.CONEROSS COMMUNITY MOURNS Death of Child of Former Citizens. Personal Items of Community. ConoroBS, April ll.-Special: Mrs. Charlie Roach, who had boon c"on-| lined io her bod for some timo with tuberculosis, died nt her home in this community last Friday about 12 M. Her budy was laid to rest at Double Springs cemetery on Saturday at l p. m. -Mrs. Roach leavos her husband and six children to mourn hoi* death, besides soveral sisters and brolhors, whtfMtre Maxtor McCall, Mrs. 'Lo?is Roach, of this community, and Mrs. Ira S walford, of above Walhalla, and ono other brother, whose name your correspondent was unable to learn. Tho fiionds hero and elsewhere of tho family sympathize with them In their sorrow. The Conoross G. A.'s expect to spend next Saturday afternoon fish ing, plcknicking and egg hunting lu 'j Mrs. Ilesso's pasture, near the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hesso. All of tho G. A.'s aro urged to come promptly at 2 p. m., bringing lunch, fish-hooks and Kastor eggs. Several from here enjoyed tho ! meeting at Westminster last Tues- j day. j Otis Arve, of tills community, who will graduate at Long Creek Acad emy at tho close of this session, eu- ? tcrtnlncd his graduating class last; Friday evening at a birthday supper, ? that hoing his 2 1st birthday. Also, ( later ii? tho evening, quite a number*j of guests arrived from this 'commu nity to enjoy the social, whicli proved a most charming nffair, the arrange ments having boon presided over by his sister, Miss Ora Arve. Miss Row ley Hunsinger, of Long Creek, also accompanied the class and enjoyed the entertainment. Roy Arve brought them down Friday in a two-horse wagon and took them back Saturday : to Long Creek in tho same convoy- ' ance, which seemed to bo just what they wanted, and overyono seemed to enjoy the trip both ways to tho fullest extent. They returned with plenty of dinner and fishing poles, as 1 they were expecting to go by way of tlic tunnel and picnic lhere at noon, and also expected to spend some time fishing in Chauga. Tho merry crowd consisted of tho following: Misses Rowley Hunsinger, Grace Ayers, Es telle Smith, Tieraco Sehorald and , Dora Reece, and Messrs. John Bia- ' lock. Carroll Moon and Otis Arve, of Long Creel:, and the young chauffeur Roy Arve, of this place. Miss Mattie Morton, of Walhalla, spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousins, Misses Florence and Th ode Abbott, of this section. Miss Ollie Relie Byrd is confined to her bed again, hut we hopo she will soon he up and about. 'We are glad to have Miss Ora Arve at home again, her school at Flat Shoals having closed about a week ago. I Master Thomas Dowls, about 13 j yoai'? nf :ige, of Walhalla, had 'tho J ul i sf Oi'tun? to gol hl? ann broken while on t ;,IQ road from hero tb Wal is halla uni' day him week, ile wa* riding on Hie wagon with R. i< i ir, and Jumped out of tao vohiulo while it was In motion, and in at tempting to climb hack, the wagon ; still going, ho got caught some way and was thrown to (ho ground. Tho wagon ran over his arm near his el bow, breaking tho arm just below tho elbow. Ho was taken as quickly as possible to his home and a physi cian summoned. Wo hopo his hurt i.s getting along all right. The young man had been visiting his grandmo ther. Mrs. F. M. Codell, near herc,1 and was returning to his home. Clearmont school, In which Miss Lena Abbott was teaching, closed on Friday last with a very Interesting program. Miss Abbott has done ex-1 collen t work at Clearmont this ses sion, j This community was saddened and shocked when the news was received last Thursday of the death of little i Virgil Du Bose, the .!-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. DuRose, of Lau rens. Tho parents aro well known in this section, they having moved from this community. Mr. DuBoso is a son j of Mrs. E. C. DuBoso, of noar here, K and Mrs. Du Bose, prior to her mar-i ringo, was Miss Ethel Barker, of our community. This death was particu larly sad and unexpected owing to | the horrible manner ,ln which tho child came to Its doath. On Wcdnes-i day, April 5th, at 1 2 o'clock, ho fell! Uno a tub of hot lye soap that had ^ Just been made and pourod up and was badly scalded, living only about seven hours. Tho little fellow was C 'REDUCED ON ALL RAI FARE AND FOR THE RO ASK YOUR The State*! playing in tho yard near the tub and Was pulling on a rope, which broke, and