russia, so we landed thoro Just ns
it was beginning to freeze In tho
r- ports. This seemed to mo to be ns
cold a country as the Inlands were
hot. But Unelo Sam supplied us with
plenty of good, worm clothes and
li Chance
For IS Months
worth Combination
)rder yours now.
good things to eat. My vfor\ waa in
connection with the base hospital
while there, lt looked mighty sad to
see the ruined people there. It seem
ed to me to be the most God-forsaken
place on earth, and certainly the
worst 1 had ever seen. Wo wore 8,000
strong there from the United States,
and did not fight any, but guarded
the railroads and supplies so as to
make it possible for these people to
live, lt was a work of mercy, and
only the big heart of Uncle Sam
would have sent his troops there to
do it.
Leaving there, we sailed back to
; the Philippines, and from there to
j Frisco, Cal., U. S .A., on the great
j German transport Madawaska, that
i had been captured in the'recent war.
It sure was a fine transport. We
were the happiest soldiers on earth
when we hoard the band playing our
own National Hymn again and we
stepped out on our own home soil
again. We would have liked to have
had opportunity to stav in California
longer, but we got only six weeks
there, then were sent to Cam;: I owls,
Washington State. We will remain
hoi until i .'.ot my dl.schnr&e, willoh,
j I (bink, wMl be on Fob. fl, '')'- I, It
> WiU '>!.'. tho Ciivv: . '.'.'Ht, 0
I tt ..'lid nie bbine from h v..
' I ?tm ?ure thai if all ibo milos that
1 have traveled were summed up
and that 1 will travel ti uti] I reach
home-it would reach around the
earth and near half way again. I
must say that I have done enough
traveling to last a life-time, but am
glad that 1 have seen so much of the
Wi diing all a merry Christmas
and a prosperous Now Year, and hop
ing to reach home safely after six
years of being away, some time in
February, 1921,
Sincerely and lovingly yours.
Ernest B. Tollison.
Colds Cause drip and Influenza
cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E.W.
GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c
WaUc Two Miles in Cooking Meal.
Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 6.-The
average housewife covers two miles
daily in preparing meals for an aver
age family, according to figures given
at the home economics section of the
conference of vocational workers of
the ?South to-day. Miss Horfield, the
homo economics instructor at Living
ston, introduced a pedometer into
the kitchen of the model home al tho
school, and the above figure was the
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
A few cents buys "DandoiIno." Af
tor an application of "Danderlno"
you cannot find a fallen hair or any
dandruff; besides every hair shows
new life, vigor, brightness, more col
or and thickness.- adv.

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