the little fellow stumbled back ward into the soap, receiving fearful burns on his back and body, though bis faco and neck were uninjured. Ile was conscious olmbst until the end and bore bis excruciating i.ain with unexpected patience,' passing away in a beautifully calm manner* trying to tell his mother of some thing he was seeing, although she could understand but little, but no doubt lt was the angels and the beau tiful city beyond, of wi tch he had caught the first enchanting Ylew.. Virgil waa a bright and beautiful child, Watched by tho Father all the while. Ile wanted him, and he alone Could fill a place there at Hl8 throne. Glvo him up-let him sloop-The morning shall break, Thou .your slumbering darling into life shall awake, And parents and baby again shall unite To be robed by our God In tho gar ments of white. Mr. and Mrs. Du Hose have the sin cere sympathy of many friends boro and elsewhere in Oconee, Mrs. E. C. DuDose, Misses Lizzie and .lossie Harker loft last Thursday for Laurens to bo with their son and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Du Hose. In their hour of trouble. Mrs. Da ll?se and Miss Lizzie Barker return fed home yesterday, and Miss Jessie will remain in Laurens for a week or two' longer. J. S. Abbott and family and Mr. and Mrs.'Ennis Abbott attended the Julian reunion at Return yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Alexander, Miss Mary Alexander and Mrs. Mano tlce Dearden and brother, of Green ville, were week-end guests of rela tives hore. Tho friends of Mrs. K. I. Roach will be sorry to know that she Is suffering from rheumatism, ' though she is\jiot confined to her bed. Wo hope she will soon be well The Sunbeams and Royal Ambas sadors will enjoy an Easter egg hunt near the church hore Saturday after noon. ++m "GYPSY. SMITH" CIRCLE MEETS. Ladies of Bounty Lund Enjoy a Most Delightful Occasion-Personals. Bounty Land, A.mil 10.-Special: Miss Julia Davis spei l last week in Anderson visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 13. Shnnklin. Derry Woolbright, of Townville, was a recent guest of his nephew, W. E. Woolbright. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilson went to see thc latter's sistor, Mrs. Floyd llurdette, of Walhalla, last, woek. Mrs. Burdetto has been quite'ill for1 several weeks. Her friends* will be j glad to know that sho ls Improving. 1 Mrs. John Maxwell will spend the Eastertide with relatives in 'Bickens. Mrs. Martha Wilson has boon quito indisposed for several days, suffering from grip. Mr ard Mrs W. A. Rankin and furn I ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Y. L, Hlx, of fownvllle, tho first of tao week. Little Miss Bennie Moore ls a re sent arrival in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Moore, Born last week. Davis Sanders' many friends offer their congratulations lo him on his having won second placo in the pre liminary oratorical' contest held In tho school auditorium In Seneca last Thursday evening. '?'.tere is to bo no Retreat" was his subject. Davis won second placo las;, year, which shows that ho possesses oratorical genius, and his friends anticipate hearing encouraging reports of hts future offorts. Mrs. Mary Reid, of Anderson, who has boen recently visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J. McDonald, was a guest Sunday of Mrs. di. P. Holleman, of Seneca. Mrs. J. N. McDonald is recovering from a severe case of poison oak. The Improvement Association of Bounty Land, which meets next Fri day aftornoon at 3.30, hopes to have Miss Ethel Counts .give a talk on ".Homo Nursing." Wo hopo tho members will meet promptly, as tho Sunbeam 'Band, with Mrs. J. 1). Stu art as leader, has arranged to meet at 1 o'clock at tho school house to hear a talk by Mrs. W. P. Loister, of Jordania. Mrs. Leister is superinten dent o'f the Sunbeams of the Beaver dam Association and is an interest ing talker and earnest worker in tho causo of Christianity and tho uplift of humanity. Mrs. Moon, of tho Son QLAJMBIA. A A HALF AGENT. Mon RATES XROADS , Xues Arrival Firowo festa at 8 FA81II' County Qj I ndust I Band Con Bvenini COUNTY UND TRIP Wedn' After nf ty Queen? . .Evcntiij reit, NOI1 D educt lol At 0.? Bldgewoo given by s Greatest Ga eca school faculty, will bo present. After the talks tho little Sunbeams will engage in an Easter egg hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Hovoy Martin, ot Seneca, were guests recently of tho latter's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lynch. Misses Desalo Map Sirlbllng, Carrie McMahnn and Nettie Hubbard at tended tho State Convention of tho Christian Endeavor, which convoned in Greenville last wcok. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. M liam and son and daughter, Hoary and Miss Cor nella, of Sandy- Springs, were late guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. <1>. Wright. Miss Lonnie Lewis, of Pickens, ls expected to-day as a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. W. R. 'Lynch. Mrs. M. J. McDonald, who has boen quite ill, is very much Improved. This will bo Joyful news to her many frtohds everywhere she is known. Miss Cornelia Foster will bo hos I toss to the W. M? S. of Rock Springs ! church next Sunday afternoon at 3.30 [ o'clock. A full attendance of tho members ls requested. Miss Ruby Reid, of Anderson, was a week-end guest of her grnndmo ' thar, Mrs. M. J. McDonald, i Ono of tho most Interesting meet ings of tho "Gypsy Smith Circle" was that held last Friday afternoon wi tb Mrs. Dean Davis as hostess. The meeting opened promptly at 3 o'clock Dy singing hymn "Joy to tho World," : to a "soft phonograph accompani ment. After Scripture reading by MTS. D. A. Perritt tl\e guests Joined in tho study of home mission work I for a period of one and a half hours. Then followed a delightful social hour, during which a contest on Bible I characters was engaged in. The cat [cchiBin consisted of about one and a half dozen questions. She who gavo a majority of correct answers most promptly answered was to ho prize winner. Doubtless every lady in tho Circle answered correctly every ques tion, hut your correspondent's tongue proved of unusual glibnoss of ex pression on this occasion, thereby winning for her a dainty and beau tiful pair of blue-tinted rosettes with invisible elastic attachments. Deli cious tomato salad, hot buttered rolls and coffee were sorvod. Those of tho members who wer?, present were: Mesdames D. A. Perrin, M. E. Mar ett. W. IO. Woolhrl?M, .lohn Maxwell, .T. D. Stuart, Waller McKlo, M. C. McDonald, Jasper Doyle, J. C. San-x dors, Dean Davis and Miss Sallie Da : vis. Tho next meeli;:?r will be held with Mrs. W. R Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Day visited relatives! In tho Fairview section last week. Charles and Draco Davis, of Wal linna, visited their cousin, Davis Sanders, the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ellison nnd son, Robert, of Greenville, were week-end guests in tho Marett home. Closing of Isaqucena School. Following ls tho program for the closing exercises of Isaqueena school, ?at th?! school house, April 1 -1 tl? : P rayer. j "Wolcomo," bj Edw, Alexander. ' i "Doll .Show," by primary dept. 1 "Vacation Song.'! by the school. ' Widow Budd," 0y Lottie Bowers. 1 I "Mamma's " Bargain," by Nancy ? Craig. I "Fairy Play," by thirteen pupils. 1 "Our Cow," hy Esther Albertson. Pantomime, "Comin' Through tho 1 ? Rye," hy Pauline Clark. Song, "Blue. Bells of .Scotland." Piny, "Cabbage Hill School." I "Npbuchadnozzah," by Leonard i Bowers. "Peter Sorghum in'Love," by Clyde I Massey. I .Recitations by other pupils. Pantomime, "Train Leaves in Ten Minutes," by three pupils. "Janes Jones," by Charles Black- i !ston. i "Wishing," by Rooksle Ntmmons. "Guess," by Thomas Hunnlcutt. "Washington," by Charles Craig. "Tending the 'Baby," by Earl Thompson. "Spelling by Sound," Grace Craig. 1 Play, "Scat." "Studying," by Clara Thompson. Important to Belmont School. The patrons of Belmont School . District No. 55 aro urged to he pres- i ont at a meeting to bo held at the school house on Tuesday afternoon, April 25th, at 3 o'clock. Tho object of thia moeting is to discuss tho sev- . eral school laws that apply to Bel mont District and to discuss ways i and means of erecting an adequate < school building. L. C. Spoares, j i Superintendent of Education. I PRIL, 17 to 22. day, April 17th. Of County Queens, rita and .Opening of I'alma .?0 P. M. ON SHOW, Introduction of neons and Baud Concert. day, April 18th. .lal Exhibits, Auto Show, cert lil the afternoon. K at 8.80-STYLE SHOW, QUEENS, Bnnd Concert. esday, April'19th. ion-Introduction of Coun I, Style Show, Auto Races. PC- (At 8.80)-Band COU IA HAYES, Style Show, III l of Queens. (>-Dinner mid Stunts nt il (Mab for County Queens, the Focus Club. la WeeK-Don AYhat is ti That d< the con di importanl of your p protected Fox more homes an (or outside centage o Floor Pail Dy stains a for outside Pc* II Wes NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND j CREDITORS; I All persons indebted to tho BB- * ^ato of MVs. Josie Owe J!, Deceased, Sro hereby notified to tan kc pay in oil t to the undersigned, and all morsons 1 v?ylng claims against said asta te will present?te same, duly at tested, within the time prescribed by law, or he barred. 13. C. and T. W. BROCK, Administrators of the l?state of Mrs. 1 ie Owen, Deceased. April l?j 11122. 15-Ls CITATION NOTICE, Th:- St to of South Carolina, Coun ty of Ot Qui-?(In Court of Probate) -By P\ MARTIN, Esq., Probate Jtldg< v ii- roas.W. T. Hubbard has made to me to grant him Let tors of Vd ministration of the Estate of and ! ?eos of Mrs. Alice C. Lin stead < M .eased These ?re, therefore, to clio and admonish all and singular tho kin dred nu I creditors of the said Mrs. Alice C Llnsteadt, Deceased, that they bc ul appear before me. In the Court of Probate, to be held at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on Friday, the 21st day of April, 1922, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in t,he forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said Administration should not bo grant ed. Given under my band and seal this 5th day of April, A. D. 1922. V. F. MARTIN. Judge of Probate for Oconeo Co., s C. Published on the 12th and l -h lays of April, 1922, in Tho Keoweo Courier, and on tho Court House door for the time prescribed by law. April 12, 1922. 15-16 trsday, April 20th. noon-opening of Btise Ball ,80 P. M. - NORA BAYES, oncci t, Closing of Palnmfesta dont est, ?iday, April 21st. uncement of PALMAFESTA , Pal mu f esta Queen's Parade, lui and Floral Parado. 80 P. M.-Crowning Pageant of Palninfosta, Style Show, oncer!. ;urday, April 22d. and EdllC?tlOftAl Parado. lng-Band Concert, Style 'Reworks, and Closing of Pal i't Miss It! pur Home worth todau? spends entirely upon hs appearance and tion it ts in. Fee Gee paint will prove the most t factor in its economic upkeep. Watch the surfaces roperty-inside and out-and see that they are well .-"Save tho Surface and You Save AU" with Varnishes-Stains-Enamels than 50 years they have been carefully guarding d maintaining property values. Use Pee Gee Mastic ? surfaces, it is a strictly pure paint, containing a high per f ZINC-Pee Gee Flatkoatt for inside walls-Pee Gee its and Palladium Floor Varnish for floors-Pee Gee nd Enamels for woodwork and Peo Gee Invincible spar i woodwork. Ask for Free Paint Boohs and Color Cards isJeoGsmlbert Co., Inc, Mfgro., Louio ville, Ky? MIBE a tmins?er, S [Phone No. SO.) ? C. Walhalla, S. C. (Phone No. lt.) Jr . . ....... . .. - ??? " Conditions. wi TEN STEPS TO TAKE PLANT KEWER ACRES PREPARE LAND WELL V BUTILIZE LIBERALLY OUI JT I VAT M FI 1EQUENTLY I AC AUX TO POISON! USE EARLY VARIETIES PLANT KARLY KILL EARLY WEEVILS OATH ICR DAMAGED SQUARES DESTROY1 STALKS EARLY! FI&HT L A FARMER CANNOT GROW COTTON UNDER BOLL WEEVIL CONDITIONS UNLESS HE IS WILDLING TO EIGHT. THE THINGS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO DO TO 8UCOESSFUL LY CONTROL TH IO BOLL WEEVIL MUST BE DONE AT THE TIME THEY SHOULD BE DONE. COTTON GROWING BY THE EA SY-GO-LUOKY METHOD IS A THING OE THE PAST. THOSE WHO ARE EIGHTERS AND WILL STA Y BY THE JOB WILL BE THE SUCCESSFUL COTTON GROWERS OE THE FUTURE. ARE YOU A FIGHTER OR ARE YOU A QUITTER? Bank of Walhalla, Enterprise Bank, Walhalla, S. C. Walhalla, S. C. The Bank of West Union, West Union, S. C, Sporting Goods. The time of year is here for the Sportsman, We c ">n furnish you with all your paraphernalia? Base Ball and Fishing Goods, at both our stores, -ANOTHER THING Screen Doors and Windows to fit all your house, . A CAR OF CROCKERY WARE-CHURNS, RUTTER JARS AND JUGS-AND IT LOOKS LIKE ENOUGH FLOWER POTS TO SUP PLY OCONEE, ANDERSON AND PICK ENS COUNTIES. BUT WE ARE GOING TO SELL THEM ALL IN OCONEE COUNTY. LADIES, COME AND SECURE YOUR REQUIREMENTS WHILE THEY ARE HERE. WINDOWS, DOORS, LIME, CEMENT, NAILS, CEDAR SHIN GLES, GALVANIZED SHINGLES, URBER ROOFING AND GAL G?ES, GALVANIZED SHINGLES, RUBBER ROOFING AND GALVANIZED ROOFING IN ALL LENGTHS FROM 0 TO 12 FL VVVVV and CORRUGATED. LWhiimire=Marett Hdw. Co. HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS WESTMINSTER WALHALLA (Phono No. 80.) (Phono No. ll.) SOUTH CAROLINA I